Ch. 9 A Serpent's story

Mikey gasps awake. He tries to moves his hands but found his tied to Shinigami's behind his back. The duo was currently tied back to back sitting in chairs.

"Shinigami !" Mikey shouts as he tries to turn behind him. "Wake up !" He begs of her as Shinigami was still knocked out cold.

"She can't hear you" hisses a smooth but sinster voice.

Mikey looks in front of him to See Serpent, unmasked and sitting in front of him, looking at him with a smile.

"Uhhh hi" Mikey said with a sheepishly smile, having a feeling this wasn't going to be as bad as the time He and Shinigami where held by the Shredder. She was smiling so Mikey took this as a good thing.

"Hi I'm Iku" The Serpent smirks.

"I'm Turflytle" Mikey said, not relizing his mask had been taking off and put on table along with Shinigami's hat.

"Mind telling me your real name since I told you mine" Iku asks with a smirk.

"Okay you caught me it's Andrew Garfield" Mikey said sheepishly.

Iku chuckles.

"You think you very clever, I just want to get what's inside here Iku smirks holding out her hands to touch Mikey's head.

Mikey tries to move away uncomfortable.

She touches his before before her hands start to fade in and out, before her hands start to morph back into snake hands. She growls in frustration as she walks behind Mikey and Kicks Shinigami awake.

"Wake up !" Iku demands.

Shinigami wakes up and starts struggling.

"Mikey !" Shinigami shouts. "Are you okay ?" She asks tying to look behind her but found it difficult.

"Yeah are you ?" Mikey asks.

"Could be better" Shinigami mutters trying to get the ropes off of them.

Iku glares at Shinigami.

"You don't remember me do you sister" Iku snares.

"Sister, what in the hell are you talk..." Shinigami stops in mid sentence as she looks at Iku's eyes, remembering thoeses eyes of her long lost siser.

"I-Iku ? Your alive ?" Shinigami asks in shock remember the last time she saw Iku when was they where kids.

"Oh good you remember me" Iku hisses.

"You know her ?" Mikey asks.

"Iku is my sister... I was told she..." Shinigami pauses remembering that Iku disappered the week after her mother dissaperred. "Died in a car accident" Shinigami whispers.

"So that's what he told you that the oldest daughter, mom's least favorite died in a car crash, how decitful of him" Iku snares.

"What happened to you ?" Shinigami asks.

"Allow me to explain" Said a fimilar voice.

Mikey and Shinigami turn thire heads to Baxter coming out of the shadows. But he wasn't alone, he has a gun to the back of Dr. Kobayashi's head beging forced to walk foward.

"Dad !" Shinigami shouts.

"Your a bad guy ? Dude I thought you where cool" Mikey pouts.

"Luna are you okay ?" Dr. Kobayashi asks trying to move towards but stopped by Baxter still pointing the gun at him. Dr. Kobayashi attention is turned to Iku. He studies her face and then looks at her eyes, she had his eyes.

"Iku ?" Dr. Kobayashi asks in a whisper voice.

Iku looks at him not saying a word.

Dr. Kobayashi's eyes sparkly with joy seeing his oldest alive.

"Oh my god your alive" Dr. Kobayashi said with a smile as tries to hug Iku before Baxter reminds him that he was in hostage situation.

"No thanks to your Mutagen X, now I'm a hidoues monster" Iku snares.

"Iku..." Dr. Kobayashi tries but Baxter pushes him towards a chair and forces him to sit down. He then straps Dr. Kobayashi hands to chairs arms with metal cuffs.

"Sorry about this Norio but you know how much I don't like you" Baxter said, tighting the mental straps.

"Yeah so you've mention Stockman" Dr. Kobayashi mutters.

Iku glares at him.

"For 11 years I've been in constant pain and misery and it's becauses of our father" Iku snares.

"Dad what is she taking about ?!" Shinigami shouts.

Dr. Kobayashi puts his head down in shame.

"There's things he never wanted us to know about our mother or what really happend to me, it happed 11 years ago" Iku snares.


11 years ago,

Iku's narration : The week after our mother suppousily died I knew father was hiding something about our mother's death, I knew she just didn't idmentally die of a diease over night. When he went out town again I followed him to a wearhouse where a lab had been illegal set up.

Dr. Kobayashi walks over to sicentests who finished building a portal to the qutemue realme, after exchanging a few words he nods and heads towards a table with mutagen X canisters on it.. A 7 year old Iku secturtly watches behind a wall. Dr. Kobayashi grabs the mutagen X and walks to panel and activates the qutemue portal.

"I'm going you back Aya, I promise" Dr. Kobayashi whispers.

Iku's narration : But the great Dr. Kobayashi couldn't control it and the qutemue Portal started to malfunction. It was becoming unstable. It couldn't be contained.

"No ! No !" Dr. Kobayashi shouts desperately trying to shut it down.

Iku's narration : Like a foolish brat I tried to save him but it costed me greatly.

"Daddy !" Iku screams trying to save her father.

Dr. Kobayashi looks at her horrified.

"Iku what are you doing here it isn't safe get out of here !" Dr. Kobayashi shouts.

"Not without you !" Iku cries.

Suddenly the celing started to crumble and the ground started to shake. A canister of mutagen X and serpent DNA spill on Iku.She crys out in pain.

"Iku !" Dr. Kobayashi screams he tries to help her but his fellow sicentests grab and drag him out.

"We most get out of here !" The scientest shouts.

"No my daughter is here ! Iku ! Iku !" Dr. Kobayashi screams as tears stream down his face.

The scientest drag him out of the building before it explodes with quntealme engery with Iku still inside.

"Iku !!!!!!!!!!" Dr. Kobayashi screams before breaking down into tears.

Iku's point of view : After the explosion My body was mutated and fading thanks to the qutemue explosion. A few Fbi soilders rescued me and brought me to an orphanage so Dr. Stockman could help me.

Baxter Stockman ' s narration : After I was fired by Dr. Kobayashi, I was brought in by the Fbi to help Iku control her powers.

"Hi Iku I am Baxter Stockman I was a friend of your dad" Baxter said with a friendly smile.

Iku just looks at Baxter sadly before looking at her snake hands.

Baxter gives her a teddy.

"Here take it" Baxter enoughes as Iku tries to grab but her hands keep fading away. She scowlds.

"It's going to take fouces and I'm going to help you" Baxter said.

Iku's narration : I was trained to take down and kill enemies for the government like I was some Kinda or weapon. They called me the serpent.



"After the Fbi went on halt I went away and took in Iku to help her, right now her condition is unstable and if we don't stable it she will fade out of existence, the Chamber and suit I made for her aren't going to help her surrive much longer" Baxter explains.

Mikey and Shinigami give shook looks. Dr. Kobayashi looks at Baxter.

"You knew my daughter was alive but you never told me.... why keep that for me, 11 years I thought she was dead" Dr. Kobayashi whispers.

"Do honestly hate me that much" Dr. Kobayashi asks him.

"No not that much, but I couldn't tell you she was already the Fbi property at that point so it had to be kept a secret" Baxter explains sadly.

"Trust me as much I hate that you discredited me from ever working in the industry but if it was a choice I would of told you about this becauses I'm not a curle man" Baxter said.

Iku turns her attention to Mikey and Shinigami.

"Now I have plans to survive" Iku smirks as Mikey and Shinigami exchanges look.


Note: We're going to end this chapter here. So we learn a lot about Iku. I know Ghost wasn't really that evil she just wanted to surrive but before the movie came out we cast Iku as Ghost so we can't change it now. But now you know why I chose Baxter to be Bill Foster becauses they're both villains but they not evil they have reasons.

Special thanks to TremorDusk for making me a new cover for this story. The cover is amazing.

Next chapter Mikey, Shinigami and Dr. Kobayashi escape Iku and Baxter.

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