The Forgotten Swordsman

[The next part continues with Coney Island, where a grumbling Fishface freezes, then he swims to the bottom of the ocean, where he found Rahzar's corpse, indicating that he died after Leatherhead killed him in Requiem, Fishface grabs Rahzar's corpse and takes him to the lair. There, Tiger Claw orders Kavaxas to revive Rahzar.]

Tiger Claw: Kavaxas, with this, the Seal of the Ancients, I command you! Raise Chris Bradford, our fallen comrade.

Kavaxas: Very well, master.

[He used his powers and Rahzar opens his eyes and gasps for the first time in months, revived. Rahzar roars.]

Zombie Rahzar: I live!

Tiger Claw: Behold the power of life! The power to bring back our leader.

Kavaxas: I do not have all I need to raise your precious Shredder yet. Two things remain; his heart, through which new life can flow, and his lost helmet, the Kuro Kabuto, which holds his mental energy.

[Scene cuts to Shredder's undead body, but his head is gone along with the heart.]

Tiger Claw: Then it is essential we recover them. Bradford, Xever, Lobo, find the Kuro Kabuto and bring it to me.

[Zombie Rahzar, Lobo, and Fishface leave on their mission to get Kuro Kabuto.]

Shen and Leo entered the lab to see Donnie typing away on his computer while Chloe was on her T-Phone and April was reading a book.

"How's it going, guys?" Shen asked.

"Casey Jones is armed and ready!" Casey said, hockey stick laying over his shoulder.

"Check it out," April called. "I found this at Ray's Occult Book Shop." She held up the book for them to see. "It's got some weird stuff on Demodragons."

"Which is great, because my internet sources are spotty at best," Donnie said.

"Agreed. All my info is only on regular fire breathing dragons, not demonic ones." Chloe set down on her T-Phone.

"Well, we need to be ready soon--"

"Raph, Y/N!" Mikey shouted, cutting off Leo. "Chompy and Clunk is distracting me from my game!"

(Shen walked into the living room to see Raph attacking the dummy, Y/N and Ethan watching. Mikey was playing a video game while Chompy and Clunk were dancing on top of the TV.)

Leo rolled his eyes. "That's it. Meeting in the dojo."

"One minute, Leo," Raph said.

"Not one minute. Remember what Splinter said about being diligent?" Leo responded, crossing his arms.

"Yeah," Mikey answered. "A rolling stone with moss on it," he grunted, "needs to play video games?"

"Tigerclaw's still out there with a dragon and all you can think of is 'Super Commando 3'?" Leo demanded.

"Chillax, guys. Hot Head isn't going anywhere," Mikey said.

"Yeah, it's not like he's gonna burn the city to a crisp," Ethan commented.

"Ya wanna bet?" Leo retorted. "And in that case, you have time to clean up all your comics and empty pizza boxes. In fact, clean up now, or no TV for a week."

"A week?" Mikey asked, turning to her in protest. "Guys, back me up!"

"Better listen to him, Mikey. Leo is the sensei now," Raph teased. Shen glared at him.

"Guys, the motion sensors picked up a couple of mutants," Donnie called. "They look to be heading toward Shredder's old lair."

"Better check it out. Raph, Mikey, Ethan, and Y/N, since you've apparently got nothing better to do, go track the signal," Leo ordered.

"Why do I have to be on patrol duty?" Raph asked reluctantly.

"Just do it, Raph!"

"Hey, why don't you get off my--"

(Leo moved behind him, pressure pointing him on either side of his head and momentarily paralyzing him.)

Shen grinned. "Should've listened to him, my son."

"Whoa, Sensei Leo is kind of strict," Casey commented with a snicker.

Ethan groaned as he got up and helped Raph to his feet. "Fine. Ugh. Patrol it is. C'mon, guys."

"Remember, stealth and recon only," Leo warned.


(Karai and Shinigami ran over the rooftops, Shinigami stopping on a water tower while Karai landed below her.)

"I never should have been down that long," Karai complained. "I'm not gonna have some upstart mercenary undo my work rebuilding the Foot."

"I'm sorry, Karai," Shinigami answered. "I should have kept those traitors in line."

"They need strong leaders," Karai said. "They're waiting to see how this plays out."

Shinigami stood, pointing. "There."

A Foot Soldier got into a car on the street below. The car drove away and the two girls followed it.


(Raph was using the tracker to find whoever was heading to Shredder's old lair, the other five walking behind him.)

"I don't know, Raph," Mikey said. "Leo seemed really mad."

"I know," Raph answered. "He just misses Master Splinter. Being sensei's hard on him. I just wish we knew--" The tracker beeped, interrupting him. They looked up at Shredder's old lair and saw Fishface and Lobo at the rooftop.

"Check it!" Mikey said. "What's Fishface doing at Shredder's old lair?" Razar came into view. "Whoa, Razar. I thought he was--"

Y/N covered his mouth. "Quiet down!" he ordered. "Let's find out what they're after."

"Mm. Nothing. No sign of the Kabuto," Razar reported.

Fishface sighed irritably. "I cannot believe we've been demoted to errand boys. I knew I should have taken my vacation time. The Caribbean is warm this time of year. As are the ladies." He smooched the air with his hands.

Lobo shook his head in disgust over this. "You are so weird."

Razar showed his claws in front of Fishface, making him hold up his hands in surrender. "You never did understand the honor of the Foot Clan. The Kuro Kabuto is no mere helmet. It's much more powerful than you realize."

"Ay, sí, sí, I get it," Fishface protested. "Look, I'm just saying, a lot has changed. You look good, though. Did you, erm, put on weight?"

"No, but I developed a taste for sushi." Razar snapped his jaws in his face, Lobo blocked him.

"We have a job to do."

(Lobo ran off as Razar growled and followed. Fishface followed after him.)

"They're after Shredder's helmet for some reason," Y/N said. "We gotta find out why."


Karai and Shinigami watched from the rooftops as the car they'd been tracking entered a building.

"No guards?" Shinigami asked in surprise.

"Be extra careful," Karai warned. The two of them snuck into the building, where their Foot Soldiers were surrounding the car, talking amongst themselves.

"So this is where you traitors are hiding," Karai called out as the two childhood friends stepped out of the shadows.

"We serve the Foot Clan. You are not worthy to be its masters," one of the Soldiers said, pulling out his sword.

(The others followed his example. Karai narrowed her eyes and the two girls charged them. Karai jumped and kicked one down. One raised his weapon at her and Shinigami grabbed it with her chain. She pulled him around so another ninja punched him instead of her. She took off her hat and put it on the ninja to blind him before pushing him back. She put her hat back on as a ninja landed on the hood of the car beside her, only to get knocked down by Karai.)

(Karai slid down the car and kicked down several ninjas at the trunk. She did a handstand to kick down another. Shinigami walked over, stepping over a ninja.)

"Pathetic," Karai commented. Something struck her from behind. "What?" She pulled out her tanto, aiming it at the shadows.

"Heh. Think you can play tricks with me?" Shinigami called. Something pushed her into Karai, who dropped her tanto to catch her. "Who is this akuma?" The two stood back-to-back, weapons out. The shadow moved through the warehouse.

"Something familiar about--" Karai's eyes widened. "No!" Shinigami was kicked to the floor. "Shinigami!" Karai ran over and knelt beside her, pulling her into her arms. "Only one man can fight that well."

A man stepped into the light, wearing a ninja ensemble and some sort of monster mask.

"Hisashiburidana, my old pupil," he greeted.


"Dude, where'd they go?" Mikey whispered as the six of them walked across the rooftop.

(Razar tackled Mikey from behind, grabbing him and holding him over the edge of the roof. Fishface kicked Raph to the ground. Lobo launched himself at Y/N who ducked and delivered a round heel kick to his face.)

"Dah! Get off of me, zombie wolf!" Mikey yelled.

"I'm gonna enjoy feasting on your shell, Michelangelo!" Razar growled.

(Ethan wrapped a chain around him and yanked him back, making him let go of Mikey.)

"We're onto you looking for Shredder's helmet," Ethan said, narrowing his eyes.

"What does Hot Head want with it anyway?" Y/N asked, he and Raph, backing away from Fishface and his knife. "A little small for him." Fishface knocked him back and Ethan landed next to him.

"Ah, that is the best part, raposa!" Fishface commented. "Our new friend is going to help Shredder just like he did Wolfman--" Razar growled at him, "I-I mean, Bradford here."

"With the Kuro Kabuto, the Shredder will walk the Earth again!" Razar declared.

"That's messed up!" Mikey protested. "You want to raise Shredder?"

"Well, you won't be around to see it," Lobo answered.

(The three mutants lunged at them and Mikey threw down a smoke bomb.)


"Hattori Tatsu!" Karai exclaimed. "You stole my Foot soldiers."

(She charged him, clashing blades with Tatsu. He stomped on her foot and she pushed back against him. He struck her and she jumped up a pole. She backflipped off of it to land behind him and Tatsu kicked her back in midair. She pushed herself back up and ran at him, her arms shifting to snakes before she took her mutant form completely, striking at him.)

"It's true!" Tatsu exclaimed as he dodged her snake-hands. "You have become one of them. A freak!" He punched away the arms. "Bakemono ga!"

(He grabbed one of Karai's arms and pulled the snake to him, pushing her back with his hand. She crashed into a pole and stood up, panting as she turned to her half human form.)

"You should not have come out of hiding," Tatsu said, pulling out his sword and preparing to finish her off. Shinigami jumped in front of him and threw her bats at him, letting the two girls escape.

"If Tatsu has the Kabuto, we need it back," Karai panted, she and Shinigami helping each other walk to a manhole. "That's the key to controlling the Foot Clan."

"He is a cunning one, Karai. We will need help to defeat him," Shinigami told her.

"You're right. We better go visit some old friends," Karai agreed. "Also call in the Tribunal."


(Casey and Donnie were arguing about how to stop Kavaxas.)

"I'm telling you, we go in all pucks blazing," Casey said.

"And I'm telling you," Donnie responded, "Hot Head is too powerful for that!"

"Alright, enough!" Leo snapped. "We wait 'til Raph, Mikey, Y/N, and Ethan get back for our next move."

"You always did like bossing people around." he turned to see Karai, Timothy, Riki, and Shinigami at the lair entrance.

"Karai!" Leo exclaimed.

"Miwa!" Shen exclaimed.

"I wish I could say this was a social visit," Karai started. 

Timothy snorted. "When do we ever pop in for Social Visits?"

"Fair enough,  and someone new is trying to take over the Foot Clan. He's going after the Kuro Kabuto."

"So what?" Casey asked. "Let the bad guys squabble over Shredder's stupid hat."

"We might not have a choice." They turned to see Raph, Y/N, Mikey, and Ethan coming into the lair. "Guess who else is going after that Kabuto? And you're not gonna believe why."


"What?!" Karai exclaimed, slamming her fists on the table and startling Shen, who was carrying a few cups of tea. "They're going to use the Kabuto to bring Shredder back from the dead? Is that possible?"

"Totally possible!" Mikey answered. "Didn't you see 'Evil Ninja 4: Ninja Resurrection'?"

"As much as I'd like to believe it's not, with someone like Kavaxas at their disposal..." Shen said.

"Yeah, we're dealing with a dragon spirit from the underworld," Timothy agreed.

"Do you think Tatsu is working with Tigerclaw?" Leo asked.

"Doubtful. Tatsu seems to think he's the new Shredder," Karai responded.

"But if we keep him from getting the Kabuto, the Foot will side with its deserved leader," Shinigami added, moving her arm around Karai's shoulders and smiling down at her.

"So, their whole decision on who leads an entire based on whoever holds a stupid helmet?" Alopex asked. She scoffed. "That's some real loyalty there."

"After all Shredder put you through, why not just give up on the Foot?" April asked Karai.

"It's not that simple, O'Neil," Karai responded. "Tatsu will be coming after all of us. We have no choice but to take him down."


Leo opened the back doors of the Party Wagon and Karai hopped out. "You guys need a less conspicuous ride."

"We're mutants, we don't do conspicuous." Y/N answered.

Karai nodded. "Once again, fair enough."

"You sure this is it?" Leo asked her, gesturing at the safe house she'd led them to.

"There are only a few Foot safe houses where he can be."

"Okay, if Tatsu has the Kabuto, we get in and grab it quickly," Leo ordered. "Mikey, Riki, you're with me, Y/N, Karai, and Shini."

"Aw, yeah! Team Kitty-Witch! My girl gets me, don't you?" Y/N said.

Shinigami giggled. "You do make me laugh."

"Go after the Kabuto," Karai ordered. "I'll take care of Tatsu."

"No, stealth only," Leo argued. "The rest of you hang out here on lookout. Razar, Lobo, and Fishface are still out there."

(He turned and ran for the safe house, the others following behind her. Shinigami and Mikey handled the lights while Leo, Riki, Karai, and Leo handled the Foot Soldiers on guard, Leo and Y/N taking down one side while Karai and Riki handled the other. Riki got distracted by a building that had a weird symbol spray painted on it.)

(It looked like the same symbol on the vial she used to turn human. She wondered what she was looking at before shaking it off and focusing on the mission. The four of them met in the middle and looked down at Tatsu, who had the Karo Kabuto. He placed it back in a case and closed it. Leo nodded at the other three and they jumped down, weapons out, but he grabbed his sword and knocked them back.)

(He turned to Shinigami and Mikey, who were trying to get the helmet before he saw them. They pulled out their weapons and Tatsu looked around at the six of them.)


(Raph, Casey, and Ethan were playing around and Timothy and Alopex were cuddling while April was using her psychic powers as lookout.)

She gasped. "Guys, we have company."

(Donnie gasped and looked down at his device to see they were surrounded. They all jumped out of the van, weapons out, to see Foot Soldiers around them.)

"Oh. Good. I was afraid this would be easy," Chloe complained sarcastically.


(Leo charged Tatsu, only to be knocked down. Karai tried to strike him and got the same result. Shinigami attempted to hit him with her kusarigama, but he hit her pressure points and she collapsed. Mikey tried to swing his nunchuck, but Tatsu threw him down, making him crash into Riki. Y/N tried to strike him, but he blocked her sword and knocked it out of her hand, punching her several times before kicking him back. Karai ran at Tatsu and her tanto collided with his mask, sending it flying.)

Tatsu chuckled, his eyes completely white. "Foolish gambit!"

"Tatsu is...blind?" Leo asked.

"Don't you know I can hear you coming a mile away?" Tatsu charged at Karai, their blades clashing as they started fighting one-on-one. "You couldn't defeat me yourself, so you employed your freaks to fight me, yes?"

"What's he talking about, Sister?" Riki demanded.

"Did my old student not tell you the story of poor Hattori Tatsu?" he questioned, charging Karai again.

(She shifted her tanto in her hand and jumped up, clashing swords with him. She rolled to the ground and threw her shuriken in the air.)

"I was born blind, but with an acute sense of hearing," Tatsu explained. "They saw it gave me a sixth sense." He backed away from the shuriken and they landed on the floor. He turned to his left to meet Karai's blade again.

"Plan Blackout was definitely not the way to go, dudes," Mikey said from the floor.

"Shredder recognized this as a skill when all others mocked me. I used that prejudice in my favor until I became Shredder's right hand." He blocked Karai's blade again. "The Blind Swordsman." He punched her to the ground. "When this brat recruited Foot Soldiers of her own, they attempted to eliminate me."

"You did what?!" Leo demanded.

"Why didn't you consult me or Timothy? What happened to 'no secrets' in the Tribunal?" Riki demanded.

"Tatsu, I was arrogant, but they have nothing to do with that," Karai told him.

"Do not insult me with your platitudes, girl!" he yelled. "Your friends will share your fate."


(Donnie blocked weapons with a ninja before hitting him in the head with the end of his staff. He turned as he saw Timothy running to the Party Wagon and kicking off it, knocking a ninja down. He licked his thumb and tried to get a dirt spot off the door. He looked up to see Ethan banging a ninja's head against the roof of the car. Casey smashed a ninja against the tire using a trash can. Alopex threw a ninja into the door and Chloe slammed one against the front of the van.)

"Hey! I just washed this baby!" Donnie protested. He yelped as a bunch of shuriken and kunai embedded themselves in the van around him.

Raph jumped down in front of him, holding a trash can as a shield. "We don't have time for this," he said, barging through the ninjas with the makeshift shield.


(Mikey, Riki, and Shinigami were trying to hit Tatsu with their chains and rope, but he dodged and blocked them with his sword. Leo ran up to him, his katanas clashing with his sword.)

"I expected more from the students of the great Splinter," Tatsu said, knocking Leo back with a few punches. Shinigami and Mikey threw their chains at him and he grabbed them from both sides, pulling them toward him and kicking them into the air and into the water behind him.

"Shini, no!" Karai yelled. She charged him angrily, her arms shifting to snakes. He punches her in the face and kicked her in the stomach, knocking her to the ground. He raised his sword above her.

"Korede owarida!" he exclaimed. Something exploded near the ceiling and several more explosions went off around him. Y/N looked up to see the others standing there with their weapons out.

"Aw, yeah! The cavalry has arrived," Casey commented, throwing up his puck. Tatsu ordered some Foot Soldiers against them and Casey skated past them. "Goongala!"

Raph helped him take down a few ninjas. "Watch it, Jones."

(Casey turned on his taser, but Tatsu caught his arm and made him electrocute himself. He kicked him down.)

"Casey!" April exclaimed as he helped Karai up. Tatsu jumped toward her, but Ethan stopped him, blocking his sword with his shark blade. Raph jumped at him from behind and Tatsu moved out of the way so Raph almost hit Ethan instead. Tatsu knocked them both down with just a few hits.

"It's like fighting Shredder," Raph complained.

"But he's still blind," Leo growled.

(He nodded at Karai and grabbed a bunch of Casey's pucks, throwing them across the floor. Karai ran at Tatsu, staying beside the explosions so he wouldn't hear her. He still sensed her and yelled as he turned to block her tanto. Leo jumped behind him and pressure pointed him just like she'd done with Raph. He screamed, holding his head. Karai knocked the sword from his hand and shifted to her snake form, striking him several times.)

(Tatsu fell to the ground and turned to face Karai as she approached him. She hissed in his face, showing off her fangs as a warning before changing back and turning to the ninjas.)

"Tatsu was using you, just like the Shredder, tarnishing the name of the Foot Clan for his own glory. The Foot deserves a noble destiny. One with honor," she declared.

"You truly think you deserve to wield the Kuro Kabuto?" Tatsu asked.

"Deserves got nothing to do with it. Go back to Japan and rot." She kicked him back down.

A low growl came from near the window and they turned to see Razar. "Tatsu!"

Tatsu stumbled to his knees and reached out a hand to him. "Bradford! Join me!"

"The Kuro Kabuto is worthy only of--"

The window shattered as Kavaxas broke through it. "The Shredder." Kavaxas descended to the floor and landed in front of Tatsu. He grabbed his face, lifting him off the ground. His hand and eyes started to glow green as he drained the life from Tatsu, dropping him to the ground. Kavaxas opened the box with the helmet and held it up the air as it glowed green.

"No! The Kabuto!" Karai yelled, Leo and Riki holding her back from trying to fight the Demodragon.

Tigerclaw dropped down beside Kavaxas. "The power to resurrect the Shredder is ours! Destroy the mutants. Leave no one alive!"

"As you command," Kavaxas replied.

(His chest and throat began to glow seconds before he breathed fire at all of them. April and Chloe threw up a shield to deflect the fire around them, and Tigerclaw and Kavaxas used the opportunity to escape.)

Ethan coughed. "Thanks, April and Chloe. I thought we  were toast."

Donnie and Riki were inspecting Shinigami and Casey, who were on the ground. The kunoichi looked up at them. "We gotta get them to a hospital."

"Casey Jones isn't out of it yet," Casey groaned.

Riki rubbed his head. "Yes, yes you are."

Karai halted Timothy and Riki. "Hold on, I need you guys to inform any stragglers about what's happened. We'll take care of them."

(Riki looked conflicted as she cared a great deal about Casey, but Timothy put his hand on her shoulder to let her know it's okay.)


(They removed Casey's gear and dropped him and Shinigami in front of the hospital, watching from a nearby rooftop as the paramedics ran up to them. Leo was wrapping bandages around Mikey's head.)

"Shini and Casey will be alright. They just need to rest," April told Karai.

"Guys, I'm so sorry," Karai said. "I was ashamed by what I did, going after Tatsu. I didn't think it would come back to hurt us."

"Splinter once taught me, 'Underestimating your enemy is a deadly weakness, but trusting in your allies is a great strength'," Leo told them, finishing up with Mikey and patting him on the head. "We're gonna need your help against Hot Head."

"Whoa," Donnie commented nervously. "I can't think of anything more frightening than Shredder coming back to life."

"We can't let that happen! We have to stop Tigerclaw and Kavaxas once and for all!" Ethan declared. 

[Everyone put their hands on, knowing that they have to prepare for the worst.]

"You will never walk the earth again.........Shredder." Y/N said incredible menacingly.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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