The Super Shredder
[Episode opens with the injured Shredder still on the bed as the lightning rages.]
Stockman-Fly:[Walking towards his master with a clipboard in hand.] How are you feeling on this fine evening, Master Shredder?
Shredder: [labored breathing.] I want [Open his eyes.] my strength back, Stockman.[Stockman is seen pressing some buttons.] Give me the rest of the mutagen.
Stockman-Fly: As your doctor and chief caregiver, I refuse. This new mutagen formula is too unstable. The effects could be disastrous. You could mutate into a monster.
[Shredder chokes Stockman-Fly by grabbing his neck.]
Shredder: [angrily] Do it. [pulls the fly close to him as Shredder gets up partially from his bed.] Or I will pluck off your limbs until you are nothing left but a buzzing head.
[Shredder lets him go and rest back to his bed.]
Stockman-Fly: Oh, uh, [buzzes.] you're right, sir. [chuckles.] Mutagen it is. Who needs the slow, safe approach, anyway, right?
[With few buttons pressed on the console, the rest of the mutagen was administered in Shredder, clenching his fist as his entire left arm slowly sprout out blades.]
Shredder: It.. It's working. It's-
[Shredder yells in pain... Suddenly, his eyes turn green and he stands up from his bed and grab his twitching left wrist, as Stockfly watches in worry with his master.]
Stockman-Fly: [worried] Master!
[As the mutagen kicks in, Shredder thrashes around wildly, knocking off the IV machine and takes his helmet as he screams in pain, lightning strikes as Stockman-Fly backs away and watches in horror. Shredder mutates into something horrible. A demon. Rocksteady enters and is shocked by Shredder's mutation. A bladed foot stomps in the camera.]
Stockman-Fly: I'll help you, sir.
[Shredder punches him away toward the window as Rocksteady watches. Now Super Shredder, he screams furiously with his new mutation as lighting flashes. Super Shredder is a muscular mutant with blades all over him and a new mutated Kuro Kabuto with a face like a skull.]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
Here we go!
It's the lean, mean, ninja team
On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things
So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams
Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings
Can't stop these radical dudes
The secret of the ooze made the chosen few
Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves
The good guys win and the bad guys lose
Leonardo's the leader in blue
Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through
Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines
Raphael has the most attitude on the team
Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!
Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!
Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need
To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
(A bell dings as the family all sat in front of Splinter while Shen was watching. We were doing a meditation exercise.)
"Focus. Do not let your attention flitter away from you," Father instructed. Y/N and his siblings, along with April and Ethan , are meditating in the dojo as a bell rang rhythmically in the background to give them a sense of calm. "All random thoughts are transitory, like dreams. Let them disappear. Bask in the emptiness of the void."
(Y/N breathed out slowly. It was calm, peaceful. There was a feeling of safety in the dojo, surrounded by his family and friends.)
Splinter gasped, prompting them to open their eyes. Except for Mikey, who had fallen asleep, though he woke up when Raph smacked him. Splinter put a hand to his head as Shen came over. "That is enough for today."
"Really, Sensei?" Donnie asked. "'Cause we only meditated for, like, ten minutes."
Splinter sighed. "Yes. I am not feeling very well."
"Are you okay, Master Splinter?" April asked as Splinter stood. "You seem worried about something."
"My dream last night, it was very powerful," Father responded as they got to their feet. "I fell into a vast pit, where I fought the Shredder. My memory is hazy, but I did not survive."
"But it was nothing," Ethan said. "Just a dream. Right, Grandfather?"
Father rested a hand on his shoulder. "Do not fret, my family," he said. "Dreams are often symbolic, not literal. I am not going anywhere."
(Everyone except Donnie watches Chris Bradford and his 2 Ruff Crew. Ethan sits on April's lap as he munches on popcorn.)
"Stop, Ninja Commander! Chris Bradford is finally going to take down your cruel socialist empire," Chris declares, taking a fighting stance. "For truth, justice, and boatloads of cash money!"
"You're so high and mighty, Bradford! How about I chop you down with my buzz-saw blaster?" Ninja Commander fires a buzz saw and it buzzes and whooshes towards Bradford. He dodges several saws.
"I'm going to kick your communist butt so hard it'll fly up and land on your head like a giant butt beret."
(Mikey reaches his hand out to my popcorn and Ethan slaps it away. Splinter and Shen stands in front of the TV, blocking the screen.)
"Aw, Sensei, Mom! You're ruining our cartoon-a-thon!" Mikey whines, giving puppy eyes.
"We're missing the best part!" Raph exclaims.
"No, the best part is when you get your lazy shells and tails off the floor and do something! Too much television is a poison that ruins both body and mind," Shen scolds us.
"You're acting like children!" Splinter said.
"Sensei, we're only teenagers," Y/N murmur. "We already cleaned our rooms and took out the trash. What do you—"
Suddenly, the power goes out in the entire lair.
"Oh, great. Now what?" April mutters.
"It's like the whole universe hates TV!" Mikey complains.
"It's just a power outage..." Y/N says to him.
"I bet it's Donnie messing with some kind of experiment. Come on," Raph tells us and we walk over to Donnie's lab. Mikey rolls on the floor and Y/N roll his eyes.
"Get up."
"I didn't do it. I'm checking the grid now," Donnie explains, typing away.
"There's a pretty big power outage over ten square blocks, all the way up to...Shredder's old lair." Leo gasps.
"The Ninja tribunal!" Y/N exclaim.
"Go. See if they are all right," Splinter orders.
"Hai, Sensei. We're on it," April tells him. "Probably just a waste of time. Good-bye, Bradford marathon," Raph deadpans.
(Back at the Ninja Tribunal's lair)
(Timothy sighs as Shinigami enters the throne room. There was a power outage and they sent Shini to find out what it was.)
"Shini, any word on the power outage?" Riki asks her.
"No, but it appears to be the entire neighborhood," Shinigami replies.
"Suspicious," Timothy mutters.
Karai nods her head in agreement. "Double the guards. Send them out to cover both ends of the street," Karai says.
"Yes Karai. But I'm sure it's cool. It's just a power outage," Shinigami says as their Tribunal soldiers are knocked to the ground.
(Timothy's eyes narrowed as they saw Tigerclaw and Bradford right in front of them.)
"Greetings old friends," Tiger Claw says mockingly.
"Tiger Claw and Bradford?" Shini asks, unimpressed.
"Foolish move coming in here, freaks," Timothy growl as he snaps his fingers summoning more foot ninjas.
"We thought this would be the perfect time for a family reunion," Says Bradford, gesturing to the entrance.
A hulking figure stepped out of the doors, a huge mutant with spikes covering his body, large, bulging green veins wrapping around him, the metal helmet he once wore now fused with his skull. The two girls gasped.
What in the sewer apples is that thing!?
"'ve become...everything you loathe," Karai said. "Everything you hate. A mutant!"
"Wait......Shredder?!" Timothy exclaims.
"My daughter, please," Shredder responded. "I did this for you. To destroy our enemy, the monster who took your mother's life. Hamato Yoshi."
"You're insane!" Karai snapped back. "You are the monster! You lie to yourself so much, you come to believe an entire dream!"
"Silence! I was there! I saw what happened! The night he took your mother's life! I...saw it. I..."
Shinigami smirked. "Let's take this crazy akuma down."
Riki pulls out her bow, "Took the words right out of my mouth!"
Tigerclaw and Razar started to run to defend Shredder, only to stop when he held out an arm. "No! They are mine."
"Foot/Hamato Clan, attack!" Karai and Riki shouted.
(The red/black-clad ninjas quickly attacked Shredder, but he dispatched them quickly, throwing them to various corners of the room.)
(Shinigami pulled out her kusarigama chain and Karai grabbed her tanto. They ran at Shredder, jumping to avoid his fists and attempting to exchange blows, but he blocked them and threw them back. Timothy ran at Shredder with his axe and tried to slash him, but Shredder grabbed him and threw him to the ground, but he got up.)
(Liu Kang is Timothy and Shao Khan is Shredder)
(Shredder stumbled, but he recovered quickly grabbed his foot and threw him into Riki who both flew out of a window. Shinigami managed to flip herself to land on her hands and knees, Karai slamming into the floor.)
"I'll destroy you, monster!" Shinigami snapped as she got back to her feet, pulling out a couple blades. "For everything you have done to Karai!" She disappeared in a flurry of bats, which flew past Shredder.
(She appeared behind the mutant, blades poised to strike, though he moved aside. She jumped back when he struck, kicking at his head before slashing at his chest. But it didn't do anything, and Shredder lifted his hand, slamming it into Shinigami and knocking her out.)
(Shredder moved to finish her off, only for Karai to attack him in her serpent form. He grabbed her, slamming her against the floor before picking her up as she reverted to human form.)
"I will let your friends go as a gesture of my love," he growled. "But if you struggle, I will hunt her down and crush her into pulp. Understood?"
(Karai attempted to struggle out of his hold. Realizing she couldn't escape, she relented, if not for herself, then for her friends. She was put in chains and pulled out of the building onto the street.)
Tigerclaw shoved her, making her stumble. "Move it, girl."
(Cut to outside the lair, Leo slammed on the brakes, staring in shock at who had just left Shredder's lair.)
"Holy Cheesy Balls!" Mikey exclaimed. "Is that some kind of Shredder clone monster?"
Donnie typed on his keyboard, doing a scan of the mutated Shredder. "No, Mikey, I-I think it's the Shredder himself."
"What do we do, Leo?" Ethan asked.
His eyes narrowed and he growled. "We ram him, obviously." He revved the engine and floored it, driving right for Shredder.
He grabbed the Shellraiser, lifting the front off the ground. "Tell your master I have my daughter back," he hissed. "If he desires to see her one last time, come to where I last defeated him." He tossed the vehicle aside and it rolled a few times before coming a stop, gas leaking from it.
"Everyone out!" Leo ordered, opening the hatch and leading the way out.
(They looked to see Riki and Timothy at the nearest manhole with them telling them to come on. They ducked inside and slid the cover into place as Shredder sparked a fire along the gas line.)
(They made it back to the lair)
"You okay, April?" Riki asked the red-head, who was laying on the couch.
"What happened?" Splinter and Shen asked, coming into the room.
"Shredder, he used mutagen," April responded.
"He's turned into some kind of Super Shredder!" Mikey added. "He's got huge muscles and blades everywhere, like a buff cheese grater."
Timothy looked at Father. "He has her, Sensei."
Father closed his eyes. "Miwa."
"He says he wats to meet you in the last place that he beat you," Leo said. "The sewers."
Father released a breath before nodding. "Then let us make haste."
Shen grabbed Splinter's head and turned it towards her, "Stay safe and bring her home."
"We will."
"Up ahead," Donnie said. "It's not far."
"Stay diligent," Father advised. "The Shredder is clearly baiting us into a trap." They all nodded, following him farther into the sewers.
Riki hesitated for a moment as she looked back. "I feel like we're being watched."
They stopped just outside the meeting place and April grabbed her crystal, focusing her powers. "No one's inside."
"Even so, be ready, ninja," Father said, leading the way into the room.
(Inside, a bunch of pictures were hung up. Tang Shen, Karai, Father, and Shredder.)
"What the heck is this?" Y/N demanded.
"Ok, this is weird," Riki said.
"Psycho is more like it," Raph commented.
(Y/N stared around at the photos. One was of Father and Shredder, when they were both still human, one of Karai when she was a baby, one of Tang Shen, one of Splinter and Shen. Dnd the final picture was of a human Shredder with Karai.)
"Gaze upon these images, rat." Shredder's voice echoed through the room. "First you take Tang Shen away from me, and then you steal my daughter!"
(Bars crashed down over the opening behind them, trapping them in the room. Mikey and Raph ran to the bars, pulling on them to try to get them to open, to no avail.)
"Show yourself, Saki!" Splinter shouted.
Y/N's ears pricked up, hearing something down the tunnel they'd come from, advancing at a rapid pace. He sniffed the air, his eyes widening at the smell of smoke. "Oh no." He saw a flicker of flame at the end of the tunnel. "Everyone, look out!"
(The others looked back at the tunnel, seeing the burst of fire funneled down. They dove into the pool of water as the flames spewed into the room. Resurfacing, Y/N saw a ring of fire around the pool, the pictures above engulfed by flames.)
Donnie pulled himself out of the water. "This way. Hurry!"
(They followed him up a ladder on the wall, Splinter hesitating behind them for a moment to look back at the burning pictures. They emerged in an abandoned subway station, more photos strung up around them.)
"Look," Raph said. "More freaky photos."
"This is the same station that Karai held us captive," Donnie recalled. "Remember? When she poisoned us."
The pictures burst into flames. "Oh, man, this is totally horror movie style right here," Mikey said, backing up. "What's next, a photo of Splinter with his eyes X-ed out?" He backed right into a photo, gasping as he turned around. Lo and behold, there was a copy of the photo Splinter kept in the shrine in the dojo, only Karai had a slash across her face and Father's eyes were X-ed out. "That's crazy, yo."
"You turned her against me," Shredder's voice echoed. "You brained washed her ! Karai is my daughter."
"How many lies can you tell yourself, Saki?" Splinter snapped back.
Karai screamed from further down the tunnels as the train tracks caught fire. "Just wait until I get free, Shredder!"
"Miwa!" Splinter didn't hesitate, running down the tracks to find his daughter.
"Sensei!" Y/N called, running after him.
"Sensei, hold up!" Donnie yelled. "Splinter!"
They stopped, losing sight of Splinter. "You guys hear something?" Raph asked.
A train horn blared and April gasped. "Oh no."
(They all screamed as a train came barreling down the tunnel toward them. They bolted down the tracks before jumping to the sides, pressing themselves against the wall of the station platform and the unmoving train to wait for the moving train to pass.)
"Oh no!"
(Leo jerked his head around in the direction of the yell to see Razar was hanging from the side of the train and had grabbed Mikey as he'd passed. They pulled out their grappling hooks and used them to get onto the back of the train. Y/N, Leo, and Raph were the first ones up and they flipped out of the way of the lasers shot at them, turning to face Tigerclaw and Lobo as they landed behind them.)
Splinter ran into a large circular room, complete with a glass dome ceiling.
"Father!" Karai called, strung up in the middle of the room and surrounded by pictures that caught fire. "It's a trap!"
"I will not leave you!" Splinter called back.
"Behind you!"
Splinter whipped around, the sound of metal scraping metal coming from the tunnel. Shredder stalked slowly through the tunnel, scraping the metal spikes in his hands against the tunnel walls.
Splinter gasped at the sight. "Saki?" He took a step back as Shredder exited the tunnel. "What have you done?"
"I have molded myself into perfection, rat man," Shredder growled. "Look upon me, and know fear."
"You must be proud," Splinter said, getting into a defensive stance as they circled each other. "You are finally a monster, both inside and out."
"I want her to see you fall," Shredder stated. "Then, finally, your brainwashing will disappear, and she will remember that it was I who raised her, it was I who made her who she is. I sacrificed everything for her. Out of absolute love!"
Karai just glared at him. "Father is right. Your transformation into a monster is complete."
(Shredder closed his eyes for a moment before turning around to slash at Splinter with the spikes growing from his hands. Splinter dodged the strike, striking Shredder's arm with his cane before taking a few stabs at Shredder's head. He slammed his cane into Shredder's face, the cane breaking into pieces.)
(Shredder slammed his fist into Splinter, sending him crashing back into the wall before moving to kick him.)
Razar blocked Timothy's attack, throwing Riki away from him when she attempted a strike before grabbing Mikey's leg with his teeth as he tried to kick him, throwing him onto the train and pinning him down. "I've always wanted to see a turtle without its shell."
"You wanna see me naked?" Mikey questioned. "Weirdo!"
"Down, boy!" Donnie called, running up with Timothy before boosting the Aussie up.
"Batter up!" He swung his axe, slamming it into Razar and knocking him off the train, though he managed to grab on with his claws.
"Sorry, no ticket!" April used her psychic abilities to throw Razar off the train.
Timothy winced at the crunching sound as he was run over. "Okay, I do not want to see that mess."
(Y/N blocked Lobo's blade before he was kicked away. Ethan pulled out his shark blade before and slashed at Lobo before the latter knocked it into the air. Ethan jumped in the air and grabbed the blade before falling and slashing at Lobo.)
(The slash knocked Lobo back before he was hit by a sign and fell off the train. Leo blocked Tigerclaw's blade with one of his katanas, jumping over the blade when Tigerclaw attempted to strike him. Tigerclaw kicked Raph back, blocking Y/N's attack before throwing him back. He tried a strike at Ethan, almost knocking him off the train. Ethan jumped off, stabbing his kunais into the train to escape the tiger.)
Raph ran forward, slamming his knee into Tigerclaw's face, knocking him off the train. "Stupid cat!"
(Y/N ran to Ethan, holding out his hand to pull him back up. But before he could grab it, Tigerclaw grabbed him , making him yelp. He used his jetpack to fly off the train and throw into the car, breaking the door. He got back to his feet, but before he could retaliate, he slammed him into the opposite door, his claws digging into his back.)
He grabbed her by the scruff and held her outside the broken door as another train came up the tracks, going the opposite way. Y/N;s eyes widened as the train hurtled closer. "Good riddance, brat."
"Dad!" Ethan shouted, striking the tiger's jetpack, making it malfunction. He dropped Y/N in the car and the jetpack shot him out the open door, right into the path of the oncoming train, which collided with him.
(Ethan helped Y/N to his feet and he winced at the claw wounds on his back. The lights suddenly went out and the train jolted, throwing them to the floor.)
"I hope that was someone stopping the train," Y/N said.
"Dead end!" he heard Mikey yell.
"Never mind."
"Guess this is our stop!" Raph said.
(Y/N pulled Raph onto his feet and they took off running through the car. At the back of the last car, he grabbed Y/N's wrist and used his grappling hook to pull them out of the train right before it crashed into the wall in a cloud of smoke and debris.)
"You alright?" Ethan asked Y/N as they got back to their feet.
"I'm fine." he took off running down the tunnel. "Come on! We gotta move!"
"You are deranged, Saki," Splinter tried to reason, dodging the larger mutant's attacks. "But I can help you. We can end this fight." Shredder landed a punch, knocking Splinter to the floor.
"Now that I am your master, you'll do anything to stop this," Shredder snarled, throwing a punch. Splinter jumped to dodge. Shredder jumped after him, grabbing his leg and slamming him into the wall before throwing him to the floor.
(Karai closed her eyes, turning her head away as Splinter fell to the dirt-filled pool under her.)
"It is time my revenge comes to fruition." Shredder jumped, ready to give the killing blow, but Splinter threw a smoke bomb into his face, blinding him long enough to escape into a tunnel.
"Coward!" Shredder shouted, running after him. "Face me!"
Karai struggled against her shackles, switching to her half-serpent form and using her tail to pick the locks. She dropped from the shackles, turning fully human again as she flipped and landed on one knee in the dirt. "I'm on my way." She dashed for the tunnel that Shredder and Splinter escaped into.
"Karai!" Riki shouted.
The kunoichi stopped and looked back. "Guys, the Shredder, he's just too powerful. Splinter couldn't even fight him."
"We saw what Shredder's become," Timothy responded. "What if we can't stop him?"
"It's gonna be weeks before my latest batch of retro-mutagen is ready," Donnie added.
April placed two fingers against her head, closing her eyes. "I can sense him, somewhere, deep underground." She opened her eyes, looking at them. "I think I can track him."
"Great." Raph smirked. "Then let's head down and kick some bladed freak butt." And suddenly the power went out. "Whoa. What's with the blackouts today?"
Riki placed a hand on her hip. "Well, that's not ominous or anything."
(Y/N's ears swiveled at thuds from overhead and she looked up to see Footbots landing on the beams.)
"Um, Leo," Mikey said, "you wouldn't happen to have a plan?"
Shredder slammed through double doors, finding himself in the Undercity. "Splinter!" he shouted. "Splinter, I know you're here." He started making his way across the platforms. "It's not just muscle and blades the mutagen gave me. I can hear you. I can smell you."
"Can you smell a rock?" Splinter retorted, throwing a rock at Shredder and hitting him in the head.
Shredder ran to the edge of the platform, jumping onto the next toward where the rock had come from. "Come out!" he barked. "Face me like a man."
(Splinter jumped onto Shredder's back before jumping onto a rock column, climbing it to hide from his sight.)
"So you do not fear me," Shredder mused. "You were leading me into your own kind of trap." He stepped out of the way of a stone log that swung toward him, smacking away the one Splinter had been riding. "Fight me!"
Splinter jumped off a rock column and started slicing at Shredder with his sword, sparks flying across the ground before Shredder slammed him against one of the broken columns.
Splinter slid slowly to the floor. "A pity...Miwa is not here to see--" Shredder slammed his arm into the rat, knocking him onto the ground. "How evil you truly have become."
Y/N ran along the edge of the dirt-filled pool, claws unsheathed. She blocked a robot with her blade before jumping up and kicking another away. "These guys are tough," he growled, cutting one in half.
"Back off of me, chrome domes!" Mikey shouted, jumping onto the ledge to get away from the robots.
(April uses her telekinesis on her tessen and used it to cut the rest of the chrome domes heads off.)
"I've got a fix on Splinter," April said. "He's in the Undercity."
Donnie . "That's where he fought the Rat King. Come on. I know a shortcut." Donnie dashed into one of the tunnels, the rest of them following behind.
(They soon made it to the Undercity.)
"Super Shredder's kicking Sensei's tail in!" Mikey yelled as they ran through the doors into the Undercity.
Y/N growled. "Come on!" he took the lead through the broken area.
"Father!" Karai called.
Splinter jumped away as Shredder tried to attack him, hanging off the side of a rock column. "You must listen, Saki." He jumped away again as Shredder continued to try and attack.
"I need nothing from you!" Shredder snapped.
(Leo and the others continued making their way toward the fight, jumping across the pillars. He stopped as one of the Elite Footbots climbed up onto the pillar he's on. Growling, he drew his swords, slicing it in half as more scaled the pillars.)
(The next thing Y/N knew, an explosion was going off. He turned to see Splinter and Shredder on a bridge, the explosion destroying the one support, sending both of them falling to the pit below.)
"Sensei!" Donnie shouted.
Shredder attempted to jump to safety, only for Splinter to grab him and hold him down. "Saki, we die together!" They both fell, disappearing under the layer of mist.
"Father!" Karai shouted.
"No!" Leo yelled. "Everybody, move!" Y/N turned to see the Elites taking aim with bows and arrows. She ran after the rest of her team, falling back behind the double doors. Raph and Riki slammed them shut. "He has to be alive, right?"
"That drop is at least 1,000 feet down," Donnie responded. "Even he couldn't survive a fall like that."
"We have to keep going," Timothy said. "For Splinter."
(The doors exploded at their backs, throwing them back. They got to their feet and Y/N's ears folded back as the smoke cleared to reveal Bebop, Rockstedy, and the Elites waiting beyond the broken door.)
"Oh, sewer apples."
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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