Ch.22 Field Trip part 2

The bus arrives at north lodge. The students run out of the bus and into the cabin while the teacher tries to do a head count. Mikey flips up with his phone and calls Guy.

"Hello ?" Guy asks on the other line.

"Guy it's me Turflytle" Mikey whispers into the phone.

"I take it your there ?" Guy asks.

"Yes" Mikey said.

"Slash says meet us tonight at 9 behind the lodge, tonight we save Blade" Guy said.

"Thank you" Mikey said as he hangs up the phone and heads to his assighed room.

Waiting for him was Hamtoe Yoish.

"Are you sure this is a wise plan Mikey ?" Hamtoe Yoish asks.

"Yes I trust my new friends" Mikey said.

"That's not what I mean, always have in your allies you know that well.... but are you sure it's wise to sneek into a lair secred by the Shredder ?"

"I know it's dangerous but Leo needs us, Yoish we can't just adobande him" Mikey said.

Yoish frowns sadly, remembering a situation simliar to this.

"Remember I told you about Tang shen ?" Yoish asks.

"Yeah you said she was an awesome Thief" Mikey said.

"Sit down, my son there is a story I need to tell you about Her, me and the Shredder" Yoish said.

Mikey loving Yoish ' s stories sits down besides Yoish on the bed.

"It began 16 years..." Yoish begins.


16 years ago,

Yoish's narration: 7 years after I met Tang Shen, we had married and had a beautiful baby girl named Miwa. We were so happy togeather. I was still a ninja protecter and Shen was still a thief, stealing every preacies jewel from meusames all over Japane. I never changed her becauses she was perfect the way she was. But on one of her heists I should of went with her.

Tang Shen careful sneaks into a large mesume with ease. She makes her way to the jewels and carefully puts them in a bag.

"Still a thief Shen, I've always admired your stubbornness" Said a gruff voice.

Shen turns around to see Saki, in a foot kimion.

"Saki what are you doing here ?" Tang shen asks, taking off her mask.

"To see you Shen... I heard you had a Daughter with Yoish" Saki snares, clutching his firsts.

"Saki.... I'm happy with Yoish, you just going to have to expect that" Tang Shen said, feeling sorry for her friend.

"I can be a better father to your daughter, than he can" Saki argues.

"I'm sorry Saki but my answer will always be.... no" Tang Shen said sadly as she turns around to leave.

"Then you leave me no choice Shen" Saki said.

Suddenly foot ninjas appear out now where in front of Shen and throw blinding powder at her knocking her out. The foot ninjas pick her up.

"Take her with us and make sure she's retrainred, I have an old friend to vist" Saki said with determtion.

Later that night,

Yoish's narration: That night I was taking care of Miwa, unaware of of the danger Shen was in.

Yoish smiles as he rocks a sleeping baby girl back and forth in his arms. Yoish suddenly sensed something wrong and puts his sleeping daughter in a crib and goes to check it out.

He checks outside, seeing nothing at first. Suddenly he sensed something again but before he could react he's punched down to the ground. He looks up to see Saki towering over him with a blade.

"Saki what are doing here ?" Yoish asks shocked to see his former friend and brother after a 4 years without seeing him.

"Claming what's mine Yoish" Saki snares as two foot soilders drag in a tied up Shen.

"Shen my love !!!!" Yoish shouts.

"Stop this Saki !" Shen shouts struggling.

"Saki..." Yoish begins but Saki puches him in the jaw.

"She should of been mine Yoish, I love her more than you !" Saki shouts.

"Shen would never be yours !" Yoish shouts but Shredder kicks him in his shoulder. Yoish winces in pain, afraid to wake his daughter.

Foot ninja place a torch to the floor, a fire begining to spread.

"After I'm done with you I'll destroy the ones who had lied to me about my family" Saki snares about to finish him off.

"No !!!!!" Shen screams breaking free of her restraints and running towards them.

She jumps in front of Yoish as the blade comes near him...

"Slash !"

Shen falls to the ground from the blow. Tears stream down Yoish's eyes. He catches Shen in his arms, holding her. Sadness and guilt over coming him. Saki's eyes widen in shock at what he just done. He never meant to kill her loved, he wanted her to be his. That's all he ever wanted.

Suddenly a baby's cries are heard. Saki runs towards where the cries are heard. Yoish tries to stop him but fire debrie spearts them.

"Miwa !!!!!!!!" Yoish cries.

He tries to get to his daughter, but it was hopless....

Yoish runs out of the house, with Shen in his arms.

"I'm sorry Shen.... I'm sorry" Yoish sobs.


Flashback over,

Mikey looks sadly at Yoish as he looks at a picture of his youngerself, Shen and his baby daughter.

"What happened to Miwa ?" Mikey asks.

"She had parished in the fire" Yoish said wipping his tears away.

"Shredder had took everything from me, causing me great sadness and pain" Yoish said as he places a hand on Mikey's shoulders.

"Will stop him" Mikey said.

"Mikey listen to me, The Shredder will stop at nothing until he gets his revenge, I must save Leo alone, you will stay here with your classmates where it's safe" Yoish explains getting up.

"But Yoish" Mikey begs.

"I can't risk your life, I'm not losing another person I care about to the Shredder" Yoish said.

"I lost my brother Raph to the Shredder, I can't lose Leo too, please let me come with you" Mikey begs.

"You have a kinder spirit, protect that" Yoish smiles softly as he leaves.

Mikey sits there sadly.

"Be careful" Mikey whispers.


Karai storms into the lab where Shredder talks to Dr. Kobayashi

"What is this I hear about you throwing Blade into the melting pot ?!" Karai snares angerly.

"Blade will be destroyed regradless after we have Hamtoe Yoish" Shredder explains.

"You said I could do my plan on him ! Make him obey us, breaking Hamote Yoish seeing his prized ninja under my control !" Karai shouts.

"Plans changed" Shredder said.

"Bullshit Dad !" Karai shouts.

"Laguage young lady !" Shredder scowlds.

"Why can't I go through with it !" Karai shouts.

"Becauses your plan is reversable and I want Blade dead now !" Shredder shouts back.

"It would work if stop letting your stupid pride getting in the way" Karai shouts.

"I said Blade will be destroyed tonight and that's final !" Shredder shouts.

"Your the worst dad ever !!!!" Karai shouts storming out the room.

Shredder's eyes soften.

"Karai wait !" Shredder shouts but she was already gone.

Shredder sighs as he looks at a sliver neckleaces in his hands as he remembers the promise he made to Shen and Karai.


16 years ago,

Saki had barely made it out of the burning houses, half of his face was scared from the debris as he was desperatly saving Miwa.

Shredder held the crying baby in his arms.

"Shhh, little one it's okay" Saki whispers tears streaming down his face, feeling guilt.

"I'm sorry little one I didn't mean to harm your mother... I promise I'll make things right things right with you" Shredder whispers.

The baby girl looks at Saki her eyes open for the first time, revealing her golden eyes.

"Osen ?" Miwa asks.

"I promise I'll take care of you and I'll never let anyone hurt not even me" Saki promises as he looks at the devesrtion that's has happend.

"I shall call you Karai" Shredder said.


Note- Now Yoish and Saki's back story has been established, it's similar to tmnt12 version but I put my spin on. Where instead of Shredder using Karai to get back at Yoish as a revenge. He protects her and raises her with care and protection. He wants to make things right with Shen by raising her daughter. Saki actually want back for Karai and saved her from he fire, resulting in hus face getting half burned. I wanted to make a Thonaes and Gomra relationship for Karai and Shredder, I feel like that was missing from tmnt12 serises. Also they didn't give Shredder like a relatable dad treat like not wanting his daughter to date or being really over protective of her. They should of made Shredder over protective of her. Like it makes senses as I point this out. Shredder loved Shen so he would protect Karai at all cost at least right ? But they never do that in the serises.

So here's what I plan it's kinds spoliers, so don't read if you don't like spoilers...

This is what I have planned, so when Karai finds out truth in this story, she's going to be pissed off but When Something happens to Shredder at his final act of desperation of revenge (I'm not saying what happens) She actually shouts no stop you'll die !. This will causes Shredder to look at her and asks her softly, "you still moran me, my child" Like Thonas said to Gorma when she thought she killed him and she was actually crying over it. So I feel it would be very meaningful.

Tell me your thoughts about Karai and Shredder's father daughter relationship in the comments.

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