Ch.16 A superhero team up part 2
Mikey groans as he slowly begins to wake up. He tries to move but he felt his hands pinned to his sides. Mikey looks down to see chains wrapped around his body and a post. Next to him was Guy and Mondo Gecko tied to a post. Mikey looks to his left to see Ace Hawk and Fire Babe tied to a pole. The wierd part was Mikey didn't see Leo. Mikey tries to squirm but he felt a comforting hand on his shoulder. Mikey looks up to Shinigami in front of him.
"Shinigami, man am I glad to see you" Turflytle said.
"I'm getting tired making sure your alright" Shinigami mutters.
Mikey will admit he has a huge crush on Shinigami. When they first meet Mikey had a huge crush on her, even through she tried to take him down a few times Mikey never saw her as an enemy. She was like his Micheal Pfiffer Catwoman to Mikey's Turflytle.
"Can I have help ?" Mikey asks sheepishly.
"Hey I'll let you pass me to get to your friends but that's it your on your own getting out of thoses chains" Shinigami snarks as she folds her arms.
Mikey struggles and squirms agaisnt the chains. He turned invisible but that did nothing, he reappears and struggles again, nothing happens. Shinigami just rolls her eyes at his attempts. Suddenly she hears The mutant Tiger coming and she telporats away.
"Wait come back !" Mikey shouts.
"Ugh Who are you talking to ?" Blade asks, who tied to the other side of the post, Mikey was tied to.
"Uhhhh..." Mikey began but the muantant interrupts him.
"Silent cubs" The mutant Tiger grows as he activates a botton on a remote.
Our heroes scream in pain as the chains electorate them. Blade felt he could breath for a minute before the electric died down. They begin to breath heavily.
"Oh god that hurts a lot worse than water" Fire Babe complains
An asain man with dark brown hair with grey side burns on the sides of his hair, approaches The mutant Tiger. Mikey could tell he was one of the sicentests becasue he wore a lab coat.
The asain man whispers something to The mutant tiger who nods. The asain walks up to them and starts looking at them with a flash light.
"Too bright" Mondo whimpers, whincing at the light being shine at his eyes.
After he was done the asain man scowlds.
"(What the hell where you kids thinking exposing yourseleves to the mutatgen it could be doing god knows what to your heart !)" The asain man snares at them.
Mikey understands what he said.
"It was an accident, we didn't mean to come in contact with it" Mikey said to the asain man.
The asain man looks at him.
"(Your going to need help)" The asain man said before the muantant calls his name.
"Dr. Kobayashi, Dr. Stockman needs more of your assistance" the mutant Tiger said.
Dr. Kobayashi nods as he walks towards a backroom. Shinigami watching sadly from her hiding spot.
"Who the hell are ?" Guy snares.
"You may call me Tigerclaw !" The mutant Tiger said.
"I knew it I was totally gonna call him Tigerclaw !" Mikey said.
Fire babe bursts out of laughter.
"I'm sorry your name is Tigerclaw ?! Bbbbbhhhaaa !!!! What was your second choice Scrotum claws ?!" Fire Babe laughs.
Mondo gecko laughs as Termone bites her lips.
"New plan I'm killing you first" Tigerclaw snares putting his gun to her cheek.
"That's cool at least I don't have to hear your dumb ass name then" Fire Babe smirks.
"No killing today, Tigerclaw" Ninja girl said as she approaches Tigerclaw.
"Well isn't the Shredder's Daughter ?" Tigerclaw smirks .
"Wait ?! Shredder has an daughter?!" Leo asks shocked relizing she kissed him.
"Someone actually did it with Shredder ?!" Fire Babe asks.
"Is he the leader of the foot ?" Mikey asks.
Ninja girl smiles at Blade.
"Don't worry about my dad" Ninja girl said rolling her eyes.
Suddenly Termone cuts off her chains while Blade cuts the chains freeing both himself and Mikey. Ace Hawk frees Mondo and Guy. Tigerclaw tries to attack them but a huge mac slams into Tigerclaw's stomach. Tigerclaw is fling to a pole.
Mikey looks up to see a buff/muscler masked man welding a mac. Ninja girl speeds away grabbing Stockman and Dr. Kobayashi in the process.
"Good timing Slash !" Ace Hawk said.
"Come on kids were getting out of here !" Slash shouts.
Our heroes follow quickly. In the Conor of Mikey's eye, he sees his Kirby grabbing mutagen X . Mikey didn't know what to think.
Our heroes run to the car.
"Mom start the car !" Mondo shouts.
The heroes get in the car. The getway driver drives the car at a fast pace.
"Oh man that was a close call" The getway driver said before looking at Slash.
"Well hello you hunky man" Getway driver said rubbing his shoulder.
"Can we please keep this proffenshioner ?"
"Oh god mom !" Mondo shouts.
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