Trans-Dimensional Brothers

(The ship was quiet. Leo and the others were on the bridge trying to figure out where the final piece of the Heart of Darkness was. Mikey, Casey and April, however, were in the TV room, fast asleep, since it was pretty late.)

(At least, they thought it was. No one actually knew what time it was. Time got funny when you were out in space without a sun or moon to give you a day and night cycle.)

"Hello, Michelangelo," Fugitoid greeted as said turtle walked into the room. "I'm surprised you're still awake."

Mikey groaned. "Isn't it the middle of the night?" he asked groggily. "Or whatever you call it in space?"

"No time to rest now, Mikey," Leo responded. "There's one last piece of the Black Hole Generator left, and we got to find it."

"Can't we just destroy the pieces we already have?" Raph questioned. "What are the Triceratons gonna do with one stupid piece?"

"And what if they find a way to replicate the technology, Raph?" Timothy countered.

Fugitoid nodded. "Timothy is right. The machine must be destroyed. Every last piece of it."

(An alarm began going off and the ship started shaking.)

"Um, what's going on, Professor?" Leo asked.

"It seems to be some kind of hyperspatial trans-mat trying to hone in on twelve targets," the robot responded, typing into the console. "You twelve!"

(A pinkish portal appeared under their feet, eliciting startled screams as they fell through, the portal quickly closing. Leo hit something hard with a thud and groaned as he pushed herself up to sit, looking around the roof. He stared around at the strange yet familiar surroundings of a city. A very cartoonish city.)

"Where--where are we?" Leo asked.

Mikey got to his feet, looking back at them. "I think I speak for everyone when I say...Holy Sewer Cakes!"

Teenage Mutant Ninja-

Leo: The Evil Triceratons invaded Earth, they brought with them the invincible black hole generator that swallowed the entire planet! My family and I escaped, thanks to the mysterious robot called the Fugitoid. Now, we're trying to stop the Triceratons anyway we can!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Leonardo's the leader in blue

Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through

Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines

Raphael has the most attitude on the team

Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!

Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need

To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Y/N blinked as they all got to their feet. The cheetah looked himself over, tail wagging. "We're 2D!"

"How is this possible?" Leo asked. "Where the heck are we?"

Mikey gasped. "Oh, no, dudes! I think we're in Pittsburgh!"

Raph had climbed up a water tower to try and see the rest of the cartoony city. "This world is so flat; I can't even see my own butt!"

"Seriously?" Y/N questioned. "That's your main concern?"

The hothead jumped off the water tower and back onto the roof. "Donnie explanation?"

Donnie thought as he looked around. "We're possibly in some kind of...alternate dimension."

(People suddenly jumped down in front of them, making them gasp. Not because they'd come from nowhere, but because of who they were. Versions of the turtles and Y/N.)

Mikey stared at them. "Whoa..."

Donnie blinked. "They're..."

"Us?" Mikey finished.

"No way!" Y/N responded with a grin.

"He's got a blaster!" Raph called, pulling out his sais as he noticed the gun Donatello held. "Get him!"

Donatello looked down at the item in his hand and blinked. "Aw, nuts, it's not a--"

"Take 'em down!" Leo shouted.

(They fought their counterparts. Leo locked blades with Leonardo.)

"We don't want to fight you," Leonardo tried to reason.

"Well, then you shouldn't have pointed a laser at us," Leo snapped back, breaking away.

Raph managed to knock his counterpart down on the roof, slamming his foot into his plastron to pin him down. "Talk. Who sent you? The Triceratons?"

"Get off of me, you crack-shelled imposter!" Raphael hit his shin with a brick, making him release him. Raphael was quickly back on his feet.

Mikey and his counterpart seemed rather excited. "Totally radical! You're just like me, dude!"



"I'm trying to tell you! This isn't a weapon," Donatello snapped. "It's a portal projector!"

"Oh, yeah?" Donnie countered. "Well, how do we know you're not a Kraang?"

Y/N's counterpart facepalmed. "Oh, for the love of--" They threw up their hands. "That's enough!" A blast of smoke knocked the boys away from each other and disarmed them. They put their hands on their hips, glaring at Y/N's version of his brothers. "You guys have a lot of nerve attacking someone who brought you here for help." They crossed their arms, focusing their attention and Donnie. "And, dude, have you seen the Kraang before? We look nothing like them!"

"That's why we brought you here! Kraang! He's causing trouble in our dimension, and yours, too!" Leonardo explained.

"Kraang's, like, trying to destroy both our realities, dude! We just don't know how. You got to believe us!" Michelangelo pleaded.

"That's why we called you brothers for help." Raphael corrected himself, seeing as the boys were finally listening. "Did I say murants? Oops."

"Brothers?" Raph snapped back. "You guys don't even fight with your weapons! And what's up with your initials on your belts? Lame!"

"I think I'm gonna like putting some more cracks in this imposter's shell." Raphael turned his attention to Donnie, chuckling. "And you, gappy... why do you sound so weird?"

"Me sound weird? Heard yourself lately?" Donnie snapped back.

The 80s version of Y/N snapped his fingers. "Oi! Knock it off! Focus here. We--whoa!" They all jumped out of the way as a laser fired at them.

"It's him! He found us!" Michelangelo called.

(A very...odd-looking Kraang-droid flew down and shot another laser at them, knocking them off the roof. The 80s versions grabbed a streetlight before falling onto the street below, while Y/N and his team bounced off a canopy and landed beside them.)

The Kraang-droid landed in front of them and the people that had been out screamed and quickly fled the scene. "So, you've allied yourselves with your dimensional counterparts and their friends, eh?" the pink alien inside mocked, speaking with rather strange inflections.

"It's Kraang!" Donatello hissed.

Mikey blinked. "Whoa. What's with the gross man-baby body?"

"This will be the last time I have to look at you disgusting turtles!" Kraang croaked. "The Kraang are letting me go home." He released a Kraang portal, which floated up and activated. "I just have to make a few amends, and Dimension X, here I come!"

"Not so fast, Kraang!" Leonardo shouted, as he and the 80s teens ran to attack Kraang in a very...lame fashion. Y/N cocked their head, uncertain what to make of it as they sprayed Kraang with water from a fire hydrant before Michelangelo tripped with a rope.

"Wow, this is just...lame," Raph said.

(Both Mikeys jumped up to attack, only for Kraang's droid to shoot lasers at them, slamming them back against the pavement. The alien laughed. "My Dimensionizer will wipe out all of your worlds." He ran through the portal and it closed behind him.)

"Oh, great," Y/N sighed. "Now we're stuck in this dimension...probably forever."

"Uh, no. You're not," Donatello argued. "We still have the Portal ray--the one we brought you here with!" He started messing with a dial. "All we have to do is hone in on Kraang's dimensional coordinates and...yes!" The gun charged up and he took aim and shot, a pinkish portal appearing before them. He turned with a grin, holding up a hand to the portal.

Raph: Wait, what? How does that even work? That doesn't make sense!

"Come on, guys! Let's go!" Y/N ran to the portal with the others, jumping through.

(They fell into an alleyway, getting back up quickly. It didn't take long to realize where they were.)

"Yes!" Mikey cheered. "We're back in New York City!"

"I can't believe we're the past!" Y/N said. "I've missed this place. "A lot."

"Well, we came from a two-dimensional reality, into a third dimension," Donatello explained. "It's like science fiction!"

Raphael grinned. "Hey, guys, uh, now that we're in a new dimension..." He high-threed Michelangelo.

"Pizza time!" Michelangelo cheered. "Far out!"

(The 80s turtles went to run for the nearest pizza shop, but their counterparts quickly grabbed them, pulling them back into the alley.)

"You can't do that, dudes," Raph scolded.

"Why not?" Leonardo asked.

"Because we live in secret here," Raph responded, crossing his arms. "We have to live in the shadows, like, you know, real ninjas."

"Different universe..." Y/N started.

"Different rules," his counterpart finished.

Y/N looked up at the rooftops. "Come on, team, let's find this Kraang before he blows up the planet."

(They made their way to the rooftops and took off running.)

Y/N ended up alongside his counterpart, who gave him a curious look. "So, Y/N--that sounds really weird to say--how'd you end up on a spaceship?"

"Long story." Y/N explained. "But you should know that we're doing everything we can to save earth."

80s Y/N smiles. "All I needed to hear."

Y/N: (Started to remember what Lord Simultaneous said to him) Do you ever get the feeling that you can't bare to the weight of the earth on your shoulders.

"So, how are we gonna find him, Donatello?" Leonardo asked, drawing Y/N's attention back to the matter at hand.

"He's close," Donatello responded. "As long as Kraang is carrying portal tech, I can track him like Michelangelo sniffing out pizza."

Both Mikeys just gave each other confused looks before Mikey started laughing. "Ohh, he's talking about you. I keep getting us all confused, bro."

"What Donatello said can apply to both of you, Mikey!" Y/N called back.

"I think I found him!" Donatello called out, coming to a stop. "Up there, on the Channel 6 building!"

Leo pulled out a telescope, looking through to the building's rooftop. "I see him. It looks like he's planting some kind of bomb. Probably the Dimensionizer thing!"

"Okay, guys, here's the plan," Leonardo began. "The Donatellos will disarm the weapons. Everyone else--take down that creep!" He drew his katanas. "Ninja Power!"

(Y/N used a grappling hook to swing over to the Channel 6 building just as Kraang opened another portal, Leonardo kicking him away and onto the roof.)

"Aww, not now," Kraang whined, pushing himself up. "Not when I was about to unleash my master stroke!" He looked to the antenna and noticed the two Donnies trying to remove the device. "Keep away from that Dimensionizer, freaks!" He put some sort of data disc into his droid.

"Holy Chalupa!" Mikey shouted as Kraang suddenly turned into a giant.

"Great," Raphael groaned. "Now we have to deal with an even bigger idiot." They scattered before the droid could stomp on them.

"Grab it and go!" Y/N yelled up to the two Donnies, kamas out as he stood at the base.

(Donatello tugged at the device, managing to pull it off and jump off the antenna with Donnie before Kraang could shoot them with a laser. The laser cut through the antenna and sent it crashing to the roof.)

"Raphael, heads up!" Donatello threw the Dimensionizer to Raph, who caught it.

"Give me back my Dimensionizer!" Kraang snapped, throwing his fist at the hothead, who managed to dodge. Missiles appeared in the droid's mouth.

"Mouth missiles! Look out, Mikey!" Mikey tackled Michelangelo down onto the roof and the missile flew over them instead of hitting them.

"Thanks, Mikey," Michelangelo said. The two of them darted off to avoid getting stepped on and hit with a laser.

(The two Leos jumped onto the droid's back, only for it to grab them. It slammed them into the ground and used them to knock the others back. After hitting them against the rooftop and each other, it threw them down on the roof before moving to step on them.)

"LEONARDO!" Y/N and Y/N yelled, running over. Both covered Leo by pushing against the droid foot.

Both Raphs ran over, trying to pull the droid's foot away. "Hold on, guys!"

"Let's take this giant gross Kraang dude down!" Mikey shouted. Both Mikeys and both Donnies threw ropes around the droid's hand when it changed to a spiked ball, keeping it from further attacking.

(The Raphs managed to throw the droid's foot off the cheetahs, allowing the Y/N's. Y/N dropped to his knees and 80s Y/N leaned against a rock, both of them weakened. The others managed to pull the droid back and it crashed down onto the roof.)

(When the dust settled, where two pissed off Raphs standing over him, making him laugh nervously, and they quickly began to kick and punch him.)

"Stop it!" The droid shot lasers at them and they jumped down onto the roof to evade them. "Annoying reptiles and mammals!" He and his droid shrank to their original size, the droid pushing itself onto its feet. "It doesn't matter. You'll never disarm it in time!" He laughed as he ran to the edge of the rooftop, the teens quick to run after him. He threw open a portal and the device activated before the droid activated its rocket to boost him into the portal.

"Real Raph is on it." Raphael threw a grappling hook at the droid. It came just shy of its foot and the droid passed through the portal, which quickly closed once it was through.

"Well, at least we have his Dimensionizer thing," Donatello said, placing the device on the rooftop so he and Donnie could better inspect it.

"Whoa," Donnie gasped as she approached. "Looks like some kind of anti-matter weapon. If this thing goes off, it could wipe out our entire dimension."

"Then we need to get it back to the lab so we can defuse it, now!" Donnie said quickly.


(Leo dropped down quietly in front of the lair's entrance, the others close behind, and entered as silently as they could. Raph had kindly and silently asked their counterparts to remain outside and quiet.)

(Leo looked around the lair in awe. He couldn't believe he was actually back in his home. At this point, coming back home had seemed like nothing more than a far-fetched dream.)

"Back so soon?" The voice made them pause and turn to the source. Splinter and Shen was walked into the room, hands resting on top of cane. "You just left to patrol the city."

"Sensei/Father/Mother!" they shouted, running over and hugging him, much to his confusion.

"Is everything alright?" Father asked, sounding slightly concerned.

"Definitely, Master Splinter," Leo responded quickly. "It's--It's just really amazing to see you."

Father smiled at the response, then blinked upon noticing something odd. "Hmm?"

(They followed his gaze to see, for one reason or another, that Leonardo seemed to have joined them.)

"Whoa, dudes!" Michelangelo said as he entered the lair with the others. "This lair is rockin'! Checkout that pinball." He kicked up a nearby skateboard and started riding around the lair on it. "Totally radical!"

"What did we tell you guys about waiting outside?" Raph snapped.

"What is going on here?" Father slammed his cane against the floor and they all jolted. "Someone, explain. 

Shen: Now!"

"Wow, your Splinter and Shen are kind of strict," Leonardo commented. "And tall, too."

"Donatello?" Splinter called.

"Yeah, um, they were transported here from an alternate dimension, Sensei, along with this weapon we have to defuse," Donnie explained, holding up the device. "Like, ASAP! He quickly grabbed Donatello and pulled him into the lab to work on defusing the Dimensionizer.



"I call dibs on pinball," Raphael called out, walking over to the machine.

"Okay, don't we have a little anti-matter weapon to deal with here?" Raph retorted, following after him.

Raphael rolled his eyes. "Eh, the Donatellos will take care of it. Lighten up a little, man."

Shen turned his attention to Y/N and Leo. "Y/N, Leonardo, We would like a word with you in the dojo. Now."

(They followed the two rats to the dojo where he sat under the tree.)

"My children, you have a lot of explaining to--" Splinter cut off, noticing the almost solemn looks they had. "Leonardo? Y/N?" he asked as they sat down in front of them. 

Shen: (Caresses their faces) "Why are you so sad?"

"Well, we're not sad, Sensei," Leo responded. "It's--it's hard to explain. There's--"

Y/N's ears flattened as the images of Shredder cutting down Splinter flashed in his mind and Shen being pulled into the black hole. "There's something we need to tell you." He shook his head to get rid of the image. "It's just--this will sound crazy."

Leo got to his feet. "The present isn't really the present, Sensei. We're actually living six months in the--" A scream cut him off.

"Donatello!" Shen quickly ran out of the dojo toward the lab, Y/N and Leo quick to follow. They all gathered in the lab.

"What is it, Donnie?" Raph asked.

"We checked out the weapon," Donnie responded quickly. "This is bad, guys. This is really bad!"

"The weapon is linked to three other identical bombs," 80s Donnie explained. "And they're rigged to go off in nine minutes!"

"So, where are the others?" Raphael asked.

"We believe at least one of the bombs is in your dimension," 80s Donnie responded, walking over to Donnie to see what he was typing into the computer.

"They're gonna nuke our world, bros," Michelangelo gasped. "Totally bogus!"

"That's not gonna happen," Leo said. "You guys helped us, and now we're gonna help you." There was a pause and he looked at the three at the computer. "Guys, uh, what do we do?"

"Well, we attuned my portal to track down the other Dimensionizers," Donatello responded, picking up his Portal Ray. "And the first one..." He shot open a portal to the dimension, leading right to the Channel 6 building. "Is here."

"Whoa, dude," Mikey said. "There it is. On top of the same skyscraper, but in your dimension. Weird."

(They looked back at Splinter and Shen.)

"Go," he said. "Do what need to be done."

Leo and his siblings turned to face Father, bowing.

"Alright, team," Leonardo said. "Let's do this. Ninja Power!"

Leo rolled his eyes. "Enough with the 'Ninja Power' already. Let's just go."

Y/N stopped and looked back at his mother, who gave him a nod. "Goodbye, Father and Mother." He ran into the portal after the others.

(They jumped out of the portal, only to find they weren't in the other dimension. At all. They were in a circular room surrounded by Kraang-droids, the portal quickly shutting behind them.)

"Oh, no." Raphael crossed his arms. "And I was having such a great day." That earned stares from the others. "Okay, not really."

"Hands in the air, mutant freaks!" Kraang Subprime snapped. "We got you surrounded. I hacked your stupid portal and brought you here. Why? Because I'm awesome!"

"You're kidding me," 80s Y/N said flatly.

"Kraang Subprime?" Mikey questioned.

Subprime rolled his eyes. "No, Megan Fox. Oh, I're the dumb one."

"Hey!" Donatello snapped as a Kraang-droid snatched the portal ray out of his hands.

"I said hands in the air!"

(They reluctantly put up their hands, seeing as they were surrounded with guns currently aimed at them.)

"Subprime, you blithering idiot!" Kraang shoved his way through the droids to get to Subprime. "I told you not to bring the mutants here!"

"Where the heck even is 'here' anyway?" Y/N asked.

Kraang smirked. "You are in my domain now, mutants. The Technodrome!"

"You did good, cousin," Subprime said. "We banished you 'cause you're a screw-up, but you made up for it!" He hugged Kraang. "Welcome home!"

(The 80s group lowered their hands as Leo and his team started trashing the droids, completely unnoticed by Kraang and Subprime.)

"Well, thank you, Subprime. Just wait until the rest of my plan unfolds! We're going to blow those mutants to smithereens!" They looked back at the teens, finally noticing what had just happened.

"We already deactivated one of your Dimensionizers, Kraang!" Leo snapped.

Leonardo pulled out a katana, pointing it at the two alien brain-squids. "And we're gonna deactivate the rest! Ninja Pow--oh." He cleared his throat, noticing the glare his counterpart was giving him. "Ahem. Sorry. Get him?"

Y/N: Better!

(They charged, weapons clashing with the droids as they started fighting back.)

"Get the portal back!" Leonardo called.

"We only have five more minutes to disarm three more bombs!" Y/N added.

"Leave this to the real Raphael!" Raphael shouted, flipping over a couple droids.

Said droids were cut down by Raph. "You gonna shoot another fire hydrant at them, or what?" he sassed.

(Raphael pulled a pizza out of nowhere, stabbing a piece with his sai and throwing the rest at a droid in front of him, which was carrying the portal ray. The droid stared for a moment before lifting the gun back up to shoot him.)

Raph jumped on top of the droid, stabbing it repeatedly until it stopped functioning. He turned to look at his counterpart. "Where the heck did you get pizza?"

Raphael rolled his eyes. "Gimme a break!"

(Kraang jumped down, knocking the portal ray away from them.)

"Back off, ugly Kraang dude!" Michelangelo shouted, trying to pry Subprime's foot off of him. Y/N ran for him, grabbing a droid to stop Subprime from hitting him with his saw.

(Mikey and the two Leos jumped up, slamming their feet into Subprime and knocking him away.)

"Got it!" Mikey shouted, picking up the portal gun. "Heads up, D!" He threw it to where the Donnie was fighting off some droids.

"Heck yeah!" 80s Donnie shouted as vey caught the portal gun. She aimed and shot out a portal. "Back to the 2D dimension!"

(They ran through the portal and landed back in the 80s cartoon on the Channel 6 building.)

"Whew, finally!" Michelangelo said. "Back in the real world."

"Now, let's just keep it from blowing up," Raphael said.

"On it," Donnie responded, he and Donatello already climbing the antenna to retrieve the Dimensionizer.

(The others looked back as another portal opened behind them, Kraang and Subprime stepping out.)

"Anywhere you go, we follow, freaks!" Subprime snapped.

"We did it!" Donnie called. "Two Dimensionizers down!"

"No matter," Kraang said. "There's still two left, one of them in the Primary Mutant Reality. If those Mutnats are destroyed, then so are all of you."

"Donnies, Y/N's, get to the other two realities," Leo ordered.

(They opened up the portals and got to the realities. They landed with a thud on a rooftop.)

Y/N pushed himself up, looking around. "What...what is this place?"

80s Y/N sniffed the air, ears perking. "I think the Channel 6 building is this way. Come on!"

(He  took off running with 80s Y/N  behind, jumping from roof to roof. They reached the Channel 6 building and Y/N climbed up the antenna, grabbing the Dimensionizer and pulling it back, ripping it free.)

"Heads up, me!" He threw it to 80s Y/N who caught it and working to disarm it. Y/N jumped down beside him as they disarmed it. " are we gonna get back to the 2D dimension?"

"What, you think I threw us in here without a means of leaving?" Y/N pulled out a Kraang portal, holding it up. "Come on, I'm not stupid."

80s Y/N blinked. "How did--?"

"Swiped it when the Kraang and Subprime weren't looking." Y/N tossed it up, letting it activate.

(Y/N glanced at his counterpart, who shrugged before running into the portal with 80s Y/N following him. Suddenly a weird mutant bird creature passes by there with alternate dimension brothers on top of it.)

Rise Y/N: Did anyone else see that?


(The two Donnies fell down onto a rooftop, landing with a thud. They pushed themselves up and quickly noticed the entire universe was like a black-and-white comic book, while the two of them looked like they did in their own dimensions.)

"Wow! What kind of dimension is this?" Donatello asked.

"Kraang said this was the Primary Mutant reality," Donnie responded. "Maybe it came before both our worlds..."

Donatello glanced around and pointed off in a direction. "Channel 6 must be this way."

Donnie nodded. "Cool then. Let's go."

(They started running through the city, which was a bit weird, since they were going from one comic panel to another.  They stopped as shurikens hit the pole before them. Turning, they spotted the original brothers standing on a rooftop not far away.)

"It's the Prime Turtles!" Donnie gasped.

"Uh, hi there," Donatello started awkwardly. "We are ninja--oh." He cut off when the Prime Brothers readied their weapons.

"No time to explain," Donnie said quickly. "Move, D!" They ran across the rooftops, the Prime brothers following. "There it is!" He shouted, the two of them jumping on the antenna. They managed to free the device and jumped down onto the rooftop, only to notice the Prime Brothers had them surrounded.

"See you in another dimension." Donatello shot a portal under their feet and they fell in. They fell back into  80s Donnie home dimension and another portal opened as Y/N and Donnie.


"Come on, guys," Donnie called. "We're good to go."

Mikey grinned. "Aw, yeah, we outie!" They knocked Kraang and Subprime back as Donatello opened another portal. They ran inside.

"You can't escape so easily, freak!" Subprime shouted.

They jumped out of the portal, only to find themselves back in the Technodrome.

"Oh, no," Y/N groaned. "We're back here?"

"Ha!" Kraang laughed, coming through the portal with Subprime. "Welcome back, heinous reptiles and cat."

"You're not going anywhere as long as I have this baby!" Subprime held up some sort of device. "I can hack your portal all day long." Y/N threw a shuriken at it, breaking it. "Oh. Aw, Kraang."

"It's over," Leonardo said. "We stopped your little scheme. We deactivated all of your Dimensionizers. You're finished."

"That's right, you pink punk," 80s Y/N added with a smirk. "You can't blow up our realities anymore!"

"Blow up...realities?" Subprime shouted, turning to Kraang. He started moving toward him, making him back up. "You've been trying to wipe out dimensions we've been trying to mutate for thousands of years? ARE YOU INSANE!?"

"Well, you did say wipe out the mutants at any cost," Kraang pointed out.

"This is why I banished you to Two-Dimensional Earth in the first place. BECAUSE YOU'RE AN IDIOT!" Subprime started hitting Kraang's droid. "A MORON! A DINGLEBERRY! So you know what? I'M KICKING YOU BACK!"

"Oh, no," Kraang said as Subprime slammed his droid's foot into him, kicking him back through the portal. "Not again!"

"I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF MUTANTS FOR A MILLENNIUM!" Subprime turned to the teens and slammed his droid's hand down to attack. They jumped out of the way.

"Let's take this wad of chewing gum down," Y/N called.

"With pleasure," Raph said, everyone drawing their weapons.

"I got your back, bro!" Raphael said.

)Raph tripped over a Kraang-droid arm and Subprime took the chance to shoot a laser at him. Before it could go off, Raphael jumped up and slammed his sai into the Irmabot's head, breaking it and pulling it off the droid.)

"Nice move, Raphael," Raph said as his counterpart helped him up, the two running to dodge Subprime's lasers.

"I've had enough of this dweeb," Leonardo said.

"Ninja Power!" Leo shouted.

Leonardo jumped up, slicing at the droid with his katanas. Only when he landed on the floor, he noticed Subprime had broken them. "That's not good."

(Leo and his counterpart threw hooks around Subprime's arm, stopping him from hitting Leonardo with his saw. Leo slid under the droid and jumped on it.)

"What are you doing??" Subprime snapped as Leo grabbed him and pulled him from the droid, tossing him across the room. Raph caught him and tossed him in the air a few times before throwing him over to Mikey's feet.

"Aw, yeah!" Mikey said, kicking Subprime up and playing hacky sack with his counterpart. "A little Hacky Kraang, Michelangelo?"

"Put me down, you maniacs!" Subprime snapped.

(Mikey rolled the alien off his arm, Donnie running up and hitting him into the air with his Bo staff.)

"Booyakasha!" Michelangelo shouted as Donatello opened a portal above them.

"NO! I HATE BLACK-AND-WHITE!" Subprime shouted as he fell through the portal into the Prime Dimension.

"Well, that wasn't such a chore now, was it?" Raphael said.

Leo sheathed his katanas. "Leonardo. Thanks. For everything."

Leonardo shook his head. "No, thank you. Without your help, all of our realities would be doomed." The two shook hands and Donatello opened a portal back to the universe.

(The two sets of teens bowed to each other and Leo's team turned toward the portal.)

"Come on, ninjas," Leo said. "Let's go home." They stepped through the portal.


(Y/N and his brothers returned to their own dimension, sharing a box of pizza between them.)

"Feels great to be back home," Donatello said.

"God, that was rough," Y/N said, stretching his arms above her head. "At least we can relax now, though."

(They turned their attention to the street below as a portal opened. A giant Kraathatrogon emerged, roaring and attempting to go after the people around it.)

"Hey, do you guys see that?" Leonardo asked.

"Whoa, dudes! A giant freaky worm!" Y/N said. "Totally mondo bizaarro!"

"I bet that pesky Shredder and Kraang are behind this," Donatello stated.

"You know what that means, right, Leonardo?" Raphael asked his brother.

Leonardo nodded. "We take down the creepy crawler, and then order pizza!"

"Yes! Ninja power!"


(They landed on top of the worm, trying to get a grip, only for it to shriek and fall limp as a blade pierced through it, cutting it open.)

"What the--"


(A hand pushed the Kraathatrogon open and Tigerclaw stepped out onto the dead worm.)

"Um, I think things just got really bad, guys," Y/N said, ears lowering.

Tigerclaw roared and Y/N and his brothers jumped to attack. 

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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