Ch. 36 Love between a hero and a Vixen

Blade clashes sworads with Super Shredder. Shredder's eyes glowed as he pushes harder on Leo's swoard. Blade grints his teeth.

"What have you done to Turflytle !!??!!!" Blade demands.

"His fate is sealed as my prisoner" super Shredder chuckles darkly.

"I'll save him from you" Blade snares struggling to keep Shredder at bay.

"You can try" Super Shredder snares as slashes at Leo.

Leo stumbles back in pain before Super Shredder slashes at him again. Then Super Shredder pumbles Leo into the ground. Punching and slashing at him. Blade tries to fight back but Shredder keeps him pinned to the ground.

Mikey watched the whole entire fight and now he watching his adoptive brother getting beaten to a pulp. Tears stream down Mikey's face and on to the ground. He begins to sob as he cloeses his eyes. If any superhero had thire lowest moments in thire life, this was Mikey's low point. Shinigami looks at Mikey with a sadden look. She could hear the dick henchmen chuckling a bit in the background. Mikey sobs more as he looks away from the screen.

"Shredder was right...  I am just a kid wearing a ridiculous costume" Mikey whispers.

"No... he's wrong... your so much more than that, you saved so many people tonight" Shinigami suddenly said looking at Mikey.

More tears stream down Mikey's face.

"You so much more than what others think or say about you.... you even make people around you better... including me" Shinigami said before she leans forward to Mikey and kisses him.

Mikey let's himself melt into that kiss. Tears stream down both thire faces. Wanting to reinsure themselves that they where going to make it put of this. And for a minute there the two forgot they where not alone.

"Christ you two need to get a room" Fishface mutters.

Shinigami and Mikey stop kissing for a second.

"Ignore him.... I got something that will get us out of this" Shinigami whispers as she motions to her glove. She reveles a hidden Blade and starts cutting the chains.

Mikey smiles and nods.

"You sound jelouse Xever... what's the matter sad that no lady would love ever you a fish ?" Shinigami smirks as she countries to cut the chains.

"Hey I ha... have a girlfriend !" Xever shouts marching over to her.

"You mean had ? Because I thought she dropped you ass about 2 months ago" Shinigami sassys.

"Damn" Dogpound mutters

Xever draws a knife.

"If I where you I would choose my next words carefully or unless you want me to go to your house and kill your little brother" Xever snares as an evil smirk comes across his face.

Shinigami goes quite as you see anger within her eyes, glaring at Xever.

"Now I final know what puts you in your place... just threaten your brat brother and you just shut up imtidiatingly, I should of done that years ago" Xever smirks.

"Hey leave her alone !" Mikey shouts.

Xever glares at Mikey, turing his back on Shinigami who was almost free.

"Oh yeah ? And how are you gonna make me goofball ?" Xever snares.

"Me ? I'm just tied up... her however..." Mikey grins as Shinigami cuts herself down.

"What the hell ?" Dogpound shouts.

Shinigami throws the knife at Mikey's chains cutting him down causing him to fall on his back. Dogpound charges at Mikey. Mikey gets up and kicks him back.

"Down boy !" Mikey shouts as he tries to grapple Dogpound with the chains. Dogpound glares at Mikey who cheers.

"Yes I carroled you !" Mikey cheers.

Dogpound growls running away dragging Mikey across the floor

"This isn't how you walk a dog !" Mikey shouts as he is dragged across the floor.

Shinigami grabs Xever and smashes Xever to the floor.

"Now what was you where saying about threating my little brother's life ? Shinigami snares placing a knife to Xever throat.

Xever swallows and laughs nevouersely.

"Come on Shini... I was only kidding" Xever begs.

"Do I look like I'm laughing ?" Shinigami snares as she process to beat Fish face to a bloody pulp.

Mikey manges to jump back up and knock Dogpound into the wall. Dogpound falls to the floor knocked out, changing back to Chris Bradford.

One problem he was not wearing any cloeses. Mikey quickly covers his eyes and walks away.

Shinigami punches Fishface repidly. He was already uncouises but she kept punching him, wanting to make him pay and make sure he never touches her brother... ever.

Mikey grabs her arm as she was about to punch him again.

"Stop you got him, he's down" Mikey said trying to reason with her.

Shinigami glares at Fishface who suddenly turns back to human.

She drops him to the ground.

"Your right... the mutagen X must of warn off them as well" Shinigami said looking at Mikey.

"We have to save Leo" Mikey said.

"Okay I'll help you, let's go" Shinigami said as she grabs Mikey's hand and they leave the room.


April gets out the car and holds up her phone to an abandoned church.

"An abandoned Church ? Why would my brothers be here ?" April asks.

"What ever you guys are doing here you are so busted !" April said.


Leo grunts in pain as super Shredder puches him repidly. His whole body covered in bruieses.

"Say goodbye Blade !" Super Shredder chuckles putting his blade to Leo's throat.

"Put him down you son of a bitch !" Shouts a angry voice.

Shredder turns his head towards Karai who held a pistol gun in her hand.

"Karai ?" Leo asks weakly.

"Karai what are you doing ?" Super Shredder snares.

"Is it true are you the one that killed my mother ?" Karai  asks angerly.


Note: Cliffhanger !!! Shinigami and Mikey team up.

Also Mikey and Shini where kissing upside down while tied up. Also Fishface and Dogpound are back to humans.  Next chapter  the final battle  begins.

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