Vice Grip

Adam had thought he had the house to himself when he'd let it out, and for the next four minutes of the song he hadn't thought twice about what he was doing.

Until Jacob and Steven and Hazel nearly broke the workout room door off its hinges with jaws slack as it ended.

Steven's eyes were starry and he was practically jumping up and down. The others just stared on in total shock.

"Did that voice just come from you?" Steven bellowed.

Adam blushed hard for a few seconds then forced it away until he was pale again. "Whoa, you'd think a guy could have a minute to himself."

"That doesn't answer our question. Come on, gym rat. You've worked out every day this week for countless amounts of hours." Hazel scooped his partner up and grinned. "Quit trying to bulk up."

"It's only been ten hours this week and I'm already bulked up, you knob. Put me down or else." He could grow menacing easily but Hazel disobeyed just to see what would happen as they marched him out in midair. "Hazel!" Adam roared, shoving some hair out of his face. "Put me down. Now."

He was descended immediately and snatched his beanie to hit over his head. "Five minutes in and you guys already want Daddy's attention."

Jacob scoffed. "It's so unfair that your tiny ass has dominion over all of us. I could punt you."

"And I could think of some really crazy shit to do to you, Jacob," Adam reminded him icily. "Don't forget why they call me Big Poppa. My dicks bigger than yours in spirit."

"Adam, quit changing the subject! You can do screamo?!" Steven burst, no longer able to contain his excitement.

The man sighed, yanking off his beanie all over again. "I suppose if that's what you'd call it. I'd call it Tortured Song but yeah."

"Nerd," Hazel laughed.

"Bottom," Adam replied with a knowing grin. "Don't think I don't remember what you get up to."

Hazel, red faced and offended shoved at him. "Power bottom! You still make cute sounds!"

Jacob chuckled. "Is there a way we can test that theory?"

"Probably. But only if Adam does a test run of a song I've had stocked in my files for forever." Steven took one of Adams hands in his own and assumed the begging position, on one knee and those big brown eyes sparkling up at him. He didn't need power for this, he knew he was supremely cute. "I'd do anything."

Adam turned their hands over thoughtfully. "Anything, huh?"

"Anything within reason," Jacob corrected with a smack of Stevens bowed head. "Don't get us all in trouble, Steven."

The hybrid laughed and crashed back on the couch. "If I'm going down, you're all going down with me."

Hazel squinted at Adam suspiciously. "He's already got something in that twisted mind of his for us to do." He scooted closer and pretended to analyze him, though it seemed impossible without his eyes shown and him paying no attention as he stared straight ahead. "Something mean."

Adam grinned. "You know me so well."

So that's how the three men had spent an evening being milked until their balls were sore from cumming so many times while Adam watched a movie and occasionally adjusted the friction so they wouldn't get too comfortable.

He stretched out on the couch, smirking like he was an all powerful god and stroking the heads of the girls intermittently. "How you guys doing? I need numbers." His smile grew. "Over."

The walkie talkie crackled and Stevens strained voice came back. "Three f-for them and five for me. Y-you're being deliberately cruel to me. Sh–,"

It stopped abruptly and they cackled.

"Daddy, why are you such a bully to the boys?" Anna asked innocently, trying to hide a proud grin.

Adam hummed as a yelp reached loud enough to pierce the walls. Stevens, he was sure. "Gotta make sure their stamina is high for our lovely ladies. Can't have a bunch of two pump chumps running around."

The next day, exhausted and yet light, the men stormed the kitchen in starvation, sparking a fight over the toaster.

"I had the bread first!"

"I had the toaster first," Jacob snapped back at Steven. "You're going to eat the whole thing and we won't have breakfast and you'll still be hungry because you're 7 feet of pure energy dammit! Ugh! I can't even be mad about it which is pissing me off more! I want the first shift!"

"You just told me I needed it more, which I do because my next step is eating whatever is in my way Jacob," He jabbed a menacing finger into Jacob's chest and backed him against the counter, "And you. Are. In. My. Way. Cannibalism is nothing to murder."

"Steven Quartz De-Mayo Diamond Mahaswaren, you had better get your attitude in check!" Connie exclaimed angrily.

Their girlfriends tossed them hard glares as Adam got up.

"Hey! Knock that shit off! You've got toasters in your own homes!" Adam's assertive tone sliced through their bickering and Jacob scoffed.

"Look, I'm not trying to get my ass milked for all I'm worth again. Fuck you guys for–,"

Adam tipped his head and Jacob abruptly stopped talking.

Supremely annoyed, but ultimately knowing his place, Jacob shut his mouth and restarted his sentence. "Adam's right. Steven can go first since he's about to eat the entire loaf of bread." He tossed it over and the hybrid grumbled under his breath.

"I could break you in half over my dick."

Adam turned to him and grinned. "Did I hear a princess say they wanna get broken over a dick? That can be arranged."

Steven grunted as he took two pieces out and showed them off. "Two pieces. Two pieces of bread." He turned to Adam. "And I cannot handle more. 7 is an absurd number."

"Try 8," Adam offered. "Within reason, there's always a way to push the limit just a bit. You're dating an extremist, Steven."

"See us girls, we listen to Adam and we hardly ever get punished," Connie bragged. "You boys underestimated him and now he's gonna spend his entire life making it Hell for you."

Adam chuckled. "You and Jasmin are almost as bad, constantly running your mouths. Anna is my good girl."

Steven puffed his chest. "Connie's actually doing a lot better since Nova. You can thank yours truly that she at least knows when it's time to shut up and take it."

Connie glared at him, but a slight uptick of his eyebrow made her simper. If there was anyone who could torture her to the fullest extent of pleasure, and completely skilled at her array, it was Steven. With Adam, he'd eventually (eventually) take pity on the girls. For Connie especially, Steven had undying stamina and could even be considered selfish with how he would rather have the satisfaction of pleasuring than give one the satisfaction of pleasuring him. And he would pleasure for as long as it took to make you limp enough to cuddle without complaints.

Jasmin snickered over at Jacob. "Can't run me ragged with nothing in the chamber now, can you, Jacob?"

Her boyfriend nodded slowly as if understanding some hidden message and slammed his cup on the island. "Right. Got it. Hazel can go next, I've got better things to do than eat at this particular moment. Come on, Jazz, since you think you're the shit."

Jasmin scoffed. "We'll be back in five minutes."

"Oh yeah, sure, I can beat five."

"Wait," Anna asked. "Why were the boys subjected to a cruel and unusual punishment?"

"Not a punishment. It was actually for my own personal satisfaction," Adam told her. "They didn't necessarily do anything but interrupt me working out."

"But why?" She pressed. "There had to be a reason."

He shrugged. "'Member that thing we can do?"

Anna looked confused for a moment until it dawned on her. "Oh."

Steven immediately lost interest in the toast, but Hazel hit the button for him as he looked between the two. "No way. No way. No fucking way." He looked so intensely excited that it fell right over into adorable. "I have so much for you guys. I forgot about them until I heard Adam doing it, but I have a bunch of really hardcore shit I never even got to produce besides the track."

"Slow down, Steven." Connie walked over and started buttering his toast, tossing him her best Maheswaren mom voice. "You need to eat first or you'll start threatening to eat people again."

"Ugh, I was joking!"

"Still, watch your testosterone, Mister." She cupped his cheeks and he nuzzled into the safety there. At a couple of squishes he relented.

"Fine. I'm too drained to show you just how much, but I love you. I'll apologize." He grabbed both pieces of toast and started pulling out ingredients. "I've barely got enough energy to make egg bowls. For Big Poppa I've got dairy-less option and for Hazel I've got vegan."

Adam hopped up on the counter and sat, watching the birds out of the front yard. "I love it when you call me Big Poppa. It's so needlessly enjoyable to make you call me something that stupid. Fine, we'll make time."

"For what?"

"Oh, no, it's a surprise. A big, incredible, extraordinary surprise."


Steven had never worked with someone who could even accomplish gravel like Adam and Anna. They were distinctly different, on short apart opposites of the same spectrum that he was more than thrilled to help shape. He could've been doing it with his own, as he was capable of such, but he could never keep the energy. Anna, bright bubbly Anna, had her spite. Spite that pooled from the deepest places in her at all the drama she's been through in her life, she lived happily out of spite of all of that. Adam had the sorrow, and my god did he now understand why he felt a tangible tug of submission to him. Adam had an old soul, a tired soul, but a strong one.

"You guys. Just give me a hug." He scooped them up into one after practice and Anna peppered his cheek with kisses. "You both are so talented and strong. I love you."

"Put me down and tell me more about how awesome I am." Adam's feet met the ground as Anna wrapped her legs around Steven. "Go on, I'm waiting."

"You know you're great. You already got your worship." Steven dropped a kiss to Anna's nose. "'Bout time for her nap, isn't it?"

Adam narrowed his eyes and nodded, a tiny grin showing. "You memorized our faction nap?"

"Inevitable. I'm still way too embarrassed to have this conversation. Again."

"Mhm. Don't think I don't know another me when I see one."

Anna shifted and rested her head on Steven's shoulder. "I'm still awake, you two. You're both good Daddy material."

Steven laughed to dispel the second callout. "Everyone's back at 6. I say 7:30."

"I'm exhausted for the day," Anna mumbled. "I'll take another day."

"Of course, honey," The two men spoke simultaneously and Adam laughed.

"Steven, you can't repress it forever."

"Watch me."

At 7:30 on the mark they were hushed in the booth and ready for the big reveal. The other girls didn't know, but they were in for a massive surprise.

Vice Grip was a relatively easy song as it was repetitious but meaningful. There was a melody, there was a full metal band outfitted to real life instruments they could actually find. Anna could pick back up the bass Jasmin was learning to play on her own and he and Connie could battle through their rifts for it on their specialized ones. Hazel and Jacob would be percussion like usual, and Alex with an eye for the visual arts would craft it picture perfect. He could hypothetically pick up another guitar but he mostly preferred to help pick the ones that would release and make them spectacular.

Adam in his black muscle tee was short enough for a guy to not look intimidating if you didn't notice anything else about him. From habitually obscuring his eyes to the way he stood, you could tell he was observing and learning every second of every day. He spoke like he was in charge, his voice carried a sense of knowing better without being a know-it-all. One could simply believe he did, and they'd find that tug of submission within themselves too. He treasured them, obviously he did. He ran his hands over their heads like they were exotic pets and had subconsciously trained their minds to his whims. Little murmurs as he scratched your scalp, tilts of his head that made you go exactly where he wanted, the backwards questions he would ask you as you were pounded fiercely that made you say whatever he wanted, they made Adam powerful without him ever having to look it. It came off him in waves, he smelled powerful in his cologne and the safety there was easy to get lost in. Sure, you might be in pain with a whip tearing against your skin. And yes, you may cum so many times that you forget your own name is not Adam because you've been canting it for what feels like hours. Yeah, you might find yourself on your knees begging and kissing at his boots while he purposely ignores you until you find enough purchase in his heart to finally satisfy you. But that was just him in general. Adam could kill and bring back to life with his mouth alone, if he bothered to even grace you with his extremely and largely skilled touch.

The scars on his arms and wrists were gone now thanks to Stevens healing power, and it was like a huge burden was lifted. Love seeped out of every pore, regardless of his apparent insanity. They couldn't help but love him, and all of their fangirls would agree.

If only they knew.

Adam took it from the very top of the chorus, his tiny body roaring like a lion in its pride. "Get up, Get up
One life, one shot, give it all you got
Get up, Get up
Keep the flame alive
For the hopeless, a light in the darkness
For the hopeless, a light in,
A light in the dark."

When the girls jumped up and started screaming, he knew for absolute certain that it would be a magnificent turn of events for them.

As it turned out, he had no fucking clue.

No sooner than a day after it was released fully, it had become a battle cry for the depressed, the hopeless and lost. Adam had become, for all intents and purposes, a light in the darkness.

A couple of weeks had passed before Anna was fully ready to record the final take, and though practices were starting to wear her down she put her everything into it.

Personally, the bands absolute favorite part was when Anna would get quiet for the tag. She sounded tearful and weak at first. "I am the dirt you created
I am your sinner
I am your whore..." She'd start bouncing along with the music and point a finger out to them as she let it build within her.
"But let me tell you something baby
You love me, you want me, you need me!
I can be your whore," The guttural scream gave them goosebumps even past the deafening cheers they let out as she sang her way back into the chorus.

That very single that ended up becoming her second most popular song, Whore, turned into a metalhead tattoo frenzy and then they were mixing it with Adam's.

Every once in awhile she'd come running to them all squealing at the top of her lungs to show Adam and then them a new variation of the same thing,

"I'm a Vice Grip Whore."

"It's so irresponsible," She cried. "I love it!"

"Lotta people out there like to be choked apparently," Connie snickered.

"Like you're one to talk," A few of them replied simultaneously.

Connie made a face and slumped back into her beach chair. "Oh, shut up. Looks like we've gotta get Anna to turn into a goth girl."

"No way," Adam objected. "No way is my precious girl wearing anything but pastels and rainbows until the day God wrestles her from my bare hands."

"Hm, actually, there's an appeal to her not looking the part," Connie relented as she eyed her best friend. "Oh yeah, I would never expect such ferocity from such a cute girl."

Anna blushed and curstied. "Everyone underestimates me because I'm so cute, then I start doing screamo and everyone dies of a heart attack."

"Dear god, it was her plan all along," Jacob whispered in horror.

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