Within the Woods

April: I'll never forget the night we left New York City

The Kraang defeated us, Leo got badly hurt, master Splinter is gone. We lost... we had nowhere left to go, so we came to the old farmhouse I grew up in, miles away from the city, a place we could all be safe in

The first thing we did was take care of poor Leonardo. Raphael keeps a constant vigil over Leo, waiting for him to wake up.

Michelangelo goofs around a lot, but he does a ton of chores around the house.But mostly he goofs around a lot. 

Ethan would stay with Chloe and help her with her PTSD from seeing the kraang invasion. Donatello and Timothy built a lab in the barn, trying to create a mutagenic medicine for Leo.

Riki and Y/N would always be training together and they kept working on a plan for when we return to new york.

And then there's me, April O'Neil. I spent most of my time training with the Turtles and writing in my ever expanding journal, I miss New York, my sensei, my dad... hopefully Leo will recover and we can all go home soon, if there's even a home to go back to... but life, as master Splinter would say, must continue on.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Here we go!

It's the lean, mean, ninja team

On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things

So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams

Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings

Can't stop these radical dudes

The secret of the ooze made the chosen few

Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves

The good guys win and the bad guys lose

Leonardo's the leader in blue

Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through

Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines

Raphael has the most attitude on the team

Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!

Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need

To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

(Outside the farmhouse, the brothers, Ethan, Riki, and April were training while Casey was laying against a tree. Chloe glanced over at April who was waving her tessen playfully and smiled softly. Timothy was practicing using his weird green energy. Casey was smirking from under the tree as he watched April fight, before glancing at Donnie and getting an idea.)

Casey: Goongala!"

(Casey jumped in and began attacking Donnie with his hockey stick.) 

(Gohan is Ethan, Y/N is Goku, and Riki is Piccolo)

Riki: Come on, Nephew! Is that all you got!? No

Ethan: (Tries to get up, but falls down again.)

Riki: Ugh, pathetic. No wonder we lost!

Y/N: Riki!

Riki: (Sees Y/N glaring at her and walks off)

Ethan: (Gets helped by Y/N) What's wrong with Auntie Riki?

Y/N: I don't know.

(April and Raph were sparring and Raph got a little too confident while fighting her.)

"You gotta be quick to train with ninjas. Sorry, April." Raph smirked as he knocked April to the ground

(Raph had his hands on his hips, before April got up and punched him in the face that sent him to the ground. Raph laid on the ground with his upper body in the air.)

"I'm almost a full-on kunoichi." April said as she crossed her arms.

Timothy: You go, girl!

"Oh, yeah! Gotta be quick if you wanna be hanging with the ninjas, dog!" Mikey laughed in Raph's face, before walking away.

(April watched Donnie and Casey having their fight as they swung their sticks at each other.)

"Sweet moves, Donnie" Casey smirked as he threw his hockey stick at Donnie, who dodged it with a smirk.

(Without warning, Casey shot little stones at Donnie's face with his catapult.)

Casey: Eat this!"

"Ow! Cheap shot!" Donnie yelled as he threw his staff at Casey and then tackled him.

(Resulting in a fight as they rolled onto the ground. Chloe ra nover behind Ethan and Y/N while April ran over to them to break up the fight while Timothy ran over to join her.)

"Ok, you two, enough!" April yelled as the two boys stopped and looked at her.

"You guys are acting like a bunch of caged animals." April pointed out as the two got back on their feet.

"Ah, we're just blowing off a little steam, red." Casey smirked as he gently punched Donnie in his chest.

"Yeah, things are just kind of tense lately. Right, old friend?" Donnie asked Casey as he wrapped an arm around Casey's neck.

"You got that right, old pal." Casey grinned as they both were just glaring at each other.

(April just stared blankly at them, when Raph walked over to the group.)

"We're all just a little frustrated, April. No offense, but we're ninjas. We don't belong in a farmhouse, we belong in the sewers" Raph said.

Donnir: Ok, not entirely accurate, but uhm. Apropos.

Timothy: You guys just need to adapt, it's not that hard.

"Yeah, that's all good. But like Master Splinter would say, we must accept the hand that the universe has delt us." Mikey said.

"Wow. That's deep, yo." Casey said.

Raph turned to Mikey. "Master Splinter's gone, Mikey. And Leo may never wake up. The universe has delt us a terrible hand." Raph said.

(Y/N watched as he turned around, and walked past him. He wanted to say something to him, but he already seemed like he was angry enough, so he didn't say anything at all. Cut to Riki sitting on a tree in deep thought. Y/N soon joined her.)

Y/N: Hey.

Riki: Hey. How's Ethan?

Y/N: He'll live, but I'm more concerned with you. Over the past few months, you've been more aggressive in  training and around the house.

Riki: I know, it's just I feel bad for leaving Karai in the city all alone. I can't, but feel like I should go bac-

Y/N: We can't, we need to wait for Leo to recover and than we'll return.

Riki:......(Sighs) Yeah, maybe you're right.

Y/N: Well, I'm gonna head back to the farmhouse, you coming?

Riki: In a minute.

(Y/N jumps down while Riki continues to look out into the sky.)

(Later on that night, we were sitting around the TV, about to watch Mikey's new favorite show. Of course, it was Crognard. Y/N balled up his hand into a fist, and rested his head on top, staring at the TV screen.)

"All right. Quite down, everybody. It's time for my new favorite show!" Mikey said, taking a bite out of his cheesy pizza slice.

(Just by looking at the graphics of the TV, show Y/N could instantly tell the show was from either the late '80s or early '90s. It looked to be a very old-fashioned cartoon.)

"Wizardess, Grahh, Spooch, ride!" Crognard cheered, holding out his sword in front of him.

"We're already riding, Crognard." Wizardess said.

"Graah!" Graah cried out.

Crognard laughed. "Graah!" He repeated.

I haven't even been watching the show for 5 minutes, and it's already driving me crazy.

"Crognard, my magic is tingling. I sense danger," Widardess said. "Oh no. Slug people." She said.

(The camera zoomed over to a group of Slug people who had smiles on their faces. They seemed harmless, but considering this was a very old show, the main characters will definitely not be the smartest in attack even the most terrifying creature, even though it's completely innocent.)

"Greetings, travelers. We, the Slug people, bring you tidings of peace, and-" A Slug person started.

"Attack!" Crognard said, pulling out his sword.

(Y/N squinted his eyes, as the cartoon characters begin to fight the Slug people. Although, this was a very weird cartoon, he thinks his favorite character so far was Wizardess.)

A/n: Idk if it's just me, but Wizardess has always reminded me of Raven from Teen Titans

"Mm, Spooch scared of creaky Slug people. Spooch! Spooch!" Spooch yelled.

Crognard grabbed the floating creature by his tail, and began to spin him in circles, as if he was a lasso.

"Crognard will use Spooch as bait!" Crognard said, throwing his friend into the crowd of Slug people. "Now, Wizardess, Graah, destroy!" Crognard said. Y/N watched as they continued to destroy the Slug people. Y/N, Ethan, Timothy, Chloe, Donnie, April, and Casey really didn't know what to think about the show, but Mikey on the other hand, was watching it with sparkles in his eyes with a huge smile on his face.

Timothy: Who makes these shows?

"Guys! Guys! Get up here!" Raph yelled from upstairs.

(Everyone headed to the bathroom, where they saw Leo with his eyes open.)

"Leo?" Donnie said.

"Hey, guys." Leo said. Y/N quickly noticed how much deeper and raspy his voice was. Almost like Raph, just not as gruff.

Mikey, Ethan being overjoyed, jumped at his brother/ Uncle, before screaming, "Leo!/Uncle!" They screamed, clinging onto their brother/Uncle. "You're back!" They said.

"Okay... Ow. That hurts." Leo said.

Raph places a hand on Miley's shell, while Y/N pulls Ethan off of Leo. "Take it easy. Let's get you out of here." He said, as the others helped Leo out of the tub. Riki soon walked into the bathroom.

Riki: What's going on?

Y/N: Look who's back.

"Hey, Leo." Riki smiled.

"Hey, Riki." Leo replied.

"I'm glad you're awake." Riki said.

"Riki is happy that I'm awake?" Leo asked. "Are you feeling okay?" He joked.

"Ha. Ha." Riki laughed sarcastically.

(They took Leo down to the living room, where they sat him on the couch. Donnie used an old fashioned stethoscope to listen to his chest. While Donnie was giving him a check up, they told everything that has happened since his coma.)

"So we've been here for 3 months? I've been out that long?" Leo asked.

"You had us worried sick, Leo. Raph barley slept." April said.

"Ah, it was nothing." Raph said, waving off April's comment.

"So, like, why does he sound different?" Casey asked, changing the subject.

"He's just sustained damage to his throat, and pretty much everywhere else for that matter," Donnie explained. 

Timothy: Here. Take some of my special patented mutagen medicine. You'll be healed in no time."

(Leo was given a spoonful of the medicine he made from scratch. As soon as it was in his in his mouth, he swallowed, and cringed at the taste.)

"Oh, that tastes like it's supposed to come out of me, not go into me." Leo cringed.

(Raph sat beside Leo on the couch, putting his arm around his shell.)

"First thing tomorrow, we're going to start training again, you and me. I'll have you on your feet in no time, bro." Raph said.

(Cut to tomorrow, Leo sat on a chair in the living room with everyone else surrounding the TV. I sat down a glass of tea next to Leo, who was in deep thought.)

"I just can't stop thinking about Master Splinter. Maybe he's not really gone." Leo said.

(Once the words left Leo's mouth, Y/N got a sickening feeling in his stomach. While Ethan, Riki, and Chloe looked down in sadness.)

"We all saw it happen. Shredder threw him down a drain pipe." Donnie said.

"Maybe Leo's right. I mean, Splinter was a great ninja master, right?" Chloe soke up.

"The greatest in a century." Raph added.

(The music from the TV gained their intention. Riki, Chloe, and Ethan had to get their minds off of Splinter somehow, and even though Mikey's new favorite show sucked, it was the only source of not thinking about something he wasn't even there to see.)

"Hey, dudes, the show is starting." Mikey said. Just then, the power went out, which made Mikey scream, and curl up next to the TV.

"Aw, man. You got to be kidding me." Casey groaned.

Chloe/Ethan: Boo!

Riki: This is like the fifth time this has happened.

"It's just a blown fuse. I'll fix it in two shakes of a turtle's tail." Donnie said, getting up from his spot.

Timothy: I'll come with. (Follows Donnie)

(Just as things couldn't get any more weird, the fire in the fireplace blew out, although it wasn't a windy night. In fact, there wasn't even a breeze outside, and if there was it wouldn't be strong enough to blow out a fire. Y/N glanced over to Casey, and Mikey who shared the same look of concern. Donnie walked over the fireplace, and turned on his flashlight shining the light that landed on the burnt wood.)

"Great. Looks like we need more firewood." Raph said, looking into the fireplace.

(Donnie's flashlight went out, and he tried multiple times to turn it back on.)

"Are you kidding?!" Donnie said, clearly annoyed.

(It has been an hour since Raph left to get more firewood. Just a few minutes ago Y/N and Riki were standing outside on the porch, and could have sworn they heard screaming coming from the woods. When they went inside to tell everyone, they all thought they were crazy, which didn't surprise them. After a little while longer, everyone started to panic, so they went outside the farmhouse, and began to look for the hot-headed brother.)

"Raaphh!" Mikey yelled. "He's been gone for hours. Raph!" He yelled again.

Y/N: Yo, Raph! Can you hear us?!" I screamed.

"Don't you think he'd answer?" April questioned.

"All right, we split up. April and Casey, you guys take that way. Mikey, Y/N, and Donnie, you take that way. Riki and Timothy take the middle of the forest." Leo said.

Ethan: What about us?

Leo: You guys stay in the house, just in case Raph's come back.

Ethan/Chloe: (Nods)

"Split up? Are you loco, homey?" Mikey asked.

"April and Casey go off alone? Together?" Donnie asked.

Timothy: Dude, not the time.

"Mikey, Y/N, and Donnie, you take that way." Leo repeated. He turned back around, and started to head back to the farmhouse, when April stopped him.

"What about you?" April asked.

"I'll wait at the farmhouse with the kids. I won't be much help out there, anyway." Leo said.

(Everyone started to go their own way, as Donnie looked at April and Casey. Casey laughed at Donnie, as they walked in different ways. Y/N had the unnerving feeling in the pit of his stomach, as he walked into the dark woods.)

(Y/N followed close behind Mikey, who was still screaming for his brother. Donnie on the other hand, was in deep thought about Casey, and April in the woods together. Suddenly Y/N heard a twig snap, and stopped. Mikey and Donnie did not hear it, and continued to walk deeper into the woods, leaving Y/N behind. He turned around, and looked behind him, but saw nothing. What he did see, was Raph's axe laying on the ground besides piles of chopped at wood. Y/N walked towards the pile, and picked up the axe. Y/N turned the axe over to see the name "O'Neill" engraved into the wooden handle.)

Y/N: Hey, guys, I-" (He turned around, and saw that Mikey and Donnie were gone.) "What?" (He was confused as to how Donnie and Mikey managed to get so far so fast. As his eyes scanned the area, he noticed that it had gotten a lot darker. He heard something heavy moving behind him, and whatever it was, blocked the light of the moon, which is probably why it got darker. Y/N turned around, with his hatchet in his hand and besia fang claws out, ready to attack, but stopped. He felt a chill run up his spine, as he looked up at the tall mutant in front of him.P)

(It's incredible how this creature managed to freak Y/N, out since nothing scares him. It was a swamp monster that stood about 7 feet tall. It was made of mud, grass, rocks, and worms. It also wore a very familiar brand of overalls. The creature looked down at me, it's eyes and mouth began to glow a turquoise blue, as it smiled at him.) 

(Y/N threw the hatchet at the weird swamp monster, who just moved to the side and dodged it. Then Y/N stabbed him in the stomach with his claws, but the weird thing wasn't phased at all. Y/N tried to pull himself out but he was stuck, when he finally managed to get himself free he saw that his claws were stuck in the monster who just pulled them out and threw them to the side.)

Y/N: Okay, time for Plan B as in beat your swampy ass.

(Y/N is the blue one and the Swamp Mutant is the Covid monster)

Y/N: (Sees the Swamp Mutant walking up to him, menacingly) Okay, time for Plan C, time to (Runs off) Cut and run!!

(Y/N began to run as fast as he could. He wasn't that far from the farmhouse, and if he really ran for it, He could warn Leo and the kids. The more Y/N ran, the more tired, and exhausted he became. Y/N didn't know if it was from fighting the creature or if it was from the lack of sleep he's been getting.)

(Finally, Y/N got to the point where he couldn't run anymore, he could barely even walk. He limped out of the woods, and into the opening where the farmhouse stood on its old foundation. He felt something grab his ankle, and pull him to the ground. When he looked up, he saw Leo, Ethan, and Chloe looking back at him.)

Y/N: Guys! 

(They tried to run over to Y/N, and grab him, but whatever had his leg pulled him back into the darkness of the woods. Y/N saw a flash of turquoise, and then darkness took over his sight, and he passed out. Y/N woke up to the feeling of his sister kicking him in his leg.)

Riki: Y/N, get up!

(Y/N's vision was blurry for a split second, but when it cleared, he could make out the sight of the monster holding a smaller creature in his hand. Y/N could see the red bandana tails poking through the grassy creature's grassy fingers. He instantly knew it was Raph.)

"Raph!" Mikey yelled.

(Raph and the Swamp Monster began to glow. Almost like he was draining power from him. Like they do in the movies.)

"It's feeding off of him, like metagenic fertilizer," Donnie said. I saw at the swamp creature turned the hot-headed brother into a flower. 

Timothy: "No, no, no! Raph!"

(The creature opened its hand as the red bandana fell onto the flower laying on the ground.)

"You turned my brother into a plant! You turned him into a plant!" Mikey yelled. "Let me go, Creep! I'll bash that meeting in straight out of you!" He yelled, infuriated by the creatures actions.

Timothy: I second that!

(The Creep went over to Mikey, and pulled him up, before placing a hand on his head, covering his eyes. Mikey screamed knowing he was going to be next, but the creature stopped when we heard a voice outside the shed.)

"Help! Help!" The vocie yelled.

(It was Leo. The Creep walked outside to face the oldest turtle.)

(The Creep looks around once outside the shed, not seeing anything. A shuriken and kurenai is soon embedded into the back of its head, the creature turning around to face Leo, Ethan, and Chloe in her armour.)

"Give us back our family, freak." The leader in blue demands. He released his crutch, letting it fall to the ground as he pulls out his katanas.

(Chloe activates her shoulder missiles which fire at the Creep.)

(Iron Man is Chloe)

(The mini missiles fire and The Creep absorbs them with his arm, which explodes. The quickly regrows. The Creep moves to them, attempting to stab them with a pitchfork, though the turtle and bunny dodge,  Leo fighting back with what little strength he still had. The Creep managed to knock one of his katanas out of his hand, Leo in turn, knocking Casey's mask off the creature, after dodging the pitchfork it threw at him. Ethan kicked the Creep in the face, but it just took it and threw him at Chloe, and both crashed into a tree.)

(The creature then grabbed Leo, throwing the turtle away, making him drop his remaining blade. Spotting him crutch, Leo crawls over to it, grabbing it, and stabbing the Creep in the face with it, which made the creature miss Leo, as it had tried to stab him with his own katana. They let out a screech, the crutch now lodged in its face. Leo grabs the katana, slowly making his way to the two kids.)

Leo: You two okay?

Ethan: Yeah, come on!

(Chloe and Ethan help Leo make it to the shed.)

Ethan: Guys! What the shell happened?!" 

"What the heck is that?" Leo asked, referring to the flower.

"It's Raph. Long story. Quick, get us out of here!" Donnie said.

Leo cut the ropes off of his brothers by using his katana blade while Ethan and Chloe helped the others, Leo falls to his knees, panting for air. Noticing The Creep was coming back, they used the shed tolls to block the door, before boarding up the door leading outside. They backed away, and drew their weapons, waiting for any sudden movements. There was nothing but dead silence as we waited. Out of nowhere, the creature busted in from the side of the shed, making them all jump.)

Casey howled like a dog, and smacked The Creep repeatedly with his hockey stick, before The Creep grabbed it, and crushed it with his large, grassy hand.

"Oh, dude." Casey groaned, as he backed away.

(Riki fired multiple arrows at The Creep, who wasn't even fazed by them. Timothy slashed at him with his nina gauntlets, but the slashes soon healed.)

Then, Mikey went for the beast. "Booyakasha!" He yelled, hitting The Creep repeatedly with his nunchucks. With Ethan following with his bunny kicks.

(Y/N went for the monster, and slashed into its neck, and chest with his claws. The others used their weapons to cut off The Creep's arm, and hit it in its head, burn his arm, and chest over, and over. The monster slumped over, knocked out from the beating, as they panted to catch their breath. Just as Y/N thought it was over, The Creep opened its eyes, and walked inside the shed, knocking all of them out of the way.)

(Leo picked up the mutagenic bottle of medicine, and threw it towards Y/N. He caught it in his hand, and ran out of the shed, tossing it to Donnie, who then tossed it to April, and then she tossed it to Chloe and Ethan, who then tossed it to Mikey. Y/N watched as his brothers ran around with the medicine bottle with The Creep following their every move. Riki ran back to the shed where she found Casey still on the ground holding his head from the impact.)

Riki: Jones, grab the chains!

(The Creep finally managed to get the bottle of medicine from Mikey, after using its vines to wrap around his arms, and hold him up in the air. The Creep turned around to Leo who jumped into the air, lunging at the beast, and used the pitchfork in his hand to break open the bottle, as Chloe used her suit boosts into a tree. Riki, April, and Casey, ran as fast as they could towards The Creep, and tied it up to the tree with the chains.)

"That's what you get for messing with my mask, freak." Casey said angrily.

"That should hold him. Now, come on. We got to get him back to the lab." Donnie said.

Leo: Do you think you can save Raph, Don?

Donnie: Honestly, I don't know, Leo. I just don't know.

(They looked at The Creep, as it struggled against the tree. Later that night, Donnie was able to bring Raph back to his turtle self. The only problem was they weren't sure if he would wake up, but after waiting for what felt like forever, they saw him open his emerald green eyes.)

"Yes!" Donnie cheered.

Mikey came up to Raph, and saw his brother.

"Oh no, Raph. Look at him. It's terrible." Mikey said, covering his face with his hands.

(April came over to them, and took the red mask from Chloe's hands. Donnie have Mikey a look.)

"What do you mean? He's perfectly normal." Donnie said.

(April went back over to Raph, and tied his mask around his eyes.)

"How about now, Mikey?" April asked.

"Phew. Yeah, way better." Mikey said.

(Raph pushed his youngest brother away, and sat up on the haystack. He looks totally out of it from the mutation, but everyone was just glad he was okay.)

"What the heck is going on?" Raph asked.

"A crazy swamp monster sucked out your mutagen, and turned you into a plant, dude. It was awesome!" Casey explained.

Riki: In what way is any of what happened awesome?

"But I used this IV tube to drain all of the mutagen out of The Creep, and back into your body. Cool, right? Killed off the infection like a bad case of shell-acne." Donnie said.

Raph groaned. "Cool. Thanks, Don," Raph said. "So, what happened to the monster?" He asked.

"It got turned back into swamp goo." Y/N said, pointing to the glass jar of goo that was now labeled as "The Creep."

"Pretty wicked, right?" Casey asked.

"Donnie worked all night to save you. Leo never left your side." April said.

(April walked away, and Raph turned around, to see Leo sitting on a haystack, holding his wooden crutch in his hand. The blue banded leader looked up at his younger brother, and smiled.)

"That's what brothers are for," Leo said. "We got to heal up, Raph," He said, taking his brother's hand, and pulling him up to his feet. "We got a city to take back." Leo added.

"I get that a big, fat, sloppy, wet... Booyakasha!" Mikey yelled, thrusting his fist into the air.

Riki: Actually, I have something I need to tell you guys.

Y/N: What is it, sis?

Riki: I'm heading back to new york, now.

Ethan: But why?

Riki: Because I can't just leave Karai there, she needs me. Please don't try to stop me.

(Everyone looked at Riki in concern over her safety. But Y/N just went up and hugged her.)

Y/N: If this is what you need to do, then we all support you. 

(Everyone went up and hugged Riki as she teared up and hugged back. She turned around and exited the shed, leaving to go back to New York and find Karai.)

[In the farm warehouse, the Creep's jar breaks, indicating it will return soon...]

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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