Ch. 38 Superheroes vs a SuperVillain part 2

When a superhero fights his or her arch nemesis for a final battle it's one challenging fight. This fight was no expection. Fire spread everywhere and the whole church was falling apart, Super Shredder approaches them his eye glowing dark with power.

"We need to take him down !" Leo shouts as Mikey helps him up.

"We agree on that much !" Karai shouts.

Leo charges at Super Shredder with his sword in his hands. Super Shredder grabs his swords and crushes them. Leo punches him but Shredder punches him back. Mikey catches Leo before he hits the ground.

"I called back !" Mikey shouts.

"Yeah Mika failed miserably" Shinigami mutters pointing to the fire around them.

"Not just her, I called Ace Hawk, Guy and Mondo Gecko" Mikey shouts.

"Okay I'm back and I brought Ace Hawk she has the fire exstrainter" Fire Babe said as she comes back in through the window with Ace Hawk at her side with the fire exstrainter.

"Okay where's the fire....." Ace Hawk pauses as her eyes widen when she sees super Shredder.

"Well the fires there... and there and there" Mika said pointing at The fires that where everywhere.

"They need help !" Ace Hawk shouts as she takes out her bow and jumps down.

"Jesus Christ Mika ! What did you do ?!" Karasu shouts as he arrives on the scene with Rai.

"I did nothing !!!!!" Mika shouts.

"They need our help !" Rai shouts jumping down.

Karasu pulls up his bandna over his face and jumps down with Fire Babe.

"Guys we have to take down Super Shredder !" Mikey shouts.

"How ?! this guy is too powerful !!!!" Rai shouts.

"Attack him all at once !!!!" Blade shouts.

Leo punches at him, while Mikey kicks him and the others Slash at him with thire wepones, Karai shots at him with her pistol gun but the bullets deflect. He was trying to avoid fighting his beloved daughter.

Super Shredder growls in annyounce as he hits the floor causing another earthquake causing our heroes to fall on the floor. More flames spread.

"That Bastard is tuff !" Fire Babe comments.

"This place is falling apart !" Karasu shouts.

Mikey suddenly relizes something. Bradford and Xever where still trapped down stairs.

"Karasu your dad he's trapped down stairs !" Mikey warns.

"What ? My dad's in danger ?!" Karasu said with wide eyes.

Shinigami jumps back up and throws a chain at Super Shredder restraining him. Shredder struggles.

"You have to save him and Xever" Mikey said.

"You can leave Xever" Shinigami said as she struggles to kee Super Shredder restrained.

Karasu seem to agree with that, remembering all theses times he bullied Maddie.

"I agree on that much" Karasu said. Ace Hawk looks at him.

"We have to save him, no matter what's he's done to you" Ace Hawk whispers.

Karasu groans.

"Fine I'll go save my dad and Xever while you guys take care of this, Rai come with me !" Karasu said.

"Wait Karasu fair warning Bradford is not clothed" Mikey said sheepishly.

Karasu makes a weird face before saying.

"Um thanks for the heads up" Karasu said before grabbing Rai and the two run out the throne room and down stairs.

Super Shredder breaks free of the chains and hit the ground causing more holes in the floor.

Mikey begins to panic. There was no way there going to take down Shredder , they've tried everything, they hit him five times but he was still up.

"What if they don't go down after the 5th hit ?" Mikey asks.

"Switch up your strategy, out smart your oppent" Yoish said.

"Switch up your strategy... that's it ! I know how to stop Shredder !" Mikey suddenly said as he looks at hanging Chandelier.

"I'm all ears Mikey !" Leo said looking at him.

"Tell us what to do and will do it !" Ace Hawk said.

"Can I light a bitch on fire ?" Fire Babe asks.

"Please shut up" Shinigami mutters trying to keep Shredder at bay.

"No but it does invole you, I need you to hang from the Chandelier" Mikey explains.

"I was born to do this" Fire Babe said as she goes and climbs up to the celing using a beam.

"Ace Hawk when she's up there I need you to shot the rope holding the chandiler" Mikey said.

"I got it !" Ace Hawk said understanding Mikey's plan.

Suddenly Kirby bat flies in and attacks Super Shredder.

"Dad !!!" Blade and Mikey shout.

Kirby lands a scatch on Shredder. Shredder growls.



Karasu and Rai run down stairs. Once there Karasu sees his fatehr uncouises as fire begins to spread around him. Karasu runs over to him and takes off his trench coat and places it on Bradford. Karasu helps him.

"Father, please speak to me" Karasu whispers.

Bradford looks up weakly at Karasu.

"Karasu ? Is that you ?" Bradford asks weakly.

"Yeah its me" Karasu whispers. "I'm getting you out of here" Karasu said.

Rai grabs an uncouises Xever.

"We need to get out here this place is falling down !" Rai shouts.

"Come on !" Karasu shouts as they run out of the place.


Kirby bat countines to attack Shredder keeping him distracted. Fire babe jumps to the chandiler and grips the bars off the chandiler.

Super Shredder grabs Kirby bat by the neck. Shredder was about to stab Kirby bat. But Shinigami kicks Super Shredder back, which frees Kirby bat.

"That's for kidnapping my father !" Shinigami snares delivering another punch. Kirby bat stages back as he growls at Shredder.

"NOW !" Mikey shouts.

Ace Hawk shoots an arrow at one of the rope holding the chandiler. The chandler swings straight towards Shredder while Fire Babe swings with it.

Shinigami grabs Kirby Bat and pushes them both out the way.

"You just got Flamed Bitch !!!!!" Mika shouts as she kicks Shredder right square in the face.

Shredder is sent flying right in his throne chair, breaking it.

"That's was for my brother !" Mikey shouts.

Everyone cheers. Kirby bat hugs Mikey and Leo with his leather wings, Then something catches Karai's eye... the jewel cat's eye.

The ground shakes and the ground crakes open, causing the the jewel to fall in. Karai's eyes widen.

"Karai don't it's just a diamond" Shinigami tries to warn her but Karai runs after it and looks down the pit.

The Jewel luckly landed on a rock ledge but it was too far to reach.
Karai bends down and reaches for it.

But before she could grab it, the ground shackes and Karai falls in.
"Karai !!!!!!" Leo screams.

"We gotta get out of here !" Ace Hawk shouts.

"I'm not leaving with out Karai !" Shinigami shouts.

"GO ! I'll save Karai, You five get out here !" Leo said.

"I'm not leaving you" Mikey shouts.

"I'll be fine ! Just go !" Leo shouts.

"I swear if you don't come back with Karai I'm coming after you !" Shinigami threatens.

"I will I promises !" Leo said.

Kirby Bat grabs Mikey and Shinigami and flies out of there bringing Mikey and Shinigami to safety while Ace Hawk and Fire Babe escape using the window.

Leo runs over to the ditch and looks down seeing Karai hanging for her life on the edge. She was using one of her hands to reach for the jewel.

"Karai !" Leo shouts.

Note: What an Chapter ! Kirby bat came back for his kids. Remember in ch. 3 when Yoish said to switch up your strategy well it comes into play here and Mikey came up with that idea honestly Villians should take Mikey seriously, he disabled a mutagen X Bomb and figured out a way to stop super Shredder. Karai's life is in danger. What's going to happen ?

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