Chapter 5 - The Mysterious Man
-The Next Day-
I pack my bags, preparing to leave and continue my journey, Roza said she had to go prepare things for herself and that she'd be back. I'm not entirely sure of how to feel about Roza, she's creepy beyond fuck and looks like a man but hasn't hurt me at all.
I pay my tab and leave the Inn, heading to the bakery with a silly idea.
"Ah young miss, it's such a delight to see you!" The old lady smiles with wrinkled chubby cheeks, delicately placing some cheesecakes into the glass display case. 'Ooooo they look gooo- NO I mustn't betray pudding!'
"Eheh, thank you, I have an order that may be exessive" I explain shyly, scratching the back of my head.
The baffled old lady waves me out, I hobble out the door, trying to see where I step beyond the collective pile of all the boxes with 'one of everything' inside.
I carefully watch my step, not wanting to drop any of these. People passing stare with humour dancing in their eyes.
I focus and teleport to the small riverbank of the lost forest. Not sensing anyone nearby I focus and teleport again. And again. And again. And again.
Until finally, on the boundaries of the forest, I faintly sense it. The mysterious man's magic.
The trees grew thin and winds cold, I place down my boxes and check my map.
"So Mount Zonia was actually closer than I thought" I mumble, seeing it's just another days walk away from where I am.
I peer out to the distance, the terrain growing snowy, rocky and there are scarcely any trees.
I see on the magic map dark storm clouds roll over the mountains. 'Does that mean a storm?' It's clear and sunny where I am, not a cloud in sight. I rummage about and put on my jumper and cloak in case, picking up the boxes of goodies. Memorizing the co-ordinates, I take a deep breath and teleport to the closest entry point of Mount Zonia.
"OHhhh. My. Gods" I gasp, my breath a thick cloud in the snow rain.
The cliff faces were steep and rigid, giant runes with strange marking littered around. The mountain itself seems endless in height. The clouds cover its peak. Small crystal flakes float to the ground, thickening the icy white blanket. The mystery man's aura, however, was stronger than ever.
"You better appreciate this" I suck in a blistering cold breath and trudge forth, a butt-ton of boxes of desserts and pastries in hand.
I follow the haunting sensation of magic power, draining my magic teleporting to avoid climbing up the mountain's drops and cliffs. The height I now stood at had me struggling to breathe, not only was the air thinner but it was bitterly cold.
I could hear growling from above, slow and deep, like a giant animal is sleeping. I debate whether or not to go above to the next cliff, my magic to get me to safety being exhausted and the man's aura so close.
I teleport anyway, 'maybe it's that man and he's just a really... REALLY loud snorer' I repeat to myself to keep calm. 'Why is he all the way out here though?'.
A huge cave entrance sprawls out in front of me, so large I was tempted to step back just to see it better. But that would only lead to my death.
The strange giant runes, more crumbled and weathered, stand tall around the ledge. I notice a thick path leading down from where I stood, it follows along the mountainside, I assume it leads to some kind of exit.
The growling instantly silences after I take a few steps inside. 'Ohhhh lordy no... What did I wake up?!'
I scan the area, my eyes still adjusting to the eerie darkness of the enormous cave. My gaze follows a floating phosphorous light, it dances about the air on its own wind further into the cave. As do many other little sparkling lights, they seem to quietly whisper in their own secret language as they drift past me.
I place the boxed goods down and look around more. The rocks grow a strange glowing moss all over them, overhead, bright glimmering crystals sprout in random crevasses and surfaces of the walls and roof. Huge spikes stem from the ceiling and I notice some of them looked half broken off in a particular path as if something walked through them.
The ominous aura continues getting stronger and stronger, I could no longer walk any closer, my legs trembled with terror.
I hear the same deep feral growling again, but louder, constant... And close. So close.
I shuffle back, a gargantuan black clawed hand peering out of the shadows and quaking the ground as it lands, another hand follows suit.
I shake my head, tears stinging my eyes. The flash of beady soulless white eyes high above makes me scream, my feet stumble on themselves, I fall back onto the cold stone floor.
'It's just my magic... It's just my magic... Just my magic!!! JUST MY MAGIC!!!' I kept crawling back away from the enormous creature that crept closer. Huge black wings span to each side of the cave, blue markings decorate the beast.
My hand slipped, I couldn't see anything aside from the monster that followed me. Crisp icy winds whip through my (HL) (HC) hair as I fall. My body feeling like it floated on thin air. The huge claws wrap around the cliff of the cave's entrance. I close my eyes, 'this is all a dream... It's another nightmare... I fell asleep somewhere...'
I see a bright light above.
I felt myself slump into something. A heavy crash echos. Then silence.
My eyes flutter open, the world a blur of white flakes drifting about a dark room. I take a deep breath and sigh, watching the phosphors dance around. I laid in the cave. "I must've fainted from the thin air up here... I have to figure out how to stop these nightmares'.
I lift my head, feeling heavier than usual, to figure out what happened.
"You~" I breathe, the strange handsome man clutches my leg suddenly, holding some kind of damp glowing moss.
"Thank god!" I whimper, sitting up and wrapping my arms around his neck, holding him tight for comfort.
"Thank you... Thank you!" I cry, trembling on my strong saviour.
"Thank?... Monster?..." He mumbles, I flinch and release my hug and face him with a relieved, nervous and happy mix of feelings.
He gazes at me with a mixed expression, his beautiful, deep ocean eyes never leaving mine as he gently pats down my leg with the moss.
"W-What are you doing he-" my heart pounds and face explodes. Realizing I'm completely undressed and covered in glowing spongey moss.
"WHAT THE HELL!?!?!?!?" I shriek, slapping him square in the face and quickly standing to my feet. Only to slump straight to the ground again. My body feeling weak and heavy.
"Don't move" The man demands with a faint red cheek, gracefully standing and hoisting me up from the ground. Laying me on the glowing moss bed again.
"What a-are you doing?" I whimper in embarrassment, the man grabs the moss wad and walks over to a glowing pool of water, returning with a water-soaked moss sponge.
"Cleansing" He replies, no other explanation given as he gently scrubs my leg down. I hear a strange fizzing sound, my legs feeling lighter with each passing second.
"What is that stuff?" I question, having many more questions to ask him.
He glances over to me, looking away quickly, remaining silent as he 'cleanses' me.
"Not much much of a talker are you?" I smile sympathetically, sitting up slowly and covering my bare chest. 'He must live up here all alone, probably cause his aura would just scare everyone away...'
He places his hand on my cheek, I swallow hard, he stares into my eyes, contemplating. He turns my head, dabbing the moss sponge on my shoulder. I hear more fizzing and some popping. I gently grab and move his hand out of the way so I can see what he's doing. The strange black splotches on my skin look like they're being sucked out and melted. 'Ohhhhhhh... God's he's smart too'
I notice him not moving, I look and see he's staring at my hand holding his away from me, my little fingers barely holding his huge scar flecked hand. It looked like a child holding their parent's hand.
"Ah.. sorry!" I mumble, ripping my little hand away, he stared at his hand as if in a trance. I fidget with the mossy bed, the atmosphere getting a little awkward.
"Sooo... Do you live here?" I ask with an earnest smile, trying to break the ice. He snaps out of his trans and quickly glances at me, resuming his scrubbing after. 'Now he's just being rude... Or... Maybe he's really shy'.
I look around for anything else to talk about, my boxed treats I brought all the way here for him were opened, seems some were empty.
"Oh.. Eheh, I see you've eaten most of the desserts I wanted to give you... Did you like them?"
No answer, just more scrubbing.
"Do you... not like sweets?"
No answer again.
"How does this mossy stuff work?"
No answer.
Thinking there's no use in talking, I try to look into his eyes and activate memoir, a quick peek to find out his name, maybe his favourite dessert out of the lot.
"Don't" He finally pipes up, he glares at me with a cold warning.
"Why not? You won't talk" I spit out, not knowing where I got the courage to say it.
"Don't have to" He grumbles, scrubbing a little harder.
"Well... At least tell me your name" I sigh, staring at him with a hopeful heart. No answer.
"... I'm (YCN), and you areeee..?" I raise a brow, leaning closer to him to try and coax out an answer.
The only answer I got was a mortified expression from him, his lips trembled slightly, he stared into my eyes, I took my chance. 'Who are you?'
"Wha!?" I gasp, falling back, my head pounding and body trembling uncontrollably. A huge black dragon stands over me, its fangs inches from my face.
It opens it's jaws and blasts a fury of electric blue flaming energy down upon me. I scream, the sensation unlike anything I'd ever felt.
I'm suddenly submerged into warm water. I look around, the water glowing a vibrant sky blue, I swim to a surface never coming close. I can't breathe.
My vision blurs for a moment, I inhale out of an instinct for air. Swallowing the water.
I see a small black cloud float past, I reach up to the bright blue sky, now laying in a peaceful field of graves.
The little black cloud expands, soon covering the pretty blue sky. Lightning and roars boom, the blood-soaked ground quakes. Corpses of soldiers and dragons lay strewn about, their blood draining to my feet, I felt myself sinking into it. I try to crawl out, I thrash and fight. Fight. Fight. Fight.
I fall under, landing over a young woman in a large cave, me. The heavy pain in my chest worsening with my own presence. I creep closer to myself, feeling knots in my throat. She scurries back, screaming and crying. 'She can't see it's me?'
"MONSTER!!!" She screeches, falling off the ledge into the pitch clouds beneath.
I come back to reality and scramble to get out of the glowing water pool, coughing and spluttering contents of it from my lungs. Breathing heavily and clutching the edge of the pool, I scan the area. The man is now gone. 'What the hell was that?!'.
I look over my shoulder, the black splotches vanished. 'Is this water some kind of purifier?'
While my mind is scattered with un-answered questions, I'd never felt physically stronger. My magic too felt filled to the brim. I find my backpack and clothes, drying off and dressing, I examine the cave once more. 'It's strangely warm in here'
Hoping to find out something about my saviour. I come across a bunch of boulders carved and stood to the shape of a throne, 'strange'. I continue exploring, finding strange white bowls, of all different sizes, scattered about some areas. I pick one up, tapping on its completely solid surface.
I kept walking and find a bowl unlike the other white ones, it was black with a small strip of blue. I pick it up.
"KYAA!" throwing it away instantly. My hands fumed with burns. 'What the hell is that thing?!'
Too weirded out to continue, I head back, collect all my belongings and stand at the edge of the cliff face outside. I look down, seeing something strange.
I teleport down, there's a huge crater in this mountain wall, like something crashed into it. There's nothing around that seems to have done so. I look closer at the shape of the centre of the crater.
"Is that... A foot?" I examine it closer, then back away completely bewildered.
"This mountain is so weird" I mumble, focussing and teleporting away.
I wait around for Roza to come back at a small cafe' in Stevia, I only wanted to go give my mysterious saviour a gift. I scribble all I just saw with memoir and at Zonia in my notebook. I write down characteristics and also draw a proper profile of the man. His tan skin, blue tribal looking tattoos, handsome features and sharp blue eyes. I stare at my scribble of the man, my art skills not doing his actual good looks any just. I scrawl a small heart next to the drawing.
"Ohhh? Who do we have here?" Roza's voice coos, she snatches up the notebook.
"HEY!" I holler, trying to grab the book back.
"My my... My my my my myyyyy~" Roza grins, blushing at the drawing of the man.
"What a gorgeous specimen. Do tell me where you found this one, I want me some!" She cackles, I smirk nervously and sigh. Sitting back down.
"He found me I think" I reply with a sarcastic tone. Roza's movements become sharp and quick. She snaps her head to me.
"Well aren't you the lucky one... Dear rivaaal~" She croons, licking those sharp teeth.
"Uhh... What?" I blink, surprised and lost for words.
"You can't have him! I call dibs!" She coddles the notebook, spinning and skipping around like a little school girl.
"I want him!I want him!I want him!" She knocks over several chairs and items hanging about the little cafe' space.
"Ehh? Calm down... People are staring!" I hiss, the barista looking like she's about to kick us out. Roza twists around and tilts her head to that creepy angle, her grin widens.
"Only if I can have him!"
"FINE! Just sit down!" I agree just to shut her up.
"Yayyyy! Ohhh you're such a good friend!" Roza squeals, I rub my temples. Realizing she just called me her friend, I look up to her, sitting contently across from me, staring at me with a surprisingly pretty smile.
"Eheh... Sure... Friend..." I smile awkwardly, forgetting the feeling of having them since...
I shake my head, and smile, a genuine smile at Roza.
"Mind telling me about this hunk?" She grins, tracing the paper in a heart shape, making me smirk and pull up my notes.
"Ohh I've got a lot to tell you"
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