Turtle Temper
[The episode opens with the camera zooming in on a rooftop. Shifts to show man in his apartment, clicking his TV remote, then pans upward from there. We then see Donatello, looking through a telescope at a building entrance below.]
Leo: Anything?
Donnie: Nothing yet.
Mikey: Aha! [Poking at the top of Raph's head.] Ha ha ha! [Raph grabs his hand and crushes it.] Aah!"
Leo: Guys, when ninjas are on surveillance, they are supposed to be silent.
Mikey: Sorry, Leo. I'll scream quieter. Ah! Ugh!
[Raph growls and grabs Mikey, tossing him to the ground and getting him a headlock.]
Y/N: That's not when Leo meant Mikey.
Raph: Say it.
Leo: Raph, be quiet!
Raph: Not till Mikey says it.
Mikey: Raphael is all-wise and powerful.
Raph: And?
Mikey: And he's better than me in every possible way.
Raph: And?
Mikey: And I'm a lowly worm beneath his feet, who isn't fit to live on the same planet as him, because he's so amazing and I'm a dirt clod.
Raph: And?
Mikey: [whimpers] And in the history of the universe there's never been .
Leo: Okay, enough.
Raph: We're wasting our time. The kraang aren't gonna show up.
Leo: Have a little patience, will you?
Donnie: Trust me, guys. They're gonna break into that lab tonight. I have reliable intel.
Raph: Intel?
Y/n: She means April told him.
Mikey: You mean his girlfriend?
Donnie: [angered] She's not my girlfriend, Mikey. She's a girl who's a friend, whose dad got kidnapped by the same aliens who are gonna break into that lab. And we're gonna stop 'em."
Raph: Or we'll sit out on a cold roof all night for no reason.
Vic: What the heck's going on up here?
[They turn to see a rotund man standing at roof entrance.]
Y/N: Oh boy.
Vic: What, are you playing dress up?
Leo: No, sir, we were just-
Vic: Which one of you slimy green ham shanks busted my satellite dish?
Raph: Ham shanks?
Donnie: I don't know what that means.
Raph: Me neither. But I don't like it. [Starts to grab a sai, but Leo stops him.]
Y/N: Easy Raph.
Leo: Let's go.
Vic: That's right, you spineless cream puff! Listen to your mommy.
Raph: Hey! Watch it, buddy.
Vic:Oh, no. I didn't know you had salad tongs.
Raph:Salad tongs? I'm not gonna take this from some greasy, pit-stained slob with a comb-over!
[Below on the street, Kraangdroids are loading mutagen canisters into the back of a van.]
Vix: You calling me ugly? Seen a mirror lately, circus freak?
Leo: Raph, don't!
[Kraangdroids all look up towards roof.]
Y/N: You have to calm down.
Raph: You want a piece of me? [All three brothers trying to hold him back.] When I'm done, a piece of you is all that's gonna be left!
[Laser shot goes right by his face and he jumps back. All look to see four Kraang facing them with weapons drawn.]
Leo: Kraangdroids!
Vic: Holy Toledo!
Leo: Way to blow our position, Raph.
[theme song opening sequence]
[Kraangdroids firing upon them.]
Leo: Scram!
Vic: Holy cow. They're some kinda...[Pulls out cell phone and begins recording.].. Kung fu frogs and kitty.
[Turtles fighting Kraang, taking them down.]
Y/N leaps in the air-
(The Spear is an alien blaster)
Vic: Keep going, kung fu frogs and kitty This is pure gold.
Raph: We're not frogs, you idiot!
Y/N: And I'm not a Kitty!
Donnie: Yeah, and it's not kung fu. It's an ancient Japanese battle art.
Leo: Guys, he got us on video.
Raph: [growling]Not for long, he doesn't.
[Runs towards Vic, who slams door in his face. Raph hits the door with his head and slides down with a groan.]
Vic: I'm gonna make a fortune off of this!
Y/N: Uh, guys (Points to Fire truck coming)
Donnie: Fire truck's en route. 30 seconds.
Leo: Let's move.
Raph: Wait! We have to find that guy and break his phone, and his face!
Y/N: Later bro, we gotta go!
[Brothers run and Raph stomps his foot in anger and then follows. Cut to lair, turtles and Y/N on their knees and Splinter paces in front of them.]
Splinter: Not only did Raphael alert the Kraang, but you got caught on video.
Raph: Sensei, he was the angriest, nastiest guy you ever met.
Mikey: Except for you. [Raph slaps him.] Ow!
Raph: You should have heard the insults this guy was throwing at us. They were so... Insulting!
Splinter: Oh, I did not realize he said mean things. Of course, you had no choice but to jeopardize your mission.
Mikey/Y/N: Burn.
Splinter: You are ninjas. You work in the shadows, in secret. This becomes difficult if there is proof of your existence in high-definition.
Raph: Look, we know where this guy lives. All we need to do is find him and shake him until the tape pops out.
Donnie: Oh, there's no tape. Video phones use flash memory-
Y/N: Uh, Don? (Points to Raph)
[Donnie stops talking because Raph is growling at him.]
Splinter: Anger is self-destructive.
Raph: I always thought it was others-destructive.
Splinter: Raphael! Stand up.
Mikey: Somebody's in trouble.
[Scene shifts. All in the dojo. Brothers surround Raph, each holding a bow and arrow, the arrow fitted with a suction cup.]
Splinter: Evade the arrows. -
Raph: No problem.
Splinter: Hajime! [All shoot at Raph and he dodges each arrow. One flies towards Splinter who catches it between two fingers.] Ya me! Again, except this time, Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Y/N insult Raphael.
Donnie: Wait. Insult.... Him?
Splinter: Yes.
Donnie: And he can't fight back?
Splinter: No.
Donnie: I'm feeling good about this plan.
Y/N: Me too.
Splinter: Hajime!
Mikey: You move like a bloated buffalo.
Raph: I do not!
Leo: And you're always whining. "Poor me. "Nobody understands me. "
Raph: Well you don't underst . . .[is hit by arrow] Yai!
Donnie: Yeah. - And Oh! You don't keep your back straight when doing omote kote gyaku. [Hits Raph with arrow.] And you're ugly!
[Another arrow hits Raph.]
Mikey: Ooh! And gassy. Bull's-eye!
Y/N: You're face looks like a chewed up piece of gum.
[Another arrow hits Raph.]
Raph: Stop it!
Leo: Oh, you talk so tough, but inside, you're just a scared little baby.
Donnie: Who needs his bottle?
Mikey: And his diaper changed?
Y/N: You need your pacifier?
[Arrows continuously hit Raph.]
Leo: What's the matter, Raph? Gonna cry?
Raph: Ah! I am . . not . . . gonna cry!"
[Arrow hits right between his eyes and he falls down.]
Mikey: I wish this moment could last forever.
Raph: You know what? Forget this. This is stupid.
Mikey: It didn't.
[Raph walks up to Splinter.]
Splinter: Ninniku seishinis the ability to endure insults with patience and humility. You cannot be a true ninja until you master it. Understood?
Raph: Hai, sensei.
Splinter: You must get that video back. Using reason, not force.
[Scene cuts back to Vic, exiting his apartment building and talking on his phone.]
Vic: That's right. I swear on my mother's grave that these guys are frogs and a kitten and they know kung fu. You can't tell me that's not worth something. [Turtles and Y/N all land on the sidewalk, surrounding him.] Ah! I'll call you back. Lay one finger on me, freaks, and I'm calling the cops.
Raph: We're not gonna hurt you.
Vic: Then what do you want, freak?
Raph: We got off on the wrong foot last night. Some things were said, and well, we would just like that video back. Hmm? [Y/N punches his arm.] Please?
Vic: What are you gonna give me for it?
Raph: Give you for it?
Vic: Well, I figure I've got you over a barrel, so you've got to make it worth my while.
Raph: I'll make it worth your while. I won't take your hand and smash it against the-
[Leo places a hand on his shoulder.]
Leo: Okay, okay, thank you, Raphael. I will take over. So what are you looking for?
Vic: A cool mil ought to cover it.
Leo: Mmhmm, mm-hmm. A cool mil of what?
Vic: A million dollars.
Y/N: A million dollars!
Leo: We don't have a million dollars.
Mikey: We do have some Canadian quarters that fell through the grate.
Vic: I can make serious money off this thing. And if you don't want to pay, I'll hold on to it until someone else does.
Raph: That's it! Hand over the video or, so help me, I'll kick your hairy butt all the way to New Jersey! -
Leo: Guys! The Kraang! [Pushes Raph aside as van races towards him.] Raph! Look out! Let's not let this one get away.
[Van turns around and comes back at them. Raph picks up trash can and flings it at the van, hitting the windshield and sending van skidding to the side where it hits a wall.]
Raph: Well, that was easy.[Back of truck opens and Kraangdroids jump out, all firing at the turtles.] Ooh-kay.
[Begin fighting the Kraangdroids. Vic starts crawling, trying to get away. Gets up and tries to run, is slammed into by Kraang and falls into the back of the van. Raph spots him.]
Raph: Oh, no, you don't!
Leo: Raph, what are you doing? [Is knocked down and Kraang begins kicking him.] Raph!"Get back here! Raph!
Raph: We've got unfinished business! You give me that phone right now!
[Mikey saves Leo and then van starts to speed away.]
Leo: Raph's in the van!
[Raph fighting Kraang in the back of the moving van.]
Y/N: What?! (Gives Chase)
[Knocks them all out and offers hand to Vic.]
Raph: Let's get out of here! -
Vic: Forget it! You lizards and your kitty don't want to buy my video, maybe these guys will.
Donnie: Raph! Get out of there!
[Extends staff towards brother.]
Raph: Listen, you idiot! Frogs are not lizards. And we're not frogs and that "kitten" is our brother. [Kraang grabs him and flings him from van.]
Vic: So long, froggy. Uh, thanks for the help, guys. Have I got a deal for you. So are you all triplets or what?
Leo: Nice going, Raph.
Raph: What did I do?
Leo: What did you do? You left the three of us in the middle of the fight to yell at somebody. We could have stopped them, but thanks to your temper, the guy with the tape-
Donnie: Again, technically, it's a flash-
Leo:Not now. Is in the hands of the Kraang. -
Donnie: [Notices something in street.] Huh?
Leo: How are we supposed to find them?
Donnie: Look, the truck's leaking!
Leo: All right! We can follow the trail to their hideout.
Raph: And then we'll bash some bots! What?
Leo: We are going to bash some bots. You are going home.
Raph: What, are you kidding? Come on, guys. Are we gonna let Leo power-trip like this?
Donnie: I think Leo's right.
Leo: You gotta control your temper. Until then, we just can't trust you.
Mikey: Sorry, Raph.
Y/N: Raph, anger isn't always the answer. (Runs to joins his brothers while raph throws his sais to the ground)
[Back at lair, Raph sits in kitchen talking to his pet turtle.]
Raph: Who does Leo think he is? So what if I got a temper? I'm still the best fighter we've got. In fact, if anything, my anger makes me a better fighter You understand me, don't you, Spike? Chew on your leaf if you understand me. [Spike takes a bite of his leaf.] Yeah, thought so.
Splinter: I understand you too.
Raph: Oh! Seriously, you gotta knock or something?
Splinter: Raphael, let me tell you a story.
Raph: Sensei, I'm not in the mood for a story.
Splinter: Spike, chew on your leaf if you are in the mood for a story. [Spike bites leaf.] Very well. When I was a young man, I fell in love with a woman.
Raph: Oh, hey, is it that late?
SPLINTER "Sit. [Flashback commences.] Her name was Tang Shen, and I was not the only one who loved her. There was another man competing for her attention. Oroku Saki. Shredder. One day, he insulted me in front of her. He called me many things. I felt I could not let those insults go unanswered. I lost my temper. And over time, our rivalry festered into hatred, until Shredder sought to finish me, and I lost my beloved Tang Shen."
Raph: But.. But it wasn't your fault. Shredder insulted you. You had no choice.
Splinter: No choice? I could have chosen to ignore him. I could have chosen to let his words wash over me Like a river over stone. But I let him anger me. It was I who made his words into weapons. That's the choice I made. What choice will you make?
[Walks away and leaves Raph to think. Cut back to other four brothers, who continue to follow the trail of the leaking van. Arrive at building with double garage type doors.]
Leo: We're here.
Mikey: Are we really gonna do this without Raph?
Leo: We can handle it.
Mikey: I don't know. It just feels like something's missing. [Y/N smacks the back of his head.] Ow! Thanks.
Y/N: No problem. Let's do this.
[Climbs to roof and enters building. Descend stairs. Creep through building full of crates and spider webs.]
Mikey: Spiders. Ow! [Don hits Mikey on the head.] You don't have to keep doing that.
Donnie: There was a spider on you.
Mikey: Well, there's a spider on you too.
Donnie: No, there isn't.
Mikey: Come here, you punk!
[Jumps on Don and begins smacking him on his head.]
Donnie: Knock it off! Ow!
Leo: Hey! Shh.
Y/N: How are you two ninjas?
[Vic tied to a chair, Kraang all standing around him looking at his cell phone.]
Kraang: The image that is the image on the phone is pleasing to the eye of Kraang. This is true. Kraang is looking what is known in earth terms as "handsome" in this phone.
Vic: Well, you guys drive a hard bargain. Tell you what, I'll drop it down to $500,000. And you can keep the phone. Okay, $400,000.
KRAANG 2 "This is our fight with the creatures called the turtles and Expeiment 726
KRAANG 3 "The usefulness of this will be proven usefully with the more watching of this."
KRAANG 1 "Also this is being a good image of Kraang."
KRAANG 2 "We should be showing the image of Kraang to Kraang."
[Vic's chair begins sliding backwards, away from Kraang. He looks back and sees the turtles and Y/N. Mikey has hooked the chair with the chain on his weapon and is pulling Vic towards them.]
Leo: We're gonna get you out of here. -
Vic: What about my phone?
Y/N: We're keaving it and Shh.
Vic: Don't shush me. I ain't leaving here without my phone.
Kraang: Stop the one that needs to be stopped. Stop!
Donnie: Remind me why we have to rescue this guy?
Y/N: Because we have to be the heroes in this situation.
[Kraangdroids fire on the turtles and Y/N. They fight and begin taking down the Kraang. Vic has his eyes on his cell phone, which keeps getting kicked around in the fight. He rolls his chair back towards the phone and a blast hits the wheels, making him fall over backwards next to the phone. He puts his hand down on the phone, but a spider is also standing on the screen.]
Vic: Got it
[A blast hits a cylinder of mutagen, breaking it open right above him. His eyes go wide. Broad shot of Kraang and Leo. Vic yells and they all look in his direction.]
Kraang: Kraang, go look at the place where the thing that makes the noise is, and tell us what thing makes that noise in that place.
[Kraang walks between two machines into darkness and then comes flying out again, right past Mikey.]
Mikey: I don't like the sound of that.[A huge spider looking thing leaps down in front of them.]
Mikey: I don't like the look of it either.
Y/N: I second that.
Vic/Spider bytes: What did you do to me? I'm hideous.
Leo: Don't worry. The five of us can handle him.
Donnie: Okay, this might be a bad time to point this out, but you sent one of the five of us home.
Mikey: And right now, I wish it was me.
Spider bytes: This is your fault. I'm gonna rip your heads off.
Y/N: Well, it least you look better than you did before.
Leo: All right, guys, prepare to dish out the mighty wrath of justice.
Donnie: Seriously, just yell, "get him!"
Leo: Get...Ooh! [Is hit and goes flying into crates.]
Mikey: Is that all you've got?[Spider Bytez spits goo at them. It hits the floor and melts a hole into it.] The answer I was looking for was "yes.
Y/N: Let's get him! (More goo comes at them) On second thought run!
[Shoots goo all around them. They run, but it rolls and jumps in front of them, spitting the entire time. Uses spikes to stab at them and snaps at them with its giant mouth. All four brothers gather to look at it as it comes towards them and realize they are standing on a section of floor that is melting. Hole opens and they fall. All hit the floor below and groan in pain.]
Y/N: That hurt.
Mikey: We're no match for Spider Bytez."
Leo: "Spider bytez"?
Mikey: Well, he's a spider, and he bites, so I thought..
Leo: We get it. [Spider Bytez jumps down and comes after them. They try running, but it keeps blocking them off.] This bug is fast.
Donnie: Yeah, spiders aren't actually bugs. They [One of Spider Bytez' spikes hits Don and then it picks him up and throws him.] ow!
Spider bytes: Playtime's over, frogs and you little kitty. [Corners the three turtles and Y/N]
Y/N: I am a cheetah!
Raph: Wow. I didn't think this guy could get any uglier.
Turtles/Y/N: Raph!
Leo: Well, I think you've been punished long enough. Come and join us.
Spider bytes: Hey, it's the kung fu frog with the salad tongs.
Raph: Hey, it's the stupid loudmouth who's about to get his butt kicked.
[Spider Bytez shoots goo at Raph, who sidesteps. It then bounces all around his brothers, spitting goo onto the floor in a circle. They hit the floor below, which is an iron grid right over a pool of mutagen.]
Donnie: Uh, let's not fall through this floor, okay?
Spider bytes: Dance for me, frog. [Shoots goo at Raph in rapid succession, he leaps out of the way.] Watch me turn your friends into frog fries. I'll serve 'em up with your salad tongs.
[Attaches web to floor and swings down to floor below.]
RAPH: "Huh? Aggh!"
[Leaps through hole in floor, using webbing to slide down on. Cuts the web and he rides down on top of Spider Bytez's head.]
SPIDER BYTEZ "Aw, froggy thinks he can stop me. Ribbit, ribbit. What's that, tadpole? Are you too scared to leap off your lily pad and get the warts knocked off you?"
RAPH :[Takes deep breath and calms himself.] Like a river over stone."
[Begins kicking and hitting Spider Bytez. It extends its spikes and Raph catches one, pulling it in front of an acid goo shot. The spike starts to burn.]
SPIDER BYTEZ "That's some kung fu, frog. Maybe your pet kitty can help you.
[Raph's brothers jump down behind him.]
RAPH "We're not kung fu frogs and kittens. We're Ninjas.
[All five attack and knock Spider Bytez down. He get up]
Y/N: Oh, no you don't. Hyah! (leaps in the air)
(Spider Bytez falls back down to the ground) [Raph stomps on his phone and breaks it.]
Spider bytes: Oh! My phone! You guys are gonna regret this.
[Jumps up and begins crawling away. Brothers follow it onto a rooftop, watch as it speeds away.]
Donnie: I know a nice black widow that'd be great for him.
Leo: Good work, Raph. I just want to say
Raph: You don't have to apologize.
Leo: I wasn't going to.
Raph: Oh. Good.
Y/N: Good to have you back Raph. (Pats his Shell)
Mikey: Yeah, Raph, not bad for a bloated buffalo.[Starts to walk away and Raph leaps on him.] Okay! Raph is all-wise and powerful.
Raph: And?
Mikey: And he's better than me in every possible way!
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