The Moons of Thalos 3
(The ship shook as one of the ships surrounding them shot at them.)
"Those ships! They're Triceraton!" Leo said.
"No kidding!" Raph responded. The ship shook again as it was hit. "And there's, like, a gajillion of them!"
"Professor, what do we do!?" Riki called.
"We take evasive action," Fugitoid responded.
(They all screamed, startled, as he started quickly weaving the ship through the Triceraton ones. Ethan was cuddling Clunk on his head.)
"I think we're almost out of this," April said, only for the ship to get hit again.
"Or not!" Casey responded.
(The window cracked and the moon they were near got closer at a frighteningly rapid pace.)
"I recommend we take plunging into the lethal, crushing gravity of that gas giant philosophically," Fugitoid stated.
"What is that supposed to mean?!" Timothy snapped.
"It means we're all gonna die!"
Teenage Mutant Ninja-
Leo: The Evil Triceratons invaded Earth, they brought with them the invincible black hole generator that swallowed the entire planet! My family and I escaped, thanks to the mysterious robot called the Fugitoid. Now, we're trying to stop the Triceratons anyway we can!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
Leonardo's the leader in blue
Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through
Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines
Raphael has the most attitude on the team
Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!
Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!
Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need
To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
(They all screamed, holding onto their consoles desperately to keep themselves from falling as the ship plunged into a spiral. Y/N was thrown out of his seat with a yell.)
"Y/N, hold on!" Donnie yelled, letting go of his console to help him.
"To what?!" He demanded, ears flat. Donnie grabbed onto him and held onto the Professor's leg. "Thanks, D!"
"Whoa!" Raph lost his grip, slamming into the window. "I hate space! I hate it! I really do!"
"Hang on, dude, I got you!" Riki released her station and dropped into the window beside him. She took a quick glance at the rapidly approaching moon and the cracking glass before she grabbed his belt and threw him toward the Professor, kicking off the window to grab back onto her station.
"Everyone, brace yourselves!" Leo yelled.
(The ship hit something before slamming into the surface of the snow-covered moon.)
"Is everyone alright?" the professor asked, reeling his arms and legs back in while they got back to their feet.
"I think we're good, Professor," Riki groaned, rubbing her head.
"Thanks for the save, Riki," Raph said.
"No problem." She glanced back at the window, surrounded by snow. "This, however, might be a problem."
"Everyone out of the ship," Fugitoid instructed. "We need to check the damage and see if there's any materials we can use to fix our ship."
(They put on their helmets and headed out into the snowstorm.)
Raph groaned. "Where are we?"
"Whoa," Donnie started, using his staff to scan the moon. "Temperatures on this moon are negative 180 degrees Celsius."
April shivered. "So cold, even in this suit. Aren't the turtles gonna freeze?"
"No, their suits permeate a warm, invisible force field, like a second skin," Fugitoid explained. "Cozy, right?"
"Uh, I'm pretty sure my shell froze to my butt," Mikey responded.
"What's it look like, Fugitoid?" Leo asked as the robot went to inspect the damage.
Fugitoid: If I had to categorize our situation, it would fall somewhere between "probably doomed" and "unequivocally doomed. "
"Wait. So no power?" Y/N questioned. "We won't be able to charge our suits!"
"And worse, we've only got a couple hours of oxygen and heat left," Chloe added.
"Oh, man," Casey groaned. "I was supposed to go out in a blaze of glory, with, like, giant transforming robots frying me with lasers. Not like this."
"Nice that you have your own death planned out," Riki said sarcastically. "And by nice I mean completely morbid."
"Dude, chill," Ethan ordered with Clunk on his shoulder. "Yelling is gonna run your oxygen even lower even faster. As for heat, we could huddle together.
Y/N: Good idea, son.
April looked up at a squeaking noise to see a small dragon-like creature land on her helmet. "Wow!" She watched the creature fly away. "You're a strange, cute, little snow creature, aren't you?" She turned back to the others. "There's life on this planet, guys!"
"Nonsense," Fugitoid said. "This moon is made of methane ice. No life can survive here. Beep!"
Ethan: (Rubs Clunk's head) What about Clunk, he doesn't have a suit and he doesn't have a problem.
Fugitoid: His species were designed to endure this kind of weather, it seems.
"Now, let's see..." Donnie started scanning the area. "Yes! Irrilium metal. Lots of it! About ten klicks away. Ooh, looks like it's refined, too."
"Excellent work, Donatello," Fugitoid praised. "We could use that metal to patch up the ship."
"Lead the way, D!" Riki said.
(They let Donnie take the lead and followed close behind, using Ethan's idea to conserve some heat.)
"The wind's getting worse... How much farther?" Ethan asked, hugging Clunk tightly.
(Huddling wasn't doing much good and most of them were slowing down. Y/N turned upon hearing April fall, seeing Casey help her up. Clunk saw his owners were freezing and out of nowhere he turned red and summoned her fire. He forced back the flames and pushed the heat into the air around them, creating an invisible shield of heat. The effects were immediate, as most of the others stopped shivering as the air got instantaneously warmer.)
Ethan: Woah, Clunk for the win! (Swing him from side to side)
Fugitoid: Ahh yes, Clunk's species was designed to summon certain aspects of nature to help them in certain situations.
Y/N nodded. "Sweet! But let's fix the ship fast. (Sees Clunk sweating) I don't think Clunk can't keep this up forever."
"There: the irrilium is somewhere up on that ice peak," Donnie stated, as they stopped in front of a huge ice mountain.
"Oh, yeah!" Mike cheered, skating past him. "Check me out! Michelangelo on ice!"
"You're using up oxygen too fast, Mikey!" Ethan attempted to chide, though he didn't seem to listen.
"What's more important, nephew?" Mikey questioned, sliding to a stop on his knees. "Breathing...or my art?"
"Breathing," Ethan deadpanned. "If you can't breathe, you can't perform your art."
"Guys?" April called. "Something's not right. Weird vibe alert."
"My sensors suggest we're about to be visited by--" Fugitoid cut off as a couple of aliens jumped in front of them, one pulling out a sword and aiming it at them.
"Whoa! What the heck?" Casey asked.
"Newtralizers!" Leo responded.
"You downed our ship, dishonored us," the alien wielding the sword snapped. "Now you will fight us."
"Wait!" Fugitoid yelled, stepping between them. "Wait, wait, wait. We are all honorable beings here. We did not intend to damage your ship. Please, we can help one another in this desperate plight."
"It is true we are all trapped," the taller alien agreed. "Cooperation is survival here. But you are...outworlders." He growled.
Raph walked past Fugitoid and the Aussie, over to the two unknown aliens. "Listen, sister. We don't want to fight you. You're clearly outnumbered."
"Numbers mean nothing," the alien retorted. "I do not fear you or your friends."
Casey: Look, man!"
Leo: Leo cut in. "It's all good. We're all cool here. I'm offering my hand; put her there, bro!"
"What?" the taller alien gasped. "I consider conciliation, and you offer the hand of combat?"
"Combat?" Leo repeated, quickly retracting his hand. "No! You don't understand!"
(The female Salamandrian charged in, kicking Donnie away and going for Casey, but Raph went after her. The male jumped at Leo, who jumped out of his way and fired his lasers at the male.)
"All of you should stop fighting and rationally consider the damage to your faceplates! One crack, and death is imminent," the Professor tried to warn. The male Salamandrian shoved him out of the way.
"Those who dishonor us shall be destroyed!" the female yelled, charging at Y/N.
"You like to throw the word 'dishonor' around a lot," Y/N said, bringing out his saber. Their blades clashed. "We haven't done anything wrong, it was a misunderstanding!"
"I will not be fooled by your trickery!" the female yelled, swinging her tail around.
Y/N swung up his own tail and blocked it, surprising the female. "Sorry, man. Can't let you hurt my friends."
"I give you this, outworlder, you are indeed a worthy foe...but not worthy enough!" the female growled.
(He swung his tail around again. Y/N held up his tail to block and the female punched him in the chest, knocking him backward, and kicked him into the snow. She ran after Donnie, kicking him down and dodging Raph's attack.)
"You got some imagination, sweetheart!" the hothead snapped, slicing his laser jitte at her, though she dodged.
(The male Salamandrian punched Leo away like it was nothing.)
"Please, everyone," Fugitoid once again tried to calm things down, but got thrown back against the ice by the male's tail.
"Booyakasha!" Mikey jumped down on top of the male, who caught him and threw him onto the ice.
Chloe brought out his whip and unfolded it, twirling it and blocking the male's sword, pushing it back. "You're jumping to conclusions here!" she yelled. She shoved the sword away and twirled her whip, throwing him back against the wall. He went back at her, not seeing very fazed, and brought his sword down. She caught it against her whip and disarmed him, though he used his tail to sweep her feet from under her, sending her to the ground.
"Yo, lizard lips!" Casey called, throwing photon pucks.
April was shooting at the female Salamandrian as she took down Donnie, Riki and Raph. "Hold still, you stupid--" The Salamandrian threw her back.
"Well, I suppose I'll have to intervene," the Professor stated calmly, like there wasn't a battle going on until Donnie was thrown into him, tossing him into a wall. "Oh, dear!"
"You okay, April?" Ethan asked, helping the red-head up, while Timothy pulled Donnie to his feet. The hothead and red-head ducked when the female jumped over them, slamming her feet into Riki and Raph, who'd just gotten back up, and knocking them down before jumping onto a ridge above them.
"That's it," Raph growled. "You're going down." He jumped up onto the ridge, the alien dodging his jitte as he blocked her sword. She managed to land a couple of punches and sent him rolling back into the snow.
"Raph!" Riki called, fending off the Salamandrian with Donnie, Ethan and Timothy.
Raph shook his head with a groan. "Never been hit like that before..." He looked at the Salamandrian to see her knee Ethan in the stomach and knock him away, deck Riki, and knock down Donnie. "It was kinda...nice." He gasped as she started running at him.
"Discussion follows dishonor!" the male Salamandrian snapped, knocking Leo's sword from his arms before slamming Ethan into him, throwing them back into Mikey and knocking them all down. Clunk jumped was hiding and went to go find Y/N.
"You're really starting to annoy me with the whole dishonor thing!" Ethan said as he got up with gritted teeth.
"Use the force, Ethan!" Mikey joked.
Ethan froze and laughed a bit. "Ha Ha, that was pretty......Gahahaa!!" The male swung his tail into his stomach and sent him flying back beside the others.
(The female Salamandrian threw Raph down onto the ice beside the rest of them.)
"I am a pacifist," Fugitoid stated, getting onto his feet. "But even pacifists have to stand their ground once in a while." He held out his hands, guns sliding out of his arms and beginning to shoot at the aliens. The Salamandrians ran to dodge, the female throwing a bladed disc toward the robot.
(Fugitoid jumped aside, dodging the disc, which embedded in the ice wall behind him. The disc exploded and sent the wall crashing down onto all of them.)
(Y/N yelped as he found herself buried under slabs of ice.)(
Y/N: Can't move! (Sees Clunk crawling to him) Clunk!
(Clunk focused his heat, burning through the ice easily. Y/N grabbed the alien cat and crawled out of the rubble and turned to see Fugitoid pull himself out on top of the pile. The Salamandrians were nowhere in sight.)
"No need to worry! Only a minor inconvenience." He started digging through the ice and Y/N clambered up the pile to help him free the others.
Mikey groaned. "We keep getting our shells handed to us."
Riki checked her suit's power levels. "We got to keep going. Not much heat left. Y/N, how long can Clunk keep up his fire's heat?"
Y/N looked at the exhausted cat who was breathing heavier, depleted from freeing him. "An hour? Maybe one and a half? Assuming there's no more fighting, that is. This kitty cannot handle anymore excitement."
"We still need to hurry before our oxygen runs out," Timothy pointed out. "Come on."
(The wind wasn't blowing as hard as before, and Clunk's heat shield took the edge off of the biting cold, but they still felt it as they trekked up the mountain.)
"I've been thinking," April started. "I bet those Salamandrians are after the Irrilium, too."
Fugitoid pushed her to get her to move faster. "Another reason to hurry, people."
"Hey, Casey," Raph started. "Do you think a turtle can, like, date a newt?"
(Y/N stopped at that, turning around and raising a brow curiously.)
Casey blinked. "Dude. What?" He slapped Raph's arm, making him stumble back as he started laughing hysterically.
"I mean, you know, maybe, um, these Salamandrians aren't so bad. Like, the lizard girl is cool."
Leo pushed past him. "You really are running low on oxygen, Raph. What are you gonna do, as that giant newt out on a date?"
"Well, I mean--" Raph sighed. "I don't know."
"Wow, you really got a crush on that Salamandrian hottie?" Mikey asked. "She's, like, bigger, stronger, and probably a better fighter than you."
"Exactly," Raph responded. "What a woman."
Y/N grinned and punched his arm playfully. "Well, maybe we'll bump into her again." (Thoughts) There is someone out there for all of us.
"Ooh!" Donnie called back, and they quickly ran ahead to catch up with the group. "The Irrilium's not far ahead. And I was right. The metal's completely refined."
"So, what happens if those aliens make it to the Irrilium first?" Riki asked.
"I've got the answer," Casey responded. "We take them down, goongala-style."
"Whoa, hold up," Raph started. "Let's cut the salamanders a break. They think we're the bad guys, right? What if we could convince them to work with us, to find that metal stuff together?"
"Worst idea you've had, and that's saying something," Riki snapped. "Forget it, Raph; let's just get that Irrilium."
"In what world are more allies a bad idea?" Y/N demanded.
(They kept going, heading through a chasm and to some sort of cave.)
"Guys, hold up. Where's Raph?" April asked.
Leo sighed. "Oh, no--I bet he went off to talk to his girlfriend." He gasped, looking at all the tiny dragon-like creatures flying around, much like the ones she'd seen earlier. "I've got a bad feeling about this." Larger creatures came out of hiding, roaring. "Yeah, we're in trouble."
"Serious trouble!" Timothy said, backing away when one of the creatures got too close. It breathed out some sort of blue fire, knocking him back against the wall and freezing him solid.
Ethan gasped. "Timothy! No!"
(With the Salamandrians.)
"Lieutenant Y'Gythgba, we are getting close to the Irrilium," the male Salamandrian informed his companion. "Rokka, rokka!"
"And by now, those low-grade life forms are surely frozen."
Raph jumped out of nowhere, pushing himself off the male's helmet and landing on his feet, sliding a few inches with his arms out, trying to look flashy. "Ta-daah! Impressed, right?"
The male stared at him with a scowl while the female seemed somewhat amused. "No, but I respect your tenacity." She pulled out her blaster and aimed it at him, taking a step forward.
Raph quickly backed up, reaching the end of the walkway and waving his hands frantically. "Wait! Before you blast me, hold up. Look, we could--We could all work together as a team, a unit!"
"Your bravery speaks of a heroic heart, stranger," the male responded.
The female took another step forward. "But you are in our way." She fired her blaster.
Raph flinched, curling around himself before he noticed where she fired, the ice around his feet beginning to crack. He pointed at her and yelled, "That's not good teamwor--aaaaahhhhh!" The ice gave way, sending him plummeting toward the ice below.
(Back with the others)
The Professor worked on defrosting Timothy while the others kept the ice dragons away from them. One of them managed to drag Mikey away and Casey saved him by using his pucks to break the dragon apart.)
"You know...for scary looking creatures made of ice...these guys...are pretty fragile." Y/N ducked under a dragon's ice breath and brought up his saber, slamming it into the dragon's head and shattering it.
(Back with the Salamandrians)
(The Salamandrians were doing more than holding their own, fending the dragons off easily until one snuck up behind the male and froze him. As the female grabbed hold of one's neck to finish it off, she noticed the male had been frozen and rushed to his aid, only for more ice dragons to charge her way.)
(Raph managed to climb back up the cliff, exhausted, and saw the female Salamandrian about to be killed by an ice dragon while the male was frozen. Raph sprang into the fight, jumping on one's face and then off, slamming into another and shattering it to bits. He sprang up from the ground, yelling as its remains fell around him.)
The female stared at him for a moment and approached him. "Stranger." She held up her arm, her blaster charging up.
"Aw, space apples," Raph cursed. "Don't shoot! Don't shoot!"
(The Salamandrian shot, though she didn't hit Raph. He turned to see an ice dragon that had been climbing over the edge behind him with a hole in its head before it fell down the cliff.)
"You truly are a noble creature." The female placed her hands on her hips and leaned close to Raph, smirking at him.
"My name's, uh...Raphael." He looked at her nerously.
"I am called Y'Gythgba."
"You are called Y'gyn...Y'gth...Y'gynength... I got an idea. Back on Earth, there's this painting of, like, the most beautiful woman in art and stuff? Um, so how about if I called you...Mona Lisa?"
"As you please, Raphael." She leaned closer, bringing her tail behind him to pull him closer until their helmets touched. "Someday, our noses will meet in the flesh." She smiled and walked away, trailing her tail behind her and leaving a dazed Raphael, who looked like he was on cloud nine, behind.
"My nose...will be ready." Mona approached the male to inspect the damage. "So, uh, Mona Lisa, what are we going to do about your pal?"
"Perhaps if I use a low output." She adjusted her laser shooter and tapped her knuckles against his chest. "Yes, I believe he'll be fine in no time at all."
(Back with the others.)
"How's it going, Fugitoid?" Leo called back to the robot, shooting at one of the dragons.
"Timothy is almost fully thawed out, although I think her face seems to have melted as well," the robot responded.
Y/N backed up closer to the others, surrounding Samirah and Fugitoid and noticing they were completely surrounded.
"Dad, I don't know how much longer we can keep this up," Ethan murmured while protecting Clunk. "The more we fight, the more oxygen we use up. If this keeps going on...we'll run out." Ethan shoots at more of them.
"Oh, man! I think we're in trouble," Casey said.
Lasers suddenly rained down, breaking the heads off the dragons. Leo followed the direction of the fire to see Raph and the two Salamandrians, firing at the monsters and coming to their aid.
"No way," Ethan muttered. "How did he...?"
"Whoa! Raph's with the bad guys?" Mikey asked.
"We're friends now, Mikey," Raph called back, slicing down another dragon with the female.
Y/N snorted. "'Friends'? Is that what you call it nowadays?"
(The male shot at the dragons, Leo, Y/N and Riki backing him up.)
"I am Commander G'Throkka," the male introduced.
"That name's cool and all," Mikey began, "but I got something better. How about Laser Lizard?" He grinned and looked back at his expression to see he wasn't too thrilled and shook his head. "No, no, no. Oh! G.I Newt! Nah, I got it! Sal Commander!"
(The Commander stared at Mikey for a moment and then down at Leo , who gave him small smiles.)
(Raph and the female cut down another dragon. Ethan threw out a grenade and it hit the dragon, reducing it to water.)
April kicked a broken piece of ice away. "Is that all of them?"
Leo put away his sword and turned to the Commander. "We won't offer our hands, but we will offer our friendship."
(Sal held up his arm, hand clenched. Leo glanced back at Fugitoid. When they made no move or comment, he did the same and they tapped their fists, before rubbing them together. Sal let out a roar and Leo followed with a belch.)
"Okay, that was weird," Mikey said. "Now let's go get that Irribili-li-li-um!"
(With the dragons gone and Timothy thawed out, they kept going. Clunk's heat sheild was quickly becoming hard to maintain, but he knew neither of them would be able to provide much heat for much longer, and couldn't do anything about his owners suits' rapidly depleting oxygen levels.)
(They followed Donnie's scanner until they reached a crater with a huge spherical device in the center.)
"There, that's the satellite. It's made of Irrilium!" He and the others ran toward it.
"That's no satellite. That's a Triceraton space mine!" Fugitoid said.
(They all yelped, quickly jumping away.)
"If we could deactivate it, we could use the Irrilium inside to fix our ships, right?" Y/N asked, sliding down to the mine.
Fugitoid slid down after her. "Hm...let me see..." He put his hands on the mine, scanning the interior. "Yes. The Irrilium is perfect. It even contains a Dark Matter regulator."
"We got to hurry. I'm getting short on power and--" April stopped at growling and they turned to see more ice dragons surrounding them. "Oh, no."
"There are too may to fight!" Fugitoid said.
"I got a plan," Raph responded. "Come on!"
(Said plan involved everyone running while four of them carried the mine. That worked...until they started sliding down an icy slope, the mine rolling down with them. They cut down the dragons that got too close, regaining their footing at the end of the slope and bolting again.)
"The ship's up ahead!" Donnie called. "Hurry!"
Mikey started screaming as a dragon kept freezing his butt, Casey laughing until one started doing it to him. He turned, jumping back and starting to glide along the ice. "Oh, yeah! Hover skates in full effect, yo!" He shot photon pucks at a dragon, making it explode.
Timothy looked down at the ice, noticing the gap. "Casey, give me all your photon pucks!" Casey pulled out his pucks and handed them to him. He started forcing them into the ice, right where the gap started.
"Awesome idea, Samirah!" Casey called back, fending off the dragons with his stick.
Timothy set the pucks to blow and ran for the ship. "Now run, you moron!"
"Goongala!" Casey shouted, skating after her, the pucks exploding as they dove to the ground. The explosion made the ice crumble, sending the dragons down into the newly opened chasm. Casey and Timothy fist-bumped.
"Quickly, now," Fugitoid called. "Almost there."
"We...may be...too late..." Leo said, stumbling forward.
April quickly caught him, putting his arm around her shoulders. "Leo! Oh, no!" She walked him over to the ship and set him down against it, Mikey flopping down beside him.
(Y/N checked his suit's power to see it was drastically low. He was really starting to feel the cold in full force now, Clunk's heat shield lost the majority of its effect.)
(Chloe dropped to her knees in front of Leo and Mikey, fighting to keep her head up. She spread out her arms to create a barrier around the two boys, shielding them from most of the wind.)
Fugitoid opened the mine. "Excellent! The Dark Matter regulator."
Casey's suit started sounding the alarm. "Oh, no. This is it--the big freeze." He looked at April. "We won't make it through this, red. We're not mutants!"
"Stay calm, Case... We'll be... We'll be..." Timothy hugged his arms tightly around himself and sunk to his knees, looking dazed. "I...I feel really tired."
"Sam!" Riki caught him. "Don't go to sleep!"
"Warm-blooded or not, we're in trouble, Professor!" the red-head called.
"Please, don't pressure me..." the robot called back, working on disarming the bomb.
"Rokka, rokka." Sal fell to the ground, unconscious.
"G'Throkka!" the female Salamandrian called.
"Faster, Honeycutt. No time, no time," Fugitoid muttered to himself, dashing to the ship to begin repairs. Donnie's and Riki's suits gave out and the two fell into the snow, catching the robot's attention. "Oh, dear. Oh, dear. Hurrying as fast as I can."
"This is it..." Casey said, slumping to the snow as his suit gave out. April fell beside him and Riki collapsed as her suit gave out.
(Y/N leaned against the ship and sank into the snow, fighting to stay awake. Ethan dropped his dagger and collapsed beside him, the heat from his shield vanishing immediately as Clunk passed out.)
"Raphael!" the female caught the hothead as he fell. She leaned him against the shell of the bomb, sitting down beside him.
"Mona...I...I wi-ish...I c-could tell"
"Raphael...believe me...I...know." She moved her tail around his shoulder and pulled him close, the two of them leaning against each other as their suits gave out.
(Y/N used the last of his strength to pull Ethan and Clunk as close as they could, to warm them up.)
(Consciousness came back by degrees. First thing Y/N noticed was that he was warm, really and completely warm for the first time since they'd crashed. Next thing he noticed was that he didn't have to fight for breath anymore. His eyes still felt like lead weights as he struggled to wake up.)
(He opened his eyes to the blurry view of the ship's ceiling. He was sprawled out on the floor of the bridge with the others, who were awake and/or waking up.)
Mikey groaned. "What happened?" He started getting to his feet.
"You guys okay?" April asked Sal.
With a low growl he responded, "We are...grateful." Mikey started to stand beside him only to immediately begin to fall over. The Commander caught him and held him up a few inches above the ground. "Hopefully one day we can repay your kindness."
"Yes. One day." Y/N turned his head to see Mona standing beside Raph, smiling as she took his hand in hers. They started to move closer until the doors opened behind them to reveal the Professor.
"No time for dawdling!" he said as the two leaned back. "I've already repaired your craft." He walked into the room. "Not to be rude, but we have Triceratons to catch up with."
Raph cleared his throat. "Mona, uh, look. Um... What I'm trying to say is... Uh..."
Mona put a finger to his lips, silencing him. "Let me say it for you, Raphael. In my own language." She roared, finishing her sentence, then grabbed the front of Raph's suit and pulled him in for a kiss.
"Ugh." Casey, seeming more grossed out than anything, quickly covered the twins' eyes while Sal covered Mikey's and April and Riki started to giggle.
Y/N: (Leans toward Leo) Told you there's someone out there got all of us.
(Once the Salamandrians returned to their ship, they gave their farewells and departed.)
Raph watched them disappear into space. "Goodbye...Mona Lisa." He put his hand to the glass and sighed softly.
"You'll see her again one day, Raphael." Leo walked over and put a hand on his shoulder.
"I sure hope so..."
"The Triceratons are, like, millions of astro-miles ahead," Donnie stated, walking up to them with Mikey, Y/N, and Ethan(Clunk on his head).
"But with a little luck, we'll catch up to them," Timothy added with a grin, joining them with Riki and Chloe.
"They won't stand a chance against us," Chloe stated.
[And so they set off, ready to find the black hole generator pieces.]
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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