The Return of Pulverizer and Frenzy
(It was nighttime in the city, -per usual- and the brothers were kicking foot clan butt on the rooftop of the movie theater. Raph was surrounded by three, smacking away the hand of the foot solder who tried to slash him with a Tanto. He grabbed the 2nd soldier and threw him into the third, knocking him down. He backed up harshly into the 1 soldier, taking him out of the battle. Raph kicked the 2nd foot lackie in the face, knocking him out cold. The last unfortunate soul got punched in the chest, stomach and then kicked back onto the brick wall. He slipped down to the ground, trying to back up but failed due to the lack of energy. Multiple rushed at Y/N, but he was prepared.)
(The Rasengans are blades and Sasuke is Y/N)
Raph: I could do this all day! (Raph cheered before sidestepping a sneak attack from the back and slamming the hilt of his Sai into the ninja's spine, and kicking him away. Raph sighed looking around, only for his face to drop when he saw that all the enemies were downed.) Aw, man.
Leo: Raph, if you keep breaking your toys, we're not gonna buy you new ones." (Leo lets go of a foot soldier.)
Y/N: Heh, I'm sure Shredder will provide us with even more.
Mikey: Dude, it's like we just cleared a video game on 'easy'." (Mikey laughed, jumping down from his perch.)
Leo: Mikey, if master splinter had taught us anything, it's that real combat is not like a video game.
Donnie: Hey, coins! (Donnie cheered in the background as he started to pick up the small currency that probably fell out of the enemy's pockets.)
Leo: The foot soldiers haven't been much of a challenge lately. Wonder why."
Raph: Well, maybe we're just that awesome." (A sly smirk on his face.)
Leo: That sounds right. (Leo smirked back.)
Y/N: Yeah, even I have to admit that. (Smirks)
Donnie: You know who'd I hate to be? ( A smirk of his own gracing his face.) The guy who has to tell shredder about this." (Gesturing to the fallen warriors spread around them.)
(In Shredder's Lair, the sound of angered grunting and whimpering filled the throne room as Shredder continued to beat the literal heck out of Dogpound. The cloaked figure sat in the corner, their arms wrapped around the chained up kraang body as they watched with pure sadistic glee. Dogpound fell to the ground trembling in pain from the beating he had just received. The Shredder looked down on him with fury and malice.)
Shredder: You promised me an army of the best, most lethal ninjas in the world. But the turtles have decimated them. (He growled, letting his long sharp blades sprout from his metal gantlets. Dogpound looked at them with wide, fearful eyes.) "The ones left are hardly worthy of wearing the emblem of the foot."
Dogpound: I can find more soldiers. Just give me time." (Dogpound begged as he bowed low. )
Shredder: No more time!" (Shredder swiped his blades.) I need more soldiers! I need better soldiers! And I need them now! (Dogpound dodged as Shredder plunged his blades into the glass behind him, effectively shattering it.)
Dogpound: But that's impossible.
Shredder: Hmm. Perhaps not. Perhaps there is a method for building an army of Foot soldiers powerful enough to destroy those turtles once and for all, a method we shall steal from the Kraang.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
Here we go!
It's the lean, mean, ninja team
On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things
So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams
Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza KingsCan't stop these radical dudes
The secret of the ooze made the chosen few
Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves
The good guys win and the bad guys lose
Leonardo's the leader in blue
Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through
Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines
Raphael has the most attitude on the teamMichelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!
Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!
Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need
To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
(Outside of TCRI, the brothers waited for a chance to strike. Raph tried to relax but couldn't because of Mikey. Mikey was on the lower portion of the water tower, playing with a pink, squeaky ball, bored out of him mind. Y/N was on the very top of the tower, playing on an old Gameboy he found in the trash.)
Leo" All right, guys. Let's pack it in. Nothing's happening." (Leo sighed as Donnie placed down his telescope.)
Raph: I was afraid this day would come. We're run out of butts to kick." (He looked over to Mikey who was still bouncing the ball and kicked it away. It flew off the roof and near an alley below.)
Mikey: Hey...
(While this was happening, Leo and Donnie spotted something down in the alley next to the building.)
Leo: Wait. Maybe not." (Leo took a knee to get a better look. In the shadows of the alley, a lone figure was slinking against the wall.)
Y/N: Foot clan.
Raph: I don't get it. Just one guy?
Mikey: Maybe they only need one guy. Maybe this guy is the meanest, baddest, most deadly ninja we've ever seen.
(The foot solder their to claim the wall of the building but failed and fell to the ground.)
Donnie: Or not.
(The person was able to knock the window open, but couldn't fit their body through due to their....larger body.)
Mikey: Anybody else find this dude kind of abortable?"
Y/N: Meh.
Leo: Well, he's not much, but he's all we've got. Let's go.
(They all jumped down into the alley across from the foot soldier and ran over, only to be surprised when more soldiers dropped down.)
Leo: Ambush! (They drew their weapons.)
Raph: All right!
(The five of them began fighting off ninjas the foot ninjas, all of them taking multiple out at a time. Y/N was about to be slashed from behind by one, but a small figure dropped down from a building and knocked him to the ground.)
Frenzy: Hi, guys!
Turtles: Huh?!
Frenzy: Good to see you guys again. I'm just here to check on my friend.
Y/N: Wait, do you mean-
(The last soldier finally dropped out of the window and landed on the ground. He turned and started walking off.)
???: Everything okay? I heard-
(He was cut off as Donnie stuck his staff out in front of the soldier's feet, causing him to trip. He fell face down into the concrete as we surrounded him. He quickly turned on his side to face the brothers and Donnie held his staff out, holding the soldier in place.)
Frenzy: (Ran in front of the foot soldier.) Wait!
???: Donnie! It's me!
Donnie: (Blinked. )"What?" (He pulled off the mask to see the familiar face.)
Donnie: The Pulverizer?
Pulverizer: (The teen looked up at him with a beaming smile.) "Hey, guys! How awesome is this?" (Pulverizer cheered as he rolled into a kneeing position, hand ready for a high five which Frenzy complied to.) Bet you guys were wondering when you'd see us again.
Raph: No."
(In which he chuckled and wrapped his arm around the hotheaded turtle.)
Pulverizer: Raphael, still the jokester, I see. Good one. (Raph took Pulverizer's hand and twisted it.) Ow! (He yelled out, holding his injured hand.) Hey, what do you guys think of my new threads? I'm a ninja now.
Frenzy: And check out my skills!
Y/N: (Raises eyebrow)
Frenzy: What do you think?
Donnie: How in- What are you doing with the foot? (Donnie held the black soldier mask.)
Y/N: And when did you learn those skills?
Pulverizer: Well, last time, you told me we needed to practice. So at first we read that book Y/N gave us and learned some new moves. So, after we joined a Braford dojo to hone our craft. We wowed 'em with our smooth moves. And boom! They liked us so much, they asked me if we wanted to join the foot clan.
(Each of the 5 teens looked at Pulverizer with either confusion or 'you have got to be kidding me'.)
Mikey: Wow, they must really be hurting for dudes.
Frenzy: I was invited to join, but I turned it down. The foot seemed a bit shady.
Y/N: Smart boy.
Pulverizer: Well you should've joined,look at me. I've only been with 'em for a few days, and I've already made the rank of ashigaru-sha! Ha!"
Frenzy: Lucky. (Pouts)
(Y/N snorted trying to hold back a laugh. This was pure gold. Y/N rubs Frenzy's head.)
Y/N: Trust me kid, you don't want to be the rank of ashigaru-sha.
Donnie: (Facepalmed at his obliviousness.) Do you know what ashigaru-sha means?
Pulverizer: No.
Donnie: It means 'cannon fodder'.
Frenzy: Ohhhhhh.
Pulverizer: Oh ho ho. Wow.
Donnie: Do you know what that means?
Pulverizer: No.
Donnie: In traditional Japanese warfare, the ashigaru-sha were the expendable soldiers who were sent in first to waste the enemy's ammunition and set off traps before the real soldiers arrived.
Frenzy: I knew there was something weird about them
Pulverizer: Nah. Nah, the foot wouldn't do that. We're the good guys.
Donnie: Why would you think that?
Pulverizer: We're out there fighting the kraang just like you. I-I mean, I-I do check for traps, and I-I do get shot at a lot. And- and now that you mention it, they- they do keep calling me expendable.
Leo: Why are the foot fighting the kraang?
Y/N: Must be a power struggle. The kraang want to take over the city and we keep stopping them, so they're trying to kill us. Shredder wants to get you guys himself and won't let anyone else take you down, so now they're clashing. To put it in simple terms, they're fighting over you. But the real question is, what is the foot doing to fight the kraang and will it put harm to the city.
Pulverizer: I can totally find that out for you. I could be a spy!
Frenzy: And I can watch over him!
Donnie: Pulverizer, do yourself a favor and quit the foot." (Donnie threw the mask away. He gasped and fell to the ground, upset.)
Pulverizer: Oh, sure. I'll 'quit the foot'.
Donnie: No, I'm serious.
Pulverizer: Of course you're serious. (Pulverizer continued, winking multiple times.)
Donnie: I am! Stop winking!
Pulverizer: Right. I'll recon intel and, un, send you a text. I'm in ninja stealth mode." (He whispered as he shimmed out the alley. He went into the street and got hit by a car.) Ow! Sorry!" (He yelled as the turtles watched him.)
Y/N: (Shakes his head and looks down at Frenzy.) Look, you and your friend's heart are in the right place, but you can't be a ninja if you can't hold your own against a foot soldier.
Frenzy: But-
Y/N: Besides, what about your parents? Where do you think you're going every night?
Frenzy: (Looked down saddened and turned away.) I don't have parents. (Ran off)
Y/N: Wait! (Frenzy turned the corner and disappeared. Y/N turns to his brothers.) I'm gonna go after him. Tell Splinter I'll be home soon. (Runs after Frenzy)
Leo: Y/N wait! You can't just-! (Y/N turned the corner.) leave
(Cut to the streets of New York where Frenzy is hiding behind a corner from a vegetable cart. Y/N, on the other hand is looking down on the kid from a building.)
Y/N: What are you doing, kid?
Fruit Vendor: Come get your fruit! Fruit for sale!
Frenzy: (Hesistant) Maybe I-
(Groans) Okay, okay! (Frenzy runs across the corner quickly and snatches an carrot, which the Veggie vendor notices.)
Veggie Vendor: Stop thief!!
Y/N: Did he just-?
(Frenzy continues to run while being chased by the Veggie vendor. He cuts through the street where some cars skip to a stop for him.)
Frenzy: Sorry!! (Continues to run until he reaches central park and behind a tree.)
Veggie Vendor: (Looks around and doesn't see Frenzy, so he continue to run in the same direction.)
Frenzy: (Sighs in relief) That was a close one.
(Frenzy slides down into lands on the grass. He goes to take a bite of the carrot, but sees a buny come up to him with his bunny children. He smiles, hands the carrot over the adult bunny, and pets his head. Soon the rabbits leave and Frenzy just looks to the sky.)
Frenzy: Looks like I'm going hungry again.
Y/N: (On a tree branch.) Wouldn't be so sure about that.
Frenzy: Aahh! (Gets up quickly and adopts a fighting stance, but realizes who it is.) Y/N! Oh, hi! What are you doing here?
Y/N: The better question is "What are you doing here?"
Frenzy: (Looks around and sighs in frustration) Fine! Okay, I'm away.
Y/N: Why would you run away from home, Frenzy?
Ethan: (Takes off his mask) My name is Ethan. And the reason I ran away was because my father was a drunk asshole and didn't care about me.
Y/N: What about your mom?
Ethan: Walked out on us, when I was born. I roamed the streets until I met Timothy-
Y/N: (Raises eyebrow) Who?
Ethan: The Pulverizer.
Y/N: (Snickers) His name is-(Stops snickering a bit) Continue.
Ethan: He let me stay at his place, while I tried to figure out what to do. But, that's when we saw you and your brothers. It gave me hope that maybe I could have a new life.......a better life. But, I can't be a ninja, I'm just a dumb run away kid. (Looks down in sadness.)
(Y/N looked at Ethan with a somber expression as he reminded of himself before he found the turtles and Splinter. He then got an idea, jumped down from the tree, and held his hand out to the kid, who looked up with tears in his eyes.)
Y/N: Come on, you could use a hot meal.
(Ethan took Y/N's hand, was pulled up to the cheetah's back, and was soon on the rooftop of buildings with Y/N running.)
Ethan: Woooooo!
(Soon, Y/N and Ethan made it to Murakami's where the old man was happy giving them some Pizza Gyoza.)
Ethan: (Eating one) So, gooood!
Y/N: (Smiles at the little kid.) Glad you enjoy it.
(Ethan soon finished his food and Y/N took him up to the rooftop.)
Ethan: What are we doing up here?
Y/N: Well....look, I can't stop you from being a hero..............but I can keep you from getting hurt.
Ethan: Does that mean you'll-
Y/N: Yes, I'll train you.
Ethan: (Jumps in the air in celebration.)
Y/N: (Smiles for a moment, but then gets serious.) Alright enough!
Ethan: (Stops celebrating and gets serious aswell)
Y/N: Are you ready?
Ethan: Yes, Y-
Y/N: No, from now you call me...........Sensei! Now i ask you again, are you ready?!
Ethan: Yes Sensei!
Y/N: Let's begin!
(Time-Skip: Soon Y/N was coming back to the dojo, but what he saw greatly confused him. The turtles mixed up their weapons with: Mikey having katanas, Leo having bo-staff, Raph having nunchucks, and lastly Donnie having the sais.)
Leo: Y/N! Where were you?!
Y/N: I was helping out Frenzy, "What's with the weapon switch up?"
Leo: Master Splinter thinks we're getting too comfortable with our abilities so he made us switch weapons and learn to be resourceful.
Y/N: Sounds legit.
(Donnie's T-Phone buzzed and went off. Donnie picked it up and looked down at it.)
Donnie: Uh oh. Text message from You-Know-Who.
(Everyone, but Mikey realized who it was.)
Donnie: (Face fell as he stared at Mikey.) Text message from Everybody-But-Mikey-Knows-Who." (Mikey grinned and gave him the thumbs up.)
(Donnie and Y/N stood up and walked towards the others as Donnie read the message under his breath.)
Donnie: The Pulverizer is telling us where the Foot are gonna strike next.
Raph: What do you know? He's actually useful.
Donnie: Yeah, but he can't stay in the Foot. "They'll toast 'im!
Raph: Inside information, Donnie? It's worth the risk!
Donnie: But, we're not the ones taking the risk, the Pulverizer is!"
Raph: I know. It's the perfect plan.
Y/N: It's anything but perfect. "Raph, Pulverizer is in danger as long as he stays in the Foot, and you know it and plus Frenzy will go after him, if he knows he's in danger.
Raph: : Why does it matter as long as we're not in danger?
Y/N: So, you're completely okay with people who can't defend themselves the way we can doing something like this?" (Y/N turned around to look at Leo.) Leo, we have to help the Pulverizer. He can't stay in the Foot forever, he won't survive and the kid we'll get himself killed.
Leo: I know. (Then sighed.) Alright, we'll follow up on his lead and then bust the poor guy out of the Foot.
Mikey: Excuse me! I'm the sword guy! I make the decisions here! (They all stared at him. Mikey put his hands on his hips and glanced around.) Uh... what Leo said.
Y/N: (Snorted.) "Way to lead, bro."
(Later that night, the guys and Y/N went back to the same alleyway where they had run into the Pulverizer. They were hiding behind a large dumpster, waiting for him to arrive, and they were there for probably about 10 minutes before there was any movement. Then, from the end of the alley, scooting in their direction against the wall, was the Pulverizer.)
Pulverizer: Alright, lookin' for traps, lookin' for traps... (Donnie decided to take charge and reached out and grabbed Pulverizer, dragging him down behind the dumpster with them.) Wow!" (He yelped as he fell, then when he saw them he smiled.) Oh, hey! Great, you got my message. I have some information for you!
Donnie: Great, great. But we're getting you outta here first." (Donnie grabbed Pulverizer by the back of his shirt and pulled him up as he stood up. Then he glanced over at the other end of the alley and gasped. Y/N turned and saw that both Fishface and Dogpound, along with a few Foot Clan members, were standing there, glaring at them.) "
Raph: As soon as we get ourselves outta here.
Donnie: Just stay behind us, and-
Pulverizer: (Cut him off.) "Help! It's the turtles and cheetah, they've got me! Help!
Leo: What?
Y/N: Dude, what the heck?
Pulverizer: Sorry guys! Can't blow my cover!
Mikey: Not cool, bro.
(Dogpound and Fishface all started to advance on them, not saying a word.)
Leo: Spread out.
(Y/N and the others all stood up and walked into the open, withdrawing their weapons. Y/N looked over at the others nervously, watching them hold their new weapons. Using them in the dojo was one thing, but using them in a fight against our enemies? Would they be able to do that?)
Mikey: As the one with the swords, I say retreat!
Leo: Having the swords doesn't make you leader. (He suddenly ran forward, swinging the Bo staff as he charged Dogpound. The mutant simply grabbed the staff and lifted Leo into the air before throwing him back. Leo slammed against the alley wall and fell to the ground.) "Not that it's a bad idea. Retreat!" (Leo and Raph both leapt out of the way just as Dogpound made to crush them with his extremely large fist. They tried to climb up the fire escape, but Dogpound knocked them down.)
(Suddenly, Y/N felt something pull at his feet and fell forward. Y/N landed on his hands, pushed himself up and swung his leg out, kicking the Foot soldier in the face and knocking him down. Y/N pulled out two ninja shurikens and threw it. It hit two soldiers in the heads, making them stumble, and it knocked another one off of his feet as it came back. Y/N caught it in the air and opened it again as Y/N turned.)
(Mikey appeared to be stuck in a corner with two Foot soldiers closing in. He looked lost as to what to do with the katanas in his hands. Suddenly, Raph, who was attempting to fight Fishface, stepped back as he was swinging the chucks, and accidentally hit Mikey in his head.)
Mikey: Hey! Watch where you swing that thing!
Leo: You should talk! (Mikey turned his head to look at his eldest brother, and saw that he was pointing one of the katanas directly at Leo's chest.)
Mikry" Sorry. (Lowering the katanas.) "My bad.
(From above, Donnie fell from the fire escape and landed in front of them. )
Donnie: Oh, this won't work. (Glared down at the sais in his hands.)
(They all looked up and saw that Dogpound and Fishface were advancing on them, hatred in their eyes. Y/N glanced over at Leo, and Y/N could tell what he was thinking.)
Leo: Switch weapons!" he shouted.
(At once, the turtles all tossed their weapons into the air. As they came down, each was met with their original owner. Donnie grabbed his staff, Mikey gripped his nunchucks, Leo caught his katanas, and Raph snatched his sais. The boys all paused for a moment to get ahold of their weapons before advancing back into the fight.)
(Now that they had their own weapons back, the boys' performance had increased and intensified by a lot. Leo and Donnie instantly went for Dogpound, smacking him and knocking him back. Raph swung his sais at Fishface before kicking him and knocking him down.)
Mikey: This is more like it!
Raph: Oh yeah. There's something really satisfying about not losing.
Y/N: You know that this decision is gonna come back to bite you in the shell, right?
Raph: It isn't now, so why worry?"
(Y/N rolled his eyes. Y/N knew that the guys would probably regret their decision later, but now wasn't the time to worry about that. Y/N ran at a Foot soldier and ducked as he swung a sword at me. He snapped his foot up and kicked him right between his legs, making him keel over. Y/N raised his fist and punched him in the face, sending him back. Then, as Y/N glanced outside the alley across the street Y/N saw two Foot soldiers come out of a building, and they were each holding a silver and glass canister full of glowing green ooze.)
Y/N: What?
(Suddenly, Fishface, Dogpound and the remaining soldiers ran out of the alley. The brothers ran after them, but there was the sound of wheels squealing and as we ran into the street we saw them peel away in a large van.)
Donnie: Guys, mutagen! The Foot are stealing mutagen!
Raph: Shredder with mutagen. Well, that can't be good.
Y/N: In what world could that possibly be good?
Pulverizer: Psst! (They all turned to look back down the alley. From behind the dumpster they were hiding by before, the brothers saw a large hand poke out and wave at them.)
Pulverizer: Over here!(They all ran back down the alley and stopped at the dumpster. The pulverizer smiled and waved at the brothers. Y/N frowned at him as he put his hands on his hips.)
Y/N: You gonna hide there all night?
Pulverizer: Shh! Don't blow my cover!
Mikey: You don't have to hide, Pulverizer. The Foot are gone.
Pulverizer: (He cleared his throat, and started talking in a deeper, throaty voice.) You shouldn't use my real name.
Mikey: (Raised an eyebrow.) Your real name is 'Pulverizer? (Pulverizer glanced down.)
Pulverizer: No... it's Timothy.
Y/N: (Snickered a bit.) Timothy.
Donnie: (He grabbed Timothy by his collar and hoisted him up to his feet.) Stop talking like that, Tim.
Timothy: Guys! You'll never guess what Shredder's gonna do with the mutagen!
Donnie: He's gonna create a mutant army to destroy us?
(Timothy's face faltered.)
Timothy: Yeah, but... There's a lot more to it than that.
Donnie: Really...?
Timothy: No... you guessed,(Rubbing the back of his head.)
Donnie: Pulverizer, you're in over your head. Go home!
Leo: Wait. "Not until he finds out more about Shredder's mutation plan.
Y/N: What?
Timothy: Oh yeah, baby!" (Raised his fists.) The Pulverizer stays in the game! Up high!
(They all stood still, frowning at him. His smile slowly fell as he lowered his hand.)
Timothy: Okay then... I'm off! (He ran out of the alley.) I'm practically invisible!"
(A second later there was the sound of a car horn and a loud crash. Y/N could hear Timothy yell.)
Timothy: I'm okay!I'm sorry, again... I'm gonna go spy now!
Y/N: Oh boy, (He groaned, shaking his head.) So what if Shredder's building an army of mutants (Raph punched his fist into his hand.) They're still no match for my sais! High-three!
(As Raph doesn't normally call a high-three, Y/N raised my hand with Leo and Mikey and gave Raph a high-three. But even as Y/N laughed a little, Y/N could help but notice the look of worry on Donnie's face. But, soon Y/N's phone rings and he sees that he got a text message. He looks at it and smiles at who it is. )
Y/N: (Puts his phone away and runs off) Sorry, guys! Gotta go!
Leo: What? Again?! Where are you going this time?!
Y/N: I'm going to nun'ya!
Leo: What's nun'ya?
Y/N: (Crosses the corner) Nun'ya business!
(Time-Skip: Y/N made his way back to Ethan to began the latter's training. They soon found themselves on the roof of a building, where Y/N was showing some moves to the kid.)
(They kept training with meditation-
,and sparring-
(They kept going all through the night and soon it was time for Y/N to head back home.)
Ethan: Do you have to go?
Y/N: Yes, and don't worry, Murakami says he's happy for you to stay with him for now.
Ethan: (Looks down with a pout) Okaaaay-(Giggles as Y/N ruffles his hair.)
Y/N: See you around kid! (About to run off)
Ethan: Hey, wait!
Y/N: (Looks back) Yeah!
Ethan: What does it mean to be a hero?!
Y/N: (Thinks for a moment) Well think about it, this city fears us and would no doubt experiment on me, if they knew I existed. But, I would still die to save it. See, a hero is a person who..............takes all the blows, so the innocents don't get it. (Runs off)
Ethan: 'Takes all the blows'
(Time-Skip: Y/N makes it back to the lair, he jumps through the gate and then sees a peculir sight, again. His brothers had absolutely no weapons on them.)
Y/N: Let me guess, he took your weapons.
Raph: Yep.
Y/N: Well, I hate to say I told you so, but I did.
Raph: (Grumbles) Where were you?
Y/N: (Flips onto couch) Hmmm, what did I say back in the alley?
(Raph and Y/N glare at each other, but it is interrupted, Donnie stopped pacing and pulled his phone out.)
Donnie: Oh, it's our spy.
Y/N: Alright, let's hear it.
(They all crowded around Donnie as he pressed the answer button and put the phone on speaker.)
Timothy: This is special agent Delta Niner calling from behind enemy lines.
Ethan: And this is eagle eye in the sky.
Donnie: Spit it out, Timothy and Frenzy.
Ethan: Actually my name is Ethan.
Timothy: Okay, the mutation experiment is going down on Broomstreet in the Bowery. They're on their way there now. And that's not all. You ready for this? Are you ready...?"
The brothers: Yes. (Groaning)
Timothy: Shredder's gonna mutate just one Foot soldier as a test, and guess what? I volunteered!
Donnie/Ethan: What?!/What?!
Timothey: I know! Isn't that cool?
Donnie: No! Why would you think that's cool?!
Ethan: Timothy, are you out of your mind?!
Timothy: This is my chance to be like you guys! Throw some mutagen on me, and BOOM! I'm a super hero! I'm takin' Shredder down! Hey, Ethan you wanna join me!?
Y/N: (Slapped hisself in the forehead.) He's lost it. He's completely lost it!
Donnie: The mutagen is dangerous! You have no idea what it could do to you!
Ethan: Or what you will turn into.
Timothy: Once I mutate, I'll unleash my mighty mutant powers on Shredder! I'll be all Wataaa! Sheeka! Haha! Yeah, take that, pointy man!"
(Then, in the background, they could hear the sound of what was the rumbling of a motorcycle. Pulverizer's voice lowered.)
Timothy: Oh, gotta go! Signing off!
Y/N: Tim, wait!
Donnie: I knew we should've gotten that guy out when we had the chance.
Ethan: You guys were right, we're way over our heads. I'm gonna go stop him!
Y/N: Ethan, wait! (Ethan hangs up)
Leo: Well, we're gonna get both of them out now. "Let's go.
Y/N: Wait! (The turtles stopped and looked at Y/N took off his bestia fang claws and placed them on the couch.)
Raph: What are you doing?
Y/N: You fight with no weapons.......I fight with no weapons.
Raph: (Smiles and gives Y/N a head nod.)
( Without another word they all ran straight for the exit, leaping over the turnstiles. They all piled into the Shellraiser, immediately going to our designated areas. Leo leapt into the driver's seat, buckled up, and instantly started the van up.)
(They had only been driving for about a minute and Leo was driving at top speed. They made a few turns and passed about a block before They saw a large group of motorcycles driving by.)
Raph: The Foot!
(Leo sped out of the alley right into the group of cycles, causing two of them to get knocked off course. Leo sped up and caught up with the rest of the group, which was attempting to speed away. Y/N looked up at one of the screens and saw one of the cycles falling behind, on purpose. He looked closer and saw that it was Fishface. He suddenly skidded his bike to a halt, whipped it around, and started speeding towards them.)
Y/N: Guys, Fish Sticks is coming at us.
Raph: Eat hot trash, fish boy! (He pressed the trigger and fired several garbage balls from the cannon. Fishface swerved and dodged almost all of them, but the last one slammed right into his bike, causing him to fly off. This proved to be bad as a second later he landed on top of the Shellraiser.)
Raph: Uh oh.
Donnie: He's on the roof!
Raph: I got this! (Raph leapt from his seat and climbed up to the hatch on the roof. He opened it, poked his head out, and a second later he yelled and then fell back down. Y/N stared at him, gasped. For a moment it looked as though Raph had been decapitated, and Mikey screamed. Then, a second later, Raph's head reemerged out of his shell with a loud pop.)
Raph: Alright, plan B. (Raph jumped into his seat and spun the large handles that controlled the cannon. Y/N looked up at the screen and saw that the cannon had slammed into Fishface and brought it out so that he was hanging over the street.)
Raph: Whatcha gonna do now?
(Y/N looked at Raph for a moment before looking back at the screen. Fishface was holding onto the gun of the cannon to keep from falling into the street. Then, suddenly, he kicked one of his robotic legs out and hit the tire, tearing it to shreds. The van gave a sudden lurch and Y/N yelped as he toppled out of his own seat and onto the floor.)
Raph: Why do I ask these questions? Why?!"
(The Shrellraiser skidded for a few seconds before it tipped and suddenly landed on its side. Y/N slammed into the wall of the van and hit his head hard, and Y/N saw stars for a moment. Y/N groaned as he sat up and looked around. The others were all over the place, but they looked unharmed. Y/N looked around and his eyes landed on a screen, and he saw Fishface pick up a nearby motorcycle.)
Fishface: I'll deal with you soon enough, freaks!" (He hopped onto his bike and sped off.)
(They all quickly got out of the van as quickly as they could. They all stood there, wondering what to do now.)
Donnie: Splinter once told me the Pulverizer is my responsibility. I gotta stop him!"
(Donnie ran over to the bottom of the Shellraiser, which was laying upright, and he pulled a lever. A second later the Stealth Cycle was deployed. Donnie snatched a helmet and put it on his head, hopped into the cycle, started it up and before they could even blink, he sped off.)
Leo: Ugh, c'mon. We'll go on foot."
(There was a loud crash as the cycle smashed through the glass. Donnie leapt out from his seat, somersaulting in the air as Donnie came down and landed right where Timothy was. Donnie grabbed him and instantly shoved him several feet back, staying beside him. Donnie straightened up and looked forward. Donnie saw Dogpound and several Foot soldiers had surrounded him.)
Dogpound: Get them!
(Donnie reached behind himself to grab his staff, but froze when Donnie felt nothing but air. he had forgotten that he had no weapon.)
Donnie: Huh-? Oh, sewer apples!" '
(Donnie quickly glanced around, trying to find something that he could use as a weapon, and his eyes landed on a nearby broom leaning against a crate. He ran forward, kicking into the air, then leapt up as he grabbed it. He turned and smashed the end of the broom on a soldier's head and he fell to the ground. He spun the broom above his head as two more Foot soldiers came at him. Donnie raised the boom and blocked both of their attacks, then shoved one end into a soldier and knocked him back. Donnie then swung the boom at the other and smacked him off of his feet.)
(Donnie looked behind him to see if Timothy was alright, and saw to his surprise that he was gone. He quickly looked around and saw that he was running right for the large mutagen dispenser.)
Timothy: Now's my chance!
(Before Donnie could do anything he was shoved forward and he landed on his plastron. He turned his head and kicked his foot back, kicking the soldier in the crotch before picking the broom back up and knocking him back. He turned and started running forward, trying to catch up to Timothy. He had just reached up and started pulling on the large lever when Donnie caught up to him.)
Donnie: Timothy, no! (Grabbed his shoulders and yanked him back.) What're yah doing?!
Timothy: I'm gonna be a mutant, like you!
Donnie: Um, doing the mutation thing is notoriously unpredictable. AND REALLY STUPID!
(Suddenly, something grabbed him by his shell and threw him back. it was Dogpound. Donnie quickly got back on his feet and leapt out of the way as he made to smash him with his large fist.)
Timothy: I'll save you, Donatello!"
Donnie: Wait! Didn't you hear what Donnie-No!"
(Dogpound made to come at him again, and Donnie smacked his face with the end of the broom. Donnie quickly somersaulted under him as he kicked his foot up and kicked him in the face. Donnie straightened up, leapt up, and landed right on his giant head before leaping off and running towards Pulverizer.)
Donnie: I'm-saving-you!
(On the last word he jumped forward and pushed Timothy out from underneath the dispenser again. But even as Donnie pushed him out of the way Donnie caught a glimpse of Fishface before Donnie was suddenly kicked extremely hard by one of his powerful, robotic legs. The blow sent him flying back into the air, and as Donnie put his arms out his hand came into contact with the end of a chain and Donnie grabbed it on instinct. Donnie swung up high by the roof before swinging down back towards Fishface.)
Donnie: Woohohooo!" (Donnie reached Fishface and kicked him once, twice, three times in the head before he went down.)
Donnie: (Released the chain and ran back over to Timothy, who remained crouched on the ground.) Okay, now we're getting out of here.
(Donnie saw that the remaining Foot soldiers had gotten back up and were started to surround both of us.)
Donnie: Hopefully...(He snapped his head up and saw four familiar figures falling from the skylight; three with shells and one cheetah fur. They all landed in front of him and Pulverizer, and Donnie saw that it was his brothers. They had finally come.)
(They all straightened up, ready for a fight, and reached their weapons, but came up with nothing.)
Y/N: Oh yeah, no weapons.
Leo: Ugh... Spread out, guys. Remember, anything can be a weapon.
(Instantly, they all spread out, and they all found something just as quickly as I had. Raph tore a piece of 2x4 off of a crate, Mikey found a long chain, Leo picked up a metal bar, and Y/N grabbed two monkey wrenches. Donnie spun his broom above his head as he ran forward, swinging it into the nearby Foot soldiers.)
Timothy: My mutation!"
(Y/N froze and turned around. The pulverizer was back underneath the dispenser again, and this time it was about to be late to stop him. Suddenly one of the windows broke and Frenzy suddenly landed and saw the whole scene.)
Ethan: Timothy, NOOO! (Thinks about what Y/N said 'A hero is a person who..............takes all the blows, so the innocents don't get it.') (Ethan ran forward and just as Timothy pulled the dispenser and prepared himsels-)
Timothy: This gonna be so cool!
(Ethan leaps into the air and pushes Timothy outta the way, which causes the latter to fly over and hit some crates, knocking him out. Ethan, however, was immediately hit by the mutagen, which caused him to hit the floor.)
Ethan: (Grabs his head in pain as he starts to transform) Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!
Y/N: Ethan, NOOOOOO!!!!!
Raph: What just happened?
Donnie: Ethan saved Timothy!
(Ethan continues to shout in pain as he begins to transform, two long rabbit ears grow out of his head, white fur begins to appear all over his, and finally a cute white bunny tail grows from his butt. After it's all done, Ethan falls to the ground, unconscious. Dogpound sees the transformation and immediately gets an idea.)
Dogpound: Grab the boy, we could use his DNA. (Foot Ninja begin to crowd around Ethan.)
Y/N: NO! (Tries to go help the child, but is punched by Dog-Pound into the wall.) Guhh!
Dogpound: Nice try, kitty!
(As The Foot ninjas are about to grab Ethan, two of them are suddenly tackled by none other than Timothy! Timothy gets up and adopts a figthing stance.)
Timothy: Leave him alone! (Looks down for a moment) Look! I may not be the bese ninja in the world!
Raph: Far from it!
Timothy: And I may never be a hero!
Leo: Most likely!
Timothy: But I will tell you this..................NO MESSES WITH MY FRIEND!
Is he fighting?! (Four foot ninja go to attack Timothy, but-)
(One last foot ninja rushes at Timothy, but-)
Raph: Did Pulverizer a fight?
Dogpound: (Growls) I don't have time for this! (A bike is soon heard as Foot Ninja comes through the garage and picks up Bradford. They soon leave. After it was all over, the brothers went and saw Timothy kneeling next to the unconscious Ethan. When thy made it, Timothy looked at them with sad eyes.)
Timothy: Will he be okay?
Donnie: (Kneels next to Timothy) Let's get him back to the lair.
(Time-Skip: They soon made it back to lair and the brothers are waiting for the Ethan to wake up.)
Y/N: How long until he wakes up?
Donnie: Not sure, being turned into a mutant at this age is unpredictable.
Timothy: This is all my fault, you guys tried to warn me about the mutagen, but I didn't listen. I am an idiot.
Raph: No argument here.
Leo: (Nudges him) Well, I guess we're partially to blame as well. We knew full well what the Foot are capable of and yet, we let continue to spy on them.
Ethan: (Groaning)
Y/N/Timothy: (Gasp!)
Ethan: Ugh, my head. (Sits up, looks around, sees that he was in the lair, with the turtles, Splinter, Y/N, and Timothy looking at him.)
Ethan: The turtles, Y/N, Timothy?
Timothy: (Joyful) You're okay!
Ethan: Of course I'm okay, why wouldn't I be?
Y/N: Uhhhhh, welllll, what's the last thing you remember?
Ethan: (Thinks for a moment) Pushing Timothy out of the way of that mutagen dispenser and after that, it is a blur. Man, (Gets up and scratches his head.) I feel-(Feels the bunny ears and immediately gets scared.) Ahhhhh! (Falls off the couch in panic.)
Splinter: Easy, relax.
Ethan: Am I? Am I? (Runs to the water in the lair.)
Y/N: Wait, kid don't-!
(Ethan sees the reflection and immmediately becomes shocked.)
Ethan: NO! (Gets up in realization) I'm a mutant bunny.
Raph: (Looking away) Yes, and you're also naked.
(Ethan looks down and realizes that he was indeed naked and immediately covers his private era. Meanwhile, Y/N comes over with some clothes.)
Y/N: Here, I got some clothers.
Ethan: Thank you, Sensei. (Takes the clothes and begnis to put them on.)
Splinter: Sensei?
Y/N: (Laughs nervously) I'll explain later.
Ethan: (Looks at himself and begins to get excited.) Okay, I could get used to this! (Jumps up and sees that he could jump higher. Begins to jump around the lair.) Woohhoo!
This is so cooooool!
Mikey: Okay that is pretty cool!
(The brothers awe over how nimble the boy was, but Timothy felt nothing, but sadness as he thinks he's ruined the boy's life. He begins to walk to the the exit, but is stopped by Y/N.)
Y/N: Where do you think you're going?
TImothy: Away from here, before I cause you guys anymore trouble. Look what I did to Etha-
Y/N: Ethan chose to save you, just at you chose to save him.
Timothy: (Gets a shocked face.)
Y/N: Look, you can't change what has passed, but you can change what is to come.
Leo: (Walks up to the two) And besides now that you've disobeyed Shredder, he's going to be gunning for you. We've already discussed with Sensei and he says you can stay down in here and learn the Art of the Ninja.
Ethan: (Lands next to Timothy) So, what do you say Timothy?!
Timothy: (Thinks for a moment and smiles.) Just one thing-
Timothy/Ethan: (Pumps their fists into the air.) Booyakasha!!!
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!
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