The Outlaw Armaggon!

[On Thalos, Dregg is greeted by a hunter, a great white shark alien named Armaggon.]

Dregg: Armaggon. It's been a long time.

Armaggon: You got a job for me, Dregg?

Dregg: Four humanoid turtles, mutantterrans. They managed to elude me, so I'm calling upon your special talents.

Armaggon: Oh, I got talents, alright. You want them dead or alive?

Dregg: Bring me their shells. You can eat the pink skinned terrans they travel with for all I care.

Armaggon: Hmm. Haven't had primate for a long time.

Dregg: Make sure you deliver, Armaggon.

Amaggon: With pleasure.

[He leaves with his jetpack.]

Dregg: Turtle creatures, you are about to meet a whole new form of pain.

Teenage Mutant Ninja-

Leo: The Evil Triceratons invaded Earth, they brought with them the invincible black hole generator that swallowed the entire planet! My family and I escaped, thanks to the mysterious robot called the Fugitoid. Now, we're trying to stop the Triceratons anyway we can!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Leonardo's the leader in blue

Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through

Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines

Raphael has the most attitude on the team

Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!

Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need

To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

"Select that quadrant, Raph," Leo instructed. "Scan there."

(Raph pressed a button on the screen in front of him, looking back at where April, Casey, Mikey, Donnie, Chloe, Y/N, Clunk, and Ethan were.)

"Why do they get to mess around? They should be helping us find the Triceratons," Raph complained.

Leo: Fugitoid's testing out April's psychic powers. He's training her.

(Leo looked back at the others, listening to their conversation.)

"Okay, April, in which of the spheres have I placed your tessen?" Fugitoid asked, holding his arms out to the spheres.

April looked over the spheres and smiled. She pointed to the one on her left. "That one."

"Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! Excellent." The robot made the spheres vanish and the tessen fell into the red-head's hands. "Fantastic session. Your psychic abilities are marvels waiting to be unlocked!"

April smiled. "Thanks, Professor. How did you learn so much about the human brain?"

"Since it's the only part of my original body I have left, I have done extensive research on brain matter," Fugitoid responded. "Neurophysiology."

"You never fully explained how you became a cyborg, dude," Casey pointed out.

"Well, then allow me to enlighten you," Fugitoid began. "I am from D'Hoonib, a planet of humanoid scientists obsessed with penetrating the highest truths of the universe. I was working on a new form of psionic technology when our friends, the Triceratons, came looking for me. The Triceratons attacked because I refused to build them weapons. They were furious, destroying everything in sight. My robot assistant placed my brain inside its own robot body. It saved my life. Man merged with machine, and I was reborn." His head plates opened, showing his brain. "When the Triceratons found out I was still alive, they deemed me a criminal; a Fugitive Android."

"Ooh." Mikey poked Fugitoid's brain, laughing. "Spongy."

"Mikey!" Raph scolded. "If you had a brain, would you want somebody poking it?"

(Mikey poked the brain again and Raph growled.)

Fugitoid laughed. "It's quite alright. It tickles." He laughed, moving away when Mikey went to poke his brain again. "Ooh, don't." His head plates closed, putting the brain back into his head. "But I do have a great fear of losing my humanness." He looked at his hands. "I don't want to be thought of as just a machine."

Y/N placed his hand in the robot's palm. "We'd never think of you as just a robot, Professor."

(Something crashed into the ship, making everyone lose their balance.)

"What the heck is going on, Fugitoid?" Ethan asked, everyone quickly running to see what was on the screen.

Fugitoid jumped to the main console, typing into it. "Something's attacking our ship!"

"You needed a control panel to tell you that?" Riki snapped back.

"Donnie, you see anything?" Timothy asked, both of them typing into one of the consoles.

"I can't pinpoint it, but something's out there," he responded.

Pictures began appearing on the screen.

"What is it?" April asked.

"Was that a--a space shark?" Raph questioned.

"Space shark?" Casey repeated, laughing. "Wicked! That's, like, more metal than Vikings on motorcycles, bro!"

(The shark slammed into the ship again, making it shake while they fought to keep their balance. It took out one of the cameras, cutting it to just static.)

Chloe grabbed Clunk as he jumped into his hands. "We're gonna need a bigger ship."

"Captain Leo, what are your orders?" Mikey asked.

"What--" Y/N paused upon noticing someone missing. "Um, where's Leo?" He scanned the bridge before realizing where he must have gone.

"Leo, are you crazy?! What are you doing?" Donnie yelled through the comms.

"Without any backup!" Timothy added.

"I got the ugly beast in my sights," Leo responded.

(Donnie, meanwhile, had pulled up a list of criminals and was scanning through them for the shark guy. It stopped at a certain profile.)

"Armaggon. Bounty hunter. Space assassin. Wanted in eighty-seven star systems. Wow! I bet we have Lord Dregg to thank for this."

"Agreed, he's far too dangerous. Leonardo, we should definitely avoid confronting this creature," Fugitoid said into the radio comm.

"Too late!" Leo yelled. Grunts and thuds came through the comm.

"I've located a derelict space station several astro-miles away," Fugitoid announced. "It should provide cover from Armaggon. At least, I really, really hope so!"

(The space station soon came into view ahead while Raph and Mikey went and helped Leo out.)

"Look at that hunk of junk," Casey commented.

"It should provide cover from Armaggon...hopefully..." Y/N said.

"How do we get inside with the hanger doors closed?" Timothy asked.

"I've hacked into the station system," Fugitoid responded. "Accessing hanger door. Opening."

"Open faster!" Donnie yelled.

The derelict ship was approaching faster and faster. The door opened just wide enough for the ship and they entered.

"Shut the door, Professor!" Raph shouted.

(The doors quickly shut and they cheered as the ship docked.)

"Come on, might as well take a look around while we're here," Y/N said. "Clunk!"


(Y/N pushed open the station doors as Clunk started lighting balls of fire that they sent floating around the ship to provide light.)

"Weird," Leo mumbled, looking around the station. He took the lead, walking through the large hallway. "What is this place?"

"Guys, this is just like the space station in my 'Alienoids' comic book," Mikey said. "Remember that?"

Raph rolled his eyes. "Relax, Mikey. It's better than being space chum."

(He earned a raspberry in return.)

"Mikey does have a point, guys," Y/N said. "People don't abandon space stations because things are going well." 

"This place is trashed," Casey said. "What the heck happened here?"

(Mikey tripped over something, shooting up a cloud of yellow dust that sent him into a coughing fit. Once the dust settled, Clunk directed his fireball over to him, revealing a pile of empty suits covered with the strange yellow dust.)

Mikey picked up the glove he'd tripped over. "How could they leave without their spacesuits?"

"Maybe they used an escape pod or something?" Chloe suggested.

"What's with the yellow dust?" Ethan wondered aloud. He knelt and scooped some dust onto zir finger, frowning at it and giving it a curious sniff.

Fugitoid scanned it. "Calcium dust? Oh, no. The crew didn't leave. They were disintegrated."

(Mikey blinked before he screamed and threw down the glove he held.)

"Let's shine some light on things, shall we?" Fugitoid rested his hands on a nearby control panel, hacking into it. "I'm sure we'll all feel much better when we can see the place." The lights turned on, allowing them a full view of the hallway, along with the mess. Pieces of spacesuits and yellow dust were scattered all over.

April blinked. "I think I liked it better in the dark."

Mikey looked around. "Just like 'Alienoids' issue three, when the aliens multiplied in the survivors' butts; and then--"

"Not helping, Uncle Mikey!" Ethan snapped, letting his fireball dissipate.

An electronic whir echoed through the station. The screens on the walls above began turning on. A glitchy voice came through the speakers. "Greeting-g-g-gs. Gre-gre-greetings. Greetings."

Leo blinked. "Alright. Uh...who are you?"

"Greetings. I am the artificial intelligence of this space station. Thank you for reactivating me. The crew called me 'Overmind'. I run all onboard systems. How may I help you?"

"Can you kick a giant shark's butt?" Raph asked.

"Your request is invalid. I am a fully automated self-repairing factory built to construct VX3 robots."

"Robots?" Timothy questioned. "What kind of robots?"

"This factory built the best VX3 WarBots in the galaxy."

Riki's ear twitched. "WarBots, huh? So, Overmind, what, uh, happened to the crew?"

"The remaining crew must have shut down the station."

"Did you say remaining?" Donnie asked.

"I have a feeling we're not gonna like this answer..." Riki murmured.

"Upon gaining sentience, the robots decided the crew were weak and inefficient, so they destroyed them."

Riki swallowed. "Yep, I was right. Uh, so who votes we go back outside with the shark-a-tron?"

"Yep!" Raph responded. "Space shark, here we come!"

"Thank you for the information." Fugitoid started walking away. "We'll just be on our--" The console shocked him and he fell to the floor.

"Whoa, Fugitoid, you alright?" Y/N asked.

He got back to his feet. "Yes, fantastical. Never ever--" his body started glitching, "--better. Don't..." He started shutting down. "Fretterrrrr." Steam rose from his head. Raph moved toward him and Fugitoid turned around, smacking him and throwing him back into April.

"Not cool, Fugitoid!" Mikey snapped.

(Fugitoid groaned, backing away from them, electricity sparking around his eye piece. He turned and took off down the hall.)

"Something's wrong," Leo said. "After him!" Leo and the others ran after them.

"Fugidude, stop!" Casey shouted. "What the--Woah..."

(They skidded to a halt in a room surrounded by machinery.)

"This place...doesn't seem right..." Ethan muttered.

"This place gives me the chills," April said.

(Y/N pricked his ears at a groan and tracked it to where Fugitoid was huddled on the floor.)

"Professor!" Chloe called, starting toward him.

"You should go," the robot said quickly. The Collie stopped in zir tracks. "G-get away from me. Please." He started mumbling nonsense, his sensors in disarray. "Ma-ma-my greatest fear. Losing control. Losing--"

"Are you malfunctioning?" April asked. "Talk to us, Professor!"

"Not safe. It's not safe... You see, I'm pa-owered by a f-fusion core. That jolt. I could be unstable..." His speech was slurred and spazzy.

Leo looked at Donnie. "Donnie, translate for me."

"He's saying he's basically a big walking fusion bomb!" Donnie responded.

"The original intent of my robot body was to be a fusion generator," Fugitoid explained. "It's why I tend to be a little--" he started babbling. "Nervous at times."

"Great." Raph crossed his arms. "Now he tells us."

"There must be something we can do..." Y/N said.

(An alarm went off and the machinery in the room activated, beginning to build robots. Leo drew his swords as a robot jumped down behind them.)

"I'm thinking those are probably the WarBots, yo," Casey said.

"Ya think?" Y/N snarked.

"Okay, run or fight?" Ethan asked, looking at Leo.

"Fight!" He responded.

(He ran at one and slid between its feet, slicing his blades through its legs. It fell and he sprang to her feet, plunging his swords through the torso.)

"Once I gained sentience, I understood that organic creatures were already a fleeting memory." Overmind's voice echoed through the room. "All organics are obsolete."

"Oh, yeah?" Y/N said, dodging a robot's punch. "I'll show you obsolete!" He jumped up and plunged his saber through a robot's head, making it spark.

Ethan jumped up onto the conveyor belt beside him and cut through the robot with his dagger, finishing it off. "Yeah, organics are more capable than you think."

"The crew tried to destroy me, but they were unsuccessful. When you reactivated me, you restarted the robot revolution."

"Casey!" Chloe called, throwing a photon puck to him. Casey slammed his hockey stick into it and it shot into the cannon a robot had aimed at him, blowing up the machine.

"Overmind is one. Overmind is complete. Overmind is forever."

(Leo sliced through one of the robots with his katana. Ethan and Clunk were using a combination of his dagger and Clunk's powers to deflect the lasers being shot at them. Timothy threw a handful of her shuriken at a robot's head, stunning it before Y/N ran it through with his saber.)

"Blah, blah, does this AI ever shut up?" the brunette asked.

"I got news for you, space station," Leo said, pointing his sword at the ceiling. "We just trashed your army."

(Giant claws suddenly came out of the walls, grabbing them and lifting them into the air.)

"You had to say something!" Y/N snapped.

"You have gravely miscalculated." Fugitoid walked over, his eyes blue instead of his usual amber. "I am Overmind. I am one. I control all technology on this station. No need to struggle. Because you are insufficient, you will be enhanced with robo-technology."

"We don't want to be enhanced!" Ethan snapped back.

"Oh! Oh! Can I get laser eyeballs?" Casey asked. "Or maybe a rocket fist?"

"Can you release us so I can smack him?" Riki asked.

Overmind started speaking again. "The previous human crew sabotaged my thrusters, so I must use the Fugitoid ship to obtain my goal. Overmind will control all mechanical life in the known universe. Overmind will eliminate inefficient organic life."

"Fugitoid, you can't let him do this!" Leo called. "We got to save Earth!"

"Earth is irrelevant," Overmind retorted. "You will be mechanized and turned into Overmind's drones."

(Long metal tendrils appeared around them and began connecting metal pieces to their faces, turning their voices mechanical.)

"Concentrate," Leo ordered. "We have to resist!"

"Donnie or Timothy, think of something!" Raph ordered. "We're getting turned into toasters!"

"So not cool, bros," Mikey said.

"The voice thing is wicked." Casey laughed.

"No time...for joking...around!" April said, struggling against the claws to no avail.

"This is it," Donnie said. "We're doomed!"

April's eyes widened. "I'm...losing...myself!"

(Something started shooting at the tendrils, exploding them, quickly followed by the claws, releasing Leo and the others and sending them to the floor. Y/N caught Clunk.)

"Whoa! Saved by Robo-Jaws?" Mikey asked as Armaggon landed in front of them.

"Why'd you free us?" Ethan asked, getting to his feet.

"The name's Armaggon, and you ain't free. Lord Dregg wants you alive," the shark responded.

(An explosion went off, the floor shaking. It started sinking further into the station before coming to a halt. The wall lit up and robot tendrils lowered Fugitoid down for them to see.)

"Overmind is in control," Overmind said. "Organics shall all be eliminated."

(Robots started jumping down around them and they were quick to fight back. It didn't last long before the robots managed to overpower them, throwing them to the floor. A few electrocuted Riki and Donnie.)

"You guys okay?" Y/N asked.

Riki groaned. "I'm well done, brother."

(The robots surrounded them, forcing them to retreat back-to-back.)

"Overmind has full control of this facility," Overmind called. "Full control!"

"April, you have to reach Fugitoid! Clunk!" Ethan said. Clunk formed a protective air barrier around them. 

"Let me see what I can do." April walked to the edge of the barriers and put her hands to her head.

"You will not take control," Overmind snapped. "I am Overmind!"

(April screamed, sending out a psychic blast. Fugitoid twitched for a few moments, sparks flying, and his eyes turned back to amber.)

"Yes, I am Professor Honeycutt! I am back!" He gave them a thumbs-up, only for more tendrils to wrap around him, lifting him higher in the air.

"I grow tired of this," Overmind growled. "I shall use your ship to free myself of this wretched station."

"His robots are accessing my ship!" Fugitoid said. "We have to stop him!"

"Professor, I've got an idea!" Donnie called. "Your fusion core!"

"But that much power could destroy the entire--" Fugitoid stopped as the pieces clicked. "Oh, yes; I see. An overload!"

"Give me your power!" Overmind snapped.

"You want leave of this station? You've got it, good sir!"

(Leo heard explosions going off all over the station.)

"Nooo!" Overmind shouted. Electricity pulsed through his robots, overloading them and sending them to the floor. "What? What have you done?"

The tendrils released Fugitoid, dropping him to the floor. "Everyone to the ship!"

"You ain't going nowhere." Armaggon stood in their way. Leo growled and lunged at him, throwing his mask over his head.


"Go! I got this!" he snapped.

"Go! Go, go!" Fugitoid called. They all took off, leaving Leo with Armaggon.

"Move it, Leo!" Raph shouted.

(The hothead reached out his hand for him and he grabbed on, quickly pulling on the breathing gear. The station exploded as the two of them were jerked out. Raph was hanging onto a cord attached to the ship.)

"Oh, yeah!" Raph cheered. "Snake-cat beats shark!"


(Once they were both safely back in the bridge, they were greeted by cheering. Ethan stopped upon noticing the wound in Leo's shoulder.)

"I'm fine," he said quickly. "It's not as bad as it looks, seriously."

(A chiming sound started playing and Mikey groaned.)

"Oh, no. What kind of alarm is that?"

"The good kind," Fugitoid responded. "It's a proximity alert. The ship's computer has picked up the Triceraton fleet. We're back in business."



Leo walked to the front of the ship, putting his hands on his hips. "Mr. Fugitoid, set a course for the Pryvax system."

Fugitoid looked up at him. "Um, the computer automatically does that, but thank you."

"Oh. Uh, cool."

Y/N rolled his eyes at the awkward silence. "Let's do this!"

"Ninja power!" Mikey cheered.

(However, upon the wreckage of the space station, Armaggon is revealed to be alive and far from finished with the brothers.)

Armaggon: Now they've gone and made me mad!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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