Tokka VS the World

(Y/N walked out of his room with Clunk on his head to see Mikey peeking into Raph's room with Ice Cream Kitty.)

"What are you doing?" Y/N asked.

"You gotta watch this!" Mikey whispered in response.

(Y/N peeked over his shoulder to see Chompy breathing fire as he stepped over a small model of a city. Raph held out one of his action figures to him.)

"It's Action Kick Unicorn Man and Jerkface Bradford versus Chompy the Great in the battle for Paris, France!" Chompy fell onto his shell, knocking over the action figures. Y/N covered his muzzle as he snickered. This is adorable. Raph laughed as he tickled Chompy. "Special tickle attack!"

Mikey gasped and kicked the door open. Raph's eyes widened and he picked up Chompy as if nothing happened. "Aw, yeah! We wanna play, too!" Mikey exclaimed.

"Mikey?!" Raph shouted in surprise. "Y/N? Uh, we're training. Yeah, um, I'm training Chompy to be the ultimate warrior."

Y/N smirked. "Uh-huh."

"Cool. Well, we want to 'train' too," Mikey answered and Ice Cream Kitty meowed with Clunk nodding. "Please?"

(Raph growled in defeat, and soon the three pets were playing together, Mikey playing with the Chris Bradford toy while Raph reluctantly held the Unicorn Man toy. Y/N just watched the pets.)

"I'm Chris Bradford, my beard will defeat your horn every time, Unicorn Man!" Mikey nudged his toy with Raph.

(Ice Cream Kitty swatted at Chompy and got ice cream on his nose. He shook it off and farted flame at her, making her melt a bit, until Clunk frost blew snow into his face.)

"Chompy, what did we talk about? Keep your flame-farts to yourself. Gross," Raph scolded, picking up Chompy.

"Hey, you ever think about how big Chompy will get one day?" Y/N asked. "His mom was as big as a mountain!"

"Yeah, but that will probably take, like, hundreds of space years or something," Raph responded, Chompy chirping happily.

"I feel bad about Chompy's mom," Mikey said.

"Me too," Raph sighed. "Donnie said there's probably no way anything could survive a supernova. Not even a giant cosmic monster like Tokka."

"But at least the little Chompster has us for a family now," Y/N said. "Isn't that right, little guy?" The alien turtle gave a happy chirp. 

(The atmosphere in the control room was tense, thick with anticipation. Scientists and technicians scurried about, their eyes glued to the expansive monitors that displayed various data streams and visual feeds from deep space. Among them stood Griffen, a seasoned commander with a piercing gaze that could cut through the growing uncertainty.)

A young technician approached him, breathless with urgency. "Sir," he said, his hands trembling slightly as he pointed to the main screen. "There's some kind of large UFO making its way past Neptune. It's traveling at approximately seventy million miles an hour! That's more than half the speed of light."

Griffen furrowed his brow, his mind racing through the possibilities. "Well? Is it the Kraang or a Triceraton battleship?"

The technician shook his head, the gravity of the situation evident in his expression. "Neither, sir. Long range scans indicate it's a giant, living organism. And its trajectory... it's headed for Earth!"

At that moment, the screen shifted, revealing a colossal shape emerging from the dark void of space. It pulsated with a strange, vibrant energy, and as it drew closer, the unmistakable features of Tokka began to materialize. The formidable creature, scarred yet very much alive, surged through the cosmos.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Here we go!

It's the lean, mean, ninja team

On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things

So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams

Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings

Can't stop these radical dudes

The secret of the ooze made the chosen few

Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves

The good guys win and the bad guys lose

Leonardo's the leader in blue

Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through

Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines

Raphael has the most attitude on the team

Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!

Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need

To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

"Hey, isn't Bradford's show on in a few minutes?"

(The three of them gathered the others to watch the show and settled in the pit. Donnie, who'd been keeping an eye on April, walked into the living room.)

"Yo, D, so how is April doing?" Casey asked as Donnie sat down on the couch.

"She's better, still resting," Donnie responded.

Y/N sighed. "That crystal really messed her up..."

"I'm worried there could be permanent damage," Leo agreed.

"So, ya think she lost most of her psychic powers, or what?" Chloe asked.

"Her powers have been greatly reduced, but she's still far more powerful than she was before acquiring the crystal. It's hard to say until I test her again," Donnie responded.

"Turn the television to channel 6, right now!" Splinter ordered suddenly, startling Y/N slightly; he hadn't noticed him enter the room with Shen. Chloe grabbed the remote and switched over to the news channel.

"That's right, folks, NASA and the Earth Protection Force have reported that a giant alien turtle is flying through our solar system."

"It's Tokka!" Y/N gasped, watching the footage of the alien turtle the news had managed to get.

"It's destination...Earth! I'd say pack your bags and head for the mountains, but who knows where this terrifying terrapin is going to make its horrifying home!"

"The creature is coming for only one reason..." Splinter said.

"Stay classy New York!"

Raph picked up Chompy. "Chompy, your momma's alive and she's coming to find you!" Chompy chittered in response, wagging his tail.

"Yeah, and...she...could tear through the entire planet searching for him, even if she means well!" Donnie panicked, realizing what this could potentially lead to.

"Well, that's easy, we just give Chompy back to her, and she leaves," Leo responded.

Ethan snorted. "Yes, because we can certainly just go and speak to that massive fire beast and offer her baby back. I can imagine the amazing conversation we'll have. 'Hey, sorry we stole your child. Here he is! No hard feelings, right? K, thanks bye!'"

"What if Tokka is so ticked off she destroys the Earth anyway?" Casey questioned. "I mean, we put that Turtlezilla through a lot, ya know what I'm sayin'?"

"Casey is right," Shen said.

Casey blinked, turning to her, surprised. "I am?"

"There's a sentence you don't normally hear," Y/N said dryly.

"Yes, you were due," Shen responded, making Y/N snicker. "I think this creature will not be pleased, even if we relinquish young Chompy without a fight. As a mother, I should know what it feels like to have mother taken from you."

"And there will be a fight," Leo pointed out. "Even if Tokka is peaceful, the militaries of the world are gonna try and stop her any way they can!"

Y/N gasped. "That might mean...all-out kaiju war!"


"So the question is, how can we return Chompy to his mom before gets to Earth?" Leo asked.

"Oh, oh, Chloe can just fly up to her!" Mikey exclaimed.

"That's...a little far for my liking. I'm not flying all the way to space," Chloe said. "And I don't think I'd be fast enough at the rate she's going."

"If we could get our hands on a Kraang Stealth Ship--but the military seized them all," Donnie groaned.

"What about TCRI, dude?" Casey suggested. "I saw tons of soldiers going in there, they've totally taken over the entire building. And if there's one place we're good at breaking into, it's TCRI..."

Lep gasped, grinning. "Casey...that's a great idea!"

"It is?" he asked, surprised.

"Wow, Casey had two good ideas in one day?" Donnie chuckled. "It really is the end of the world."

"Make haste, my children, but be wary," Splinter ordered. "You are not dealing with Kraang anymore, but dangerous human soldiers who are far more organized. And not semi-idiotic."

"We're gonna need backup," Y/N suggested as he pulled out his T-Phone., "Time to call in the Tribunal."


(Over at the tribunal headquarters, Riki and Timothy were watching the TV with wide faces as they realize it's Tokka. Timothy's phone rings and he picks it up.)

"We're on our way."


(They made their way to TCRI over the rooftops and snuck past the receptionist to get into the elevator. Mikey got quickly got bored as it ascended and started tapping his nunchucks together in a rhythm. This earned him a punch from Raph. Once the elevator stopped, Raph knocked out the guard.)

"Mikey, Casey and Riki, stay here, cover the hallway," Leo ordered as the others went on ahead. "We'll go for the hangar. I'll radio as soon as we hijack a stealth ship, ya got it?"

"Why do we gotta hang back?" Casey questioned. "Casey Jones is a man of action! A vigilante on the front lines! A superhero bent on--"

"Uh, Casey?" Riki interrupted. "They're already gone." She chuckled, tail swishing as she motioned to the empty hall.

"What!?" Casey exclaimed. "I bet ya they're worried we're gonna mess up the mission!"

"Nah, brah, they just want their dopest fighters on look-out," Mikey responded with a grin.

"It's a hideous Martian!" The voice made the three of them turn, noticing the guards filling the end of the hall. "Capture and contain!"

"What?" Casey pulled out one his hockey sticks and flipped down his mask. "No way!"

"For the record, dudes, I'm a handsome mutant, not a hideous Martian," Mikey snapped back at the guards.

"Deploy stun grenades!" one of the guards snapped.

(Two grenades were thrown at their feet, making the three of them scream as the grenades exploded in a cloud of smoke.)


(Leo and the others dropped into a large room where stealth shuttles were lined up, some with pieces missing, some fully intact.)

"Great," Donnie hissed. "Would it kill these 'scientists' to leave at least one stealth ship intact?"

Timothy rolled his eyes. "They think they can learn more about the ships by taking them apart."

"Which ship do we steal?" Y/N asked.

"Oh, yeah." Donnie cleared his throat. "Eenie meenie miney mo, catch a Tigerclaw by the toe--" He pointed to a random ship. "That one."

"Nice," Chloe chuckled. "Real scientific."

(They climbed up on top of the ships and jumped across until they reached the one Donnie pointed out, entering without any of the scientists noticing.)

"I hope we picked the right one," Ethan said as they walked over to the control panel.

"You know how to fly this thing, right?" Y/N asked.

"I'm a little rusty," Donnie admitted, taking his position at the the control console. "Let's see, first I engage the grav-equalizer." He pressed a button, turning the ship on. He took control of the ship, only to fly it straight up and into the roof, which knocked everyone onto the floor. "Missed it by that much."

Y/N shook it off. "You think they noticed?" Something slammed into the ship, rocking it and sending them back to the floor.

"It's a possibility," Raph retorted as Donnie started flying the ship around the room to avoid the lasers being shot at them, only to knock it into several other ships and then crash it into the floor in a cloud of smoke.

"We gotta get to that other ship!" Leo said as they exited the ship.

"Dude, there's, like, 20 other ships here!" Y/N snapped. "Which one exactly is supposed to be 'that other' one?"

(The smoke cleared to reveal guards surrounding them.)

"An alien infestation!" one called out. "Destroy them!"

"Oh, that's right, destroy what you don't understand, real clever," Donnie said sarcastically.

"Sir, the Martians have learned out language," a guard said.

"Great Scott, they're adapting!" another exclaimed. "Wipe them out before they transform!"

"Did you just say Great Scott?," Y/N muttered.

"Wait!" a familiar figure ran out, stepping between the soldiers and mutants. "Hold your fire. These are mutants, not aliens. Some of the finest mutants this city has protecting it!"

"Bishop?" Leo asked. "Whoa! What are the Utrom doing here?"

Bishop turned to them as they sheathed their weapons. "I have become ambassador to Earth, and am instructing the EPF on alien matters, helping your planet advance their defenses."

"So, um...I'm guessing you know all about Tokka," Timothy said.

Bishop nodded. "Indeed. You visited Tokka's home world of Magdomar. Do you have any idea why she would be coming here?"

"Umm...maybe for...this little guy?" Raph responded as he stepped forward, letting Bishop see Chompy, the alien turtle breathing fire.

"What have you done?" Bishop snapped. "Do you know the catastrophe you've brought upon this planet!?"

"Look, we thought Chompy's mom was destroyed by a supernova, pal!" Raph retorted. "That's why we brought him home with us."

"Clearly you're too juvenile to be trusted," Bishop stated.

Chloe placed her hands on her hips. "Just give us a stealth ship so we can return him before she gets here."

"No!" Bishop shouted. "The EPF and I will handle it." He held out his hand for Chompy. "Now, give me the Vorkathian fire tortoise before I get angry."

"You are not touching him," Raph growled.


"I'm telling you, these guys are no aliens!" Casey snapped. "They're mutants, old dude!" He, Mikey, and Riki were strapped down to metal tables in some sort of examination room.

"A mutant turtle and cheetah, to be exact," Riki added, struggling against her restrains.

"What is your relationship to these...mutants?" the military officer interrogating him asked.

"I'm their friend!" Casey tried to explain. "And that one is my sidekick... In my mission to cleanse the city of evil and the other one has a major crush on me."

Mikey rolled his eyes, looking over at Casey. "Hey, Casey, no offense, but you're more like our sidekick, dude!"

Riki blushed hard, "And I do not have a crush on you?!"

"I'm getting nowhere with this kid," the officer said. "Maybe we can learn something from mutant aliens."

"Um...can we talk about this, scientist dudes?" Mikey asked, struggling against his restrains. The scientists hooked him and up to some sort of machine, placing breathing masks on his face. Above, a circular saw turned on.


"You are in completely over your heads," Bishop said. "Tokka cannot be destroyed. Let me take care of this. Relinquish the baby!"

Chompy chittered as Raph handed him over to Y/N. "Keep an eye on Chompy for me."

"Raph?" Y/N questioned, letting Chompy climb onto her shoulder.

Raph pulled out his sais. "I'm teaching Bishop some manners." He dashed at Bishop, striking at him with his sais. The droid swiftly dodged the attacks before grabbing one of the sais and using it to make Raph smack his own head a few times before letting go. Raph stumbled back before falling onto the floor.

"Bishop, we don't have time for this!" Leo snapped, he and Ethan holding back Raph when the hothead got back up and tried to attack Bishop again. "We have to return Chompy to Tokka now!"

"Sir, we just got word," a guard spoke up. "The President has ordered an attack squadron of VT-9 fighters to intercept the alien monster."

"What!?" Bishop exclaimed. "This cannot be! This has greatly complicated matters. I warned them." He turned to the screen on the wall, watching the pink arrows disappear as the jets failed to take down Tokka. "Have they not listened to a single word the Utrom have said? Physical force will not stop Tokka!"

"Bishop, listen to us!" Y/N tried to reason, handing Chompy back to Raph.

"This is our fault," the hothead said. "Let us fix it."

"Um, we do have more experience with a Vorkathian Fire Beast than anyone else on Earth," Chloe pointed out.

"You make a good point, Chloe ." Bishop looked back at them. "It is imperative to appeal to Tokka without confrontation. It may be Earth's only chance. Go quickly!"

The soldiers cocked their guns, aiming their weapons. "Sir, General Griffen considers these...creatures hostile. We have orders to subdue."

"Belay those orders, Commander," Bishop ordered.

The soldier aimed his gun at the group. "I'm sorry, sir, we can't do that."

"Get that baby back to its mother!" Bishop instructed. "I'll take care of the EPF."

(The soldiers started shooting, Leo and the others quickly pulling out their weapons to deflect the lasers as they dashed into one of the stealth ships. Chloe took the helm this time as Donnie started the ship, the girl getting the ship into the air.)


Mikey managed to spit out the breathing device as a scientist brought the circular saw closer. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Wouldn't you rather use that to slice up some nice anchovy chocolate pizza?! I'll order!"

Casey slid out his taser, managing to electrocute both himself and, more importantly, the table, which released him from his bindings. He threw the bindings off, jumping up to the scientist trying to cut into Mikey. "GOONGALA!" He tased the scientist, making them throw the saw, Mikey ducking his head into his shell to avoid getting hit.

Casey fended off the other two scientists as Mikey and Riki struggled against their bindings, the raven-haired vigilante picking up his baseball bat. "Who wants some?" he taunted. "Who's next?" Guards ran into the room, grabbing him and forcing him back on the table, bindings clicking into place. "Let me go! Get off of me!"

"You've got grit, kid, but that little stunt only delayed the examination," the military officer -- General Griffen -- said as he grabbed a large needle.


"We're free and clear," Timothy said as Chloe flew the ship away from TCRI. "Let's get out there and find Tokka before--" he cut off as an alarm went off.

(Tokka flew right overhead, Chloe swerving the ship around so they were flying above her as she passed them. They watched the giant alien turtle land in the city, roaring as she walked through the streets. Chloe flew the ship toward Tokka as the army sent jets to shoot at her, Chompy letting out a squeaky roar as he wagged his tail excitedly at the sight of his mother.)

"Tokka probably has no idea Chompy is with us!" Donnie said as Tokka took notice of the stealth ship.

"How do you know for sure?" Raph questioned. A wall of fire suddenly flew across the screen.

"Probably the wall of fire she's breathing at us!?" Chloe snapped back.

"Look out, Chloe!" Ethan called as Chloe tried to weave the ship around the fire Tokka was breathing at them. "She's all over us!" Tokka managed to hit the ship and they screamed as they crashed onto the street below.

They got out of the ship, coughing. "I can restart the ship, just give me a minute," Donnie said.

Y/N sighed. "How do we even get near Tokka with all that cannon fire?"

"I'll handle the cannons," Leo responded, pulling out his katanas.

"Ethan and I'll give you some backup," Y/N added, drawing his claws. "The rest of you, get Chompy back to Tokka!"

"Let's do this." Raph patted Chompy's head. "You ready, little guy?" Chompy gave a squeaky roar in response.


Bishop entered the examination room. "General Griffen."

"Yes, Bishop!" Riki cheered.

"Have your men stand down or I'll take them down," the android ordered.

"Troops, show no mercy," Griffen snapped.

(Before they could attack, Bishop knocked the guards out and grabbed a gun, shooting the machine in the center of the room and taking out the power, which released the bindings from around the three teens.)

(Griffen pulled out a gun and fired at Bishop.)


Raph stood on top of the stealth ship with Chompy as Chloe flew it through the city, the ship cloaked. "Hang on, Chompy," the hothead said. "Just gotta get closer to your mom."

(They knelt as they flew under one of Tokka's spikes. The giant turtle took notice of them, roaring before attempting to snap her jaws down around the ship, though Chloe managed to maneuver it away. They wove through the buildings as Tokka tried breathing fire at them, before finally attempting to grab them with her hand. She missed, the turtle growling as she looked at the ship.)

Only, Raph held up Chompy for her to see. "Tokka! It's Chompy!" Chompy chittered as Raph lowered the baby alien turtle. "He's your baby!"

"We...we were just trying to take care of him," Chloe added as Donnie lowered the cloaking on the ship. "We--we didn't know--" She gasped as Tokka moved closer to get a better look at them. "Holy chalupa! Please don't eat us. Please don't eat us!"

"We thought you were gone," Raph admitted. "We thought Chompy was an orphan!"

(Chloe watched carefully as Tokka's gaze seemed to soften, the alien tutle nickering. Chompy roared squeakily in response.)

"It's time to go back to your mom, Chompy," Chloe said gently, scratching Chompy's chin.

Raph pet Chompy's head. "I love you, little guy." He hugged the alien turtle tightly. "I couldn't say it before, know you're my little buddy."

Chloe rested a hand on Raph's shoulder as Tokka carefully moved closer, Raph placing Chompy on his mother. "Goodbye, Chompy Picasso."

Chloe started moving the ship away, only for Tokka to stop it with her hand. She lowered her head, allowing Raph to take Chompy, making him gasp. The hothead picked up Chompy, making the baby alien turtle chitter excitedly. "Really!?" he asked. "You want Chompy to stay here with me!?"

Tokka nickered in response, and Chloe could swear that she was smiling at them. The brunette smiled. "Thank you, Tokka! I swear, we'll take really good care of him!"

Raph hugged the baby alien turtle. "Chompy!"


(Bishop threw Griffen over one of the examination tables. Griffen got back up, throwing off his jacket and tackled the android against the wall. Bishop slammed his elbow into the man's back to get him to release him before kicking him down.)

Griffen growled, grabbing the broken needle and stabbing it through Bishop's shoulder, pinning him to the wall. "After this treachery, the treaty with Dimension X is over!" he snapped.

"The EPF is meant to protect mankind from danger," Bishop retorted. "Not terrorize them."

"Alien scum." Griffen went to shoot the droid, only for Casey to sneak up behind him and tase him, knocking him out.

Mikey popped up beside him with Riki. "High three!" They paused when they noticed Bishop watching them with a raised eyebrow. The three of them silently offered for him to join.

Bishop raised his hand and the four of them high-fived. "Cowabunga!"


"Uh-oh,"Donnie came through as he noticed Tokka preparing to take off. "Hold on, guys! Family reunion's over!" Chloe started flying the ship away from Tokka.

Down on the ground, Ethan's ears lowered. "Uh-oh."

"Oh, boy." The three of them dove behind a flipped-over truck and the soldiers quickly copied them to find cover.

(Even behind the truck, they could feel the heat and wind from Tokka's fire as she lifted off, taking herself back into space. Once it was safe, Y/N, Leo, and Ethan climbed onto the truck as the soldiers around them cheered.)

"Yes!" Leo cheered. "They did it!"


They made their way back to the lair to relax in the living room. Raph was playing with Chompy while Casey and Mikey watched. Of course, Chompy was being his cute self. "Aww!"

"Ha!" Casey laughed. "Dadda Raph."

"Hey, good job, Dadda Raph," Mikey added. "You stared down one big space monster, dude."

"Don't call Chompy's mom a space monster!" the hothead snapped, shoving them away.

"Hey, I'm just glad she's back in space," Timothy said.

"No doubt," Leo agreed. "One wrong sneeze and she could've wiped out all of humanity."

"Raphael, have you thought about what will happen when Chompy grows to full size?" Splinter asked, resting his hands on top of his cane. "The Earth may not be big enough to contain him."

"I think Chompy is destined to go back to the stars one day," Raph responded. "But it's gonna be a long time before that happens. Right, little fella?"

(Chompy breathed fire into his face in response, making the others laugh.)

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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