Ch.6 Party
Raph always wore fancy suit when he was an secret agent. Not just to go to Casinos for an mission or undercover missions, he wore it for fighting. Leo being an military trained guy always citized Raph's mission suit but he didn't care.
Raph steps out of the changing rooming wearing an Balck Taxucedo. He looks at himself. He looked the same but Raph felt it it's been forever since he's wear his suit. Leo looks at him wearing an similar style taucxedo.
"You look good Raph" Leo said with an small smile.
"Feels like I never left" Raph said looking at Leo. "For an navy soilder you look good in the suit" Raph complaints with an smile, he though he would never wear an suit.
"I thought you would hate me" Leo said suddenly
"Hate you ? Leo your my brother" Raph said with shock that Leo would ever think that. "Bro why would you say that ?" Raph asks.
"After you where fired from S.H.E.L.L, I was brought out of the navy to serve as your replacement as aunt James under the comand of Splinter" Leo admits.
"Leo listen I'm not mad at you, actually you better than me at beging an spy and honorable one at that" Raph said meaning every word.
"Raph..." Leo tries.
"Leo please let's try to get this part of the mission over with" Raph said not wanting to disguise this any further.
Leo nods.
Mikey peeks into the room.
"Oh what is my mission while you guys go to that party ?!" Mikey asks egarly.
"Kid you get the mission to meet with an KBG agent that has some information on Saki that we can use while we attend Xever's party" Raph said as he pulls out an piece of paper to show to Mikey.
"You will head to an Cafe on the conor from here to her" Leo explains.
Mikey feels his blood freeze. Did Leo say 'Her' ? As in an girl ?!
There's one thing about Mikey besides him secretly being an Jr agent in training. He gets really nervous talking to girls.
"The KBG agent is named Renet, Can we count on you to meet with her ?" Raph asks.
Mikey knew he should of said he couldn't talk to girls but he was too eager to get out on the field.
"You can count on me dudes !" Mikey said with a grin.
"Alright will see you back in the hotel in 3 hours" Leo said as he and Raph leave.
After they leave Mikey panics.
"Oh man what am I gonna do ?" Mikey asks out loud.
Raph and Leo enter the party. Many men and women where there dressed for the occasion. Many drinking and casually talking. Leo's eyes drat around the place. Raph sees an stage, where an black brizzian man steps onto it and grabs the microphone.
"Ladies and geltamen I represent you tonight's entertainment" The man said in an thick brizain accent.
"That's gotta be this guy Xever" Raph whispers to Leo.
"She's mysterious woman that will bring you to your knees with just the sound of her voice, please welcome illouses Shinigami" Xever announces as he gets off the stage just before an young woman dressed in an black scandles clad dress steps out with a black hat covering her eyes, her Black hair flowing from the back.
Whistles are heard from the crowd. Older blues begins to play in the background as she slowly grabs the microphone.
"My mama done told me, when I was in pig tails, my mama done tol me, ooh woah, A man gonna sweet talk ya, give ya the big eye. But when the sweet talkin is done,A man is a two face, A worrisome thing who'll leave ya t'sing the blue in the night" Shinigami sings.
Leo turns to Raph.
"We need to stay fouces, Let's split up to find Mona" Leo whispers.
Raph nods and leaves to find her. Raph heads to an stair case and walks up on them to the second floor. There where a lot of people drinking and talking. Raph's eye catches someone in an crowd of people. He knew that long brown hair anywhere.
"Mona ?" Raph whispers as he makes his way to her.
Mona was near the railing, taking an drink of wisky. Raph walks behind her, taking an deep breath.
"You look beautiful Mona" Raph said with an soften look.
Mona turns her head to see Raph. Her face turned to shock. Her eyes quickly darted to her drink, wondering if she had drank to much and she was seeing things. She quickly places the glass on the table.
"Rapheal ?" Mona asks, still shock.
"Yeah it's me, it's been long time Mona" Raph said sadly.
"Let me gusses you been reinstated by S.H.E.L.L for an mission ?" Mona asks.
"You knew I was fired ?" Raph asks susprised.
Mona nods her head.
"It wasn't my intention" Mona whispers.
"Your right I am back in action becuase.... Mona... Letherhead is dead" Raph whispers. "They got me back to track down Saki" Raph whispers.
"Leatherhead is dead ?" Mona asks in pure shock. Tears stream down her face.
Raph nods his head sadly as he tries to give her an hug but she puts her hand up.
"Not here" Mona whispers as she quickly wipes her tears away.
"Mona your hu...." Raph couldn't even bring himself to say that word without feeling his blood boil. Raph takes an huge deep breath.
"Your husband Xever might be in trouble" Raph breathes out as he fouces him self to say the 'H' word.
Mona gives an small smile.
"It looked like it killed you to say that" Mona said teasing.
Raph smiles seeing her happy.
"Well you and I..." Raph face suddenly sadden. "Did have feeling for each other.... Remember that ?" Raph asks sadly.
"Raph.... What happened 5 years... I'm sorry but I didn't have an choice" Mona admits sadly.
"But why did you do it" Raph asks.
"I can't say not here" Mona whispers.
An waiter comes up to the two.
"Anything to drink Ms. Montes ?" The waiter asks her.
"Another wisky" Mona nods.
"I would like Sake please" Raph said.
The waiter nods and leaves to get the drink.
"Then tell me why did you marry this Xever guy" Raph said as he looks Mona straight in the eye.
"He was there for me when I needed him" Mona lies.
"I was always there for you Mona... you know I was" Raph whispers.
"After me, I'm pretty sure you had tons of woman" Mona said with an sly smile.
"I actually didn't date anyone after what happened between us" Raph admits sadly.
After Mona betrayed Raph, he felt discourage to date any women again.
"Was it because of me ?" Mona asks.
Raph nods softly.
"But I knew if I ever started to date, none of thoses women could bring me happiness quite like what you did" Raph said.
"You always knew how to charm me" Mona smiles.
The waiter comes up to the two handing them thire drinks.
"To you" Raph said as he takes an sip.
"Raph I think you should go" Mona said.
"I just need to know what Xever knows about Saki's where abouts" Raph says.
"You don't want to start anything with Xever" Mona said giving an serious look to Raph.
"Mona, by the age of 5, I've always started things with people sometimes by accident but I'm not afraid to hold my toung with this guy" Raph said.
Mona shackes her head taking an sip of her wisky.
Raph suddenly sees Xever talking to the singer, Shinigami who seemed very unimpressed.
"Your very talented my dear, Shinigami" Xever said prasing her.
Shinigami doesn't say an word as she drink out of an shampane glass.
"if there's anything I can do for you, please let my know" Xever said ploitltly.
"More Saki" Shinigami said bluntly.
"Right away my dear,you get my guest more Saki" Xever said.
Xever suddenly see Mona talking with Raph.
"Mona darling" Xever calls out.
Mona puts on a fake smile.
"Darling" Mona said as she and Raph walk up to him.
Mona and Xever kisses. Raph balls up his fists in anger but doesn't say an word. Shinigami smirks noticing this.
Xever looks at Raph.
"Xever this is an old of mine, Raph James" Mona said.
Xever smirks and holds out his hand.
"Nice to meet you Raph" Xever said ploitltly.
Raph starres at it before shacking his hand, tying to keep his anger under control.
"Yeah nice to meet you too" Raph mutters.
"How do you know him ?" Xever asks Mona.
"College classmates" Mona said quickly. "He was in my litteral class" Mona explains.
"I see" Xever said looking at an bored Shinigami. "Mona I would like you to meet Shinigami our tonight's entertainment" Xever said as an waiter gives her another cup of Saki which she takes an drink out of.
"Xever I told you I don't sign anything, now if you exuses me, I'm gonna rest in hotel room, Saynioa to whatever this" Shinigami sassys as she takes her leaves but not before drinking her last bit of Saki before shoving the glass to the waiter.
Xever rubs his hands nervously looking at Raph and Mona.
"I'm sorry Mona, Shinigami can be very sassy, nothing personal" Xever said.
"It's alright I understand it's been an long night" Mona said.
Xever smiles before looking at Raph's belt, his shell phone sticking out his belt. Xever growls silently before clearing his throat.
"Well Raph it was nice meeting you but me and my Mona must greet our other guests" Xever said.
Mona nods giving Raph an small smile before walking away with Xever, leaving Raph alone once more.
Raph walks through the coward taking an sip of his Saki before he feels an hard metal hitting him in the back of his head. Raph falls foward someone catching him and carrying the dazed agent towards the hallway.
Unknowest to Raph, Shinigami had wittness his attack and watches him being dragged off. Shinigami pulls an card and looks at it.
"The cards never lie" Shinigami mutters as she places the card on the table, glancing at it.
The card was an picture of an secret agent getting captured by Xever's guards. The secret agent looked excatly like Raph.
"Maybe he will escape then again when have I ever cared" Shinigami smirks.
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