Ch. 2 A normal life of Mikey
Mikey walks down the stairs to kitchen as he pulls down his shirt. Mikey smiles as he smells pancakes. Mikey enters the kitchen to see his adoptive mother Ms. Wilson making pancakes while his adoptive sister April was eating breakfast.
It had been of total of 11 years since Hamtoe Yoish brought Mikey to his close friends so they could take care of Mikey. Ms. Wilson had been so nice and caring to Mikey. Mikey even got along with his adoptive siblings Leo and April so quickly. Everything was happy.
"Hi Mikey" Ms.Wilson smiles as she puts pancakes on the plate for mikey.
"Hey Mom, Hi April" Mikey greets as April hugs Mikey.
"You ready for school Mikey ?" April asks.
Mikey nods as he eats his pancakes.
"Your brother Leo will be taking you and April to school again today while I go to work" Ms. Wilson explains.
Mikey just nods, eating as April complains.
School was boring. Nothing really exited ever happened during the day. But night was a different story. At night Mikey would dress up in his superhero outfit and fight crime with his adoptive brother Leo, who called himself Blade. Mikey had a superhero name too, TURFLYTLE !
Okay it was kinda of a stupid name but Mikey found it cool because it reminded him of Spiderman. Mikey just couldn't wait for night to fight crime.
Suddenly Mikey is grabbed by the back of his shirt and pulled back. A boy with long black hair grabs Mikey's right arm while a boy with spiky black hair.
A boy with asian features and black hair a few purple dye in his spikey hair, stands in front of Mikey with a smirk. There where other kids with him, Mika, Tikki, Ariri and Maddie.
"Hey Mikey" The Asian boy with black and with a few purple dyed hair said with a thick Scottish acent as he nods to his the boy with the long hair, Rai starts to go into Mikey's pockets.
"Hi Karasu" Mikey said.
Normally anyone would panic when faced with bullies, however Mikey stayed calmed within the bullies grasps as Rai searches his pockets while one of the girls, Tikki looks at Mikey with hungry eyes, like she wanted food from him.
"Damn it, Karasu he only has 1 dollar on him" Rai mutters.
"Oh come on I'm hungry !" Tikki cimplains.
Karasu folds his arms while Mika smirks, but not at Mikey at the boy with spiky black hair holding Mikey.
"Hey Toran what do you say we make out to an 80's ?" Mika smirks getting too close to Toran.
Mikey's eyes widen at this. And just like that Toran cures in Japanese and leaves, freeing Mikey's left arm in the process. Ariri shackes her head.
"So you guys low on money again ?" Mikey asks.
"You could say that, poor Tikki doesn't have enough for lunch" Rai explains.
"I don't have enough money for meat soup" Tikki pouts.
"So we're stealing from you goofball" Karasu smirks.
"He doesn't have that much money on him" Rai points out.
Karasu grins as he grabs Mikey by the front his shirt and dangles him.
"Well we can still have fun with ya" Karasu grins as Maddie grins mischievously.
"Karasu !!!!!" Shouts a calm but smooth voice.
Mikey sighs in relief as a girl with untamed red hair walks towards them.
"Oh hey Termone" Rai said nervously. Karasu let's go of Mikey.
"How many times do I have to tell you no bulling anyone especially not a classmate !" Termone glares at them.
"In my defense it was Karasu's idea" Mika said.
"Tikki is hungry !" Karasu agrees.
Termone sighs giving Tikki five dollars for food. "Here go buy some meat soup, while I'll deal with this" Termone said as Tikki skips happily away.
Termone looks at Rai, Karasu, Mika, Ariri, and Madison.
"Come on Termone we where only messing around with Mikey" Rai said.
"If you guys can't treat others with kindness then I'm going to have to tell the teacher again" Termone said crossing her arms.
The Bushi trio started to complain and plead.
"No please don't tell him" Rai asks.
"I'll behave" Maddie pleads,hugging Termone's arm.
Ariri waves her hands around.
"I can't go back to jail" Mika blurts out.
Everyone looks at her.
Karasu scoffs. "I'm not afraid of a teacher" Karasu mutters.
"I wonder if Vexy would of prove of this behavior" Termone said.
"Who's Vexy ?" Mikey asks.
"His crush" Maddie giggles.
"His boo" Mika smirks.
Karasu's eyes widen. "You won't dare tell her, If she finds out about this she'll never go with me too homecoming" Karasu begs.
"If you apologies to Mikey, then I promise not to tell her" Termone Said.
Karasu looks at Mikey and apologies to him before walking away with Maddie and Ariri.
"I'm sorry too" Rai said sadly.
"Me too" Mika said.
"No biggie dude and duddett" Mikey smiles.
Rai and Mika both smile before walking off.
"Thank you" Mikey said to Termone.
"No problem, helping thoses in need is what I do" Termone said before leaving for class.
In a corner, a man with red hair which was balding a little and beard, was watching Mikey as he heads to class. The man sighs in relife to see his adoptive son alright.
A 16 girl with black hair with the back of her hair was dyed blond, golden eyes, and Asian features, strolled down the hallways near the lockers. She stops by near one locker, she puts her ear near the lock and turns the dial until she hears a click.
A grin plays on her face as she opens up the locker and takes a blue wallet from the locker. She opens up the waller and takes out 5 dollars.
"Cheapass" The girl mutters putting the wallet back into the locker and pockets the money before closing the locker.
She begins to walk away but someone grabs her wrist.
"Put it back Karai !" snares a fimilar voice to her.
Karai turns her head to see, non other than the goodie two shoes himself, Leo O'Neil.
"Well hello Lame-onardo" Karai smirks.
"Put the money back Karai" Leo snares
"Are you going to make me ?" Karai purrs.
"I won't fight you if that's what your getting at" Leo counters.
"Awww such a gental men" Karai smirks before pulling her arm away form him and kneeling him in the kewis.
Leo falls to the ground and held his groin.
Karai laughs and pats his head.
"That's was fun Leo but I have to go" Karai laughs before walking off.
"I really don't like that girl" Leo grons.
The man with the red hair looms over Leo with a disappointing look.
"Never pick a fight with a girl like her" The man said.
Note - Okay for things first we're not doing the high school cliches. We seen the mean bitchy girl or bully that bullys our hero, so we mixed up to have the three main tuff kids bully Mikey but reilved that they listen to a character with morals and the tuff kids become friends with Mikey (well Rai mostly) But Mikey is not a loser character in high school he's an goofball everyone loves to be around. So basically this one chapter sums up Mikey's life. He lives happily with foster family, he fights crime and trains, while a red hair man keeps an eye on Mikey. But mostly the highschool thing is more for the piolt to show Mikey's scoial life and the highschool thing is also for the piolt of the story/moive. There will be one bully Character which is Xever but he'll become fishface. Anyways I hope you guys liked this chapter. Next will see Turflytle fighting crime.
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