Photo Shoot

As the top dog, as the transmasc goth boy their fan girls favored easily, and as someone who'd never agree to it, Adam just had to go first.

"Hey, love," Jacob greeted as he pulled up a chair in front of him, blocking out the video game he was playing.

Adam's eyes brightened with irritation but he paused the game and leaned forward to eye him, a brow twitching up a bit. "You have my attention. What would you like?"

Jacob tried not to blush. For some reason the way he did that made him sexy. Despite clearly being annoyed, he'd kept his cool and then let him know he was paying full attention. Daddy Material. The thought passed his mind again and again and he chuffed. He was already red, may as well lean into it and attempt to flirt. "Nothing. The fire alarms in my house went off and I wondered if something in here was too hot."

Adam's eyes brightened again, this time happily. "That's very cute."

Egged on, Jacob leaned forward too. "You're just so handsome, look at me." He pointed to his cheeks. "I'm getting feverish."


"Hmmm... let's see..." He racked his mind for more but couldn't unfocus on the thought. Licking his lips he let himself openly admire Adam's body, it couldn't be helped once he started. "Has anyone ever told you you're Daddy Material?"

Adam grew the most perplexed expression and tipped his head. "Wow... I–," He giggled and facepalmed, shaking his head. "Yes, all the time. You know that."

Jacob completely forgot what he was even supposed to be doing. "Can I have a kiss, Daddy?" It was a joke, sincerely, but he had to admit it sent a rush of feeling through him he refused to get acquainted with.

Adam groaned, "Fuck. Please." Jacob crawled onto his lap and locked their lips. It was so quietly intimate. Adam adored the soft sounds of their lips parting only to come in contact again drunkenly. His hand reached up to run through Jacob's hair, tugging just enough to make him have to fight for the next kiss.

Jacob frantically grabbed at Adam's chains to pull him closer, it was like he was oxygen starved. "St-stop that." Adam just smirked at him and licked his lips. "Adam..." The grip on his hair tightened and he groaned. It made absolutely no sense that he was a mere inch from that desperately needed connection of their lips, but more than that it frustrated him that he could overpower him and his body wouldn't cooperate to do it.

It was like Adam had completely control over him just by withholding something as small as a kiss.

Adam's eyes were moving slowly over his cheeks, searching for something maybe, but the longer he stared the more Jacob's Bi Panic darkened them. With his thumb he traced up the side of his neck stopping to check Jacob's pulse. It was racing enough to make him huff out a chortle, he then moved on to brush under his ear.

The second he reached flush under it Jacob shivered a bit, ceasing his movement. Adam's eyebrows rose and he smirked wickedly. Could that have been just an unrelated movement, or something more? He did it again but on both sides and Jacob's eyes slid shut. "Yeah? Does that feel good, baby?"

He nodded weakly. "My mom, when I was really little used to rub there to calm me down." He leaned into it a bit more and opened his eyes to see Adam giving him the sweetest look of adoration. To test his theory he pulled Jacob closer to kiss up his neck and to that exact spot.

"Your lips are so soft," Jacob huffed, holding him in place.

Steven walked in with Hazel and gestured to them wildly. "I told you, you fucking dumbass!" He laughed. "This is why I said Jacob couldn't do it!"

Hazel chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Right, like I didn't know this was gonna happen. Here's a thought: maybe I enjoy watching my boyfriend kiss other people."

Adam raised an eyebrow but resumed the kisses to his mouth. "You called me Daddy," He murmured to Jacob. "Now my life is yours."

"What, you don't hear it enough?" Jacob whispered. "Aren't you more spoiled than all of us?"

His eyes locked on Jacob's. "I'm so spoiled I can't see straight."

"Get it? Cause he's gay," Steven grunted to Hazel, earning an amused laugh and a kiss.

"Then as compensation..." Jacob trailed kisses down to his neck and bit down. "Would you do a photoshoot?"

"Oh, Jacob... is that why you're giving me such sweet kisses?" Adam asked between aching ones. "Because you need something from me?"

Jacob swallowed the moan that wanted to break through. "I'm kissing you because I have no self control and I wanted you to not try to break my neck if I asked."

"That's fair." Adam had no such qualms about holding back anything. "I do wanna break your neck. What should I do about it?"

"Boooooo!!!!" Hazel cried, throwing a marshmallow he was about to feed Steven (which made his jaw drop in upset) at them. "Fuck on the couch! This is boring! Foreplay sucks in porn, booooo!!!"

"Didn't Ruemann teach you anything?" Adam threw his head back and laughed, "Man, I'm not over there critiquing how you're muckbanging Steven before you fuck on the counter!"

"Booo! Talking during porn is unnecessary unless it's dirty talk," Steven told him, giggling with Hazel. "Get off the stage!"

Jacob laughed cheerfully, rubbing his fingers over the shells of Adam's ears as he regarded Steven and Hazel. "Fine then. Your prompt is 'Good Porn'. Aaaand, go!"

Hazel grabbed the bag of marshmallows and chucked them clear across the room before grabbing Steven and smashing his lips to his. He backed him into the counter and shoved his hand under his shirt to tease at his nipple. Steven moaned and reached behind him to knock something over for no reason other than to add to the play.

Adam cackled as Hazel opened a drawer without stopping the kiss and clumsily dug out a few things to throw onto the floor and make noise. "Oh, come on! That's so overdramatic! It doesn't even add to the plot!"

Steven giggled and shrunk to be shorter than Hazel, a nearly seven foot man was barely 6' now and Hazel hummed, realizing he was easier to throw around.

"I think he's making fun of you," Jacob informed Adam with a chuckle. "He's gone and forced you to take the piss for being short."

Adam shut him up with a kiss as something in the kitchen actually got knocked over and clattered loudly. Suddenly it was hot and heavy, his panting was mixing with Jacob's as he palmed his ass aggressively. He found the urge to be wild in him sparking to life and burning through him until he had two hands around Jacob's neck and squeezed. "Mine."

"A-Are you sure?" Jacob teased weakly. His body was swimming in adulterous need, a need he could satiate himself if he really needed to but god his bravado wouldn't come out enough to play as equals.

Adam glowered and pulled until their faces her inches apart. "You heard me."

Meanwhile Hazel already had Stevens dick in his mouth with a happy little smile in his eyes. Steven watched with labored breath as he tried not to fall. The tongue swirling around his head and then stroking just at the very top had him mindless. "Would you?" He begged, bucking his hips.

Hazel nodded around his cock and pulled off. "I am. I'm invoking my free use card for right here, right after I get my lube and make a bet."

Adam hummed against Jacob's lips. "Steven, whatever's on the island, shove it off."

Steven blushed and looked at the food. "But there's–,"


The chaos made him bite Jacob's lip hard and soothe it with a lick as he kicked the table over in front of his foot. It would be a mess they cleaned up later, but god did it feel good. Hazel dropped his backpack beside him and ruffled Jacob's hair. "Top Dog for the week goes to whoever gets theirs off first. Good luck with that, you'll need it. I know all Stevens weaknesses, don't I, Baby Boy?"

Steven nodded shyly and looked up at Hazel. "Are you going to try to make me scream again?"

Hazel nodded surely. "Oh yeah, it'll distract Adam and I'll get to start acting like him. See how he likes it."

Adam scoffed and pushed Jacob's head into the couch, ass up. "Right. You'd crack as soon as I licked my lips at you or tried a boy band move."

Steven flushed, groaning at the cool gel being spread over him. "A what?"

Adam finished strapping up and chuckled, "You'll know it when you see it, I refuse to elaborate."


Adam lost by seconds. Stevens orgasm triggered Jacob's, the little empath.

"I am not doing a photoshoot," Adam repeated to Hazel lowly.

"Please?" Jacob tried for a bit of a less blissed out smile but his entire body felt like it was full of helium. If he was Steven, he'd definitely be floating.

Hazel giggled. "He still sounds like he's being fucked."

"It's the only word he knows," Adam lamented with an evil smirk.

Steven shifted, trying to feel his legs again. "What if we let you preemptively punish us?"

"Fucking— I didn't agree to that!" Jacob protested. "I wanna keep my afterglow."

Adam tipped his head, shifting through the catalog of cruel ideas he had. "I suppose since I just got in a good fuck, I can be nicer this time."

And that's how all three of them ended up walking around with a bullet shoved way up their asses while they tried to just exist peacefully.

Connie jumped into Steven's arms and he chuckled, raining kisses all over her face before she intercepted him. "Good evening, my Liege."

"Mrs. Knight," He greeted softly. "You're so pretty. Stop that."

She made a face and pecked his lips again. "You're awful rumbly today, you okay?"

Steven's cheeks turned a bit red and he glanced over at Adam involuntarily, who was on his phone smirking to himself and sitting so casually. Connie followed his gaze and burst out laughing. "Don't laugh, it only makes it more embarrassing," He complained with a whisper.

Connie leaned up to his ear and tugged on the lobe. "Remember all the times I begged you to save me and you told me to take it so you could be proud to call me yours?"

He grumbled but nodded. "Wanna make muffins?"

She startled. "Uhm... 'muffins' as in 'babies' or...?"

"Literally muffins," Steven laughed. "I'm hungry again."

"My big boy." She patted his cheek and dropped out of his arms to start collecting ingredients. "Cinnamon?"

Adam looked up. "Connie's making her cinnamon muffins?"

She giggled. "Damn it, well now I have to. Wanna help, Big Poppa?"

He considered that but she stuck out a lip and he stood. "I'm no Steven but I'll help where I can."

Steven passed Adam an egg and he grabbed it. After a few seconds, he glanced back to notice he was just staring at it. "There's no way you don't know how to crack an egg."

Adam slumped. "There's a reason that when I cook, I don't use them or I have someone else do it."

Steven tried not to laugh as he explained the sides were the thinnest, and how to keep the shell from cracking too much. "It's easy once you get the hang of it."

He did quickly, cracking the rest of them as he glowered at the bowl. "Wipe that smirk off your face or I'll do it for you."

"Of course." He did no such thing, even accidentally giggling a bit.

Until he was suddenly flushed with pleasure out of nowhere. He let out a low breath and tried to focus on... what had he been doing?

Adam leaned up on his tippy toes to catch his eye. "Is everything okay, Steven?"

He swallowed, hyper aware of the hands sliding down to hold onto his hips. "I can't think."

"Aw," He crooned, bringing his hand up to kiss it. "You're going to make Connie do all the work?"

His lips were so soft, they arched lightning up his arm and he shuddered, leaning to slide down the counter.

Connie dropped to a crouch and grinned at him. "What's the matter, baby? Is my Starboy feeling a little... spacey?"

"Good pun," He muttered weakly. Sitting hadn't been his best idea, the heightened  pleasure and trying not to react to it was making him glow across his cheeks. "Structure, callbacks, punchline was great."

She stuck out a lip. "This is actually really cute." Digging in her pocket she produced a phone along with Adam, and Stevens eyes widened in realization.

"That's so cruel, ha-having my wife do your dirty work," He complained to Adam. "I should–," His eyes rolled and he slumped into Adam's chest, panting slightly as things started to get really good. Warmth raced up his spine and he whined, trying to warn Adam he was getting close.

Adam just stood and started mixing the ingredients while Connie grinned at him. "Take what you're dished so I can be proud to call you mine."

"You heartless little–," One swipe of her finger and it was full power, but she seemed too busy taking in his full on whimpering with a glimmer of cruelty in her eye. "Shoes on the other foot, Mr. De Mayo-Maheswaren. How does it feel?"

"Like having a vibrator shoved up my ass," He muttered as the speed lessened, pulling her onto his lap. "Adam, is J-Jasmin controlling Jacob's?"

He turned and smiled. "Who said Connie was controlling yours?"

Steven could barely comprehend it. "What?"

"Who knows? Maybe I'm controlling it, maybe Alex is, maybe Hazel is controlling yours." Adam plopped down next to him and sighed as if he were exhausted. "You can trade your relief for someone else's suffering, you know. Whoever's doing that to you might be doing it to save themselves, the selfish little fuck."

"Or maybe it's a trap," Connie supplied mischievously. "Maybe this is a punishment us girls are putting out through Adam. Maybe it's all a simulation."

Steven just dropped his head in defeat. "This is really clever, I'll give you that." Another roll of pleasure had him shifting and moaning, "F-fuck, just do it."


It actually was easy to forget for Jacob. He'd been unfortunately drinking when the first attack had his knees buckling.

Jasmin sauntered in conveniently as he held himself up with all the strength he had. "Are you feeling okay, Jacob?"

If he spoke it would just come out in a moan, so he decided to fight back by pinning her against the wall and shoving his hands under her shirt so it would make sense. "You're so fucking p-pretty."

Jasmin raised an eyebrow, but pushed into his touch. "What's gotten into you?"

The devious smile said it all. "Fuck, he didn't."

"Hey, Adam." Alex's voice carried a suspicious edge to it that made Jacob immediately assume he was in on it too. "Can I have a kiss?"

"Of course."

Jacob gave his wife the most pleading look he could. "I'm going to make a mess where we're eat our food, I'm sensitive."

"Sensitive? Poor Jacob can't take his own medicine." She dragged a finger down her cheek to symbolize a fake tear and greeted Adam next. "Hi, Daddy."

"Hey, babygirl." Adam eyed Jacob as if he were concerned. "Is he okay? He looks like he's going to explode."

"Haha," Jacob grumbled, trying to blow out even breaths instead of the shaky and erratic ones threatening to burst out of him. "All for a photoshoot?"

Adam shrugged. "Steven wanted a group punishment, you agreed to it in that cute freshly fucked whimper." His periwinkle eyes bored right into Jacob's core. "My sweet Jack. You're trembling."

Alex came in and pushed up against Jacob with his butt, tossing a playful look back. "Oh if only you weren't being punished. I'm feeling so frisky today."

Jacob's quiet groan turn into a loud, annoyed, aroused wail. "Fuck, what do I have to do?!"

Adam, Jasmin, and Alex pulled out their phones and he whimpered as the speed went up to 50%. "Ugh, at least let me suffer alone! Fuck, th-this is so embarrassing." Unfortunately that was making his orgasm rise quicker as they all smirked at his pain. "What do I have to do?"

"Take what you're given and bust in your pants, or pass it to someone else," Adam told him as the speed cranked up. "Your choice."

Jacob broke out in a sweat, his hypersensitivity was starting to make him dizzy and his cock was twitching in his pants.

What was worse: busting in his pants on the kitchen floor while being watched and giggled at or sending it to someone else who
just might ruin his ability to walk anyways?

A realization came upon him. "Wh- Oh—," He winced and blushed hard when Jasmin got down to straddle him. "Fuck, who sent it to me?"

"Hazel." Adam hopped up on their counter and tipped his head sinisterly. "You wanna send it back?"

He nodded quickly. Jasmin's weight on his lap was brushing up against his cock and he was seconds away. "Fuck, yes!"

"Good choice."


Anna was not being helpful.

She was prancing around their bedroom wearing a ruffly white bra and panty set with bumblebees on them. Her golden hair was up in pigtails too, he would've gotten up to grab her if he wasn't incapacitated. "Anna, baby, come sit on Daddy's lap."

Adam walked in and smiled broadly. "You look miserable. You're so cute."

Hazel lifted his hips to feel more of Anna and groaned. "Fucking Steven." That made it worse and his pleasure spiked enough to make him go limp.

Anna giggled at him. "Daddy, you're being a crybaby. It's just busting in your pants."

Adam kissed over his face and to his neck, lips feeling his pulse. "I love when your heart races. It makes me want to bite you."

Hazels eyes rolled involuntarily and he glanced at him. "Vampire."

"Whatever." He nudged Anna and she pulled out her phone. "You wanna know my secret, Hazel? You know why this is so fun for me?"

He nodded quickly. "Yes."

"You can send it to someone else."

Hazel felt so guilty but he mumbled, "Steven. Send it to Steven."

Adam grinned. "Awesome."

Hazel sighed in relief and shivered. "I can't believe Steven wouldn't take the hit for me. The Bro Code has been broken."

It turned back on again and he growled he was going to cum.

The real secret was Alex was in control of everything. The girls were just faking it but no, it was Alex. He wanted to get back at them for quadruple teaming and had come to Adam for help, stating he'd let Adam off the hook if he agreed. He was just fucking with all of them, because all of them all were on at the same time, it's just that when they sent it to the "aggressor" all of theirs would turn back on again and he'd just tell them someone must have sent it back.

They mused about who it was and got it wrong, which made the retaliation so much fun.

His phone dinged and Hazel rumbled lowly, pushing his head back into the pillow as his orgasm began to take hold with no turn backs.

Connie: "Welp, Steven and I got carried away grinding and now he's practically unconscious on the kitchen floor whining bout being overstimulated and glowing like a nightlight. Probably should turn them off, Alex."

Jazzy: Jacob is hyperventilating. I'm not even sure if he's actually had an orgasm or if this one is really long but his cheeks are flushed. It's so cute.

Alex: Meh, maybe a few more minutes.

Connie: Alex, he's miserable!

Connie: Uh oh

Connie: Alex I swear to god when I find you I'm going to make you a mezzo soprano

Alex: Daddy, save me! 

Adam smirked and typed back: steven, you leave alex alone or you'll get a spanking.


Eventually they did get him to the studio by telling him it would just be a couple of pictures. They needed the glamour shots, it was important for advertising and Adam was everyone's dream being a real life goth boy.

He sulked the whole time and demanded to be smothered in kisses. "You guys suck for this."

"It's just one photoshoot," Jacob told him earnestly, leaning over the back of his seat like a dangerous idiot. "It'll be like, a couple of hours at most."

They got him there and his arms were crossed, he wanted to be by them like a shy toddler and he was hyper aware to the point of being jumpy.

Hazel wrapped an arm around him and greeted Jester. "He's an extra lone wolf today, Jester. Sorry."

Jester smiled wanly at the death stare Adam was giving him. "And he doesn't have any weapons?"

Their cheerfulness dropped and Anna gave him a pat down. She found his gun tucked in his belt, Abyss, and a second pocket knife he loved a lot less than Abyss. "Now Daddy, is this any example to set for when it's my turn?"

Adam uncrossed his arms. "Let's just get it over with."

Jester chuckled and positioned him in the middle of the shot. "Okay, we'll start small. Big smile!"

Adam frowned instead and his polycule explained he didn't really do that much. Jester pulled them aside and clasped his hands. "He's certainly ornery, isn't he?"

"Sorry, he's in a mood cause we tricked him with sexual bribes," Jacob confessed, earning a swat from Jasmin. "What? That's what happened!"

Jester snapped his fingers. "Okay, I've also photographed babies that won't smile—,"

Steven giggled. "He'll hate that comparison."

"Figured. Anyways, can you guys stand behind me and make faces and stuff?"

They exchanged a mischievous smile and nodded. They could definitely do that.

Adam was brooding when Jester asked him to smile again and he groaned. "This is HELL!"

Hazel clapped his hands to get his attention and blew him kisses. "I love you, Big Poppa. You look so handsome today!"

Adam frowned deeper. "What are you doing?"

Connie bit her lip and openly checked him out. "Boys in suits. Goth boys in black suits."

He smirked a tiny bit and glanced to the side. "Uhm... I-I don't—,"

Alex made a heart with his hands. "I'm so proud of you. So fetch."

"Stop trying to make fetch happen. It's never going to happen," He blurted with a chuckle. "You guys are being distracting."

Jester shot them a thumbs up behind his back and pretended to scold them. "Stop it, you guys. You're being too cute."

Anna giggled and waved at him over animatedly. "Hi, Daddy! I miss you, Daddy!"

He grinned full on at her. "I'm literally six feet from you. Don't be sillier than you already are, baby."

Jester cheered quietly. "Some of you go to one side and some go to the other."

They split into teams and Jacob and Steven crowed, "Ugh, he's so fucking hot!" causing him to turn their way. He didn't love looking over his shoulder often, he preferred to turn his full body and he giggled at them.

"You think I'm fine, huh?" He teased, unable to resist the two adorable men being sweet and precious.

Steven nodded eagerly and grew into his Diamond height to scoop Jacob up onto his shoulders. "You're actually so handsome it's stupid. Stop it."

Adam blushed and ran a hand through his hair, eyes flickering up and then to the side. "Stop looking at me like that."

He was talking about Jacob, who had his elbow propped on Steven's head and was giving him his dreamiest smile. "I can't be stopped. You're so fetching, love. I'm Deidre trousered on your love."

Adam buried his head in his hands. "Shit." They could see his blush and Anna and Jasmin started making kissy noises to gain his attention. "What are you guys doing?"

Then they started making out once they got his attention. Jasmin giggled as Anna licked up her neck while making searing eye contact with Adam. "Sorry, you're just a sex symbol in our house. Looking at you so dressed up makes us horny."

Jester choked on a laugh as Jasmin squeezed Anna's butt and she squealed. "This is golden. These are golden."

Hazel picked up Connie and clicked his tongue at Adam. "I know something that'll surprise the hell out of him. Jester, don't look."

"Just don't fuck in here, there's not enough cameras," He quipped back, catching Adam giving Hazel a quirk of his brow and then a full on smolder.

Hazel had one of Connie's tits in his mouth and she patted his head. "Sooner or later you all come crawling to me for a taste."

Hazel groaned and pulled off to check Adam's expression. He was giving him that stare that meant he approved but would make fun of him until the day they stopped existing. "Look, maybe I have a few Mommy Issues too."

Adam tucked his hands into his pockets and felt a semblance of safety doing it as Jester got him to turn and look over his shoulder. He was so distracted it didn't bother him, he was intent on keeping his eyes on Hazel and Connie. "Well, you do call me Daddy when we're alone. You called me Daddy this morning."

Hazel wrinkled his nose as they all cackled at him. "You call me Daddy too."



"Connie put your udders away," Alex complained, making Adam smirk all over again.

"Put it in me," Jasmin begged Anna loudly. "I'm dying here!"

Adam whipped around to watch Anna flush heavily and licked his lips. "You know Daddy's rule. Don't leave them waiting."

"They can't do that," Jester cackled, steadying the camera. "Adam, your cuffs are uneven. The paisley looks wrong."

He'd put on a paisley royal purple undershirt on under his black suit jacket and black slacks. It was stylish and criminally sexy, but he frowned. "They're not uneven."

Steven caught his drift and groaned. That would be such a sexy shot. "Yes, they are. From one neurospicy to another: they're uneven. Fix them."

They crowded around the camera as Adam scowled down at them and attempted to fix the perfect cuffs. "Ugh."

Hazel grew a bit concerned as his expression turned to longing. He could feel he felt lonely over there. He needed to be held and reassured. This was stressful for him. "Can we be done after this?" Jester nodded and he sighed softly. "I miss him too."

As soon as Jester got a reasonable shot, he smiled at Adam. "These are amazing. You did a good job. You're done."

He unbuttoned his jacket right away and sighed in relief. "Awesome. This was... okay, I guess."

They cheered and brought him home, gushing over his purple top and drowning him in affection. He was exhausted to no end from holding back a bonafide tantrum. "I hate pictures. It's always instant insecurity."

Hazel and Anna kissed at his cheeks, Anna murmuring, "I know what you mean, but you pass better than I do."

He snorted. "That's not why and you pass so well I forget. I still..." He stopped suddenly and sighed a deep sad sound. Now he was mute, his defenses were back sky high and he looked to them helplessly, unable to even sigh again.

"Just go to sleep," Connie coaxed, patting his head carefully. Sometimes he became touch averse too, they had to be careful. "You're okay. You're at home and safe with only people you trust completely."

He fell asleep in a matter of seconds, trying to grab on to a bit of comfort.


Jacob was pretty sure he was about to burst into flames. It was downright ridiculous; looking into the photo album made him fall in love all over again. "These are just splendid."

Adam didn't want to see them but the rest gathered around and gasped.

Most of them lacked his smile, but they couldn't even say the smiling one was their favorite by a landslide.

It was the one of him looking over his shoulder, eyes a haunting blue, but more purple than powder blue. He was smirking just the slightest bit and his hands were tucked in his pockets. Shiny jet black hair was highlighted at the perfect level against a mostly black outfit with the only color pop of the picture: anything purple.

The second one the one where he was blushing heavily, facing toward the camera and smiling the tiniest bit. He was caught in the act of being in love just from one picture.

Jester was a freaking genius.

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