Chapter 3 - The Forest Town, Stevia

~A few weeks later~

Zipping from town to town and walking through the wilderness, I slowly make my way to Zonia. To conserve my magic, I decided to walk, only teleporting to nearby towns when it was getting dark or for emergencies. My stomach growls and I felt weak, I stop and rest under a tree, rummaging through my bag for rations. I sigh, none left. 'Seems I'll have to do some shopping in the next town, hopefully, it's a large one with street markets. And hopefully, something sweets cooking. I'm craving pudding.'
"Gods I have a problem" I chuckle to myself, drooling at the thought of my long lost treat.

I pull up my map and compass, the closest town is Stevia, three miles northeast, a little forest town a few days away from Zonia. 'It'll be the last town I come across for a while'
I pack up and head back on the road, 'I suppose no food counts as an emergency'. Focussing on the co-ordinates, I teleport to Stevia.

"KYAA!!" I felt something slam into me, toppling me over to the gravel path. A heavyweight on my stomach. 'Did someone run into me?'
"Tch. What the hell?!" A young man's voice growls gruffly, I realized I must've teleported into his path while he was running or something. The stranger quickly crawls off me, I check that all my belongings are still in my bag. 

"Sorry~" I shakily stand, rubbing my sore bum. 'Owww I landed on something hard, that'll leave a bruise'.
I sensed an immense amount of magic power emanating from the young man, I examine him closely, 'he reminds me of... Natsu'. I look into the young blonde man's deep blue eyes, activating memoir.
"Y-You're a dragon slayer!" I gasp, not realising there may have been others out there aside those formerly in our guild.

"That's right,  this is the white dragon slayer, Sting! And you just got in our way! Watch where you're going next time dummy!" A little fluffy red cat pipes up, hold his fist up to me like he were about to beat me up. 'He's just like happy.'
"It's alright Lector, we don't need to waste any more time talking here" Sting huffs rudely while shoving his hands in his pockets. He brushes past, turning to check on something behind him.

Another man, with black hair that covered one eye approaches, a small green cat in a pink frog outfit following him. 'OH MY GOD THAT CAT IS SO CUTE!!'
"Pick up the pace Rogue, we gotta be back at the guild by tomorrow" Sting calls out, Rogue not seeming to care, only continues at his own pace. I do a quick check on Rogue too.
"S-So you're both dragon slayers!?" I exclaim in utter shock and excitement. 'Maybe they can help me'

 "Can you help me!? I'm looking for a dragon, Ac-" 

I flinch, my stomach growling loudly, interrupting what I was going to ask, both slayers look at me with a raised brow. 'Even if they didn't have super hearing, they'd still hear that!'
The cats giggle slightly, hiding their teasing smiles.
"We don't have time to stand around and chat" Rouge calmly states, his aura intense as he walks past me.

"W-wait! I wasn't finished!!" I exclaim, running up and grabbing Rouge's sleeve.
"Let go" He demands, I shrink away, that aura growing more menacing.
"I-I'm sorry but I'm looking for a dragon, Acnologia" I explain, Sting looks at me with a sarcastic 'are you serious?' expression.

"Acnologia? Never heard of him" Sting shrugs, turning away.
"Comin Rouge?" 
"Acnologia... He destroyed Tenrou island almost 7 years ago" Rogue ushers with deadly calm. Sting looks as though he realized something.
"Fairy Tail" Sting mumbles, sounding almost disappointed. 
"So you do know him!" I push, desperate for any information.
"I only know that much about it... I'm sorry" Rogue replies, bowing slightly before he follows his partner.

"But if you do find him... You're best bet is to run... Normal humans like you can't slay dragons" Sting adds, turning away.
"Fro thinks so too!" The adorable little green cat in the frog costume waves, my heart melted from the cuteness. I stood in the same spot, hopeless, watching the two of them walk further away into the horizon out of view.


I collapse on my knees, the pain from my empty stomach just keeps growing, 'I can't think straight on an empty stomach.'
"I NEED TO FIND SOME FREAKIN FOOOOD!!" I dramatically cry out, scaring a few birds in the trees around away.

My eyes sparkle and mouth waters looking around the busy market area of Stevia, I was baffled by the number of stalls, not to mention people, must be a festival on or something. Dozens of merchandise venues and food stalls line the main street. In the air, the sweet doughy smells of cakes and candies, savoury swarms of pies and pastries, drool-worthy gusts of roasting meat...

I first buy myself some tender juicy kebab sticks for lunch, after satisfying my hunger, I wonder about each venue, seeing what they have to offer. 

"Try some miss, it's Momma's secret recipe! Only ever sold here!" 
"Well hey there little Lady! Care for a new accessory or coat?"
"Hey girl, you like what you see?"
"Ello there missy, goin travelin? Getchya self some magic maps! They water, fire and tether proof!" 
'That, I'll need!' I was drawn into the man's words, spending half my savings on purchasing a new map. 'So worth it!!!' I beam at the shiny paper. The man explained that my location is also shown on the map, that I can zoom into certain locations to see them better, and that it can detect and show weather anomalies. 'How the hell have I never heard of these?!'.

I search around town for an Inn to stay in, I'm tired of carrying all my stuff around. That and I wanted to figure out how this map works. While looking, I walk past a bakery and see...
"Puuuddiiiiinnnnggg" I drool, pushing my face against the glass, my mouth liquids dripping down my chin at the sight of my weakness. My body having a mind of its own, I float into the godly shop with imaginary wings, buy as many as I could carry and dance out with a beaming smile. 

'Ohhh how I missed the sweet chocolatey oozing taste of pudding, how it melts on my tongue, how it's gooey texture mushes in my teeth... I cant wait to eat you, you absolute devil you!'. I skip out of the shop, not realizing my shoelaces came loose.


"KYA!" I squeal, my puddings flying out of my hands. I was on the verge of tears as I fall face-first on the pavement. Expecting to hear the demonic cry of puddings splattering on the ground.
"Watch out there!!" A shrill man's voice cackles. I look up, some gravel falling from my scraped nose.
A lean but muscular man stood above me, his face is oddly feminine and his long deep red hair falls down his face in a half tied fashion. but what caught me off guard was the mascara drooping down from his bright yellow eyes, like he's been crying. Then I take notice of my boxed delectables in his hand.
"Haahh ah s-sorry! Thank you!" I scramble about to stand up, bowing to him like crazy.

"Keheh, that's quite alright, I believe these are yours" He smiles, his teeth are sharp, like fangs, scaring the colour from my skin. I kept bowing though, taking my puddings from him.
"Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!" I blubber, hanging my head low in appreciation.. and fear.
"That's alright young missy, though you best be careful next time..." He grins, tilting his head to a creepy angle.

"I-I will! Thank yo-"
"I won't be so helpful when we next meet" He interrupts, I flinch. My arms and legs tremble watching the creepy man faze and poof away into the wind, leaving me with my puddings and some trauma.
Now watching over my shoulder for any more weirdos, I shakily continue my search for an Inn, finding one that's small but thankfully cheap. I don't have much money left, yet I've still got to buy some rations for my leave. 

Flopping on the bed and sinking down into it, I relax my bones, aching from all the weight of my mission. I stare emotionlessly at the roof of my small room, trying to zone out and forget that creepy man.
I feel around for my boxes and pluck out a pudding, eating them without any reason aside to fill the strange emptiness I felt. 
A shadow flies past my window, startling me. I slowly crawl up to investigate what's outside, the streets are still bustling with people, no panic or problems. 'Just my magic going haywire again

I sigh, going through my bag to get my notebooks, I see The Dragon King Festival stuffed in between all my belongings. The room felt eerily quiet all of a sudden... 
I slap my cheeks, snapping myself out of whatever dread my mind was in.
"I'll deal with all this later" I hiss to myself, I glance over and smile at my new magic map, grabbing bundles of my (Hair length. HL) (HC) hair and tying it up.
"Perhaps I should take you for a test run" 


I packed what was left of my puddings into the smaller backpack I brought along in case and walked about the forest area not too far from Stevia, holding up my map, it works amazingly, I can see my location and the paths around perfectly. 
"A small river up ahead, some high ridges to the west. God I love this thing!" I exclaim, hugging the map. 'With this, getting to Zonia will be a breeze!'

The soft trickling sounds of running water is heard just a few metres away, I smile, admiring the nearby fauna and greenery. 'Wait... I recognise this area'
"Is this the lost forest?" I mumble, seeing those familiar hand shaped flowers bloom around me. 
I pull up my map to see, but it's started glitching, the location icon zaps around, the cities and towns fade and appear in other places and the terrain morphs into random shapes.
"What the?..." 

An intense deadly aura spans over me, it crept up on me like a snake. This felt more powerful, so much more powerful than Rouge, Sting, Erza, than anyone I've ever met!
'Is this magic presence what's making my map glitch out
I panic, fear taking over, I take a few deep breaths to calm myself and crouch down to avoid being seen by the invisible threat. 'W-what on earth... Is that!?' I scan the area, my eyes playing tricks as I see shadows zip past in between the trees. Coming closer. 'It's just my magic playing up' I thought to myself. 

My terror of the nearing shadows taking over, I creep away from my spot in the flowers and follow the sounds of the river, trying to calm myself down. 'If anything bad is out there, just focus and teleport back to Stevia' I remind myself.
I sense the aura growing stronger as I crawl towards the river, hiding behind a large thick shrub, I peer through, seeing a lone man sitting on the other side of the riverbank. I sigh in relief that it's not a huge monster or worse...

'Is this presence coming from him?' All I could see was a long tangled mob of blue hair as he leans down and sucks up the water like an animal. '...So many weirdos in one day
He sits back up, wiping his mouth, the reflection from the water gleams on his tan skin. I marvel at the thick blue tribal tattoos on his face and arms, they're oddly beautiful.
Now seeing his face properly, I gasp, feeling my heart flutter and face heat up. 'He's freakin gorgeous!' He stands, his long black cape swaying around his toned muscular body. I spot a necklace overhanging his cloak made up of claws... 'Or are they teeth?... Wait... Is he that man?'

He turns away and my mind races. I forget about the deadly aura radiating from him and quickly stand up, my heart beating out of my chest as I run down to the river's edge. 
"E-Excuse me!" I call out, the man halts and turns his head slightly before continuing on his way, ignoring me. 'IT IS!!! IT'S HIM!!'
I teleport across the river to follow the man, surely he might just remember me from all those years ago.

"Hey! Wait up!" I huff, trying to catch up to the handsome man through the thickets. 'He walks insanely fast!'
"Please wait! I wanna talk for a moment" I explain to him, he doesn't answer, just keeps walking. "KYAA!" I trip on a large rock I didn't see under some shrubs. 'I'm annoyingly clumsy today' I groan, quickly looking up and finding that man was now nowhere in sight. However, I could still feel that neverending presence, but it slowly grew weaker and weaker, making me nervous thinking that I may never run into my saviour again. I concentrate, trying to remember the layout of this part of the forest and...

"FOUND YOU!" I shout with a proud smile, teleporting in front of the man, stopping him for a second. He looks down at me with cold blue eyes, eyes that have seen horror, genocide and torment... And loved it. 
"I-I uhh.." words fumble in my mouth staring up at him, being so much taller and musclier than I anticipated, I struggled to find the words I wanted to tell him. 'He's like a freakin GIANT!'

He continues staring at me, I fidget with my shirt under his intense gaze.
"I-I wanted... T-To thank you~..." I manage to stammer out, sweat now dripping down my forehead.
He suddenly leans down, his long fringe tickling my cheek. My whole body tingled and my face felt hot. I could hear him breathing in deeply like he was... 'IS HE SMELLING ME?!?!'
"Haa hohooo... Personal space!" I laugh nervously, jumping back and holding my hands out to keep my distance, my face still burned. He ignores me and grabs my hand, pulling it up to his face and continues sniffing me.
"H-Hey!! Stop that!" I demand in a flustered heap, trying to pull my arm away. He looks down at me, those sharp blue eyes locking onto mine.

I quickly activate memoir while our eyes are locked, only to feel extremely nauseous and dizzy immediately after. 
"Ohhh wha~?" I waver and stumble, my legs feeling like noodles. I collapse to the ground, the man catching me quickly, he takes off my backpack and holds me for a moment before lowering me to the ground gently. 

He stood over me while I groaned in pain, I felt so sick I could barely move, it like my brain just got hammered into a boulder, I could feel it swelling up with pressure. I clutch my head and started crying from the agony, confusion and pent up stress of my mission. 'What is going on!?' The man just watched me, I faintly notice his harsh expression softens slightly, as if he pitied me. 

He crouches down, brushing my hair out of my face, examining me more. He let my head rest on his hand, I could only muster out vague words in between sobs.
Suddenly the pain felt dull, it continued fading away slowly, I sigh in relief, looking up at the man.

"T-Thank... you~" I weakly mutter, my body feeling weak but refreshed. 'Whatever that was, It's amazing!'
The man turns away, holding my bag, he started rummaging through it.
"W-What're you doing?!" I panic, watching him pull out some of my packed puddings. He sniffs them and I could tell by the glimmer in his eye, he wanted one.
"Uhh... Y-You can have that... If you want" I feebly mumble, feeling utterly destroyed to give away my precious snacks.
But he did save my life all those years ago.

He glances over to me, that same glimmer in his eye. Then it contorts into a vile hatred, his body tensing and hands curling into fists. I sit up, wondering what I did or said wrong. He growls a deep feral sound, nothing like that of what a human should make. I notice his nails elongating into razor-sharp claws
'Is this memoir glitching out again?' I tremble in terror, the man looking like he were about to rip apart flesh. I shake my head in disbelief. Before my very eyes his whole body grew, scales hardened on his darkening flesh, and his face morphed into what looked like... A dragon.
'It's just my magic.. Just my magic!!... JUST MY MAGIC!!!'

He pounced.

"GUAAAAHHHH!" I scream in agony, my head and heart pounding. I wave my arms about in the air, trying to shove away what wasn't there. Upon realizing the man was gone, that I was fine, that the sun is setting, I swallow loudly and whimper. Huddling myself into a traumatized ball, I cry. 'I just want it all to go away... I have to find Acnologia... I have to make him go away...'

I felt something brush over my shoulder, a cold hand. 'Those stupid flowers' I sniffle and coddle myself tighter. I felt something dark in me arise, like a deep-rooted hatred, I force it back, not wanting to feel anything aside from the cold gentle flower on my shoulder and the dirt I lay on. The only things that remind me of where I am.

After a while, I collect myself and find that the man did in fact, take all my puddings... 'He deserves them' I smile weakly, thinking of how strange but also gentle he was to me.
That he saved my life.
Collecting the rest of my things, I teleport back to the inn at Stevia. Exhausted, I drop all I held, throw off all my clothes and collapse into the plush comfort of a warm bed. 
'I'll start again tomorrow'

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