The Mutation Situation

(It's been two months since the brothers defeated the Kraang, and boy have they been loving it. Things haven't been this peaceful and fun for us since before we first went up to the surface. So, other than a lot of relaxing, partying, and less training than before, that's about all that's happened. Nothing extraordinary at all happened beyond that. No way, José.)

(After a few days of being cooped up in the lair, the brothers decided to go out for a run. Not for training, not for patrol, just for some good, old fashioned fun. They had been running over the tops of buildings all over Manhattan, jumping, flipping, just having fun with it. Mikey was having even more fun as he was skating across the rooftops and grinding over the edges, laughing and hollering like the happy turtle he was.)

Mikey: Did you see the way I took down those Kraang droids that were about to blast me?"

Y/N: (Grinned) 

(The guys were reminiscing on our excellent victory against the Kraang once more.) 

Raph: Pfft, that was nothing!" (Raph leaped down and was sitting on a large air conditioner.) "I was surrounded by, like, 10 of them! I took them all down easily, but there was one sneaking up behind me. And then I took my sai, and shortened that Kraang droid's skull. So cool! HA!"

(He emphasized his point by stabbing the conditioner with his sai.)

(Mikey yelled happily as he swung around a street light and landed in the street. Donnie, who was sitting on the edge of a window next to Raph, smirked up at him.) 

Donnie: Sure, Raph. But, I used my uncanny scientific knowledge to bring down an interdimensional portal! Equally as awesome!

Y/N: No kidding. (Y/N slid down to hang off of the same window as Donnie.) But, you gotta admit- and I don't mean to toot my own horn here- me distracting that giant Kraang thing so that you guys could get away was pretty wicked and heroic.

Leo: And what about Master Splinter! I wish I could've seen him take out the Shredder!

Y/N: You and me both, but I really wish I could've seen how Timothy and Ethan take on the sisters.

Mikey: (He did a quick grind on a nearby bench before he swerved and stopped right in front of us.) And, let's not forget Cottage Cheese Demon! If we didn't stuff him in that microwave, the earth would be drowned in living cheese!" 

(Y/N rolled his eyes as he face palmed.) 

Raph: For the twenty-second time, Mikey. "There was no Cottage Cheese Demon, ever!"

Mikey: (Folded his arms and stuck up his nose.) Did you see him?

Raph: No!

Mikey: Then, how do you know?

Raph: What? I-tha-that doesn't even ma-ugh... 

Raph: (Looked like he was about to smack himself, but then he smiled faintly.) Sure man. Cheese Demon. Whatever you say.

Y/N: Well, cheese demon or not. (He walked up and put his arm around Donnie's shoulders.) "We really knew how to bring it to the table on those freaks.

Leo: Yeah, we did!"We-are-awesome!

Y/N: Yeah we are!

Mikey: High-three!

(After laughing it off for a bit they quickly hopped onto the nearest building and continued on our run, like before. Until...)

Donnie: Hey, are we gonna stop by April's?" 

(At once, they all skidded to a halt before they could jump to the next building. They all stopped and turned to look at Donnie.) 

Donnie: We are 1.3 blocks, and 6-no no, 7 meters away from her apartment.

Y/N: You calculated the distance?"

Donnie: Of course!" 

Raph: (Raised his eyes at him.) Yeah, that's not weird or anything, Donnie."

Leo: Well, it has been a little while since we've seen her. Maybe we should visit.

Mikey: Aw yeah, randevue at April's!"

(And with that, they changed course and immediately started to head towards April's apartment. It didn't take long. Like Donnie said, they weren't that far away. Within no time, they were all standing on the fire escape in front of her bedroom window. Donnie walked up to the window confidently, and knocked on the glass.)

Donnie: Handsome-gram, for April O'Neil!" 

Y/N: (Snickered) 

Raph: (Groaned as he slapped his own forehead.) Ugh! Did you really just say that?!" 

(Donnie rolled his eyes, but otherwise ignored him. A second later April appeared and opened her window.) 

April: Guys! Um... great to see you!"

(The brothers walked forward, but April stopped them in their tracks. Y/N raised an eyebrow.) 

April: (Awkwardly) Y-yeah, um... you mind staying on the fire escape?

Y/N: Oh, is someone else inside?

April: No, but... well...

Leo: Seems like you've been avoiding us lately, April.

April: (Sighed, leaning against the window pane.) It's not my fault. (She lowered her voice to almost a whisper.) Dad's alien abduction nightmares are getting worse. He's so freaked out he won't let me out at night. 

Y/N: (Raised an eyebrow.) At all?

April: At all.

Y/N: But, he knows about your training with Timothy and Ethan, right? Doesn't he know you can defend yourself better now?

April" Yeah, but... he's still too scared."

Kirby: I'm sorry, April. (Mr. O'Neil had suddenly walked out of the darkness.) It's just... what if the Kraang are still out there? Waiting... working... I'll do anything to protect you.

April: Dad, I can take care of myself now. And, I'll be with the guys! I couldn't be more safe."

(Mr. O'Neil glanced up at them. He still seemed a bit unsure.) 

Mikey: Trust us, Mr. O'Neil. Shredder and those squishy brain freaks are long gone. 

Y/N: Mikey!

Mikey: What?

Y/N: Don't jinx us!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Here we go!

It's the lean, mean, ninja team
On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things
So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams
Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza KingsCan't stop these radical dudes
The secret of the ooze made the chosen few
Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves
The good guys win and the bad guys lose

Leonardo's the leader in blue
Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through
Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines
Raphael has the most attitude on the teamMichelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!

Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need
To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

(The lair got pretty crazy later that night. The brothers immediately started playing around, tearing the place up quite a bit. After playing some Super Smash Bros, Donnie decided that he had had enough madness for one night and barricaded himself in his lab with Timothy helping him. April offered to go get us some pizza and left afterward. That just left the brothers in the living room. And how did I occupy myself? With some good, old-fashioned-) 

Mikey: Ninja dodgeball! Wooohooo!" 

(Yep, Ninja Dodgeball. One of the many 'ninja alternate' games that they often played in the lair or on the surface. Y/N brought speakers from his room, and the T-Pod was blasting his playlist of Fall Out Boy. The giant Kraang communication device, which the others had decided to use as the ball, came flying towards Mikey, but he leapt up and caught it without fail.)

Mikey: Miss me again, Leo! Ha! (He threw it forward, and it went straight towards Leo, who reared around and kicked away from him. )

LeoL Eat this! (It went towards Raph, who caught it in front of him.) 

Raph: Stick it in your shell!"Think fast, Y/N!" 

(Y/N was ready before the ball even came my way. He did a huge backflip, and as he landed in a crouched position he extended his arms out, and the ball landed in them perfectly.) 

Y/N: Not fast enough, dude!" 

(They all turned to see April standing by the turnstiles, each with a total of three pizza boxes in her hands.) 

April: I leave for 5 seconds, and you guys go nuts. 

Raph: It's dodgeball, what did you expect?

(Y/N smirked as he picked up the ball, and threw it at Mikey. He ducked to avoid it, and it bounced off the pinball machine, off the wall, through the dojo and back, crashed through Donnie's lab for a few seconds, Y/N heard him and Timothy let out a surprised scream, and then came shooting out. It went past Leo, and Y/N saw it just barely graze his knee before it continued on, still bouncing all over the room.)

Y/N: Ha! You're out Leo!"

Leo: It doesn't count on a bounce!

Y/N: It touched you.

Leo: It doesn't count.

Y/N: Leo-

Leo" Don't even, Y/N!" 

Y/N: (Laughed) 

Donnie: What are you guys doing?!" 

(Y/N turned to see Donnie standing outside of his lab. He was looking very annoyed. Timothy was with him, holding his head in pain.) 

Mikey: Playin' dodgeball, fool!

(A second later the ball bounced back, and this time he wasn't ready for it. It smacked him right in his gut, and he grunted before toppling to the ground.) 

Y/N: You're out!"

Donnie: With the Kraang communication orb?!" 

(Timothy took the orb away from the others and handed it off to Y/N.) 

Donnie: This is a rare and fragile piece of alien tech, you guys can't just-!"

Raph: Aw, don't get your shell undies in a tangle Donnie, the Kraang are toast. (Waves him off.)

Mikey: Yeah, lighten up, dude!" (He threw an arm around his shoulder.) "This is a party! Wow!"

Splinter: My children-(They all turned to see Splinter and a recovering Ethan walking towards them from the dojo.) "I know you are still joyously reveling in the defeat of our enemies, but a great question remains.

Mikey: What if cupcakes could talk?" 

Ethan: What goes on in your head, Uncle Mikey?

Splinter: Are our enemies truly defeated? The Shredder is a crafty and patient foe who bides his time.

But, Sensei, you said Shredder lost whatever shred of honor he had left. We'd never see him again.

Raph: Yeah, and if he shows up, we got it all taken care of. (Swings his sai's around skillfully.)

(With that, all of the turtles walked past him, heading for the kitchen. Splinter glanced down at Y/N, and he merely shrugged. Splinter glanced down, then suddenly snapped in Japanese. At once, the turtles froze.) 

Splinter: You all have become lazy, over confident, you shun your training. This party ends. Now!

(He slammed his staff onto the ground, and the turtles stood at attention. Y/N froze, standing in shock rather than in respect. Splinter noticed this, but merely walked past him. Y/N kept his eyes on him until he was far away, and only then did Y/N relax his shoulders as he slowly shuffled towards the others. Ethan walked over to him, and looked up at his father. Y/N smiled and picked up his son, who immediately clung to him.)

Mikey: Dude, talk about harsh.

Leo: Maybe Master Splinter's right. Maybe we are getting too cocky.

Raph: Ha!" It's not cockiness when you've got the skills to kick massive-

(But he was cut off by a heavy beeping sound. It was coming from the Kraang device. It was flashing pink and was making a lot of racket.)

April: That thing's working again?" 

Donnie: (Frowned) It's been quiet for over a month. It must've received an incoming signal, which can mean only one thing...

Mikey: Cupcakes can talk!" 

Y/N/Ethan: No!

Leo: (Firmly) The Kraang are back. 

Mikey: (Slumped down.) "Guess the party really is over."

Timothy: Well, let's get started.

(The team was now in Donnie's lab.)

Donnie: The encryption's tough to crack, but it seems like the Kraang are transporting some kind of cargo. (He turned and started to type away on his computer.) (Gasp!) They're using the stealth ship!

Leo: We gotta find out what that cargo is. 

Raph: So, how do we track a ship that's completely invisible?" 

Mikey: (Quickly whipped around) We cover it in honey 'til it attracts bees, then... we follow the bees.

(Raph facepalmed as the others stared at him.)

Y/N: We would still have to find it in order to put honey on it. 

(Mikey opened his mouth to respond, but then his face fell, and he sighed sadly.)

Timothy: We can track it with this. (He reached up and held up a device that kind of looked like an old-school Gameboy.) 

Donnie:  Meand Timothy have been working on this for months, it's a in line with the radar dishes we placed throughout the city. It'll create a triangulating pulse-

Raph: English, Professor Braini-off. 

Donnie: (Glared) I will detect the Kraang spaceship. (He turned to April and placed the device in her hands. )April, can you stake out a rooftop and feed us the ships coordinates?"

April: Me?! I-I don't know anything about radar!

Ethan: What about your dad?

April: My dad...?" (She glanced away.) He barely lets me out of the house anymore, he's never gonna go for this.

Donnie: Please, April! Your dad's a scientist, we really need his help!" 

April: (Sighs) "I'll... I'll see what I can do. (She glanced at them before turning and walking away.)

Raph: The bigger question is; how do we stop that ship?" 

Y/N: Yeah. "Last time we ran into one of those things, we needed a missile launcher. And, last I checked, we don't have one of those.

Raph: We'll also need something fast to catch it. 

Donnie: (Smirks) 

Timothy: Oh, we have something for that.

(They were now all standing at the other end of the lair, dressed in their robotic wings and their helmets. On the tracks was what looked like a giant rocket with five seats inside.)

Donnie: I call it... the T-Rocket!"

Raph: You want us to fly in that? Where're we going? Jupiter?

Mikey: Jupiter?! But, that place is infested with space yeast!" 

(They stared at him.)

Leo: Time's up, team. Better move.

(They all started to head to the rocket. Leo pulled out his phone.) 

Leo: April, you guys in position?

April: (Whispering) Um... roger, I think..."

Leo: We're on it. (Leo hangs up) 

(Y/N quickly got into the seat between Raph and Mikey, strapping myself in with the buckles.)

Donnie: (Excitedly) Coordinates, locked! This is it!

Raph: If we explode, I swear, I'll slap the green off you. 

Leo: Launch!

(A split second later the rocket shot forward. They were going so fast Y/N's head was being forced against the headrest. Y/N could hardly hear his brothers yelling over his own screams of surprise. They seemed to have been going for several minutes before they finally went through the surface. Y/N could only imagine what was going through the bystanders minds at the sight of a giant rocket just appearing out of the ground.)

(They tilted up and started going up into the sky. At a certain point the rocket stopped, and they were all suddenly ejected from their seats. Y/N yelled as he started to fall, but he quickly pulled the string on my flight suit and my wings flung out, catching me in the air. The others did too, and they quickly joined him in the air.)

Mikey: Booyakasha-!" (Mikey's cry was cut off as he appeared to have suddenly slammed into midair.

(A few seconds later Donnie and Leo did the same as well. Unable to stop himself, Y/N joined them as he smashed into the invisible object.) 

Y/N: Ugh... I'm gonna need pain killers after this... 

Leo: (Mumbling) I think we found the ship...

(There was a loud grunt as Raph then slammed into the ship along with Them. Y/N turned to look up at him, and he had gone cross eyed.)

Y/N: (Smirking) Couldn't think to stop when you saw us hit something, did you?

(He shook his head and then glared at Y/N before shoving him in the shoulder.) 

Leo: Let's move. 

(They all began climbing up the ship, though it was a bit difficult with it being invisible still. Once at the top they discarded their wings and searched for the hatch to get inside. Y/N found it within seconds and immediately started to turn it open. Once it was, they all jumped up and went through the hole, landing on their feet.)

(There were a total number of three kraang aliens in front of them. Nothing too troubling. They weren't even in their Kraang droid uniforms.) 

Kraang: It is the ones who call themselves 'the turtles and Experiment 728. Kraang, we must alert Kraang.

Raph: (Grinned) Ha! Three little floatin' blobs of brains and that's it?

Leo: We can take these guys in our sleep. 

Mikey: We can take these guys in our sleep and with our eyes closed! Woo!"

(At that point there was a loud, deep sound, like an animal moaning. We all froze for a second before pulling out their weapons and turning around, landing in a stance. Y/N gripped his knuckle dusters tightly, looking through the mist covered door. The mist suddenly disappeared, and there stood a giant... well, it looked like a robot, but it looked like a tall blue monkey, without a head.)

Mikey: Aw, sewer apples. 

Raph: Uh, where's it head?

(Suddenly, the headless robot started stomping toward them quickly. As it ran past it knocked each of them off of their feet. Y/N raised his arms to block, but it sent him flying into the other side of the room. Y/N sat up and saw one of the floating aliens had floated up and connected itself to the top of the money robot, now acting as its head. It turned to face them, then it raised its arms and roared as what looked like blades attached to cords shot out from its chest.) 

Donnie: Okay. Maybe we were a little cocky..."

(The hands came down to smash the team, and they jumped out of the way. The blades from its chest shot out towards Leo, and he blocked them with his katanas. But one of them wrapped around his outstretched arm and tossed him back. The blades turned on Raph, who held them back with his sais. Then Mikey jumped up and slammed his nunchucks on the robots' arms. Nothing happened. The kraang turned its head to glare at Mikey, who looked a little nervous now. The robot reared its giant fist back and punched Mikey, sending him flying into the wall.)

(The robot marched towards him, but Y/N ran out and leapt up onto its back, wrapping the handle around the kraang's head to try to pry it off. It didn't work. The robot grabbed him and threw him away. He slammed against the wall, upside-down, and slid down onto his head.)

 Y/N: Ow...

(Suddenly, the wall Y/N was leaning on seemed to slide open, and his feet fell down. He quickly sat up and looked into the new room that had appeared. The fog cleared, and in front of Y/N were many, many glass canisters of glowing green ooze.) 

Leo: The shipment! It's mutagen-!"

(But Leo was cut off as he was punched by the robot. He landed onto the control panel, and suddenly the ship started going much faster. Y/N slipped on his way to standing up, and suddenly, Donnie and Mikey were thrown back and landed beside him.) 

Donnie: Gah! This thing's too tough!

Mikey: Well, I got this!"

(Mikey ran forward, smirk on his face, and happily kicked one of the kraang aliens manning the control panel. It screeched as it bounced around the ship like a pinball before landing and slamming onto the panel. There was a buzzer, and then a hatch in the floor opened.)

(The giant robot, who had been spinning Leo and Raph around for the past five minutes, finally stopped and threw them off. They landed on either side of the mutagen storage, and as they did the walls shook, and suddenly the canisters started falling and rolling towards the open hatch.)

Y/N: Guys!" (Jumped to his feet and ran forward.)

(It was too late. One by one, all of the canisters started rolling out of the hatch and falling down into the city below.) 

Y/N: NO!" 

(They all ran forward, kneeling down by the hatch. He watched as dozens of glowing cans, every last one of them, fell down to earth.) 

Y/N: No...

Raph: All that mutagen... (Raph glared up at Donnie and Mikey.) You two are the biggest screw-ups ever!

Donnei: Well, you could've grabbed one single canister!

Y/N: (Glared) Will you guys stop yelling for five seconds!

Donnie: Me! They're the ones who didn't even try-

Leo: Um, guys? You wanna focus?!" 

(They all turned and saw that he was currently trying to hold back the robots' chest blades on his own. They all sprinted forward as the robot leaned back and roared. Donnie advanced first, withdrawing his Bo staff and managing to slip around the robot. Then he yelled as he swiftly slammed his staff against the robots' back. All that happened was that a hatch on the 'bots rear-end fell open to reveal two long gun barrels.) 

Donnie: Butt cannons...? It has butt cannons?!

(The only answer he received was the said butt cannons immediately firing at him, and the rest of us. Y/N did a fast cartwheel to the left and immediately jumped off the wall to the opposite side to avoid all of the lasers. Raph ran forward in front of the robot and tried to attack it, but it dodged and kicked him, quickly pinning him down on his shell, now dangerously close to falling out of the still open floor hatch.) 

Raph: Uh, little help?" 

Y/N: Any ideas, Donnie?

(Donnie didn't answer immediately as he looked around the whole ship. Then his eyes landed on the two little Kraang aliens that were currently trying to fix the now broken control panel.) 

Donnie: I do now. (He whipped around.) Mikey, drop those Kraang!

Mikey: Done and done! (He cracked his knuckles before reaching behind him.) Throwing star time! Whaa-hooo! (He flung the stars at the aliens' hover pads, causing them to spark and suddenly fly out of control.) 

(Donnie whacked them out of the way with his Bo staff before jumping up onto the control panel. He pressed the blade out of the staff and jabbed it into the panel, giving it a hard pull as the ship suddenly made a sharp right. Y/N slipped and slid out to one side of the ship until he hit the wall, pretty soon the others and the monkey robot did too.)

(They continued to go back and forth across the ship floor, hitting the walls as Donnie continuously turned this way and that to avoid the buildings outside.) 

Donnie: How about we set a new course, like the moon!" 

(He then yanked his staff all the way back, and suddenly they were going completely vertically upward, spinning in the process. As they landed on the bottom of the ship, the robot got back up and immediately started swinging at Mikey, who jumped back to avoid the blow. Raph jumped up onto his shoulders, embedding his sais into the robots' back. The robot tried to throw him off but failed. Mikey and Y/N took this opportunity to run forward, drawing our blades out. Y/N reached up and started slicing at the robot, putting a few good gashes into the metal. He knocked his arms out of the way and stabbed them, sparks flying out of the fur. Y/N kept the blade claws in the arms as he held them down out of the way, and Mikey quickly reached up and grabbed the Kraang alien, yanking him out. The alien screeched as Leo suddenly started running forward, his katana blade held out in front of him. The blade went straight through, and the robot exploded.)

Leo: We gotta go!"

(At once, they all ran towards the open hatch. Y/N reached behind himself and grabbed his grappling hook as he jumped out, spinning it over his head. Y/N threw it forward and it caught onto the ledge of a roof. Y/N swung down and up, the turtles following his lead. Y/N lets go of the rope and lands on the building in front of him, the others landing around him. As he looked forward I saw the building were April and Mr. O'Neil had been. Except, Mr. O'Neil wasn't there anymore. Instead, there was a giant, disgusting-looking mutant with a growth-like head, stubby arms, and huge purple bat wings with hands on the end.) 

Raph: Let's move!

(They all leapt forward and landed in protective stances in front of the other three, drawing out our weapons before running forward. The bat screeched as it flew forward at them, but they were ready.) 

April: Don't hurt him!

(At once they all froze, turning their heads to stare at April. But before they could ask, the mutant bat shot forward, knocking them all over. There was a loud 'whooshing' sound, a scream.) 

Donnie: April!

(The mutant had grabbed April and was now flying off with her.)

Raph: Ugh! Can this night get any worse?" (Raph grumbled as he stood up.) 

(They all turned. Leo had his head down, and they all saw he was looking at what was unmistakably a broken glass canister, surrounded by a small puddle of mutagen.) 

Leo: I think that mutant was Mr. O'Neil. 

Mikey: How could you tell?

Raph: You see many giant, red bearded, middle-aged bats lately?" 

Y/N: (Looked at Raph.) "I think it just got worse."

Donnie: (Hurriedly) We gotta go after her!

Raph: But, what about all that mutagen? We got canisters spread out all over the city!

Y/N: The canisters aren't going anywhere, Raph. But Mr. O'Neil basically kidnapped April, and who knows what'll happen? We gotta help them now.

Leo: He's right. The mutagen is gonna have to wait. April's dad comes first.

(They all nodded. With that, they turned and started to run off the roof to the next one.)

(The brothers soon made it back to the lair and we're plotting their next move.)

Donnie: I can't think, I can't think! I'm seriously stressed here!" (Donnie paced around the room.) What if he hurts her? What if he drops her? What if?!"

Timothy: Whoa, easy there, dude. (Grabs Donnie's shoulders to keep him still.) You ain't doin' yourself any favors by freaking out. 

Ethan: (Sitting next to Y/N)Try takin' some deep breaths, calm down, that always helps me. 

Donnie: (Gulped, and nodded.) Y-yeah, you're right. (Breathed heavily) Okay... think calm thoughts...

Mikey: You think he's a vampire!" You think he'll drink her blood and turn her into the undead?" 

Y/N: (Face palmed) 

Donnie: (Stomped over to Mikey, his eyes blazing with anger.) "Are you TRYING TO FREAK ME OUT?!

Y/N: Okay, knock it off you two. (Walks in-between them.) Mikey, now's not the time to joke like that, okay? 

(Mikey raised his hands in surrender as he walked over to sit in the beanbag chair. At that moment, Y/N saw Splinter start to walk their way. Immediately, he sat down on the couch, trying to look like everything was normal.)

Leo: Sensei. Say we're, um... trying to catch a stray pet. Like... a cat.

Splinter: A cat?!

Y/N: (Offended) Hey!

Splinter: (Waves his hand) Sorry, my son.

Y/N: (Grumbles and sits back down.)

Leo: O-or maybe, like... a parrot?  Um, what's the best strategy?" 

Splinter: (Sighs) Food, of course. Any animal can be lured by food. (He stroked his beard, looking suspicious.) "So what is this truly about?

Leo: Trying-

Raph: (Suddenly leapt forward and covered Leo's mouth with his hand.) Uh, nothing, Sensei! Just... talking about parrots like we usually do! 

(Splinter raised an eyebrow at him. He didn't look convinced. But, he turned and walked quietly away.)

Leo: Food! 

Y/N: It's so simple, it's brilliant!

Timothy: So, what do bats even eat?

Donnie: Rodents and other small invertebrates. Oh yeah, and bugs! The bigger, the better.

Mikey: So, where are we gonna find a huge bug? Dress up some sorry sucker in a giant fly costume?

Ethan: Heh, ooo, or better yet, let's dress up some idiot in a spider costume!

Mikey/Ethan: (Laugh together)

(At that moment, everyone turned to smirk at the two.)

Ethan: What?"

(About 20 minutes later, Mikey was dressed up in this bright, flashy, butterfly-like costume, complete with extra fake limbs and bug binoculars. Once the binoculars were on, Mikey looked down at himself, examining his new outfit. While, Ethan was dressed up in a spider costume.)

Ethan's Spider Costume:

Ethan: (Looking down somberly) I thought my days of wearing costumes are over. 

Mikey: Kinda feel like bait.

Ethan: Kinda?

Raph: Oh, don't think of yourself as bait, you two. These are your new super hero costumes! You could call yourselves, um..."

Mikey: Turflytle!" Tur-fly-tle. Oh yeah! Oh, too awesome! (Turns to Ethan) And my faithful sidekick: Spider-Bunny!

Ethan: Spider-Bunny? (Think for a moment) Actually that is pretty good name.

Mikey: What're our powers?

LeoL Um, y-you can, ehh... hang from a rope...

Y/N: You can cause joy and laughter in a single second. (He laughed as Raph shook his head, smiling.) 

Mikey: Ooh, I like that one! 

Ethan: Alright, this is pretty sweet!

Donnie: Guys, we don't have much time. We need to find Mr. O'Neil and April now!

Timothy: Wait! I wanna help.

Leo: Timo-

Timothy: Look, I may have not known her as long as you guys have, but she is my friend. Please.

Leo: (Nods to Timothy)Alright, let's do this.

(Later that night, the team was up in the air with their wing packs. Donnie had attached a rope to Raph's pack so that Mikey could hang from it to help pull off the bug effect, same thing with Timothy and Ethan( AKA Spider-Bunny) 

Mikey: Turflytle and Spider Bunny are on the patrol, buzz buzz. His bug eyes spot every crime, buzz buzz.

Raph: (Groaned)  Ugh, would you stop saying 'buzz buzz' after every sentence?

Ethan: Yeah, it's a little annoying.

Mikey: I could do that, buzz buzz. But, I probably won't, buzz buzz. 

(Raph growled before turning downward quickly, forcing Mikey into a billboard. Mikey yelled and flailed his arms around, and had to kick against the billboard to keep from crashing into it.)

Mikey: Woah dude! Be kind to insects, buzz buzz. (He turned to look up at Y/N.) Y/N, make him stop, buzz buzz!" 

Y/N: (Looked up at Raph, who was still glaring at Mikey.) (Laughed) C'mon Raph, he's just having fun.

Raph: He's annoying.

Y/N: If he's annoying, then what does that make you?

Raph: Wha-?" (Raph whipped his head around to look at Y/N, and the latter laughed as he forced himself ahead of him.) 

Timothy/Pulverizer: (Laughs)

Mikey: Ooh, you just got burned son, buzz buzz!" 

Loe: Donnie, any sign of Kirby?" 

Donnie: (Keeping a look out below, looking through his telescope. He shook his head.) Nothing yet. (He lowered his telescope.) Raph, Timothy, shake Mikey and Ethan around a bit more. He needs to mimic a fly's flight pattern and spider movement.

(Raph chuckled as he and Timothy began to shake Mikey and Ethan around in all kinds of directions, doing some flips and loop-da-loops.)

Mikey: Whoa-ho, buzz buzz!"

Y/N: This is so cool!

(Y/N laughed at his obvious joy as he flew near them. Y/N watched Mikey and Ethan for a moment before looking up at Raph.)

Donnie: (Gasped) Kirby at 4 o'clock!" 

(Y/N turned his head in time to see a set of long, mutant fangs before they flew past, knocking into Donnie. He spun out of control for a moment, but caught his balance soon after.)

Leo: He's heading straight for Mikey and Ethan! Pull up, pull up!"

(Raph and Timothy started cranking their ropes, trying to pull Mikey and Ethan upward out of range. But Kirby was coming too fast, he wouldn't make it. In a split second Y/N pulled up towards Raph and Timothy until he was above them, grabbed him by his shell or suit, and yanked them up as high as he could. Y/N heard Mikey yelp, and he looked down to see Kirby speed by, at least a foot underneath Mikey and his son.)

Y/N: Phew..." (Released Raph and Timothy.) 

Timothy: Maybe we can finally catch our breath.

Donnie: He's coming around again!

Ethan: Or not!

(Raph glared down at Kirby before turning and heading down towards an alley, with Timothy following close behind. Kirby started to catch up to Y/N and the others following close behind.) 

Mikey: Time for Turflytle and Spider-Bunny to take out their arch nemesis... Wingnut! (Mikey  reared his nunchucks back and smacked Kirby in the face, knocking him back several feet. Kirby than went for Ethan, but he just back kicked him and knocked him back again.) 

Donnie: You are not giving Mr. O'Neil a monster name!"

Timothy: Besides the name's already taken!

Donnie: (Frustrated) Timothy!

Timothy: Just saying!

(Kirby screeched, flapping his wings as fast as he could towards Mikey and Ethan. From above, Y/N saw Leo hovering over him. He saw his hands move, and suddenly he was falling out of his flight pack and down towards the mutant bat. He landed on him, and immediately Kirby started to freak out. He started spinning and flopping, trying to buck Leo off with all his might, but somehow Leo managed to stay on, grabbing the mutant by his large ears.) 

Leo: Stick to the plan!" 

Raph/Mikey: There's a plan?" 

Ethan: Wha-how are we new to this and we know the plan!

Leo: The warehouse! We trap him in the warehouse!"

(Kirby was freaking out even more now. He was spinning and looping so wildly and rashly it was a wonder how Leo could stay on. Suddenly, in the mutant bat's effort to throw Leo off, he slammed right into Donnie. Donnie's flight pack stopped working, and he screamed as he began to fall.) 

Raph/Timothy: Donnie!" 

Y/N: Keep going! We'll meet you at the warehouse!

(Y/N grabbed the handles of his pack and pulled forward, going towards Donnie. He was spinning out of control, heading towards the ground.) 

Y/N: Donnie!" Drop your wings! Drop them now!"

(Thankfully, he had heard his brother, and soon his flight pack fell off his shell and to the ground. Y/N sped up as fast as his pack would let him, reaching him arms out. Just as Donnie was about to hit the ground, Y/N grabbed him by his arms and pulled up, going up towards a nearby building. As soon as they were over the roof he lowered down until their feet hit the surface.)

Donnie: (Fell to his knees, breathing heavily.) Th-thanks, Y/N. I owe you one!

Y/N: Don't mention it, bro. (He unclipped his wings and let them fall off.)

April: Donnie! Y/N!

(They both whipped around. April was standing on the ledge of the building next to them, waving her arms around.)

April: Up here! I'm over here!

Donnie: April! Hold on!

(Donnie hollered. He reached behind him and pulled out a grappling hook, spinning and tossing it out towards her. April shuffled over before grabbing the rope and slowly making her way over to them.)

(We've been running after the others on foot for the past 10 minutes now. Just as they were rounding the corner Y/N saw Leo and the other suddenly dive downward. The warehouse was only a few feet ahead of them.) 

Y/N: C'mon! 

(Just as Y/N reached door lift he heard the sound of glass shattering. Y/N ducked under the door and looked up. Kirby and the others had fallen into a huge pile. The others quickly jumped back as Leo shouted.)

Y/N: Guys, now!" (He pulled the giant lever on the wall. There was the sound of squeaking wheels, and a large metal cage slammed down, trapping Kirby.)

Leo: (Solemnly) Sorry Kirby, it's only temporary. 

(Y/N walked up to the others, looking sadly at Kirby. He screeched and wailed as he fought to break free. At that moment April and Donnie finally caught up, coming up through the door. April gasped as she sprinted towards the cage. Donnie quickly pulled the door down before running up to the others.)

Mikey: Yo, we did it, Don!" (Mikey raised his hands and wagged his tongue.) "We caught the Kirby-bat! Waahh-OW!

Donnie: Mikey...!" (Mikey stopped playing as Donnie elbowed him hard in the chest.) 

April: Dad!" (April dropped to her knees, holding onto the bars of the cage.) Dad...

(Kirby, for the first time all night, looked calm. And sad. April reached her hand and placed it on his forehead. He closed his eyes, looking a bit peaceful.)

April: What're we gonna do with him? I mean, keep him caged forever? Feed him a steady diet of mice and flies?

Donnie: Actually, bats love moths and spiders too, s-" 

(April gasped, looking close to tears. Ethan elbowed Donnie's arm, shaking his head. Donnie choked as he hung his head in shame.) 

Ehan: Too soon Uncle Donnie, too soon.

Donnie: Sorry... 

(Y/N walked up and put a hand on April's shoulder.) 

Y/N: April...?" 

(April looked so sad, she was almost leaning against me for support.)

April: This is all my fault. If I hadn't lied to dad...

Y/N: April, you didn't do anything wrong.

Mikey: Yeah April. (Mikey walked up, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.) Don't blame yourself, it was our fault. We spilled the mutagen, we'll fix it.

April: (Suddenly straightened up.) "What? You guys... you guys spilled the mutagen?" 

(Her face had fallen, and was suddenly looking angry. From behind her, the turtles, Timothy, and Ethan were making various 'stop talking now' gestures at Mikey, but he didn't seem to notice. Y/N gulped, his chest starting to feel heavy.)

Y/N: Um, Mikey...

Timothy: You should sto-

Mikey: Yeah. We accidently unleased all that mutagen all over the city, but don't worry. We'll get it back." (Mikey folded his arms, looking very proud of himself.) 

(Cautiously, Y/N turned to look at April. Y/N could see her face, and she was shaking.) 

Y/N: Mikey, we didn't actually spill it. A fight broke out, the Kraang opened the door and-"

(April suddenly stepped back so that Y/N's hand fell from her shoulder. Y/N looked at her again, and he felt his heart drop. She looked furious.) 

Y/N: April...?" 

April: (Turned to face the turtles, Timothy, and Ethan.) You... You...!" 

(See seemed to angry for words. Kirby then hissed loudly, and Mikey and Y/N quickly backed away from the cage.) 

Donnie: I swear. By Darwin's beard, we'll cure him!"


(Kirby screeched loudly as he gripped the bars of the cage and started to tear them apart. They all gasped.)

April: What? No!" 

(Kirby spun in a circle and flew straight at them, and they all jumped to avoid him. He quickly circled back, and immediately made a beeline for April. She screamed in fear, and Donnie ran up and smacked Kirby away with his staff. The mutant screeched in pain before shooting upward, flying through the hole in the glass ceiling.)

April: Dad!

(But Kirby was gone within seconds. April whipped around, giving them a soul crushing glare. The team all lowered their heads in shame, Y/N looked at her with pleading eyes. She seemed to be avoiding his gaze. Donnie raised his hand out to her, but she stepped back.) 

April: Don't! Don't touch me! Keep away from me! I never wanna see your faces ever again!" (With that, she turned and sprinted for the door.) 

Donnie: April!

Raph: Let her go, man. Give her some space.

(Donnie gazed after April as she ran out the door, looking as though he were about to cry. In fact, all of the them looked heartbroken.)

Timothy: (Thought) She can't do this...' (Ran after her) 

Leo: Timothy, wait!"

(Timothy ignored Leo as he ran to the door, ducked under it, and ran outside. He gazed all around, trying to see if he could catch her. He heard footsteps to his right, and he ran in that direction. Timothy followed the footsteps until they led him to an abandoned parking lot. And in the center of the parking lot was April. She had slowed down to a walk, and he could hear her breathing heavily.)

Timothy: April!"

(She whipped around. Her face was still red with anger, and when she saw me she glared before she continued to walk away.)

April: Leave me alone, Timothy. 

Timothy: (Continued to follow her.) April, I am so, so sorry that this happened. You have no idea. But, please, don't walk away like this.

April: I'm going home, Timothy. You can't do this to them. They didn't mean for this to happen-"

April: They let it happen! They let that mutagen spill out!

Timothy: It was an accident. Do you honestly think they'd do this on purpose?"

(She started to walk faster, her feet making large splashes in the puddles from yesterday's rain. Timothy shook his head as he sped up to catch up to her.)

Timothy: April, please...

April: Stop it, Timothy.

Timothy: April, you're our best friend and like my training buddy, don't do this to them.

April: I said stop!

Timothy: Just give us a chance, please. (Reached up to try to grab her arm). Donnie will find a cure for your dad and we-

April: SHUT UP!"

(Just as Timothy had managed to touch her arm, April spun around and suddenly punched him hard in the face. For a moment, time slowed down. Timothy saw the furious, bloodshot look on April's face as he slowly fell backward off of his feet. Then, it sped up again. There was a loud splash as he fell painfully hard on his back. He had fallen in a very large puddle. For a moment, he didn't even notice that he was almost completely soaked. Timothy was too shocked. He tried to push myself up, my whole body shaking from shock. He slowly raised his head to look up at April, and found himself surprised. Her anger was now replaced with a look of shock and regret.)

April:Timothy, I...I didn't..." 

(She reached out, as though she were going to help him up, but suddenly a weird type of geen energy began to surge out of Timothy and it only got stronger. Timothy just stared up at April. Then something suddenly happened-)

(The green surge pushed her to the ground hard as she yelped in shock. The green energy faded and looked at April in shock and confusion.) 

Timothy: (Thoughts ) What the heck was that?! What did I just do?! 

(April didn't say anything. She just sat there, staring at her hands, looking disgusted at something.) 

April: I... I'm sorry...

(And just like that, she got up and sprinted away. Timothy opened his mouth to scream for her to come back, but his voice seemed to be lost.)

Timothy: (Looking at his hands) What happend to me?

(The team was back in the lair, with solemn looks on their faces. Timothy was in his room, still trying to figure out what happened to him.)

Splinter:  "This is all very grave news. Very grave indeed.

Donnie: I can't believe this is happening.  Poor April...

Ethan: (Sits on Y/N's lap and hugs him) Will she come back?

Y/N:.............I don't know, my son.  

Splinter: Do not dwell on the past. (Splinter turned to face them.) You must find every last canister of mutagen. You must search every street, every park and playground, every building and rooftop, before we have even more mutants on our hands."

[In the very end of the episode, a squirrel is seen in an alley way, and it curiously runs up to a broken container, with Mutagen seeping out of it. The squirrel then curiously takes a sip of the Mutagen, ending with dramatic music and the animal turning it's head towards the audience with a vicious white eye.]

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

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