Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
Here we go!
It's the lean, mean, ninja team
On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things
So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams
Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings
Can't stop these radical dudes
The secret of the ooze made the chosen few
Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves
The good guys win and the bad guys lose
Leonardo's the leader in blue
Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through
Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines
Raphael has the most attitude on the team
Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!
Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!
Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need
To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
Karai: If you won't be silent, I'll silence you. [Karai callously prepares to brutally and remorselessly slay Leonardo once and for all, having heard enough of his "lies", which she flatly rebuffs, but her attack is then blocked by Tiger Claw.] What?
Rika: What's the problem?
Tiger Claw: Master Shredder desires them alive. He wants the pleasure of finishing the brothers himself.
Raph: (Fights the ropes.) Leave him alone, Karai! Or you're gonna answer to me!
Y/N Don't you touch him, Rika!
(The four then begin to approach the paralyzed Splinter. Splinter quickly stands up, however, and shoots a few of his several remaining ninja stars at the ropes binding them.)
Splinter: My sons, go. Now! Run!" (He is kicked back down by Tiger Claw.)
"Splinter!" Leo does not want to leave his sensei for dead.
"We got to come back for him, Leo. Move!" Raph pulls him by the arm.
(TigerClaw and Lobo quickly begin to chase them down.)
Karai: Don't let them escape!
(Rika grabs Y/N's arms and pins them behind his back, but Y/N manages to kick her back.)
Ethan: Dad!
Y/N: Keep going!
(The brothers and Ethan began kept going as Y/N lunged at Rika. Rika stumbled back in surprise, but before Y/N could reach her, she suddenly began to transform, until she stood in front of Y/N as a mutant cheethah.)
Rika: (Confused) Who the hell is Riki? (Punches Y/N in the gut, which knocks him out.)
(Mikey uses a smoke bomb to make their escape.)
Karai: At least we still have the rat and cat. It's all we needed anyways."
(Lobo tosses Y/N over his shoulder. The villains take him and Splinter to Shredder's lair, where he waits to finally end both of them. Back with the away team, another quake shakes Manhattan. But it's actually coming from underneath, from a worm.)
"Run! Faster!" Donnie shouts.
"We got to slow it down." April says.
Casey: I'm on it!"
(Casey shift to his rollerblades and does manage to slow the creature by throwing a paint bomb down its mouth and into its palate, only distracting it briefly. It chases after them again, this time faster.)
"Casey, hurry!" April cries.
(After making a sudden change of direction, Donnie spots a nearby sewer ladder and climbs on.)
Donnie: April! Grab on!" (April quickly grabs on and, after she is secured, Timothy jumps on as well.) Jones! The staff!" (Casey tries to grab onto Donnie's Bo staff as well. However, the Kraathatrogon comes up, swallows him whole.) "Casey!"
April/Timothy: No!"
(It quickly wiggles away. Needless to say, April and Donnie get hit with a wave of melancholy.)
"He's gone. He's gone." April repeats leaning into Donnie.
"I'm so sorry, April. I truly am."
(Back at the Lair, Leo was bandaging Mikey's arm which hurts him.)
Mikey: OWW!"
Raph: (Walks in to see his younger brother in pain, tossing his ice pack.) "This is your fault, Leo. If you hadn't called Splinter, we wouldn't be in this mess."
Leo: I didn't have a choice, Raph. It was him or Mikey and Y/N. I thought I thought sensei would take care of him."
Ethan: Well, you thought wrong! Now they've got Grandpa and Dad!
Mikey: (Takes a breath and his confidence returns.) We know where they took him, Shredder's lair." (Mikey stands.) "We do this for Splinter and Y/N! There comes a time, family, when history is forged like Melted cheese. It sticks together as one! But is still soft and squishy in the middle. Mm. Are you with me?"
Raph: Lamest speech ever. But I'm with you.
Ethan: So am I!
Let's do this!" Leo adds on. The Turtles and Ethan then steel themselves and gear up to save their sensei and Y/N.
(Back with the Away Team.)
Timothy: Okay. Coast is clear." (He climbs up the sewer hole, with the others following him.)
April: This is so terrible. Poor Casey. We have to find a way to stop those Kraang worms once and for-" (Another tremor passes underneath the city causing the three to fall over.)
Donnie: (Helps the girls up.) You're right about that. And we know one man who knows more about the Kraang than anyone."
(They head towards an abandoned building and climb to the window. April knocks on the window. Timothy hears something inside.A flashlight blurs her vision momentarily.)
Kurtzman: Great Caesar's ghost. Quick! Get in before you're spotted." (Kurtzman opens his window and lets the three inside.) This is about the earthquake situation, isn't it?" he shuts the window.
"You're never gonna guess what's causing it, Mr. Kurtzman." April starts.
Kurtzman: Call me Jack. I named the Kraang's little scheme, The Manhattan project.
(At Shredder's Lair, Tiger claw pours water over Y/N and Splinter.)
TigerClaw: Wake up, little rat and cub.
Y/N: (Coughs up some water)
Nice work, Tigerclaw and Lobo." Fishface complimented. "You finally captured the great Splinter and the cheetah as a bonus."
Y/N: (Growled.) You're the sushi I forgot to dice and platter.
So is the poison going to finish them or what?" Rhazar asks.
Most men would have expired by now, but it's only weakened him. He may be small, but he's tough as iron. And for the Y/N, he's already escaped death of the poison."
"Bradford, Xever, leave us." Shredder orders as he walks into the room with Karai following behind him. "Hamato Yoshi, so you have come to this.. A wretched rat man waiting to be put out of his misery."
Y/N: And what of you Shredhead? You only spend your days seeking revenge when you really should be getting a life.
Splinter: (Barely raises his head from the floor.) "At least I do not wear a mask, hiding what little humanity I have left."
Shredder: It is because of you that I wear this mask."
Y/N: No, the fault is only on you.
Splinter: (Uses whatever father glare he has left on Y/N to stop talking.) "All these years you continue to deceive yourself and everyone around you." (He glances at Karai.)
You dare." Shredder seethes. "Now it ends!" his silver claws come out and are raised to chop of Splinter's head.
Y/N: Father!"
"No, father!" Karai stops her father's blades from reaching Splinter's neck.
"You would stop me?!" Shredder shouted at his daughter.
"You'd kill your greatest enemy while he's poisoned and chained? What about honor? Everything you've taught me." she responds boldly.
Lobo: The girl is right, Master Shredder.
Shredder: (Retracts his silver claws.) "Hmm. Very well. Gather the foot. I will offer Hamato Yoshi one last fight.
"Prisoner?" Karai asks.
"Karai take Bradford and Xever to search the perimeter." Shredder orders before leaving the room. "I don't want the turtles sneaking up on us." The tiger leaves first, Karai lingers behind staring at you and Splinters weakened forms.
Splinter: (Looks up to Karai.) Why Did you help me?
"I don't know. Maybe because you look so pathetic." she spat. '
You have your mother's spirit ..So fierce, and yet so scared." Splinter whispers.
"Never speak of my mother again! You ruined my family. You ruined all of our lives." She promptly leaves and goes outside with the mutants. Not knowing who the mystery prisoner was.
"No, it was....Oroku Saki." Splinter lays limp on the floor.
Y/N: Father!" (Scooches closer to him.)
(Rika was still watching the scene as she still was a mutant cheetah, but she couldn't help but wonder what he meant when Y/N said "Riki.")
(Back with the away team.)
Donnie: So these worms are only children?
Timothy: How big are the adults?"
(April was reading magazines to pass time and articulate a plan.)
Kurtzman: Huge! Some are hundreds of feet long. The Kraang had been importing the worms from dimension "x" to suck out their mutagen. It's kind of like milking a giant cow."
Timothy: Okay, okay. We get it. Thanks. So how do we stop them?
Kurtzman: No clue how to stop 'em. But I know the Kraang ride these puppies." (Kurtzman uses a salt shaker, shaking it on the paper with a worm drawn on it.) You see these antennae on its head? They pull 'em like the reins on a horse.
April: Gross!
Donnie: (Comes up with a possible, yet strange idea.) Why didn't I think of it before? Salt!"
April: Salt? What do you- Hold on a sec." (Her phone was ringing.) It -it's Casey! Casey?"
"Uh, hey, April." Casey says sounding in pain. "Uh, so I'm kind of, uh, trapped inside this giant worm thing. It's cool. I'm alive and stuff."
"You're inside the worm? You get a signal in there?" April murmurs the last bit.
"Yeah, it's, uh, trying to digest me, I-I think. Could use, uh, a little help. Aghh."
"Sit tight, Casey! I mean, um, don't go anywhere. He's alive! He's alive!" the melancholy feeling leaves and Donnie is relieved.
(Back with the home team, Leo and Ethan were climbing up the side of the Foot Headquarters with the usage of Tegaki. After destroying a couple of Foot-Bots that were put on guard, he successfully gains entry into the building and jumps down several platforms until he has reached their sensei and Y/N.)
Leo: Sensei. Y/N!" (Waking them up.)
Ethan: We need to go!
Leonardo, Ethan, go." Splinter says hoarsely. "Now!"
Y/N: Get out of here!
(The throne room is then lit up with dozens of orange lights at the sidelines, fire, and this is when the Shredder appears from behind his throne. Just when Leo is about to pull out his twin swords.)
"Hello, again, my friend." Tiger Claw appears and twists his arm, disarming him and knocking him onto the floor, while Lobo grabbed Ethan by the head and held him up.
Leo: Let me go!"
Ethan: Stupid Wolf!
Lobo: Conejito fácil.
"I knew you'd come to us, Leo." Karai's tanto was mere inches from his neck
"Where are the other turtles?" Shredder aggressively asks.
Using his very keen sense of smell Lobo sniffs the air. "It's just them, Master Shredder. They're alone. I sense no one else."
Shredder: Watch, turtle, for it will be the last fight you ever see." (He removes his own cape.) The destruction of your master, Hamato Yoshi.
Y/N: (Struggling in his chains)
(The Shredder then breaks the bindings around Splinter's arms. In spite of being poisoned and having blurry vision Splinter is actually able to avoid several of the Shredder's attacks)
Ethan: Get him Grandpa!
"You can do it, sensei." Leo believes in him.
(Splinter is then kicked hard in the torso, sending him flying a good length of the way across the room.)
Y/N/Leo: Sensei!"
(Tigerclaw chuckles behind Lro, Leo struggles against his grip but feels something is off with Tiger Claws two prominent digits.)
"Fight me!" (Shredder charges him and Karai looks down not wanting to see it end as he strikes him. The Shredder then picks him up and is about to stab him through the neck.) Pathetic. I will put you out of your misery.
(Another earthquake occurs, Shredder is caught off guard and drops Splinter; to which the weakened Splinter takes advantage of by striking the glass floor Shredder was standing on which was already cracking from the quake, causing him to fall through it and into the water below. Ethan takes this opportunity to kick Lobo in the face and run towards Y/N.)
Lobo: (Holds his nose in pain) Gah!
(But then, firecrackers light up the room like the 4th of July, with that distraction Leo successfully gets out of Tigerclaws grasp and heads for his father.)
TigerClaw: No!"
(Mikey and Raph enter the scene.)
Miket: Oh, yeah! Rescue time!
(They both jump down and dodge each villain, except for Stockman he ran and his somewhere. Leo helps his father up and once they regroup Raph throws a smoke bomb.)
"Rahhh! No!" Tigerclaw growls.
"Master Shredder." Fishface goes to help Shredder out of the water but gets shoved away. "Ugh!"
"Do not let them escape, fools! Go!" Having got out of the water, a furious Shredder demands Karai, Rika, and his henchmen to pursue their enemies.
(The team was running away from Shredder's lair.)
"Faster, guys!" Mikey scales the building first.
The other brothers were carrying Splinter to the top of the roof. "You were foolish to come for me."
"We'd never leave you, Sensei." Raph supports the side of his body. They carefully pull him into a safer area.
(Meanwhile, April, Timothy, and Donnie find their way back underground. They hear the roars of the worms echoing.)
"This is it. This is the tunnel!" Donnie stands on the tracks.
"Great. Now what?" April asks.
Donnie begins to use his staff to bang on the railroad tracks. "I'm creating a vibration that'll attract the worm." he continues doing it and Timothy claps , making as much noise as possible.
"You really think a stick is gonna attract - aahh!" the worm quickly arrives on the scene startling April.
"The satchel!" Donnie exclaims. Timothy opens it.
"Salt?" April is confused.
"Salt's ionic strength can burn through a worm's neurosecretory cells. It's like acid."
"Yeah, but Salt?"
(April and Timothy then throw cans of salt right near Donnie and he responds by hitting it with his staff, causing the can to fly right at the worm's face and it hits its mark. This simple process is repeated again and again and again until, finally-)
Timothy: Uh, Donnie? We're out!"
"No, wait!"
(Donnie takes out a salt shaker he took from Kurtzman and throws it in front of the worm. April uses her fan to move the salt into the air. The worm comes to a halt and vomits all over them, spitting out Casey.)
Anybody have any hand sanitizer?" the sludge slugs off Donnie's hand.
"April!" "- Casey!" the two teens hug.
"Ugh." Donnie didn't like to be the third wheel but then something else catches his attention. "I hate to break up the reunion, but we have big, huge, giant problems!"
(They spot a humungous worm being pulled out from a portal. Its size makes it stuck and only halfway through it. He realizes the Krang could simply release the worm at any given time, which could destroy the city.)
TigerClaw: (Sniffs the air.) I smell the reptiles, cat, and the rabbit.
Karai: If they escape, Shredder will have all your hides.
Rhazar: And what about yours, Karai?" (Growls.)
Rika: Stop arguing and let's move!
(The brothers and Ethan have hidden behind a billboard and shed. Splinter is slouched, too weakened to continue.)
Splinter: I need to rest. Must get the poison out of my system."
"Just drink some water, Sensei." Mikey hands him a water gourd.
Splinter: (He exhales deep audible breath as the water quenched his thirst.) "Must meditate. (He places his fingers together and starts the healing process, desperately trying to get all of the poison to leave his system.)
Y/N: Let him rest.
Raph: Yeah, we'll keep a lookout for those goons. (He took the lead, the matter just got more urgent.)
When they get up the villains are there. Mikey chuckles nervously, "Found 'em."
TigerClaw: Attack!"
(Tiger claw commences the battle. The bad guys and the heroes then engage in an inevitable face-off. Raph fights Fishface, Ethan fights Rika, Y/N fights Lobo, and Mikey fights Rhazar.)
Leo manages to kick Karai away so he can clash swords with Tigerclaw. "Your skills are nothing compared to mine." Tigerclaw disarms Leo from one of his swords and snaps the other. "You are still just a cub."
(He raises his sword but Leo retaliates with a hidden blade in the hilt. He scathes Tigerclaw on the cheek.)
Ethan: (At Rika) Wait, look you're name is Rika, you're my father's sister!
Rika: "Enough! Nothing will help you, rabbit!" She readied her bow and arrow, aiming it at the young bunny.
Ethan: Wait"I'm not afraid of you!" He leapt forward, his legs ready to strike.
Rika: "You'll have to do better than that!" She quickly dodged his attack and fired an arrow at him.
Ethan: "Not so fast!" He jumped up and kicked the arrow away.
Rika: "You're pretty good!" She fired another arrow, but Ethan was able to dodge it.
Ethan: "I'm not done yet!" He jumped up and kicked Rika in the face, sending her flying back.
Rika: "You little rascal!" She quickly recovered and fired a flurry of arrows at Ethan.
Ethan: "I won't let you win!" He jumped up and used his legs to deflect the arrows.
Rika: "You're not bad!" She fired one last arrow, but Ethan was able to dodge it.
Ethan: "Ha! I win!"
(He jumped up and punched Rika in the face, but she grabbed him and threw him into the wall.)
Ethan: Gah!
Y/N: (Holding back Lobo) Son!
Lobo: You really should pay attention more.
(Lobo knocked him down and was about to finish him off. But Y/N stands up and takes him down with a flurry of attacks. Y/N claws at Lobo, slashing and jabbing at him. Lobo tries to fight back, but Y/N is too fast and too strong. Y/N knocks Lobo to the ground and runs to help his son.)
(The home team has snuck into the worm and Krang infested area.)
"Okay, here's the plan." Donnie starts. "I reverse the polarity of the portal and keep that thing from getting in. You guys create a diversion."
"What kind of diversion?" April asks.
Casey: Leave that to Casey Jones-
Timothy: and Timorhy."
(He glances down at the girl. Donnie lets out a sigh but gets ready to move the moment the distraction is in place.)
Casey: Yo! Alien freak-job!"
(He sticks out his tongue and mocks the Krang, Timothy smacks his butt at them. The Krang shoot at the two, Timothy and him hide behind the large gear again.)
April: I hope you have a plan other than getting shot at, you two!"
(April shouts as Donnie has already made his way to the portal, they have to fend for themselves without the genius.)
(Back with the home team, just when TigerClaw is about to finish off Leonardo with his bare claws, Splinter bravely steps in, grabs the mutant by the arm and then drops him to the ground.)
Splinter: Now it is time to end this.
Mikey: Sensei!"
(The brothers and Ethan are elated when they see that their master is back in action and hug him. The villains have regrouped and are ready to fight again.)
"Are you ready, my family?" Splinter asks, but he already knew the answer.
(His sons and grandson charge in bravely and take on the mutants.)
(The Away team were fighting the kraang.)
Eat it, alien scum!" Casey swats a puck at the Krang it gets stuck inside a blaster making it explode. "This is so cool! Whoo!" he swats more of them,
The Krang catches a puck with a hand. "Kraang detects inferior weaponry." the puck exploded making the Krang collapses, armless. The rest of the pucks explode under the Krang.
(Timothy is fighting the Krang disarming them and striking at the brain parts.)
Donnie pries open the puzzling piece of Technology. "What the?" it was all new to him, but it doesn't stop him as he fiddles with the wires.
"Oh, yeah!" Casey was striking Krang on the head like a jousting match. "You like that, son?"
(Timothy leapt into action as the Kraang droids opened fire with their blasters. He dodged and weaved through the blasts, using his ninja skills to stay one step ahead of the droids. He leapt onto the nearest droid, using it as a shield against the other droids' blasts. He then used his ninja skills to quickly disable the droid, before leaping onto the next one. He continued this pattern, disabling each droid one by one, until all of them were defeated. He stood victorious, surrounded by the broken remains of the Kraang droids.)
"Krang, unleash another kraathatrogon."
(A lying Krang places its hand on the clear panel computer, unlocking the hinges on a worm. It rises up over the three and lets out a screech, some of its spit lands on Timothy's cheek.)
"Look out!" Caseys voice snaps her out of thoughts of food as the worm slams its body on them. It misses.
"I've got an idea, something that Kurtzman said." April says.
(Timothy follows her. April had climbed on the back of one of the worm and was guiding them around by tugging on both of their antenna. A single Krang points a blaster at Casey, he's unprotected but the worm slams into the Krang, saving him. Timothy pats the space behind him as he was hugging April from behind.)
"Come on, Jones! (April reaches a hand out to him.) "Move it, girl! Go, worm, go!"
"We'll distract the Kraang! -" Casey yells at Donnie.
"Do your thing, Donnie!" April says.
He peers down at the three riding the worm. "I don't believe it."
"To the surface, wormie!"
(She orders and it was exactly where the home team are engaged in yet another large battle. Y/N was in a fight with Rika, but he continued to try and convince her who he is.)
Y/N: "I'm your brother, Riki. It's the truth."
Rika: "My brother? You're lying! I don't have a brother!"
Y/N: "It's true!
Rika: Stop it!
(Rika then fires an arrow at Y/N, which hits him in the shoulder. Y/N winces in pain, but he takes the arrow and continues to walk towards Rika. She tries to fire another arrow, but can't bring herself to do so. He puts his hand on her shoulder and pulls her close, placing her head on his chest.)
Y/N: "It's okay, Rika. I'm here now. I'm sorry that it took so long.
(Rika listens to his heartbeat and slowly starts to remember him. Tears start to fill her eyes as she realizes that he is telling the truth. She remembers who she really is-)
Riki: "Y/N...you're really my brother?"
Y/N: "Yes, I am. I'm here now, and I'm not going anywhere."
(Riki wraps her arms around Jake and holds him tight. Y/N falls as he was still injured from the arrow, but Riki helps him lay against a fan.)
Riki: I'm sorry, I'm sorry!
Y/N: It's okay, go save our family.
(Ethan is taking on Lobo and was losing. Lobo kicked him to the ground.)
Lobo: Your papa, won't save you this time.
(Just as he was about to strike down Ethan, and arrow came in and knocked his weapon out of his hand. Everyone stopped fighting and looked to see Riki standing there holding the arrow.)
Riki: But his auntie will!
Karai: You're betraying us Rika and father!
Riki: I'm sorry Karai, but my name is not Rika... My name is Riki! (She lunges forward and takes on Lobo, which makes everyone else start fighing again.)
Leo: Karai, I don't want to fight you anymore." (Leo is barely holding off her tanto with his small blade.) I'm not your enemy." (Another earthquake ends up causing Karai to fall off the edge of the building.) "Karai!
Riki: No!
No!" Splinter feels that he should save her, but Tiger Claw steps on his tail and completely prevents him from doing so.
TigerClaw: You're not going anywhere." (He pins him down on the ground, sword directed to Splinter's head.)
"You are mine now, Yoshi-San. Aah!" (A rock is thrown at him courtesy of Y/N.)
Who dares?" Leo reacts by kicking Tigerclaw off the edge of the building.
(The ground shakes again. The worm - along with April, Timothy and Casey on it - then emerge by busting through a manhole cover. Everyone is quite shocked to see this.)
April: Whoo-hoo!
(TigerClaw jumps right back in though Splinter punches him in the chest multiple times and Tiger Claw's jetpack seems to malfunction. Y/N harshly kicks Tigeclaw causing him to fly backwards into the mouth of the Kraathatrogon.)
(Elsewhere, Donnie was trying to fix everything.)
Sonnie: I got to reverse the polarity. Work! Why won't you work?" (The worm that was stuck gets sucked back into the portal.) " Ha! I did it! I rule!" (The Krang and other worms get sucked in, Donnie straps himself with wires. The suction force of the portal reaches the worm at the top and it starts to get sucked in.)
(Timothy suddenly jumps off the worm and towards the roof the team were on. Ethan instinctively catch him by the hand and pull him up.)
A few minutes later the rest of the team come up and join you, the group was together once more. The worm riders then tell you everything that happened and you do the same, it took so long that the sun has already risen.
"So the earthquakes were caused by giant worms that lived under the sewers?" Raph asks. "That sounds worse than giant cockroaches!"
"Well, I'm stoked you guys are back. Come here!" Mikey gives you and the others a big hug.
"We're glad to be back, trust me." Donnie laughs. When Mikey lets go.
"You did it, Sensei." Leo says as they both look down. The Police are below and are investigating the giant hole in the ground.
"With the help of my brave sons, yes, we all did it."
Raph is motivated to wonder where Karai could have run off to "But what about Karai and Riki?"
"I still can't believe that evil witch is your daughter." April says. "Um, sorry to be so honest."
"Perhaps one day she will believe the truth. But that is her decision. For now, we celebrate." Splinter says.
Y/N: (Arm in Cast) Where's Riki? Riki! Riki!
(Riki found Karai hiding behind a billboard eavesdropping on them. She landed beside her startling her. She leaned over her face staring into her eyes. She reached for her tanto but you pushed it back in its sheath.)
Riki: Shhh, Sister, I won't hurt you unless you harm them......leave. You don't want to lose the only blood relative you have left."
Karai: Can't believe you're that cat's sister. Father will come after you and I will so aswell.
Riki: Yeah, but you're not like him and neither am I. He's not your father, my sister. (Walks to join the others.
[The scene then switches to the world of the 1987 series, where the brothers there are up on a rooftop, each having a slice of Pizza. Just then, a portal appears and the very Kraathatrogon emerges in the middle of the street, causing the people to panic as the worm tries to go after every single one of them.]
80s Leo: Hey, do you guys see that?
80s Mikey: Whoa, dudes! A giant freaky worm!
80s Y/N: Totally mondo bizarro!
80s Donnie: I bet that pesky Shredder and Kraang are behind this.
80s Raph: You know what that means, right, Leonardo?
80s Leo: We take down the creepy crawler and then we order pizza!
80s Donnie: Yes! Turtle power!
They then jump into action with their famous and classic catchphrase: COWABUNGA!!!!
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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