The Pulverizer and Frenzy
(Donnie, spending all day away from the lair wasn't like him. But he had made it very clear he didn't want them to know what he was doing. Yet. Mikey had tried enticing him with pizza, Raph tried shouting at him, Leo and Y/N had tried reasoning methods, but Donnie had only said that he was modifying Leatherhead's old subway car. And considering that they had needed to push the stupid thing all the way back home, the whole thing, they all felt, had better be worth it.)
(Finally, Donnie told them to wait by the subway lines outside the lair; he had a surprise. And so far, there was no Donnie, and nothing surprising.)
Mikey: Ugh, what's taking so long? Donnie knows I have a short atten- Ooh! Gum!
(Mikey picked a wad of gum off the floor, which Raphael whacked out of his hands in irritation.)
Y/N: Gotta love your sense of hygiene.
Leo: (Scoffed)Man...
Raph: This better be worth it.
Y/N: Yeah, I missed a grooming because of this.
Leo: (Shudders) You mean, you licking yourself on the couch.
Raph/Mikey: Ewwww!
Y/N: What?! You know I'm a cat, I'm not going to apologize for that.
(They all looked up when some headlights shone around the corner, and subway wheels squealed on the tracks. Which was weird, cause this place was supposed to be abandoned. And no subway car looked as sweet as the one that came around the corner. The three turtles anf one cheetah looked at the vehicle with wide eyes, taking in the graffiti paint job, the enormous wheels, and the frigging cannon attached to the top.)
Mikey: (Gasped.)
Raph: Worth it.
(The doors beeped, and slid open. Donnie leaned on the side, grinning smugly.)
Donnie: So...?
Leo: You turned Leatherhead's old subway car into this?
Raph: Donnie, have I ever told you how awesome you are?
Donnie: (Smug) No, you haven't.
RapH: Well, I am seriously considering it.
Y/N: Well, I'm actually gonna do it! (Fist pumped.) Awesomeness with a capital everything, Donatello my genius brother, you are awesome!
(Mikey walked forward, stroking the sides of the converted subway car, and leaning his head against it, as if listening.)
Leo: So, what do you call this thing?
Donnie: Well, it's a trans-axeled, multi-armored, electromagnetic-
Mikey: Shellraiser!"
(The four other ninjas stared at Mikey.)
Donnie: What?
Mikey: The Shellraiser! It's the perfect name!
(They exchanged looks looks of surprise.)
Y/N: That is the perfect name.
Mikey: Of course it is, bro! You guys are always underestimating me! Ooh, gum!
(Y/N threw a shuriken, which quickly skidded right above the ground, knocking the gum out of reach. )
Y/N: Not enough to let you die of subway germs.
Donnie: C'mon! (Donnie gestured for them to enter the 'Shellraiser'.)Check it out!
(They followed their brother into the van, which looked rather dark and unimpressive as of yet. Despite this, Mikey let out an awed.)
Mikey: Woah.
(Donnie sat down in a seat near the back, filling in one out of five. There were two more near Donnie's seat, and another two near the front, one of them obviously the driver's seat. They watched as Donnie pushed a button, and Y/N stepped back as a purple pink light made its way from the back of the Shellraiser, to the front, powering everything up. Mikey gasped as the very specific looking map in front of the seat he was standing next to powered up. Raph perked up when the station he was standing next to also powered up. Finally, the driver's section powered up, and the engine purred.)
Donnie: Now. (Bringing all attention back to him) "I've assigned everyone to a station based on your individual skill sets...(He paused, and looked a bit guilty.) Sort of... I can't drive because my station's in the back, so-
Y/N: Driver!
(Y/N darted for the driver's seat, only for Raph to grab his tail. Soon, Y/N, Leo, Raph and Mikey were pushing each other to get to the driver's station, until Donnie's bo staff created an instant barrier between them and the driver's seat.)
Donnie: Leo drives.
Raph/Mikey/Y/N: Why?
Leo: (Smiles smugly)
Donnie: He's least likely to hit something just for fun.
(Leo sat down in the driver's seat happily.)
Mikey/Raph: True.
Y/N: In translation, he's the leader.
Donnie:That too. (He gestured to the back, where Raph, Mikey and Y/N headed.) Raph, you have the weapons station. (Pointing out said station.)
Raph: Sweet. (Raph sat down at the weapons station comfortably.)
Donnie: Mikey, you have the navigation. You just tell Leo where to go. (Donnie pointed at the map station.) And no joking around.
Mikey: Whatever you say, D.
(Donnie turned to Y/N, who had his arms crossed, and was starting to feel a bit left out.)
Donnie: Y/N...
Y/N: (Sighs) Let me guess. My skills just don't even out right.
Donnie: No! You're perfectly fine! It's just, adding a redundant station would just be... redundant. (Donnie shook himself slightly when he saw his brother's offended look.) That came out wrong. I mean, all the necessities were covered, there wasn't a fifth. However, you can stay near Leo and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. Also, you kind of have free reign of the place since we can't leave our stations for too long. Oh! And I put your favorite scratching post, near leo, so you'll have somethig to do.
(Y/N looked over and saw his scratching post near his chair. Y/N snorted, then shrugged, grinning.)
Y/N: Whatever you say.
(He sat on the chair near Leo, who gripped the wheel excitedly. )
Leo: Finished? (He buckled the seat belt, the clasp having the letter T on it, over his plastron.) So, how do we get this baby going?
Donnie: (A screen on the wall powered on, showing Donnie.) Ok. Just ease the throttle forward, ever so slight-
(Apparently, Leo had finished listening by 'ease the throttle forward', because he pushed it forward quickly, and the rest of the team shouted in surprise as the Shellraiser jerked forward.)
Raph/Y/N: Whoo!
Leo: What is powering this thing?
Donnie: The Kraang power cell we got from Leatherhead.
Y/N: (Worried Look)
Leo: I thought you said that was dangerous, like the Kraang could track it.
Donnie: That's why I put it under a lead glass shield. Now, I can regulate the output, and prevent the Kraang from detecting its signal.
Y/N: Donnie, you are a genius!.
Mikley: I hate to interrupt But, dead end!
(Y/N jerked his head back to the screens in the front, and saw the fast approaching end of the line; a very solid looking brick wall. An alarm beeped warningly.)
Leo: (Nervously) Uh, D-Donnie. How do you stop this thing?
Donnie: Don't! (Donnie , appearing on another screen.)
Leo/Y/N: What?
Donnie: Trust me!
(Y/N grabbed ahold of his tail with a lot of worry. Everyone but Donnie screamed. There was a loud rev, and Y/N grunted as he was thrown forward, and back, hitting the back of his head on the back of the chair. Apparently, the tire wheels weren't just for show.)
Raph: Donnie! You're awesome!
(Y/N whooped, standing up precariously, and looking over at his brothers in the back.
Y/N: Donnie, you are the turtle! (Thrown back into his seat as Leo jerked the wheel, turning a sharp corner. )
(Theme Song: Check this out!)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
Here we go!
It's the lean, mean, ninja team
On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things
So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams
Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza KingsCan't stop these radical dudes
The secret of the ooze made the chosen few
Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves
The good guys win and the bad guys lose
Leonardo's the leader in blue
Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through
Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines
Raphael has the most attitude on the teamMichelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!
Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!
Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need
To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
Leo: Wow. (Driving down the street.)
Y/N: (Looking at the monitor and seeing the humans paying no ind to the brothers) To any humans, we must just look like a vandalized bus, most likely being driven by some insane teenagers. And actually, they would've mostly been right about the teenagers. Donnie, how do you do this?
Donnie: (Smug)I am just that good.
Mikey: (After a few minutes of silence.) This thing have a stereo?
Donnie: What good would this thing be without some tunes? (With that said, classical music began playing through the van.)
Raph: Are you serious?
Y/N:n (Sighs and face palms.) I love music as much as the next mutant, but this...(He twisted in his seat to cast an irritated look towards the back.)
Donnie: Check out the second movemen.
(Y/N jumped when heavy metal rock began to resound through the Shellraiser, full blast. Surround sound stereo. )
Y/N: Now, this is more like it!
Leo: (Grinned, nodding to the beat, and accelerated.)
(Y/N almost pitched forward, but he didn't care. His brothers whooped excitedly. Y/N stood up, pretending to play the guitar bit of the music. He caught Mikey out of the corner of his eye, standing on his seat. Leo twisted the wheel, and Y/N managed to keep his feet, still doing air guitar. He wasn't prepared when the Shellraiser's front wheels lifted off the ground, and he pitched backwards, hitting the far wall. But he was still laughing. Donnie, Raph and Mikey hung onto the safety handles on the roof as Leo's driving swung them around, and Y/N had to grip onto the sides of the van as he made his way back to the front. A sharp twist caused him to crash into the back of Leo's seat. A few more minutes of joyriding, and soon Raph and Y/N got into a bit of an argument, over who was going to hang out on top of the Shellraiser. Raph won the fight however, and he opened the ceiling hatch. Y/N raised his hands in an irritated gesture, and moved back to the front. Then, there was a pounding on the top of the van.)
Raph: Leo! Pull over!
(Leo did as he was told, and Raph dropped back into the interior of the Shellraiser. Y/N looked at one of the screens, and what he saw made him smirk.)
Leo/Y/N: Purple Dragons! (They laughed.)
Leo: This night keeps getting better and better!
Raph: Oh yeah! It's like candy for my knuckles! (Cracked his knuckles.) And tonight's Halloween!
Y/N: Then let's go trick-or-treating! (Stands up from where he had been crouching beside Leo.)
Donnie: Wait a minute. (He and Mikey having moved to the front. HPe pointed out two shadowy figures, crouching on top of a dumpster, onscreen.) Who are those two?
(The three gang members halted when they saw the figures in the shadows.)
Small Figure: Excuse me, boys! I think you forgot to pay for that.
(Both figures stood up)
Big Figure: But don't worry. We accept cash, check, or teeth!"
Leo: (Impressed) Huh... That was a pretty good line.
Y/N: Better than yours at least. (Y/N smirked as Leo glared daggers at him. Y/N looked at the small figure and saw that he was a child.) Uhhh, is that a child wearing a, Wild Kratts cheetah costume?
Fong: What are you gonna do? (Dropping his stolen goods, he and his followers getting ready to beat the crap out of these intruders.) There's two of you, and four of us.
Figure: Oh, you wanna call a couple friends, make it even?
Small Figure: Yeah, how about you call some people, that will actually make this a challenge.
(The mysterious vigilantes jumped down from on top of the dumpster.)
Raph: (Impressed) These guys got guts!
(The slightly heavyset vigilante stepped towards the gang members, with the small vigilante next to him.)
Pulverizer: It's time to face the wrath of... the Pulverizer-
Frenzy: And Frenzy!
Y/N: Frenzy?
Mikey giggled.)This is gonna be great!"
Pulverizer: Yah! (Proceeded to do a couple obscure moves, punctuated by random sounds and words.) "Zudo! Kah! Punch, punch! Yah!
Frenzy: Dude, you know you we have to hit them to have any effect!
Leo: Or... not.
Y/N: What, does this guy think he's in a comic book? (Looks at the kid on the ground) And the kid is just too brave for his own good.
(The Purple Dragons moved forward.)
Brothers: Oooh...
(The five brothers winced as the Pulverizer seriously proceeded to get his butt kicked by three of them. And the kid was about to get hit by the one with a crowbar,)
Mikey: Aw, the Pulverizer's getting, just...! Well, I dunno the word.
Y/N: (Rolled his eyes a little.) Let's give them a hand!
(The Pulverizer started to pick himself up from getting pounded into the ground, and seemed to be realizing just how much of a mistake he'd made, while looking at the kid, who in the arms of one of the purple dragons . Fong smirked, punching a fist into his palm.)
Y/N: Hey, dragons!
(All of the rangers, are the brothers)
Y/N: How do you like the odds now?
(That was when the Purple Dragons realized that they were surrounded.)
Pulverizer: (Excitedly) Woah! (Looking around at the anthropomorphic mutants.) The turtles!
Frenzy: (Dropped to the ground and looks at the cheetah in excitement) And the cheetah!
Donnie: How does he know who we-?
(Donnie started, before Fong delivered a clean punch to his face, and the purple clad turtle flew backwards. Fong than got a punch courtesy of Y/N. He than heard a yelp as he saw the kid in trouble. He than leapt back and delivered a punch to the dragon's face, sending him into a wall. Y/N than looked down at the kid with a worried expression.)
Y/N: Are you okay?
Frenzy: Woah! Yeah! (See's the dragon behind him about to him with the crow bar) (Gasp!) Look, out! (Grabs a brick and throws at the dragon, making the latter fall to the ground in pain.)
Y/N: Nice, one kid!
Frenzy: Thanks!
(Fong got up, wiped his lip, glaring up at Y/N, who smirked, crossing his arms.)
Fong: Stupid cat!
Y/N: (Frustrated) Cheetah!
(He yelped as Tsoi, the Purple Dragon with the mustache, grabbed him in a headlock from behind. Fong got to his feet, and seemed ready to hit Y/N, before Leo kicked him in the chest. Y/N than swung his head back and hit Tsoi in the face, before turning around and-)
Y/N: Oof!
(Someone tripped over him. The Pulverizer, of course. Y/N grumbled, getting to his feet. The Pulverizer also got to his feet, jumping a little in excitement.)
Pulverizer: That was so cool! Can you runs faster than the turtles?
Y/N: I'm a cheetah, what do you think?
(Y/N snapped, when someone grabbed him by the tail, and spun him around. Sid, the muscle giant, held the cheetah by the tail, attempting to use him as a shield against Mikey and Donnie. He growled, seizing Sid by the arms, and swinging him into the wall.)
Leo: Fong's getting away!
(Raph pulled Tsoi, who was holding the young leader in a headlock, off him.Sid looked a little dazed, but he still attempted to aim a punch at Mikey, who dodged easily. Donnie smacked the big human in the face with his bo staff. Mikey ran after Fong, swinging his kusarigama chain above his head, and throwing it at the gang leader.)
Mikey: Oh, no he don't!
Pulverizer/Frenzy: We got him!
(The Pulverizer and Frenzy ran after Fong, and took a face plant to the ground as Mikey's kusarigama wrapped around them instead. Fong had gotten away. )
The Pulverizer: Oh, dang, we almost had him.
Mikey: Not cool, man. (Mikey pulled at his kusarigama, the Pulverizer and Frenzy twisting as the chain unwrapped.)
Frenzy: Sorry.
(Y/N felt like face palming, but they still had Tsoi and Sid to deal with. But the sound of sirens caused the two remaining gang members to scram.)
Leo: Cops! (Leo sheathed his katanas, and ran towards the Shellraiser, signaling for his siblings to follow.) We gotta go!
(The other four brothers did as they were told, and Y/N face palmed as he heard someone chasing after them.)
Pulverizer: Oh, hey! Great teamwork, guys!
Frenzy: Can, we talk to you guys for a second? How do I become a hero?
Raph: Look. (Raph scowls at the Pulverizer and Frenzy, as Y/N, Leo, Mikey and Donnie climbed into the van.) I don't know who you two think you are, or what you think you're doing, but don't.
Y/N: And to become a hero, it takes more than wearing a costume.
(Y/N looked down at the wannabe-superheros as Raph climbed into the van.)
Frenzy: Hey, you could teach us-
(Raph spun him around, and shut the door.)
Y/N: Those two need to stop dowin this, or they are going to get themselves killed.
(Y/N sits back down next to Leo. He began to relax as Donnie turned back on the music, and they started driving back home. Y/N frowned a little when he heard something else among the music. It sounded like a high pitched guitar, which hadn't been in the mix before. It certainly didn't seem to add much tempo, since it kept on popping in and out.)
Leo: You guys hear something?
Y/N: (Shrugged.) I don't hear anything.
(Cut to the brothers driving home. The door dinged, and Y/N stood up, stretching.)
Donnie: We got a problem!
(Donnie suddenly jumped out of the hellraiser. Y/N froze as he was about to step out of the van. Leo pushed him aside, and his eyes widened.)
Donnie: What the...?
(Donnie was checking on a seemingly unconscious Pulverizer and Frenzy, though the failed vigilantes started to sit up, groaning.)
Donnie: Are you two ok?
Pulverizer: Sure. (The Pulverizer wrapped his arm around his midsection.) You-you can survive with just one kidney, right?"
(Y/N yelped as Raph pushed him forward, and he landed next to Frenzy.)
Frenzy: Hi. (He waved at him, smiling.)
Y/N: (Smiled a little, giving a little salute.) Yo...
Raph: Great! (Raph, Leo and Mikey exited the Shellraiser.) First these doofus twins get in the way of a good Purple Dragon stomping, now they know where our lair is?"
Pulverizer: Oh, no problem. (The Pulverizer and Frenzy look at Raph.)
Frenzy: We blacked out most of the way here.
Y/N: Uhhhh, Woopee. (Helped the 'doofus twins' to their feet.) How do you even know we exist?
(The five brothers stare at the unexpected intruder.)
Pulverizer: Oh, we saw you months ago! There was this huge metal monster! All like, ksh! Ksh! Ksh! (He looked at Leo.)You were like, Let's finish this!
Frenzy: (He turned quickly to Raph.) Oh, and you were like all, you're going down. (He pointed at Y/N.) And you were just like, Eat it! (He looked at Mikey.) Oh, then you were like all, Beeees!
Pulverizer: (He then pointed at Donnie.) Oh, and you were like...! (He paused, thinking.) You were like the strong, silent type.
(There was a moment of silence.)
Mikey: (Whispering)Dudes!" Mikey whispered. We. Have. Stalkers!
Pulverizer: You inspired us to become heroes! We saw you guys and thought, What have they got that we haven't got?
(Mikey looked excited. Raph looked cynical. Y/N just looked amused at the kid. Leo looked mildly concerned. Donnie looked skeptical.)
Donnie: Years of training from a grand master of ninjutsu?
Pulverizer: No. An awesome costume!
Frenzy: Yeah, where'd you get yours by the way?
(Y/N's jaw dropped a little.)
Donnie: Uh, we are not wearing costumes.
Y/N: We're mutants.
Pulverizer: Riiigght...(He paused, before poking Mikey's arm, and tapping his hell. His face broke into a grin.)Cool! How do I do that?
Frenzy: Dude, I think they're telling the truth.
Raph: You! (Raph snapped, getting into the duos faces.) Stop talking! (He turned back to his siblings.) We gotta get him outta here.
Pulverizer/Frenzy: Woah!
(The five teen ninjas stiffened as they realized that the Pulverizer already seemed to be making himself at home.)
Pulverizer: This place is amazing! What's with all the pizza boxes?
Frenzy: (Rifles through the couch cushion and pulls out-)
Frenzy: A bag of Cat-Nip?
(Y/N let out a small scream, running into the lair, snatches the Cat-Nip and holds it close to his chest.)
Y/N: Don't touch that!
(The turtles look at Y/N in confusion, but he just glares and points his finger at all of them.)
Y/N: If any of you tell Master Splinter about this, I will end you.
(The Pulverizer and Frenzy seemed completely unfazed, and proceeded to examine skateboards, comic books and other possessions around the pit, much to the consternation of everyone. Donnie didn't start getting concerned until the two moved into the lab. As soon as everyone caught up to them, Pulverizer was playing around with Donnie's robot, and sometimes lab assistant, Metalhead, while Frenzy was just spinning in the chair.)
Donnie: Hey, don't touch that!
(The Pulverizer turned his interest to a Kraang-droid control on one of the desks.)
Pulverizer: Hey, what's this? (Pick it up and stares at it. Donnie snatched it out of his hands, scowling.)
Pulverizer: That looks like the stuff those guys were stealing.
Donnie: That's impossible. (Donnie turns to his siblings.) It's Kraang tech.
Pulverizer/Frenzy: W-what's a Kraang?
Raph: If we told you, we'd have to kill you both.
Frenzy: (Gulp)
Raph: You see, the Kraang are aliens from another dimension.
(Leo nudged him, narrowing his eyes dangerously, and Y/N just shook his head in amusement.)
Leo: But, why would the Purple dimwits want Kraang robotics? (Leo turns to Donnie.) It's not like they'd know what to do with it.
Y/N/Raph: Unless they're stealing it for someone else.
Y/N: Jinx.
(Y/N lies his head down on the desk again. Raph whacked him, and he automatically sat up, growling at him.)
Donnie: Well, who do we know who would be interested in stolen, evil robot parts?
Four Brother(Sans Mikey): Baxter Stockman.
Mikey: Donatello.
(The four other brothers started at him.)
Mikey: Baxter Stockman.
Leo: We'll check it out. Donnie, fix the Shellraiser, and take Captain Rubberpants and Cat-Kid home.
(Leo ran out of the lab, Raph, Mikey and Y/N following.)
Donnie: What? Wait! Why do I have to-?
(They were already out before he could finish the sentence. Donnie looked down somberly, before he looked around and saw Frenzy was gone.)
Donnie: Hey, where's your friend?
Pulverizer: (Shrugs)
(Y/N found Frenzy following them and let him tag along, as long as he stayed back. Y/N and his brothers soon arrived at Stockman's lab, they found him and the Purple Dragons, definitely proving their theory of Baxter Stockman wanting the Kraang tech correct.
(Once Leo gave us the signal, they all jumped down from the ceiling beams and landed before them.)
Leo: Baxter Stockman!
(Stockman whirled around, and the four brothers jumped down from the beams, weapons drawn. Y/N has Frenzy on his back.)
Leo: Whatever you're up to with those robotic parts, it ends now!
Baxter: You wanna see what I'm working on?
Y/N: Only so we can total it (Crosses his claws).
Frenzy: Nice one!
Y/N: Thanks.
Stockman: Well, here it comes!
(A familiar red mutant koi with arms, and orange water tubing to keep it from dying, jumped into the air from behind Stockman's giant metal throne, courtesy of two robotic legs, and landed in front of the brothers and Frenzy.)
(The four mutant teenagers and one kid burst out laughing.)
Leo: Look! (Leo takes a breath and points his sword at Xever.) Sushi that delivers itself!
Frenzy: Burn! (Fist-bumps with Leo)
(Xever growled, and punched a file cabinet into the air. Jumping up, he used his robotic legs to kick the cabinet directly at the ninjas. The four of them dodged aside, while Frenzy clenched onto Y/N's back even harder.)
Mikey: Dude! Fishface is a little sensitive!
Leo: (Grins) You're calling him Fishface?
Mikey: Well, it was that, or Robocarp.
(Suddenly, 'Fishface' kicked his namer in the chest, and Mikey flew back, hitting the wall. Mikey gasped, speaking in a strained voice.)
Mikey: Pretty good, pretty good...
(Y/N, instantly at Mikey's side, turned on Fishface, growling furiously.)
Raph: Important safety tip! (Raph charges the mutant koi.) Avoid the legs!
(Fishface aimed a kick at Raph's face, which the younger mutant dodged. Raph ducked Fishface's swinging tail, before advancing on him, stabbing at him with his sai. Fishface backflipped away, kicked himself off the wall, and went straight for Raph like a bullet. He stomped his leg down hard, and Raph back stepped to avoid it. Fishface quickly recovered, sweeping Raph's legs out from under him, and kicking the red clad ninja into the air, before kicking him into the wall. Raph landed in a crouch, and looked up just in time to be able to dodge aside, causing Fishface to kick the wall instead. Fishface charged, legs pinwheeling through the air like a helicopter propeller. Raph ducked, rolling aside, and dodging again as Fishface stomped a leg at him again. Things were getting tense now, Fishface thus far having one point up on Raph. Raph growled, Fishface hissed, and the latter aimed another robotic leg at the younger mutant. Promptly, Raph locked the right leg in his right sai, and locked the left knee in his left sai, pinning both legs to the wall, Fishface now upside down.)
Raph: What you got besides legs?
(Fishface managed to maneuver himself upright, and bit Raph's shoulder. Y/N, Frenzy, and Leo, having managed to get Mikey back in the game, looked up sharply at their turtle's cry.)
Raph: Raph! (Raph punched his sai hilts into Fishface's jaw line, forcing the koi to release him, and stepped away groaning in pain. Dropping his sai, holding his shoulder, Raph dropped to his knees.) Teeth... I think they're... poison... (Raph collapsed to the ground.)
Frenzy: Guys, I don't mean to add insult to injury, but we have Purple Dragons coming in 6:00! (Points at the Dragons charging at their turtles.)
Y/N: That's 12:00.
Frenzy: I meant 6-ish. (Leaps off of Y/N's back and charges at the dragons)
Y/N: What are you doing?!
Frenzy: I'll distract them and you guys deal with Fish-face!
(There were about four seconds of frozen surprise and shock, before Y/N and Leo charged Fishface, Mikey instantly went to Raph's side. Leo sliced at Fishface with a shout. As Fishface dodged, Y/N aimed a few quick slices with he claws, all of which Fishface dodged, before aiming a kick to the cheetah's face. Y/N ducked, and Leo sliced at Fishface over his sister. Fishface jumped aside, before aiming another kick, this time at Leo. Leo ducked, and he and Y/N advanced on Fishface. Y/N bent back as Fishface aimed another kick at he, and Fishface back stepped as Leo swung his katanas at him. Y/N quickly swept Fishface's robotic legs out from under him, and Fishface landed on his hands, launching himself backwards and landing on his legs again. He hissed at them, and the two brothers crossed their weapons in readiness.)
Y/N: Mikey, how's Raph?
(Y/N ducked from another kick. Leo caught Fishface's leg between his katanas, and tried forcing him to the ground, only for the other leg to hit him in the chest. As Leo fell back, Y/N aimed a kick at the mutant koi's ugly head.)
Mikey: He's not fine!
(Y/N let out an angry shout, turning quickly from the two other brothers to Fishface, and aiming a blow to his face. Fishface actually blocked with one of his robotic feet, before kicking him away.)
Leo: Call Donnie. (Y/N flew past him.) Tell him we need an antidote!
(Meanwhile with Frenzy, he was distracting the Dragons by throwing rocks at them and when they got close, he dodged and ran for more stuff to throw.)
(The fight with Fishface wasn't one Y/N really wanted to remember. The guy had been crazy good as a human, and he was crazy good as a mutant, as both Leo and Y/N kept on nearly having their butts handed to them. And all the while, they could hear Mikey talking anxiously into his T-Phone. At some point, Y/N backed away from Fishface for a breath, and bumped into someone.)
Y/N: What the...?
(He turned and glared, and Fong, leader of the Purple Dragons, and instantly punched into the wall. Hearing the robotic whirring, Y/N spun around, and ducked a kick from Fishface, only to have he feet swept from under him. A robotic foot kicked him away in the chest, and Fishface turned quickly to face Leo, who charged with a yell. Advancing quickly on the blue clad ninja, Fishface seized Leo's wrist and pulled him forward. Taking his other wrist, Fishface threw the young ninja into the air. Leaping off the walls, Fishface stomped down hard on Leo's chest, forcing him back down to the ground.)
Y/N: Leo!
(Fishface turned on Y/N as he screamed. Holding his painful side, with an angry shout Y/N used his free hand to throw a few shuriken, which Fishface rolled to avoid. Y/N then charged him with a yell, slicing at him with he claws. Fishface jumped over the attack, and kicked him in the back. Before he knew it, Y/N was on his back, robotic foot on his chest, and Fishface hissing in his face.)
Mikey: Donnie, get here now!
(Y/N began screaming, struggling underneath Fishface's synthetic leg. The mutant koi turned his ugly face towards Mikey and Raph, before stomping down hard on Y/N's chest, causing him to nearly pass out. Y/N was aware of Frenzy shouting at Fishface to keep away, before his biggest fan landed nearby to him, and Fishface placed a foot on top of his back. Suddenly, the Shellraiser came crashing through the wall, jumping right over the downed turtles, and skidding to a stop. Fishface hissed, and a ball of compressed garbage was shot directly into his wide open mouth.)
(As Donnie, and the Pulverizer of all people, ran out of the Shellraiser and towards Raph, Y/N shook his head, trying to clear it as he rolled onto his hands and knees. He crawled over to Frenzy, who was just starting to sit up, holding his head along with Mikey. Y/N didn't say it, but he actually needed more help than Mikey, and after Mikey and Frenzy helped Y/N to his feet, the two of them went to check on Leo, who was just coming to. Besides some bad bruises none of them were too injured. Helping Mikey in supporting Leo, Y/N and he two brothers made their way back to Raph and Donnie. Donnie pulled out an injector gun, and stuck the needle into the arm of his immediate older brother, pulling the trigger. Raph took a breath, and his eyes cleared slightly, looking up at Donnie.)
Raph: Thanks... magical unicorn.
Frenzy: You okay?
Y/N: Yeah, thanks.
Pulverizer: That was awesome!
(Donnie helped Raph to his feet.)
Pulverizer: We saved him!
Donnie: We saved him? You wanted to stop and sell ice cream! If I hadn't jumped and smashed through that wall-!
(Frenzy ran in between Donnie and Pulverizer.)
Frenzy: Leave him alone! We've never done this before!
Mikey: Uh, Donnie. Is the Shellraiser supposed to do that?
('That' was crackling, pink electricity covering their van.)
Donnie: What the...?
(Donnie ran towards the Shellraiser, quickly climbing in, his siblings close behind. The purple clad prodigy quickly made his way to the back, where the power cell was.)
Donnie: It's cracked... Oh, this is bad. The Kraang can detect that energy signature "We gotta get back underground before they come looking for the power cell!
(Y/N couldn't sit down. He was too anxious, hand gripping the safety handle on the roof, standing next to Leo and the Pulverizer (who for some reason decided to occupy the front, much to Y/N and Leo's irritation). Something flashed on one of the screens, catching Frenzy's eye. A couple white vans, obviously Kraang occupied, were coming up fast behind them, and in front of them.)
Frenzy: Guys, we got company!
(Leo's eyes narrowed, and he manipulated the joystick, pressing forward. The vans in front of them veered off, and was soon right behind them, along with all the other vans. A Kraang-droid poked its upper body out of one of the vans, and began peppering the back of the Shellraiser with laser fire.)
Raph: Hold him steady, Leo! I'll take care of these jokers! (He was soon out the back of the van, shooting manhole covers at the vans.)
Y/N: Why couldn't I be in charge of the weapons?
(Y/N and Frenzy jumped slightly at the sound of something banging on the roof.)
Frenzy: What was that?
(The rooftop cameras showed a couple silver Kraang-droids making themselves comfortable.)
Y/N: You gotta be kidding me...
Frenzy: Cool, alien robots! (At Y/N) Do they come in peace?
Y/N: They're attacking us, what do you think?
Leo: Guys! (Leo activated Donnie's talk screen.) The Kraang are on the roof!
Y/N: We got this!
Frenzy: (Hops onto Y/N's back.) Not without me!
Y/N: (Sighs) You're lucky I like you, kid.
(A/N: And before you anyone comments, not like that. This is to all the pedos.)
(Soon, Y/N, Mikey, and Donnie were on the roof, ready to take down the Kraang. They gasped.)
Mikey: Leo!
(A half or so a dozen Kraang with wings flew towards them.)
Mikey: Kraang can fly! Kraang can fly! (He cut off when one of the flying Kraang knocked him aside.)
Y/N: (Handed Frenzy some shurikens.) You like throwing things, don't you?
Frenzy: (Took the shuriken) You, know I do!
(Y/N took out a few shurikens for himself, and threw them with Frenzy, taking down at least four flying Kraang.
Y/N: (At Frenzy) Good work!
Frenzy: Thanks! Look out!
(A laser shot nearly took Their heads off, and Y/N quickly pulled out his claws, slicing the Kraang into four pieces. He stepped back near the edge of the Shellraiser, the wind whipping his face, claws crossed in front of his aggressively. Something suddenly grabbed his ankle, and he spun around. Mikey hung off the side, looking up at his desperately.)
Y/N: Oh, holy hound...
(Y/N crouched down, grabbing his brother's hand and pulling him up. A few Kraang-droids bounced off the top of the Shellraiser, dysfunctional thanks to Donnie. The three mutant brothers and Frenzy quickly took out most of the flying Kraang.)
Mikey: Bring it!
(Suddenly, the Shellraiser took a sharp turn, heading straight for a wall. They all had about two seconds to scream, before Donnie grabbed both Mikey and Y/N by their shells, and threw them against the roof of the Shellraiser just before it crashed into the wall.)
Y/N: (Shook his head a little.) I think I'm a little whiplashed.
(The hatch suddenly popped open, and Leo jumped out, wielding his katanas. Y/N could hear him take down a Kraang-droid. Y/N, Raph, Donnie and Mikey took that as their cue, jumped up, and attacked. Y/N saw that was coming right for him, so he looked back at Frenzy on his back and both nodded their heads in determination. As soon as the bot got close enough-)
(When he landed, he backflipped into the air, landed on the ground, and sliced off the legs of another. He stepped back, crossing his claws in front of his as another Kraang-droid descended on him and Frenzy, wielding its chainsaw gun. He yelled, sweeping its legs out from under it, and slicing its head off. Y/N yelped when a Kraang-droid suddenly knocked his aside. He quickly got to his feet, ready to fight, but to his surprise, the Kraang-droid kept on running.)
Leo: He's got the cell!
Pulverizer: I'll stop him!
(The Pulverizer emerges from the Shellraiser. Y/N and Frenzy yelped when he was knocked aside again as the heavyset teen ran past them.)
Frenzy/Donnie: Pulverizer! No!
(Donnie was pinned to the wall as he used his staff to keep the Kraang chainsaw from sawing his face in half. Y/N gasped when he found himself staring into the barrel of a Kraang gun. Acting instinctively, he kicked the droid in the groin, and jumped to his feet, kicking it in the face.)
Pulverizer: I can do this!
(The Pulverizer ran after the Kraang-droid with the power cell as it walked towards a helicopter, which contained more droids and had just landed.)
Donnie: You really can't!
Frenzy: I second that, pal!
(The next minute or so was blurred as Y/N took down the endless stream of Kraang-droids. Finally, when the last droid was stabbed by Leo, they all took the time to realize that the helicopter was taking off, and Donnie, helping the Pulverizer to his feet, was power cell-less.)
Y/N: (Muttering) Aaaand there goes our power source. (Y/N looked up at the slowly disappearing helicopter.)
Pulverizer: Aw, man.
(The Pulverizer turned to the five brothers and Frenzy.)
Pulverizer: Looks like I mucked everything up, didn't I?
(Frenzy walked over to Pulverizer and put a hand on his shoulder.)
Frenzy: They were right, we need to know how to fight, before becoming heroes.
(Y/N sighs, crosses his arms. Donnie slumped slightly.)
Mikey: Hey, bro. It's not your fault.
Leo: Um, actually, Mikey. It is.
Mikey: Oh, yeah.
Donnie: Not completely. I'm the one who sent the Shellraiser through the wall, and that's what cracked the power cell.
Y/N: (Puts a hand on Donnie's shoulder.) Hey, we'll get it back, don't you worry.
Pulverizer: Uh, so...(The Pulverizer seemed to have completely forgotten that he was supposed to be sorry.)"Think we could pick up our training again sometime?
Donnie: (He approached him, and put a hand on his shoulder.) No.
Pulverizer: Fine. But I'll be practicing! And we'll be back!
Y/N:(He groaned a little at the prospect, but then approached the two.) You asked me how to become a hero. Look, you both have heart and I see what you guys could be, but before you two become need to become warriors.
Frenzy: Than that's what we'll do.
Pulverizer: And wherever crime may roam.
Frenzy: Wherever help is.
Turtles: Bye.
(The Pulverizer and Frenzy slumped slightly and Y/N started to feel guilty, so he went back to them one more time.)
Y/N: Here this might help you. (Reaches into his pocket, pulls out a book, and hands it to the two.)
Frenzy: (Take the book) Wow, thanks!
(Y/N smiles and walks off to catch up with his brothers. With one problem out of the way, the brothers automatically approached other problems.)
Donnie: We've got to figure out how we're getting that power cell back. (Hits his fist into his palm to prove his point.)
Leo: Which raises the question...
(The five of them turn to their now dysfunctional vehicle.)
Leo: How are we going to get the Shellraiser home?
Y/N: Push it back home, he said! (Y/N pressed his back hard against the back of the Shellraiser.) It'll be fine, he said! We just gotta work together, he said!
(There was only one solution; push the van all the way back home. They were finally back in the subway tunnels, but the lair was still very far away in their perspective. What was more, Donnie was in the Shellraiser, sitting in the driver's seat, while the rest of them pushed it back home.)
Raph: Are you sure the parking brake isn't on?
Donnie: For the hundredth time, yes! Oh, wait... Sorry guys! (He poked his head out the door.)Uh... try it now.
Leo: Donnie!
Mikey: Donatello!
(They pushed the Shellraiser all the way back home, while shouting angrily at its creator.)
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!
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