Chapter 8
I took in a deep breath as I walked down the muddy man-made trails. The woods were quiet, birds and crickets chirped away. The trails were a cool tempature considering how the tall trees with its long branches and green leaves blocked most of the sun from entering the trails.
The trails were empty, no other human in sight which was good news. At least I don't have to worry about being spotted...
I sighed, taking in a deep breath. Walking seemed to have calmed down my nerves. I can't remember the last time I was ever this calm.
Come to think of it, I can't even remember how long its been since we've been on the run. I pull the blue baseball cap I was wearing down to shield my face better as I continued to walk.
I chewed on my inner cheek with my teeth as I kept darting my eyes back and forth, up and down...constantly checking my surroundings as I walked. Last thing I need is to get caught...
Yes this was insanely risky, but I just needed to get away for a little while. I just wanted to be able to just let go for a little while.
There was a large patch of sunlight that had managed to get through the large branches; a large spotlight of warm sunlight set right at the middle of the muddy path I was walking on.
I step into the spotlight, feeling the warmth of the sun heat my body. I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath as I look up; allowing the heat from the sun to warm my face.
A small smile forms on my lips as the heat felt comforting. After a small moment has passed I continue my walk down the trails. Surprisingly there wasn't many people around; given by how nice the weather was.
Who am I to complain? At least I could let my guard down by just a touch.
As I continued my journey down the path I could hear the sound of feet stampeding towards me, someone's coming!
I transform into my cyberwolf form and quickly take cover in the tall bushes beside me, slithering far enough so that the thick brush could keep me covered and prevent me from being seen by this mystery person that was running up the path.
Is that a child?
I furrowed my brows as I peer through the bushes to get a better view of the little girl.
She seems to be fairly shaken up. Her face flushed, as tears streamed down her cheeks. She was wearing pink tights and a baby pink floral dressed, her exposed arms had a few faint scratches; probably from her running through the bush.
She must be lost..where the hell is her mother? I watched with careful eyes as I watched her circle around, eyes darting everywhere in pure panic. I pinned my audio receptors back, a low growel rumbled within my chestplate. This could be a trap...
My optics scanned my surroundings. There were no signs of any human within our radius, and no engeron signals either...
A deep sigh escapes me as I wait for the little girl to run up the path a little more before I transform into my human self once again and slowly emerge from out of the bushes.
I worked down a hard swallow, Bee is going to kill me if I blow our cover.. I turned my head to the direction she was running from, a pink hat laid on the ground, further down the path. That must be her hat...
I clenched my jaw, closing my eyes for a moment, there's no turning back now... I walk down the path and pick up her hat; giving it a quick shake to get the dirt off the soft pink fabric.
"Mama?! Mama?!" The little girl cried out louder and louder as she cried loudly, anxiously searching for her mom. This poor little girl... I couldn't help but feel bad for her, she was beyond terrified and it made my heart hurt.
Her loud cries for help, sent flashes of memories to return from the war of Chicago. The never ending screams, and begging for aid from thousands of people as the Decepticons raided the large city...
The smell of smoke returned to me as the memories continued to play through my mind. It made my body go ridged as I stood frozen in place. now! Please not now... I begged myself as I felt my heart beginning to race.
Everything suddenly became amplified, my vision blurred, as everything became hazy. I squeezed my eyes shut as the whole world started to spin. My jaw clenched as I could hear him in the back of my mind; "you did this to me. This is all your fault. ALL YOUR FAULT!"
"Mama! Mama help me!" My eyes sprang open as the little girl's cry for help cut through all the static that was blarring loudly in my brain. My breathing grew heavier and heavier as my vision finally came back into focus.
I forced myself to move towards the little girl. I couldn't have saved them...but I can save her.. I take in a deep breath, wiping the beads of sweat off my forehead and regained my composer.
She looked about five or six years old. Curly and short dirty blonde hair. She was so small, and very shaken up. I furrowed my brows as I tried to collect my thoughts, I'm sure she doesn't watch the news so I don't think she'd know who I am or where I'm from... I was just hoping she wouldn't recognize my face from those wanted photos..
I approached the little girl slowly as she was now sitting in the middle of the path, crying softly.
"Hi there, sweetheart..." I said softly as I kept myself at a safe distance. She quickly looked up at me with her teary blue eyes.
"Is this yours?" I asked as I showed her the pink hat as I cautiously take another step forward. She nods slowly as she looked directly at her hat.
"Are you lost? I heard you crying out for your mama."
She nodded once again, sniffling as she wiped her face with shaky hands. "Do you know where she is?" She asked inbetween sniffles as I shake my head.
"No I don't...but I can help you look for her? I know your mama taught you all about stranger danger but I promise I'm a good guy okay?" I said softly as I knelt down beside her.
She didn't say a word to me, I frowned sadly as I then noticed the cut on her knee. "Oh, it seems like you got a cut on your knee? Does it hurt?"
She sniffles again and nods, "yeah...I fell down when I started looking for my mama."
I reached into my pocket and pulled out a bandaid and my water bottle. "Can I fix it for you?" I asked softly as she looked up at me before looking at her knee and nodded.
I smiled softly as opened up the water bottle and washed out the cut. Realistically it would need more than just water clean it up; but for now it'll do. I tear open the bandaid and gently place it on the wound.
"There we go all better."
"Thank you Miss."
"You can me...Liz. My name is Liz. What's your name?"
After a moment of silence she answers, "my name is Julie." She replied as I smiled, "that's such a pretty name, its nice to meet you Julie."
She finally smiles as I gently reach over, brushing the hair out of her face as I hand her the pink hat. "Thank you." She says softly as she finally stopped sniffling, wiping her eyes before putting her hat back on.
"Can you help me find my mama?" She asked me as her eyes were still glassy with tears. I smiled softly in reply and nodded, "of course I can. Are you able to walk?"
She looked exhausted, and given by the placement of that wound on her knee, it would definitely be uncomfortable to walk.
She shook her head in reply as I nodded, "is it okay if I carry you then?" I asked as she nodded in reply, raising her arms up to wrap around my neck. I smiled as I scooped her up in my arms. She rested her head on my shoulder as we both began our journey down the trail.
My eyes darted everywhere, constantly checking my surroundings. Gotta make sure we're not being followed, this still most definitely can be a trap...
"Liz do you have a mama and a papa?" She asked softly; I frowned at the thought of my parents. They haven't crossed my mind in years since they left after the first war with the autobots. The only people I came close to calling parents after them were Judy and Ron...but I'm sure they're dead...there's no way that they survived.
"Yeah I do." I replied, after a long moment of silence passed between us. She smiled, "do you go on walks like me with my mama and papa?"
"Oh yeah! All the time!" I replied happily as I turned to look at her and smiled cheerfully at her. Her blue eyes lit up as she continued to babble away about her family.
"We go on camping trips too! And my big brother and I make smores at the campfire too! Have you ever had smores?" She asked excitedly as I nodded, matching her cheerful energy.
I couldn't even remember the last time I had a smore let alone do anything with my family. The thought of them made my heart hurt all over again. I've lost so much...I can't even remember what sleeping in a bed felt like...if only things have been different...
"We also have a dog name Rocky!" Julie said happily; snapping me back to reality. "Really? That's so cool! I have two little dogs named Mojo and Frankie."
She gasped, "two dogs?! I wish I could have two dogs! But papa said I could only have one. I love Rocky so much! He's so fun!"
It made my heart swell to see her mood instantly change. She was so happy and overly exicted. Seeing her smile and babble away felt nice. It made me happy...
As we continued further down the path, I noticed an opening at the end of the trail. We must be getting closer to the park. That must be where her mom is.
"Mama is going to be so mad..."
"I'm sure she will be happy to see you. She must be so worried about you, I'm sure she won't be mad."
"She told me to not go exploring without her...I just really wanted to go in the woods..." she said sadly, dropping her gaze to the ground.
"Hey...its going to be okay. We'll find your mom and I'm sure she'll be more than happy to know that you're okay, and that you came back." I said softly gently tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.
"No matter what happens, your mama, papa, your brother and even Rocky will always love you. No matter what mistakes are made, nothing will ever change that."
She looked up at me once again and smiled before wrapping her arms around my neck; hugging me tightly with her small arms. My heart began to race, as tears began to form in my eyes. "Thank you for helping me, Liz."
My breath caught at the back of my throat as the tears threatened to escape my eyes but I quickly blinked them away and gently hugged her back.
"You're very welcome, Julie."
As we edge closer to the end of the trail, the large park comes into view. "So how does your mom look like?" I asked as I don't dare to edge any closer. I don't want to risk being seen out in public. She scanned the park, "my mama is tall, short curly brown hair and really pretty green eyes!" She exclaimed as I scanned the park for Julie's description of her mother.
Suddenly a panicked woman comes into view; fitting Julie's description. "Is that her right over there?" I asked as I pointed her to the direction of her mother. Julie gasped as I placed her down and instantly she ran towards her mother, not caring about that wound on her knee; she didn't let that stop her from jumping into her mother's arm.
I quickly take refuge within the thick brush, peering through to watch Julie reunite with her mom.
"Oh Julie! You scared me! Where have you been?! What happened to your knee? Are you okay?"
I smiled, watching the scene play out as Julie continued to babble away to her mom. "I met this nice lady! Her name was Liz and she helped me find you!"
I gasped as a hand grabbed my shoulder, I quickly spun around; ready to my make attack only to realize it was Bee.
And he didn't look too happy...
"What are you doing? I was looking everywhere for you!" He hissed as he urgently checked to see if I was hurt, "baby I'm fine, it's okay! I just went out for a walk while you were in recharge." I assured as he sighed heavily, "you know that was risky, what if you got caught what were you doing all the way out here anyways?" He asked as he finally managed to relax once realizing I still had all my fingers.
"I was out for a walk and then I found her.." I said softly as he turned his gaze towards Julie who was excitedly telling her mom about me.
"I made sure it wasn't a trap...she was scared and alone. I just..." I trailed off for a moment, tearing my gaze away from her.
"I know what it's like to be afraid and alone...I lost my chance to save them... so I did what I could to save her..." I explained slowly as I turned to look back at her and her mom. "Beside her mother was worried sick...I just wanted to help..." I added on as Bee sighed, gently reaching for my hand and held it tightly.
"You did good, baby...but we gotta go..."
"I know..." I said sadly. Why does it hurt so much? I don't get it... "I miss them Bee...I miss our family...our team.."
"I miss them too..."
Part of me wishes that Bee and I could be able to experience a normal life together. To live worry free about having no bounty on our heads. No more more pain...
Maybe even be able to experience growing a family together... the thought makes my stomach turn in knots. How could we ever get to do that? Is it even possible? And if it was...would he want to?
"She was right over there mom! She...Liz? Liz where did you go?"
I take in a deep breath, squeezing Bee's hand as we make our move and run back to where Bee had parked. Yes what I did was risky but it was worth it.
Bee starts up his alt mode, his hologram disappears just as I jump in the passenger seat; closing the door behind me. He puts himself in drive and speeds out of the parking lot and tears down the road. On the road again we go...
・*:.。..。.:*☆★☆*:.。. .。.:*・
Oh my god...
It has been a good year or two since I last updated?
Let me just say that I've been going through it. Its been one heck of year!
I was busy moving into a new place, getting myself a new job and I've been focusing alot on my relationship with my boyfriend.
Thank you so much for all the support, thank you for reading my story and constantly commenting words of encouragement!
I'll do my best to update as much as I can!
Thank you again! I really do appreciate yall❤
See you all in the next chapter!
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