The Wrath of Tiger Claw
The rainy night starts off with Karai in the throne room. She gazes outside the glass clear windows thinking back to what Leo had told her.
"Karai, don't do this. Splinter he's your father. Your true father. Hamato Yoshi."
Despite still being skeptical of him, Karai is nonetheless intrigued by his claim and wonders if it's true. Leo was genuine when he informed her of her true birth father.
Shredder enters the room seeing how quiet his daughter is. "What is it that troubles you, Karai?"
"I want to know the truth. The truth about my mother. And Splinter." She puts away the photo.
Shredder's brow line(mans got no brow) furrowed at the girls' words. "You know the truth, my daughter. Hamato Yoshi took your mother away."
The doors to the throne room creak open. A winded Tigerclaw is standing in the middle, winded by something. "I have returned." he looks different, now wearing an eyepatch and a torn ear.
"Tigerclaw." Shredder says acknowledging his presence.
Karai was shocked that he was even still alive. "How? You were eaten by a giant alien worm."
"And you believed such a thing could contain my hate?" Tigerclaw approaches the two. "My hate is what kept me going. As I tore my way out of the belly of the Kraathatrogon. As I battled through the armies of the Kraang across alien worlds that would drive lesser men mad. And finally, back here, back to my enemies." he kneels on one knee and lowers his head to Shredder of respect. "I would have my revenge against Splinter, against his hideous reptiles, and against those who trapped me in that wretched worm's belly."
"I will grant you this wish." Shredder states.
"What?" Karia exclaims. "It's because of him that Splinter and the Turtles are still alive in the first place."
"Karai, you will go with Tigerclaw. Destroy Splinter, the Turtles and the cheetah at any cost."
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
Here we go!
It's the lean, mean, ninja team
On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things
So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams
Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings
Can't stop these radical dudes
The secret of the ooze made the chosen few
Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves
The good guys win and the bad guys lose
Leonardo's the leader in blue
Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through
Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines
Raphael has the most attitude on the team
Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!
Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!
Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need
To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
(The brothers and Ethan were at Murakami's, he went to work as it was the same order always for the turtles, but Timotyh was working and made something special for the chilly night for Y/N and Ethan.)
The steam covered their faces and they both started to eat contently.
Y/N: Ahh, this is just what I needed today."
Ethan: Agreed.
Y/N/Ethan: 食べ物をありがとう
Timothy: どういたしまして。
(While they ate peacefully Leo designated a training exercise for his brothers making the reward a tasty gyoza.)
Mikey raises his hands. "I've put up with you guys for a long time, but this is about to get real!"
"You don't want this kind of pain, Mikey." Raph punches his fists together.
"Big talk for someone with such a limited vocabulary, Raph." Raph shoves Donnie away by putting his hand on his brother's face. The boys talk like something huge is on the line.
"Are you sure you're ready?" Leo asks, sitting on a stool and leaning back onto the counter.
"Are you kidding me? I was born ready." Raph states confidently.
"Okay, Mr. Murakami." Leo says initiating the start.
"One pizza Gyoza, coming up." Murakami picks up the gyoza with a pair of chopsticks.
(He threw a pizza gyoza into the air. Donnie jumped for it first. He got pushed aside by Mikey, who was thrown down by Raph. Mikey grabbed Raph's ankle and dragged him to the ground. The boys piled up, getting themselves trapped in a strong interlock. Just as the gyoza was about to fall into Mikey's mouth, Leo uses his sword to catch the gyoza right before it falls into Mikey's mouth.)
"Ha, I thought I'd play after all." he flicks the gyoza into his mouth and chews on it loudly.
"What happened to Mr. "I'm too broody for this game"?" Timothy makes finger quotations.
(Leo ignores that statement.)
"Mmm, these things are really good." he points to his full cheek.
"My restaurant was never that popular until I invented these for you." Murakami pulls out a platter 13 gyoza total. The three turtles who have yet tasted heaven had hearts in their eyes and they take what they can fit in their hands.
(Leo sits on a stool next to a large window overlooking the city streets and continues sulking. You notice he's not part-taking in eating with his brothers.)
"He's still brooding." Donnie says when he notices that you've also sensed Leo's less happy mood.
"He's thinking about her." Raph starts. "About Karai."
"Master Splinter is her father. How could she still want to be with the Shredder?" Leo asks, wanting other thoughts or insights on a way to understand the situation better.
Mikey stands up on the counter. The words he states aren't clear enough to translate as he munches and talks at the same time "You have to have faith, Leo. Her entire life was shown to be a lie. This is a challenge to everything she knows. The truth will set her free. Just give her the time she needs to accept who she is."
"Right." Donnie rolls his eyes. "Look, Leo, she'll come around."
Ethan: Yeah..... Mikey's right, give her time. If you were in her shoes wouldn't you take a while to find who you really are? The point is she'll come around soon enough."
Meanwhile, up on the rooftops...
"Having a hard time keeping up, girl?" Tigerclaw asks while he's running ahead of Karai.
"I was taking it easy on you since you're working with only one eye and no tail."
"You think you're clever?" he halts. "You're a fool."
"I'm the fool? You've faced the Turtles in battle before and lost and the Ashura kicked you into the worm. What exactly is your grand plan for revenge here?"
"To destroy warriors such as these, you don't strike at their limbs, you go for their heart." he bares his sharp claws and then retracts them as he clenches his fist.
"And what does an overgrown cat know of the heart?" she sasses back.
TigerClaw: "Why do you think the Shredder sent you with me?"
(She thinks about it for a moment before her eyes widen in realization and horror.)
Karai: Because I know them. I know the places they go. I know their weakness. Their friends. April O'Neil, Casey Jones, and Timothy."
TigerClaw: The riders of the worm. They will all pay for what they did to me."
(They make their way to the restaurant Karai had trapped in April the last time she was here. Inside, Timothy was cleaning until he felt something was wrong.)
Murakami stops his sweeping as he hears something even though he had just closed up the shop. "Hello? Is somebody there? Leonardo?"
Timothy: Murakami, duck behind the counter.
Murakami: What is-
Timothy: I said duck!
(Murakami does what he's told as Timothy jumps over the counter and confronts the two entering.)
Timothy: TigerClaw? I'm surprised you're still alive.
TigerClaw: Tell us, where are the other humans?
Timothy: Oh, they're right here!
(Timothy was ready. He had grabbed the kitchen a wooden spoon, a whisk, and a spatula. He faced off against TigerClaw and Karai. He lunged forward, swinging his whisk at TigerClaw's head. The blow connected, throwing TigerClaw off balance. Karai used this opportunity to her advantage. She jumped up and kicked Timothy in the chest, sending him flying across the kitchen. He barely had time to regain his composure before TigerClaw was on him again. He managed to block the punches with his wooden spoon, but Karai was relentless. She knocked the spoon out of his hands and kicked him in the stomach, causing him to fall to the ground. Then, TigerClaw delivered one final devastating punch to Timothy's jaw, knocking him out cold. He lay there on the kitchen floor, defeated.)
Murakami: Timothy, are you okay?
(An intimidating growl comes from behind him.)
"Not quite." the girl answers she corners him against the wall with her tanto pointed at him. "The brothers." she interrogates.
"I don't know what you're talking about." he meekly says.
"Lying will only make this worse. Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo, Donatello, and Y/N." she applies more pressure on him. "Where do they live?" she asks sternly.
"I don't know." he turns his head in fear. "Please, please." he pleads mercy from them.
Karai relents. "There is no honor in this." she backs away from the elderly man.
Tigerclaw approaches the man. "I didn't come here for honor." he growls, taking out his sharp claws which Murakami clearly hears.
(The brothers make their way back home jumping the rooftops. They land in the alleyway with the manhole that will take them home. Y/N lifts it up for the group to hop in.)
Mikey: (Halts on his skateboard) "Guys, stop!"
"What is it, Mikey?" Leo asks.
Mikey: I feel like we're forgetting something. Something important. Something, something the fate of the world could depend on. It's right on the tip of my tongue."
"The Kraang?" Donnie makes an educated guess as they are the only threat to the world.
Mikey: No."
"The Foot clan?" Leo asks.
Mikey: No."
"The Rat King?" Raph guesses.
"No." Mikey holds his head trying to remember.
Y/N: Newtralizer again?
"No. Wait! I remember. My doggy bag. The leftover Gyoza are back at Mr. Murakami's. We have to go back." Mikey skateboards away. "Fate of the world!"
Everyone groans except Ethan.
Ethan: It truly is the fate of the world. Mikey's world.
Y/N: Indeed.
(Everyone returns to the restaurant. The doors open, were wide open.)
When you get inside you find the place wrecked. "What happened?" Donnie asks.
Ethan: (Sees a knocked out Timothy) Timothy! (Goes to check on him)
Y/N: Murakami!"(He found him hiding behind a counter.)
Mikey stoops beside Y/N. "Mister Murakami, it's me, Mikey. Are you okay?" you help the man up into a stool. '
Murakami: They came looking for you. Timothy tried to protect me, but got jurt in the process. They wanted to know where you lived. But I didn't know. They asked about your friends. To my shame, I told them everything I knew.
"Who did this?" Raph asks, ready to beat the purple dragons if it was them.
Murakami: The girl and the growling man."
Leo touches the claw marks on the wall. "Tiger Claw is back. And he's going after April and Casey."
Y/N: After what we did to him he's most likely seeking revenge.
"We have to get to April," Donnie says, forgetting the other person in danger. "And Casey, you know, time permitting." he grins coyly.
Raph: The girl has got to be Karai, Leo. I told you-"
Leo: Not now, Raph. Ethan, take Timothy back to the lair.
Ethan: (Nods determined)
Donnie dials Aprils number. "April's not answering her T-phone. She always answers."
"We'll split up." Leo orders. "Me, Donnie, and Y/N will go to April's place, you and Mikey get to the ice rink and warn Casey."
"Why wouldn't she answer her phone?" Donnie asks as he was still trying to reach her.
(April, Chloe, and Riki (In disguise) burst out of the movie theater, in excitement while, Irma and Casey followed them. Chloe was on Riki's shoulders.)
April: "Best movie ever! The part where the captain is cornered by the monster, and it's all slobber, and fangs, goo-
Riki: -And then boom, that explosion knocked them out of orbit, and they're falling into the star, and- and- and...
"I just don't get why our date had a third wheel attached to it." Casey said.
Riki: Uhhh, I'm here. (Blushes) I wish this was a date.
"Hello? I'm right here." Irma said, pushing past Casey.
"That's the problem." My brother said.
"Who said anything about us being-" April started, but stopped, and touched her temples, before looking around her.
Riki: You feel it?
"Yeah, we're being followed." April said.
"All right, whatever it is, we split up, and read it away from the third wheel here. Plan?" Casey asked.
"Plan." Riki and April said together.
April and Casey ran off, while Riki turned to Irma.
Riki: I'm so sorry. We have to go.
Chloe: Bye, Irma!
Irma: Guys, am I missing something? Well, that's just great.
Y/N, Leo, and Donnie reach April's home. Y/N knocks on the window, red hair but bald father comes out. "Kirby, we don't have time to explain. Is April here?"
"No, she said she'd go to the cinema with Irma and that Jones boy." he tries to call her. "She's not answering. She always answers."
Donnie bites his nails nervously. "That's what I said!"
"Kirby, you said she went to the movies," Leo states. "That's where we start."
Karai had finally caught up with April and lands in front of her. "O'Neil."
April takes out her tessen. "You want to do this, Karai? Fine. But I'm warning you, I've been training with Master Splinter big time, and I'm ready to kick your butt." she gets into stance.
"I didn't come to fight." Karai lowers her guard, making herself seem vulnerable and harmless to the normal eye. "I came to talk."
"Oh, well I've been trained in that too." April carefully lowers her guard.
April wasn't the only one in a predicament, Casey was facing Tigerclaw, alone.
"Whoa! You know, part of me always wanted to fight a man-eating tiger. Know any real ones?" Casey continues trying to fight off Tiger Claw in an outdoor autobody shop.
"Do you think this is a game?"
Casey dodges a pawful. "Whoa! Yeah, keep away from one-eyed freaks." he runs for the stack cars and slams on a button making one of the cars elevate down, blocking the cat from hurting him. "Or we could play a game of crush the cat. Later. Yeah! Woo!" he climbs up the metal shed for cars while the tiger uses his jetpack to fly up. Tigerclaw snarls and takes out his sword. "If it wasn't for the fact that I'm gonna die, this would be so cool!"
(Karai had suggested talking on the rooftops where people won't see them. April willingly agrees but keeps her distance from Karai as she sits down on a crate.)
Karai begins to let her emotions show. "All my life, I was raised to believe that the Shredder was my father. That Splinter was the enemy. So when Leo told me that Splinter was my true father, I couldn't accept it."
"But then I began to have doubts about Shredder's honor." her shoulders stiffen.
"Doubts about the evil leader of the evil ninja clan?" she crosses her arms. "Really?"
"Yes, even now, the Shredder has sent Tigerclaw to destroy the Turtles. He's trying to use me to set a trap for them" her words are genuine. "But...I can't. Even if it means betraying Shredder." April's eyes widened. She takes a moment to consider her words and make a choice.
Chloe and Riki were on the hunt for Tiger Claw, their nemesis. As they made their way through the dark alley, they heard a rustling in the shadows. Suddenly, Tiger Claw emerged, his eyes blazing with fury.
"Ah, my dear Chloe and Riki. I've been waiting for this moment," he sneered.
Chloe raised her Mesut, ready for action. "We won't let you get away with your evil plans," she said sternly.
Tiger Claw charged forward, swiping at Riki with his razor-sharp claws. Riki dodged skillfully, her lithe form darting around him like lightning.
Chloe took to the air, her mech firing reposer beams and missiles at Tiger Claw. The villain roared in anger, but Chloe was too fast for him. She zipped around him, her missiles exploding on impact.
Riki pulled out her bow and arrows, aiming carefully at Tiger Claw. She let the first arrow fly, and it hit Tiger Claw squarely in the chest. He snarled in pain, but continued to fight.
As the battle raged on, Chloe and Riki began to gain the upper hand. They had Tiger Claw on the ropes, but then, just as they thought they had won, he struck back with a vengeance.
Tiger Claw lunged forward, his claws leaving deep gashes in Riki's arm. Chloe watched in horror as he darted away into the night.
"Come on, we have to find Casey," Chloe said urgently, taking off towards the rooftops.
Riki followed closely behind, her arm bleeding profusely. As they made their way up to the rooftops, Chloe scanned the area for any sign of their friend.
Finally, they spotted Casey .He was laying face down on the ground with his phone was turned on.
Chloe: Casey!
Riki: Come on!
Y/N: (Exited the theaters and headed back up to the rooftop.) No sign of her.
Donnie looks around further and he spots his crush. "There's April. Come on!" you see Karai is with her and you ready yourself to attack. "Get away from her." Donnie says approaching her.
April stops us from attacking, she places a hand on your chest. "Leo, Y/N, Donnie, wait. You have to listen to what she has to say."
"I believe you, Leonardo." Karai says. "I believe that Splinter is my true father." Karai drops her eyes trying to avert from your gazes, appearing small and innocent.
"I believe that she believes you." April adds on.
"I believe April." Donnie trusts her.
Y/N: I don't know, but my-no-our sister wants to believe there is good on you. So, I will too.
"This-this is great." Leo reacts ecstatically.
"I knew you'd come around." Leo grabs her hand and starts to pull her. "We'll take you to the lair to see Master Splinter."
Unbeknownst to them, Karai harbors sinister intentions in mind.
"Sorry what?" Y/N ask with eyes wide. "I'm ok with talking to her but bringing her to the lair? Are you in the right state of mind Leader?" He gives you a firm nod.
"It'll be alright Y/N she knows the truth." April puts a hand on your shoulder.
You click your tongue. "I understand she's Splinter's daughter but it doesn't change the fact she's a kunoichi working for our enemy. Leo. I'll ask you again as an ally, are you sure about this?" you state coldly while you narrow your eyes at him.
He halts his step and faces you. Warmly smiling at you like he was thanking him or appreciating him for looking out for the family. "Yes. I'm sure."
(He sighs and went along with them.)
"Whew. Raph's not gonna believe this." Donnie murmurs.
(They soon made it to the lair. Riki was treating Casey, while Chloe and Riki trated Timothy.)
When we get back In the lair, Raph is outraged. Furious actually. "I don't believe this! What have you guys done?!"
Riki: (Gets up and hugs) Sister!
Karai: (Hugs her back) I missed you aswell.
April spots her other companion on the couch. "Casey!" and rushes to his side.
Raph: What world do you live in that it's okay to bring the princess of the foot clan to our secret lair?"
"What happened to Casey?" Leo asks, ignoring Raph's statements of displeasure.
"Tigerclaw threw him off a building." Raph answers for him. "And you just brought his partner in crime home for dinner."
"Shredder lied to me! I didn't know." she speaks up. '
Riki: (Thoughts) So emotional about's not like her normal remarks.'
Raph draws his sais. "Did you know that I'm about to stick this sai right up your-"
Leo shoves him back. "Raph, no! She understands now. She gets it."
Donnie: "She knows the truth, Raph. Everything's gonna be fine."
Chloe: I'll believe when I see it.
Ethan: Ditto.
"Will you just listen?" Leo says moving to the front of you to avert Raph's fiery gaze from you.
"I've heard enough from you." he snaps back. "She's probably leading the Shredder here right now." Raphael suspiciously confronts Karai and suspects that she is up to no good again. But Y/N's holds him back by an arm, he would not hurt you to get to her.
"Enough!" the turtles stop their arguing when Splinter comes in. Raph drops his sais. Then he sees her in the middle of the group.
Splinter: Miwa."
"Splinter." Karia makes a subtle bow to him.
"Come with me." Karai follows Splinter into the dojo and Raph angrily punches Leo on the shoulder. And Y/N does the same to Raph.
(Karai enters the dojo and she halts to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the tree.)
Splinter: I retain very little from my old life, but this I will never let go my daughter." he hands her a photo. It showed the other half of her original photo.
Karai's eyes widen. Karai then sees the family portrait on the shelf. "I...I can't believe it. You're telling the truth." Taking in a new fact she backs away from shock. "All these years, the Shredder has been lying to me."
All of the team hear this from outside. "Wait, you can't believe it?" Leo questions. "I thought you did believe it."
Y/N: If you didn't believe it, why did you come down here?"
"Father.... What have I done?" horror passes her features. So much was going through her mind. This big realization was bringing many memories up of her false life.
"You had to see with your own eyes. You had to learn the truth for yourself." Splinter places his hands on her shoulders, reassuring her and giving her a stronghold to hang onto.
Riki: Yes. You are stubborn Karai, you had to see it with your own eyes.
Karai: You knew!'
Riki: Of course, I know you.
"You knew." Karai looks up to her father and at Riki. "You knew I was lying." she says apologetically to her real father and the brothers for the deception, much to Raphael's ire.
"No doubt the Shredder's forces are on their way." Splinter states.
"What was that last part?" Donnie asks.
"Tigerclaw is tracking me." she shows us the device.
"I TOLD YOU!" Raph yells in Leo's ear making him wince.
Y/N/Leo: Karai!"
"There's no time to argue. I have to get out of here. I can- I can lead Tiger Claw away." Karai desperately tries to make amends and volunteers. It was a very brave decision on her part. Her sudden change of alliances proves she had a good heart.
Splinter: Go, take Karai and watch over her." Splinter orders. "I will stay with April, Chloe, and Ethan and attend to Casey and Timothy."
"Some of us choose to be right all the time." Raphael throws shade at Karai, for her misdeeds. But she ignores him. Y/N shoves Raph forward.
"Will you just go?" Leo angrily orders him.
(Y/N were no longer wary of Karai and you walked next to her, not behind her. Splinter watches as his family leaves, together. He leaves the dojo to check on the others.
Y/N: Riki you will stay."
Riki: But Y/-."
Y/N: If he takes you hostage I don't know what can happen and I never want to see you be controlled or at their mercy ever again...please do this for me." (She nods her head and hugs him before he leaves.)
Riki: Please be careful."
Y/N: I will."
"Do you think he's gonna be okay?" April asks.
Casey groans as he slightly awakens with blurry vision. "April, Why did you have to bring Irma again? She's so nasty." the two glance at each other from his odd concussion talk.
Y/N: Why don't we destroy the tracking device?"
(They're already running down the tunnels.)
"And when it does I'll have to explain to Tigerclaw, he can't be tricked that easily." Karai replies sadly. It's like she's stuck between something, indecisive.
Y/N: Karai. You're not alone in this fight. You have your real family with you now."
Karai: Thanks Y/N.
(Y/N slides in after Leo)
"Well, princess? You got us into this. Where to?" Raph asks, still irked he's even doing this but Y/N eyes him so he doesn't talk bad with Karai.
Karai: (Pants catching her breath.) "I... I don't know."
"Everyone, stop!" Mikey says halting our thoughts. "I know exactly where to go."
"I feel scared." Donnie meekly says. Y/N pats his back to muster some bravery.
(Mikey's idea was to lead Tiger Claw to a frozen meat shop. Y/N quickly tells Karai to get in place in case something goes unplanned. The door is kicked down.)
The Tiger sniffs the icy air. "I can't smell you, but I can hear you." Y/N wisp past him using the hanging meat to hide from his predatory view. "Show yourselves!" Leo passes by him. "They're stalking me." he takes out his blade.
(Y/N stands behind him from a great distance which he notices and this allows Mikey to dropkick Tigerclaw in the face. Y/N disappears and Tigerclaw slashes a rack of meat in half.)
TigerClaw: Are you afraid to face me?" (Y/N jumps high enough to knee him in the face. "Ah!" then he disappears once more.) "Are you afraid to fight me?" (His ears twitch and he catches Raph's leg before it meets him, then he throws him. Raph loses a sai in the process and it's caught by Tigerclaw. He walks backwards into the cutting room.) "Let us finish this."
(The five of them walk in as well. Karai had found the breaker and she messed with the lights to give them an opportunity.)
(Put Y/N between Leo and Raph)
(However, the lights weren't the only thing to turn on, the saw on the table also did. The main experts and powerhouses attack Tigerclaw from both sides. Tigerclaw pinpoints the weakness for Leo and Raph using a sai against Leo and his sword against Raph. Both types of weapons cancel each other out in the process. And you've seen many fights and techniques used by Raph and Leo to know what happens next. Tigerclaw jams each of his weapons in the others and flings the two brothers in different directions.)
(Tigerclaw is a force to be reckoned with if he has mastery over those fundamentals. Donnie comes in to strike with his bo staff, but it only gets bitten down on and he's swing into the wall. He raises the sai to finish Donnie but then Mikey's chain wraps around his muscular arm before he lands a stab. Y/N disarms him of Raph's sai, it clatters below him and Y/N grabs it. Mikey pulls back on the chain forcing TigerClaws arm to be open and not guarding his body. Raph goes in for a chance to inflict damage only using one sai.)
(Tigerclaw deflects his attacks. Raph jumps up to the hanging lights and TigerClaws eyes follow him to meet up with Leo's who jumps down to cut off Tigerclwas arm. The chains are pulled and Mikey loses his footing letting Leo cut the chain instead of the arm. Mikey tumbles back into the fridge area again. when Mikey jumps back into the battle TigerClaw aims for his head, he ducks but then is grabbed by the back of his shell and is slammed on the floor then thrown across the room at the wall.)
(Y/N face off with Tigerclaw clashing swords with Y/N's beastia fang claws. His claws graze Y/N's arm.)
(TigerClaw goes to swipe at Y/N's throat, but like any action, it requires speed to be put into effect. Y/N's hand meets with his paw and he pushes back on it bending it back.)
Y/N: I'm not afraid of you Tigerclaw.
(TigerClaw growls at Y/N aiming for his chest with his sword. Y/N stops it with Raph's sai. It was a stalemate.)
(Or so Y/N thought. Tigerclaw suddenly gained the upper hand, literally his sheer strength alone was one he could not put up with. Y/N flipped away as he aimed for hisheart. Leo tags with him and he jumps high from the table but is cornered on the floor.)
(Y/N rushes to check on Mikey as you haven't heard any of his jokes or even laughter. He was behind a table.)
Y/N: Oh no." (Mikey groans as he lift his head up.)
Karai appears from her hiding spot and lands behind Tigerclaw. "Karai, would you like the honor of finishing him?" he points his sword at Leo's throat. He's offering the chance that he stopped her from doing it before.
Karai: I have no honor...
(She kicks TigerClaw in the face and attacks Tigerclaw with her Tanto. He catches it between his paws and slams her on the table her head barely missing the moving saw. She does a spin kick on her arms and lands a kick to his face. When she attacks again Tigerclaws palm struck her stomach and rib cage, sending her back to a railing which possibly injured her spine. He picks her up by the arm, she was out cold.)
Y/N: Karai!"
(He takes out a ninja star aimed at the cat's eyes. He turns her limp body facing Y/N. The brothers stand up once more to face him again.)
(She's used as a hostage to keep them at bay. He turns on the meat grinder.)
TigerClaw: If you value her life, do not take another step." (Leo and Raph halts their steps and Y/N don't dare attack Tigerclaw as he hovers Karai over the grinder.) Just as I thought." (He throws Karai over his shoulder.)
(Y/N throws your star at his jetpack it lands, but he still escapes out the window.)
"No!" Leo shouts. "Come on, we have to-" he's cut off when Mikey groans in pain.
"Wow. I think his shell was knocked loose." Donnie says. 'We have to get him back to Master Splinter."
"Karai..." Leo says worriedly.
"I still don't trust her." Raph says firmly. Raph was very protective of Mikey as the youngest looks up to him. Since he was harmed by someone, not part of his family he does not want the risk of his siblings hurt again.
"Are you kidding? She saved us." Leo refutes.
"The Shredder raised her. Daddy's probably welcoming her home right now."
Y/M: That's enough Raph this conversation is over." (He pulls Mikey onto his back, leaving the butchers while the others stare after him.)
Back in the Shredder's lair...
Tigerclaw brings Karai before Oroku Saki. "She has betrayed you, Master Shredder. She fought alongside the Turtles and Cheetah."
"Tell me the truth! Splinter is my father, isn't he?
Shredder finally turns to face her and walks down from his throne. ".....Yes. Hamato Yoshi is your true father."
"What?" she lowers her head in shock. Her whole life was a lie, her mother's death that she sought vengeance on was a total lie. A falsehood.
"Tigerclaw, take her away." he orders.
Karai is thrown into a cell and the gate is shut closed. "No. No! No, what are you doing?" Shredder doesn't look back at her. "NOOO!" Her hand reaches out to nothing. No one was there to help her. She was alone in a cell. She felt like her entire life was crashing down.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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