The Legend of the Kuro Kabuto

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Here we go!

It's the lean, mean, ninja team

On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things

So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams

Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings

Can't stop these radical dudes

The secret of the ooze made the chosen few

Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves

The good guys win and the bad guys lose

Leonardo's the leader in blue

Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through

Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines

Raphael has the most attitude on the team

Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!

Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need

To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Raph: (Walked in with a box of pizza.) "Pizza's here!"

Mikey quickly ran over and pouted. "You got one pizza? I'm like a two-pizza-all-by-myself guy."

"Would you relax?" Donnie said, walking over to the box.

Mikey glanced between the two and smirked. "Pizza is mine." He threw down a smoke bomb. "Booyakasha!"

(All that resulted from that was Mikey getting blinded by the smoke and the pizza winding up scattered on the ground.)

"Mikey!" Raph shouted.

 "I cannot believe you'd do that," Donnie exclaimed.

Y/N: I can.

Ethan: So, can I.

Mikey crawled around on the ground, searching for the slices. "Ah! Where's the pizza?"

"How can you guys fool around like this when Karai needs our help?" Riki snapped, storming over, with Leo.

"Ugh, not this again." Raph crossed his arms.

Leo: We have to rescue her."

Raph: Look, maybe she believes Splinter is her father, but she was still raised by Shredder. You think she's gonna turn on him just that?"

Riki:  I did. So, yes, I do." (She turned to face Leo.) "You're leader of this team. You make the decisions. Tell 'em we're saving her." 

Leo: (Held up his hands placatingly.) Of course we're gonna help her. Now am I the leader of this team or not?

(The others glanced at each other. Leo looked uncertain. Donnie shrugged.)

Raph looked up at her and replied, "More or less."

Raph: More or less.

Leo: More or less? So I'm only the leader until I tell you to do something you don't want to? Ugh, fine. Fine!" (Stalking toward the turnstiles.) Do what you want. I'm gonna go check out Shredder's lair and see if it has any weak points."

Donnie: Wait. We'll come with you.

Raph: But this doesn't mean we're going in.

Mikey: Pizza. Pizza. Pizza? Pizza?

Raph: Come on. (Drags Mikey away)

(Cut to Leo swerved onto another street, easing up on the gas. He wanted to give them time to begin devising a rescue plan before they hit the church.)

"I'm thinking we might have better luck if we tunnel up from underneath Shredder's lair," Riki suggested.

"Ooh, what if we tunnel down from above?" Mikey asked. "That'll really confuse 'em." 

Ethan: What?

"You can't tunnel down from--ugh!" Raph groaned.

Y/N: Mikey, to tunnel down would indicate we're digging through the earth to get to a secret lair hidden underneath it. Shredder's lair is not underground.

"Oh, right." Mikey smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

Raph: We can't do this. Karai was raised by Shredder. She's one of the bad guys."

"Shut up, Raph! If you started complaining about her, I give you smack out of your—" Riki was cut off, only to stop when Donnie's screens start buzzing with a warning, the blonde looking to the screens.

"Huh?" Donnie kept glancing between the two screens, seeing nothing on one screen, but seeing someone in front of them on the infrared.

"Is that a guy? Leo, hit the brakes. Hit the brakes!"

Leo hit the brakes a bit too late, hitting the man, which momentarily short-circuited his suit, allowing him to be seen for a moment until he suddenly vanished again. The team walks out of the Shellraiser, looking around.

"What'd we hit?" Mikey asked.

"A guy, Mikey." Riki replied.

"Is this a Kraang thing?" Leo asked.

"No idea." Donnie responded.

"We better find him." Raph runs over to a bag that the guy had dropped, picking it up.

(The sound of Footbots sound out, the bots appearing on the rooftops around them.)

"Guys, you aren't going to believe this." Raph pulls out Shredder's helmet from the bag, making the others gasped.

"Well, tonight just got interesting." Y/N commented.

"What's the plan?" Donnie asked.

"Oh, you know, kick, punch, and stab." Leo responded.

"Right in my wheelhouse, brah. Come and get some, sucka fool." Mikey said. He and the others quickly started fighting against the bots.

(Y/N, the fierce and agile mutant with sharp claws, leaped into action. With lightning-fast movements, he sliced through the Footbots, tearing through their metal bodies with ease. His razor-sharp claws left a trail of sparks and shattered metal in his wake. Riki, stood her ground and took aim. With a swift motion, she drew her bow and fired a barrage of arrows, each finding their mark with deadly precision. Footbots fell one by one, their circuits fried by Riki's expert shots. Ethan,  used his agility to dodge the Footbots' attacks. He weaved in and out of their ranks, delivering swift kicks and punches to their metal frames. He soared through the air with graceful flips and spins, evading their attacks with ease. Though the Footbots soon became continuing numbers, the team retreating into the Shellraiser, Mikey throwing down smoke bombs to distract the bots while they fled.)

"Raph, you got that helmet?" Leo asked.

Raph holds up the bag. "You know it."

"This is perfect. Perfect!" Leo said.

"Yeah!" Mikey cheered. "Wait, what?"

"Shredder's Helmet. We can trade if or Karai." Leo explained.

"You're delusional, you know that?" Raph snapped back at him.

"That helmet is the Kuro Kabuto." Riki answered.

"Kuro Kabuto?" Ethan asked.

"It's been the symbol of the Foot Clan as the leadership for over 1,500 years." Riki started to elaborate the face about the helmet.

Riki: The clan's original founder, the dreaded Koga Takuza, was said to be the greatest ninja in the history of Japan. His skill with a blade was greater than any samurai. Takuza laid waste to warriors and rulers alike. He stole the sacred totems of his defeated opponents and fused them into an alloy stronger than steel. He himself forged the Kabuto, and it has survived undamaged to this day."

"Whoa." The Team murmured.

"Then Shredder must have sworn to protect it with his life. He'll do anything to get it back." Riki finished.

"How many times does Karai have to try and kill us before you get that she's not on our side?" Raph muttered.

"You're wrong about her!" Riki snapped back at him.

(Before the two could fight any further, something slammed into the Shellraiser, flipping it over onto its side. The group pulls themselves out, only to be attacked by Tiger Claw, Rahzar and Lobo, their sights on the bag.)

"Don't let 'em get the helmet!" Riki alerted the others as Leo fighting against Rahzar and Raph picked the bag up.

(Tiger Claw flew right to Raph but Donnie used his staff to toss Mikey into the air and kicked him as he fell on the ground. Tiger Claw got up, he charged at him with a sword, but Raph blocked it with his sai, threw a bag to Mikey and he started fighting him. Lobo grabbed Y/N and lifted him up in the air however, a cheethah mutant countered him by kicking him in the head which made the wolf stunned and Riki and Ethan into the wall.)

(Leo is struggling to block Rahzar with his katana blades but Rahzar managed to throw him off, then Donnie whacked him on the head with a bo staff. Leo and Riki jumped onto Shellraiser.)

"Come on." Leo said. Riki, Leo, Y/N, Ethan, and Donnie climb on the fire escape ladder.

"Heads up, D. Hot potatoes." Mikey tossed over to Donnie and he caught it "Got it." Donnie said. 

(Mikey and Raph climbed up to the others, Rahzar crawling up onto the wall, Lobo and Tiger Claw flew up to the rooftop. Leo cut the A/C unit of the building and began to heave it over the edge but was having some difficulty, so Ethan and Y/N helped him push it over the edge and fall on top of Tigerclaw as he fell on top of Lobo and crashed on the ground. They ran around a billboard to escape Rahzaar but Fishface got in their way, so they turned around to find another escape route, but Stockman-Fly blocked their path as well.)

"I believe you have something we need." Fishface said with his blade out.

"Deodorant?" Mikey said in disgust and they all scattered.

(Donnie knew Fishface was after him, so he tossed it over to Leo just as he was kicked in the side and landed hard on his stomach. Leo, Riki, and Y/N started to run away from Stockman-Fly as Mikey managed to catch him with his chain but that lead to a bad idea once Stockman-Fly lifted Mikey off the ground, swinging him around in the air till he tossed him back onto the roof and on top of Fishface. Mikey rolled away from him as the others backed up.)

"Eh, watch it Buzzkill!" Fishface shook his fist in Stockman-Fly's direction.

"Oh! Buzzkill! That's what we should have totally called him." Mikey said in excitement.

"I know." Ethan said.

(Stockman-Fly flew down at them spitting his acidic saliva at them but missed.)

(Riki and Leo dodged the spit, Leo still holding onto the backpack.)

"Dudes got a gazillion eyes. You think his aim would be better." Mikey complimented.

(All of them heard the sound of creaking metal. They all looked up to see the billboard falling towards them. They screamed, and it landed right top of them.)

"No!" Leo and Riki shouted in despair.

"Y/N! Guys!" Riki called.

(Y/N groaned softly, coughing from the dust and looked up at them with worry.)

"Are you guys ok?" Riki asked.

(Raph moved aside some fallen boards and jumped when Fishface's knife stabbed through as Leo kicked him away while Riki tried to lift the billboard off of them with his super strength to let the others out.)

"Thank you so much, sis!" Mikey hugged him as Riki chuckled and the youngest turtle pulled away from him.

"Save Karai, we'll take care of ourselves." Raph said to him.

"Got it." Leo replied.

"I'm so glad you did trust her, Raph." Riki said.

(Raph nodded to him with a smirk as Riki and Leo ran off with the bag.)

"You two finished the Turtles, cheetah, and rabbit. We'll get the Kabuto." Tiger Claw ordered as he, Rahzar, and Lobo went after them leaving Fishface and Stockman-Fly to take care of them.

(Leo and Riki were now on the ground level as they tried to get away from them.)

"Come and get us, loser!" Riki bellowed as she and Leo find an open dumpster and they jumped in.

(Leo grabbed the nearest object he could find, which was a rotten banana, and tossed it at a trashcan to lead the enemies astray before closing the lid.)

"Look like they were gone." He replied.

"Smooth." Leo said with a smiled as he smelled something awful stink.

"Eww! You got a diaper on your head!" Riki exclaimed with disgusted.

Leo turned his head up to see a diaper on top of his head. "Ugh! Diapers?!"

Riki threw it out from Leo's head.

"Come on." Riki and Leo left the alley until they hear the thief laughing as they looked around.

"This what you're after? Hmm?" Leo smirked.

"Come and get it, invisible guy." Riki said.

(Leo managed to spot him through some steam the turtle kicking him to the pavement as he revealed himself as Anton Zeck. He is the master thief who hired by Ivan Steranko. Anton Zeck is a thin, but athletic, African-American male. He wears a Tron inspired suit that has a purple visor and a purple energy mohawk. He apparently is also seen to be wearing eyeglasses.)

"Hey, look who is it. Anton Zeck the master thief." Riki smirked.

"You know him?" Leo asked before Riki answered to him, they turned at the Shredder's henchmen coming after them.

"Not right for the good time." Riki quickly replied.

"Nice haircut, buddy." He says, pulling Anton onto his feet and placing the bag around his neck.

"Here's your bag. Now have fun with your friends." The two run off, leaving Anton at the mercy of the mutants.

(They grabbed the real Kabuto, running to Shredder's lair and sneaking inside.)

(Shredder's Lair – Throne Room)

(Riki and Leo drop into the room.)

"Why does the fly walk into the spider's web?" Shredder asked as he walked into view.

"Because all the spider's henchmen are out." Leo responded, gestured to Riki who holds out the helmet to the Shredder.

"Ah. You've come to make a trade?" Shredder asked.

"The helmet for Karai." Riki said.

Shredder nodded to the Footbot who stepped out of sight.

"Very well. She'll have to be brought up from the dungeon."

"You raised her from infancy and now you lock her in a cell?" Leo questioned. "How can you do that?"

"In any conflict, the winner is the one who is prepared to do what the loser is not." Shredder turned his gaze to Riki. "Riki, I raised when you lost memory and took care of you like my own. You should come back to me."

Riki gritted his teeth and growled. "Never!"

(A footbot drops Karai beside the throne, a bag over the kunoichi's head.)

"Let me go!" She shouted.

"Now, the Kuro Kabuto." Shredder demanded.

"How do we know you won't attack us as soon as we give you the helmet?" Leo questioned.

"Of course, I'm going to attack you." Shredder responded. "Did you think you were getting out of this without a fight?"

(Riki placed the helmet on the ground as Leo pulling out his katana. Shredder roared as he charged at them and Hiro went up first. Shredder and Riki were blocking with punches and kicks until Riki uppercut him in the chin.)

Shredder rubbed his chin with his arm and smirked. "Not bad.

Riki: (Smirked) Learned from the worst.

(Riki rushed to him as Shredder countered him with the Death Dragon to sweep her off the ground and knocked out. Leo charged to him as they fought in combat, but Shredder punched and kicked him.)

Leo stumbling back as Shredder kicked him into the wall and he grunted.


He plunged his customized tekko-kagi on Leo, but he narrowed turned his head to the side, dodging.

"But that is to be expected when your Sensei is a weak-willed coward like Splinter. You never should have tried to do this alone." He said bitterly.

"He didn't." Shredder heard Raph's voice as he turned his old blind eye on him and the others.

Raph was holding a helmet with his hand.

(Leo and Riki were excited to see them.)

"Guys!" Riki said.

"Couldn't let you have all the fun." Raph responded.

"And none of us wants to tell Splinter we didn't try to save his daughter." Donnie added.

"Once we do that, this feud is over." Ethan said.

"Now let's take Shred-dead down." Mikey replied.

Y/N: Let's do it!

(Raph threw shurikens at Shredder who managed to dodge them.)

"Give me that helmet."

(The Turtles, Y/N, and Ethan fight against Shredder, once again playing keep-away with the helmet, though like before, he easily outmatches them.)

"You fools really believe you can defeat me?" Shredder snapped.

"No." Y/N said before Riki lifting Karai up onto his back. "But they kept you busy long enough for Hiro to get Karai."

Shredder snarled "You'll never get out of here alive!"

"You want it? Take it!" Donnie threw the helmet to Shredder. Shredder catches it, only to see a smoke bomb roll under the eye hole.

"What?" The smoke bomb goes off, blinding Shredder and allowing the teens to escape.

(Shredder seeing them were gone as he placed his helmet and letting out his chuckling darkly, knowing that they've been...tricked.)

Once the group was far enough away, Riki set Karai down on the rooftop. "Thanks, guys." Leo said.

"We had to come, Leo." Raph responded. "You're our leader, right?"

"Eh, more or less." Y/N shrugged.

"Now let's get her out of this sack." Riki said as he pulled the bag of Karai's head, only to find it wasn't Karai at all.

The Turtles screamed in startled.

"That's not Karai. It's a bomb!" Donnie alerted.

Ethan: (Sighs) "Not cool."

"MOVE!" Riki shouted.

(The team quickly running away from the bomb. The bomb goes off, however, making them fly.)

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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