Ch. 32 losing powers while fighting a fish
Mikey rushes through the enptey hallways as he takes off his tie and opens up his lock to grab his bag that holds his superhero costume. He puts on his Turflytle costume as he gets outside of the back of the school where the bus are. As he pulls down his mask he's suddenly kicked into one of the buses.
Mikey cringes as he feels a bruise on his arm, they suddenly go away, thanks to his healing powers. Mikey looks looks up to see Fishface, smirking at him.
"So Witch girl ditched ya ? Can't say I'm surprised" Fishface smirks.
"What the buzz ?" Mikey mutters before Fishface kicks him into the bus again.
Mikey tries to get up and turns invisible but he reappears. His eyes widen. His powers where glitching. This what Dr. Kobayashi warned him about.
"Oh no" Mikey mutters as he tries to grab his nunchuckes but Fishface kicks him down.
"What's wrong goofball, losing your powers ?!" Fishface laughs.
"Why are you here ?" Mikey asks.
"I gusse you'll never know" Fishface states about to finish Mikey off until suddenly Fire hits Fishface knocking him out.
Mikey looks up to see Mika, in her dress and a red mask over hey eyes.
"Mika ? Your Fire Babe ?" Mikey asks shocked.
"Hell yeah ! But how did you know my real name ?" Mika asks unaware of Turflytle's real identity.
Mikey pulls up his mask and shows her.
"Oh nice, I didn't know your Turflytle" Mika said before her phone rings her phone rings. She picks it up.
"Hello Rai... Oh shit I meant Mondo !" Mika said correcting herself.
"Wait Rai is Mondo gecko ?" Mikey asks.
"Great you reviled my identity to Turflytle" Rai said over the line.
"Sorry Rai" Mika said.
"Forget it ! Ace Hawk got captured along side Guy and Slash is going to save them but he's been shot we need Turflytle and Blade to help us" Rai said
"Mika Shredder is going to unleash a mutagen X Bomb on the city" Mikey said.
"Holy shit ! Rai ! Shredder is going to unleash a mutagen X Bomb on the city !" Mika exclaimes.
"We gotta rescue our friends and stop that bomb !" Rai said over the line.
"Right can you pick us up I'm losing my powers ?!" Mikey asks.
"My mom and I will be there in 30 seconds" Rai said.
"I'll call Blade !" Mikey said pulling put his phone and dails him.
"Hello ?" Blade said over the line.
"Blade ! Meet us at the abandoned Church ! Shredder plans to use an mutagen X Bomb on the city and he has Ace Hawk and Guy held hostage !" Mikey exclaimes.
What ?!" Blade asks shocked.
"We gotta stop him !" Mikey shouts.
"I'll meet you there !" Blade said as he hangs up the phone.
Mondo's mom's mini van pulls up and Mikey and Fire Babe jump in and the car rides off to the abandoned Church.
Meanwhile Toran just stands there completely confused.
"(What was that ?!)" Toran shouts as Ariri just laughs.
Shredder observes quitly and sternly as he watches Tigerclaw tie up his prisoners to the Mutatgen X Bomb. The prisoners where none other than Termone and Karasu both unmasked and tied to the mutatgen X Bomb. Pained grunts comes from Karasu as he felt the metal chains wrapped around his bare chest. Termone tries to stay calm, as she held Karasu's hand to reinsure him they were going to get out of this. She tries to avoid looking at Shredder, feeling his growing anger.
"Tigerclaw, where is Bradford ?" Shredder snares angrly, glaring at Karasu.
"He'll be here any mintue master" Tigerclaw replies, putting a lock on the chains.
"So... What is your big plan here ?" Karasu mutters.
"I'm luring out Hamtoe Yoish or I will mutate this ciy" Shredder snares.
"And we're bait for Hamtoe Yoish ?" Termone asks.
"No once I deactivate the bomb you both will die of mutagen X explarer for interfering with my plans" Shredder growls.
"So are fates our sealed ?" Termone asks, having hope thire friends would save them.
"You won't surrive long when more mutagen X enters your body once more" Tigerclaw chuckles as he looks at Dr. Kobayashi who was hand cuffed to a chair.
Dogpound enters the room, as he glances at Karasu.
"You called for me master Shredder ?" Dogpound asks.
Not saying a word, Shredder punches Dogpound to the ground.
"Who is this boy to you ?!" Shredder demands.
"He's nobody to me !" Dogpound lies, trying to protect Karasu.
"Lair ! This boy sounds excatly like you before you took up that ridiculous American accent !" Shredder snaps, delivering another blow to Dogpound's face.
"Stop trying to protect me !" Karasu suddenly shouts.
Shredder looks at him.
"It's no use anymore ! You can't keep me a secret anymore... there's no point anymore" Karasu snares lowering his head down.
Dogpound looks at him with regert.
"So who are you to Bradford then ?" Shredder snares.
"I'm his son... a son he clearly never wanted" Karasu whispers.
Dogpound looks at the ground ashamed.
"You knew the rules of the foot clan, you must marrie in order to have an heir, you clearly had a one night stand with one of the foot kouniches years ago " Shredder snares.
"Master Shredder please he's just a kid, I'm begging of you" Dogpound begs but Shredder kicks him down once more.
"You knew this rule if anyone had a child by mistake they must be ridden of ! You have dishonored the foot ! Your luck I'm only taking care of this problem and not kicking you out of this clan" Shredder threatens.
"No you can't !" Termone shouts.
Dogpound wanted to fight back but he couldn't, he couldn't fight back against the Shredder. He gives Karasu an aplogic look, who looks away.
"Leave now !" Shredder snares.
Getting up, Dogpound weakly gets up and walks out ashamed.
"Do what you want to me but let Termone go and leave my friends alone !" Karasu shouts.
"I don't think so boy becauses I have alot in store for your friends" Shredder chuckles darkly.
Karai pulls out an old Vhr and connects to a cable TV box. She pulls out the wedding tape and place it in the Vhr. It begins to play. The tv shows a wedding of a young couple in thire 20's getting married. Karai regoinzed the bride, it was her mother, Tang shen and the man she was getting married to was Hamtoe Yoish.
Karai's eyes widen.
How ? Her mother had married her father Ourka Saki not Yoish....
The camera points to Saki who was glaring at this with a scowling look. He looked jelouse... no... inraged.
As the video countines, Karai could see people dancing in the background but in the distance background Karai could see Shen arguing with Saki before he storms off upset. As he storms off however Karai hears theses words from Saki.
"I swear Shen, one day you'll be mine"
Karai stares at the screen, trying to peice everything together.
This vidoe was taped in 1998, a year before she was born and 8 months after her mother died. This vidoe made it clear that Shen never married her father, she married Yoish and that meant Yoish was her true father.
Then that must mean.....
No he wouldn't do that..... he loved Shen....
Anger rose inside of Karai. She didn't care about who was her father. She wanted justice for her mother. But she wanted to hear it from Shredder if he killed her mother. Karai suddenly smashes the tv in anger.
Note- The scence where Mikey fight Fishface is the scence where Spiderman fights the shocker from Spiderman homecoming.
So Karai final knows the truth and boy is she not happy. I wish in the series Karai would find out the truth like this. Like when she's going to comfort Shredder if Splinter was her father... she should of asked did you kill my mother !? That's what I'm going to do becauses it's more emotional.
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