Ch.11 truth serum

Rai shuffles through his deck of cards before Fong brusts open the doors, starting him, Toran and Blue.

"Where's Turflytle ?" Fong demands.

Rai bites his lip remembering getting a call from Turflytle telling him he was inn the woods with Dr. Kobayashi.

"I have no idea" Rai said.

Fong in annyounce sighs as he signals a 21 year old asain man holding a suit case.

"This young man was specalized in the fbi and the arts of intagation for half of his life, even created his own serum that will make you spill the truth" Fong explains.

"So he made truth serum ?" Blue asks.

"That's fiction, this stuff we make you revel where Turflytle is" The young man explains.

"So it's Truth serum ?" Rai points out.

"No !" The young man shouts annoyed.


Iku growls in anger as she turns to Baxter.

"We need to get that lab back ! I'm running out of time !" Iku snares.

"I'm working on it !" Baxter reinsure her.

"Well work faster Ahhhhh !!!!!!!" Iku screams in pain as feels more pain.

Baxter grabs her to support her.

"You need to rest" Baxter said.

"What we need is to lower Turflytle out !" Iku snares. "He has a little niece" Iku said forming a plan.

"No were not using that little girl !" Baxter snaps. "If you get that little girl involved were done, so I need you to calm down rest do you understand" Baxter tells her.

"Fine" Iku snare as she leaves, forming another plan.


Shini sighs trying cope with the fact that her sister was alive. She didn't know to feel happy to see her or afraid of what she becoming.

Mikey puts a comforting hand hand on her shoulder. Shini looks at him with a sad smile.

"You did good back there" Mikey said.

"Thanks" Shini said.

"Aren't you going to say the same thing to me ?" Mikey asks.

"Good job" Shini smiles.

"Thanks" Mikey grins.

Dr. Kobayashi works harder adding the part in the machine, then he tries to acoesses the corinates but found hard to do so. Shinigami goes up to help him.

Mikey just stood there in a trans before suddenly walking up to the panel and starts to type.

"Wait Mikey stop" Dr. Kobayashi said.

"Please let me do this, I've been stuck down here for 11 years I need to do something" Mikey begs of him as he counties to typing.

Dr. Kobayashi stares at him confused at what he just said before relizing Aya was using Mikey to fully commuicate with them.

"Aya ?" Dr. Kobayashi asks.

Mikey gives him a smile Aya would always do.

"You bet" He grins.

"Wait Mom ?!" Shini asks shocked to see Mikey being controlled by her mother.

Mikey places his hand on Shini's cheek, something her mother would always do.

"Oh my god it really is her, this is so weird" Shini thought.

"Hi Kitten" Mikey said smiling softly at her before countine place in the cordinestes which activates the machine.

"By placing the corinates is powering up the machine" Dr. Kobayashi said.

"Look at us playful battering like old times" Mikey cooed before turing to Shini.

"When the machine is fully charged and ready, You got 40 mintues to find me before it's to late" Mikey said.

"Wait Mom please don't leave me" Shini begs.

"I love you Kitten" Mikey said hugging her.

Shini starts to cry hugging him back.

Mikey suddenly went back to normal, having no memory of acting like Shini's mom.

"I got noth..... Uhhhh did I do something ?" Mikey asks confused noting Shini clinging onto him, crying.

Shini suddenly lets go, whiping the tears from his eyes before he could see and walks away.

"Uhhh did I miss anything ?" Mikey asks.

Dr. Kobayashi puts a hand on Mikey's shoulder.

"I'll explain it to you later" Dr. Kobayashi said.

"If I know how" Dr. Kobayashi thought.


The young man puts a needle full of the not truth serum into Rai's
arm. Toran and Blue where sitting in chairs watching this happen as they where too afraid of the purple dragons.

"That didn't hurt that bad" Rai said before whincing. "Okay It hurts a little, oh my god it is truth serum" Rai admits.

"Not truth serum !" The young man shouts at him.

"Okay where is Turflytle ?" Fong asks.

"Well you see that's complacaited" Rai began as a story begins to play out.

"When I meet Turflytle he was in tuff spot, fighting a huge hunky mutant dog, then my gal pal Ace Hawk or Ace for short knocks out that monsters and he's all like...." Rai said telling the story.

Turflytle : Aw sweet your like a superhero ?

"And she's like..."

Ace Hawk : Yeah I'm here to help and theses our my friends of heroes.

"Then I meet Turflytle and we become fast friends" Rai said before Fong intrups him.

"I like stories as the next guy but what does have to do with where Turflytle is ?" Fong asks.

"I'm get there I'm get there !" Rai said.

"Your going to hear the whole story" Blue said.

"(He's like human juxbox)" Toran points out.

"Just get to the point !" Fong snares.

Rai tries to bit his lip but he couldn't help it.

"He called me and said he's in the forest in some lab" Rao unwilling confesses. "Damn truth serum !" Rai shouts.

"Not truth serum !!!!" The young man shouts.

"Whaaaattttt ?!!!!????!!!" Serpent shouts as she suddenly reveal herself to the gentalmen.

Everyone basically scream at the sight of her, including Toran who looked horrified.

"Where is he ?!" The Serpent demands.

"In west side of the forest ! Damn it I can't stop !" Rai shouts.

Giving a frustrated growl, Serpent turns to fong.

"You ! You work for me !" The Serpent snares.

"What ever you say" Fong said.

With that Serpent leaves in anger.

Toran begins to sing a Japanese song to calm himself down.


The Qutemume releam portal was charing up until it glitches up and powers down, taking an hour to power up again. Dr. Kobayashi growls in anger.

"No ! No ! No !" Dr. Kobayashi shouts in anger.

"Dad calm down it only said it will recharge in an hour" Shini said.

"We don't have an hour !" Dr. Kobayashi shouts as he goes to the machine to see what he could do.

Shini sighs knowing he was in one of his moods.

"We should take a break maybe go to lunch" Mikey suggests.

"Just go it's going to take awhile just meet me in awhile" Dr. Kobayashi said.

Shini nods as she and Mikey leave, unknown of the more dangers.


Note : I laughed so hard at the scence where Paul Rudd tries to be Michelle phiffher. Anyway next Chapter Mikey chats with Molly.

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