Ch.2 Professor Donnie

Channel 7 news station, the year is 2012,

An older man with an tooth gap sits down in front of an interviewer. A camera starts rolling as the interviewer reads from his paper.

"Professor Donnie please tell us about the adventurer Mikey ?" The interviewer asks.

Professor Donnie looks at the camrea.

"Mikey Angelo was an man seeking adventure, I remember he would jump at the opportunity to go looking for artifacts" Donnie said as he describes his old friend.

"What's the greatest Adventure Mikey Jones went on ?" The interviewer asks.

"The time he went toe to toe with the foot clan in oder to get to the sword of tengu" Donnie replies grimly. "It almost ended his life"

"Please tell us about it" the interviewer asks.

"It all started in Asia in the year 1936, I was looking for the location of the Sword of tengu and where it could been hiden" Donnie explains.

"Little did I know I was way over my head" Donnie said as our story begins.


Asia 1936,

An scawny Professor with light brown hair and brownish reddish eyes. He wore an brown strip shirt and white pants with glasses on his face. He looked to be in his early 30s. He walks through an market place as he holds a book to his face. He walks through the crowd as begins to head towards an library to meet with someone.

He walks into the library where he sees an woman with red hair sitting there waiting for him.

"Hello" The man said with an smile.

"Hello are you professor Donnie ?" The woman asks.

"Yes I'm Donnie" Donnie said. "Are you April O'Neil ?" Donnie asks.

"Yes Are you here about the acient artifacts of Japan ?" April asks.

"One in particular" Donnie replies.


A Book is placed in front of Donnie begins to read as he flips through the pages. April sits next to him he begins to read one pitclarer page. The one about the sword of tengu. It begins to tell the region of the the swoard of tengu.

"In acient Japan The Emperor had granted a noble black smith with an Sword with special ablities, years later the evil Tengu Shredder attack the village. The black smith estranged son Ourka Jutsu took the sword and stabbed the tengu Shredder and trapped the spirit of the tengu Shredder within the sword. Then Jatsu went into hiding with the sword to keep it safe from evil hands"

Donnie looks up from the book.

"That's it ! Where's the rest ?" Donnie asks.

"That's all theres known about the sword of tengu" April said. "There's many known rumores about where the swoard is, the most famous is when Jutsu was on his death bed, he instructed his wife to hide the sword in an tomb called the well of souls" April explains.

"But where could the Wells of souls be ?" Donnie asks.

"Many say it's baried in Japan or in the desert waste land" April said. "Only an lost medlion can lead you to the tomb" April adds.

"How do we find this Medelion?" Donnie askd.

"Doctor Norio Kyoboish had collected the pieces to medlion years ago" April explains.

"Okay all I gotta do is find Dr. Norio Kyoboish" Donnie said.

"I wish you luck" April said with a smile.

Donnie thinks about this before writing it down.


Donnie walks out of the library with the book in hand. However unknown to Donnie, He was being followed. An man with red hair and bread, looks up from his news paper as he spots Donnie. He nods towards an african man.

The man pulls out an small pistol and follows Donnie towards an bridge. Donnie walks towards a small tourest boat. He sits down next to a few people. Behind Donnie was the afrcain man. He presses the gun to Donnie's back. Donnie gasps.

"Don't say a word or I'll shoot you" The man snares.

Donnie gulps as he feels the gun to his back. No one saw the gun, except one person with a brown cowboy hat who saw this in the corner of his eye. He dosen't anything because he didn't want this man to hurt anyone. Once they get off the boat he'll save Donnie.

Donnie and the african man get off the boat as they go into the allyway. The man hits Donnie in the back of the head with an butt off the gun.


Donnie waked up with an gasps as he finds himself tied to an chair. The red hair man slaps Donnie. Donnie shackes his head.

"Where's Doctor Kyoboish !" He demands.

"What ?!" Donnie gasps.

Donnie is slapped again.

"Where is Doctor Kyoboish !?" He demands again.

"I... I don't know" Donnie stutters.

"Lair !" The red hair man shouts as slugs Donnie.

Donnie coughs.

"I'm telling you the truth I don't know" Donnie begs.

"Then why are you after the sword of tengu ?" The man snares.

"I can't tell you !" Donnie shouts.

The man brings out an gun and points it at Donnie.

"Tell me or your dead" The man snares.

"I don't think so Bradford !" Shouts an voice.

A chain whip knocks the gun out of the man's hand. Someone punches Bradford cold.

Donnie looks up to an slightly younger mam who seemed to be in his mid 20s. The young man wore a brown cowboy hat, a leather jacket and dark pants. Donnie could see hints of blond hair,baby blue eyes and freakles on his cheeks. The man looked like an adventurer.

The young man unties Donnie from the chair.

"Who are you ?" Donnie asks.

"The names Mikey Angelo Jones" Mikey said. "Come on I have an plane waiting for us" Mikey said.

"What ?!" Donnie gasps.

"Come on the foot is coming with reinforcement" Mikey as he pulls Donnie to his feet and they run out of the wear house.

Mikey and Donnie run towards an plane with foot soilders chasing after them.

"Mondo ! Start the engines Mondo start the engines !" Mikey shouts which gets the pilot's attention.

Mondo gets into to the plane and starts the engines. Mikey pushes Donnie into one of plane seat before jumping in himself. The plane flies off. Mikey grins before seeing an snake in the plane.

"There's an giant snake in the plane Mondo !" Mikey shouts terrified of snakes.

"Oh that's my pet snake Larry" Mondo said.

"I hate snakes Mondo ! I hate them !" Mikey shouts.


The interview (2012)

Donnie looks at the interviewer.

"And that's how I meet Mikey... he saved me from the Foot" Donnie explains.

"Then what happend ?" The interviewer asks.

"We went back to my unversitey so I could indrouced Mikey to my boss Dr. Rockwell... who already knew Mikey" Donnie said.

It switches to the interviewer talking to an old man. His name was Dr. Tyler Rockwell.

"Dr. Rockwell, they said you knew Mikey Angelo Jones when he just a boy because you where friends with his father" The interviewer said.

"I remember hiring the young man years ago to find the sword of tengu" Dr. Rockwell said.

"And why did you hire Mikey to go after the sword of tengu" The interviewer asks.

"Becuse he could speak japanes and had knowledge on acient artifacts, he had knowledge of the culturer" Dr. Rockwell said. "Donnie I remeber was an little upset he was getting replaced"

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