Vengeance is Mine
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
Here we go!
It's the lean, mean, ninja team
On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things
So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams
Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings
Can't stop these radical dudes
The secret of the ooze made the chosen few
Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves
The good guys win and the bad guys lose
Leonardo's the leader in blue
Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through
Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines
Raphael has the most attitude on the team
Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!
Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!
Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need
To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
(A few days after the mind-switching fiasco, Leo and the team were going over the plan to rescue Karai from Shredder's lair without getting caught.)
(Leo had worked with the team to devise a plan to get them in and out safely. Donnie and Timothy would wait in the Shellraiser as both the getaway drivers and the emergency back-up. Mikey would bait the Footbots and Shredder's lackeys away, letting Leo and the others into the lair with no one to stop them. Inside, they split into two teams: Y/N, Leo, and Raph, and Chloe, Ethan, and Riki. Leo and the team would rescue Karai, while Chloe and Ethan kept looking out. In case Razar, Lobo, or Tigerclaw didn't buy Mikey's distraction or gave him the slip, Timothy and Donnie would have a dog whistle with them that they could blow to take care of the mutants before or when they encountered Leo and the others. Leo had tested the whistle on herself the day before, and it had been the loudest, shrillest noise she'd ever heard. Tigerclaw, Lobo, and Razar would be too busy covering their ears to do anything to stop them.)
(It was a sound plan, and Leo felt sure that he and the others had covered everything that could or would go wrong. He felt confident in their attempt succeeding, as long as everyone played their parts and stuck to the plan. Raph, however, was having second thoughts about it.)
"This is the only way it can work, Raph," Riki argued.
"Yeah, look, I'm on board for the whole 'Rescue Karai' thing," Raph said. "But if we're going through the trouble in invading Shredder's lair, we gotta take him down once and for all."
Leo shook his head. "It's too risky."
Y/N nodded agreement. "I'm with Leo. We're not ready to bring the fight to Shredder yet. With Tigerclaw and Bradford double-mutated, it'll be suicide."
Mikey, eating a bowl of ramen, noticed something. "Hold up, dudes. Why do I have to be the bait, while Donnie and Timothy sit in the Shellraiser?
"Someone's gotta be the getaway driver," Donnie replied, earning a look from his brother.
Leo: Look, everyone is important here.
"Disagreement about a mission is never a good way to begin," Sensei spoke up as he walked past. "Leonardo, may I speak with you?" he joined her father away from the others. "I know you are anxious to free Karai, but a plan that leads to confrontation with the Shredder is doomed to failure."
"Even if we have to face Shredder, isn't it worth it to rescue your own daughter?" Leo asked.
He paused. "I am not willing to risk your lives or my daughter's."
Leo: (Sighs) Hai, Sensei."
Splinter walks away and Leo joins the others.
"So, is that a no-go on Operation: Rescue Karai?" Mikey asked.
Riki threw up her hands in frustration. "You've gotta be kidding me. All that time planning and arguing about how to do this, and Splinter shuts us down? Oh, no, that ain't happening." She glared at Leo defiantly. "I swear, Leo, if you abandon this mission now, when we're this close, Y/N and I will go and do this ourselves."
Y/N: We will?
Leo: (Rolled his eyes) Will you chill out? I never said we weren't going. Father's wrong. We can't wait."
Raph smiled and reached out his hand. "Let's do this!"
The rest of them put their hands in as well.
"Operation: Rescue Karai is a go!" Riki said.
(The mission was going well, as Leo had planned. Donnie cut the power. Mikey distracted Razar, Lobo, and Fishface with shadows. And Leo and his team snuck into the dungeon without a hitch. So far... he entered the main chamber with Y/N, Riki, and Raph.)
"Karai, it's us," Leo called in a whisper.
Riki: Sister?
Karai: Leo? Riki? Took you long enough.
"Well, we got tired of waiting for you to escape on your own," Leo teased, smirking.
"Is this a rescue or a romantic comedy?" Raph asked. "Come on."
Y/N drew a lockpick. "Just keep an eye out for Foot and Shredder." After a few seconds of tweaking and jiggling the pick, the lock clicked. "Got it." he pulled open the door. "Let's go."
(They bolted for the exit, where Ethan and Chloe were waiting. Karai grabbed a nearby katana as she ran.)
"How did you get past Tigerclaw?" Karai asked.
"They didn't," a familiar voice answered.
(In front of them, Tigerclaw appeared, blocking their path. He gave them a 'come at me' motion and they charged as a group.)
(Riki tried to punch him, but Tigerclaw caught her wrist and punched her repeatedly before kicking her away. Y/N hurled several shurikens at him, though he managed to dodge every one of those.)
(Ethan charged him from behind, but he grabbed his Arm and threw him back across the room. He turned, punching Y/N into the wall. Raph tried to hit him with his sais, but Tigerclaw blocked his blows and kicked him away. Leo charged, and Tigerclaw ducked the katanas. He grabbed Leo's wrist and knocked him to the ground. Karai lunged at him from behind, but Tigerclaw spun and knocked her back.)
(Y/N triggered the claws and ran at Tigerclaw. The mutant tiger kept dodging his claws, but he lashed out at him with his claws, managing to slash his arm. He delivered a fierce punch to the gut before kicking him in the chest and knocking him back.)
Leo: (Pulled out his T-phone.) "Donnie, Timothy, we could use the cavalry."
"On it," Titmothy responded. "Start your music and tell Y/N and Riki to cover his ears.
Y/N gave a sharp whistle to catch the attention of the cats. "Cover your ears, now!" he ordered, starting her playlist.
(Even through the music blaring in his ears, he could still faintly hear the high-pitched whine of the whistle through his T-phone. Judging by the pained winces on the faces of the cats, so could they. Tigerclaw had it worse, though. He covered his ears, shouting and screaming in pain. Raph wasted no time in knocking him to the ground.)
(They leapt over the tiger mutant and made their escape. Riki noticed Karai stop and look back, but she couldn't hear what the kunoichi said. They exited the dungeon through the sewers, finding an entrance near the cathedral. Once they were out, Mikey tried to regroup with them, but he was limping and holding his left arm. Leo put her music on pause and pulled down his headphones, staring at him.)
Raph noticed him next, running over to him. "Mikey!"
"I'm good," Mikey assured him. "It's not my water-balloon-throwing arm." His assurance gave out and he fell forward. "Ow!"
Raph caught him. However, their little prison break was cut short as Footbots surrounded them. Leo drew his swords and Y/N got ready.
Tigerclaw entered via the doors behind them, drawing his guns. "Surrender, mutants. You're outnumbered."
Ethan: Uhhh, what's plan B?
The robots advanced, narrowing their circle. Tigerclaw chuckled, then covered his ears and screamed. His screams were quickly echoed by Y/N and Riki, who covered their ears. The Shellraiser showed up, running over some of the bots.)
"Better count again!" Timothy shouted through the speakers.
(The Shellraiser parked in front of them and the doors slid open.)
Mikey and Raph were the first ones in. "Sweet timing, D."
(Leo went in next, followed by the others. Karai seemed distracted, looking back at the cathedral. Riki caught a familiar scent and followed the younger gaze. Shredder was on top of the building, staring at them.)
Leo grabbed Karai's arm. "Karai, we gotta go."
(He nodded and they entered the Shellraiser. The doors closed, Leo took the wheel, and the drove off down the street. A few Footbots attached themselves to the roof, but Leo floored it and swerved recklessly, knocking into the sidewalk a couple times and shaking them off.)
Unfortunately, Tigerclaw, Fishface, and a few more bots were following on motorcycles.
"Okay, who forgot to load the manhole covers?" Raph shouted.
(Leo glanced back to see Mikey point quickly at Donnie, who gave him a look and got a glare from Raph. Raph deployed the garbage cannon and fired at the pursuing Foot Clan. He hit the bots, but Tigerclaw and Fishface avoided the cannon-fire and aimed their own guns at them. Raph fired back, but the collision caused an explosion, making the Shellraiser leave the ground for a couple seconds.)
Karai looked at Donnie and Samirah. "That's all you've got? Balls of trash?"
"This baby's still got a few tricks in her," Donnie replied.
(He used a smoker screen and an oil spill. Once the smoke cleared, they turned a corner. The coast was clear. Everyone sighed in relief, relaxing. Leo, however, kept his guard up.)
Leo's voice broke his train of thought. "Not a bad bit of rescuing, huh?"
Karai smiled, about to walk toward him, but a familiar sword blocked her path. The roof hatch opened and Karai was grabbed and lifted onto the roof.
"Karai!" Leo called.
The hatch slammed closed, locking from the outside. Leo took a quick look at her monitors.
Ethan: Tigerclaw. Dang tiger doesn't know when to quit.
"I have you now," Tigerclaw growled at Karai.
(She glared at him as he powered up his blasters. He shot at her a couple times, but she dodged the blasts and ran at him. He blocked her with his blade and forced her back. She blocked more shots using her braces and punched him repeatedly in the stomach, though it didn't do a thing.)
Riki growled softly. She needs help! The boys were struggling to open the hatch. Leo tried to help by driving the Shellraiser into as many corners as possible, but Tigerclaw still had the upper hand.
"Okay, that's it!" Leo growled. "I've had just about enough of this stupid tiger!
[Tiger Claw powerfully defeats her and throws her out to her death, but she was saved as Tiger Claw was knocked out cold by how hard he was bumped by the roof.]
Mikey: Eat that, kitty cat! Whoo-hoo!
[Y/N and Mikey pull Karai back in, both mutants sit down in relief.]
Karai: Guys. Leo...
Leo [Happy]: I know, you're not good at saying thank you.----------
(They returned to the lair. Y/N forced Mikey to sit down on the beanbag while he got the first aid kit and attended to his little brother's wounded arm.)
"I hope this means you'll stay," Riki told Karai. "After all, you are family."
"With Shredder after me, what choice do I have?" Karai responded.
"Well, now he's after both of us," Riki chuckled and hugged Karai, her tail wagging furiously. "I missed you!"
Karai blinked, returning the hug. "I missed you, too."
"I'm sure the lair will become your home. You'll get the comfort of it," Ethan said.
"Yeah, we got some pretty sweet stuff," Y/N added.
"It's actually not bad," Karai commented, glancing around the room.
Mikey stood up and smiled at her. "It's awesome, right? This calls for a family hug." He raised his arms. "Bring it in." He quickly grabbed his wounded arm in pain. "Ow."
Y/N grabbed his shoulder, pulling him back down onto the beanbag. "Will you sit down and stay still?" she ordered firmly. "I need to finish wrapping up your cut. Razar got you pretty good."
"Michelangelo, what happened?" Sensei asked, entering the room.
"It's just a scratch, Sensei," Mikey assured him. "You should see the other guy."
"What have you children done? I thought I told you--" Sensei cut off as Riki stepped aside to reveal Karai. "Miwa."
Karai rubbed her arm uncertainly. She approached him and threw her arms around him. "Father." Sensei seemed surprised for a second before wrapping his arms around his daughter.
"You see, Sensei? I told you my plan would work," Leo said, smiling.
Sensei released Karai and turned to him, smiling. "Perhaps some thing are worth the risk."
Leo grinned. "Well, there was also the fact that if we hadn't all gone, Riki and Y/N on their own, anyway."
"Dang right we would've," Riki declared firmly.
Y/N: Ehhhhh....
Riki: Right brother?!
Y/N: Ye-yes!
(Later that day, they were all in the dojo. The team was sparring, while Karai watched with her father. Unfortunately for Leo, Mikey didn't seem to be taking the training seriously.)
Leo: Come on, Mikey, focus."
Leo tried attacking his little brother, though Mikey simply dodged and gave Leo a slap to the face. Leo then kicked him, knocking him back.
"Ow, dude!" Mikey exclaimed, holding his arm.
"Sorry, I didn't--" Leo cut off as a water balloon hit him in the face.
"Oh, yeah, son! Never underestimate the water balloon arm." Mikey started humming doing a victory dance.
(Leo glanced back at Karai, who giggled, as Father simply face-palmed. Leo tackled Mikey, the two of them rolling around the room as they wrestled. They ended up knocking Donnie, Timothy and Y/N down and pulling him into the fight. Raph just stared at them for a moment, then shrugged; he dropped his sais and joined the fight.)
"Is this how training always goes?" Karai asked.
Ethan: (Chuckles, while recording)
"Yame!" Father shouted, ending the fight. "My sons, that is enough for today."
The teens and Ethan began to leave the dojo and Karai got to her feet. Riki paused, looking back at her. "Sis, you coming?"
Splinter: Not what you expected?
Karai: I admit, it's a little weird being with people I was told were my enemies. What really happened between you and Shredder and my mother?
Splinter: I'm afraid it goes much deeper than our rivalry over your mother.
[Flashback begins about Miwa's life.]
Splinter: The bitter feud between the Hamato and Foot clans lasted centuries. Oroku Saki was the son of the enemy, but he was just a child, so my father gave him shelter. We were raised as brothers and rivals in all things, as brothers are. But that rivalry soon turned bitter when we met Tang Shen, your mother. Jealousy became hatred when Saki learned of his true heritage. He swore vengeance and rebuilt the Foot clan. One night, Oroku Saki struck. The blow that was meant for me struck your mother instead. Shredder blamed me, and in his rage, he burned our home to the ground, leaving me to my fate.
"After all this time, haven't you wanted revenge?"
"After all this time, I have learned revenge only leads to more pain."
"But I've seen you fight, Father. You could take him out."
"We are safe here, and we are finally together again, my daughter. That is all that matters, not revenge."
Splinter: (He headed for the entrance to the dojo.) "Come here."
Karai followed, and Father motioned to the scene before him. Riki was seated on the couch alongside Leo. He was watching some dubbed anime show, while she had her headphones on and a book opened in her lap. Ethan laid his head on her shoulder and she responded by pulling him closer with his tail.
"I've never seen my sister this happy before," Karai commented.
"She has a light in her eyes that did not exist until she first came into our care" Father responded. "It's chosen to live with the love we provide her, and to not return that and loved not just to us, but to others as well. It fuels her to fight to protect our city, and the Earth with those who may threaten it."
Karai clenched her hands into fists, her resolve having only grown.
[Cut to the team who are sleeping. Leo comes to check on Karai.]
Leo: Karai, are you awake?
[She still sleeps, Leo buys on it and leaves...Karai suddenly open her eyes, wanting to get her new revenge on Shredder for all the lies she did to her and to avenge her mother's death. She was about to escape, but Leo stops her, indicating that he knows her plans.]
Leo: Going after Shredder alone is a bad idea.
Karai: Don't try to stop me, Leo.
Leo: I want to go with you.
Karai: What?
Leo: You're right. Shredder will never stop hunting us. The only way for us to be safe is to take him down.
Karai: So much of my life has been about revenge. I can't ask you to risk your life too.
Leo: Let me help.
[After a pause she walk to him. Leo gets super shocked and embarrassed, thinking she is going to kiss him.]
Karai: Sorry, Leo.
[She punches him, then throws a smoke bomb on him, Leo falls to the ground, knocked unconscious.]
Karai: This ends tonight!
Leo woke to a frantic yell. "Guys! Sensei!"
(Everyone ran of their bedrooms. They found Leo staggering to his feet by the turnstiles, looking panicked.)
"Leo, what happened? Where is Karai?" Sensei asked, emerging from the dojo.
Leo: She's gonna take out Shredder on her own.
"What?!" Y/N exclaimed.
"Is she nuts?!" Riki demanded, then shook her head. "Why am I even asking? This is Karai, of course she is!"
Sensei shook his head. "I was a fool. I fear I told her too much too quickly."
"We have to stop her!" Timothy declared.
"We can catch up to her in the Shellraiser," Donnie added.
(They all piled into the Shellraiser, even Sensei, and Leo floored it. He swerved down the streets toward Shredder's lair, only to spot the Foot driving off with karai.)
"They got Karai," Raya said.
"We're too late. Raph, fire up the weapons," Leo ordered.
Sensei placed a hand on the turtle's shoulder. "No, it's too dangerous. Follow close, but don't let them spot us."
"Whatever you require, I can create it," Stockman-fly stated, mixing some vials together. "More mutagen, a few chemicals, and some--"
Shredder's voice startled the mutant fly, and he dropped a vial into the mixture, which began fizzing. "Oops. Um, that should be okay." He grabbed the mixture. "Master Shredder."
"Is the mutagen ready?" Shredder questioned.
"Mutagen?" Riki echoed in a whisper.
(Leo held a finger to his lips in a silent signal for her to keep quiet. They were crouched in the rafters of Stockman's lab, watching the mutant fly, Shredder, Lobo, Tigerclaw, and Karai. Leo had no interest in drawing attention to them and getting them all caught.)
"Prepared to your specifications," Stockman-fly responded. He flew up to the top of the giant mutagen vat and poured in the mixture. "The serpent DNA is ready."
"No, you wouldn't!" Karai shouted, only for Tigerclaw to cover her mouth with tape, silencing her.
"Make sure she is secure," Shredder ordered.
"You are more ruthless than I thought, mutating one of your own cubs," Tigerclaw commented.
"I have no intention of mutating her," Shredder responded, picking up a rat. "She is bait. When the mutants attempt to rescue her, I will drop them into the mutagen." He threw the rat into a cage with a white snake. "This will mutate them into mindless serpents. I want Splinter to witness his own pupils become one of rat's deadliest predators. Then, when his spirit is broken, I will shatter his body."
Tigerclaw sniffed the air. "I smell rat."
Lobo's ears twitched and he gazed toward the rafters. "I hear them, too."
"Cover's blown. Time to do this," Leo growled lowly.
(Tigerclaw fired a flare at the ceiling. Sensei jumped down from the rafters. Leo followed close behind, the others hot on his heels. They all had their weapons drawn, and Ethan landed right on top of Stockman-fly, looking unapologetic as he knocked him to the ground and proceeded to keep him there by standing on him.)
"Welcome, my old friend," Shredder greeted Sensei.
Leo looked up at Karai. "Karai! Hang tight. We'll get you out."
Karai's amber-brown eyes were hopeful as she gave Leo a firm nod.
"Let my daughter go," Sensei commanded.
Riki snarled, lifting her arrow threateningly. "Shredder, I swear, you release my sister this instant or I'll shove this arrow so far up your--"
Y/N put a hand on her shoulder. "Cool it, hot-shot."
"Don't tell me to 'cool it' when our sister is dangling over a vat of mutagen!" Riki snapped hotly.
Y/N gave her a warning look, growling through gritted teeth, "Seriously. Chill, or I'll have Mikey hit you with a water balloon."
"You are welcome to rescue her if you can," Shredder sneered.
(Right on cue, they were all surrounded by Footbots. Sensei wasted no time going at Shredder while Leo and his siblings handled the bots.)
From the corner of her eye, Leo saw Shredder smile as he blocked an attack. "Yes, fight me, rat!"
(Y/N found two Footbots running at him from either side. At the last second, he leapt into the air and they crashed into each other. As he came down, he angled her claws to plunge right through their heads. He turned to see another bot running at her. He charged it, drop-sliding between its legs and extending her claws. They sliced right through its legs, knocking it to the floor, and he stabbed his claws through its chest.)
(Footbots trapped three of the teammates inside of spring-loaded cages that were set on the floor. Riki halt Y/N as both are surrounded on all sides. Foot bots throw ropes at them and entangle their legs till they fall. Riki cut the ropes as fast as possible and get off her so they could fight on the ground.)
(Footbots restrain Splinter by throwing the ropes on him and pulling on his limbs.)
Leo is also tossed into a cage by a Foot-Bot, but, luckily, just as the cage retracts on top of him, his katana gets caught in it and he pries his way out. You destroy the same footbots the trapped him there granting him an opening. Leo goes after Karai. He climbs up the chain that Karai's cage is attached to and is able to reach her. "Hang on, Karai." Leo gets the tape off of her mouth.
Leo smiles...but then hears you shouting something. "Behind you!" Y/N scream at a jumping Shredder but it misses.
"Leonardo!" Splinter warns as Shredder appears behind him with his silver claws out. Shredder is trying to kill Leo by stabbing him in the back. But Leo ducks, which results in the Shredder's gauntlets accidentally cutting through the chain stabilizing Karai's cage. Leo and Shredder both jump clear of the vat, but Karai obviously can't. Karai fell screaming right into the mutagen, her cage sinks deep into the vat.
"Miwa!" Splinter watches, horrified.
"Karai, nooo!" Shredder shouts.
Riki watch in horror at Karai's mutation. The cage comes flying out of the vat. ".....Karai." Riki's hand touches the glass vat and Y/N reaches for her hand, slapping the glass. Its fades back into the mutagen. "Karai!" she slam the glass in frustration. She sees Karai's body transform into something white and scaly.
Karai comes out of the mutagen but she is not a human anymore. She is now a white horned snake, her hands have small snake-like heads. She starts to fall from the edge. Splinter frees himself and kills the Footbots and catches his mutated daughter in his two arms. She is now a swift viper-like creature with hands that resemble miniature versions of her reptilian head. "Miwa... Oh, My child."
(Karai awakens from her mutation, her eyes no longer the beautiful amber, instead, a deep emerald green. She attacks Splinter whipping him several times.)
"Stop it Karai!" Riki moves in front of Splinter getting whipped by her tail. She winces in pain. "Please, remember who you are. Hamato Karai." she stills from whipping her again and attacks a footbot prowling behind her and Splinter.
(Y/N makes haste and helps Donnie escape his cage using his claws. He helps Ethan in freeing the others while Leo keeps the bite at bay.)
Y/N: (Sniffs the air) "I smell oil."
(Suddenly, some sparks came out from the defeated Footbots onto the puddles of oil that was tipped over. It engulfs the lab, bursting it into flames and exploding near chemicals.)
Stockfly laments the destruction of his lab. "No, my lab!"
Shredder pushes Stockman away. "You, Hamato Yoshi!" Shredder growls. "You did this!" He immediately tries to pin the blame on Splinter for Karai's mutation, and Splinter bears a furious expression on his face as the Shredder charges. Riki spun her bow and arrow getting in front of Splinter protectively about to jump at the bastard but Splinter holds her back. A large piece of the ceiling caves in, separating Shredder from his enemy. "No!"
"Your lucky today, Saki." Riki spit venom making him hear you from the other side of the rubble.
Tiger Claw walks up to the Shredder. "Master Shredder, we must go."
Shredder pushes him, angered. "Leave me."
"Splinter will suffer for what has happened today. You have won." He suggests they should retreat proudly.
Shredder is shocked, because, now, finally for the first time of his life thinking that he really was defeated, because now Karai, one of the few people he's ever grown fond of, who he loves and cares for, is now mutated. "Won?" Shredder looks at Karai in her mutated form.
His oxygen in his lungs lessens but he tries. "Daughter, please." Splinter decides to quickly remind her that he is her father and this instantly causes her to release him from her grasp.
Karai hisses. "" Karai slithers past you, her tail lightly touching you before spitting venom right between Raph's eyes.
Raph lets out a painful scream and then she slithers out of a nearby window in guilt.
"Wait!" Leo goes after her as Donnie watches in shock. They are then forced to escape before Baxter's laboratory goes up in flames.
It was raining outside. The droplets washed the team's skin and lugs from the smoke you've inhaled. Soon the sirens came to control the break-out fire of the building.
Just like the sad and harsh pattering of the rain, failure hits each and every one of the brothers hard, especially Leo.
Donnie tries to cure Raph's vision "Easy, Raph." Donnie pours some water from water gourd into Raph's eyes.
Raph few annoyed at the doting. "Enough! I can see fine now."
The sirens wail below and Splinter watches the firefighters arrive to stop the fire. Leo walks up to his heartbroken master. "This is all my fault." he says remorsefully. "I should've stopped her when I had the chance. I'm sorry, Sensei." Splinter doesn't respond. Leo feels worried. "Sensei?"
"We should go home, my sons and nephew." He starts to leave. Devastated by the heartbreak of their master and saddened by Karai's mutation, we look down and follow the silent Sensei.
Mikey was devastated but hopeful. "You can make a retro-mutagen for Karai, right?"
"I don't know, Mikey. I hope so." Donnie says in sadness.
Everyone leaves, but Riki stops to point her ears back, hearing the faintest hiss. But the sirens make it unreadable. Y/N sticks closer to her.
Riki fists clench together. Her hatred for Oroku Saki was only growing.
Riki:'Kill the Shredder.....'
[Elsewhere, Karai is seen changing back into her human form with her eyes still remaining as a serpent's. It reveals that Karai can shape-shift.]
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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