Ch.5 Pocessions
The interview 2012,
A older Rapheal sits in front of the camera. The interviewer sits in front of him.
"Who are you to Mikey ?" The interviewer asks
"I was Mikey's step brother... His dad Hamtoa Yoish married my mom Jennifer Boyed" Raph said.
"How old were you both when they got married ?" The interviewer asks.
"I was 17 at the time and Mikey was 14" Raph replies.
"And how long did you mom knew Hamtoe Yoish before she married him ?" The interviewer asks.
"I think 2 years" Raph said.
"Hamtoa Yoish had married someone else before your mother ?" The interviewer asks.
"Yes" Raph said.
"Did he devoice his first wife ?" The interviewer asks.
"No of course not, what I was told was she feel very ill and died when Mikey was 8..... Yoish was heartbroken when it happened he baried himself into his work as a result, he was even like that when he was with my mom" Raph explains.
"Were you and your mother close with Mikey ?" The interviewer asks.
"Mikey at first was distance from my mother but my mom seem to like Mikey very much even bought him gifts to make him feet at easy with her, she wanted to spend a lot time with him" Raph explains.
"What was your relationship with Mikey ?" The interviewer asks.
"We tried to be close when we were kids" Raph said.
Cuts to a picturer of Raph giving a younger Mikey a atomic wedgie.
"Where did you get that photo ?" Raph asks shocked.
"One of Mikey's old pals gave it to us, They said you picked on Mikey alot when he was a kid, told him his adventures won't get him anywhere in life" The interviewer said.
Raph looked ashamed.
"I was wrong.... when I said that he told me his life was way better until I came into it..... It made me realize I was way to harsh on Mikey" Raph said solomonly. "I tried to apologize to him but I was drafted into the army before I could and I regreted not appolzing to him when I had the chance" Raph said.
"How long were you in the army before coming home" The interviewer asks.
"I came home 4 years later when Mikey turned 18, My mom and a few teachers were taking care of him, Mikey had signed up to be a secret service agent for some man named Dr. Jack Kurtzmen in London.... Mikey's dad didn't agree with it but when they said Mikey would be traveling all over the world spying on the bad guys he couldn't say no" Raph explains.
"Did you try to make things right with Mikey before he left for London" The interviewer asks.
"Yes... I told Mikey I was sorry and I wanted to be there for him no matter what becuse he's my brother" Raph explains.
Did he accept your apologie?" The interviewer asks.
"He did and we even hug but I feel like he had plans to get me back I mean why would he drag me on the dangerous adventures?" Raph asks.
Back to the story,
Mikey rushes to the upper deck his chain whip in his hand. The pirate ship was sailing away. The crowd looked paniced. Mikey runs to the way and grabs a medium size bucket. Then he runs to the front side of the deck and swings his whip towards the net bag, grappling the parts of the rope. Mikey swings his over to the net and grabs on.
"What's he doing ?" One of the passengers asks.
Mikey breathes heavily as he sees the little girl playing in the net with a little black cat. She was alright and she didn't seem afraid.
"Hi" Mikey said with a smile as he tries to hold onto the net, feeling the heavy brick of gold in his pocket.
"Hi" The girl said.
"I'm Mikey,what's your name ?" He said.
"Lu" The girl said.
"I'm here to help" Mikey said as he exstands a hand towards her.
The girl grabs Mikey's hand and Mikey helps her through a opening of the net. Mikey holds onto her and the cat as Mikey gets on a ledge of the pole he quickly unties his wipe. Mikey looks up to see to they were still near the other ship, they just needed to find a way to get back.
Mikey gets a idea as he uses his whip to grip onto the sail. He grabs the girl and swings to the other ship. They land on the front deck.
The mother runs up to them.
"Lu !" The mother cries as Mikey gives Lu to the mother.
The mother hugs Lu. She then looks up to Mikey.
"Thank you" The mother said as she gives Mikey a hug.
"I'm just glad she's safe" Mikey said.
The cat jumps on Mikey's head while he swings back to the pirate ship. The passangers watch as Mikey broads the ship with out any pirates noting. Belloq watches as he takes a sip of his wine. He smirks having watch Mikey saving the girl.
The pirate walks up to the mother and the Captain was making sure Lu was okay.
"At least I'm not getting fired now" A pirate said who stayed behind on the ship.
The captain glares at him.
"Yeah I'm gonna go now" The pirate said as he runs away.
Raph who had found what happend on the ship by other passengers, was frantically serching for Mikey.
"Mikey !" Raph shouts as runs to the deck. "Mikey !"
Raph runs up to a few of the passengers.
"Have you seen a young man with a cowboy ? Raph asks.
They shack thire heads no.
"Okay...." Raph thinks. "He has blond hair, baby blue eyes, he's a little short"
"He has freakles on his cheeks ?" One of the passengers asks.
"Yes" Raph said.
"He's the boy who saved the little girl" another passanger said.
"That's great... wait where is he ?" Raph asks.
The passanger points to the pirate ship. Raph turns around to see Mikey sneaking onto the ship.
"Mikey !" Raph shouts.
Raph runs to the life boat and gets in. He then uses the ropes to lower the life boat down into the water.
He then rows the boat all the while cursing to himself.
"He's lucky were brothers" Raph mutters.
Meanwhile on the pirate ship,
The masked woman had watched sadly as they wrapped Jai up in a mat. She kneels down and placed a lotus blossom on top of him.
"I'm sorry" She whispers.
Two pirates come over and pick up Jai and place him on a broad. Then they lower him down to the water so he can rest in peace.
The masked woman walks towards a mass where Kai was droawing his swoars in rum. Shinigami leans against the post and started drinking with him.
"Kai I'm sorry what happend to your couisn" The masked woman said.
"I wished we could of saved him" Kai whispers. The masked woman places a comforting hand on his shoulder.
They both knew somethings were bond to happen even if they like it or not.
Suddenly one of the captured passengers bolts out of one the cabins and knocks out one of the pirates. This passenger was a young man with rugged jet black hair and brown eyes. He seemed to be a bit drunk from how he standing.
"You won't get away with kidnapping Casey Jones !" The man shouts.
Pirates ran at him with swords and guns. He punches one pirate in the jaw. Then he sent another pirate flying into a door. And another pirate to the floor after punching the man in the eye. Kai could see the pirate boy holding his eye. The masked woman watched shocked. the man was beating up her pirates.
Another pirate charges at him but the man head butts him in the face causing him to fall to the ground.
Kai lifts up his gun but the masked woman stops him.
"Let's see how this plays out" the masked woman whispers.
A pirate rushes at the man and hits him in the back of the head with a plank. The man falls to the ground. Few more pirates grabs the man and places his arms behind his back. They drag him to towards the post and ties him up with ropes. The pirates laugh as they watch the man struggle to free from the ropes.
The masked woman smirks as she walked over to the man.
"Casey Jones is ?" The masked woman mues as she glances at some of pirates injured. "You really battered my men" she said.
"And I'll do it again" Casey snares.
"I need someone strong as you in my pirate crew" The masked woman said as she touches his arms.
"Go to hell you witch !" Casey shouts angerly, rejecting her offer.
"Watch your tounge or I'll cut it out" kai snares.
"Go to hell you son of a bitch" Casey shouts.
Kai is about to punch him but the masked woman stops him.
"Casey... I hate to do this but your just too dangerous to me and my men" the masked woman said as she brings out a small spray can.
She sprays the can in front Casey. Casey begins to feel a sense of dizzyness.
"W...what is that ?" Casey asks before going uncouises.
"Is he dead ?" Kai asks.
"No he's just taking a bit of a nap" the masked woman said as she montions her pirates to bring Casey into her cabin. They untie him a few drag him to the cabin.
She sees a pirate with purple hair getting up from the ground.
"Really Zeck you were supposed to keep an eye on our guests !" The masked woman snares.
"It's not my fault that son of a bitch bolted and pushed me out of the way" Zeck said.
"What about the other passengers, how did they react ?" Kai asks.
"Yeah about that they think this all part of the cruise's entertainment" Zeck said.
"What ?" The masked woman said.
"Yeah I know I was surprised too, there like taking pictures with some of the pirates, Rocco is playing tour guide right now" Zeck said.
The masked woman just face palms at this point.
As if this was on cue Rocco comes on the deck with exited passengers.
"And this is our deck and there's the Captain and her first mate Kai" Rocco said as the low class passengers take pictures.
"Hey I thought I was the first mate" Zeck complains.
"Shut up Zeck" the masked woman snares.
"This is so amazing Dan, it's like a real life pirate ship" one of the passengers said to her husband.
Another passengers walks up to the masked woman and poses beside her.
"Jane take my picture next to the captain" The passenger said.
"Say pirates" The passanger name Jane said as she takes the picture.
The passangers runs back to the tour group.
The masked thinks about this and decided she could use this to her advantage.
"Ladies and gentlemen you have been invited to be part of my crew" The masked woman said which makes everyone exited.
"Oh that means we get to dress up as pirates!" One of the passengers cheers.
"Kai will show you to your new clothing" The masked woman said.
Kai leads the passengers down stairs where they can get change. The masked woman sighs as she heads to her personal cabin. She opens up the door to see a teen girl.
"Hey bitch ! Did you kill Chun ?" The teenager girl asks.
"Chi chi get out of my cabin !" The masked woman shouts.
Chi chi gets pushed out of the cabin.
"And why is your grandmother in here !" The masked woman shouts .
"I can't find my teeth !" Chi chi's grandma shout.
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