Chapter 1 - My Home Magnolia
Time frame = Before the Tenrou Island Arc
-Your POV-
"Hi! I'm (YCN)! Welcome to Fairy Tale!" I smile while politely bowing and introducing myself to a small group, a family by the looks, entering the large guildhall's gate. Banter and music blast inside the guildhall, part of the reason we have so many curious onlookers come by.
"Are you looking for someone or something in particular?" I ask with my most formal voice.
"Ohh no, just looking around, are you a wizard here?" The eldest lady of the small group asks in admiration. I beam, nodding. This kind of fame sometimes really gets to my head.
"Indeed, I'm a young wizard of Fairy Tail, I'm nowhere near as powerful as the infamous Natsu or Erza, but I'm just as awesome because my magic is really and I mean like REALLY rare!" I exclaim with confidence, I felt warm tingles go through me. 'Ohh yes, admire me more! Praise me and my awesomeness!' I internally squeal as the guests, despite being half their height, look aghast and marvel at me like I'm some kind of god.
"No way, a little girl like you? You barely look older than 12!" One man bursts out laughing, his tone dripping with sarcasm that is instantly shut down by his partner.
"Wendy Marvel, the sky dragon slayer, is very young, same as this sweet little thing, it seems the talents are getting younger and younger" The woman nudges the man's shoulder. He still didn't seem convinced so I puff up my chest, the attention going to my head as I activate my magic.
"Honestly I don't think whatever your magic is could be as rare as dragon slayer magic, pfft, nor god slayer magic! What can you even do?" He states while walking up to me, hovering over me, trying to intimidate me with his sheer height.
"I can find out all your dirty little secrets in the blink of an eye!" I smirk maliciously, seeing my (Eye colour. E/C) eyes flash a bright white in the reflection of his now terrified eyes.
"Wha?" The man gapes, puzzled as I read his life's story in the span of that light flash. Nothing really interesting aside from a few incidents...
"My magic can see into the deepest memories of anyone I make direct eye contact with" A half-lie. Direct eye contact is one way but otherwise, I have to think of their face and know their name before I can zip into their mind at any time.
I glare at the man, not backing down from this fight, I have to prove myself to the guild that I'm a capable wizard!
"Best be nicer to me next time, else I'll tell your dear wife where you run off to late at night" I whisper to him with a sly grin, innocently fluttering my eyes at his wife.
"R-Right... I-I'm sorry for being so rude, I uhh.. Let's go dear" The man grabs the woman by the arm and escorts her away to the gift shop. The other onlookers following them.
"What did she say to you, honey?"
"Well, that's my entertainment for today~" I grin to myself, flicking dirt out from under my nails.
"You sure love stirring up the tourists with your magic" Wendy pipes up, she must've watched the whole scene go down from a place where she couldn't be seen.
"You best stop doing that, it gives Fairy Tail a bad reputation!" Carla huffs with a pout, her little fluffy white arms crossed.
"Gotta train my magic somehow, don't I? Plus, Fairy Tail already has a bad rep of reaping chaos where ever they go" I crack the two a lazy smile, Wendy giggles but hides her face after seeing Carla give her a 'how dare you support this' look.
"Oh come on Carla, where's your sense of humour?" I whine with annoyance, Carla sighs, saying nothing as she turns to look up to Wendy, silently telling her to speak.
"Ah right.. uhm... There's a job I thought we could do together" Wendy holds up a job flyer detailing a tourism job. 50,000 jewel as payment to guide a foreign ambassador and company around Magnolia.
"Pretty decent pay to just show tourists about Magnolia" I raise a brow in disbelief, rarely do such easy high paying jobs fall into the guild. Most of the time we get basic cheap work around the local area. Not that I'm complaining, my magic isn't really suited to combat so I make a modest living with those small jobs.
"Exactly why I thought it was perfect for us to do, it's safe and we can do some shopping after, I saw you had your eyes on that (Favourite colour) dress back when Cana dragged us about to try on clothes" Wendy chirps, her expression reminding me of how awkward some of the outfits to be in were.
"I've already told master and Erza that I'm doing this job. Though they both told me I should take someone with me that knows the town really well, I haven't lived here for long, not nearly as long as you anyway" Wendy explains with a smile, holding her hands in fists up to her chest. I chuckle as I say.
"Hehehee, I've lived here my whole life!"
"Which is exactly why you're the perfect assistant to this job!" Carla pipes up with a smile, gently floating up to grab the flyer from Wendy to reread the details.
"Well let's not keep that ambassador waiting!" I beam, quickly tying up my (Hair colour. H/C) locks before I grab Wendy's hand and run with her to meet with our client.
Wendy and I met at the orphanage I'd lived in my whole life after Cana practically dragged her down to us. Wendy came by to play whenever she was free, I didn't notice her around much as I had my face buried in books most days. But as soon as I finally did, I feel we became best friends almost in the span of a minute.
Whenever she wasn't out on some great adventure, we hung out all day and we'd have our own, just as girls our age should. One day she came in with Master Makarov and it didn't take much to convince me to join the guild. A 'rare gifted young wizard' as I recall Makarov calling me while instigating my memoir magic.
I've been a member of Fairy Tail since and already feel like family. Everyone's so wild and friendly, they all know who they are and don't care for what others think, I find it truly beautiful. Why I admire everyone here!
-The next day-
~At the Fairy Tail Guild Hall~
Everyone gathered around the stage as Master Makarov walked up to and stood silently in the centre preparing his important announcement, but all gathered were beyond restless knowing what the occasion actually called for.
The S-class promotion trial, on Tenrou Island!
I felt sick to my stomach with nervousness, there was no way I'd be selected this year with how I only joined about 3 months ago, and how little I've trained my magic. But I still held hope that I would be, it'd be such an amazing experience. 'No doubt all the other newbies here feel the same.'
I crept up to Levy, hoping she'd have more intel on the Island I might be, on the tiniest chance, going to.
"Hey! Levy, what do you know about Tenrou Island? I've never heard of it" I whisper, Levy quickly glances down to me, leaning in to mutter quietly.
"I'll tell you after Master's announcement" She returns to her normal posture, Gajeel lurks not too far behind her while Jet and Droy stand at full attention at her side. 'Protective much?'
It was very tempting to just sneak a peek at the lists of names in Master's memories but I've been told I shouldn't use my magic for naughty things... Doesn't stop me, I keep most secrets around here to myself. But in this case, I had to be patient during Master's whole speech. While he listed off all the names, everyone was either extremely hyped or nervous. In the end, those not selected were disappointed, myself included.
"Cheer up (YCN), there's always next year! Or if you could, ask those selected to go as their partner" Levy chides, petting my back, trying to cheer me up. Gajeel grabbed and stole her away for a while after the speech so I had to wait for that metal-eating rust bucket to finish whatever he wanted to say to her.
"Could I be your partner?!" I exclaim, my heart racing with hope. Levy looks at me with a sad hesitant expression. I take a quick peek at why.
"Ohh... That's what Gajeel dragged you away for~" I sigh despondently, leaning on my arms that lay crossed on the edge of the table. Levy jolts back, blinking furiously realizing what I just did.
"Ahem... You know you shouldn't slip into other people's heads without permission, you know" She pouts while poking my cheek, she stops upon seeing my lack of reaction.
"I suppose I'll forgive you this once..." Levy sighs with a meagre smile, stroking her hand through her short blue hair.
"You asked me something before Makarov listed the candidates... But I forgot what it was due to all the chaos I'm sorry" She chuckled shamefully, I face her with a bewildered look.
"You? Forgot something?!" My voice broke as I mocked her, making us both laugh.
"I wanted to know more about Tenrou Island"
"Ahh now I remember!"
Levy detailed to me all she knew about Tenrou Island, that it's Fairy Tail's sacred ground and that members of the guild's powers are doubled, sometimes tripled when on the island. It also protects members with the Fairy Tail guild mark from death. I was sceptical about that last fact but all kinds of crazy magic and spells exist so I guess an island can save people with a stamp from death.
"I did some digging in the guild's library and also found that it's where the grave of the founding and first master of Fairy Tail is" Levy goes on, I watched her eyes light up with every fact and knowledge she spoke of. I've always admired the colour of her eyes, caramel, 'like the filling of my favourite pudding. Mmmmnn.'
"Ahehe, I suppose I could tell you more about the island when I get back from there, I'm gonna call it an early night and pack for the trip. You go get yourself some dinner" Levy giggles as she stands up and escorts herself out, leaving me alone with my painfully empty stomach.
"Mirajaaaaaaaaaane~! Can I order a bunch of puddings?" I whine, flopping about my table dramatically to get the beautiful magazine model bartending wizard's attention.
~A few days later~
Everyone who was announced to compete could choose their non-S-class partner. All pairs were confirmed by Mirajane this morning at the guild before they all left for Tenrou.
Nastu Dragneel, paired with Happy.
Cana Alberona, paired with Lucy Heartfilia.
Levy McGarden, paired with Gajeel Redfox.
Elfman Strauss, paired with Evergreen.
Freed Justine, paired with Bicslow.
Gray Fullbuster, paired with Loki.
Juvia Lockser, paired with Lisanna Strauss.
And Finally Mest, paired with Wendy Marvell.
"NOOOOOOOOOO~!! WHYYYY!!!" I ball into Wendy's neck, hugging her tight as we stood at the station, the train for Hargeon leaving soon. I felt crushed that my best friend has to leave me.
"I-It's okay! I'll only be gone a few days!" Wendy whimpers pedantically, unsure of how else to comfort me. I'm fine really, 'I know she'll be fine but... I'm gonna be stuck here with the boring leftovers for the next few days...'
Romeo is our age and fun to talk to sometimes, but he's not interested in history or anything I like, he just likes to fight and rant on about fire magic... Reminds me of a certain Salamander.
"I knowwwww~~ But that's a few days I could spend eating pudding or reading or trying on cute clothes with you! I had plans!" I pull up a glitter-coated chart scrawled of all the things I actually thought we'd get to do this weekend if Mest hadn't come along and roped her into the trials.
"Oh, I'd honestly rather relax for once and eat all the treats possible but as a wizard, I need to improve... I want to get stronger, like Natsu!" Wendy beams at the sparkly list, then to me.
"I think the last thing we need is another pyromaniac running wild around the guild!" We both laugh, one last hug before Wendy says her fair wells to Carla, who seems a bit off this morning. Like she's hiding.. no... Thinking over something. 'Perhaps she received a vision from the future last night?'
The train whistled out, the conductor calls out for all to board immediately, I wave away to Wendy, watching her take her seat inside the packed passenger cart with Lucy, a trembling Nastu, Grey and Erza. Levy and the extremely hesitant to enter the train Gajeel make their way in, as do all the other S-class contestants. The Train clanks and steam rolls out as the train begins to move, I see Nastu turn green even from where I stood. Couldn't help the cackle that came out.
I found myself chasing after the train to the end of the platform, still waving everyone off. I didn't realize several other Fairy Tail members followed me. All waving off our dear friends. Eager for their return and to find out which among them will be our new S-class wizard.
~A short while after the S-Class contestants left~
Hungry, I order breakfast at the guild bar... And six puddings. Carla jumps up next to me with a folded piece of paper.
"I'm not interested in any jobs righ-"
"It's not a job... I'm worried about Wendy" Carla interrupts, holding the paper out to me. I take it, unfold and read the few details written about Mest.
"What do you want me to say? That he's a bad guy?" I roll my eyes, handing back the paper, Carla snatches it back.
"Little is known about Mest and he acted so strangely around Wendy... I was hoping you could do a check on him, make sure he's not... well... you know?" Carla begs, keeping her voice low. This kind of work I get asked for often, but I don't really like to accept them as it causes me a lot of trouble, some people I've read into come to me with threats because I ruined their life or whatever. Their fault for sticking their nose in shady business.
"I don't think I need to bother... There are so many members here now that I barely recognise anyone I see. Mest is likely the same case, just another un-noticeable face in the crowds. Wendy will be fine, she's a dragon slayer" I groan in between bites of my pork sausage. Carla huffs, flying away.
"If you won't help me, then I'll find someone who will" Carla frowns, I turn back to my plate, feeling a little guilty. But what else am I to say about a guy I know nothing about. 'I could and should check on him for Wendy's safety... But... Wendy wants to get stronger... I can't intervene! She'll be fine, Mest will surely take care of her.'
After eating, I notice Panther Lily and Carla weren't around, normally they'd hang out somewhere in clear sight. 'Hmm... They didn't leave... Did they? Nahh, maybe they're out doing cat stuff.' I'll hang around just in case to make sure they didn't leave.
I got bored hanging around the guildhall, 'Carla definitely left... No point trying to stop her now, who knows where she went.' A large group of wizards, seeming twice my age, approach the bar, all as loud and rowdy as ever, distracting my thoughts. 'Wow, it's gotten crowded.'
Drained from all the noise and cramped space, I stroll down to the guild library, thankfully it's quieter here and while I'm here, I can splurge in memoir for a bit.
Touching non-fiction books allows me direct insight into its contents, I can read it all in a split second, so I learn just about anything in a book, pity my memory can't keep up. Though it's like watching the information skim by through a projection lacrima. If only I had some popcorn while I *read* books.
I pluck out one of my favourites, I've always found this book fascinating and weirdly nostalgic. The Dragon King Festival. I've read it countless times but can still never seem to get enough of it.
Over 400 years ago, in another country named Alakitasia, Dragons were considered to be the rulers of the world. Humans were no more than a food source to Dragons, who ruled the skies, dominated the lands and swam the great oceans. However, one Dragon questioned their reign and sought out a method to have Dragons and humans to coexist in their world.
In our country Ishgar, citadels were constructed with the craftsmanship of humans and might of Dragons. Peace was known all throughout these cities, but...
War soon broke out over the reign of good and evil dragons, Alakitasia invaded the nation and they nearly won. However, one clever mage created the magic that turned the tides. Dragon Slayer magic.
The war became furious, casualties on both sides, however, the coexistence was winning! until another contestant for victory rose. The black dragon of the apocalypse, Acnologia. He single-handedly destroyed and massacred thousands, none that came across him lived to tell the tale. No one knew what he fought for, only that he killed anything that breathed.
I finish the book, then read it again and again and again. I've been hoping for so long to enhance my memoir magic through this book, seeing what other secrets might lay inside about this Acnologia, but no luck. Now I just read it to kill time.
I go back to the bar to order some more of my beloved puddings.
"You are aaaaaallllways welcome in my stomach you gorgeous thing you" I talk to the shiny glazed chocolate treat.
"I wish Wendy were here to 'Marvel' at you, get it? hehehe, I crack myself up!" I continue, laughing at my own jokes while missing my gentle dragon-slaying friend already.
"What?" I pout, scoffing the godly goodness, catching a glance of Romeo looking at me with a 'you're EXTREMELY weird' expression.
After, I head back to the library and read through any book my fingers touch until I see that the sun is almost setting and the guild has finally quietened down.
"Spose I'll call it a night." I mumble to myself, making my way out of the library. I see a few members still hanging around when...
"GAAUUGH!" I collapse in pain, I felt something pulsate and twist in my body... No.. not my body, but by magic. Something triggered it. Badly.
"(YCN)!?" Wakaba rushes over from the bar, holding my tiny curled up frame gently. Romeo and Macao follow up, a few other curious members also stand around, watching 'like that helps!'
"What happened?" Macao demands, I continue groaning, unable to answer with the strange dark pulse growing stronger. I felt sweat dripping down my face, my breathing became ragged and I struggled to hear anything they were saying.
Wakaba blows a plume of smoke.
"Wha?" I sigh out a long breath, my muscles relaxing. Just when the pulsating got to their worst, they... stopped.
"(YCN) just collapsed outa nowhere man! (YCN)! Were you attacked? Is this from all those puddings you ate? What happened?" He blurts out a series of questions, I slowly sit up, confused as to what I just felt.
"I-I.. Don't know... I felt this strange thing.. just come up out of nowhere... I think it was my magic" I mumble slowly, trying to find the words to describe what I felt.
"Your magic ey?" Wakaba repeats back questionably, sucking on his cigarette.
"Have you been using it all day?" Macao asks next, I flinch. I have been... But I was only reading books with it and that's never caused something like that, NEVER!
"I may have... I was reading all day" I shyly admit, their reactions were nonetheless expected. The prattled on like worried parents about using 'not my magic too much or it could cause magic deficiency which can be life-threatening' I mentally mock them.
"I was about to go back to the orphanage anyway, so I'll just get go some rest" I assure the small group as I shakily stand, leaning on Wakaba for support.
"I'll escort you, Romeo and I were also just about to leave" Macao smiles calmly, Romeo nods behind him.
We all leave and upon arriving to the orphanage, my home, I thank Macao and Romeo for escorting me home.
"Just be more careful with that freaky power of yours, could really get you hurt one day" Macao states in a fatherly tone, Romeo walks ahead, briefly waving me goodbye. I nod as a reply to Macao and he smiles, walking off after his son.
I tossed and turned trying to sleep, all I could think about was that weird pulse I felt. 'Why did it just come and go like that? Did I overuse my magic? No... It feels fine... Kinda.. Maybe I just had a stomach ache from eating nothing but puddings all day.. I really need to eat more healthily'. A cool draft wafts in through some small gaps in the windows, I shudder, curling up tighter in my blankets. 'Well, whatever it was... It's gone... Though I can't help but wonder why, that whole time I felt that pain, I thought of a... Dragon...'
-The Next Morning-
"EVERYONE!!! THIS IS INSANE!! READ THE LATEST NEWS!!!" Jet screamed, bolting in with lightning speed, a trail of loose papers flipping and flying behind him. He threw about dozens of magazines and newspapers, most of them slapping people in the face as he sprints past. I being one of them. Growling while rubbing my now sore nose, I sat back down to read the article, the reason behind Jet's panic.
Hundreds of members sat aghast, reading the front-paged headline and story of the newspaper.
Fairy Tail's Tenrou Island destroyed during S-class promotions trials. No survivors have been found yet. Scout ships of the magic council return reporting having witnessed the black dragon of the apocalypse, Acnologia, with one attack, blow the island away into nothing. No further knowledge has been issued.
"Wha.. What the?!"
"Tenrou Island...."
"N-No survivors!?"
"What happened to master and the others!?"
Members left and right slowly grow louder with their panic and concern. I sat completely stunned by the news. I zone out, listening to the depressing chatter grow muffled. I felt my throat bob and my eyes water. 'Wendy... Levy.. Natsu... Lucy... Everyone's... gone?'
"A dragon?! Aren't they extinct?!" I hear a member whisper, snapping me out of my thoughts, tears streamed down my face, I quickly wipe them away.
"Acnologia... One attack? Hows that possible!?" Another member exclaims. The conversations continued but I shut myself away.
'A dragon... What I felt and thought last night... Was... Was that why I felt so sick? was that attack my magic telling me something?'
"We have to scout the area for survivors!! Our friends were on that island! They're bound to be somewhere!!!" I hear Romeo shout, he stood atop a table.
"YEAH!! They wouldn't just cave in under one attack!" Several other members join in, soon the whole guild was in a frenzy making plans for a search and rescue operation.
I ignore it all, pushing through the busy crowds towards the guild library to find answers. 'I have to know why I felt that... I have to know more about that dragon'
"(YCN)!!" Droy runs up to me before I could get to the stairs leading to the library, I turn to him.
"We'll need you, you can see into anyone's memories if you think about them right?"
"If they're alive!" I nod, not realizing I could've checked to see if they all survived. I waste no time getting the most important answers.
I think about the guildmates, Wendy mostly, focussing on her whilst I activate memoir and...
"Nothing..." I whisper, my jaw dropping and stomach turning, more tears pour down, my nose clogged up. I felt so sick much my head hurt, I had to get out... To get some air.
"(YCN) WAIT!" Droy calls out to me as I sprint away, past the crowds, past the guild entrance, past the many market places, shops, apartments, houses and rivers. I ran even though my legs felt they were about to crack and crumble under me. I ran despite every breath I took stang my lungs.
Eventually, I trip, crashing harshly into the ground of thick tree roots and moss. I laid there, sobbing into the moist forest earth, I cry out a heavy-hearted scream, hitting the ground in anger and sadness.
Hardly breathing beyond hicking sobs, I muster up the energy to try searching for everyone else's memories. Lucy. Nothing. Grey. Nothing. Mirajane. Nothing. Bixlow. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.
'Nothing... They're all..'
I laid there in the tree roots and moss curled in a ball, crying and huddling myself for comfort against the knowledge that my friends, my dear friends... Are gone...
"Acnologia..." I hoarsely grunt, clenching my fists thinking of the despicable creature that took Wendy and everyone away.
"I will find you..."
"And I swear... I'll make you pay"
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