Ch.29 The Villians plans
Rai walks back and forth around the aprtment with his hands on his head.
"Oh man oh man oh man, I'm freaking out" Rai mutters.
Termone looks at him with concern as she crushes up leaves in a bowl.
"We have to stay calm as we plan a rescue mission" Termone said.
"How !? Karasu was dog napped !" Rai exclaimes.
Maddie whips her tears away. Termone comforts her.
"It's going to be okay" Termone whispers.
"I'm sorry, I'm worried about Karasu" Rai said.
"It's okay I have a planned to save him tonight" Termone explains.
Mikey was so happy he was going to Homecoming with Shini. But he felt sad as he listens to his mother trying to call Kirby but he wasn't picking up. He wanted to tell his mother what really happened but he couldn't. She wouldn't believe that Kirby turned to into a mutanted Bat.
Shredder sits on his throne as Dogpound kneels in front of him. Karai and Shinigami where on the side listing to it boredly while Fishface was sharping his knife.
"Everything is set Master Shredder, what are your orders ?" Dogpound asks.
"We will set The charges to the mutatgen X Bomb tomorrow night and lure Hamtoe Yoish out" Shredder explains.
Shinigami growls when she heard this. She hated working for the foot but this was a new low for the Shredder. He was going to blow up half of new york with unstable mutagen X. She had a baby brother to think of, she couldn't let this silde becauses even vixens has thire limits.
Karai senses her friends anger. She grabs her shoulder.
"Shini you need to relax" Karai tries to calm her down.
"No I'm not letting this silde" Shinigami snares as she walks up to Shredder and push Dogpound to the side.
The only person who would dare to stand up to Shredder was Shinigami. This was mainly because she wasn't afraid of him.
"I'm done ! I want no part of this madness !" Shinigami snares.
"I had a feeling you would say this girl, then again you where never loyal to me" Shredder said as a screen shows up on the wall and shows Shinigami freeing Mikey who was mask and her telling Mikey she knew he was Turflytle all along.
"You knew this Mikey was Turflytle all this time and never told me" Shredder snares.
Shinigami shurges.
"So what ? It wasn't important" Shinigami sassys.
"This boy is now a threat to our plans" Shredder snares.
"He's just a kid wearing a goofy costume" Shinigami defends.
"Ah ha ! Your defending goofball ! I knew you like him !" Fishface shouts pointing an excuse finger at Shinigami.
"You really know how to get her pissed off don't you, Xever" Karai mutters
Fishface is suddenly blasted with dark matter, sending him flying into a wall.
"I'm done, I'll send you a check from my bill" Shinigami said as she begins to leave.
"Shinigami wait !" Karai shouts.
Suddenly Tigerclaw bursts through the throne doors, holding Dr. Kobayashi hostage. His hands bonded in front of him.
"Father !" Shinigami shouts.
"Luna !" Dr. Kobayashi shouts.
"Dad what the hell ?!" Karai shouts at her dad for doing this to her best friend.
"There's nothing sweeter than a father's bond with his daughter" Shredder chuckles.
"Let him go you son of a bitch !" Shinigami snares her hands glowing dark.
"I told you, if you did what you where told I wouldn't tell Master Shredder about your father, but senses you freed Turflytle, you brought this onto yourself girl" Tigerclaw smirks.
"Let him go or I will knock all nine lives put of you" Shinigami growls.
"Try it and I put a bullet between your dear father's eyes" Tigerclaw chuckles as he puts his blaster to her father's head.
"Don't take this monster threat sersuoisely, Luna !" Dr. Kobayashi.
Shinigami looks at her father before backing off.
"I should of seen this before it would of gotten you alot more coorperrtive" Shredder chuckles.
"Cut the Bull shit ! What do you want !!!??" Shinigami demands.
"Xever tells me Turflytle has asked you out to homecoming" Shredder begins.
"Wait hang on" Shinigami said before punching Fishface in the face. After she was done she turns back to Shredder. "What about it ?" Shinigami said rolling her eyes.
"You will go to homecoming with Mikey to distract him tomorrow night while the Mutatgen X Bombs will be set" Shredder explains.
"You can't the mutagen X is unstable !" Dr. Kobayashi shouts.
"Go to hell Shredder ! I'm not doing that !" Shinigami snares.
Tigerclaw points the blaster again at Dr. Kobayashi once more.
"You will or your dear father will die and I know you don't want to loses another parent" Shredder snares.
Shinigami looks at the ground knowing she didn't have a choice. She liked Mikey. But now she was being forced to disracted Mikey while a mutagen X Bomb would be relased into the city. She didn't want to multiple Mikey but she had no choice.
"If I do this... you'll let him go ?" Shinigami asks anger hinting in her voice.
"If you do this I won't harm your baby brother" Tigerclaw smirks.
Shinigami felt her heart break as her eye twitches. Dr. Kobayashi eyes widen in shock as he hears this threat on his youngest child.
"How did you...." Shinigami breathes out.
"I went to your party that night you suspposed to catch Turflytle
and I saw that little boy sitting on a coach with a big cat, I asked some guys who was the kids and they said it was your baby bother" Fishface smirks as he walks up to Shinigami weakly, making a big mistake.
"Big bad goth has an soft side...." Fishface begins before Shinigami lashes out at him.
She slashes his cheek, leaving a nasty claw mark on his cheek. Fishface places a hand on his bleeding cheek. She gives him a death glare. There was something you should never do is threaten her baby brother ever or she will attack you.
"Enough ! Shinigami if you do this, your baby brother will be unharmed, do we have a deal ?" Shredder smirks.
"Yes we have a deal" Shinigami sighs in defeat before she storms out of the throne room.
"Shinigami wait !" Karai shouts chasing after her friend.
Shinigami stops in the middle of the hallway, staring at Karai.
"Why did you just stand there why my father's life was being threatened ?!" Shinigami snares.
"I didn't know he was going do this" Karai said.
"I know you would never tell anyone about Chikao, but did you tell Shredder about me being the daughter of Dr. Kobayashi" Shinigami asks sersuoisely.
"Why would you ask that ? Of course I would never do that" Karai said.
"Then why does he know, he looks like he knew this entire time !" Shinigami shouts as tears appears in her eyes.
Karai puts Shinigami's hand on her head.
"Look into my memory, if you don't believe me" Karai said.
Shinigami looks at her as she brings Karai into a hug. She knew Karai would never tell Shredder
"No I'm sorry, I believe you" Shinigami whispers.
"I promise I'll try to reason with Shredder" Karai whispers.
But Unkowest to Shredder, someone was seeking into his lair to rescue a friend.
Ace Hawk and Mondo Gecko sneek into the Shredder's lair. Slash was outside of Shredder's lair, keeping a look out. Fire babe was busy with getting ready for homecoming so she couldn't help. Ace Hawk leads the way until they come across the dungeon. Two foot guard a cell that held a tied up, battered and beaten up Karasu. Thinking quickly, Ace Hawk knocks out the two guards. Then she breaks open the lock and runs to Karasu.
She could know see his injuries more clearly. His arms where covered in blood socked bandages, his eye was bruised, his left arm was bruised and across his lower admonments was a huge tiger Slash on his admonments.
Ace Hawk quickly unties him and attends to his injuries by first unwrapping the blood socked and replacing them with new bandages.
Karasu looks up at her.
"Ace Hawk ? Mondo ?" He asks weakly.
"Hey man" Mondo sighs in relife to his best friend.
"Shh were getting you out of here" Ace Hawk whispers as she attempts to use her healing powers on him but something was wrong she couldn't use her healing powers.
"There's something wrong with my powers ?" Ace Hawk said looking at Mondo.
Mondo looks at his hands, eyes widen.
"Uhhhh Ace ?" Mondo said as he shows her his hands. Right now Mondo was in his mutant form but he could turn back to human like Xever, however in his mutant form, Mondo's hands where back to human hands.
"There's something wrong with our powers" Ace Hawk said.
"Like there fading away" Karasu said.
"We have to get out of here" Ace Hawk said as she and Mondo gental help Karasu up and help him walk while supporting him.
Ace Hawk grabs Karasu's trench coat and drapes it over his shoulders.
"We're do you think your going little ones ?" A voice growls behind him.
The trio look behind them and see Tigerclaw pointing his blasters at them.
"We made a wrong stop and trying to get out if this place ?" Mondo said sheepishly.
"Forget about me, run !" Karasu snares.
"We're not leaving you behind" Ace Hawk said.
Tigerclaw charges at Mondo knocking him to the wall.
"Just run !" Karasu hisses.
"No were all getting out here !" Ace Hawk whispers setting Karasu on the ground.
Ace Hawk charges at Tigerclaw. She upper punches him and swipes kicks him down.
"Nice !" Mondo grins.
"Mondo your in your human form" Ace Hawk shouts.
Mondo looked at his body and long hair. He back into his human form.
"Oh shit now the bad guys know who I am" Rai mutters.
"We gotta get out here !" Ace Hawk shouts.
Suddenly Tigerclaw grabs Ace Hawk by the back of her hair and forces her back and he points his blasters, not at her but at Karasu who was desperately trying to stand.
"Struggle and I'll shoot him, girl" Tigerclaw threatens.
"You must really proud of yourslef, threatening a girl" snares a voice.
Slash jumps down, his mace in his hands.
"Slash !!!!" Rai cheers as he turns to Tigerclaw. "Your in trouble now" Rai grins.
"Let them go or I'm gonna beat the shit out of you again and I really don't think you want that" Slash smirks.
Tigerclaw places the gun to Ace Hawk cheek as he pulls down her hood, to revel her untamed red hair. Slash grips his hands around his handle in anger. Termone looks at Rai trying to offer a hopeful look, even though she was unmasked.
"She's just a teen, your proably know, let me gusse neice, god daughter, daughter" Tigerclaw smirks as he shows his claws in front of her.
That did it for Slash as he charges at him. Knowing this was what he wanted, Tigerclaw shoots Slash in the shoulder, causing him to fall to the ground in pain.
"Slash !!!!!" Termone and Rai scream.
Termone tries to struggle but Tigerclaw points the gun at Karasu once more.
"I'll shoot him too, girl" Tigerclaw snares.
Taking his threat sersuoisely, Termone stands his grip, limply trying to hold back hes tears.
Rai checks Slash as his arms bleeds heavily.
"I'm giving you chance to take your leader and leave with your life" Tigerclaw tells Rai.
"I'm not letting you capture my friends !" Rai shouts.
Tigerclaw let's out a grow as he shoots the wall giving Rai a waring shot.
"I said leave, I'm done with you boy !" Tigerclaw shouts.
"Go ! Get Slash medical treatment ! Will be fine" Termone shouts.
"I'm coming back for you guys and I'm getting Turflytle and Blade !" Rai promises as he picks up Slash and carries him to the exit.
Foot soilders enter and grab Karasu, who was too much in pain to fight
"I wouldn't be counting on your friends to save you this time becauses your fates are alread sealed for tomorrow nights big events" Tigerclaw smirks before looking at Karasu.
"Isn't that right son of Bradford ?" Tigerclaw laughs.
Karasu's eyes widen.
"Don't worry master Shredder already knows about you" Tigerclaw smirks.
Note- Whoa Shinigami has her limits with being evil, one word of edvice, never threaten Shinigami's little brother becauses you'll regret.
Okay I need your guys help, in a couple chapters from now Karai is going to find out truth about Yoish being her true father. But I have two options and I can't decided which one to go with.
The first option is Leo asking Karai out to Homecoming (even though she's pissed off at him) Leo meets her dad Saki (this is from Spiderman homecoming) As they are in the car, Shredder would find out about Leo being Blade (excatly like the Spiderman homecoming scence) Shredder let's Leo go to the dance with Karai. Leo shows The picture to Karai and also fives vidoe proof of Yoish getting married to Shen, Shocked by this she runs off.
The second option is a bit intenses and emotional, Karai still angery about not getting revenge on Yoish, she takes her Vengeance further when she and Tigerclaw take people hostage to lure Blade and Yoish out. Karai has regret taking people hostage and an elderly woman gives Karai comfort. Blade comes to the rescue (after seeking out when April goes to homecoming with Donnie) Karai points a gun at Leo and blames him for the entire situation from happen because he ruined her plan to kill Yoish. Yoish intervins and hugs Karai to make her stop. He shows her the photo of him and Shen and her baby self. He then gives the wedding vidoe and tell her the truth will set her free. Karai super speeds away.
Which option should I pick, keep in mind ethier on of theses scenes will be during the home coming scenes where Shini and Mikey are dancing.
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