30. Bureaucracy

3rd Person POV.
Location: Celestia's private Lounge Canterlot Equestria Equus

Currently in Celestia's private Lounge Samuel is giving out gifts to the ponies and dragon present as a sign of friendship and Trust.

Samuel: what I have next is for the married couple of the Crystal Empire you two are going to have to share.

Samuel pulled out from the infinite storage Cube a winged heart-shaped talisman.

Samuel: to the married couple I present a love token an ancient magical Talisman of love when shared Between Two Lovers it's power can keep those lovers together in the bonds of love forever as long as the talisman remains whole the two lovers will remain together forever.

Cadence: that's a very sweet gift thank you very much.

Samuel gave Cadence and Shining Armor the love token they held it in their Hooves and the two of them embraced each other in a loving hug.

Y/n: that's so sweet.

Black Pearl: yeah how sweet I'm going to go barf.

Samuel reached into the infinite storage Cube and he pulled out a large Square container he offered it to the princess of the Sun she took it very confused as to what it was.

Celestia: this is very kind of you but if I may ask what is this?

Samuel: put it on the table and press the red button on top and you'll find out.

Celestia did as instructed placing the cube on the table she pressed the button using her magic and immediately the Box opened up to reveal a beautiful and very appetizing cake which made Princess Celestia drool at the mouth in a very unprincess like manner.

Samuel: this cake was crafted by the Royal Baker of the royal family of Alpha Major it is one of his best recipes and it is said to be so mouth-wateringly delicious that it can cause people to flash back to their happiest childhood memory.

Celestia stared at the cake with amazement burning in her eyes Samuel once again reached into the infinite storage Cube and this time he pulled out another book this one was a standard size book and it had a title.

"The wonders of the cosmos"

Samuel gave the book to Princess Luna who looked at it in astonishment.

Samuel: here you go your highness this book contains a multitude of descriptions illustrations and wondrous details about many celestial bodies that lurk within deep space far beyond your star or Moon.

Luna looked at the book with Wonder and amazement she knew there was more out in the universe but she never could have imagined that there was living, thinking, breathing lifeforms and now they were standing before her giving her a gift that could unlock some of the wonders of the universe.

Luna: thy kindness and your gifts are very much appreciated.

Samuel: now that the gifts have been given I believe now is the time to talk peace.

With that said begin the long, boring, and laborious process of not only peace negotiations but also of paperwork.

(Time skip 4 hours later)
Location: Celestia's Lounge Canterlot Equestria Equus

After 4 long hours of peaceful negotiations the treaties were signed and now the planet Equus was officially under the jurisdiction of The Intergalactic Empire but Celestia decided to keep this information between everyone present in the room because if knowledge that aliens truly did exist and the ponies or other creatures of the earth were not ready for this information it would cause Mass Mayhem and Planet wide panic of course Y/n was not the only one bored of this long and laborious process Pinkie Pie also looked like she was about to explode from boredom Rainbow Dash had passed out after an hour Fluttershy was whispering to the eggs she had been given like a mother would whisper to their sleeping newborn child Spike was of course reading his new comic book excited about the prospect of an alien comic book that was on this planet one of a kind Rarity was experimenting with her new shape memory suit imagining all of the possibilities she could create with this new fashion sense Black Pearl she was polishing her weapon Y/n was on his visor playing a game he had downloaded of course the Tempest was asleep totally silent waiting for the moment he would rise to the occasion of combat meanwhile all of the royal officials were talking boring politics.

Samuel: and I believe that should do it Welcome to The Intergalactic Empire your highnesses!

Celestia: it's an honor to be making history like this.

Of course Samuel shook the Hooves of all the Royals present Twilight was the only one who looked excited about all this boring stuff Celestia looked up at a clock and smiled noticing what time it was

Celestia: would you look at the time it's time for me and my sister to lower the Sun and raise the Moon.

Y/n: did you just say you two lower the Sun and raise the Moon?!

Luna: yes that is true both me and my sister are the rulers of Equestria because of our ability to raise and lower the Moon and Sun.

Celestia: you see our magic is extremely powerful because we are Alicorns I raise and lower the sun while my sister raises and lowers the Moon.

Y/n: that is the most awesome feat of magic I have ever heard of!

Celestia: would you like to watch us raise and lower the Sun and Moon?

Y/n: I would love nothing more!!!

Y/n immediately followed the princesses of the Sun and Moon to a high balcony there Celestia used her magic to lower the Sun and Luna used her magic to raise the Moon.

Celestia: there all done

Y/n: I can't believe it when I found out magic existed I was skeptical but now I just saw magic literally move 2 powerful celestial bodies like it was nothing that is absolutely Wild!!!

Samuel: and that would explain why this planet does not have any type of natural rotation or why nothing moves on its own like the rest of the universe.

Of course after Samuel said that then came the large menagerie of questions from every pony of course Samuel was more than willing to answer a few questions Black Pearl was hidden in the shadows watching over her master but soon he became sad when he took in the greater picture of the universe and his place in it.

Celestia: what is the matter Young Prince is there something wrong?

Y/n: no there's nothing wrong it's just I feel guilty about something and I don't know what to do about it.

Luna: what is it that burdens your mind?

Y/n: you see where I come from the planet Earth human males don't have any extraordinary powers of course we have political and corporate Powers but that's it nothing truly amazing and then out of nowhere I got my powers and it made me act like a total freak Show psychopath I hurt a bunch of people I attacked many good and bad people and now I've been given the whole universe on a golden platter I just feel like after everything I've done I feel like there's been some sort of grand mistake even though I believe in myself I just I still have that guilt deep down and I don't know what to do about it.

The Two Sisters looked at each other with sympathetic looks on their faces they walked up to the prince of The Intergalactic Empire and decided to help him with his feelings.

Luna: Lord Y/n I better than anyone understand how you feel.

Y/n looked over at Luna meeting her eyes with his own.

Y/n: you do?

Luna: yes I do you see over a thousand years ago I did something that I thought was truly Unforgivable I became a monster known as Nightmare Moon a mare of Shadows and darkness I refused to lower the Moon I wanted nothing more than to bring on Eternal Night and darkness to this world my sister was forced to use the Elements of Harmony to banish me to the moon for a thousand years.

Celestia: when I was forced to banish my own sister to the moon for a thousand years I felt I had betrayed her that it was my fault she turned into Nightmare Moon I felt deep in my heart that everything was my fault those thousand years were the longest most miserable years of my life I could feel the guilt eating away at me threatening to swallow my very soul into the deepest darkest pits of Despair and self-loathing but when the elements brought back my sister that guilt never truly went away it just felt as if it had become numb and now I tried to do better for not only my sister but for myself and for this Kingdom.

Luna: for a short time after my return our little ponies saw me still as Nightmare Moon it took me sometime but eventually they grew to trust me and love me as I always wanted but yet that guilt of what I had done a thousand years ago still haunts my every waking moment and it even haunts my dreams.

Y/n: I'm so very sorry you all went through that truly I'm sorry.

Celestia: there is nothing for you to apologize for but maybe we can help you.

Y/n: you can? How?

Luna: well after we were cured of our dark side we felt truly guilty for what we had done in the past to not only the ponies of Equestria but to our own sister so we did everything we could to earn back not only the trust of the masses but of our own sister.

Celestia: I did the same for my sister trying to show her that I truly was remorseful for what I had done in the past.

Y/n: I don't understand

Celestia: what exactly did you do on Earth?

Y/n: well when my powers manifested it gave me the ability to absorb, copy, and control other people's powers and it messed with my mind turning me into a power-hungry power vampire I wanted nothing more than to gain as many Powers as I could I don't remember everything but I saw myself attacking both the guilty and the innocent alike I didn't care who I had to hurt I just wanted power so that I could bring about a new age where there was no freedom no villains no evil just my rule I know it wasn't me but I know that those feelings were my own and my powers just made me lose control and act on my deepest darkest desires.

Celestia: I will admit that does sound bad when you put it that way but if it truly hurts you that much you have to go back and you have to make amends in any way you can.

Y/n: but how can I go back after everything I've done they probably want my head on a pike and if I ever step foot on that world again they'll probably throw my ass in jail so fast my head will spin that or I'll be put in a government facility where I'll be experimented on for the rest of my life.

Luna: we understand your fear but you must make things right if you do not the guilt within you will only grow stronger and it will haunt you for the rest of your days.

Y/n L/n realized there was much truth to Luna's words he closed his eyes took a deep breath once he let go of the breath he looked at the princesses of the Sun and Moon.

Y/n: you're both absolutely right I can't leave things as they are now I need to go back I need to make amends.

Celestia: and what will you do if they try to hurt you or detain you?

Y/n: simple I'll break out I'll leave the planet and never go back.

Luna: what if your plan does not succeed?

Y/n: I don't know and I don't care because sometimes you just got to roll the dice and hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

Both princesses smiled at the Prince of The Intergalactic Empire knowing that he understood what they meant and realizing that he was going to make good on his word.

Y/n: but fortunately today is not that day I think tomorrow is going to be a very very busy day.

Celestia: I guarantee you are absolutely right.

(Time skip the next day)
Location: Canterlot Equestria Equus

Y/n woke up in a guest room in Canterlot castle he was wearing his standard sleepwear all of his equipment was Secure in his PAC which was sitting on a bedside table.

Y/n: time to wake up.

Y/n got up from the bed did some morning stretches and once he was all limbered up and ready to go he went to the bathroom to freshen up and do his standard morning routine when he was done in the bathroom he reached into his PAC and pulled out his gauntlet he touched the gauntlet to his wrist it immediately connected to his bio-supercomputer he answered in a few commands and within a couple of seconds his outfit changed from his standard sleepwear to to some comfortable Formal Wear he was dressed in a black suit with a gray cape complete with shoes and gloves the suit was not like a normal Earth suit Instead This was a very advanced shape memory suit.

Y/n looked at himself in a mirror admiring his outfit and how he looked in it.

Y/n: I look good!

Black Pearl: no doubt about that~

Y/n looked in the mirror and he saw Black Pearl leaning against the door frame checking out Y/n's outfit and of course checking out his body in the suit having naughty and perverted fantasies in her head.

Y/n: how long have you been standing there?

Black Pearl: long enough to admire my master I've been waiting outside the door guarding this room all night since I don't need to sleep or eat it gives me plenty of time to do my job right.

Y/n: well then we should be going the others are probably waiting for us in the dining hall.

Black Pearl: that would be a wise assumption.

The two of them left the guest room and they made their way to the Royal dining room where Princess Celestia was waiting for her Intergalactic guests sitting at the table Samuel was reading a newspaper from this world called the Canterlot times.

Y/n: morning Samuel

Samuel: morning your highness, how did you sleep?

Y/n: I slept rather well thank you, how did you sleep?

Samuel: I slept pretty good myself thank you for asking.

Soon enough Princess Celestia strolled into the room held in her golden magical glow was a couple of plates on these plates were her signature pancakes she liked to make every morning which had amazing fruit faces and homemade whipped cream.

Celestia: good morning everyone I made breakfast!

The princess of the Sun put the plates of Pancakes down in front of everyone Black Pearl remained standing behind Y/n as he sat down confusing Celestia.

Celestia: what's wrong? Aren't you hungry?

Black Pearl: your kind gesture is very much appreciated your highness but my race does not need to eat or sleep my body is an illusion a construct made of light so I'm going to have to respectfully decline your wonderful breakfast you made.

Celestia just Shrugged her shoulders and decided.

Celestia: oh well more for me then.

Y/n looked upon the amazing breakfast made by the princess of the sun herself he was amazed by its exquisite craftsmanship and it's beautiful presentation.

Y/n: princess this is quite beautiful but you didn't have to do this just because of us.

Celestia: think nothing of it I do this every morning and I quite enjoy it.

Everyone sat down at the table thank Celestia for the food and they began to eat except for Black Pearl she remained standing behind Y/n guarding over him to make sure nothing went wrong after everyone had ate their fill the Royal servants took away their plates to be washed Celestia then spoke up.

Celestia: now before you all go there is a serious matter that needs to be taken care of please follow me.

Y/n and the other members of his Royal Court followed the princess of the Sun they arrived at a large set of double doors the princess of the sun opened the door and as soon as she did the four of them entered the room they then heard a loud call coming from inside the room.

Everypony: SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!

The room was decorated for that of a grand party hanging from the ceiling was a banner that said Welcome to our world there was balloons streamers there was a couple of tables all decorated and of course there was the mane 6 the prince and princess of the Crystal Empire and of course the dragon Spike.

Pinkie Pie: so are you surprised?! I hope you were surprised?! I know I was surprised!!!!!

Y/n: yes Pinkie Pie we were very surprised but what's this all about?

Pinkie Pie: I told you we were going to have a Welcome to our world party and I heard that you were going to leave sometime today so I thought we should do it right away for you had to leave.

Y/n: that's very thoughtful of you Pinkie Pie so why don't we celebrate while we have the chance because I have a feeling by this time tomorrow things are going to get very complicated.

(A/n): (WORD COUNT 3037)

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