The Power Inside Her

"Are you sure this is a good idea, guys?" Leo asked from the chair he sat in, he and Y/N watching Donnie as he finished hooking April up to a psychic neurotransmitter.

"Um, yeah," April said, giving Donnie a look. "Last time you hooked me up to this thing, it made me blind and mentally connected to a giant fish-bird-worm thing."

"Don't worry," Timothy responded, turning a dial on the machine the device was hooked up to. "We've upgraded it since then."

"It's perfectly safe," Donnie added, walking over to the machine. "I promise." The top of the machine exploded, making Donnie and Timothy jump back with startled screams.

Timothy cleared his throat, looking back at the red-head. "Your psychic powers have been expanding rapidly since you were given that Aeon crystal. It's imperative we test its limits. For your own sake."

"I have it under control," April argued. "Besides, if it weren't for my powers, we never would have gotten away from Shredder. You saw what I did to that mutated freak."

"That's what worries us," Leo sighed.

Donnie walked over to April. "We just need to examine your crystal."

"No!" April snapped, grabbing the crystal around her neck. "I'm not taking it off. Don't even ask again, Donnie. It's safe, as long as I have it."

"Hmm." Donnie thought for a moment. "If we can replicate how this crystal increases your powers, that could provide a frame of reference--"

"Increase her powers?" Leo interrupted, quickly getting up from the chair.

"Don't worry," Timothy reassured him with a smile. "It's only slightly. Like...maybe .3%?"

"I don't think you should do that," Y/N warned.

(Donnie moved back to the machine, turning the dial to try and tune it with April's powers. The five of them waited for something to happen, but April just gave the two scientists a bored look.)

"April, let me know if you feel anything, okay? Tingling, headache--"

April scoffed, cutting Donnie off. "I told you, I'm fine. Just leave the crystal--" She started screaming, her eyes turning white as everything in the room shot into the air. She grabbed her crystal as the objects started whipping around the room at an alarming speed.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Here we go!

It's the lean, mean, ninja team

On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things

So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams

Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings

Can't stop these radical dudes

The secret of the ooze made the chosen few

Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves

The good guys win and the bad guys lose

Leonardo's the leader in blue

Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through

Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines

Raphael has the most attitude on the team

Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!

Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need

To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

"I knew this was a bad idea," Leo said, trying to make his way to April, letting out a startled yell as she whipped around to face him. She unleashed a psychic blast that flung all the objects and everyone around her back.

Having heard the commotion, Raph pried open the lab doors, entering the room. "What are you guys--" He cut off as he took in the state of the room. "Oh no." He noticed April in the middle of the floor, her hair-tie and headband missing. "April!"

"Whoa!" Ethan peeked into the room as Raph ran over to April. "Are you guys having another super-smash dance party without me and Mikey?" he asked as the others ran in to see what had happened. He ran over to April, kneeling beside her. 

Donnie pulled himself up and walked over to April. "We've got to get this away from her." he pulled the crystal over her head, but as he started walking away from the unconscious red-head, the crystal started moving around on its own. "Huh? Oh!" The crystal shot out of his hands and started heading back toward April. "The crystal--"

Raph slammed his hands down around the crystal, trapping it between her palms. "I got it." he moved to one of the desks, nailing the string to the desk. It still tried to fly back to April, but the nail held it.

"That should hold it, for now," Donnie said.

"What happened in here?" Splinter's voice caught their attention as he walked into the room. "April?" He walked over to the unconscious red-head and knelt beside her.

"It's that alien crystal," Donnie explained. "It's been messing with her head."

"That crystal has a strong hold on both her mind and spirit," Splinter said. "It has become too dangerous."

"Sensei's right," Timothy agreed. "Donnie and I need to break its connection with her. Somehow..."

"I will tend to her in the dojo." Splinter got to his feet. "Perhaps the mantras will help."

"I got her, Master Splinter," Raph said, picking up April and walking out of the lab toward the dojo, Father following.


Casey was sitting on a rooftop, crushing an empty soda can and tossing it at a couple of rats, which quickly ran off. "I can't believe Raph left me on foot patrol alone." He got up from his spot, moving to the edge of the roof and leaning on its ledge, glancing down at the street below. "Eh, nothing really happening." He pulled out binoculars for a closer look. "Wait, what's this?" He saw Shredder's mutant goons loading up a van with mutagen.

"Careful with that shipment," Tigerclaw ordered. "There isn't much left, and Shredder needs every last drop to maintain his mutation."

Casey quickly ducked behind the roof's ledge. "Man, Super Shredder must have got really messed up--" He pulled out his phone. "I gotta call Raph!"


"Mutagen?" Raph asked, on his phone with Casey. "Okay, sit tight. We're on our way. And don't do anything stupid like try to take them on all by yourself again." He ended the call and turned to Leo and the others, who were cleaning up the lab. "We gotta move. Casey spotted Shredder's goons wrestling up some mutagen from an old Kraang lab."

Leo nodded, setting down a pile of books he'd been carrying. "Let's go." he looked at Donnie and Timothy, who were focused on the crystal. "Donnie, Timothy?"

"We need to keep an eye on this crystal," Donnie responded. "It's too dangerous to leave unattended."

"And we need to figure out a way to sever its connection with April," Timothy added.


Casey tapped his foot against the roof impatiently, looking through his binoculars once more to see what the mutants were up to.

"Let's get a move on," Razar said, putting another crate into the van as Fishface and Tigerclaw got in.

Casey lowered the binoculars, looking over the rooftops. "What's taking them so long?" He gasped as the van started up, the doors closing before it started to drive off. He flipped his mask down and walked to the edge of the roof. "Once again, it's up to Casey Jones to save the day." He jumped off, sliding down the fire escape before landing on the van's roof.

The sound caught the attention of Fishface, who noticed the vigilante in the side mirror. "What? That vigilante idiot!"

"Whoa!" Casey clung to the van as Fishface started swerving to try and get him off. Tigerclaw slammed his blade through the roof, Casey getting up and backing away to avoid getting hit. He fell off the van, but managed to land on his skates, hooking a hockey stick into the van's handle to keep hold of it, only for a couple of Elites to open the back doors. "Ah, nuts."

The robots jumped out of the van before running after Casey, the vigilante ducking to avoid their laser swords as he kept hold of the van. It took a sharp turn and he jumped into the back. "If Shredder wants that mutagen, you're gonna have to go through me first!" He threw Razar out of the van.

Tigerclaw growled, opening his door. "I want to finish this one personally." He started climbing the side of the van, only to have Casey slam one of the doors into his face, making him fall off. He rolled over a taxi before grabbing the roof to steady himself and activating his jetpack. He flew back toward the van, shooting his guns at Casey.

"Glad I saved this baby." Casey pulled out a photon puck, shooting it at Tigerclaw. The tiger threw his guns aside bringing out his blade and cutting the puck in half. It blew up anyway, destroying the two Elites and sending the tiger flying.

Fishface looked out his window to see what was going on, only to be tazed by Casey before the vigilante threw himself into the van. "Say 'what's up' to Shredder for me!" He opened the van's door and got in, driving off with the mutagen.


(Timothy stood behind Donnie, staying close to him as he managed to make an electrical connection to the crystal using his tech Bo.)

"This is strange," she mumbled.

"But I think I'm beginning to get it now," Donnie said, keeping focused on the crystal.

Meanwhile, Splinter and Shen were meditating in the dojo while April was laying in front of them. She came to, her eyes snapping open as she gasped. She sat up quickly, her hand going to her neck where her crystal should be hanging. "My--my crystal!" She was frantic, desperately looking for it. "Where's my crystal??"

"April, calm down," Shen tried to soothe her. "Donatello and Timothy are examining it while you rest."

"No!" April shouted. She tried to scramble for the lab, only for Splinter to hold her back. "No, it's mine! I need it!"

"April," Splinter said calmly, making the red-head gasp as he got to his feet. "You are addicted to that alien stone. You do not need its power. You must break its hold on you now."

(April used her psychic powers to lift Splinter and Shen into the air, her eyes glowing white.)

Back in the lab, Timothy's ears perked up as the crystal began moving the desk it was nailed to across the floor. "Whoa!" he grabbed the string as the crystal freed itself from the nail. "Oh no you don't!" he fell to the ground as it started dragging him across the floor. "Donnie!"

"No, no, no!" He grabbed him, trying to pull him and the crystal back. The crystal pulled both of them out of the lab and towards the dojo.

(They crashed through the screens into the dojo, Timothy's grip on the crystal loosening as he rolled to a stop on the floor. The crystal floated to April, who captured the object in her hands.)

Donnie gasped, getting to her feet. "April?" she questioned. "What are you doing?"

(April turned to him, using her powers to choke the yuki ninja . Timothy's hands went to hisneck as her ears drooped, falling to his knees as he tried desperately to breathe. Donnie got up and tried to run to April, only for the red-head to throw him back into the wall.)

"April, you must hear me," Shen tried to call to her. "This being wants to control you. Fight it!"

April groaned, looking back at him. "Miss Shen, I-I can't fight her. She's too strong." She threw down her hand, throwing the others to the floor. She levitated into the air, laughing.

"April, stop! You have to control it!" Donnie yelled.


April threw off the manhole cover, flying up high above New York as a storm brewed above, lightning flashing through the clouds. She laughed, looking over the city. "I'm free! I can feel the power of this city. So many lives. Look at them. Like insects."

The red-head gasped. "Wha--How did I get up here? I-I was in the lair, but I--"

"Now you are where you were meant to be, among the stars," the spirit in the crystal interrupted her.

A sound reaches her ears, the sound of screaming. "These many." She covered her ears with her hands to block out the sound. "I can hear them mentally crying out, begging for help."

"There are so many more who need to punished," the spirit said. "They are causing endless pain and suffering. Get rid of the pain, and this world will flourish."

"Yes. I understand. I have to save them. I-I can save all of them." She gasped, sensing someone nearby. "Casey!"

The boy in question was still driving the van through the street. He gasped when he saw one of the Elites running alongside the van, while on fire. He rammed the van into it, knocking it down before noticing the other Elite running along the opposite side of the van. "Huh?"

Casey glanced at the road ahead as the Elite jumped onto the side of the van. It slammed into a traffic light pole, making the vigilante laugh. "Ha-ha! Yeah! Eat it, Footbots!" Not paying attention to where he was driving, he didn't have time to avoid the dumpster that had been placed in the road, the van hitting it and flying through the air before crashing down onto its side in a closed alley.

(Once the vehicle slid to a stop, Casey kicked the windshield until it broke and pulled himself out of the van. He gasped when Tigerclaw landed on the van, the vigilante quick to try and run, only for Fishface to cut him off.)

"I tire of you, boy," Tigerclaw growled, jumping off the van. He and Fishface attacked Casey, throwing him back against the wall of a building. A crashing sound caught their attention, the two turning to watch April descend into the alley behind them.

Fishface chuckled. "This menina will be no problem." He ran to attack, only for the red-head to use her powers to stop him mid-air.

(She pulled his robotic legs off before letting him fall to the ground. Razar climbed onto the van and jumped toward her, only for her to psychically slam a dumpster into him before he could hit her, pinning him against a wall.)

"Your parlor tricks won't stop me, girl," Tigerclaw snapped, pulling out his blade and jumping to attack. April stopped him mid-air, the tiger dropping his weapon and clutching his throat as he found himself unable to breathe. April held out her hand, slamming him back into the wall as Casey got to his feet.

"April?" Casey questioned, not quite sure what to make of the scene.

Y/N, Ethan, Leo, Raph, and Mikey, dropped down from the rooftops. "What happened here?" Y/N asked.

April groaned, clutching her head as the others ran off. "Why am I here?"

"That's what I was gonna ask you," Mikey responded.

"April, are you okay?" Y/N asked. April suddenly stood up straight and started flying off. "April! Where are you going!?"


(Timothy groaned as he sat up, pushing aside a piece of debris and looking around the wrecked lair. Donnie was already awake, pushing debris off of Master Splinter and Shen while helping then to their feet.)

"I fine," Splinter assured him. "April?"

"I should never have tried testing that crystal," Donnie said as Timothy got to his feet.

"She possesses a power I have never seen before, but it is not your doing," Splinter responded. "I fear she can no longer control it."

"I have to get that necklace away from her and destroy it. Somehow."

"Please, be careful, my sons," Shen said. "That being was not April."

"I can get through to her, Sensei," Donnie responded, turning to leave the lair. "I know I can."


(Leo and the others followed April to the Channel 6 building, using their grappling hooks to get to the top while Casey took the stairs.)

He arrived just after they did, much to his annoyance. "Aw, nuts! Still beat me."

(April lowered herself to the roof, groaning as she looked around.)

"What's happening to you?" Leo asked.

"I thought Donnie, Splinter, and Donnie were looking after you," Mikey added.

April shook her head. "I guess. I don't remember!" She clutched her head in pain.

"It's that crystal!" Mikey said. "It has some seriously bad juju, dudes!"

Y/N took a step toward the red-head. "It's changing you, April."

April lifted off the ground, hovering in the air. "There is no April...only Za-Naron."

"What do you mean, you're not April?" Leo questioned. "Who is Za-Naron?"

"I am the soul of an Elder Aeon, one of the First Seven," the spirit responded. "After 100 millennia our physical forms had disintegrated, so our spirits were each placed into the Soul Star, to exist forever. I have been transplanting my mind into her consciousness...slowly. But the Aeons did not know how corrupt this planet could be. I intend to save it." She lifted them with her powers and threw them off the roof.

(They used their grappling hooks to swing to safety, Raph catching Casey as they landed in the street. Leo looked back up at the building and noticed a pair of people climbing up the side.)

"Donnie, Timothy!" Mikey yelled.

I have a bad feeling about this... Y/N ran back toward the building, the others close behind. They swung back up the side of the building and got to the roof to see Za-Naron holding Donnie in the air with her powers.

"April! Let him go!" Timothy yelled, using his grappling hook to climb up the antenna, Leo and the others close behind.

"This isn't you, April!" Donnie called. "That crystal is changing you! You need to break free!"

"Ah." April covered her face with her hands. "It's too much power." She let her hands fall away, looking at Donnie. "I-I can't control it anymore."

"You can do it! I know you can!"

"I'm not strong enough." She shook her head. "Donnie...I'm sorry."

"April? Please," Donnie begged. Za-Naron aimed her hand at him and a blue aura formed around him. "April! Please!"

(Za-Naron glared at him, closing her fist and reducing him to atoms.)


"Oh, my gosh!"


(Y/N's ears flattened in disbelief. Had that really just happened? He blinked, trying to clear his vision as rain started pouring down, searching the sky for his brother. There was no way that had just happened, right?)

(Za-Naron let out a distorted shout and lightning shot out of the clouds around her, one of the bolts hitting the antenna they'd climbed up, sending them all slamming back against the roof.)

(Y/N shifted, sitting up on his knees and staring back up at the sky. He reached out instinctively as something fluttered into his sightline, his finger curling around a familiar purple fabric. Donnie's mask.)

"She's gone!" Raph exclaimed. He sighed and turned toward Leo. "What do we do, Leo? What just happened? Is Donnie...gone?"

(Y/N looked back down at his brother's mask, closing his fingers around the fabric as he sighed.)

"Poor Donnie..." Casey murmured.


April fell onto a roof, rolling to a stop. She groaned, pushing herself up, looking into the puddle in front of her and seeing her own reflection. "Ah. No!" she shouted, the weight of what had just transpired hitting her. "Donnie." She sobbed. "I can't believe it. How could I?"

"You made your choice, and you chose the crystal," Za-Naron said, grabbing the crystal. "Let go of your connection to these sub-life forms who pollute this planet. I must cleanse it, starting with this city." She laughed as she descended into a nearby alley, where Hun and his goons were harassing an old woman.

Hun didn't seem phased, though his goons looked scared. "Come to play, girl?" Hun asked as the old woman fled.

Za-Naron threw his goons aside, slamming them into the walls and letting them drop to the ground.

"Impressive tricks," Hun commented. "Ever think of joining the Purple Dragons?"

"No." Za-Naron threw Hun out of the alley.


(Leo jumped down into the street as Hun slammed against a car, his siblings jumping down around her as April emerged from the alley.)

"You can't do this, April!" Leo called. "Or Za-Naron, or whoever you are!"

"Do not stand in my way, or you will be cleansed just as Donatello was," Za-Naron snapped.

"We have to stop her," Raph said.

"Well, what if April is still in there?" Casey asked.

"Are you kidding?" Raph retorted. "I don't like it, but April O'Neil is...gone." he ran at Za-Naron and tackled her, clinging to her back as he held in her place. "Do it!" he yelled at Mikey as he took out his kusarigama chain. "Hurry!"

Mikey hesitated, closing eyes for a moment. "I can't hurt her, dude."

(Raph gave a startled scream as Za-Naron threw him back, the turtle being held in the air as the spirit started attempting to psychically crush him.)

(Chains wrapped around Za-Naron, Leo and Mikey pulling the chain tight as Y/N grabbed one end, Ethan grabbing the other end to pull it tight.)

Raph fell onto the hood of a car before rolling onto the pavement. Casey ran to his side, kneeling beside him and pulling him into his arms. "We know you're in there, Red."

"We're your friends!" Y/N added. "Your family!"

"Remember who you are!" Leo called, tightening his grip as Za-Naron continued to struggle. "You are April O'Neil. Remember everything we've been through together."

"Yeah, like the time we fought a giant mutagen man?" Casey listed. "And our dope missions in space."

"And Master Splinter," Mikey added. "And pizza parties. And Ice Cream Kitty."

"No!" Za-Naron snapped, throwing them all back with a psychic blast. She dashed for Raph, throwing Casey aside when he tried to block her.

The turtle screamed as Za-Naron lifted her up. "Remember Donnie."

April clutched her head and fell to her knees, Raph falling back onto the pavement.

"We don't have the power to destroy the crystal," Timothy called. "Only you do, April."

(April grabbed her crystal, pulling on it until the string snapped. She lifted it up and slammed it against the pavement, shattering it. She screamed as the Aeon was pulled from her mind, the spirit forming into a corrupted Aeon above her.)

"Foolish creature," Za-Naron snapped, making April gasp. "You could have had all the power of the universe." She dove for April, the red-head pulling out her tanto and running to the corrupted Aeon, slicing through it.

(Za-Naron screamed as her form shattered, a beam of light engulfing her until nothing was left, and the beam disappeared.)

"Red, is that really you?" Casey asked, helping Raph stand.

"I think so," April responded. She looked at her hands, shaking. "But--but Donnie. What have I done?"

"It's not your fault, April," Y/N told her gently.

"But it is!" April argued. "It was all me in a way. If only..." She gasped, noticing the specks of power the crystal still had. "Donnie's not gone!" She ran to the crystal, gathering the pieces in her hands. "He wasn't really destroyed, just molecularly scattered." She concentrated her power, using the crystal one last time.

(Y/N's ears pricked up hopefully as particles of light started to gather, a figure forming from them. In a matter of minutes, Donnie had reformed, groaning as he fell to the pavement.)

"Yeah!" Raph cheered.

"Donnie!" April ran to him as he got to his feet, practically tackling him in a hug, though he managed to keep his balance. "Thank goodness."


"April?" Splinter's voice prompted the red-head to open her eyes. "April."

April groaned, pushing herself up. "I'm so sorry. I guess I should have listened to you about the crystal." She looked at Donnie. "Especially you, Donnie. I-I'm sorry for..."

"For what?" he asked. "Reducing me to a quantum smear?" He chuckled. "Yeah, still feel kind of whacked out of my head, but I'll be fine."

"I am impressed, April," Shen said. "You literally destroyed your demons."

"She almost destroyed all of us," Raph pointed out.

"What about your powers?" Ethan asked.

"They were always part of me," April responded. "I can't harness the power of the Aeons anymore, but I think I know how to control my powers better." She held up her hand, the others panicking. Her tanto flew into her hand. "So at least some good came out of this."

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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