Vision Quest

[The episode begins with a deer in the woods. From above the trees, white eyes glow, realizing it was Leonardo armed with a bow and arrow. The deer runs away and Leo falls out of the tree, hurting his injured leg. As he looks up, the deer has returned, shrouded by light for a moment, then angrily attacking Leo. Leo watches the deer run away, surprised at its sudden attack.]

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Here we go!

It's the lean, mean, ninja team

On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things

So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams

Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings

Can't stop these radical dudes

The secret of the ooze made the chosen few

Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves

The good guys win and the bad guys lose

Leonardo's the leader in blue

Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through

Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines

Raphael has the most attitude on the team

Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!

Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need

To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

(Raph, Donnie, Leo, Y/N, Ethan, Chloe, Sarah, and Riki was in front of the house with Raph training April, Ethan, and Timothy.)

"Alright, team," the hothead started. "If you can clobber Kraang, you can crack logs. Watch and learn."

"Aw, yeah. Time for some ninja training, farmhouse style," Mikey cheered.

(Raph started doing some ninja moves. Sarah glanced April's way to see the red-head frowning at Raph with her arms crossed, not looking very amused. Timothy was getting ready to see what was Raph going to do. Raph took the logs Mikey and Donnie held, throwing them up before jumping up, kicking the logs and breaking them.)


Raph smirked, adjusting his belt. "You like that?"

Chloe sorted. "Those were some nice moves, Raph, but we know you were just showing off."

Raph rolled his eyes. "Tim, you're up."

Y/N held up the log for Timothy.

Y/N: You got this Timothy!

Timothy: Wah!

Y/N: Nice one Timothy! Son, you're up!

(Ethan steps up as Sarah holds a wooden board for him.)

Ethan: Hi-Ya!

Sarah: Great work, Ethan! (Rubs his head, while he blushes)

Raph: "You're turn, April."

Casey held up the log for the red-head. "Sure you don't want me to soften it up for you, red?"

"Just hold it straight," April responded, adjusting the log. "Wouldn't wanna miss and accidentally kick that smug grin off your face."

"Oh, snap!" Chloe exclaimed.

"Remember, it's not just physical strength that breaks the wood," Y/N said. "It's also inner strength."

"I got this."

(April ran at Casey, slamming her foot into the log. It didn't break, didn't even splinter, but Casey was thrown back onto the ground face-first.)

The Chloe burst out laughing, while Donnie took the opportunity to tease his rival. "Oooh, I wish I could see that in instant replay." Donnie chuckled as Casey spat out some dirt. "How's that mud taste, Casey?"

(Sarah snickered, then her ears pricked at the sound of footsteps. She turned toward the woods as Leo walked out of the trees, limping and collapsing onto his knees.)

Sarah: Leonardo?"

(Y/N took off towards his brother, the others close behind. They helped him back onto his feet.)

"Dude, what happened to you?" Mikey asked.

"I had a realization in the woods," Leo responded.

"Going off in the woods, alone, was a bad idea?" Raph questioned.

Leo: "No, it's just what I need. What we all need. We're so caught up in T-phones and junk food and TV that we've become at odds with nature. A true ninja must become one with it to master himself."

"Hey, man. You leave TV out of this," Mikey stated.

Donnie thought for a moment. "Even Master Splinter did it. He said only when you become one with nature can you make peace with yourself."

"Make peace?" Raph retorted. "What are we, hippies? We're ninjas!"

We'll do three days of meditation and practiced awareness in the wilderness, only eating what we can forage." Leo asked.

"Three days?" Mikey asked. "We're gonna live like animals!" He started running around, screaming.

Y/N: I'm with Leo. Let's do this.

"I think you two might've taken one too many kicks to the head," Casey said.

"No, they're right," April responded. "Camping's a great idea. I'm tired of being stuck at the farmhouse."

Ethan: Yeah, let's a hunt a deer! (Gets his head rubbed by Y/N)

Leo: "I'm sorry, guys. This trip is ninjas only."

"But I'm almost a kunoichi," the red-head protested.

Timothy: And me and Ethan are almost full fledged ninjas.

"Almost," Raph responded.

Casey shrugged, slinging an arm around her shoulders. "Cool. Looks like we'll be stuck at the farmhouse."

Chloe: (Stomps her foot on the ground) This is so unfair!

Sarah: (Picks Chloe Up) Are you going to be sad all day. (Chloe nods her head, but begins to laugh as Sarah tickles her.) There's the smile!

(They gathered what they needed, and set off into the woods, Leo taking the lead.)

"We've mastered our weapons, stealth, and hand-to-hand combat, but we haven't achieved the very first of the 18 ninjutsu disciplines," Leo started. "The Seishin syoyou, or 'spiritual refinement'. All true ninjas must master it."

"Hey, who says I'm not spiritually refine--ugh--ed?" They all turned to Mikey as he burped, patting his chest. "Whoa. Heh. Must have been--" He burped again. "Okay, you win. Let's get refined."

(First, they practice meditating in the treetops, the breeze helping us to remain zen. Then, Mikey tries foraging by eating acorns like squirrels, but they chase him away in retaliation. Next, we trek through the stream while carrying our knapsacks over our heads, but Leo briefly hesitates due to his leg acting up again. Raph creates a fire in the rain that night, and the others cheer in victory. The next day, we practice basic ninjutsu moves on rocks in the middle of the stream. One night, as they were meditating in the treetops, leaves suddenly swirled into the air on the wind, startling Mikey.)

"Aah! It's happening!" Mikey lost his balance, toppling off the tree and onto the forest floor.

(Y/N and the others dropped down around him. As Y/N pulled him to his feet, Y/N's ears pricked. Soft footsteps sounded from the woods nearby, and a strange scent drifted on the air. It smelled like deer, but something about the scent was different.)

Leo glanced around, spotting something in the trees. "Whoa. Guys, look." Y/N followed his gaze, but there was only an empty patch of trees. "It was the same deer. I think it's been following us."

"It's probably laughing at the five dumb mutants lost in the woods," Raph said.

"Actually, in the Shinto religion, deer are considered messengers of the divine," Donnie stated. "Maybe it means we're on the right path."

(The deer stepped out from behind a tree, and it looked different now. It had taken a humanoid form, standing on two legs as it stared at them. Y/N and Leo stared back.)


The others, however, ran to attack it.

"No, wait!" Leo called. "It's not a mutant!"

(Mikey tried to hit the deer with his nun-chucks, but it dodged aside, sending him slamming into a tree. Donnie ran up, twirling his staff. The deer dodged his jabs, and he accidentally ended up slamming the end of the staff into Raph's stomach as she stepped up behind him.)

"Guys, stop!" Y/N snapped.

(They ignored her. Donnie raised his staff to hit the mutant, but it sidestepped, and he ended up hitting Raph instead. The deer circled them, and Donnie accidentally smacked Raph with his staff as he turned. Raph growled, glaring at him with fire in his eyes, and proceeding to tackle him. Donnie kicked him off, going after him with his staff, and Raph jumped onto his shoulders.)

"Stop!" Leo growled. "I SAID STOP!"

(They all froze, getting off of each other and back to their feet.)

Mikey gasped, looking around. "Whoa, dudes. It's gone."

(They set up camp for the night and made a fire, sitting around it. Mikey cooked some frozen pizza he'd brought over the flames, yawning tiredly. Raph leaned back against a tree and closed his eyes. Donnie was looking a little downcast, staring at his T-phone. Y/N was licking himself. Leo stared down into the flames.)

(Suddenly, the fire turned bright blue, startling everyone as surged upward, manifesting itself into a very familiar person.)

"Master Splinter!"

"Watashi no musukotacho yo," Sensei greeted them.

"Are you, like...a ghost?" Mikey asked.

"My spirit has become detached from my body, but that body still lives," Sensei responded.

Y/N got to his feet. "You're alive?"

"Where are you, Sensei?" Leo asked. "Let us help you."

Sensei shook his head. "You cannot yet. There is much you must overcome. If you cannot find your inner, spiritual strength, you will not stand a chance against the Shredder."

Leo: But Master Splinter, my leg injury, it-it's physical. Until I heal...

Splinter's Spirit: We choose what holds us back and what moves us forward. You will all learn this. Each of you must journey out alone to face your spiritual adversary. Raphael, your temper is like a fire that you must learn to focus for power. Michelangelo, your mind is overrun with distractions. Learn to be strong and calm, like the forest. Donatello, you rely too much on your mind, and not on your body. Be strong, like the mountain. Y/N, you are strong and fierce, yet your fear holds you back. You must let your fear wash away, like a river. Leonardo. You must be the leader in body and spirit. Be like the wind. Let nothing weigh you down. Sleep now, my sons. For your greatest trail awaits on the spiritual plane. For the challenges you face there will be just as deadly as those you face in the real world. Be warned.

(Sensei vanished, and the blue of the fire returns to its normal glowing orange.)

(As Y/N awoke, he was aware that the fire had gone out in the night. He yawned, pushing himself to his feet as the others started to wake up.)

Mikey blinked. "Whoa, that was deep."

Leo: Master Splinter made our quest clear. It's time we begin, ninjas. Each of us will Forge new armor and weapons, then journey on alone, where we'll be challenged in the spirit realm, the place where the unreal becomes real, and we meet our ultimate fate.

(The others nodded, and they started their task, forging weapons and new gear for themselves.)


(Yes he has two swords on his back and has the mask)

(This kanji "" means "river")

(Once they finished their task, they gathered around a banner they'd created, eyes closed in concentration. Except for Mikey, who was eating a slice of pizza.)

"Mikey, stay focused," Raph snapped. "Remember what Master Splinter said? The things we're gonna fight are just as dangerous as Shredder."

Mikey blinked, tossing the pizza slice into the bushes. "Hope you like pizza, you lucky magic deer!"

Leo opened his eyes. "It's time. Good luck, everyone. Kentou o." He bowed, the others mimicking him.

"Kentou o."

Cut to:

(Y/N was walking down the river with no problems in sight, but he suddenly felt a presence and turned around.)

Y/N: Hmm? (Sees nothing) I could've sword I heard something. Maybe I'm just paranoid. (Turns back around and comes face to face with multiple foot ninjas, some holding bow and arrows) Or not! (Pulls out his two tantos)

(Y/N moved with lightning speed, his ninja claws glinting in the moonlight as he faced the horde of foot ninjas. The air crackled with tension as the enemies, armed with deadly swords and bow and arrows, encircled Y/N. With a fierce battle cry, Y/N lunged forward, his agility unmatched. his spun and twisted, dodging the incoming strikes with uncanny precision. The tantos on Y/N's back seemed to have a life of their own, striking out at the unsuspecting attackers. Y/N's claws became a blur as he parried and counterattacked, each strike finding its mark with deadly accuracy. The foot ninjas fought with skill and determination, but Y/N's speed and mastery of his weapons gave them the upper hand. Swift kicks and punches landed, sending opponents flying. Y/N leaped into the air, somersaulting over an onslaught of arrows, effortlessly evading the deadly rain. As the battle raged on, Y/N's focus remained unyielding. They weaved through the attacking foot ninjas, striking vital pressure points with precision, rendering his enemies helpless. The tantos on his back struck with ferocity, cutting through the air with lethal force. Finally, the last foot ninja fell, defeated and disarmed. Y/N stood amidst the fallen adversaries, his chest heaving with exertion, the tantos on his back gleaming with triumph.)

Y/N: Ha! Too Easy! Sorry Master Splinter, but what exactly do I have to-



(Y/N turned around and came face to face with Lobo)

Lobo: Hello, old foe.

Y/N: Lobo?! But, you can't be here, your just a spirit as well!

Lobo: If I was a spirit, could I do this?!

(Lobo rushes forward, knocks one of Y/N's tantos out of his hands, and kicks him into a tree which makes the cheetah writhe in pain.)

Y/N: No.

(The fight between Y/N and Lobo continued with the Latter using his two blades to leave constant cuts on the cheetah.)

(Bee is Lobo and Y/N is Sasuke)

(Lobo stops fighting as Y/N is full of cuts and begins to lose feeling in his legs and falls to his knees. Lobo kicks Y/N to the ground.)


(Lobo raises his blade to finish Y/N, but the cheetah remembers what Splinter said.)

"You must let your fear wash away, like a river."

(Y/N looked down to see his blood washing away in the water. He then pulled out claws and blocked Lobo's attack.)

Y/N: You may kill me, but I will not live in FEAR!!

(Puss is Y/N)

Y/N: Let's dance!

(Y/N is the one with the sword)

(Y/N is Puss)

(As Y/N falls back down to he grips his tanto tightly and as he reaches Lobo-)

(Zoro is Y/N)

(Lobo poof away as Y/N sheaths his Tanto on his back.)

(Back at the farm house the home team were training again.)

"If you knock me into the mud one more time, red..." Casey started.

"Oh?" April said. "What are you gonna do about it? Hi-yah!" Leo stepped out of the trees, leading his siblings, to see April kick the board Casey held, breaking it. "Finally! Yes!"

Timothy: Nice one April!

Sarah: Well done, sweetheart!

Casey blinked, staring past her at Y/N and the others.

"What? Nothing to say? Didn't think I could do it, did ya?" April noticed his stare. "Casey? What--?" She turned, following his gaze with the others doing as well. "Whoa."

Ethan: Dad?

Timothy: Donnie?

(The brothers reached the home team.)

"What happened out there?" April asked.

"It's time," Leo said instead of answering. "We're going back to New York."

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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