Ch.4 the ship

Mikey holds his suit case as he enters the boat. He holds his ticket in his hand as Raph follows him. Raph looked grumply as he looks around them.

"Where are we going ?" Raph ask grumply.

"Hiroshima" Mikey said as he takes a drink of juice.

"I hope will be back soon" Raph mutters.

"It's gonna take 3 days to get there" Mikey said.

"You gotta be kidding me" Raph mutters.

Mikey shackes his head as they head towards the deck.

"I don't why I always get roped into these adventures" Raph said.

Mikey just shrugs at his step brother. Raph goes to the bar and orders a drink. Mikey sits down on a chair as he looks at the book.

However Unknowest to Mikey a shady man was watching him from a distance.

While Mikey sits down the table and orders a soda. A waiter brings him a soda which Mikey thanks him for. As Mikey drinks it he hears a fimilar voice behind.

"Hello Mikey Jones"

Mikey turns around to see imfoumse meracney archolgoist Belloq. Mikey shackes his head as he takes a sip of his drink.

"Mind if I sit down ?" Belloq asks.

Mikey motions his hand towards the seat, Belloq sits down. He takes off his hat.

"I haven't seen you since I got the idol you gave me" Belloq smirks.

"You mean stole from me" Mikey mutters.

"There's nothing you can't pocess that I can't take away" Belloq said.

"Well you might want to turn to someone else because I got nothing for you right now" Mikey said taking a sip of his coke.

"Expect some information about the sword of tengu" Belloq said his voice low.

Mikey shrugs.

"Can't help you there Belloq, I'm on vacation" Mikey said.

Belloq chuckles.

"Your not on Vacation... Adventure will always follow you" Belloq smirks.

"I can't past anything by you old friend" Mikey said bitterly.

"Why are you really here Jones ?" Belloq asks.

"You first" Mikey said.

"I'm aware your looking for Dr. Kyoboish" Belloq said.

"I see your after him.... let me guess your planning to find Kyoboish before I do ?" Mikey asks.

"You know me well old friend" Belloq grins.

"We been doing this for years, I've lost count on how many times you tried to kill me" Mikey mutters. "If only theses people knew the way I know you" Mikey adds.

Belloq relaxes in his chair.

"This is the only encounter where it's peaceful, just two friends having a drink" Belloq said.

"I supposed" Mikey mutters.

"Let me order you some lunch my friend" Belloq said as he montions towards a waiter.

Mikey looks at the waitress.

"Calzon please" Mikey said.

"And I'll have the lobster bisc" Belloq said.

The waitress leaves to get there food.

"When will you come back to killing me" Mikey asks.

"All in good time my friend" Belloq said as he leaves the table making Mikey cautious.


Later that night Mikey laid on his bed, sleeping soundly. It was quite and peaceful. Raph was in the cabin next to Mikey. Mikey breathes slowly. Blankets where covering him as his hat covered his eyes.

The door in Mikey's cabin, slightly opens creaking a bit. A shadowy figure enters the room. Mikey groans as he turns on his side. The figure takes a breath as he makes his way towards a desk top. He begins to search the desk, looking for something. But he found nothing. He makes his way towards Mikey when he sees Mikey's cowboy. The figurer grins as he careful grabs Mikey's hat. The figure then creeps back to the door. As the figurer opens up the door. Mikey wakes up and sees the figure holding his hat. Mikey prends he's still sleeping as the figure looks at Mikey again. The figurer shrugs as he exits the room.

Mikey sits up as he touches his blond hair. He felt naked without his hat. Mikey gets out of his bed determine to get his prized hat back.

Mikey grabs his bag pack and chain whip. He then sneeks out his room. He makes his way towards the deck where he hears all the comumtions, he hides behind a wall. He peeks his head to see modern day pirates robbing rich people and taking all their vauables. They took necklaces, rings, and gold from theses people. Alot of them looked like they were dragged out of bed.

Mikey's eyes widen. He had to do something but he couldn't be caught. Mikey then saw one of the pirates wearing his hat. Mikey loved that hat and wasn't gonna let anyone take that away from him. But he had to save the people first.


Meanwhile on the other side of the ship.

A little girl wonders the ship looking for her mother. Tears stream down her face as she holds her teddy bear. She was afraid that she wouldn't be to find her mother.

"Mommy ?" The girl whispers looking around.

She sees a masked woman wearing a skin tight outfit. The girl crys as she sees the masked woman.

The masked woman sees her and makes her way towards the scared girl. The girl trembles. The masked woman kneels in front of her and gives her comfort.

"Hi I'm Shini, what's your name ?" The masked woman asks gentlely. She didn't want to scare the girl further.

"Lu" The girl whispers.

The masked woman smiles softly under her scarf as she points to the stuff teddy bear with a bow.

"Who's this" The masked woman asks kindly.

"Ying Ying" Lu replies.

"Well I think Ying Ying looks dashing his bow, you have a good eye" The masked woman smiles.

"Thank you" Lu said.

The masked woman gives the girl a small ring.

"Here little one, take this... it'll keep you safe" The masked woman said.

The girl holds the ring. The women leads the girl to a safe hiding in the captain's small qurters that was away from the deck where the robbing is taking place. The masked woman knew the pirates won't hurt or bother the little girl becuse of the code not to hurt Women or children but she had to make sure she was safe from what was going on. There was someone dangerous on broad and she had to find him.

The masked woman brought out a blanket and placed it over the girl's shoulders.

"I have a friend that I want you to meet" the masked woman said as she lifts up her cape to reval a small black cat.

The woman picks up the cat and hands him to the girl.

"This is Midnight... I want you to keep him safe" The masked woman said.

Midnight purrs as the girl holds him. The little girl smiles at him.

"Be safe little one" The masked woman said as she leaves.

The girl sits in the cabin and plays with the cat.


Mikey was still hiding behind the wall and watching the pirates louding a large net full of goods, jewelry, gold and even food from the kitchen. He even spotted one pirate carrying a box of booze on to the pirates ship. Another pirate had dogs walking around the ship.

Mikey relized the pirates just dragged out the rich people and leaved the poor and middle class alone. But if that was true then why did one of the pirates looted his room ?

Mikey wasn't rich he didn't have any vauables with him.

Suddenly Mikey felt someone behind. Mikey turns around to see a large man behind him. Mikey's eyes widen.

"Hi" Mikey said nervously.

The large man looks at him with a serouse look. He looks at Mikey's clothes and what he wore. He then sees Mikey's dog tag necklace he wore around his neck. Mikey notices him staring at it.

"Oh this ?" Mikey asks lifting up his dog tag. "I got this dog tag in boy scouts when I was a kid, one of my best friends gave it to me" Mikey explains.

The man dosen't say anything as he dugs into his own pocket. Mikey thought he was gonna bring out a gun but it wasn't. He brought out a brick of real gold. He hands it to Mikey.

"Use it well" The man said.

He then walks away leaving Mikey baffled. The large man didn't even take him prisoner. Was he even with the pirates ?

Mikey turns back to the scence. He then sees a masked person enter the neck with a small pistol gun. Mikey noticed the new comer has pysci of a woman.

She walks down the steps.

"Which one of you is Ourka Chun ?" She asks angerly.

There was no answer from the hostages. The woman motions the pirates to start looking for a man named Ourka Chun.

"If anyone of them have a foot tattoo it's Chun" She said.

She then turns to a couple of pirates who carried heavy sleeping low class passengers. To the pirates theses low class passangers will become pirates.

"Take our new recuits back to my ship and make sure they are feed" she said.

The pirates started to serch the hostages asking them thire names. After a few minutes they couldn't find Chun.

"None of them are Chun" One of the pirates said.

"If he's not here..." The masked woman pauses.

The masked woman spots a asain man running on the top deck. She sees a foot tattoo on his hand.

"That's him !" She gasps.

8 pirates with shot guns and riflies chase after Chun on the upper deck. The masked woman follows them. Chun attempts to get into one of the life boats. As one of the pirates tries to grab Chun as he tries to pull him out of the boat.

Chun unexpectedly pulls out a knife and stabs the pirate in the chest causing him to let go and fall to the ground in agony. The other pirates see thire injury friend and this made them in raged.

Two pirates kneeled beside thire fallen friend. He was bleeding out. One of the pirates tears a part of his shirt and tries apply pressure on the wound.

"Come Jai stay with us" The second pirate pleads.

Jai looks at his friends before dying of blood lose. The masked woman runs up to the stairs and sees the sight before her.

"No... Jai" The masked woman gasps as she desperately tries to hold back tears. She trembles the sight.

"Chun... he... he stabbed Jai" One of the pirates explained tearfully.

The masked growls angerly as she holds her gun.

"Roco , Kai you stay with Jai, me and the others will take care of this" She snares as follows the other pirates.

The 5 pirates run over to the life boat. They attempt to grab Chun who vouliantly waves the dagger at them warning them to stay away. One of the pirates uses his shot gun to shoot Chun in the foot.

Chun cries out in pain as he drops the dagger in the life boat. 3 of the pirates grab Chun by his shirt and drag him out of the life boat.

The masked woman holds a katanna to his throat. She glares at the man.

"Hello Chun... it's been a long time" The masked woman snares angerly.

The man smirks at her knowing exactly who she was under that mask. The pirates drag Chun to the lower deck of the ship. The hostages looked frightened.

"You came here for him or the riches ?" The captain asks as he is held at swoard point by a pirate.

"Ourka Chun has been responsible for several deaths of innocent lives.... including someone close to me" The masked woman explains.

"But we do want to thank for letting us take all the riches" one of the pirates joke.

Another pirate shackes his hand at him.

The masked woman places the sword to Chunks neck.

"You'll pay for killing my father" The masked woman snares.

Chun merely smirks despite being captured by pirates.

"Killing me will never bring your father back" The man said darkly. His words hit like a knife to the heart.

The masked woman let's out a angry cry before pointing the gun at Chun and pulling the trigger.

Mikey closes his eyes not wanting to see his death. He hears a loud bang and thud. A mintue later Mikey opens his eyes to see Chun face down on the deck, blood underneath him.

Mikey covers his mouth in shock.

The masked woman stares at the now decsced Chun, her hands tighten as her body trembles. She drops her gun. She was hoping she feel clouser but she didn't. Her pirates look at her, behind her Roco and Kai held Jai.

One of the pirates placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"It's done" he said.

The masked woman nods she she walks towards her ship and jumps on.

Two pirates grabbed the decsed Chun and throws him overbroad into the darken lake.

Pirates hoist a second net filled with gold anc a few crates up and onto the ship. 7 pirates let the passengers go, as the rest of the crew get on the ship.

But as this goes on no one noticed the little girl from before who climbed into the net to play with the shiny gold. The net is hoisted onto to the ship and left handing on a high post.

A middle class mother runs onto the deck looking for her daughter.

"Someone help me ! I can't find my daughter !" The mother shouts frantically.

A few passengers look at her. The mother's sisters was behind her.
One of the pirates still on the ship walks up to her.

"I'll help you what does she look like ?" The pirate asks willing to help her.

The woman wipes sweat from her face, she was paincing.

"She's 4 and her name is Lu. She has brown hair, blue eyes and she's wearing pink pajamas" The mother said with panici. "Oh she carries around a stuff animal" she adds.

One of the passengers look up and sees the girl playing in side the net as the pirate ship began to move.

The pirate's eyes widen.

"I'm getting fired" The pirate said knowing the code.

"Lu !" The mother shouts.

The girl waves at her.

"Hi mommy !" The girl said.

The mom faints as one of the passengers grab her from hitting the floor.

"Time to jump into action" Mikey said.

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