The Weird World of Wyrm

(Leo and the others dropped down into the middle of a dojo, ninja mode, scoping the area out.)

Raph moved to Leo's side. "I don't know. Looks empty, guys."

"We're not alone here," Y/N said, ears twitching. "I can feel it." He kept his sword held out, ready for anything.

(Something slammed into Raph and tackled him away, taking her by surprise.)

"Razar!" Riki yelled as Raph was slammed into the wall. The dog mutant laughed, throwing the hothead aside, though he flipped back onto his feet.

"That makes two of us."

(Timothy jumped out of the way as Dogpound threw a punch.)

"Dogpound?" Donnie questioned in bewilderment.

Chloe blinked when the lights behind her turned on, revealing the silhouettes of the two mutants. They disappeared and instead, one of a man stood in their place. "Huh?" Chloe turned to see.

"Chris Bradford Fact #48: Chris Bradford always carries around four weapons of mass destruction: his arms and his legs."

(He ran out from behind the dividers and lunged at Chloe, punching her in the face and delivering a chop to the back of her neck, a kick to her gut and a stomp to her head.)

Chloe: Ow.

"Oh, snap! Chris Bradford!" Mikey yelled.

"Huah!" Bradford stood tall as his mutant counterparts moved in beside him.

"Wow. All three of them at the same time. This is so cool!" Donnie yelled.

(Razar attacked first, pouncing at them. They scattered and Leo used both his katanas to block Razar's claws. Raph ran at Dogpound, punching him multiple times.)

"Bring it, Dogpound!"

(Dogpound got a hold of Raph by the torso and slammed him to the ground.)

"Booyakasha!" Mikey shouted, jumping at Bradford, leg extended for a kick. Bradford smirked and blocked his foot with his arm, sending a punch to his gut and then an uppercut, kicking him away.

"Don't hold back, guys!" Leo said, shoving Razar. He moved his swords to his sides and rolled underneath Razar as he went to grab him. Y/N sprang into the fight and jumped at Razar, bringing up his saber for the finishing move.

(Donnie spun his staff around and jumped up, swinging for Dogpound, only to hit the ground as Dogpound moved back and away. Donnie landed in a crouch and Leo jumped up, springing off his shell. He sliced his blades across the mutant dog's head, landing on top of him as he fell to the ground, defeated.)

(Bradford did a high kick, transitioning to a low spin kick. Mikey dodged both and when Bradford went for a punch, Mikey turned his shell to him and his fist made contact with it. Bradford held his hand in pain and Chloe jumped in with a boost from Riki, kicking Bradford into his office and knocking him out.)

"Bradford's out!" she declared.

(Timothy spun his shuriken in his hands before putting them away. Leo sheathed hisswords, stepping off of Dogpound as he vanished along with the other two and the dojo faded away, replaced by a white room with glowing lines down the walls.)

"Not bad...for holograms," Raph stated.

Teenage Mutant Ninja-

Leo: The Evil Triceratons invaded Earth, they brought with them the invincible black hole generator that swallowed the entire planet! My family and I escaped, thanks to the mysterious robot called the Fugitoid. Now, we're trying to stop the Triceratons anyway we can!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Leonardo's the leader in blue

Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through

Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines

Raphael has the most attitude on the team

Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!

Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need

To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

"Pretty cool, right?" April asked as they walked out of the holo-trainer room. "Three Bradfords for the price of one holo-trainer."

"It was incredible, April!" Donnie responded. "Solid holograms. Ingenious!"

Raph shrugged. "Eh. It was a little soft. Maybe you could dial it up next time."

"I can program a rematch where your opponents actually break bones if you'd like, Raphael," Fugitoid suggested with a beep.

Raph stared for a moment. "Eh, next time."

(Mikey had gone over to the think-a-food machine where Casey was sitting. It opened up and a large wire came out with a suction cup-looking thing at the end. The cup placed itself in the center of Casey's forehead and he closed his eyes to concentrate.)

"My mighty mental powers command a giant double meat all meat burger meal!"

(A small light blinked for a moment before it flashed and out came what Casey had said, earning a wide smile.)

"Dude, I love the think-a-food machine," Mikey said. "It's, like, way less than 30 minutes or less." A tube placed itself on his head and he concentrated on what he wanted. The tube retracted itself and the mess of food he'd asked for appeared before him.

Casey stood up to see what he'd ordered. The vigilante quickly looked grossed out by the food. "Ugh. What is wrong with you, Mikey?"

"Were you satisfied with the holo-training session, Leonardo?" Fugitoid asked, walking over to where he was sitting.

"Yeah, Fugitoid, it was cool and all," Leo responded. "It's just, we have six months to find the pieces of the black hole device before the Triceratons find them. Are we still tracking the mothership?"

Fugitoid paused for a moment. "...Okay, okay! Big oops! I may have, possibly, lost the Triceratons." He pressed his fingers together nervously, looking guilty.

"What!?" Y/N exclaimed.

"What kind of cyborg are you??" Casey shouted.

"Calm down, guys," Riki said. "I'm sure he has a solution. Getting angry about it won't help the problem. 

(An alarm started going off, catching their attention.)

"A distress signal!" Donnie said.

(They quickly ran back to the bridge.)

"Is is the Triceratons?" April asked, standing beside Fugitoid.

Fugitoid: The distress call is coming from this ship.

"Any survivors?" Leo asked, looking out at the ship in the front of the window.

"Hard to tell, Captain," Timothy answered, typing into a console. "Getting lots of strange interference.

"Space rescue mission? That is so heavy metal." Casey slid into view and did the air guitar motion.

"Looks...old. Who knows how long it's been there," Chloe said, looking the ship over.

"Only way to answer our questions is to board," Y/N said.

"Suit up, people," Leo ordered.

(Once they got to the wreckage of the ship, they saw just how big it really was.)

"Look at the size of this. Asteroid damage?" Chloe asked as they floated inside, looking around.

"I don't think so." Timothy and the others activated their grav-boots while Clunk had his own suit and walked beside them. Timothy examined stared around the opening of the wreckage. "The hole was blasted from the inside out." He pointed at the ceiling where Donnie was shining a light from his scanner to show off the damage and get a read on the ship. "Strange."

(Donnie took the lead, lighting the way with his staff.)

"I don't know about you guys, but...I'm getting creeped out just by being in here. Maybe we should head back. There could be no survivors," Ethan said.

"What, are you scared?" Riki teased with a smirk.

"Any space horror movie ringing any bells in that thick skull of yours?" Ethan retorted.

"We can't know for sure just standing around. Come on."

"Maybe they were attacked from the inside," Raph suggested. "Or maybe the crew did it." He screamed, startled, and fell back to the floor upon seeing a body in a spacesuit hanging right in front of them.

"Sadly, there is no one left." Fugitoid's voice came over the comms. "My sensors detect nothing alive on board that ship."

(Donnie lifted his staff, illuminating the dead bodies in spacesuits hanging from the wires of the ship above them.)

Eiki blinked, staring up at the bodies. "Whoa. That is...beyond unsettling."

"So eerie," April said. "It's like a horror movie waiting to happen. I don't even have to be psychic to get a bad feeling about this place."

"See? Even April agrees," Ethan said. "Come on, guys, let's just go. Something's wrong with this place."

Casey shoved past them, flying on his back with his hands behind his head. "I have a bad feeling, too. Like, this is totally boring! I wish something not boring would happen."

Riki grabbed his foot and pulled her toward him, poking his helmet. "You take that back, you idiot! This is a simple search and rescue. Nothing needs to happen! This could have been a nice, calm day with no threatening disaster, but now you just jinxed us!" She sighed upon noticing he wasn't paying attention to her, floating away to check something out.

"I got it! I bet they blew up the ship because of Squirrelanoids!" Mikey said.

"Squirrelanoids?" Riki echoed.

"Don't ask..." Y/N said. "And that's not possible, Mikey. Squirrelanoids only exist on Earth, not in space. They're mutants, not aliens."

"That idea's so stupid it makes my head blow up." Raph crossed his arms, staring at Mikey.

"What's this?"

(Leo turned at Casey's voice and they all walked over to see what he'd found.)

April placed her hand on his shoulder, startling him and lifting the object he found out of reach. She laughed. "What are you so afraid of there, scaredy cat? What do you got there, Casey?"

"It's mine!" he said, turning away from them and holding it close.

(Y/N's ears twitched at a buzzing sound and he turned to notice a lone corpse floating in the middle of the ship, helmet light flickering on and off. His tail twitched uneasily and he put a hand on the hilt of his saber.)

"Hello?" April called cautiously.

(The light continued to flicker until it died. Then it flashed back on and the corpse came to life, looking right at them with a roar. They all screamed.)

(Casey shoved Donnie forward. He shone his staff's light around the wreckage, showing the entire alien crew brought back to life.)

"Astro-zombies?" Casey questioned. "Wicked!"

"I knew we should have left when we had the chance! I knew it!" Ethan growled.

"Jones!" Riki groaned. "I told you, you jinxed us!"

"We gotta get out of here!" Leo pulled out his swords and ran at the zombies. The others followed. Leo turned at a yell from his baby brother to see one of the zombies had a hold of him. He deactivated his grav boots and floated over, slicing its head off and kicking its body away.

"You're not getting my brain, zombie!" Mikey backed away. More came out of the ship to grab at him, making him scream more.

"It would help if you had some!" Raph yelled, finishing off one zombie. He flew over, stomping his foot in the zombie's helmet and crushing it. "Aw, snap! Chalk two up for Raph!"

Casey laughed, batting a helmet around with his hockey stick like a puck as he ran, body-checking two zombies in his way. "Goongala!" he shouted, slamming his stick into the helmet and sending it flying to the zombies blocking the way out.

(A zombie caught it and the inside lit up, revealing the photon pucks Casey had placed inside. The pucks exploded, wiping out the zombies blocking the hole.)

(With the way clear, they took their chance, jumping out of the wreckage and flying back to the ship. Mikey turned back to the wreckage to blow raspberries at the zombies still inside, only to scream upon noticing the zombie hand crawling on him, though he managed to shake it off.)

"How odd," Fugitoid said once they were safely back in the bridge of the ship. "There hasn't been an astro-zombie plague in 6,000 years."

Donnie typed into one of the consoles and looked up at the wreckage on screen. "That empty ship's been beaming a distress call for decades."

"Shouldn't we go back and shut it down, then?" Riki asked. "So no one else stumbles into the zombie plague?"

"Actually, it looks like it's already been shut down. Maybe it had an automated system that alerted it when we stepped on board and shut off by itself."

"Well, somebody left behind this cool-looking souvenir," Casey said, tossing up the glowing cube he'd taken and catching it again.

"Impossible. You found a hypercube?" Fugitoid asked, walking over.

Y/N blinked. "A what now?"

"Hypercubes are keys to a higher plane where fifth-dimensional beings dwell." Fugitoid moved in front of Casey and placed his hand on the cube, going to pull it away. Casey resisted. "I'll be keeping this for now and putting it someplace safe--where it can't be opened!" He pulled so hard that he and Casey went flying, but Casey kept a strong grip on it.

"It belongs to me!" he whined.


(Fugitoid did eventually manage to take the cube and put it away, while Leo and the others gathered on the couch to watch an episode of a TV they'd found called 'Chris Bradford's 2Ruff Krew.')

Mikey laughed. "I can't believe Chris Bradford had his own show back in the '80s. It's so lame it's awesome."

"Or just lame," Y/N muttered.

"Ugh, I know." Ethan rolled his eyes. "The acting is just horrible."

Raph crossed his arms. "I can't believe you used to worship that guy. What do you think, Casey?" He blinked at the lack of response, looking around the room. "Casey?"

"You don't think he...?" Chloe trailed off.

"Oh, I totally do think he did," Y/N sighed, getting to his feet.

(Y/N led the others down into the bowels of the ship where Fugitoid had taken the cube to lock away. They met Fugitoid on the way there and he explained Casey had snuck off. They opened the door to the engine room to see Casey flat on his butt on the walkway.)

"Casey!" Donnie scolded. "What are you doing with that thing?"

Casey blinked, looking in front of him. "Huh?"

"The Professor said it was extremely dangerous," Timothy said, crossing her arms as Casey got back to his feet, hypercube in hands, though now it looked more like an outline than a solid shape, the lines glowing different colors.

"What hasn't been dangerous for us these days?" Chloe commented.

Timothy: Touche.

Casey quickly hid the cube when Fugitoid walked over. "It's alright, as long as he hasn't opened it." He grabbed the cube from Casey, quickly taking notice of the empty form. "Oh. It is extremely open."

(Leo saw a tentacle lower between the two, tapping Fugitoid on the shoulder. When he went to look, the tentacle went around and tapped his other shoulder. When Fugitoid finally looked, it smacked him in the head and retreated back to the ceiling.)

Y/N looked up to see a weird creature thing hanging on the ceiling, bouncing down onto its feet. "Hello, hello, my friends!" It jumped at Riki and kissed her cheek, disappearing before the brunette could punch him. "Good ta see ya. Nice ta meet cha." He leaned over and shook Casey's hand, then leaned the other way to wave at April before standing in the middle of them, spotlights shining on him as he stood with arms out. "Let me greet cha. You can call me Wyrm!" Small firework explosions went off around him.

He poofed behind Raph and started rubbing his shoulders. "Here to make pals happy, help you out." His hands detached themselves from him and started crawling on the hothead, freaking him out and eliciting a yell of surprise. "Give you some love!"

"Good on love, thanks," Y/N said.

Wyrm poofed above Doonie and held out his arm, flexing for him. "I'm the most powerful Wyrm in Ten Dimensions--" when he flexed, a small volcanic explosion erupted from his muscles and he reappeared beside Mikey, "--and all I want to do is grant you three little wishes. Well, technically two, since Casey already made the first wish."

(He pulled out a projector screen who-knew-where and set it up, eyes projecting their adventure with the astro-zombies.)

"Like, this is totally boring. I wish something not boring would happen."

"It's why the space zombies attacked!" April yelled at Casey, crossing her arms.

Riki pinched the bridge of her mouth. "Told you. He so totally jinxed us."

"Okay, so here are the rules." The projector screen vanished as Wyrm began drawing on the air with chalk. "You got two more wishes and you got to share them. We're living in hard economic times."

"Or you're just cheap," Chloe muttered to Ethan, who laughed alongside Clunk.

Mikey raised his hand. "Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!"

"You can never make a wish to get more wishes," Wyrm answered the unasked question. "Against the rules."

Mikey groaned.

Wyrm began drawing again. "Last rule: you can ever wish to hurt a Wyrm."

"So, otherwise, we can wish for anything at all?" Donnie asked. "Wow."

"That's right! So, what's it gonna be?" Wyrm jumped up with his tentacle and lounged in midair while they huddled to decide.

"So, obviously, we'll wish for an endless supply of comic books," Mikey said. "Or, oh, a space surfboard! Yes!"

"Mikey," Donnie chided. "We got to think about this seriously."

"And we have to think it through," Y/N added. "I got a bad feeling about this guy. If we're not specific on what we wish for, he very well might twist in a way that means disaster."

"The first wish has got to be 'save Earth', right? Stop the Triceratons," Raph said.

"Does that count as two wishes?" Leo asked.

"We could wish for universal peace throughout the galaxy," April suggested. "That'd cover just about everything, right?"

"Why don't we wish for the Kraang to leave Earth? That's the whole reason the Triceratons came to Earth in the first place, right?" Chloe suggested.

"That's a good one," Y/N admitted.

"How about something important, like Casey Jones becomes the ultimate super hero in the universe," Casey suggested.

"Casey! You already wasted a wish on those dumb astro-zombies," Donnie snapped. "Oh, man, I wish you weren't such a big dummy!" His eyes widened and he quickly covered his mouth with his hands. "Oops!"

"Donnie!" Leo scolded.

(Y/N closed his eyes as a sudden bright light engulfed Casey. Wyrm started laughing and the light quickly died down. Y/N opened his eyes to see Casey's skin was now an electric blue, his eyes glowing pure white.)

"Whoa," Casey started. "I can see everything. Every molecule. Every electron. I've just counted the total amount of quadratic number fields with unique factorization. I am the dopest being in all of reality!"

Donnie stared for a moment. "What have I done..."

"It's okay. We still have the third wish," April pointed out. "We can fix everything."

Wyrm appeared beside her. "Of course you can! You just need to wish. So, what's it gonna be?" They traded looks, not responding. "What's wrong? You scared of a teeny wish?"

Leo held up a hand. "Hold up. Before we make any more wishes, we're gonna discuss this carefully."

"You can have all the power in the universe, but you want to discuss it?" Wyrm snapped, disappearing in a puff of smoke.

(They traded looks again, losing their balance and falling to the floor as the ship slammed into something.)

Fugitoid pushed himself up. "We've hit something."

(They ran out to the bridge, gasping at the strange image in the window.)

"The stars! They're gone!" Chloe exclaimed.

(Rather than stars and space outside the window, there were wide, glowing lines and something behind them.)

"What the heck is going on?!" Ethan exclaimed.

"That looks...familiar..." Y/N frowned at the image.

Casey stared down at the empty hypercube and lifted it to look inside. "Our spaceship..."

Raph and Mikey screamed as Casey's eye appeared onscreen. "Giant eyeball!"

Casey lowered the cube. "We're somehow trapped both inside and outside the hypercube simultaneously in a fifth-dimensional prison."

"I find that being inside a fifth-dimensional prison really focuses the mind," Wyrm said, sitting on one of the consoles. "Now make a wish!"

"One moment, please," Fugitoid said, opening up a holographic screen. "Our friend Wyrm here is one of the three reality-bending Creators of Chaos. They were put into fifth-dimensional prisoners millennia ago and scattered through the cosmos."

(Electricity struck the robot, making him scream before he collapsed to the floor.)


"Granting all three wishes...frees the Wyrm of his prison forever."

(They took out their weapons.)

"Forget it, Wyrm," Leo snapped. "You'll never get a third wish out of us."

Wyrm stared at them and started laughing maniacally as the boys jumped at him. He used his magic to shoot lightning at them, making them go limp. Wyrm got them. "Maybe this will knock some sense into yez." He spun them into a giant ball and rolled them around the wall of the ship before hitting them with a baseball bat, breaking them apart and sending them flying into the wall and floor.

He turned his hand into a giant mallet, raising it high in the air. "Wyrm feels like causing a little chaos!" He slammed it into Riki when the cheetah jumped at him, flattening her to the floor. "Know what I'm saying?" He grinned down at Riki, glancing behind him to see Y/N flying at him with his saber out. He changed into a trampoline, throwing him backwards.

(Timothy started firing arrows at Wyrm, only for him to swallow zir arrows and shoot them back at the others through his butt.)

Casey and April stood next to each other. "Casey, you're super smart now, yeah?" she asked. "What do we do?"

"We have to think of a way to use our last wish to set things right," Ethan said.

"Arr, Cap'n Wyrm knows how to deal with a mutiny! Why even bother fighting me, you dweebs? I'm too tough for ya!" Wyrm bounced around them and Raph tackled him to the ground, pinning his body while Ethan ran at them and sliced the top of Wyrm's head off.

(Ethan stared down at Wyrm with a smirk, only for Wyrm's tongue to latch itself around his face, the body slowly beginning to eat him whole. Chloe ran over to try and pull Wyrm off, while the top of Wyrm's head flew at Timothy. Clunk jumped at Wyrm in an attempt to tackle claw him, but Wyrm made a hole in his stomach which Clunk passed through and landed in Y/N's arms.)

"Gah, this guy is freaky!" Y/N complained.

(Wyrm, with Ethan still inside, turned into a rocket and shot around the ship, pulling Chloe with him and slamming into Timothy.)

Raph growled in annoyance, slamming his fist into the floor. "Wish I had an anti-Wyrm laser cannon."

(Leo, April, Donnie and Riki snapped their attention toward Raph.)

A light appeared above the hothead, forming into a large gun and dropping into his hands. He blinked. "Huh?" A smirk formed. "Ha!" He aimed it at Wyrm, who quickly vanished, releasing Leo, Mikey and Chloe and sending them crashing to the floor.

Wyrm reappeared in front of Raph. "Oh, no! Please!" Raph pulled the trigger and the gun powered up. "Don't blast me! I know I was a little rude. A little wacky. A little off the wall!" Wyrm started crying. "I'm so sorry!"

"Not buying it, Wyrm," Raph retorted. "Get a faceful of this!" He fired the cannon, only for it to shoot out a red flag with the word 'bang' written across it instead of a laser. "What? Tha--That's not fair! I made a wish!"

"Of course it's fair." Wyrm smirked. "Remember? Last rule." He held up a puppet he got from who-knew-where and started making it talk. "You can never ever make a wish to hurt a Wyrm."

(The ship started shaking and Wyrm laughed as the hypercube lifted into the air. Wyrm grabbed it and wrapped his tentacle around Fugitoid, shocking him so the robot turned on with a beep.)

"And now the Wyrm is free to rule the cosmos," the robot said.

Wyrm dropped the hypercube onto the floor. "Yeah, that's the fun part! Come on." He slammed his foot into the cube, shattering it. "I'll show you!" The cube around the ship shattered, the stars reappearing through the window. "Space is much too crowded." He tapped a conductor's baton on Fugitoid's head before tossing him aside. "We're gonna do some space cleaning!" He started waving the baton, blowing up planets left and right and eliciting screams from everyone.

(Y/N put down Clunk, tightened his grip around his saber and sprang at Wyrm. He froze him in midair and tossed him back toward the others like it was nothing.)

"Why did I make that last wish?" Raph groaned, hitting his fist on the ground.

"'Cause you can't keep your mouth shut," Y/N growled, getting back to his feet. "There has to be a way to fix this."

April looked over at Casey. "We got to do something, Casey."

"There's nothing we can do, April," Casey responded. "I've calculated 980,000 different scenarios, and they all end with Wyrm ruling the cosmos." He walked past the red-head to stand between the group and Wyrm. "Wyrm is the most powerful being in reality, so it makes perfect sense for me, the most intelligent being in the universe, to join him."

"What are you doing, Casey!?" Riki snapped, ears flat.

"The only smart thing, Riki. Teaming up with Wyrm." Casey smirked as Wyrm crept toward them and swallowed all of them whole.

(They were suddenly in a hockey rink, wearing helmets and holding hockey sticks. A blue light turned on, lighting up the ice rink.)

"Time to play, fellas!" They looked up as more lights turned on to see multiple versions of Casey. They started playing hockey, greatly outmatching Leo and the others and ending up with them sliding into the net. Wyrm watched from behind the glass, holding April captive.

(The scene changed, various Caseys now chasing them through the streets of New York. Soon enough, they ended up cornered by the ones in vehicles. The vehicles came right at them and they screamed, bracing for the impact, but it never came.)


"See? My wishes work great," Wyrm said, everyone back on the ship's bridge. "Look what you could have had." He wrapped an arm around Casey's shoulders. "I'll tell you what, smart guy. You and I will rule the universe together."

They fist-bumped. "Sa-wa-wa-weet."

"Casey, you jerk!" Raph snapped, glaring at him.

Wyrm appeared behind them. "First I need a little proof of your loyalty. Destroy the mutants!"

"I agree, Wyrmy," Casey said, eliciting gasps from the others. "Let's squash 'em!"

"Casey... How could you?" April whispered in disbelief.

"But if I'm gonna take 'em out once and for all, I'm gonna need a wish."

Wyrm reappeared between him and the others. "Hmm. Fine." He disappeared and reappeared beside him. "You get a wish bonus!" He laughed.

"Casey, I can't believe it. Who are you?" April backed away as Casey advanced toward them.

"I wish..." Casey turned to Wyrm, pointing at the creator of chaos, "we never found that stupid hypercube in the first place!"

"What!?" Wyrm shouted. "You--y-y-y-you can't wish that!"

They all started cheering.

"Oh, wow," Leo laughed. "Not so dumb after all!"

"Casey, you're a genius!" Riki cheered and hugged while rubbing her cheek against his.

"But--but--but--if you never found the cube, then none of this ever happened," Wyrm said, panicked now. "And--and--" He wailed.

"You granted me a wish, and now you got to make it," Casey said with a smirk.

"No, no, no, no! Your--y-your wish is m-my c-c-command! No!"

(Time is reversed all the way back to when they were in that ship.)

"So eerie," April said. "It's like a horror movie waiting to happen. I don't even have to be psychic to get a bad feeling about this place."

"See? Even April agrees," Ethan said. "Come on, guys, let's just go. Something's wrong with this place."

Casey shoved past them, flying on his back with his hands behind his head. "I have a bad feeling, too. Like, this is totally boring! I wish some--"

"No!" April snapped suddenly. "Don't wish anything! I-I don't know why, but just don't say a word."

Casey blinked. "Okay, red. What's the big deal? Man."

Fugitoid's voice came over the comms. "My sensors detect nothing left alive on that ship. You should all return immediately. I believe I have a lead on the Triceraton mothership."

"Woo! Nice work, Fugitoid! I knew you could do it!" Riki grinned.

(They started walking back toward the entrance of the wreck. As they got there and the others started flying back toward the ship, Leo paused. He looked back into the dark wreckage of the ship.)

"Hey, did you guys hear a voice?"

"Hmm?" Ethan stopped and looked at him.

Leo blinked, shaking his head. "Ah, never mind." He de-activated his grav boots and kicked off the wreckage.  I have this weird sense of deja-vu."

Wyrm: It's not fair! Come back and make a wish! You hear me? LET ME OUT OF HERE!!

(Wyrm, caught helplessly in the cube, can only despair of his lost liberation...)

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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