The War for Dimension X

Teenage Mutant Ninja-

Leo: The Evil Triceratons invaded Earth, they brought with them the invincible black hole generator that swallowed the entire planet! My family and I escaped, thanks to the mysterious robot called the Fugitoid. Now, we're trying to stop the Triceratons anyway we can!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Leonardo's the leader in blue

Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through

Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines

Raphael has the most attitude on the team

Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!

Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need

To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

"Okay, okay, focus Mikey," Donnie said. He and the others (minus April, Timothy, Chloe, and Casey) were all in the scout craft, dressed in their spacesuits. "This is basic stuff."

"Donnie, are you seriously trying to explain black holes to Mikey again?" Raph asked, sounding amused. "It's a waste of time!"

Mikey rolled his eyes. "Whatever. I can do science stuff. Pshhh. I'm great at dancing the robot."

"The robot dance isn't science," Ethan said.

"It is when I do it." He started doing the robot. "Beep-bop. Beep-bop boop-bop."

"Speaking as a robot...that's actually pretty good!" Fugitoid said.

"Black holes suck in everything," Donnie said. "Not even light can escape a black hole's gravitational singularity."

"Why not?" Mikey asked. "Beep-bop, boop-bop."

"Because they're infinitely dense," Donnie responded.

"So, they're just like you, Mikey," Raph said with a smirk.

They all started laughing, Mikey included. "Ha-ha! Good one! ...I don't get it."

"Alright, enough goofing around, ninjas," Leo said. "We gotta stay focused. We need to find the next piece of the black hole device before the Triceratons do."

"So, Fugitoid, why do you think the Utrom can help us?" Ethan asked.

"Because the Utrom are the ones who separated the black hole generator pieces and scattered them across the universe to keep them safe," Fugitoid responded.

"Plus, visiting the Utrom means getting to go back to Dimension X!" Mikey said excitedly. "Whoo-hoo!"

"Yeah," Y/N said flatly. "Whoo-hoo..."

(Riki could understand his reluctance. The last time the two of them had been in Dimension X, they'd spent for years there as Kraang prisoners being experimented on.)

"I still feel bad about having to leave April, Timothy, Chloe and Casey back on the ship to guard the other fragment," Riki said with Clunk cuddled on her lap. "They seemed pretty mad."

"Nah," Mikey responded. "I bet they're over it by now."

"Projecting the portal," Fugitoid announced. A swirling, glowing orange-and-white portal opened in front of them. He moved the craft into the portal and they entered Dimension X. Fugitoid landed the craft on a nearby platform.

"Yes!" Mikey cheered as they stepped out of the scout craft. "Back in Dimension X! Why, hello, Scatterpillar." He started greeting the nearby creatures. "How's it going, little Squeebles?" He picked up a worm and cuddled it. "Mmmm..."

(Roaring caught their attention and they turned to see a Kraathatrogon flying toward them.)

"Hey, there, giant Kraang worm," Mikey greeted. They all screamed, though Mikey seemed unbothered. A larger creature jumped up and grabbed the Kraathatrogon in its mouth before flying off.

Mikey smirked. "Ah, yes, bros. The circle of life.."

"I hate Dimension X more than I hate space!" Raph growled.

"The sooner we find the Utrom, the sooner we leave," Donnie said. "Professor?"

"Oh! Me?" Fugitoid asked, brought out of his thoughts. "Yes. Right." He shook his head. "Uh, um...according to my scanner, the Utrom are...uh...this way." He started walking, not paying attention to where he was going, and walked into one of the crystal plants. "Dimension X is muh-messing with my scaaan-sc-scanners."

"Are you kidding me?" Y/N growled. "That's great! Now what?"

"I got the answer right here, dawg!" Mikey threw down a smoke bomb to change into his 'Savage Mikey' outfit, forgoing his spacesuit. 

Raph facepalmed. "Calm down, Raph. You knew it was coming. Calm down."

"Don't worry," Mikey said. "Savage Mikey, dudes." He used the worms to grapple toward another platform. "Follow us!"

(They all shared a glance and ran after him, leaping from platform to platform.)

"Dimension X tip number 23--never put a mushropod between your toes," Mikey said as they landed on another platform. "It could try to eat 'em." He jumped off. "Learned that one the hard way."

"Why would we ever stick anything from Dimension X between our toes?" Donnie demanded.

(Mikey stopped suddenly and Ethan faltered trying not to crash into them, only for the others to fall on top of them with the Fugitoid landing safely behind them.)

"Mikey, why'd you stop?" Leo asked as they all got back up.

"Because...we're here," Mikey responded.

"What?" Y/N questioned. "I don't see anything!"

"Duh, Y/N. Kind of the point." Mikey threw a rock and it vanished in the air, sending out a ripple to temporarily reveal the next platform and the structure on it.

"A cloaking dome!" Fugitoid said. "Brilliant."

(Mikey gave them a smug smile and backflipped through the dome, disappearing. They all traded looks again before jumping through.)

"Whoa!" Donnie said, looking up at the structure. "Now, that's a headquarters!"

(A bunch of Kraang-droids appeared out of nowhere, guns aimed at them.)

"Who are you?" the droid asked. "How did you find our secret base? And why did you throw a rock at my head?"

"Bishop!" Fugitoid chirped, walking over. "Good to see you, old friend!"

The droid seemed confused at first, though understood after performing some sort of secret handshake with the robot. "Professor Honeycutt! Good to see you. Despite your strange, robotic body and your...very large head."

"Thank you. I think. But I need the attention of the full Utrom council. Please."

"Anything for you, Zayton. This way." He led them inside the base and the twins put away their weapons. He gave them metal bands of some kind that were supposed to let them breathe, allowing them to ditch their spacesuits and helmets.

"Dude, those neck breathing thingies you guys got are cool!" Mikey said.

"Shh, Mikey!" Donnie hushed.

Bishop led them into a large, circular room holding a large table, three other Kraangdroids waiting for them: an Irmabot, one with a mustache and no suit, and a Mrs. Campbell. "Professor and heroes, allow me to present the sacred high council of the Utrom--Pawn, Rook, and Queen."

(Unlike the Kraang versions, these droids used lighter colors--pale blues and whites instead of blacks and purples.)

"Whoa! They look just like Irma and Miss Campbell," Mikey said.

"The Council acknowledges the Professor and the mutants," Mrs. Campbell--Queen--responded.

(Chairs appeared behind them and they all sat down at the table.)

"Utrom, these mutants are protectors of Earth," Fugitoid explained. "They have fought the Kraang and are worthy of your help."

"The Utrom are already aware of the brothers and all of the good they have done for the planet Earth," Queen responded.

"So, why didn't ya help us before?" Raph asked.

"Because Earthlings cannot always be trusted!" Irmabot--Rook--responded. "You are an irrational species. Still, you should know the truth...about the Utroms."

(A panel in the table opened, projecting a hologram to give a visual aid for the story they were about to tell.)

"For millions of nextons, the Utrom all had individual personalities," Queen began. "Then one nexton, an Utrom scientist named "Kraang" discovered the mutagen of the Kraathatrogon Worm. Kraang Prime was born, becoming deranged in the process. He used his horrible psychic powers to overcome millions of Utrom, turning them into slave-copies of himself! And so, the Kraang were born."

"There were many Utrom who resisted Prime's control, but now less than 100 exist," Bishop stated, the panel disappearing with the hologram.

Fugitoid nodded. "What happened to your race is a tragedy...but perhaps you can help us avoid another one."

"We were able to get one of the pieces of the Heart of Darkness, but we need the others," Donnie explained. "It's the only way to save Earth!"

"You found one of the pieces?" Queen questioned.

"No, n-n-n-no-no!" the French Kraang-droid--Pawn--shouted, his suit glitching out. "Bad...bad, bad!" He fell to the floor.

"No one should have such power!" Rook said quickly. "We took pains to hide the pieces in the safest parts of the galaxy!"

Leo stood, hands hitting the table. "Safest? The first piece corrupted the entire race of Aeons!"



"No way!"

"Sacre b-b-b-bleu!"

Fugitoid stood up. "Utrom, I have a plan to destroy the generator once and for all."

"Impossible!" Pawn said, pulling himself up. "Zee Heart of Darkness cannot be destroyed!"

"Utrom, we must discuss this," Bishop said.

(The Council gathered at the other end of the room, speaking quietly with one another. Leo and the others waited patiently for them to finish. The Council turned.)

"The High Council has reached a decision!" Queen said.

Ethan smiled. "Great!"

"We are officially opening discussion on the topic of helping you," Rook stated. "The debate shall last for the next 100 nextons."

"Excuse me?!" Y/N snapped with Clunk on his head. "But we need your help now, not 100 'whatever-ons' from now!"

Leo: Utrom, please.. We've come from the future! The Triceratons find all the pieces and destroy Earth! We saw it happen!

Riki whined. "Our home, our loved ones were taken from us by the Triceratons and that weapon. have to help us save them..."

Mikey jumped on the table. "Oolong, that Black Hole thingy is the only chance we have! You gotta help us!" He gave them the puppy eyes. "Pleeeeassse?"

Queen lowered her head, closing her eyes. "Perhaps we can--" She gasped as Kraang portals suddenly opened around the room.

"Oh, no," Donnie said as Kraang-droids came through, guns aimed at them.

(Subprime laughed maniacally as he entered through a portal.)

"Oh, not this doofus again," Y/N groaned.

"So the long-hidden Utrom base, revealed to us by none other than those miserable mutants," Subprime said. "How awesome has Kraang Subprime's day become?"

(The Kraang started shooting and Leo and his, nephew, pet, and siblings reacted quickly. Leo used his swords to block the line of fire. Mikey was yelling as he took out three Kraang-droids.)

"Enough with the savage yells!" Raph yelled at him.

"Don't diss my sweet yell 'till you try it!" Mikey shouted back.

(Subprime walked past him and toward Queen, aiming his cannon at her. Queen took a frightened step back, but Bishop jumped in, grabbed the weapon, and aimed at some Kraang-droids just as it fired. He jumped out of the line of attack.)

"How long I have waited for this, Subprime."

"You stole my body. She was my creation!" Rook said. She jumped to attack, only for Subprime to grab her by the face.

"Aw, my heart bleeds for ya." Subprime threw Rook into Bishop, knocking them both down. "Hah!" He noticed Queen taking down a Biotroid and shot her, electrocuting her and breaking her droid. "Your Majesty," he said as she crawled out of her body. Subprime picked her up.

"Let me go, Subprime," Queen snapped.

"Queen!" Bishop shouted.

"So long, morons! I'll be taking a parting gift." Subprime disappeared into a portal with Queen, his Kraang-droids following.

Y/N sliced his Saber through a Biotroid and Clunk blasted one away with fire. Raph kicked another biotroid down. Mikey jumped down beside them. "Let's go, dudes!" They ran into the portal after Queen and it closed once they were through.

(Y/N was through first. Mikey appeared beside her and Raph ran into him, catching the attention of a droid. Y/N grabbed both of his brothers, pulling them behind a wall, as the droid looked back. Seeing nothing, it walked away and the portal closed.)

"Thanks, bro," Raph said.

"Come on, stay close," he ordered, running ahead. He took the lead as the other two followed behind him. The droids were gone.

"Argh--how did we lose her already?" Raph snapped.

"I would know such fury anywhere," a familiar voice said from a cell. Mona Lisa appeared in the window. "Raphael!"

Raph gasped. "Mona...Lisa?"

Mikey blinked. " that your girlfrie--" He screamed, startled, as Raph ran past him to stab the door mechanism.

Mikey: Dude, keep it down. They'll hear.

The door opened. "What are you doing here?" Raph asked. "I didn't think I'd ever see you again."

(Mona picked him up, pressing her nose against his.)

Mikey rolled his eyes, walking over. "Come on, people. No time for kissy-face." He pulled them apart. "We're on a mission to rescue the Utrom Queen, remember?"

"Utrom Queen?" Sal Commander questioned. "The Utrom and the Kraang are one and the same!"

Mona nodded in agreement. "We thought they could be trusted, but we found out the hard way."

(Y/N's ears twitched and he gasped, shoving them all into the cell and closing the door, saving them from being spotted by the passing Kraangdroids. He looked out the window once they'd passed.)

"Okay, first, it was a mistake to even consider that the Kraang would join you," he asserted. "All they do is cower and hide. Second, the Kraang and Utrom aren't the same, Sal. Trust me on that."

Mikey nodded. "We only work with the good guys."

"Good Kraang?" Sal growled. "You expect us to believe in such a thing? Rokka rokka!"

"We tried to trust the Kraang, and it landed us in prison," Mona stated. "How can we trust the Utrom?"

"I was skeptical at first, too, Mona," Raph said. "But these Utrom...they helped us."

(The Salamandrians considered the words, sharing a glance.)


"I move to instate Parliamentary procedure 43-dash-296," Rook stated.

"Guys!" Leo said. "No more discussions! We need action!"

"No discussion," Bishop responded. "Parliamentary procedure 43-dash-296 is all-out war. Utrom-droids...prepare!"

(A group of droids entered the room, coming to stand at attention.)

"Whoa!" Ethan grinned. "Now we're talking! YEAH!" He looked at the Council members. "So, where's the rest of 'em?"

(Bishop cleared his throat.)

Fugitoid walked over to the remaining Council members. "Now might be a good time to tell us where the Black Hole Generator fragments are located just in case, you know, something happens."

"Fight by our side, survive this siege...and we shall see," Bishop responded.

Ethan sighed. "Never easy, is it?"


"So, are you guys gonna help save the Queen or what?" Mikey asked.

"As I've said, we will not aid the Kraang," Sal responded, keeping a lookout for Kraang-droids.

"And as I've said, they're good Kraang," Y/N insisted.

Raph looked at Mona. "Mona, I wouldn't do anything that would hurt you. You know that."

Mona thought for a moment, looking to Sal. "I doubted them before, Commander, even when you insisted otherwise." She rested her hand on Raph's shoulder. "But now I trust Raphael with my life. I believe him."

(Sal thought, looking to Mikey, Y/N, who simply looked back at him and awaited his response. He sighed.)

"Yeah, boy!" Mikey cheered. He looked back at Raph and Mona and groaned as he noticed them getting a bit too lovey-dovey. "Ugh! What's with you two?"

"There is a time and place for this and this is neither!" Y/N added.

Neither of them listened.

(Y/N rolled his eyes and grabbed Raph's laser jitte to cut an exit through the door. Once they were out, he grabbed Raph and pulled him away from Mona and they took off through the halls. Y/N took the lead, tracking Subprime's scent.)

"--time for a little torture!" Subprime yelled.

(Mikey was first into the room, screaming his savage yell as he kicked Subprime away while Y/N, Raph, Mona and Clunk cut down Kraang-droids.)

Sal went for Queen. "Grah. I can't believe I'm saving a Kraang!" he complained as he picked her up, letting her climb on his shoulder.

"It's the six of us against one of you, Subprime!" Raph said.

"Ohhh, ohhh, I'm so scared!" Subprime mocked. "Look at me, I'm quivering!" He pressed a button on his robotic tentacle and an area on the floor opened. Metallic claws grabbed the sides and a dragon-droid hauled itself up through the hole, towering over them and roaring. "Not really. 'Cause I got me a Dracotroid!"

(The Dracotroid fired lightning at them and they scattered to evade the blasts as Sal jumped on top it. They circled the dragon while they attacked, trying to find its weak point. Clunk kept blasting it with fire to no avail, he would've got hit if Mona didn't grab him.)

Mona: You okay?

Clunk: (Nods)

(Y/N tackled both out of the way of a lightning blast. Mikey shrieked, disorienting the Dracotroid. One head, at least. The other head grabbed Raph by the leg and threw him into Mikey, knocking them both into the wall and Y/N, Mona, and Clunk jumped down beside them.)

"I've always wanted to watch a turtle get eaten by a Dracotroid," Subprime said.

(An explosion went off, sending him and the Dracotroid flying back into a wall. They traded confused looks before running to the hole that had been blasted in the wall. Looking out, they saw the rest of their team with a bunch of Utrom-droids.)

"Need a little help?" Leo called, giving them a thumbs-up.

Y/N grinned. "Perfect timing, brother!"

"Utrom?" Sal asked.

"I knew my Utrom would find us," Queen said.

Mikey grinned. "Yeah, that's right. You can always trust a turtle and the good Kraang to pull through."

"Dracotroid--do what you do best!" Subprime ordered, more electricity firing at them.

(They quickly jumped out the hole and the shots exploded the floor right behind them. Raph shot a grappling hook, grabbing Mona and using it to swing them to safety. Mikey used a worm to swing himself around, using another to grab hold of Sal and throw him into one of the Utrom's rockets. Not a soft landing, but at least a safe one._

(Y/N fired a grappling arrow, swinging around to catch Clunk and giving them a safe landing on the platform below. He rolled back to his feet and turned to face the Kraang-droids and Biotroids that had appeared.)

Mikey slammed to droids together using his worms as whips. "Nice work, Sal!" He jumped back into the fight. "Booyakasha!"

"Booyakasha, indeed, Michelangelo," Sal responded, running back into the fight.

"This has got to be the most pathetic sight ever," Subprime said, watching from the hole in the wall.

Bishop shot him and jumped on top of the Kraang base, running down as he began attacking Subprime. "It pains me how far you've fallen, Knight."

"That name means nothing to me!" Subprime snapped back. "I am now Kraang Subprime!" He laughed as he knocked Bishop off the base, only for him to pop back up and shoot Irma's head off its body.

(The Dracotroid was flying through the air above them, Raph hanging on to one of the heads while Mona swung around the other one to land on top of it. Y/N snapped open his forearm which made a slingshot (Think of Ezra's wrist slingshot from Star Wars Rebels) and loaded in grappling arrows, taking aim. He pulled the trigger and the arrow lodged in the Dracotroid. He used it to swing up onto its back.)

"You've learned some new moves since I last saw you," the hothead commented. "Whoa!" The Dracotroid flipped so they were upside down.

"I could teach them to," Mona suggested.

"I would love that!" Raph responded as the Dracotroid flipped back around.

Y/N rolled his eyes. "Are you two seriously flirting in the middle of a battle?"

(The Dracotroid threw its head back and sent Raph flying. Y/N grabbed his wrist and pulled him back on alongside him. Flying Kraang-droids had joined in now, shooting at them.)

(Several explosions went off below them. Y/N could see Bishop and Subprime still fighting, Bishop using his missile launcher to hold back the Kraang's saw hands, although he looked worse for wear.)

Bishop: [robotic voice] You used to be our greatest hero! You were a true brother.

Subprime: (annoyed) Oh, for the love of Kraang! Everyone hates complete subservience to Kraang Prime until they try it!

Bishop: (infuriated) You are a traitor, Subprime And you will fall!

Riki: Got that right!!!

(Riki joined in, triggering the blade of her kusarifundo and slicing at Subprime, tossing a Kraang crystal to Bishop before running back into the middle of the fighting.)

(A few of the flying Kraang-droids landed on the Dracotroid. Leo stabbed one with his swords and threw it into another, knocking both of them off. Raph threw another one off the edge.)

"I can't hold on much longer!" Mona called back.

(Raph slammed one of the droids into the wing and both of them exploded, sending Raph off the Dracotroid and onto the Kraang base. The Dracotroid slammed into another part of the Kraang base and Mona was flung off.)

(Raph jumped to catch her and just missed her. He used one of the worms Mikey had given him to grab onto her and both of them fell onto the platform.)

(Y/N turned his attention to where he could see Bishop with an arm around Leo's shoulders, his little brother guiding the droid away. They turned as Subprime rose up behind them on a stealth ship, his Irma-bot twitching and sparking.)

Y/N: (Growled)

"I may be a traitor, but at least I'm not a loser with a totally stupid face," Subprime shouted as flying Kraang-droids landed on the ship. Y/N sliced his saber through one of the Dracotroid's wings, sending it on a collision course for Subprime's stealth ship. The Dracotroid roared, catching his attention. "Huh? What? Aww, give me a Kraanging break!"

(The Dracotroid slammed into the stealth ship, knocking it right into the Kraang base. Y/N leapt off, diving out of the way as ship blew up.)

"Kraang! Initiate that which is known as RETREAT!" a Kraang-droid shouted. The droids began fleeing into stealth ships. Some managed to escape, though a few ships were shot down and some droids were captured. The Utrom-droids cheered as the fight was won.

"I have to admit, I was wrong about your species," Sal told Queen. "There are, indeed, good Kraang in the ten dimensions."

"You mean Utrom, bro," Mikey corrected.


"And I have seen unparalleled bravery today," Queen responded.

"Does this mean..." Fugitoid trailed off.

Queen nodded. "Indeed it does. Bishop?"

Bishop removed his sunglasses, projecting a hologram from his eyes. "You will find the second piece of the black hole generator in the Cosmic Ocean of Varuna. The final fragment is on the lost world of Magdomar at the very edge of the known cosmos."

Ethan nodded. "Thank you, Utrom. We're gonna make sure this weapon is finally destroyed...once and for all!"

Raph walked over to Mona, who was repairing her ship. "So, um, if we're ever on the same planet again, you...wanna go out sometime?"

"'Go out' where?" Mona asked, sounding confused. "To space?"


Mona smiled. "I'll go with you anywhere, Raphael. Rokka rokka!"

"I totally get mutants like Karai...but...alien lizards?" Leo questioned.

Donnie: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, bro.

Mikey: What are you waiting for? Now's the time for kissy-nose!

(Raph growled at him, only for Mona to grab him with her tail, pulling him toward her and dipping him, resting her nose against his.)

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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