The Invasion Part 1
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
Here we go!
It's the lean, mean, ninja team
On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things
So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams
Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings
Can't stop these radical dudes
The secret of the ooze made the chosen few
Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves
The good guys win and the bad guys lose
Leonardo's the leader in blue
Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through
Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines
Raphael has the most attitude on the team
Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!
Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!
Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need
To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
(In the lair, Donnie and Timothy were looking over their computer plans. Mikey and Ethan were eating pizza. Y/N was leaning against the wall with his arms folded, tail swishing anxiously. Leo were pacing.)
Donnie: "Aagh...I'm so worried, I can't even eat." (Donnie tosses his slice of pizza to Mikey.)
He threw his slice of pizza across the room. Mikey caught it before it hit the ground and resumed eating. "Me too. Totally."
Sensei spoke up as he entered the lab. "You have a right to be concerned. The Kraang invasion is imminent. What plans have you devised to stop it?"
Timothy smiled. "I give you, Donnie's and mine's latest invention." He grabbed the pin-board, covered in designs of the machine they'd drawn up a few weeks ago. "The Turtle Mech! It's fully armed with rockets, flame-throwers, and an electro harpoon. Guaranteed to stop a massive Kraang invasion army, or your money back."
"Giant robots are awesome! I vote Turtle Mech!" Mikey raises his hand.
"But that thing's not even ready." Leo sneers. "It could damage New York more than help it."
"It's ready," Donne states firmly. "..... enough." He murmurs the last part. Leo raises a browline at the insecurity.
"There's gotta be another way," Leo says pausing to think for a moment. "We need to establish a second base outside the city."
"There is no time for that, Leo. The Turtle Mech is solid. If I were leader, I'd-"
"But you're not leader, Donnie! I am." they face each other eye to eye.
"Oh, snap." Mikey snaps his fingers.
(Y/N and Ethan gets in between them and push them away from each other.)
"Enough!" Splinter interjects. "Your egos fight one another when we should be preparing to fight the Kraang." Leo lowers his head to his Sensei.
(In the quiet part of New York, April and Irma are walking down the street after coming from a shopping district.)
"It's just that, why can't you introduce me to your secret friends, April? I don't get it."
April evasively says, "One of these days, Irma. Uhm. maybe. They're really good, Uhm, people. Anyway, what I wanna know is, how can you go out in this weather without a coat?" she rubs her arms for more warmth.
"Eh, I hardly ever notice the cold." She flicks her scarf. "But seriously, if we're friends, friends should introduce friends to friends and-" she starts to pester April again but gasps when ninjas land in front of them.
"Footbots!" April exclaims getting on the defensive but she quickly counts that she's outnumbered.
"These aren't the types of friends I meant!"
April grabs Irma's hand pulling her with her. "Move, Irma! Run!" April tries to dial you, but a shuriken star gets stuck in her T-phone. "No!"
"Who are these freaks, April?"
"Doesn't matter! Run!" they get chased very far. April was even starting to get lost. "Faster, Irma! Move those little legs!"
Irma: "I'm moving! I'm moving!"
"This way!"April makes a turn into an alley, hoping to lose the robots.
"A dead-end! It's the end and we're dead." Irma whines.
"Not yet." April thinks up a plan. She eludes the footbots by hiding behind garbage cans. While the Foot-Bots are preoccupied searching a dumpster for her and Irma, April spots a manhole cover and quietly removes it. "Quick. Down here."
"You're not serious." She climbs down into the sewers. "Oh, you are serious." Irma decides to follow, seemingly to her reluctance. "Ugh, the smell is making my sinuses melt."
(Elsewhere, at another part of the city, Raph, Riki, and Casey were scoping out a rooftop, well Casey was taking photos of the wall below, not partaking in the search.)
Raph and Riki stood on a rooftop, surveying the city.
"Where are you?" Riki muttered. "You gotta be out there somewhere."
(They turned their attention to Casey as they heard him take a picture with his phone. He was standing in an alley, looking at a wall.)
Raph jumped down. "Casey! We're supposed to be looking for Karai! What are you doing, man?"
"Hey, I'm just taking a break, peeping some awesome art," Casey responded. "Check it out! That is so metal!"
Raph stared at the graffiti and sighed. "Yeah, great. Come on, Casey. Let's move."
"Hold up, Raph." Casey glanced up at the rooftop, where Riki stood. She arched a brow at him questioningly. "Uh, got a question for you two. S-so, um, April ever talk about me? Like ever?"
"It doesn't matter," Raph responded. "You know how Donnie feels about her."
Casey scoffed. "Yeah, yeah, it's cool. When you've got that man/woman thing going on in a team, it just screws everything up. I'm not that into her anyway." He started waking away.
Riki dropped down beside Raph, looking at the graffiti art and seeing how Casey had drawn the red-head. "Right. So, do you ever think about going out with someone else."
Riki and Raph were once again on a rooftop with Casey in an alley. Riki's nose twitched at a familiar scent, and she looked out across the rooftops to see a flash of white scales. She let out a gasp, grabbing Raph's shoulder and pointing. The hothead blinked, looking through the telescope.
"Aw, sweet. This is so cool," Casey remarked from below them, staring at more graffiti he'd made.
"Casey!" Riki called down. "We found her! Karai!"
"She's slithering across the stree--" Raph cut off as a police car pulled up next to Casey.
"Great," Casey muttered as the officers got out. "Can I help you, officers?"
"You're loitering, kid," one responded. "You know what that means?"
"Loitering? Seriously?" Casey retorted. "Don't you got real criminals to bust? Or a doughnut shop to go to?"
"We'll figure out a charge later, Casey Jones," the officer stated.
"How do you know my name?" The cops grabbed him. "Hey! Hey, get off of me! I got rights! Let me go!"
(At the same moment in the lair, Leo and Donnie were still arguing.)
"Leo, the Turtle Mech is our only answer! Be reasonable!" Donnie follows after Leo who exited the lab.
He sharply turns around to make his order clear. "I am being reasonable! We need a second base, Donnie. Period." he swipes his hand making his point.
Y/N: (Walks up) Guys, we need to-
"Guys!" April arrives at the lair's entrance. "I'm sorry about this." she pushes the girl inside to safety, making Irma trip and drop her glasses. "But but but Footbots were after us, and-and Irma here is really good at keeping secrets, and, um..."
"April, you have brought a stranger?" Splinter was shocked by her actions. "Here?"
"Don't worry, Master Splinter. She's cool. Right, Irma? Irma?" While April was explaining, Irma was picking up her glasses and she puts them back on.
Irma's gaze fixed on the turtles and her smile turned into a wide mouth "Mutanssss?" she stumbles.
"What up, dawg?" Mikey greets her with pizza in hand.
"Turtles cheetah derp mmmm......." Irma was not acting like herself now...
The blue clad turtle makes his way to the front. "Miss, I know we look kind of different and all, but I promise, we're not gonna hurt you." Leo reassures with his calmest voice.
(Something strange started to happen as Irma's head rised with a metal neck under it.)
"Holy chalupa!" Mikey steps back and throws his pizza at her.
Ethan: What-the-fu-
Y/N: Language!
Ethan: Sorry!
Irma was not human, but a droid. The Irma-bots head spun like an antenna or alarm. "Tur-tles, Tur-tles, Chee-ttah. Tur-tles! Tur-tles!"
(The Irma-bot changes into its true form where a small krang wearing an eye patch laughs at the center of it.)
"April, you gotta, like, pick your friends more carefully," Mikey advises.
"Oh, my gosh! Irma was a.." before she could finish the sentence the large Krang bot grabs an arcade game.
"Kraang!" The droid announces and then throws the large tech at them, knocking them to the floor. Splinter jumps over it and crouches near his family making sure they are ok. "Lowly insects, kneel before the genius of Krang Sub-Prime, greatest Krang spy in all of dimension X!" The Krang stomps closer to the group and Leo scurries his feet trying to back up from it. "The discovery of the lair was the final component, needed to launch full-scale invasion!" Then, multiple portals begin to open up throughout the lair at once.
"This can't be good." Ethan murmurs as the team was shocked.
(Back with Casey, Riki, and Raph.)
"Back off of me, man!" Casey snapped, struggling against the officers.
"Get in that car now, punk!" the cop snapped back.
"Casey, what have you done?" Raph sighed.
"We need to do something," Riki said.
They looked up as they heard electricity crackling. Riki's tail bristled uneasily as Kraang portals began opening up around the city and Kraang-droids poured out.
"Give me that stick!" One of the cops tried to take Casey's hockey stick from him, and he accidentally hit the cop in the face with it.
"Oops." The cop turned to him, and his image flickered, revealing nothing more than just another droid. "Whoa! They're already infiltrating!" Casey called. "They're here!" He knocked one of the droids down with his stick, and Riki leapt down and took out the other with her shoto. "Guys, what the heck is going on?"
(Another portal opened in front of them, and Riki's ears went flat.)
"The invasion's started," she said.
"Back to the lair!" Raph ordered, leading the way. Riki and Casey followed at his heels.
(Back at the lair, Kraang-droids walked out of the portals, firing their blasters. Y/N grabbed April's hand and pulled her behind the large pipes near the bedrooms.)
"The signal was correct. Kraang has discovered the place of mutants hiding," a droid said as it appeared from the portal.
(Splinter dismantles the Krang with his bare hands. Weaponless Leo ran from Krang SubPrime to the dummy and takes a dagger from it but before he had a chance to attack the pinball machine was slammed into him. He fell back on his shell with a loud thump. The glass on the pinball shatters and its beeping noise dies down. Ethan kicks two droids in the face, before dodging blasts and jumping behind a pipe. Timothy tried to summon some of his green energy, but couldn't for some reason.)
Timothy: What? Of all the times I have had problems with my powers, now?! (Sees blasters coming his way and jumps behind the pipe with Ethan.)
"This is so messed up!" April exclaimed. "My best friend for the past year was a Kraang?"
"Fooled you! Fooled you all!" Subprime shouted.
(He chased after Mikey, who fled into the kitchen. Y/N jumped out of his hiding spot, holding his claws and started slicing through the droids. Ethan sliced through two of them with his kunais. Timothy tossed some shurikens through the droids' heads.)
(Mikey had sliced the head of SubKrang Prime with a bagel slicer in the kitchen. Irma's fake head fell off, metallic legs sprung from inside it, and started to attack Mikey. He screams running back out the kitchen, dodging the eye lasers from the walking Irma head.)
"Destroy the Mutants!" Subprime orders. "Wipeout the lair!" The Imra head uses its lasers to destroy the pipe foundations. "But the rat comes with us."
Mikey does a spin kick while on his hands, launching the head to Donnie who was not ready for it. The Irma head bit into his leg. "Ow, ow, ow, ow!" he shook it off.
"Sorry, D!" Mikey runs past him, finding refuge in his room and he spots his nunchaku hanging on the shelf.
Splinter noticed his sons were too busy with the Krang droids so he goes to the dojo to grab their weapons, followed by Krang SubPrime. "Take that, you filthy rat!" Subprime attacks Splinter once more, a purple saw was coming out fake hand.
(Back with Casey, Riki, and Raph are still trying.)
"Look out!" Riki threw a kunai at a bot, breaking it, and accidentally causing a car to swerve on the street.
"Whoa! Crosstown traffic!" Casey called.
(The car soon straightened out, and Riki and Raph jumped on top, while Casey grabbed the side, letting it pull him on his rollerblades. The car swerved as a portal opened in front of them, and Riki and the boys jumped off as a giant Kraang walker approached from down the street.)
"What the heck?!" Riki exclaimed.
The top of the walker lifted away, and four blasters took aim at the teens.
"Oh, snap."
They turned and bolted.
"Move it!" Riki shouted. "Run!"
"There's too many of them, guys!" Casey called.
"Just keep going!" Raph called back. "Keep going! Go! Go! Run!"
(Back at the lair, Mikey comes out of his room taking out two Krang then charging back into battle with his Donnie and Timothy. Y/N and Ethan come in as well, both kicking kraang droids. Not seeing their Sensei in a while Leonardo sprints to the dojo, the Irma head was hidden on the walls and throws herself at his head. The tip of a sword pierces the head and it all passes by Leo's eyes.)
"Go!" Splinter throws Leo's other sword, Timothy's ninja gauntlets, and Donnie's staff. "Escape! I will hold them off." he was holding Sub-Prime from attacking any of his children.
"We're not leaving you!" Leo retorts taking out his sword from the buzzing head.
Y/N: We can't separate, now!
"I have a plan! Go now!"
"Come on! Head for the Shellraiser!" Donnie yells, loud enough for the enemy to hear.
Krang Subprime kicks Splinter away to get a clear shot. "You'll go nowhere!" he fired missiles, zooming past Donnie's head, destroying the Shellraiser and flipping it on its side.
"My baby!" Donnie shrieked.
Timothy: (Grabs Donnier) Run now, mourn later!
"Aah!" the others duck as more missiles come their way. Splinter acts fast by grappling with Sub-Prime and pulling his arm away from the aimed teenagers.
"Everyone, follow me!" Leo orders. They ran deep into the sewers. "This way." the blasts from the lair get quieter the farther they run from it.
"This is all my fault!" Aprils pants from so much going on. "I led them straight to the lair."
"Don't blame yourself, April. You were just trying to help a friend." Mikey says wisely. "- Uh oh." they halt as there were two directions to choose.
"Which way?" April asks.
"Left! That'll lead us to the Turtle Mech." Donnie says.
Leo quickly disagrees. "No! We gotta find Raph, Riki, Chloe, and Casey first."
Donnie: "- We can find them in the Mech!"
Leo: "It's too slow!"
"You're the one who's too slow." Donnie states. "You're leading us into disaster."
Leo shakes his head, gritting his teeth. "I'm doing what Splinter would want us to do."
(Another portal opens up right in between them and Krang come through it.)
Y/N: Yeah, guys while you're arguing are families out there in danger!!
"It is the one called "the Turtles and cheetah" They fire blasts into the narrow tunnels.
Donnie and Mikey defend themselves spinning their weapons but a shot gets past Donnie's staff. "AAHH!!" Donnie gets shot on the arm, seriously injured.
"Booyakasha!" Mikey, Y/N, and Timothy takes care of the Krang that attacked his brother.
From the other side of the portal, Leo was deflecting the blasts with his swords and makes a bold order while slicing his own pair of Krang. "Run! Take April and Donnie to safety. I'll lead them away." he puts his family first before anyone else.
Y/N is hesitant about Leo giving him a large task of responsibility. "Dude, we can't leave you too!"
Leo beheads two Krang at once, spinning his swords on each side and catching the heads perfectly like kabobs. "Just do it!" he bangs the heads on his swords together, making a loud sound. "Come on, Krang! This way. Woo! Yeah! Follow me! Come on! Over here!" Leo acts as bait and leads the Krang through the sewer tunnels.
"I don't like this." Y/N frowns helping his brother up to the open tunnel with the others help.
They make their way to the ladder leading up the manhole cover. Mikey pokes his head out. "Coast is clear." A car drives right over his head. "Okay, now the coast is clear."
"Ow, ow, it hurts so bad." Donnie winces as he's climbed out the hole, his other hand grasping the injured part of his arm with Timothy's help.
A hand is placed over his, in an act of consolement. "You'll be all right, Donnie. I'll get you fixed up." April says. Donnie warmly smiled at her.
Mikey attempts to call Leo. "Leo, you there? Come on, bro. Poke your head out of your shell and pick up! He's not answering."
Y/N: He must be still running from the Kraang.
"It's my fault." Donnie sighs, disappointed in himself and feeling regret. "Man, I shouldn't have argued with Leo. Now he's gone." Another portal opens in front of them and Krang run out.
The six hid behind a taxi. "I don't think they saw us." April peeks to make sure.
"Leo was right." Donnie starts. "We should've gotten out of the city while we had a chance."
"Not without my dad and the others. Come on, guys." April takes the lead for the team.
Mikey then tries dialing Riki.
(Cut to, Riki led the way across the rooftops, Raph and Casey behind her. They ducked as a Kraang ship emerged from a portal above them.)
"Dude, this is worse than the giant Technodrome thing laser year!" Casey exclaimed. "It's totally crazy!"
Riki's phone started going off, and she picked up. "Mikey, where are you?"
"On the way to April's apartment. Meet us there, dudette!"
"Roger that."
"Riki, look out!" Raph warned.
(Riki ducked to avoid the Kraang lasers, and the three of them bolted as a Kraang ship followed them, blasting them off the rooftop.)
(Cut to, Chloe was playing with her dolls when her t-phone rang. She looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Ethan.
"Hey, Ethan! What's up?" Chloe asked, excited to hear from her older brother's friend.
"Chloe, I need you to listen to me carefully. The Kraang are invading and we need your help. We're heading to April's house, and we need you to meet us there," Ethan said, his voice urgent.
Chloe's eyes widened in fear. She had heard of the Kraang before, and she knew they were dangerous.
"I'm scared, Ethan," Chloe said, her voice trembling.
"I know, Chloe. But we need you to be brave. We're counting on you," Ethan said, trying to comfort her.
Chloe took a deep breath and nodded, feeling determined. She knew she had to help her friends.
"Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can," Chloe said, hanging up the phone.
She looked around her room, trying to think of what she could do to help. And then she remembered her Mech suit.
Chloe quickly ran to her closet and pulled out the suit. She put it on as fast as she could, feeling a surge of energy as it powered up.
She looked around her room and saw that her babysitter, Mrs. Johnson, was sleeping on the couch. Chloe didn't want to wake her, so she quietly snuck out of the house.
As she made her way down the street, she saw portals opening up in the sky, and Kraang soldiers pouring out of them. Chloe activated her suit's blasters and started blasting away at the invaders, taking them out one by one.
She flew as fast as she could towards April's house, dodging the Kraang soldiers that were trying to shoot her down.
Meanwhile, in the sewers, Norman Krangs are searching for the turtles while finding other destroyed Krang at their feet. "Krang, still no sign of Turtles and Expertiment 726."
(Unbeknownst to them, Leo is on top, his legs and arms wide against the pipes to keep him from falling, he was overhearing their conversation.)
"Hurry, Krang. We must obtain the Turtles and Expertiment 726Turtles and Expertiment 726 for the one called "Shredder"."
Norman Krangs leave as Leo jumps down. "Shredder?" he realizes it is all because of that man. He heads to the surface.
(At April's apartment, Kirby is pacing and fretting over the events that are happening right outside, while April bandages Donnie's arm. Timothy and Ethan were keeping watch, from the windows.)
Kirby was panicking more. "The city's overrun. What are we, what is anyone going to do?" he walks with his hands behind his back.
Donnie winces from the tourniquet around his festering wrist wound. "Ow. No, I'm okay." he looks to the ground and exhales, his other arm fidgeting with the couch cushion. ".. April, now that it's the end of the world and all, again, I figured I'd better just tell you, kind of, h-how I feel- OW!!" April painfully tightened the tourniquet on Donnie's wrist, interrupting him. He sucks his lips in and they quiver from the pain.
"Oh, sorry, Donnie! You should stop talking. It just... makes things hurt more." her smile was fake and nervous.
Ethan: (Gets a text from Chloe) Good news, guys! Chloe says she's nearly here.
Y/N: How's it looking out there?
Timothy:Well the cities overrun, people are terrified, and yeah that's pretty much it.
Kirby then really starts to panic when the ceiling shakes. "We're doomed!" he falls on his knees, sobbing upwards. "Doomed! Oh, my poor sweet April."
"Don't worry, Mr. O'Neil. This whole alien invasion thing is really no big deal." Mikey attempts to downplay the invasion as it's hitting a fever pitch; he opens the blinds. "Look." Mikey shows the apocalypse through the window then closes it. "Oh never mind." this only causes Kirby to pass out. Mikey fearfully peeks through the curtain, looking out into the city, which is now full of Krang Scout ships and Krang walkers that have arrived through more portals. "Oh, boy."
In the blazing sewer lair, Krang Subprime has managed to corner Splinter. "Now I've got you cornered, you monstrous rat!"
"Corner a rat and see what happens!" but the latter avoids capture, knocking Krang Subprime out of its robotic body.
"Krang shall dominate the Earth! You and your kin will be destroyed! Krang will be back!" Just as the defenseless Krang vows revenge, it is crushed by some falling debris.
(With his presumed death, Splinter watches at the destruction of his house and he finds a broken picture of his sons, shattered, completely distraught, and heartbroken.)
(Splinter closes his eyes, not wanting to lose his sons, just as it happened to his daughter, he decides on a desperate hunt for saving his beloved children and to stop the invasion of the Krang.)
"Don't stand here like a fool, Yoshi. Find your family." He opens his eyes and wills himself to look for them.
Leonardo has emerged from the sewers, being cautious of Krang and civilians that could see him.
(He is met by a small wave of Foot-Bots, which he defeats. The bots meet him at every turn corralling him in another direction. They were planning to corner him. Like a pack of predators leading their prey to the main ambush.)
Before long, Leo enters an abandoned construction site.
(He hunkers down while his phone starts to ring, he had 47 missed calls from Mikey.The squeak of the Footbots puts him on ready again. They followed him but he takes them down at each corner of the plywood fences. He ducks under thrown shuriken and finds the source, more Footbots up top the metal bar construction area.)
As the large group of FootBots attack Leo, he fends them off and destroys them aggressively while the Shredder observes the fight from a rooftop.
"He fights bravely," Tigerclaw says.
"He is young, overconfident, foolish." Shredder muses as Leo destroys more Footbots with expertise. Leonardo shouts loudly as he takes on another pair of Footbots, flipping over the stacked pile of metal pipes and slicing them.
"Do not take chances with him, Master." Rhazar growls. "We should destroy him quickly!"
Shredder raises his hands to his loyal robotic servants. "Archers." he waits for Leo to get in range. Leonardo just finished with the last bot standing. He looks up to see several more lined up on the rooftops. "Fire!"
Leo sees the rain of arrows coming at him. "Oh, no." He finds himself in a disadvantageous position against the arrows.
"Just a little further to April's place!" Casey shouts. He, Riki and Raph make a halt as a huge portal opens right in front of the dragon gate, it reveals Kraang Prime in their outfitted robotic suit. Its pointed legs stabbed the ground, fully coming out of the portal. It had a ray on its robotic arm with which was connected from a tank of mutagen positioned on its head.
"Yes! Krang Prime returns to Earth!" The alien towered over the buildings and the people below started screaming and running.
"You got some kind of plan to fight that?" Casey asks.
"Uhhh, not really, no." they two back away slowly.
"People of Earth, the Kraang forming of your world is about to begin!" it begins dousing people in the perfected Mutagen, mutating the people.
Prime starts shooting mutagen at the people.
Once the humans emerged, they were mutated Kraang creatures.
Riki's ears flattened, eyes wide as she stared at the scene. Her tail tucked between her legs. "Now that is really messed up."
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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