The Good, The Bad, and Casey Jones
[It starts with Casey telling his story about his life.]
Casey: Mutant monsters and robot ninjas are taking over my city. How long before those freaks hurt somebody close to me like my dad, my little sister, April? I'm not waiting around to find out. All my life, I knew I was meant for something greater. This is my calling, my destiny. A true warrior has gotta be prepared. Huh? Who do you- Who do you think you are, a ninja? Bring it, punk! [Electricity crackling.] Scum-sucking, mutated freaks of the world, prepare to meet Casey Jones.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
Here we go!
It's the lean, mean, ninja team
On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things
So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams
Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings
Can't stop these radical dudes
The secret of the ooze made the chosen few
Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves
The good guys win and the bad guys lose
Leonardo's the leader in blue
Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through
Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines
Raphael has the most attitude on the team
Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!
Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!
Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need
To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
(It's been a few weeks since the incident with Spike, or Slash now. The brothers are all better and Donnie's arm is better now. Right now the brothers are in the dojo with Spliner for another training. Ethan and Timothy were to the side watching.)
Splinter: My children, you are truly becoming impressive warriors. But to grow as a team, you must know each other's strengths and weaknesses."
(The brothers took out their weapons.)
Mikey: Wah! Heh!" (Mikey burps in Donnie's face, Donnie's eyes turn red and watery.)
Donnie: Ugh, right in my face! Really?
Mikey: Garlic and clam pizza!"
Y/N: That's gross, Mikey.
Splinter: This competition is a free-for-all. Last ninja standing wins. Hajime!
Donnie: I'm still seeing spots." (Donnie said, not noticing Raph sneaking up behind him and kicks him to the tree.)
Raph: Sorry, Donnie, it's a ninja-eat-ninja world."
(Raph goes after Mikey, who was busy laughing and pointing at Donnie. He gasped when he realized Raph's going after him, he dodges him and Leo goes after Raph.)
Raph: What are you doing, Leo? I was going after Mikey." Raph said as he blocks Leo's katanas with his sais.
Leo: What part of 'last ninja standing' don't you understand?" (Leo pushes Raph towards Y/N and Mikey, but they manage to get out of the way, unfortunately Mikey was out the moment Leo swings his leg under Mikey and he falls on the back of his shell.)
Mikey: Aw, man!
Splinter: Distraction, misdirection. Powerful weapons in a ninja arsenal."
(Ethan stiffed his giggles when he saw Mikey mimicking him before Splinter saw him doing it and Mikey giggled before he went to join with Donnie, Timothy, and Ethan.)
Leo: Come on, Y/N. (Leo smirks as he and Raph surrounded Y/N) You can just give up and we'll go easy on you.
Y/N: Aw, but where's the fun in that?"
(Y/N leapt into action, dodging Leo's katanas and Raph's sais with lightning speed. Y/N's claws glinted in the light as they slashed through the air, parrying the weapons and sending them flying. Y/N then delivered a powerful kick to Leo's chest, sending him tumbling backwards. Raph lunged forward, but Y/N was too quick, dodging his attack and delivering a swift punch to his face. Raph stumbled back, dazed, and Y/N followed up with a roundhouse kick that sent him crashing to the ground. Leo scrambled to his feet, but Y/N was ready, delivering a powerful uppercut that sent him flying. Leo and Raph lay on the ground, defeated. Y/N had won the fight.)
Y/N: I did it!"
Donnie: Way a' go, Y/N!"
Timothy: Go, Y/N!
Ethan: That was awesome, Dad!
Mikey: You rule bro!"
Splinter: Congratulations Y/N."
(Suddenly, Y/N heard growling behind him.)
Mikey: Uh-oh, the beast is awake."
Ethan: Dad, look out!"
(Y/N turned to see Raph about to hit him. But Y/N was pushed to the ground and he looked to see Leo on the ground.)
Y/N: Leo!" (Y/N ran over to him to see if he's alright with Mikey and Donnie.)
Donnie: Raph! What are you doing?"
Raph: I-I didn't mean to hurt him! It was an accident! Seriously."
Leo: (Slowly sat up) Leo, are you okay?
Leo: Did you guys get the number of that bus?"
Y/N: Yup, he's okay.
Splinter: We have spoken about time and again, Raphael. Anger is a dangerous ally. It clouds your judgement. You need to control it, lest it controls you.
Raph: But, Sensei, I wasn't angry! I was just... determined to win."
Others: Mm.
Raph: What? I said I wasn't angry!
(Raph groans, walks out of the dojo, no doubt heading for the surface. Few hours later , everyone was getting ready to have a marathon of SRMFF. Donnie was chilling when Mikey jumps and sat next to Donnie as he spilled some popcorn on him. Ethan and Timothy laugh at this.)
Mikey: Yo! You ready for 48 hours of mega-thrusting, evil-fighting, galaxy-saving - super sentai action?
Timothy: You bet, bro."
Sonnie: I was until you spilled greasy popcorn all over me!
Mikey: (Picks a popcorn from his nose and ate it.) My bad."
(Ethan giggled and continued watching SRMFF.)
Raph: Hey, Leo.
(Y/N overheard Raph and turned to see him and Leo, who just got out of his room.)
Raph: You got a minute?
Leo: I was gonna check out Super Robo Mecha Force.
Raph: Cool! So here's the deal. See, I- Me- Ah. I'm, um..."
Leo: What was that?
Raph: I said I was sorry. Sorry! Okay? Sorry!"
(Raph yells, and Y/N can tell the look on Mikey, Ethan, Timothy, and Donnie's faces that what Raph said was unbelievable.)
Raph: I thought I had my anger under control. Turns out I didn't. But now I do, seriously.
Mikey: He means for now." I give him ten more seconds.
Y/N: Mikey..."
Mikey: 9, 8, 7,
Leo: What are you saying, Raph?
Mikey: 6,
Leo: It's not that you are angry.
Mikey: 5,
Leo: but we make you angry?
Mikey: 4,
Raph: I never said that."
Mikey: 3, 2, 1.
Raph: SHUT UP!" Raph yells, as if the impact of the yell blew the popcorn away.
Mikey: Bing, bing, bing. We have a winner!"
(Y/N facepalmed, Raph pants in anger and storm off.)
Leo: Raph, wait. I was just busting your shell. Come on, hang out.
Donnie: Ah, let the big green baby go."
(Raph grabbed one of his throwing stars and threw it at Mikey's popcorn bag and spilled it on both Mikey and Donnie, who both are doing a fist bump, and leaves the lair.)
Y/N: I am surrounded by idiots."
(Leo sat down and Donnie and Mikey wiped the popcorn off of them, or in Mikey's case, ate the popcorn off of him, before they all turned back to the TV. Ethan jumped onto Y/N's lap. An hour later, Y/N, Donnie, Mikey and Leo are watching the scene when Super Robo Mecha Force's enemy broke into their lair.)
"It can't be! Our great enemy!" Princess said, the monkey screeches in fear as Link said, "Yes, squeakums. It's Cyberoid X!" "Ha, ha, ha! I have invaded the secret Mecha Force lair of Super Robo Mecha Force five team five." The robot uses his laser to trap the four members in bubbles.
"Oh, no! He has trapped us in many force bubbles. Captain Dash, what are we going to do? Ah!" Captain Coolstar somehow slap the poor boy through the bubbles. "Calm down, Dr. Blip. Team, I have created powerful shame for the rest of you. But I shall not give up, not now, not ever!" He stiffs when their enemy points a canon at him, "What about now, sir?"
Leo: Oh, come on. How can one guy infiltrate Super Robo Mecha headquarters?
Mikey: He used his laser tentacle to shut down the defense systems. Duh."
Raph: (Walks through the turnstiles.) You guys watch so much TV, your brains are gonna rot."
Donnie: Yay, Raph's back."
(Raph rolls his eyes and Casey peeks around the turnstiles and whispers.)
Casey: There's four of 'em? And a cheetah? (Looking at Ethan) And a.............kangaroo? (Then he noticed Timothy.) Hey, it's Timothy, from Murakami's does he know them too?
Timothy: You cool off yet, man?
Raph: I'm always cool. Move over." (Donnie moves aside and Raph sat down.)
(Casey gets up to try and get a closer look, but his hockey stick bumps into the empty pizza boxes. Casey catches the pizza box, but not the fork as it hits the ground. The brothers, Ethan, and Timothy hear it.)
Donnie: An intruder!"
Casey: Oh, man."
Raph: You again?!
(Casey jumps over and tries to attack, but Raph uses his sais to rip it from him and Donnie and Mikey grab his arms so he can't escape.)
Mikey: You know this guy, Raph?"
Casey: Get your stinkin' paws off me!"
(Leo removes his mask, and Casey growls at him as Leo and Raph scream.)
Leo: It's face paint." He's just a kid!
Casey: Let go of me, you stupid reptiles and kitten!"
(Master Splinter and April exits the dojo.)
Splinter: Always trust your instincts, April. A well-honed intuition can be sharper than your eyes."
April: Yes, Sensei. I'll-"
Timothy: Guys, let Casey go already!"
(He pushes Raph out of the way and pulls Casey away from the brothers, April saw Casey and said in shock, "Casey?!"
Brothers/Casey: You know this guy?/You know these guys?" (April stood next to Timothy.)
April: Don't hurt him, he's our friend!" "Casey, what are you doing here?
Casey: A better question is, how do you two know these freaks?"
April: These are the um- (April looked at the brothers before back at Casey.) Other friends I told you about.
Timothy: And this is my "crazy family I told you about.
Casey: Wait, so they're not the bad guys?
April: No way!" (April sighs and begins the introduction.) Casey Jones, meet Leonardo. (Leo gave him a small nod.) Donatello, (He smiled awkwardly.) Michelangelo,
Mikey: What up?" (Mikey greeted, only for Raph reached up and smacked the back of Mikey's head. which annoyed him while Raph shook his head in irritation.
April: -the one and only Raphael, Y/N the cheetah ninja, and-
Ethan: (Jumps onto Y/N's back) Hi!
April:-His son Ethan.
Casey: So the turtles are all Italian? And the cheetah and bunny are american? (To Y/N) So, are the family's cat?
Y/N: What?! No, I'm not the family cat? We're brothers. Technically, the turtles found me injured in the sewer and raised me.
Casey: Who's your father?
Splinter: I am. (Casey was shocked when he saw Master Splinter.) I named my sons after my favorite painters and sculptors of the Italian renaissance while Mikey named Y/N.
(Casey gasped, screamed as he pointed at Splinter before falling flat on his back, apparently unconscious.)
April: Casey?" (She kneeled down to pick Casey up and started shaking him.) Casey? Casey Jones, wake up!" (She slapped him across the face, finally waking him up)
Timothy: This is Master Splinter, Casey. He's cool.
Splinter: You do not have to fear me, my friend. Rest assured, I do not bite."
Casey: (Didn't look convinced.) He's a giant t- t- talking rat?"
Raph: Hahahaha, Big bad vigilante's afraid of rats.
(Mikey took his opportunity to pick a roach up off the ground and hold it close to Raph's face. As soon as he noticed, he screamed and leapt into the air, retracting into his shell before falling onto the ground.)
Mikey: Hahaha, just like you and cockroaches, huh, Raph?"
(Timothy laughed at their antics while managing to get Casey back to his feet.)
(Suddenly, April groaned as she clutched her head. They all stopped and turned to look at her.)
Splinter: What is it, April?
April: Sensei, we're not alone."
(Everyone looks up to see Footbots?! The lair was suddenly swarming with Footbots, all standing in different corners of the room and on the ceiling. They were staring at us with red, soulless eyes. They took out our weapons as the footbots jumped down from the ceiling and took out their weapons.)
Leo: Raph, you led the enemy right to our lair?!
Raph: It's the kid's fault!" He was following me.
Casey: My fault?"(Glares at him.)
Mikey: Booya-ka-shaaa!"
(Mikey whacks a footbot with his chucks, Leo sliced one, and Donnie stabbed one but was kicked and father caught him. Timothy lunged forward, swinging his gauntlets in a wide arc. The bots scattered, but Timothy was too fast. He landed a powerful punch on one of the bots, sending it flying across the room. The other bots quickly regrouped and advanced on Timothy. He blocked their blows with his gauntlets, deflecting their attacks with ease. He spun around, his gauntlets a blur of motion as he struck out at the bots. He punched and kicked, sending them flying in all directions. Ethan leapt into the air, his long ears flapping in the wind, and delivered a powerful kick to the nearest bot. The bot stumbled back, and Ethan followed up with a flurry of kicks and punches, sending the bot flying across the room. The other bots quickly moved in, but Ethan was ready. He spun around, his feet a blur of motion, and delivered a powerful roundhouse kick to the nearest bot. The bot flew back, crashing into the others and sending them all tumbling to the ground.)
Raph: You're the one who did this.
Casey: They followed you too, dude!
Raph: Don't "dude" me, dude.
Y/N: You dudes better stop fighting each other like a bunch of little kids, or else you're gonna end up getting your heads chopped off!" (Used his claws to slice and chop the footbots' heads off.)
Donnie: Hey! He'll give away our location!" (Y/N hear Donnie, he turn to see one of the footbots' eye glow red as if it's scanning the lair.)
Splinter: Don't let that robot escape."
Casey: Casey Jones is on it." (Ran after it, but Raph shoves him out of the way.)
Raph: Tell Casey Jones I don't need his help.
Ethan: Dad, you should-
Y/N: On it! (Ran after them, and jump over the turnstiles and saw Raph threw a grappling hook at the footbot, but caught Casey instead and pulled him back.)
Casey: What are you doing?
Raph: Me? You got in my way!
Y/N: Come on guys. (Ran passed them) We can't lose him!"
(They ran after the footbot until more dropped down.)
Casey: Where'd he go?"
(They took out their weapons and started slicing, stabbing and hitting the footbots.)
Raph: That bot gets back to Rika and Karai and gives away our hideout, you answer to Splinter.
Casey: The rat?
Y/N: Who else?(Spotted one running off.)
Y/N: There he is!
(Casey grabs what it looks like a spray can, he shook it and took off the lid with the mouth of his mask and spit it out as the can let out a hiss, he threw it at the bot and it exploded, leaving yellow paint, but it didn't do any damage.)
Casey: Yes!
Raph: Next time, tag it with a real grenade!
Y/N: Calm down! At least we know which one we're looking for!" (Got rid of the other bots before we chased after the one we wanted.)
(They kept running and Casey went pass Y/N and Raph, he must've put on his skates.)
Casey: Faster, guys!
Y/N: We don't have skates like you, dude!"
(They kept running, Y/N heard rumbling and screeching, and before he got the chance to see what it was.)
Casey: Whoa!"
(Casey pushes Y/N and Raph out of the way in time as the subway train went past them.)
Casey: You two okay?
Y/N: Yeah, thanks."
Raph: (Nods) There he is!"
(Raph poined at the footbot on top of the subway, they looked at each other and smirked before the all jumped on top of the footbot, their weapons hit as the footbot flew passed them, and they attacked it as they ducked under, jumped over and ducked again under the pipes, the bot knocked Casey and he would've fell off the train if Y/N didn't grabbed his arms, but Raph grabbed Y/N so he wouldn't fall too and pulled them back on the train.)
Casey: Thanks, guys.
Y/N: No problem.
Raph: Now we're even."
(They saw the footbot jumped and crashed through the windows of the subway bridge and Casey jumps through the hole with Y/N following behind him as they attacked the footbot, Raph must've took the stairs because he showed up a few seconds later to join them.)
Casey: I can take this robot down myself."
(He jumps over Raph and skates down the bars of the staircase after Raph kicked the bot down the stars. Raph and Y/N jumped down, and the latter threw his demon wind shuriken at the bot as Raph threw one of his sais at him and pinned him against the pillar, but it broke free and lost both his arms since his Y/N's demon wind shuriken stabbed his right arm while Raph's sai stabbed his left arm.)
(Raph and Y/N grabbed their weapons from the pillar and the three of them jumped over the turnstiles and saw the bot running up the stairs.)
Casey: He's going for the street!
Y/N: We can't let him get away!"
(He ran up the stairs, Casey jumped to catch up, Y/N helped him by grabbing his gloved hand and used his strength to throw him at the bot and he used his stunner to electrify the footbot. The bot fell down the stairs and Raph threw his sai at the footbot's head, powering him down for good.)
Casey: That was... too close."
Raph: You're a pretty good fighter, Jones." Sure, you're raw, unfocused, dangerous, crazy!" (Raph took his sai out of the footbot and smirked.) But not bad.
Casey: Thanks. (Casey removes his mask.) You're not so bad yourself."
(Raph raised his hand and gripped Casey's. He gripped him tighter. Raph tightened his gripped and pushed him slightly, and he smirked.)
Casey: For an amphibian.
(They both pushed each other and walked off together. Y/N smiled at them. They soon made it back home.)
Raph: Dude, the way we chased that thing down!
Casey: And what about when I shocked it with my stunner? How cool was that?
Y/N: Hey, don't forget the subway chase. That was the awesomest part! Huh?" (They noticed that everyone already took down the footbots.)
Casey: Aww, what's up? No more robots left for me and Raph?" (Casey puts his arm on Raph's shoulder.)
Mikey: Whoa! Okay. What's up with you three? You're like best friends forever now or something?" (Folds his arms.)
Casey: Gah!" (Casey hides behind Raph as Splinter approaches them.)
Splinter: I see you have found a new ally, Raphael.
Raph: Yeah, Casey's cool." (Smiled at Casey.)
Splinter: Thank you for helping my family.
Casey: No problem, rat dude. Wasn't a bad warm-up. But now it's time to clean the scum off the streets."
Raph: (Playfully shoves Casey.) Let's do this!"
(They hit their foreheads against each other.)
Raph/Casey: Yeah!" (They laughed as Y/N rolled his eyes with a smile.)
Donnie: Great." (Whimpered.) You know what this means, right?
Y/N: Raph made a new friend?
Donnie: Worse! Now we have two Raphaels!"
(Mikey and Leo's eyes widened and they groaned in irritation. Even April seemed concerned with the idea. Y/N rolled his eyes at Donnie's dramatics and turned to look at Raph and Casey, only to see them pounding fists and yelling in each other's faces, clearly pumped up and ready to go.)
Y/N: What's wrong with that?
(They laughed and hollered as they happily turned and leapt over the turnstiles, off to who knows where.)
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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