CPR and She's So Nice

Steven hit the play button, recognizing the track was supposed to be a sensual and upbeat song, but not the lewd slurping sounds the girls were suddenly making into the mics.

"Whoa, what the fuck?!" Jacob yelped and yanked his headphones off halfway.

Adam groaned out a laugh. "Bro, what is this?"

"We're gonna win," Steven and Hazel muttered.

It wasn't until Anna started rapping that they truly realized the importance of being humble.

And they got some humbling.

"No quick head in my bed I can't have that," She shook her head with a smirk thrown their way as they started falling from their previous pride.
"I want that long neck not talking giraffe neck
Ain't no laying down man we 'bout to have late fun
I'm 'bout to make your balls stick up like space buns."

"Did she just make a space joke?" Steven mumbled.

Hazel snorted. "I think these girls are too clever for their own good."

"Want your dick soaked? Place it down my throat
Tongue tickle yo' dick but not telling a joke,"

Steven ran a hand over his face, scrunched up in the face of someone losing dignity and pride while also gaining them. He was confused to no end, but he couldn't stop himself from blurting, "Jesus that line is so creative."

"Peddle in this pussy that's how you rock a boat
It get live in this pussy, I'm not talking Periscope–,"

"Not gonna lie, I'm afraid for my life." Jacob scrubbed at his face and they laughed a bit, the embarrassment turning silly very quickly.

Jasmin flexed her muscles and tugged on her hoodie with a vicious grin. "In the sheets I am a bully
Give more head than a hoodie
Every time you make me cum it look just like vanilla pudding
Sit on yo face all day until you say, "Bae, it hurt me"
Then I turn around and give the dick more kisses than Hershey's." She blew kisses to them with a mocking over exaggerated gesture.

Adam pulled a side of his headphones off. "This was stupid."

"It's not over yet. It looks like they're gearing up for– oh my stars are they moaning to punctuate lines?!" Steven paused and sure enough they were.

"Tight as a virgin boy don't get nervous."

Connie gave a far too convincing moan of, "Tight?"

Anna nodded at her and curtsied a bit. "I'm here to serve you customer service."

Jasmin was no less convincing with hers, "Right?" and joining back with the other two for the tag stating, "I save dick by giving it CPR."

Connie and Anna lifted their voices to a Mommying tone and agreed. "I save dick by giving it CPR."

"Put my mouth on it like CPR,"

They all gave the men sly smiles. "Let's make porn and watch it on VCR."

Every snippet got worse and dirtier and more explicit than they could've possibly attained. Steven was fascinated by the amount of euphemisms there was for talking about the same thing for so far almost two minutes. They had to be wrapping up after this next verse.

"I think we should fuck up in every zip code
It would make my pussy wetter than a fishbowl
Pussy a kitty cat, I pet it like a pet
I fuck doggy style so much I need to go to the vet."

Jacob choked on a humiliated aroused laugh and buried his head in his hands. "This sucks so hard."

The rest were speechless, all red faced and wondering exactly which thing was going to kill them first: the lyrics, or the way the girls were laying the most explicit scenes they'd ever heard with huge grins as they danced.

Steven was conflicted. The back of his mind wondered if Connie was going into a manic high, in which case he'd have to catch her when she fell. But the main portion of his mind was wondering when exactly she was going to do all these things she was promising because he was way more than ready.

"Hotbox? More like a scorching pussy," It was true, Connie may have run cold comparitively to Stevens nearly feverish baseline, but inside she was warm and inviting and– he blew out a low breath as he tried to stay focused.
"Open this coochie up like a fortune cookie
Yo' banana in my mouth watch my tongue go ape
Yo' dick getting more blows than a birthday cake."

It was Adam whose laughter finally broke through fully. There was no other reaction he could give that wouldn't stop them in their tracks. His giggles and guffaws were quickly joined by the others until they were wheezing with tears in their eyes as Anna exclaimed she wasn't afraid of dick in any way shape or form then offered an ass job to all of them.

Connie fed off of their laughter with her own energy reaching top level. "Pussy already wet, don't need no lube ointment
Dick twisting in my stomach like food poisoning!"

Stars, what a perfect analogy of what he was going to do to her in five minutes.

The girls had hyped themselves up enough that they were full sending it now. "That's how you know when you hit the spot
I'll make your pants unzip more than Ziploc!"

The boys had hoped that after the second verse they'd be done, but no, their girls went for yet another verse just to rub in that they could.

Jacob took his eyes away from the very obvious hard-on in his pants to glance at the other men. Adam looked back at him head on with a small grin, his signature beanie had been pulled off of his head to accommodate for the light sweating he was doing from blushing so hard. Stevens cheeks held a faint pinkening in the form of a glow and Hazel was cycling between laughing, pacing and trying to pay attention.

When the end of the song hit they started moaning very loudly, their voices faking the ecstasy so well every one of them started worrying about if they'd ever received a fake one in the bedroom.

After five seconds with no sign of slowing down, Steven flicked on the two way so he could shout, "Alright, alright we get it! Stars and Diamonds, you girls are fucking perverts!"

His friends all agreed wholeheartedly, shaking their heads in rueful disbelief.

They cheered and finally let their own laughter they'd been holding back out.

"These women are nuts." Adam picked up his beanie. Apparently at some point he'd dropped it which wasn't surprising at all given the fact that his mind was reeling with a million things he wanted to do now. "We lost," He said, leaning against a wall and dropping his head into his hands.

"Fuck yeah! That's our best one yet!" Connie crowed as they all group hugged.

Anna looked back at the boys all parroting Adam's quiet lamentation. "I think we broke them."

They paused their festivities to watch as the men tugged on their hair and half laughed, half panicked. The girlfriends couldn't hear them but from their highly animated gesturing, they could tell they had rocked the boat like the queens they were.

Jacob pushed Steven aside and flicked on the mic again to announce, "You ladies have received an hour and a half break."

Jasmin scoffed and tipped her head. "Do we have to take one?"

"It's mandatory," They replied seriously.

"Group huddle?"

Connie smirked at Anna and brought Jasmin in. "So we're definitely reaping what we sowed today, right?"

"After the absolute slaughter of their chances of beating us, I think their dicks might actually need CPR," Jasmin said with a peek over her shoulder. "Oh god, they're doing a group huddle too."

"Okay, I say post nut clarity is going to be our best bet for She's So Nice, because they might hate us a little afterwards," Steven told them.

Jacob nodded. "Yeah not to be gay or anything but if we don't get moving I'm just going to fuck her in the recording studio."

"Then let's get a move on cause ditto." Adam ran a hand through his hair to give a rare show of his whole face.

"Yep, any added sexual tension will just end up as us fucking each other." Hazel winked and they all laughed.

"I'm still in here. Not a single one of you are getting into my pants," Alex proclaimed.

They'd forgotten he was there actually, but they all bellowed in knowing laughter.

He sat up and made a series of annoyed noises before sputtering out, "What?"

Instead of answering they just looked at him like they were undressing him with their eyes until he glanced away bashfully.

"Yeah so anyways," Steven pulled them from the moment and rolled out his neck before heading straight for his woman and throwing her over his shoulder. "An hour and a half. Then our turn."

An hour and a half later, three girls sat near braindead and completely disheveled as the guys adjusted the mics.

"You think Deepthroat will get the same effect?" Anna mumbled almost inaudibly.

"I can't think," Jasmin sighed. "Head empty, no thoughts."

Connie just giggled dreamily, sitting forward to rest her hand on her chin. "Our boyfriends are the best."

They spoke a bit too soon.

The second they started screaming about fucking girls' titties three collective facepalms were so loud the guys almost burst out laughing.

They hadn't seen anything yet, they were just gearing up.

Jacob slammed the back of his hand against Stevens chest confrontationally as he shrugged. "Oh I'm sorry man, I didn't know!
JK, JK, I knew all along!
And she's sucking on my hose
I go twelve inch deep in the pussy
After twenty minutes you can drive a fucking Jeep in the pussy
Know what I'm talking 'bout?" He grinned and unruly amount but it fit the manic feel of the song perfectly as Hazel scoffed and slugged Jacob's arms.

"Smack her in the pussy
When I pee it burns
Let it burn like George Bushy
I regret to inform you I fucked your girl's pussy
Man I swear I didn't know," The guys were obviously drunk now, though the girls could thing of a time when they could've drank an amount of alcohol to get this wasted. Had they passed out at some point? It couldn't have been a moment they'd hold on to them they all started shouting together, "JK, JK, JK, JK I knew all along!"

Stevens body language said he was lamenting  as he rocked back and forth clutching at his curls, but his voice held a stupid version of cockiness as he forced his giggles to stop long enough to get his lines out.

Honestly, the girls almost expected to have to break up another (yes another but not what one might think) drunk fight between the four of them but they laughed and resumed into their normal position with Adam singing the front vocals and the rest singing surprisingly sweet backing vocals.

"But she's so nice
She's so huge
She's so nice~...
But, she's so nice
She's so nice
She's so nice," Adam's voice fit perfectly as the music disappeared into an a cappella tag for a moment, Hazel, Steven and Jacob creating a perfect three part harmony as Adam forged back into the line. "She lets me use her body,"

They combined for the chorus again in almost perfect unison. "She's so nice
She's so nice
She's so nice.
She's so nice
She's so nice
She's so nice,"

Jacob cupped his hands around his light and shouted, "Yeah, I treat her like a bitch!"

Hazel choked back laughter and grabbed it "I fuck her in the ass
And I fuck her in the tits."

Steven was mid giggle and trying to avoid the shocked eye contact of their girlfriends as he tried to keep the energy. "And if she can't handle that
Then I let her suck my dick,"

Adam made like he was squinting at Hazel. "And her man is coming back
So Id better make it quick."

Hazel didn't acknowledge him but bulked up and stood a bit taller. "You know who you are you piece of shit
Your girlfriends always sucking on my dick
Like a slim jim stick!"

Jacob managed to shove Steven hard enough for him to bump into the others as the alcohol started taking full effect. "So next time you go down on her clit
Tell me how my dick tastes,"

The all bellowed at each other as if it was a specific challenge. "Tell me how my mother fucking dick tastes!"

Three completely mortified girlfriends left her jaws hanging open as they tried to comprehend their men all singing about fucking each other's girlfriends. They had wrote their song about all of their men, and each other's men, but that was just an extra treat they got to muse about themselves.

But the fact that the men had turned a fist fight into a song where they fucked each other's girlfriends and made fun of each other about it was absolutely hysterical to them all.

At this point, there was three women chugging alcohol so they could catch up and cackling at the top of their lungs. Silly. Stupid. Another descriptive word. Whatever they were, it just hit as too funny to breathe instead of laugh.

The guys stumbled out and laid on the floor in a heap.

"Steven, you're a trillion degrees," Hazel complained, trapped under Jacob partially who was trapped under Adam mostly.

He grunted and tried to move. "No dice. Too drunk. Plus, it'll be easier for them to kill us if we're all in one spot."

"That's what you drunk idiot fucks get," Alex told them emphatically. "You're lucky you don't get dumped."

"Ah ah ah, we said anything goes. And..." Jacob ran his hand through his hair, now slightly damp with sweat. "Everything went."

"I'm so fucking drunk," Adam lamented. "Chugging a FourLoko was stupid. Chugging two was suicide."

Connie raised an eyebrow as their laughter died out. "Two FourLokos? I'll bring you buckets, but then you're going to be miserable right here until you can move."

"Group cuddles," They demanded in faltering unison. "Group cuddle puddle."

Anna snorted. "Didn't you just say you were roasting alive? Do our boys really wanna be that close to each other that bad?"

Adam opened an eye and grunted. "Watch it, little girl. I'm drunk but I'm not blackout drunk. I'll remember this moment." Then he proceeded to pass out on the spot for a second or two.

Jasmin eyed Steven, glassy eyed and pale. "How many did you have, Starboy?"

Steven counted on fingers trapped beneath the rest of the men. "I'd say maybe like... 8? S'cause I'm magic. Can take more than these bitches. Fuck yeah."

They briefly caught one hand making a hang loose sign and shook their heads with smirks overcoming them as they got a bit loopy too.

"Well, we're going to have a naked pillow fight upstairs. You boys are welcome to join when you learn to share," Jasmin told them. "Come on Alex. We'll feed you cookies!"

Alex hopped up and threw a smug, royal look towards the boys. "I'm one of the girls now. I'm just special like that."

Jacob hummed as he reoriented himself from a quick death he had just overcome. He nudged Hazel coyly. "Hear that?"

"Think I did, brother. He wants us to treat him like one of the girls."

Alex rolled his eyes as his cheeks turned crimson. "Keep dreaming."

"Keep wearing those yoga leggings and you've got yourself a deal." Steven made a sound halfway between a chuckle and a groan as Alex sauntered after the women like the queen he was.

They were quiet, enjoying the dynamic of their wildly stupendous relationship with each other when Adam sat up quickly for a drunk. He gagged briefly but shook it off with a question. "Did... did they say when we learn to share?"

They maneuvered a bit to glance at each other and grin.

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