The Noxious Avenger

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Here we go!

It's the lean, mean, ninja team

On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things

So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams

Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings

Can't stop these radical dudes

The secret of the ooze made the chosen few

Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves

The good guys win and the bad guys lose

Leonardo's the leader in blue

Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through

Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines

Raphael has the most attitude on the team

Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!

Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need

To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

(Leo led the way across the rooftops to the building that was their target. Leo gave his siblings a signal to be quiet and they hid behind the window. Y/N ears swiveled as he heard Rocksteady approach.)

"Oh, is only garbage man--"

(He cut off as Leo jumped through the window, slamming her foot into the mutant and flipping off of him. The others jumped through the window behind her, weapons drawn.)

"What the what?" Bebop asked. "How'd you find us?" He started shooting his lasers at them.

Donnie knocked one away with his staff. "By staking out Shredder's lair for 15 hours straight without so much as a bathroom break!"

"That, and you're driving a van with a Bebop and Rocksteady sign on it," Y/N added.

Leo charged at Bebop with Y/N, Mikey, and Timothy, while Raph, Donnie, Chlo, and Ethan handled Rocksteady.

Bebop grabbed a canister of mutagen. What in the...?

"Eat mutagen!" Bebop threw the canister of green ooze at Mikey.

"Not the face!"

"GET DOWN!" Y/N tackled his brother to the floor and the canister flew over their heads and out the window. Y/N blinked as he got back to his feet. "That can't be good."

Mikey ran to a table, jumping on top of it and jumping to attack Rocksteady. "Booyaka--" Donnie slammed into him, sending them both into the wall.

"We're getting our shells waxed," Donnie groaned.

Raph kicked Rocksteady in the head. "What brings you two morons here anyway?" he questioned. "Dexter Flyface's grocery list?"

Raph dodged as Rocksteady tried to smash him with his hammer. "Is not grocery list," Rocksteady snapped. He looked at Bebop. "Run. We cannot return to Shredder with the empty hand."

"That's my cue to bounce." Bebop turned himself invisible, slamming into Leo and escaping through the window. "I'm outtie 5,000."

(Rocksteady bulldozed through the rest of them and escaped out the door.)

"Oh, Raph, never mock 1,000-pound rhino man," Y/N whined. "'Kay? Thanks."

They made their way back to the lair and Donnie started going over the notes on his phone. "According to the lab's records, two things are missing: mutagen..."

"Which they threw at my head," Mikey muttered, Y/N holding an ice pack to his head.

Timothy rolled his eyes, leaning over Donnie to look at his T-phone. "Which they threw at Mikey's head, and Reagent-X, an ingredient needed to make a mind control serum."

"So, what's the game plan?" Raph asked.

"Reagent-X still needs an additional chemical solvent in order to work," Donnie responded.

"Let's just hope Bebop and Rocksteady haven't found all the stuff yet," Ethan said.

(Y/N was in his room sleeping.)

A knock came from the door and Ethanopened it. "Hey, uh, Dad? You might wanna come see this."

(Curious, Y/N followed Chloe out into the living room where the others were sitting, watching TV. Joan Grody was apparently interviewing some new mutant.)

"Care to comment. What kind of creature are you? A mutant? A sewer monster? What's your name?"

"Muckman?" April questioned as the words appeared on screen. "Joan Grody should have left you in charge of names, Mikey."

"I would've gone with The Noxious Avenger," Mikey said, getting up.

"Hmm, I bet he's one of Stockman-fly's experiments gone awry," Timothy stated.

Raph got to his feet. "I say we find this guy and, assuming we can tell his butt from his face, kick it."

"Yeah, but he might be on our side," Chloe pointed out. "They said he stopped a mugging."

"What if Shredder wants the Reagent-X to control Muckman?" Donnie suggested.

Y/N smirked. "Like Raph said: Find butt, then kick it."

Ethan's ear flicked and he glanced at the TV.

(It wasn't hard to track down Muckman, considering he was running from a crowd of humans.)

"You see that?" Raph asked. "Only a guilty man runs."

"Or a scared one," April countered.

"Or someone who just wants people to leave him alone," Ethan agreed. "He might just wanna stay outta sight, just like us."

They followed Muckman as he squeezed under a fence and away from the crowd, into the safety of an alley. "They don't care about me," he said, and Ethan's ears twitched curiously as he saw him talking to his own eyeball, held in his hand. "I'm just a joke--a sideshow they can point and laugh at."

(Leo dropped down into the alley with the others, the resounding thuds catching Muckman's attention.)

"Dude, are you talking to your eyeball?" Mikey questioned.

Muckman gasped. "Mutant men?"

"Well, technically, we're mutant teens," Donnie corrected. "Well except for Chloe and Ethan and Timothy."

Muckman put his eyeball back in his head. "It was you!" A wind picked up, the garbage in the alley floating in the air. "You did this to me!" He threw the garbage at them and they quickly pulled out their weapons, only to get knocked down. "You made me into a freak!" He spewed sludge on them.

April stepped in front of them, holding her tessen. "Don't hurt them. I'm warning you."

"I don't wanna hurt you, little girl." Muckman backed away from April, fleeing as he noticed something entering the alleyway.

April turned to them as Leo noticed shadows approaching. "Get up! They're gonna see you."

"Oh no, they're not," Mikey replied, throwing down a smoke bomb.

(Back at the lair, they watched the news report on TV. Sensei was...not pleased, to say the least, seeing as it was covering Leo and his siblings.)

"They saw something, but they don't know what," Mikey said.

"And that 'something' appeared to be four human-sized mutant turtles, a mutant feline, and rabbit."

"At least she doesn't know they're ninjas?" April suggested with a nervous chuckle, entering the room and giving Sensei a cup of tea.

"And they appeared to be carrying ninja weapons."

"Or that the boys are named after artists?

"Futhermore, they may also--"

April shut the TV off. "Oh, doesn't she ever shut up?"

"How could you all be so careless!?" Sensei snapped. "Secrecy is the most important rule of the ninja, and you have broken it. You are forbidden from leaving the lair."

"What!?" Raph shouted. "You can't hold that sloppy escape against us. We got slimed with toxic puke!"


"But, Sensei, if that pile of muck took us down, you know he's dangerous," Timothy reasoned.

"Which means we need to be out there looking for him," Leo added.

"No," Sensei dismissed quickly. "Until I decide I can trust you to watch yourselves, you will remain here. Grounded!" He left the room and everyone but Mikey groaned.

Mikey scooted closer to the TV. "Aw, yeah, Crognard marathon."

Sensei threw his cane into the TV, breaking the screen. "And no TV!"

(So, they ended up in Mikey's room, completely bored, while Timothy and Donnie ran tests on the sludge.)

"Muckman's running on more than mutagen," Donnie said. "Whatever garbage he's made up of directly affects our mutated DNA."

"Ugh, there's only one cure for Muckman fever." Mikey held up a VHS tape. "Crognard."

"Mikey, Sensei's gonna find out--" Y/N started.

(The door slammed open, revealing Sensei. He gathered Mikey's VHS tapes and TV set and walked away with it while Mikey whined in response.)

(Chloe pulled out her T-phone, pulling up a video of the news's website.)

"We all hope Muckman keeps us safe from the evil, child-eating mutants we brought you an exclusive clip of earlier tonight."

"Are you serious??" Ethan groaned, falling on onto the bed.

"We can't let Grody mosh our reps so hard," Mikey said.

"Forget our reps," Leo argued. "What about Bebop and Rocksteady?"

"They're more important," April agreed, walking into the room. "I'm telling you, something about Muckman--" She closed the door, holding up a newspaper for them to see. "I think he's a good guy."

"Then why'd he attack us?" Y/N muttered, rolling his eyes.

"Hmm, Bebop and Rocksteady is it, then," Leo agreed. "And I say we show Sensei we've still got our ninja stealth, by sneaking out."

Ethan grinned, tail. "Ooh, I like this idea."

(They snuck their way out into the main room and Y/N's ears flicked up at footsteps. She gestured at the others and they quickly pretended to all be doing their own thing as Sensei pulled back the dividers blocking their view of the dojo.)

"Did you not hear what I sa--"

(He cut off when he noticed them just hanging out. He turned back to the dojo and they moved a few steps before he turned back. He walked back into the dojo and they took the opportunity to bolt for the exit, only to get blocked by Sensei.)

"Oh, oh, whoa!" He took notice of April, hanging from the spiral ramp. "Uh, help!" She let go.

"April." Sensei jumped over them, running to catch April, and they all bolted for the Party Wagon.

(Cut to, Donnie pulled the Party Wagon to a stop in an alley where they could see Bebop and Rocksteady's van.)

"I can't believe they keep driving that uber conspicious van," Mikey said.

"I know," Ethan agreed. "You'd think they'd learn to paint over the sign on it already."

"Not everybody can be as ninja as us," Raph said as Donnie pulled the van to park along the curb, hitting a couple of other cars and setting off their alarms in the process.

(Either way, they got out and jumped onto the fire escape and lamppost near the lab.)

"Busting into Kraang labs?" Raph asked. "Not very heroic, Mucky." They dropped down into the alley. "What will your girl Grody say?"

Leo: "We don't want to hurt you, but we can't let you rob that lab."

"I'm not some dumb kid who don't know good from bad," Muckman retorted. "I know who turned me into a monster. You!"

(Muckman spewed sludge at them and they scattered to avoid it.)

"I knew he was just another freaky puke monster," Y/N said. "Get him!"

"Get the chemical. We'll handle them," Bebop said quickly, he and Rocksteady running to attack.

(Y/N and Leo deflected Bebop's lasers with their blades or claws while Mikey tried to get a hit on him with his Nun chucks. Bebop spun out of the way, ducking under Ethan kunai as she swung at him. He spun onto his back to try and dodge Chloe, but she blasted him in the chest as he got back up.)

"What're you doing, Muck Dude?" Chloe called. "You're supposed to be a hero."

"No. You made me a monster. Now you're gonna see what a monster can do." Muckman roared, a wind picking up as the trash in the alley lifted. He sent it flying at them.

Y/N sliced through the garbage flying at her. "I don't know what these two morons told you, but believe me: we did not do this you."

"Trash-nado!" Mikey called, getting swept away by the wind, only for his ankle to get caught on a nearby telephone wire.

"Look..." Leo started, slicing through any trash headed his way. "We're taking it easy on you. This is a big misunderstanding. We don't--we don't want to have to--" A bunch of garbage slammed into him, throwing him back into Y/N and sending them both into the van. "Hurt you."

(The wire snapped, sending Mikey flying, though his head got stuck in the hole in Muckman's stomach, the mutant pulling him out.)

"Wait!" Mikey shouted. "Are you gonna eat that?"

(Muckman threw him over to Chloe and the two of them were knocked back into the van. The other five got slammed into the van by Bebop and Rocksteady. They backed away as Muckman approached.)

"STOP!" Ethan growled, sliding between them. "Muckman, listen to me. I know we didn't mutate anyone. We would never. EVER. They're just using you, don't you see that?"

"Mucking man," Rocksteady called. "Do not listen to snake-cat lies. We crush them, you go in lab."

"I'm not lying," Ethan argued.

"Come on, Mucky," the eyeball remarked. "You think it's hard looking in the mirror now? What about after you're a criminal?"

"At least I'll be human," Muckman responded. "People won't call me a freak."

"So what if they do?" Leo asked as he and the others pushed themselves to their feet. "As long as you're doing the right thing.

Muckman stared at them, the eyeball looking at them with starry-eyes. Starry-eye?

"Watchin' you get all sappy makes me want to spew toxic puke," Bebop commented.

(He threw down a flash grenade in front of them. Gray smoke surrounded them, followed by a blinding flash of light and a sharp, high-pitched ringing noise. It soon ended and the team saw that Bepop, Rocksteady, and Muckman were gone.)

Ethan: Let's go. We have to help Muckman."

(He ran for the lab with the others close behind. Throwing open the door, he saw Muckman getting blasted by lasers while Rocksteady took a blue jar from his hands.)

"Muckman!" Donnie shouted as the mutant fell.

"We got you, dude!" Mikey called as they ran into the lab, weapons drawn.

Ethan ran to check on Muckman with Donnie and Mikey while the others handled Bebop and Rocksteady.

"Oh, no, are you okay?" Ethan asked.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" Donnie asked, holding up a hand.

"Nine," Muckman responded.

Donnie glanced at his hand, Mikey smacking it away. "It's all good, Mucky. Now just chill here for a sec. We got these guys."

"No," Muckman said, pushing himself up as the others landed in front of him. "This one's on me."

(Bebop and Rocksteady began to flee, Timothy throwing a couple shuriken at them and hitting Bebop right in the butt. Ethan and the others grabbed Muckman and carried him outside.)

"Slime him!" Chloe ordered.

Muckman spewed his sludge at Bebop and Rocksteady, covering them.

"Aw, weak, son!" Bebop said, holding Timothy's shuriken. He shook off the sludge. "Wiggity-wiggity-wiggity-wiggity-wack!"

The jar Rocksteady held started glowing. "Nyet, the chemical!" The blue liquid broke the jar and vanished in a puff of smoke. He and Bebop looked at Leo and the others, who readied their weapons...or slime. "You have keys for van, da?" Rocksteady tossed the broken jar away. "Is time we put the pedal into metal."


(The two mutants dashed into their van, driving off down the street.)

"What are we waiting for?" Muckman asked as they put their weapons away. "Let's finish 'em off!"

His eyeball popped out. "That problem's done with, pal. If you really want to finish this, you know what to do."

Muckman turned to them. "Look, uh, mutant men, I know you were only trying to, uh--"

"It's okay, Muckman," Ethansaid. "Just know we'd never mutate someone on purpose."

"It's cool, Muckman," Mikey said.

Raph nodded, arms crossed. "Stuff happens. It's all good."

Y/N grinned, tail wagging. "We all make mistakes."

Donnie chuckled. "Yeah, we've been accused of way worse things. Trust us."

"Like being child-eating mutant monsters??" Leo asked suddenly, staring at the news reporter across the street. They hadn't noticed the others yet, and they quickly hid behind Muckman.

"Scatter, fellas and girlies," Muckman said. "I got this."

(They jumped up onto the rooftop, looking down at Muckman as he talked to the reporters.)

(Back in the lair)

Sensei wasn't exactly too thrilled with their little escapade when they returned to the lair. "So, you disobey me and leave the lair."

"No one saw us, Sensei," Chloe said quickly. "We swear."

Leo pulled out his T-phone, showing Sensei the news report. "Look, we fixed everything."

"Animal mutants? Naw, no such thing. Maybe you're thinkin' of those kids who dress up in costumes, like the Pulverizer. 

Timothy: Hey!

Take it from me, Muckman, New York's monster hero."

"And there you have it, folks, straight from Muckman himself. The animal mutants do not exist."

(Leo let out a relieved sigh as Sensei stroked his beard thoughtfully.)

"See, Sensei?" Y/Nstarted. "We're all cool."

"Everything's back to normal," Timothy said as they got to their feet. "Nothing to worry about.

"So, that means we can watch Crognard again, right?" Mikey asked, pulling out his T-phone.

Sensei threw a kunai at Mikey's T-phone, pinning it to the wall and breaking it. "No, you are still grounded."

(Before Leo knew what was happening, he was sprawled on the ground with the others. Y/N saw April, hiding behind the tree, attempt to sneak out of the dojo, only for Sensei to appear next to her, startling her.)

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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