Chapter 7 - Familiar

-???'s POV-

I overhear the human's message to the world. To me. To find me. 'Such an incompetent being, they'll only kill themselves looking for whom they've already found'. I sat contemplating upon the mountainous rubble of the former city that laid here. Focusing my magic into healing the wound the human struck into me. I stupidly let them strike me. Out of thoughtlessness or derranged pity. I'm not sure.

I could still smell the human's scent, even after they teleported away. A strangely sweet chocolatey essence. Their ever-consistent desire to apply pudding of all things to their diet may be why it's so... alluring.
Nostalgia ignited and I disgustingly felt consumed by that scent.

That ever so familiar sweet scent.

'Where does it come from? Why don't I remember?'

My train of thought emptied attempting to recall the familiarities of the human. An odd pressure in my chest, every pulse deep and aching, seemed to scream at me. I shove it deep under the darkness of my lusting vengeance.

I rise to my feet, the wound on my right arm a dull sensation as it elongates and morphs.
I take flight from the solitary cave. Pitch wings spanning and picking up the weight of my scaley form on the winds. 'Whatever the Black Wizard wished to speak of with me here can wait.'
An arbitrary request from one like him. Never had I spoken with him since the magna carta era. 'If he's waited over 400 years to speak with me, he has the patience to wait a whiles longer.'

That scent loomed in the air above the Lost forest, further beyond it. I struck my wings down, aiming higher to the skies. Thoughts baren with the crisp winds dashing across my form. A current along the winds wafts a chocolaty essence towards me. Breathing deeply, it shakes my very bones. A quick glance down, the small town built upon the outskirts of the Lost forest laid below.
Where the is scent strongest.

'I suppose it's a good thing the human stays there, out of harms way in the forest' A low thundering growl crawls up my throat. The former pounding in my chest resurfacing with a dull throb.
I focus back onto the horizon, the skies and lush fields a haze of colour. The blurred landscape below churns from a vibrant lush green to a dry withered dessert plain.

Mountainous rubble stands in pillars along the horizon of the setting sun.
Montes Secreta.
A great civilization, ahead of most of the world in technology and culture. Safely hidden from the world with the assistance of dragon kind. 'How wrong we all were'
One particular pillar draws me in. I shift as I close the gap between me and the overgrowth coated rubble. Upon landing, I felt it.

The spirits unavenged are watching me.

I kick a ruined pillar, crumbling away under the roots and moss. A path explodes before me as a large chunk of the pillar rolls furiously along the ancient dirt.

Skeletons, that could be easily mistaken as moss coated stones, litter old walls and huddle in bundles under collapsed buildings. The greenery that has grown from around the 'stones' and ruins entice a tranquil atmosphere. Lush fauna and rare flowers bloom in vibrant colours from the crypts of a ravaged kingdom.

The lives given fed off the lives fallen.

I observe much of the rubble walking along my path of nostalgia. The erge to find something gnaws at me more and more as I trek through the silent ruins. A motive with no objective.
"How infuriating" my long sigh groans out in the silence. A small form of 'stones' lay strewn about infront of me. Withered and growing its own habitat of fungi, a little doll clutched under a bone.

The sudden aching in my chest forces me to move, to reject the emotions. The memories.
The fragile bones crack and whither into dust under my wheight.

Searching for nothing. Days turn into weeks. My mind empty with no more than the instinctual desire for destruction. However, I feel no desire to destroy anything here. It already has been, long ago.
As the rough earth crunches under me, bramble and thickets brush against my shins as they have for days. Dulling my senses. A gentle warm wind rolls in from the west, bringing with it a faint familiar scent. Sweet and alluring.
I would laugh at my own ridiculousnous that I followed it, had it not pained me to do so.

A tall structure I'd wandered by a few times still stood among the rubble. Two pillars that were constructed to form an arch previel among the ruins, though shattered at its centre. Vines and thick branches reach out and intertwine with one another to form a new arch over the crumbling pillars. The dust rolling through emphasizing its loneliness.
"What am I doing here?" I ask myself, the ere silence echoing my voice. The words reverberate and repeat, a ghostly melody among a mass graveyard. It's as if the spirits watching are also asking that question.

"I could ask the same of you? Are you stalking me now?!" A familiar voice shrieks, their tone sarcastic yet surprised. Their words drown out my echo.
I jolt, the sudden presence illuding my senses. 'How did they get there without me noticing?'
I peek over my shoulder and just aways behind me, the (HC) haired human skids clumsily down a cascade of rubble along a ruined building.
Everything suddenly bursts with colors and sounds upon their arrival. The wind, the birds, insects. I could hear it all now.

The dust they stirred up made them cough.
"*Cough*.. *Cough* N-Not that I *cough* mind.. Hahhh it's actually a relief to see you... This mountain is as creepy as the lost forest" They shudder while clearing their throat. Rubbing their arms, they now stood before me under the arch.

I stare down at them. Dumbfounded with dejavu.
"You..." I mumble, glaring while unconsciously shuffling away to get a full view of them standing under the overgrown archway. The picture different but the same...

Pain erupts in my chest, I struggled to hold back my wince.
"Yes me, (YCN), in the flesh..." Their feminine voice numbs my senses and scatters my thoughts. All I could do was stare down at them. The aching nostalgia sickening as the faint memories blur together into what stood in front of me.

"Wow, looking under it, this archway feels a little romantic. Reminds me of my guildmate's wedding.. It was so beautiful." The human sighs sweetly, a bashful smile gently spreading on their face as they hold a hand to their blushing cheek. Admiring the ancient beauty of the arch. Blood rushes to my face.

My body moving on its own, I turn away and walk further into the rubble I'd circled countless times over the days. Attempting to regain my senses and composure. Perplexed at the emotions churning within.
"H-Hey wait up!" The human persisted. I huff quietly, the pounding in my chest worsening with each word that comes out of them.

"When did you get here? And how did you get here? I use teleportation magic but it still took Roza and I almost two weeks to find this place!" The atmosphere rings in my ears, their voice echoing, swallowing my mind. Even if I felt the need to speak with this lowly human, I couldn't find the words to form a sentence.

"Still as rude as ever I see" They snort, their feet shuffling lazily in the shrubbery and ruins.
The skeleton stones circled the area we walked upon, the trees that had ravaged the mountains in the years past were blossoming with life over them. Despite my efforts, the human closes the gap between us, their scent riddled with nervousness. My heart throbs.
"Y-You don't h-have to tell me.. nevermind!" They tremble upon noticing the stones, wrapping their hands around my arm.

All thoughts shut down. All control.
My conscience caving to the yearning pain in my heart.
It screams to me familiar, painful memories. All vague. Hazey under the vendetta filled years of violence.
Forcing these emotions away, I twist around and grasp their forearm. Dust disturbed from my sudden movement hovers in plumes of smoke around us. Frustrated with my own mind, my grip tightens on their soft (SC) skin. Startling the human.
"Ah ah ah!!! OWW! Let go!" They panic. Fighting my grip, I glare down at them. Our eyes locked for a moment. Their teary (EC) eyes shimmer in the midday sun. I felt strangely sick to my core.

I let go.

"Shhhiiii... That hurt!" They hiss, massaging their arm in pain. I stare at my muscular hand, then to them. 'You hurt her... You're a monster!' my heart throbbed with whispers.
Slivers of regret creeping into my thoughts.
"What's your problem!?" They growl shakily. Another thought crosses my mind. Shoving out all the lingering splinters of remorse.
'I didn't have any problem until you showed up...'
I stand over them, my blood boiling with anticipation. The human gazes up at me, a confused fear plastered on their disgustingly familiar face.

"Wh-what are yo-"
Faster than they could see, I clutch their neck, squeezing hard. Feeling their pulse force blood to attempt to move past the blockage. Their throat bobs and wheezes with the force. My heart roars out its pointless cries as my instincts enjoy every second of their pain.

The human suddenly disappears, leaving an array of glittery etherion particles behind. My hand curls into a fist. I hear coughing and heavy breathing a distance away, I couldn't hold back my grin at the glorious smell of their fear. Just as my heart couldn't stop aching.
'Enough of this ridiculous charade, I have a mission. No force alive can stop me, not even myself!'
My muscles tense up as I lunge at the direction of the human. Gracefully avoiding any trips and hazardous rubble.

"I've been seeing weird things all day! This is just another magic hiccup! Focus!! I need to find Roza!" The human encouraged themselves, their last few words.
Rupturing the boulder-like ruin I crept over, they had no time to scream before I sunk claws into their flesh. My chest roared out in agony, distracting me.
Scratches from my attack, deep and fatal, gouged into the human's collarbone. Ruby liquids flood down their chest.

I missed.

"GAAAHHHHH!! AHHHH!! Y-YOU'RE NOT REAL!! NONE OF THIS IS REAL!!! YOU'RE JUST ANOTHER BAD DREAM!!!" The human huddles into a blubbering ball on the dusty rubble, covering their ears. Their blood makes a thick muddy puddle under them. I breathe in the metallic scent deeply. My hands twitching and skin tingling with the violent aroma.
I keel over in pain, my heart feeling as though it's about to burst. So sudden and tremendous. I clutch my chest, attempting to regain my composure.


The human's whimpers quieten down to inaudible sobs.
They're wounds hemorrhaging and slowly rendering them unconscious.
I let out a quick pained sigh and hustle over to them.
"If I'm a monster, then so be it" I growl, my claws elongating to finish the job. Everything finally grows quiet. Too quiet.

"Ho hoooo! I thought I heard screaming~" A shrill voice coos amidst the silence.

I glance up at a peachy long red-haired creature, its eyes glowed a glistening gold. It crouched over an unbalanced pile of ruins, the slightest movement and it'll be crushed.
"Ohhhhhh my beloved!! We meet yet again! How I've yearned for this encounter!" It croons dramatically, it's smile distorting to stretch ear to ear.
"Our love may be forbidden by the higher forces but that only makes all the more passionate!!" It stands and holds out it's arms wrapped in a tight fitted maroon waistcoat, long red nails gleam under the sunlight.
As I predicted, the rubble shudders and collapses under them. Those ridiculous heeled black leather boots should've had them killed sooner.

"Are you gonna drink that darling?" It's voice echos from behind me, startling me slightly. It hovered over me on an invisible force. It's hair tickling my face. I stare blankly at it's human features. Assessing it's power.
The creature rolls over on whatever it floated on, grinning with hands clasped under it's chin.
"No~? Ohhh you're too kind sweety poo!" it reached out it's hand to touch the bloody mud under the human.
"You're not alive nor dead..." I state while watching the creature's powers separate the crimson liquids from the dirt and drink it through it's fingertips. It would be easily mistaken for a human by any other unless one could detect it's complete lack of presence. To be more exact, it doesn't exist.

"Hnnn I love me a man with some brains, and you've got 400 years worth of em!" It giggles in response. I squint menacingly at the creature. 'It can physically interact with the living... It's not a ghost. Nor the work of a necromancer... But something else. Something familiar'
"Ohh that evil glare of yours, so deadly, so intimidating" The creature flirts, brushing fingers on my cloak. I shrug it away. Disgusting.
"Hnnn so HOT! OHHH I feel a puddle in my pantiiiies" They squeal, drooling and flipping about in the air.

I ignore the creature and proceed with the kill. The human's fallen completely unconscious, my heart throbs gazing down at their feble frame. My hands blacken with scales. Claws sharpening as I raise my hand.

One millisecond later and their head would be severed, but the creature...
"Ah ah ahhh~ as much as I'd love my rival taken down, I'd get in a looooota~ trouble if you killed her now~" The creature scooped up the human before my hand could reach their throat to end it. I growl and swipe up at the thing, it's annoyingly faster.

"Tah tahhhh~ Ac-chaaaan~" The creature waves, blowing a kiss my direction. I shudder. Snarling at the nickname and sexual gestures, my legs moved on their own. My chest pounding with every moment the human fell out of view.
"Ohh myyy!! I didn't expect you to be such a romantic too Acne-babyyy!"
I felt lightning zap down my spine to that comment.

'It's time I took this seriously'

Keeping up with the creature flying on the wind, the cliff edge of this mountainous pillar came into view.
"Sadly this is where we part my beloved!!" The creature cries out, waving to me, flaming hair whipping it's face.
"Ow, oh pfft pleh pffft"

I jump of the edge, the ground shattering under my foot.
Winds sprout and spread, talons and tail grow, my form enlargens with every second. My clothing disappears mid-transformation.
"Oh deary meee~~" the creature blushes and holds a hand to their drooling mouth.

The chase continued in the air. The creature zig zags through the mountains, trying to make me crash. I narrowly dodge, and it zips into a clearing. I hasten my speed.
The human shakily rises on the cloud the creature flew upon. I felt my heart thrust up a heated rage. Motivating my determination to get rid of them. 'No more of that human, no more of this ridiculous pain!'
I slam down my wings, tail slashing the winds. Closing the gap. Just as the two come inches to my jaws.

They vanish.

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