Picture Day
The park they'd chosen was thankfully mostly empty, the July heat being far too much for most to handle without means to battle it back.
The lushness was welcoming and beautiful. Clusters of creeping flocks and pink and yellow flowers blossomed from the ground with a vividness usually saved for pictures, which was exactly what they were doing here.
"Jacob, quit your bitching. It'll only be a few hours and then–,"
His groan was so loud a flock of birds flew out of the trees above them. "This is the worst day of my life. I hate taking pictures," Jacob complained for the trillionth time.
They chuckled and Steven squared his shoulders. "It's gonna be a good time. Look how beautiful it is today. It's the perfect day to show our love for each other."
"It's hellishly hot, too." Adam threaded his fingers through Jacob's and gave him an encouraging smile. "Cheer up, chap."
Jacob wrinkled his nose and grinned ruefully. "You suck for that."
Connie tipped her head forward to catch Jacob's eye. "You'll feel much better when we're leaving. It shouldn't take that long."
Jasmin frowned. "I thought you said it'd take a few–,"
"Hello, you guys! Thank you for joining us, my name is Moriah and this is Jester." She paused for half a millisecond but even if she had waited for a response they were floored and wouldn't have. "He's the main editorial manager for our magazine." The hottest woman they had ever seen was nothing to the artsy and (unfortunately) stereotypical tv gay.
His vest was made of 80 different colors of yarn sewn together individually by blue threads. Star shaped glasses were perched on his nose with red rimming and his dreads were piled on a ridiculously tall heap on top of his head. He clasped his hands together and grinned wildly like he was on a rollercoaster. "Hello, you lovely little flowers! I am so happy to see you, The Unreligious!"
They exchanged confused looks and his manager leaned over to whisper, "No, that's the group next week, Sir. This is To Be Named At A Later Date."
"Oh! That's great, the other ones are godawful anyhow." They all watched him ramble about what they did and why this was such a great opportunity to meet such an authentic band and "wow how stylish loving the color schemes" before he clapped his hands and startled them. "Right. Anyways~, let's begin bitches."
He stalked off and the band gawked after him for a few short seconds before they broke off into a jog to catch up.
"This guy is off his rocker," Adam muttered to shushed agreements. "This is going to be one for the wall."
As much as Jacob complained, when they paired him and Jasmin off for pictures first, he smiled down at her. "My love."
"Ugh, don't start sweet talking me or I'll go off with Alex. I feel like arguing with him about drinking our milk." Still, she snaked her arms over his shoulders. "You look handsome."
He watched as she began to blush and shook his head. He could watch her turn that color for the rest of his life. Jasmin being all sweet was a little weird, but every time she tried he must have stars in his eyes, she acts shy when it's visible how much he loves her. "Handsome enough to sneak off with me and mess around instead of endure this–"
"We are not leaving, Jacob! You need your pictures," Jasmin scolded. Taking his picture was like trying to comb water, and she'd already done her part in convincing him to come.
Not that she'd mind doing it again after Title.
"I want more pictures of us, too," She confessed, brushing a hand to the back of his head. He smiled widely and pulled her in for a quick kiss, forgetting their public watching.
"Jacob darling, would you mind getting down on one knee so you're more level?"
Jacob shrugged and settled down, looking up at Jasmin with a coy smile. "Hey, you're taller than me now. What's it like?"
She wrinkled her nose, enamored by his goofiness but trying not to show it. "Come here, doofus." She pulled him into her stomach and ran her fingers through his hair. "I love you."
He snapped from his mind hazing over to look up at her like she'd lost her mind. "Is that so?" It broke out into another huge grin and he glanced over at the cameras taking pictures, gaining a nod from Jester. "Are you sure?"
"Of course I'm sure," She giggled. "I've been in love with you since the day we met." Despite her having a boyfriend when they'd first met. Though, how could she have called it one when they barely saw or liked each other?
He sucked in a bracing breath and grabbed her left hand. "Jasmin, you're such a paranoid girl. I'd thought you'd have caught on by now and ruined everything."
She squeezed his hand thrice before her smile dropped. "What?" Jasmin's eyes darted around to see the band with huge grins and Jester snapping at the cameraman. "I thought this was..."
Whatever she was going to say caught in her throat when he pulled out a velvet box. The way the summer sun got a little cooler and the breeze began to blow through her hair made it all the easier to notice that her heart was beating a million miles an hour.
"I'm so glad I waited until I was sure you wouldn't run off in fear," Jacob told her. "There's no picture op, not really. I brought you here because I haven't had a good nights sleep for an entire week. I can't drive, I can't shower cause I end up in there longer than an hour staring off into the distance imagining you walking down the aisle to me. To me! The class clown turned pop star." He chuckled in minor disbelief.
She couldn't have stopped it if she tried, she matched his smile and forced her mind to become lucid. "Are you asking me to marry you, Jacob?"
He sighed as he grappled with the answer. "Yes. Though I don't want to ask as much as I want to tell. Be my wife. Ple–."
"Fuck yeah, let's get married!" Jasmin felt like someone had lit her up from the inside out. All of her tomboy "whatever" syndrome melted away.
Jacob didn't even have time to actually put the ring he'd had picked out for four years on her because she whooped so loudly he had to just watch her before she tackled him to the ground. "You are so stupid for waiting so long!" She peppered him in kisses as the band cheered and hollered, and Jester pulled them toward the camera.
"You see that?"
The picture was so them: Jasmin trying to be domineering by pinning him to the ground and Jacob allowing her to simply just to overpower her to cup her cheeks and pull her in for a loving kiss.
"As The Romance Expert, I expect some kind of compensation for this stellar idea," Steven boasted.
Jester patted his arm. "You guys have a good band. I'd love to do an editorial with all of you actually. It's springtime, it's the season for love– Archibald if you miss that shot it'll be your ass– and we should be looking at every example of love there is! You guys, your band, it's so full of love!"
Steven clasped his hand with Connie's and fiddled with her ring. "That's kind of our thing."
"Holy shit, Steven! I figured out why you're always on Connie's right!" Anna exclaimed suddenly. "Guys, think about it: If Steven wasn't on her right, he wouldn't be able to feel her ring! He likes to play with it."
Hazel grinned. "Steven, you're a love sick fool."
"I love my wife is all."
Adam snorted and threw a hand over his forehead. "Oh, Connie~! Let's get married in three weeks, no, one week!"
Alex giggled. "His eyes practically turn to hearts when he so much as looks at her. It's so gross."
"You guys leave my trophy wife alone! Besides, Jacob's just as much of a romantic as Steven is." Connie grinned up at him. "I think you're rubbing off on people."
Jacob finally got Jasmin to stop kissing him long enough to push the ring onto her finger. "Hey, whoa! Where's my tomboy that hates affection?" He reached up a hand to her cheek and she nearly killed him by grabbing his wrist, her eyes filling with tears, to keep him in place.
"You just killed her. Now I have an actual reason to be affectionate."
Jacob turned his head to the band. "Girls are so weird."
The boys agreed wholeheartedly while the girls scoffed.
"Alright, you guys will be back in a week," Jester chuckled. "You guys are made of love, I can just tell. You're an experience."
All eyes turned to Connie and Steven who sighed and acted like it was the worst ask in the world.
"Come on~," They begged.
"We haven't gotten to see Stevonnie in forever," Adam sighed. "Plus, Alex has a massive, undeniable crush and he called me an asshole this morning so, you know. Help me help him."
Steven pulled Connie in for a kiss, murmuring against her lips, "I think they like Stevonnie more than they like us."
She laughed and shrugged. "Can you blame them? We're pretty fucking great together."
Jester jumped back in alarm as they were encompassed in a warm glow that left Stevonnie giggling so hard they fell flat on their ass. The band cheered and Jester took a cautious step forward. "Oh my stars... You actually fused, right? Like anime?"
Stevonnie nodded enthusiastically, tugging Alex in by his jacket to fall onto their lap. "Hey, Alex~ Did you miss me?" They twirled their hair, Steven letting Connie take over the actions while he turned on the charm. "I know I missed you~."
Alex turned an unholy shade of red. "I hate all of you with a burning, fiery passion." He crossed his arms as Jacob and Jasmin (the assholes they were) joined in to fawn over him.
Jester grinned and took a few shots on his own camera. "Oh yeah, tell The Unreligious we're pushing them back a week. They can wait."
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