Game Show

"Hello everybody, I'm your host Carl Marley and welcome to,"

"Bandmates Got Beef!" The crowd roared.

The host smiled. "Thats right, it's the game where nothing makes sense and the points don't matter because I don't care. Today we have the infamous independent band To Be Named At A Later Date!" He approached Connie, the first from the left. "You guys do have a nickname, don't you?"

She nodded proudly. "We go by TiBNAALD."

"Bless you," He quipped to laughter. He then moved back to take a full look at the band. "You guys really have it all! No two people alike! First question on the board."

Three dings sounded as the band huddled over their writing pads.

"Looks like we're starting off easy, 'Most Likely To Cry During A Movie Of Any Genre'."

Steven held back the sigh he wanted to do even though he was obviously turning red as the rest giggled at him. He almost didn't even want to write an answer. What was the point, he thought, joining in the laughter. "I already hate this game."

"20 points for honesty!"

The rules of this game started simple: each band member has a writing pad and for each question they have to side with the side with the most votes. So, by voting for Steven they all got points. If there were ties or mass disagreement, no one got any points at all or they'd trigger a mini game. The questions would get harder based on a few trigger phrases, actions or behaviors that the band have been observed doing often. But the best part was getting randomly given points at completely unprecedented times. The questions were typically embarrassing and highly expository, but at this point they didn't care because this was their favorite game show!

"Chin up, Steven," Jacob encouraged with his most British tongue. "You'll be alright."

Carl Marley chuckled. "So, you guys are the band either no one's heard of or everyone's obsessed with! It's an absolutely mind boggling dynamic you have as well but we'll get to that later, which leads me to our next question, 'Most Likely To Kiss The Same Sex And Blush After'."

They scribbled down their answers and after the ten second timer went off, Carl pointed to Adam on the far right. "Adam, every girls end all, what'd you put down?"

Adam flipped his over and smirked as Hazel scoffed. "I put down Hazel."

"Anna, who did you put down?"

Anna flipped hers over. "Jacob. Anyone in the band who thought about this question should totally know that." She stuck out her tongue to Adam, who faked a glare her way. "Adam in particular should know that."

"What?" Adam asked with a sultry laugh. "I make people blush, it's just my energy."

Jacob revealed that he'd picked himself too. "No use in edging myself, I've got mad bi panic."

Adam hummed. "Aw, don't say that. There's always use for edging."

"15 points for the top."

"I don't know why, but I actually picked Connie." Steven laughed when his wife showed she picked him.

"The power couple picked each other? How surprising," Carl drawled. "How long have you guys all been a band?"

"Oh, we don't do math–,"

"What Steven is trying to say is around 3 1/2 years," Jasmin corrected with a laugh.

Jacob leaned in a bit to his mic. "For the record, Steven's the one who can't do math. I am personally capable of being pretty and smart."

Steven chuffed. "Right. I'll remember that."

"Next question: Most Likely To Win A Staring Contest!"

As it turned out, the team was at a stalemate.

"Steven would win. He has hypno powers!" Alex protested to Adam. "His puppy dog eyes have zero magic involved and you never say no to him!" He glanced at the audience. "Or me." They ooo'ed and he tossed his hair that wasn't long enough to do so with fabulously.

Adam shrugged. "That's because I choose to. You guys can't even look me in the eye."

Carl shook his head. "It looks like we have our first perfect tie, so it's time for a speed round of Grudges!"

Steven and Adam were brought center stage and explained the rules in rapid succession.
"You guys have up to a minute, the points are randomized based on the outcome. Eye trackers are already equipped. Ready, steady, go."

It was so stupid. Steven actually thought he was winning what with using his actual magic until Adam raised a single eyebrow over a bored expression and crossed his arms. That made him realize he looked really extra hot in that muscle shirt. From then it was basically just him trying to fight the urge to look away until his eyes darted to the left for a split second and the lights turned red.

Carl made them shake hands again. "It looks like we have a winner, folks. 50 points for everyone who is wearing black today on their outfit."

Connie cheered despite Stevens sulking. "I knew fishnets would save my life one day! Fuck yeah!"

"Hold your horses, Connie. Do you hear that?"

The crowd cheered so loudly you could barely hear the slide whistle in the background. "Pride Cometh Before The Fall!"

She groaned as the others boo'ed her for kicking the level up a notch. There was no way to know what would trigger it; either a behavior, a random gesture, or a phrase, but that meant the questions would get a little worse and the game got personal. "I'm sorry! You guys know I'm competitive."

"Front and center, Berry. Reap what you sow," Steven cooly remarked, winking as she slumped toward the front.

"The way PCBTF works, whoo what a mouthful,"

Connie grinned. "I know how that is."

"I'm going to ask you a controversial question, and you have to answer it or your team goes home with nothing." Carl chuckled and turned Connie to face the band. "Connie, who is most likely to get kicked out of the club?"

She sucked in a breath through her teeth. "That sounds like such a mean thing to tell someone," She bemoaned.

"Clock says 5... 4... 3..."

Connie stilled her nerves and prayed her girlfriend would forgive her. "Anna! I'm so sorry! Anna, final answer!"

The spotlights all turned to Anna whose jaw dropped in shock. "No way! I am not a club menace!"

Now came the hard part. "Okay, Connie. If Anna agrees with you, you get to move out of The Pit. If she disagrees, you get the next question."

Connie clasped her hands at Anna. "Please, just remember the time at that one frat party four years ago? When we got walked out by campus security twenty minutes in?"

Anna slouched and sighed obnoxiously. "I try not to remember those ones but that night was so much fun!" She perked up and held a fist in the air. "And I'd do it again, dammit! I agree!"

They clapped and Connie blew her a kiss as she rejoined by Steven.

"Who is Most Likely To Laugh During A Serious Moment?" Carl mused. "Who's the secret psychopath?"

Hazel snorted. "Oh the secret one? Right."

Jacob gave Jasmin an apologetic smile. "My dearest I love you but you laughed at my mum's funeral and then I couldn't stop." His board flipped over to show her and the rest revealed they'd picked her too.

Jasmin shrugged as the audience gasped at her maleficence. "At least I didn't piss on her grave."

Carl cackled for a moment, taking a second to lean against one of their podiums. "I hope you guys win and come back, this is too rich. Next Question: Most Likely To Forget The Name Of Someone They Hooked Up With?"

"It looks like we have a tie between Connie and Hazel." He gave the two enough time to glare at their friends in horror as they avoided eye contact. "You guys can skip the round or the two can do an all or nothing battle."

Steven felt a little guilty and after a quick visual conversation he cringed. "I think we're gonna pass on this one, Carl."

Jacob nodded in agreement. "Not worth the trouble."

No sooner had he gotten the last syllable out did the stage flash red in warning. "Be careful, you guys only have one chance left to keep the questions easy. One false move and you're in the Red Hot Round."

"When have I ever said that?" Jacob complained.

Carl listened to his ear piece. "Ah, the system said the prompt was 'being a beta'."

Jacob set his jaw under a smile as the rest pointed and laughed at him. "Very funny."

Everyone stilled obediently as Carl read the next card. "Who Is Most Likely To Wear Their Partners Clothing?"

Connie chose herself, Adam chose her, and everyone else chose Adam. He rolled his eyes and threw a dismissive hand as they started cooing how cute it was. "You guys are going to throw off my reputation."

"So you're not an all powerful god of chaos?" Carl asked, referencing their Dynasties and Dystopias music video.

Adam shrugged. "If I were one, I would have to tell you I wasn't. With that in mind, no."

Carl raised his hands in surrender. "As long as I'm not on top of your list. Adam, Who Is Most Likely To Beg For It?"

Adam made a half smirking, half grimacing expression. "I really have to expose him like that? We can't just do a group vote?"

"Him? Adam you have 2 seconds or you lose all of your points to Hazel. 2...,"

"Steven De Mayo-Maheswaren."

The hybrid crossed his arms and shook his head at Adam. "You cold son of a gun using my married name like that."

"Cold? That's an interesting idea," Adam shot back.

"Jacob, do you agree?"

Jacob nodded vigorously. "Oh yeah, definitely."

"Follow up question, Adam," Carl pointed to him and grinned. "Who's Most Likely To Make You Beg For It?"

Adam's smile became more of a shit eating smirk as he raised his hands to the heavens. "Why, me of course."

One glance from Carl and the rest agreed wholeheartedly with over the top nodding and lots of "Yep" and "Oh yeah, no contest there" and "He's just mean as fuck."

Carl pointed up at the board and three rows appeared. "Alright we're gonna have a commercial break and after that, we're headed into our Triple Trouble round. See you in a minute."

The lights flickered and the band sighed in relief. Not only was the game really fast paced and hard to keep up with, but they were hot from the lights beating down so hard.

"You guys are doing great." The host gave them a gigantic smile. "You need anything?"

They chatted and Carl waved over some waters for them. He didn't even go back to his dressing room, he was rather friendly and funny. The copper haired middle aged man was a charmer, it was obvious from the way he spoke that his TV persona wasn't far off from his real one.

"Carl, you spent the break talking the guests ears off again." His assistant tapped her watch. "One minute."

Carl snapped right back into his rapid fire game show cantor. "Alright, TiBNAALD this next round is already on thin ice, so watch yourselves. This round is just dripping with points, and free falls to nothing." They barely comprehended before the lights flashed and he jumped back into his spot to grin at the camera. "Welcome back, watchers! This round is on thin ice, and we're not going to waste your time. So far we learned the powerhouse is a beggar, the joker is a blusher, and we have a party animal in our midst."

The mentioned parties were teased by the other players as Carl read off the first prompt. "Our first round is Life. You need to pick one person most likely to: Forget Their Anniversary, Name Their Child "Butterfly"," At least three of them erased the name they'd put down. "Most Likely To Work As A Bartender... At A Strip Club."

"Uh oh," Jacob mumbled. "There's no way to win this."

"And four, three, two, one. Jacob you go first."

He ran his hand through his hair and puffed out his cheeks. "Well... I picked–,"

The stage flashed red and they cried out in anguish as fog started billowing out from random places. "A trigger action has occurred!"

Spotlights shone on the perpetrator. "Adam, for sudden death, do you know what you did to trigger the system?"

"Dang it. Uh..." The buzzer sounded and he groaned in defeat.

The screens around them lit up to show a three second clip of the band. As soon as he saw it he threw his head back. "It was copying a habit. Hazel almost lost the round right at the beginning in an almost instantaneous repetition of Stevens!"

Hazel made a face and Steven winked at them. "I know, it's just the Universe Charms causing you emulate me."

"50 points to Hazel for getting in his feelings!"

Hazel threw up his hands and giggled. "This is so stupid."

"Should be easy for you then," Jasmin consoled.

"25 points for unnecessary smack talk. Next column has been changed from music to sex."

Anna huffed, "Way to go, Adam."

"Most Likely To Last The Shortest, Most Likely To Choke You, Most Likely To Pass Out Immediately Afterwards. Alex, you're quiet. You go first."

The blonde sighed. "I guess I'm too pretty to be a background character. I picked myself."

Jacob smirked. "How's the weather, Doll?"

Alex rolled his eyes and turned a bit away. "I'm not answering that."


He sprouted a mischievous expression. "I picked the entire band, Carl."

The host was taken aback. "Everyone?"

"Yes, Sir." Steven nodded curtly.

Carl laughed. "Is that allowed?" He listened to his earpiece again and shrugged. "I guess that's allowed."

Connie choked back on her laughter. "I picked me."

Carl shook his head in disbelief as Adam clutched his board. "Steven, Adam is the last one on the line. So far everyone picked themselves. If Adam chooses himself, you get immunity from this next round."

Adam looked down at it. "It took a lot of hard thinking and meditation, but I'm confident in my choice." He flipped it over and the crowd cheered. "Even I know better."

Steven bowed and blew a sparkling kiss to the crowd. "My charm is all natural, baby."

The visible sound of the audience swooning made Carl laugh. "Whoa, whoa. I don't think you guys need any more additions to your team." He winked and pointed to the last prompt. "Polyamory! What a surprise~. Steven you have immunity. The rest of you, who is most likely to: Get Cat Called, Get Their Way From Everyone, and Take It In The Backside?"

Alex pretended to strangle them all as they proudly presented their answer of unanimously him.

"He's a prince," Connie clarified. "He acts how you'd think Steven would act."

Steven shrugged and erased her board with one finger. "On a giant it's a lot less cute than it is on a closeted Twink."

"This next game is a little something I made up all by myself, 'Never Have I Ever'." He allowed the audience to laugh for a moment before he was brought a rainbow envelope. "TiBNAALD, do you see the colors on this envelope?"

The nodded and leaned forward in anticipation.

"Inside this rainbow envelope are the most frequently asked questions on your band OnlyFriends."

Well, it was out there now. In that big ass room you could've heard a pin drop from six states away with how dead quiet it got. Steven saw one of the camera men lean to the side with their jaw dropped.

Jacob started giggling and it spread like wildfire until they were struggling to catch their breath so the show could continue. "I-I'm sorry but we kinda totally forgot about that."

Alex scrubbed at his face and nodded. "We haven't updated in like a year."

Carl smiled and suddenly they noticed a hint of evil in those eyes. "Perfect. Question number one, Kelly put it on the board and bring up who it's for."

The question and the party to answer appeared. "Steven, have you ever worn a maids costume?"

His head dropped into his hands and he nodded. "How am I ever going to talk to my dad again after this, Carl?"

"By text!" He laughed and the band did too, until Jasmin was the next one. "Jasmin, what's something that turns you on but you're embarrassed by it?"

The stifling laughter next to her was not helpful, and Jacobs face was so red with the effort it annoyed the hell out of her. Damn him for being cute. "Jacob."

They all bellowed as she bowed and parade waved.

"Someone get ice for that burn!" Carl exclaimed. "100 points!"

Jacob shook his head and turned to Jasmin. "Are we really going to do this, Mine? Fine then." He let Jasmin stick her tongue out at him and slam her hands against his chest, but he was unmovable.

"Try me bitch."

"You sure you don't wanna talk about that other thing you love to do?" Jacob asked in a pleasant, babying tone. "Steven, Hazel, Adam. You guys remember right?"

Adam nodded slowly. "Oh, yeah. No you're totally right."

"Jacob, if Jasmin answers the answer you write down on your whiteboard, you are automatically going to lose 70 points. Jasmin, can you take what you dish?"

She pressed her palms to her cheeks. "Ugh... Uh..." She gave Jacob a pleading look but he patted her head and called her a silly goose for thinking he'd help her out. "Asshole. Being shared. Final answer."

The crowd cheered and Carl pointed to Anna's face on the screen. "Where is the weirdest place you've ever had sex?"

Adam leaned forward and grinned as Hazel pinched her cheek playfully.

She cringed. "Probably the commons washing machine? Like not completely in it..." Anna decided there was nothing else to say and leaned against the podium. If everyone didn't think she was depraved before they sure as hell did now and it wasn't even her fault!

The rest erupted into gagging and shaming them.

"I put my kitchen things in that washing machine!" Steven cried.

"I knew that crème brûlée tasted weird," Jacob muttered in offense.

Jasmin snorted. "And you still ate it? Weirdo."

"Like you don't all the time, love."

She shut the hell up because he was making it very clear he had no problem taking her humiliation kink to the highest level. Jacob's fingers brushed across her cheek to check for a blush. Satisfied with his task, he blew her a kiss and she swatted it away with a giggle.

"This is a team question! TiBNAALD, who is the best at oral?"

"On what anatomy? That's a big difference in technique," Adam pointed out seriously.

Carl seemed to think on that. "I'd say overall."

They answered confidently and all at once. "Me."

Carl sucked in a breath of false sympathy. "-100 points for being a bunch of cocky little fucks! Jasmin and Steven, is it true you're both free use? And, furthermore, is Connie also free use? Apparently there have been a lot of speculation based on... resources." Carl waggled his eyebrows as the three murmured to each other.

"Officially? No. But for all intents and purposes... we'll be right back after the commercial?" Jasmin read off a giant lit up sign off stage.

"Thats right folks we will be back after these short messages!"

This break felt like four seconds as they piled into the green room for a quick break from the audience.

"This show is so long. I'm so embarrassed. My life is over," Anna wailed dramatically. "All my show of being innocent and cute, gone!"

"Yeah, flushed right down the washing machine," Alex laughed.

"I dunno," Jacob sighed happily. "I'm having a grand old time humiliating you guys. You deserve it for giving me bi panic all the time."

Steven rubbed at his eyes and yawned. "Is anyone else exhausted now that we're not moving?" He pulled Connie closer on his lap and leaned over to Adam's head to rest. "Am I using my powers? I can't even tell anymore. I'm so hungry."

"Anything else, puppy? Does your tail hurt from wagging so much?" Adam raised a mildly amused eyebrow as Steven glared at him. "Say 'woof'."

"That was a joke that I did one time and it wasn't even that cute!" He protested miserably. "I'm not a puppy boy, I'm a lion!"

Connie puckered her lips and he leaned forward to catch it, but she leaned away as soon as their lips brushed. She giggled as he chased it until she was nearly tipped all the way back in her seat and he pouted at her unintentionally. "You're doing puppy dog eyes."

"You guys are bullies. Has everyone had water?" They nodded and he resumed pouting. "I wish Rose had been a Lapis so I could suck it right back out of your bodies. Assholes."

Hazel started giggling in the corner, head pressed against the wall as he tried not to cause attention to himself and did anyways. "You know what, I think there's a way for you to do that. I co– I could show you when we get home if you want. Very easy once you get the technique."

They snickered as someone knocked on their door and they were dragged into the next rounds.

"This next round is called This and That," Carl explained to them. "I'm going to give you guys a dynamic, and whoever I choose, you have to choose which two of you fits the dynamic best."

The board flashed with, "Parents who are very in love and won't stop embarrassing their kid in public. Hazel and Jacob come on up."

"Steven, come on boy! Come on!" Hazel crouched and slapped his thighs giddily as the hybrid glared at him.

"You're literally the worst person I've ever met," He laughed tensely, thankful Connie was by his side until she peered up at him seductively.

"You do make a good puppy boy, Biscuit. We're never going to let you live it down."

Steven tried not to be exactly that at her praise and focused on Carls next prompt.

"Angry boss and Secretly Turned On Assistant. Connie replace yourself, person A, with a new person A. Steven you do the same."

Connie replaced herself with Jasmin and Steven giggled as he pulled Hazel back to his spot. "Come on, quit dragging your feet! This is karma!"

Hazel blushed hard and tried not to look at anything or think at all, which was pretty easy. He just kept his mouth shut and made it as difficult as possible like any respectable manly man would do until Steven just picked him up and sat him there easily.

Jasmin laughed at him, then thinking better cleared her throat. "Get back to work, maggot," She snapped viciously.

Hazel saluted sarcastically. "Yes ma'am–,"

Adam threw his hand over his forehead and swooned, thankful Jacob as always was somehow on the same level when he caught him romantically. "Oh Jasmin, please keep yelling at me~!"

Hazel flipped him off and hid it from the camera. "You and me, later."

"This one's a three-fer! Person A gets to pick two people. Were looking for an unfiltered flirt, a panicked bisexual in the middle,"

"I'm coming, I'm coming," Jacob groused.

"And a hypersexual flirt."

Hazel grabbed Adam and pointed Jacob to his spot right in the middle while Jasmin grabbed Steven again.

"Excitable Ball of Energy and Unheeded Voice Of Reason."

"They never listen to me," Connie lamented. "You wouldn't believe what happened a couple of months ago."

"Ah! Drop it!" Steven yelped. "No ma'am. Hard limit. I'd do anything for love but I won't do that."

She nodded her acknowledgment of the safe phrase even though he didn't need to say it. "You think I was gonna tell on all of you and expose myself at the same time?! Pssht. I'm not going through that mess."

Anna was practically bouncing on her toes waiting for the next one. This might've been her favorite round, and she was totally ready for the next question.

"Twin flames!"

Jasmin and Alex were put together and argued the entire time, so Carl gave them a similar prompt. "Enemies to We're only friends because our friends are friends."

They scowled at each other and Jacob shook his head. "When did I get into a throuple?"

"It sneaks up on you," Connie replied with a laugh. "Like, suddenly you realize your boyfriend has a boyfriend and you're like, 'Oh, cool,' and then he gains six more partners and you do, too."

Jacob stared at her in bewilderment. "That has never happened to anyone but us ever."

"Will Win The Fight and Hot Blooded, Who'll Try Anyways."

That caused a bit of hesitance, Jasmin replaced herself with Adam but person B was debatable.

"Okay..." Steven held up his hands in surrender. "I say we put Jasmin up there. She's a firecracker."

She grumbled and pointed at Connie. "Wrong again, lover boy."

Carl chuckled as they took their respective spots. Connie sneered at Adam and he faked a yawn. "You're boring me. Try something new."

"Last one, the hardest one!" Carl flipped to the last card and blew out a breath. "This is a nine person prompt and one square will be blank, so bear with me here we're gonna go fast. A square will light up, and you all have forty seconds to figure it all out. Ready?"

They nodded and got from behind their booths. They'd be indefinitely tripping over each other, so the ones with longer hair tied it up.

"Looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll!"

Anna jumped onto the square and no one stopped her. It went aglow with her rainbow colors and she gasped, spinning around to look at it. "Whoa, it's so pretty!"

"Looks like a cinnamon roll, actually might kill you!"

Jacob teetered back and forth on his feet. "I've got a helluva temper, I'm taking it!"

Hazel snickered and patted his butt. "I think you're a cinnamon roll."

"Looks like a cinnamon roll, will kill you."

Steven smacked Connie's ass, too , just to piss her off. "Go on, Mrs. Knight. That's all her, right?"

"Looks like they might kill you, actually a cinnamon roll!"

Steven grinned and followed his wife. "I'm half alien and seven feet tall, Carl."

They went through an entire list and Carl stopped in front of Alex, nodding slowly as if he was just comprehending it. "Looks might you might kill and might? A tsundere, isn't that what the kids are calling it?"

Hazel tossed Alex a wink. "He thinks he's scary, sometimes he even looks it, but there's a reason why we call him a doll."

"Jasmin, why the deadpan expression?"

She broke out of it and giggled. "I hate being cute enough that people don't think I'm serious when I say I'll kick ass."

"And with that we are going to come back to commercial at midnight, where the secrets really start to pour out. 100 points to each of the throuple for Anna linking your hands because that was so cute!"

This commercial was reasonable, giving the band enough time to sit down on the couch across the room. Another trigger phrase happened when Steven nuzzled into Connie's neck for a smell of her perfume.

"We're off to a rousing start! Everyone loses 15 points! The Red Hot Round has officially begun. Kelly, the lights if you will."

They dimmed to a sensual but bright red and they waited with bated breath for the first really revealing question.

"Who... is most likely to... Initiate a Passionate Encounter In Public?"


"I chose Steven."


"I chose Connie!"

In the end it turned out there were two more votes for Steven than for Connie. As if to prove his namesake, he pulled Connie in for a scalding kiss that had her grinning like a lottery winner.

Carl smiled at them. "-20 points for anyone not wearing a star," He said, not realizing that that was kind of their thing.

Jacob tugged on his necklace. "Does this count? I say it counts."

"It only counts if your birthday is between April and August."

"I'm a Pisces," He lamented.

Alex scoffed. "Okay, what is going on? These rules don't make sense!"

"100 points to Alex!"

He froze, thought for a moment and asked, "What is "I don't know what I'm supposed to do?"


Jasmin stared at him in bewilderment. "What are you doing?"

"I don't know." He laughed as the dinger sounded and he gained 10 points. "I'm just kind of winging it here." Another 15. "And I'm smarter than you." 300 points.

"Who Is Most Likely To Take An After Sex Selfie? Connie, your go for 55 points. Who is cocky beyond belief?"

Connie laughed and patted Stevens arm. "Normally I'd go for my husband, but I think there's someone who fits the mold better." She leaned forward, pleased to find he was already grinning at her. "Adam, 100%."

"I see four other answers for Steven. Sorry Connie, that's -56 points."

She grumbled as Adam laughed at her. "I know the time you're thinking about, and oh yeah you're so right. But half the time Anna has my phone."

Steven giggled and pulled Connie close. "Hey, I don't kiss and tell. That's as far as my morals go, by the way."

Carl pointed to the two. "Alright, Most Likely To Have A Movie Written About Their Friendship?"

"Oooo... We might be blurring some lines here," Jasmin sighed.

"Drama~," Alex singsonged. "As long as hands don't fly, I'm here for it."

"Who'd you choose, Alex?"

"Steven, you and Connie are married and have been best friends for forever..." He watched the man's grin grow before he teased, "But the way you look at Hazel sometimes is so funny. I worry I'm not gay enough because of you two."

Steven chuffed as the rest (including Connie) voted him and Hazel. "Hazel and I started out as roommates! Connie and I have been to space together!"

"I'm not going to lie to you, Bisky. Sometimes Hazel holds your hand in public and you look down at your hand the entire outing and blush." Connie dropped a kiss to his chest. "He also called you Baby Boy first and you practically lost your mind."

Poor Steven was so embarrassed his ears started to glow. "Ouch. Okay. You're right. I can take it."

Carl laughed. "Steven, can you take more targeted questions?"

He let out a shaky breath and nodded. "I want those points, Carl."

"40 points to Jasmin."

"What'd I do?"

"Pining for Jacob when you thought no one was looking. Let's get an instant replay."

Jasmin slumped toward the ground as the camera showed her looking up at him with a silly little grin. Jacob clutched at his chest and then pulled her into a tight hug. "You're the very best wife, Jasmin."

"Shut up." Jacob rested his head on hers and caught eyes with Adam for a split second, his smile getting even bigger.

Carl laughed joyously. "Adam, -20 points! The camera caught that!"

Adam buried his hands in his hair. "In the red lights? Are you serious?"

The instant replay showed Adam's too-sudden-to-be-controllable blush when Jacob looked his way and he rolled his eyes at all of the teasing his partners were doing.

Hazel shoved at his shoulder and chuckled. "How does it feel to be the bullied instead of the bullier?"

"Hazel for 50 points, what does that mean?"

"Adam thinks he's the top gun," He revealed to gasps. "If there's a leader of the polycule, people might be surprised to learn it's not Steven."

Someone in the audience asked, "What?! Why not?!"

Steven pretended to stretch himself out before grinning at Adam. "Hey Adam, can we get a puppy?"

Adam scoffed and gave him a stern look. "Hell no. We have a lion and we have Alex and Jacob, there's enough animals running around as it is. We are not getting a dog."

"Please?" He begged sweetly. "Anna and I will take good care of it!"

Anna caught the drift and turned on her puppy dog eyes too. "Come on~."

He crossed his arms, but stuck out his lip at how adorable they were working as a team in a battle they were definitely going to lose. "Aw, I will consider it for 100 of each of your points. As compensation."

Anna nodded enthusiastically but Steven wasn't so easy to sway. "What's the other option?"

"You keep your points, and I think up something really fun for you to do at home."

"My definition of fun?" He asked hopefully.

Adam laughed heartily. "That's funny. No, Steven. My definition of fun."

Steven sighed. "You have a deal, Adam."

"For 400 points to everyone who sides with the most votes, what is Stevens favorite nickname to be called in bed?"

Stevens head dropped and a low whine came from him as it was answered in record time. "Guys this could ruin my life. People will see me as nothing else. My father might be watching."

Connie hummed disinterestedly as she dotted her 'i' with a heart. "You poor thing."

"150 points to Connie for Impromtu Mommy Dommy!" Carl turned to the audience and pretended to whisper, "Why do I have a feeling the gentle giant is the bottom in bedroom affairs?"

Connie sniggered. "You'd actually be kinda wrong, Carl."

He started. "Oh?"

Somewhere in the quick silence, Alex whispered, "Drama~."

Jacob nodded over to Steven. "He's ruthless."

"What can I say," Steven mused. "Trauma has one good benefit, I guess."

Carl laughed and nodded to Steven. "Alright gang, what is Steven the Sex Gods favorite nickname in bed?"

He grimaced as the laughter and gasps grew deafening. "This is going to be on the internet forever."

Anna blew him a kiss. "Sorry, Princess."

"And Anna for the kill with an extra 200 points for betrayal!"

Stevens glow lessened and he pouted. "You guys just ruined my fans' fantasy of me being a strong top."

"No one really thought that, Baby Boy," Hazel assured him adoringly. "Nobody at all, actually."

He sulked even harder. "I know."

"The bonus round has been initiated! We're gonna play a little game I like to call The Dating Game." Carl asked for the lights on full blast. "Members of the band will be assigned one of the others and pretend they are on a Video Dating Service and the rest have to guess who they are. The catch? You can only use a pickup line. Anna, you're up."

She stood in front of them and skimmed the card once before getting into character. "Hey, babe. If beauty were time, you'd be an eternity." Anna made a really big show of being too cool for school and the band jumped right on it.

"Oh, that's so totally Adam!" Connie laughed at Adam's indignant reaction.

"I would never say that. I don't need Shakespeare to tell her she's beautiful." He wrinkled his nose in disgust.

Steven reached over to pat Adams leg. "Shhh... you're only making it worse."

Hazel nodded. "Way to go sweetie, you definitely got him down. Now that that's out of the way, why don't you come here so I can make it worth your time?"

Carl had a good laugh before pointing to Anna. "50 points for having to deal with two men. Jasmin, you're up."

She stared at the card and giggled. "This had better not become a meme."

"No promises."

She tucked the card back into the envelope and turned around, biting her lip and running her fingers through her hair. She opened her mouth to speak, hesitated and just before the buzzer went off she rubbed her neck. "Wow, I totally had a pick up line ready to go but you're so hot it left my mind."

They belly laughed and Alex shouted, "Please make this a meme, I need it on The Wall!"

"I have to say I'm stuck between Steven and Hazel," Anna remarked. "That had heavy himbo energy on purpose."

Connie tried to catch her breath but only laughed harder when Steven grumbled at her. "I know what you're thinking, and I am so suave the soap company should sponsor me. You hush."

Jacob shook his head and nodded at Steven. "No way, that was Steven for sure. Especially with running her fingers through her hair? He loves his hair."

Jasmin turned to Carl. "Should we just tell them? It was either or, so I picked Hazel and added the neck thing since he's a copy cat." She burst out laughing when the two looked confused as if it had flown over their heads. "And you're not making a good case for it not to be," She finished with a cheesy heart and a very fake sorry.

Hazel gritted his teeth in embarrassment and just let it go. "At least take me to dinner before you fuck me over like that."

"Adam, you're up."

He sighed when he looked at his card and stared up at the ceiling for a moment before shoving both hands in his pocket to pull out his phone. "According to my friends, I'm afraid of intimacy." He chuckled and flipped his hair to the side. "Wanna prove them wrong?"

"Alex! That's Alex!" Jacob bellowed, pinching his cheek.

Alex scoffed. "I'm not afraid of intimacy!"

They made faces and cringed until he slumped into his seat and Connie crooned, "Aw. Take what you dish, Alex. You'll be fine."

"100 points to Adam for making trauma sexy again."

Adam grinned and held an L to his forehead. "Sucks to suck."

Alex bared his teeth. "Thats backwards, dipshit."

"So are you the second I get you alone."

"Connie, you're up!"

"Oh this is so easy." She pulled her hair out of her ponytail and let out hand freely down her back. She popped her hip and sighed wearily. "Ugh, did you get your license suspended for driving all the girls crazy?"

Jasmin giggled as Jacob puffed out his chest. "Actually I got it suspended in a crazy police chase. Wanna go for a ride?"

"So we all agree that's Jasmin," Anna clarified.

"Fuck you guys!"

Alex coughed into his hand. "Sharing kink, ahem. Woo, sorry. Something in my throat."

Jasmin sneered and sat on him. "Was it a dick?"

"Steven you're up!"

Steven usually had a terrible poker face, but you could never tell what he was giggling about. Was it a random thought, or actually related to real life? "Don't worry, I played Tetris as a kid. I can make it fit." He bowed as the band debated.

"Wait can a person be picked twice?"

Carl nodded. "Yep! We could just do one of you over and over and you'd never know."

"It's nerdy right? It's gotta be Connie," Jacob argued. "Just look at him up there being adorable, dammit."

"She does regularly take Steven."

Connie flexed her muscles. "I'm a nerd AND a size queen. Of course I played Tetris as a kid."

"Alex is the winner, the band will be back eventually, good night everybody!"

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