Ch.9 Mutation powers part 3

Mikey whimpers as he dangles over the mutagen X. Shinigami looks at him with remorse.

"Come on dudette you don't have to do this !" Mikey begs.

Shinigami doesn't say anything as she slowly begins to cut the chain. Mikey felt himself being lowered.

"Ah !" Mikey screams as he closes his eyes.

"Let this be a dream, Let this be a dream" Mikey whimpers.

Shinigami suddenly stops and she looks down at Turflytle, who was trembling and whimpering. What was she doing ? Turflytle wasn't a threat, he was just some kid in a goof costume. He wasn't a threat to the foot Blade was. If they dump him in the mutagen X then he would be.

Mikey felt him self being pulled up. Mikey opens up his eyes and sees Shinigami pulling him up. She grabs his foot and pulls him back to the railing.

"You saved me ?! Thank you" Mikey said as he hugs her.

Shinigami pulls him away from her.

"Your not a threat to me, Do yourself a favor and quit this superhero thing if you want to live" Shinigami snares.

Shinigami knew this was harsh to say but she didn't  want  this kid to get hurt. Mikey looks at the ground sadly.

"I want to help people" Mikey said softly.

"You almost died because you want to be a "hero" so ask yourself is it really worth the risk even to help people who might not even appreciate your help?" Shinigami snares as she begins to walk away.

Mikey wanted to say something but couldn't think of anything, he wasn't to sure.

Bradford sees that Shinigami had spared Turflytle. Growling Bradford grabs a canister of mutagen X and throws at Turflytle. Shinigami sees this and tries to warn him but it was too late, the mutagen X hits Mikey and shatters all over him. The mutagen X splatters on Shinigami. Turflytle and Shinigami cry out in pain.

Blade see this and his eyes widen in fear.

"Turflytle !!!!!!!" Blade screams.

"Shinigami !!!!" Ninja girl shouts in fear for her friend.

Bradford grabs another canister and throws it at Blade. Blade sees this.

"Ninja girl look out !!!" Blade shouts as he pushes Ninja girl out of the way before the mutagen X  hits him cover his back.

Blade crys out in pain. The mutagen X splated on ninja girl's foot.

She crys out in pain holding her foot.

Bradford smirks seeing The heroes in pain and Karai getting what she deserves.

Suddenly a regular mutagen canister glows black and it's lifted in the air and dropped on Bradford. He looks uo to see Shinigami's eyes glowing black and she's the one who caused the mutagen to fall on him. Bradford screams in pain as his body begin to transform.

Suddenly police sirens are heard from the distance.

Ninja girl grabs a smoke bomb and disappers. Shinigami uses a smoke bomb as well to get away as Mikey begins to black out. Blade runs up to Mikey and grabs him before he disappears.


Mikey drowesly takes off his costume and throws it under the bed Mikey holds his shoulder in pain as he falls on his bed asleep. Leo did the same.

April goes into thire room 5 mintues after and sees her brothers asleep.  After ever thing seems normal until she sees something on Mikey's shoulder. Getting a closer look she sees glass stuck in his shoulder. April gasps as she pulls the glass out of Mikey's shoulder and more blood rushes out. Suddenly Mikey segies in pain.

"Mom ! Mom !" April screams as she goes to get her mother.

Mikey's shoulder suddenly heals up and he stops seging.

A mintue later April returns with Ms. Wilson.

"Then he started to have a segier... what ?" April said as she enters the room to see Mikey okay.

"I don't understand, glass was sticking out his arm and he was having a segier, mom I swear I'm not making this up" April said as shows her the glass that had blood on it.

"It's okay, I believe you" Ms.Wilson said as she looks at Mikey who was clunching the blankets tight to. She notices him whincing in pain every 5 seconds. She had a feeling there might something wrong with Mikey.

"I'm going to call your father, so he can check Mikey" Ms.Wilson explains as grabs her phone . 

"Kirby please get over here something is wrong with Mikey" Ms. Wilson said looking at Mikey.


Kirby shines a flash light on Mikey's pupil. Mikey whinces at the brightness.

"Well he seems okay now" Kirby as he puts the flashlight away.

"Then what was wrong with him ?" Ms. Wilson asks.

"He must of been having a really bad nightmare" Kirby explains as he places Mikey back down on couch.

"There's more than that" Ms. Wilson frowns.

"Look I don't know for sure but your son's is alright" Kirby said as he packs up he's things to leave.

"He's your son too" Ms. Wilson said.

Kirby looks at her. "Call me if anything happens to Mikey again" Kirby said as he leaves.

Ms. Wilson holds Mikey's head as he falls asleep once more.


Meanwhile back at Shredder's lair,

Karasu's situation was bad to say the least. He tries to move but he couldn't. Why ? Well Xever throught it would be funny to see Karasu, Ariri and Rai hanging by thire underwear back to back as thire hands where tied up. On the side of the Hall way Termone was sitting on the floor, her hands and feet tide up while ninjas where guarding her. Poor Maddie was curled up in a ball, her hands tied up in front of her. 

Let's just say thire sitauntion couldn't get any better. Well at least Mika has a reasuce plan in place or Rai really hope she does or they're screwed ! 

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