The Curse of Savanti Romero

(It was a dark and spooky night. New York city was filled with scary ornaments and jack-o-lanterns. A special holiday that only comes once a year where young kids get to dress-up and collect candy: Halloween.)

(A pair of young kids in a ghost and grim reaper costume were ringing the doorbell, saying 'trick-or-treat', getting some sweet treats, and moved on to the next house to repeat. A Little girl was wearing a papered witch mask while pulling her father's arm to get some more candy.)

But it's not just the small children who enjoy this fun tradition.

(Around the corner, two teenagers were out for some Halloween fun, as well. One was a redheaded girl with blue eyes, freckles, and had a heavy jacket on. The other was black haired boy with brown eyes, front teeth missing, and was wearing some street-fighting outfit mixed with hockey gear.)

"Feels like ages since I've been out on Halloween," admitted April, as she was adjusting her mohawk wig cap costume while walking with Casey. "After all the aliens, demons, and super-mutants, fake monsters are a nice change," she continued as she stretched her arms.

"Ha! Gimme real monsters any time. Halloween is my favorite holiday. I go out every year!" stated the Hockey Vigilante. He went up a few stairs, knocking hard on the door that earned a slight glare from his redheaded companion.

The door creaked opened to reveal an eldered man.

"Yo, yo, yo! Trick or treat, dog!" Casey said, only to get the door slammed to his face. "Why, you old Stanky Ol' Creeper," he mumbled, frustrated about the old man doing that.

Suddenly, Casey heard someone chuckling that made him pause on going all Goongala on the guy.

"Trick-or-treating trouble over there, Jones?" questioned a female voice.

(Turning around, Casey and April spotted one teenage mutant cheetah girl and a little girl and boy, whom were obviously three familiar friends of theirs.)

Riki Costume:

Chloe Costume:

Ethan Costume:

"Riki?! Is that you!?" questioned Casey, whom seemed surprised yet amazed at what his female mutant friend was wearing.

"Know any other girl who can pull off your look?" Riki responded, giving him one of her mischievous smirks which made Casey blush.

Chloe rolled her eyes, remaining a smile. "We saw you two from a distance and wanted to tag along," the little girl explained, placing a hand on her hip.

"Come on, Casey," April said, pulling Casey back and taking him away from the door, "It's not worth it."

"Yeah, some people aren't so much into the Halloween spirit in these parts of the streets," reasoned the cheetah. "Why do you think we go trick-or-treating around the apartment first?"

"It's friendlier and has the best candies!" Ethan exclaimed, raising his arms up in the air, "Woohoo!"

"Let's go meet the guys. They're always so excited for Halloween," the Redhead suggested, with Riki's little brother cheering with eagerness on that idea.

"Yeah! I want to show them my costume!" Chloe and Ethan began pulling on his Riki's arms to move forward, "Come on, come on!"

(Giggling, Riki finally agreed to follow, with the others doing the same. Although a certain hockey boy was brooding from rudely getting no candy from that grumpy old man, he suddenly smirked; indicating he had a wicked idea.)

(The doorbell on the same elderly man's place rang. When he opened it to see no one, he noticed a jack-o-lantern before him on the ground. Before reacting, the pumpkin exploded all over his face.)

(From a distance, walking with the group, Casey tossed plus caught one of his pucks. He was satisfied about pulling a trick on that grump. Riki, whom was the only one that saw the whole thing, smirked while lightly shaking her head.)

Same old Casey Jones. Never change, Riki said quietly. She always thought Casey was something else, but that's what she liked about him.

(Little did the small group knew, someone was watching them in an alley. He vanished into the darkness, plotting something devious.)

(Meanwhile, the girls and boys decided to chat while going to the lair.)

"So, E, what are you and Chloe supposed to be?," asked Casey, only to earn a surprised glare from bunny.

"Seriously?! I'm only my favorite kid superhero, Catboy," scoffed Ethan. "He was, like, the coolest kid superhero!". Ethan running and moving ahead, jumped on top of a nearby closed trash can, and back flipped to stick his landing.

"And I'm dressed as Bat-Girl, the coolest superhero in Gotham," explained Chloe as she struck a superhero pose.

(The group laughed, still moving. As they walked, the city suddenly began to grew silent. A strange fog was already lifting up. Not a single living being-minus the three teens and little children-was in sight. The winds slowly began howling in an eerie way.)

(Suddenly, April stepped on something that caused a crunching sound. Lightly gasping, she looked down to see it was someone's candy bag. And there was more of it all over the ground. The four teens and child knew that something was not right.)

(In less than a second after, a man was heard screaming from a very, very long distance. The group turned their heads on the noise, now on their toes than ever.)

(What ever was going on, Riki had to protect her nephew and his friend from this upcoming danger. She drew Ethan and Chloe close to her and held on to his candy-free bag real tight.)

"You hear that, Red?" Casey questioned, "Didn't sound like a fake scream to me."

"Something strange is going on," replied April.

"Really? How could you tell?" Riki sarcastically remarked, giving her a 'no-duh' expression while putting a hand on her hip. "Let's check it out. Stay close, everyone", she said leading the way.

(As the group ran to another part of town, they found themselves face to face with a pack of real live werewolf dogs! These creatures lurked closer, snarling and growling at their soon to be doggie treats.)

"Oh, snap. Nice doggies. Cool doggies. Don't eat us, doggies!" yelped Casey, running away with April and the others.

"Fall back!" ordered Riki, still grabbing her Ethan's and Chloe's hand.

(Seeing that they couldn't outrun them in a few seconds, the three teens and kids stood their ground and had to fight back. April shielded herself using her psychic powers and pushed a wolf back. Chloe reached for a bracelet she was wearing.) 


(Chloe was able to blind one to keep it from attacking before it was kicked away by Ethan. As for Casey and Riki, they were working together to face two wolves. Casey whacked one with the swing of his hockey stick while Riki flipped the other over her with a forward jump kick.)

"You sure can fight in that outfit, Riki," remarked Casey.

"Well, I didn't pick this costume just for its looks," smirked Riki, only to spot something coming in the air, "Jones! Incoming from above!"

"I see it!" Casey brought his left glove up and activated his hidden taser, which resulted to not just electrify the wolf but also knock him out.

Eyes wide in shock, Ethan pointed while shouting, "Chloe, the wolf you stunned is still moving!"

(He was right. The wolf that Chloe stopped seemed to move again in less time than the effects of her blast should do, somehow.)

"Okay. That's new," Chloe admitted to herself, slightly surprised–not to mentioned slightly scared–on that discovery.

(Acting fast, she grabbed a nearby trash can and tossed it in the air and Ethan kicked it.)

(Ethan is Captain America)

 (This caused it to get knocked down like the rest of its pack.)

"Guys, I don't think we're the only ones having the same wolf problem here," spoke Riki, directing their attention to the streets.

(The whole city appeared to be screaming and running away from giant wolf creatures. Although this would have been the coolest Halloween trick ever, it was clearly something dangerous and was bond to put innocent lives in danger.)

"Guys, please tell me this is just some kind of college or high school prank," Chloe hoped, slightly joking but trying to remain serious.

The young bunny just shook his head. "No. I it's not," he answered.

"Aw, Sewer Apples," Chloe responded.

(Just then, a man was walking backwards near the team, groaning before falling to his knees and placing both hands on his head.)

"Hey, are you okay?" asked a concerned April, walking towards the gentleman.

(But when he the turned around, the man roared monstrously. His eyes were now glowing light blue and revealed to have fangs. He was turned into a vampire!)

(April gasped, immediately stepping back from the transformed man.)

(If the situation wasn't scary nor bad enough, a little girl vampire took a jump on Casey's back and–during the struggle–chomped her fangs on his neck. This, of course, resulted the Hockey Vigilante to scream in pain!)

"Casey!" cried the Redhead.

"JONES, NO!" screamed Riki in horror, with Ethan and Chloe gasping in shock.

(Meanwhile, deep within the sewers, the Brothers' lair was decorated with cardboard tombstones, cardboard shaped bats, fake ghosts, light candles, and jack-o-lanterns. A certain Leader in Blue sat down near the television watching his favorite show: Space Heroes, The Next Generation.)

(The show revealed three space heroes at sick bay, looking at one of their own laying at the medic bed going through some changes.)

"What's wrong with him, Mr. Gigabyte?" asked Captain Ryan.

"Intriguing, Captain. Lieutenant LeTrois has been infected by a Xenowolf virus," explained Mr. Gigabyte, "Unless we can stop the infection within the next star hour, by my calculations, his transformation will be permanent."

"Captain, what are we going to do?" Mr. Cranksha asked in panic, only to get slapped in the face. "Ow!"

"There's only one humane way to stop this virus and prevent him from turning into a space wolf. Lieutenant LeTrois must be destroyed!" Captain Ryan replied, grabbing his blaster and zapped his Lieutenant.

(While the show continued it's 'intriguing story' Raph was cutting holes on the jack-o-lantern to add the last of his finishing touches.)

"Yes! This is gonna be perfect!" Leo said with excitement, lifting up his shirt-like costumed.

"What's perfect?" an ogre masked person popped at Leo's left side, scaring the Blue Masked Leader.

"Ahh!" Leo yelped, jumping back to see it was only Mikey. The Young Clad, Donnie, Y/N, and Raph just laughed at that little prank.

Y/N Costume:

(A/N: Indiana Jones is one of my favorite action heroes so expect a lot of references and facts in this chapter)

"Haha, you should have seen your face!" Y/N laughed.

"Ahem, uh, my costume is minty vintage, featuring Captain Ryan's rare B-uniform Captain's Jacket from season 3," Leo answered proudly, picking up his costume to show his brothers.

"Nerd!" Raph coughed in a not-so-subtle voice, hearing his brother turn off the tv.

"Hmm. I can't decide if I should go as a zombie wizard, Albert Einstein or, um, Smooth Donatello~," Donnie replied, taking off his wizard hat.

"Hey, either of those sound like an awesome choice,"

(The Brothers turned around to see Timothy and Alopex out of the dojo and walking in the scene. They noticed Alopex wearing a black tight jumpsuit with long sleeves, leggings down between the ankles, black fingerless gloves, some strong steel armored shoulder pads, chest plates, back, knee pads, and leg pads. For Timothy, he had on a wicked cape, tuxedo, and changed his appearance a little by making his skin a bit pale, make his ears a little pointy, and some fangs on his teeth.)

"Timothy! What are you and Alopex dressed up as?" Leo asked, smiling gently.

"I'm going as the most powerful and scariest monster in the world: Count Dracula! Bla Bla Bla!" Timothy answered proudly, lifting his cape to cover half his bottom face.

"And I'm dressed in a cute kunoichi uniform. For Halloween, to entice my Timothy," Alopex answered, while dancing around Timothy who blushed as Everyone looked a little comfortable.

"Nice!" Y/N complimented while looking away with a blush.

"What about you, Raph?" asked Mikey, laying his body on top of the edge near Raph's left while admiring his troll mask.

"I'm already in my costume," Raph answered. "This is the one night we can go out and people won't look at us like we're freaks."

"You can always dress as a fairy princess," Mikey suggested, teasing in his tone.

"That was one time!" Raph shouted, now chasing after his Little Brother.

Alopex couldn't help but hold back a laugh. "Raph was in a fairy princess costume?" she asked the two remaining brothers.

"Yeah, last year, there was a bet Mikey and Raph did and, well...I think you know the rest," Y/N explained.

(Just then, Donnie's T-Phone starts to ring. The Smart Clad picked it up while putting on his wizard hat.)

"Hey, April! We're just getting ready–" Donnie started, only to get interrupted.

"Donnie! Casey's turned into a vampire, and he's hunting us!" April exclaimed, appearing on Donnie's T-phone screen.

"Ha! Classic Casey!" spoke Mikey, whom was being held down to the ground by his Hotheaded brother.

"This isn't a joke!" Riki shouted through the phone. "We got attacked by werewolves, first, and now bloodsucking vampires!"

"They're practically everywhere!" Ethan explained, seen holding his sister's hand while running.

"There are monsters all over the city! You have to-Agh!" April got interrupted when Casey jumped on her, causing her phone call to end.

"April? April!" Donnie exclaimed, fearing about his crush.

(The Brothers, Timothy, and Alopex stared behind Donnie in worry. Whatever was going on topside, their friends were in serious danger.)

(Meanwhile, back in the surface, the two teen girls and young boy and girl were running for their lives from their vampire-turned friend. April even tried to block his path with some garbage behind to slow him down.)

(Soon, once it seemed safe, they slowed down and walked back.)

"Think we lost him?" Riki questioned, still panting.

"I hope so," Chloe said, hugging Ethan close to him.

"Guys, were those real monsters?" Ethan asked.

"Well, they're either mutants or actual monsters. And since they clearly didn't look like mutants nor had any effect on my stun whip than normal, it's definitely real-like monsters," Riki deduced.

"Come on! You're smarter than that. There's always a reasonable explanation for everything! ...Isn't there?" Chloe said.

"Remember Kavaxas? A real demo dragon, from the underworld?" Ethan reminded.

(The bunny had a point. This wasn't the first time they faced supernatural creatures that were not mutants. There was the time the Brothers and their friends faced an evil ghost named Ho-Chan, the Brothers going on a spiritual refinement at the farmhouse involving some mystic deer guiding them, and-as Ethan stated earlier-the team going against Tigerclaw in summoning Kavaxas to resurrect the Shredder that also resulted some serious ghost trouble on the city.)

(Before saying anything else, and what they didn't know, a bitten vampire came into the scene and bit Chloe at the neck, making her scream in pain.)

"Chloe!" Riki screamed in horror, pulling Ethan away from his friend.

"No!" Ethan whimpered in fear, covering his face in his Auntie's leg.

(If things weren't already worse, Vampire Casey showed up behind April and hissed. The Red Head screamed and moved back.)

"Casey, this isn't you! Please! Snap out of it!" April reasoned, blasting a psychic link to get Casey back in his normal state of mind.

Unfortunately, he pushed it off like it was nothing. "Your dope mind tricks won't work on me, April," he said before lunging straight at her.

(Just then, the Purple-Masked Turlte showed up and prevented Vampire Casey from biting April using his bo-staff.)

"Casey! What are you doing?" Donnie asked, while he and his brothers try to pin him down but were having some difficultly.

"He's much stronger-Ugh!-Than he looks!" Raph exclaimed.

"I got it! A vampire's worst enemy? Garlic anchovy pizza with extra garlic!" Mikey shout out, bringing out that specific slice before tossing it at the Vampified Hockey Kid.

"Gross, dude!" gaged Vampire Casey, distracting him long enough for the Brothers to chain him down and put the slice near him from getting free.

(While that was happening, Riki turned to see Chloe grunting then stop as she saw Chloe's eyes open blue and fangs; shocking Ethan and Riki.)

"Chloe, no! Please, you got to fight it!" Ethan pleaded, already in his guard as Chloe lunged at him.

(Suddenly, there was a foot that sent her tumbling to the ground and retreating into the darkness with another hiss. It was Y/N, who came and saved Riki and Ethan. They also saw Donnie save April from Vampire Casey.)

"Y/N!  Guys! We're so happy you came!" Riki said, very relieved to see her brother and friends.

"Thanks for the rescue, dad" Y/N said, already hugging Y/N around his legs.

"You're welcome. And nice costume, Riki. You too, Catboy," Y/N smile but frown when seeing the vampire people, along with Casey and Chloe.

(For some odd reason, most of the vampires were backing away a bit from Timothy in slight fear.)

"Huh?" Timothy looked confused.

"Dad, is it just me or are the vampires keeping distance from Timothy?" Ethan pointed out.

(Y/N studied the situation, realizing what his son said was correct.)

"I think it's that weird green energy around him. Maybe it's some sort of monster repellent." Donnie deduced.

"Timothy, light em!" Y/N ordered.

(Timothy glowed as the monsters backed off of them.)

"I never thought of seeing real vampires. What the heck is going on here?" Timothy glared, as the vampires flinch a bit of his stare and growled in reaction.

"I'm not sure," Riki replied.

"Calm down, Timothy," Alopex hushed.

"I can't believe it! Casey really is a vampire?" Raph asked in disbelief.

"Along with Chloe," Ethan added, seeing the shocked look on the Turtles' face when hearing the little girl was bitten, too.

"It's not just Casey. The city's been overrun by monsters!" April clarified. "Real monsters! Vampires, werewolves, you name it!"

"We got to figure this out before someone calls in the army and bodies start to hit the streets," Rik added, walking back to the others.

"Whoa! You aren't kidding. We got to get him back to my lab," Donnie exclaimed, already studying the tied-up Vampire Casey with the fangs.

"Do you think you can find a cure, D?" Leo asked.

"Well, if it's biological, maybe, but–" Donnie started, only for April's scream to cut him off. She was bit from behind! "April, no!"

"Not again!" Riki exclaimed, now growing more worried by the second.

(Acting fast, Raph punched the vampire's face, causing him to be away from April. Although pushed back, more vampire victims and werewolves appeared.)

"We got to go. Run!" Y/N exclaimed, moving away from the vampire and werewolf crowd with the Brothers, Ethan, Riki, and Alopex doing the same. Even carry Vampire Casey around with a chain.

"I got you!" Donnie exclaimed to April, helping her up and following the group.

"It feels like my...blood is boiling!" April grunted, screaming a bit in pain.

"Stay with us, April! You have to fight it. Try to concentrate," Donnie instructed.

"We need to find somewhere safe before we're werewolf and vampire chow!" Ethan exclaimed, running next to Leo.

"Come on. This way!" Leo ordered, jumping on the trash bin and over the wall when making a sharp turn.

(The others did the same, which made them lose the crowd for a bit. They all took a moment to rest and pant a little.)

"Where are all these freaks coming from?" Raph asked.

"After all we've been through, your just now asking that question?" Y/N said.

"Fair enough."

"What's next, Frankenstein?!" Ethan asked with frustration.

(Suddenly, the wall exploded. Turning around in shock, the team discovered that it was punched by a silhouette that make out the legendary monster created by Doctor Victor Frankenstein! Although unable to see his appearance more carefully, his electric rods on his back proved that he was dangerous.)

"That's on me, sorry."

"Gah! Frankenstein, too?" Mikey asked, whom was dragged by his hotheaded brother in moving forward.

(However, the Brothers and their friends soon found themselves trapped when more vampire-zombified people and werewolves blocked their path.)

"No good. Dead end!" Raph exclaimed, bringing out his weapons with the others doing the same. Along with dropping Vampire Casey down to the ground.

"Let's not lose hope, guys. We can still win this...I think," Ethan reasoned, a little bit unsure herself.

Just then, April grunted before gasping.

"April?" Donnie asked, looking at her.

 "Oh, no...Um, guys?" Alopex said, only to be too late.

(Without warning April opened her eyes and blasted the Brothers, Riki, Timothy, Ethan, and Alopex with her psychic powers. Along with freeing Vampire Casey in the process.)

"Heh," Vampire Casey grinned, already moving towards the crowd and by April's side.

"Aw, great," Riki groaned, slowly getting back up.

"April! You can't do this! This isn't you! You have to fight it!" Donnie reasoned.

The vampire redhead took off the wig with her eyes close, half smiling. "But why would I fight it? I feel so...good," she said, revealing her blue vampire eyes and extending her hand toward the Purple Clad. "Come with me, Donnie. I can make all that fear go away. Just one bite.

(Donnie whimpered dreamily, getting himself hypnotized until Raph smacked him out of it.)

"Get it together, man!" Raph exclaimed, seeing himself, his brothers, and friends surrounded by the vampire-zombified crowd.

"Anybody got some suggestions in escaping? I'm all ears!" Riki said, getting out her bow.

While keeping his guard up, Ethan looked up and noticed something. "Hey, Dad. You said about a girl who is a time traveler?"

"Yeah?" Y/N responded in confusion, wondering why Ethan would question this right now.

"Is that her?" Ethan asked, pointing at something above his head.

(Looking up, Leo and his team saw a familiar white doorway opened with an even familiar teen time traveling girl go through while accidently tripping.)

"Jinkies!" she said, flipping her cape back from her face.

"It is!" Y/N gasped.

"Renet?" Leo questioned.

"Hang on!" Renet said, using her Time Scepter to lift up the heroes from becoming vampires.

("Whoa!" Leo, his brothers, Ethan, Alopex, Timothy, and Riki were being pulled away from the crowd in record time.)

"Renet! My hero!" Mikey said, fan-boying out.

(Just when things were going great, Alopex was caught and held back down plus bit.)

"NO! ALOPEX!" Timothy screamed, trying to reach for her while floating up.

"Get back!" Alopex said, trying to keep herself from falling into vampire's power while holding off the vampires for a while, "Timmy, go on with them! Make sure it never happened and I promise, whatever I do to you and the others as a vampire, just know that I love you all ,"

(Y/N looked at Timothy with remorse. He just lost his love to the evil monsters of this city.)

(Soon, they landed at a faraway rooftop building safely.)

"Renet! Boy, am I glad to see you again. Thanks for the save!" Y/N grinned, watching Mikey go over to Renet and hug her lovingly.

"Mutant warriors! Yes! I was worried the Time Scepter wouldn't have enough power and–" Renet stopped, gasping when seeing Timothy. "No way! The Legendary Pulverizer, Timothy Yuki? This is so groken cold!" she exclaimed excitedly.

"Uh, Renet? Monster situation?" Riki slightly reminded the Assistant Time Mistress.

"Right. Sorry. It's just I didn't think I would actually be at the timeline where you five finally meet him and stuff., you're all okay!"

"All okay? But what about April?" asked Donnie.

"Yeah, she, Chloe, and Casey got turned into bloodsuckers!" spoke up Raph.

"Along with my girlfriend," added Timothy, keeping it together yet had his hands clutched into fists.

"It's not just them. Look!" Leo said, pointing at the chaos going on down there while at the edge of the building.

(Raph, Donnie, Y/N, and Ethan went over to the Leader in Blue to see that the city was full of werewolves and vampires attacking innocent people. It looked like total pandemonium happening.)

"I don't understand. How could this happen? What the heck is going on?" Leo questioned, with the others thinking the same thing, too.

"It's Savanti Romero," Renet answered, slamming the Time Scepter to show the enemy's face. "He's behind it!"

"The evil time dude? I thought we got rid of that ugly jerk face," Mikey said.

"He escaped. And...It's kind of my fault," Renet admitted sheepishly.

"What do you mean?" Riki asked.

"Let me give you the seven-eleven," Renet started.

"You mean the four-one-one?" corrected Raph.

"My boss, Lord Simultaneous, wanted me to check up on Savanti where we banished him to the Cretaceous period," Renet explained. "He got the jump on me and stole my emergency back-up time jumper. All Time Masters have one in case we get stuck in the past. I was able to track him back here, but I was too late."

(Donnie just facepalmed on the girl's dumb move, Raph had his eyes closed plus arms folded in irritation, and the others were just staring.)

"Uh, where did he get all these monsters?" Leo asked the Time Traveler.

"He somehow recruited them on his trip back through time so he can rule the world," Renet answered.

"You really are the worst time traveler ever. The worst!" Raph yelled at her face, stomping over to Renet in anger.

"Back off, bro! She needs our help!" defended Mikey, standing in front of Renet and glaring at Raph. He turned to his Time Traveling girl and said, smoothly, "Don't worry, girl. I got your back. And front,"

(Riki gave a small smile at how cute Mikey was defending his crush.)

"We have to find a way to stop this madness." Leo ordered.

"What about April and Casey?" Donnie asked.

"Don't forget Chloe and Alopex," added Ethan.

"If my plan succeeds, your friends will return to normal as if this never happened," Renet explained. "All we have to do–"

"Ah, Renet," a sinister voice interrupted, causing the group turn around to see it was Savanti flowing from above. "You actually found me! But far too late! In only a matter of days, this entire city will be infected, becoming my monster slaves. Then the future will belong to monsters. Monsters such as I, Savanti Romero!"

"That's not gonna happen, lemonhead!" Leo said, taking out his katana swords.

(He and his brothers and nephew lunged towards the enemy. Timothy was about to jump in too until Riki stopped him.)

"No, wait!" Riki shouted.

(But it was too late. Savanti activated his time bubble to shield himself plus leave the mutants stuck.)

"I must thank you for finding the mutants," Savanti said to Renet, before pushing the brothers and kid back and making them collapse into the rooftop past Renet, Riki, and Timothy. "Along with their mutant and human allies. Now I can destroy them and assure my future!"

"I don't think so, Goat Boy. You made a big mistake that your army took my girlfriend!" Timothy slightly growled, as his fists were covered in green glow.

"Ah, Timothy. You should join us, too," Savanti offered, smiling at the human. 

"Why me?" he glared at him, wondering what Savanti is up to involving the vigilante.

"Don't listen to him, Tim!" Riki warned, placing an arm around the Timothy while glaring at the baddie. "He's just trying to get into your head!"

"Not if I have anything to say about it!" Renet shouted, using her Time Scepter to send herself, the brothers, Ethan, Riki, and Timothy, into a white time doorway before Savanti Romero could get them.

"Renet, I'll get you!" Savanti screamed from a distance while the others were flying through the time stream.

"WHOOOOAAAAAHHHH!" The Brothers, Ethan, Riki, and Timothy nearly screamed, flipping around while falling.

(As then, in a few moments, the heroes harshly landed down on a bunch of sand. Well, Renet landed down safely using the Time Scepter. The others, not so much.)

Riki picked up her head while spitting out the sand from her mouth. "Hey, wait a minute. Wasn't it night time?" she said, studying it was sunny.

"Where are we?" Leo groaned, slowly getting up halfway with the others doing the same.

"We're in... Ancient Egypt?" Donnie exclaimed, seriously amazed.

(The Smart Turtle was correct. In front them, they could see the pyramids and the Great Sphinx with its nose still there. Meaning they're somewhere in the past of Ancient Egypt.)

"! Are you serious?!" exclaimed Y/N, in awe. He squealed with excitement before jumping happily with the others looking at him weirdly. "I can't believe it! We are literally in Ancient Egypt! I feel like my character, Indiana Jones, reliving one of his adventures!"

"Wow! The Egyptian pyramids!" Donnie said, whom was excited and fascinated as Y/N. "And the Sphinx! Look! It still has its nose."

"Ooh, a nose! Big deal!" Raph scoffed. "What are we doing here, Renet?

"Yeah, what does this have to do with Savanti Romero? And when are we, exactly?" Leo asked.

"The Nile Valley. In the Dark Ages, the late 5th Century," Renet said, using her Scepter to tell the exact timeline they're in. "This was the first time and place Savanti arrived to start building his monster army," Suddenly, her scepter indicated how much battery power it had. "Oh, grok! I should've known all that time travel would drain the scepter.

"So now we're stuck here?!" Raph exclaimed.

"Don't worry. It still has enough power to get us back, but I'll have to conserve energy," Renet reasoned. "There won't be a place to plug it in for almost 2 millennia. Very not cold."

"Then we just need to stop Savanti's plan and make this mission count," Riki said, placing her hands on her hips.

"But we need to go in there, if I'm not mistaken, " Timothy pointed out before looking at Y/N. "Hey, Y/N. Does this pyramid have writing for a secret door opening around there?" He asked him as he nodded.

"I think I see something over there! Come on, team! We got a mummy and archeological finding to make!" Y/N said, already getting into the character and taking the lead.

"Did Y/N hit his head on the ride here?" Raph asked, seriously confused.

"I think he's cosplaying the character from the books he liked as a kid. Right?" Leo said, before looking at Timothy.

"Hey, even at times like this, somebodies got to look in the bright side to have fun sometimes," Timothy smiled while shrugging before following his friend.

"And I thought Mikey was the positive goofball," Raph remarked.

"Yeah...Hey!" Mikey said.

(Soon, the team walked to a blocked secret entrance and began moving the heavy rocks to have a clearing inside.)

"Put your shell and backs into it, team!" Leo grunted, finally getting the rocks out.

Now, Donnie, Leo, Riki, Timothy, Ethan, Y/N, Mikey, Raph, and Renet crawled inside the small opening in that exact order.

"Savanti called upon an ancient Egyptian curse to raise the Mummy of the Pharaoh," Renet further explained while still crawling. "We have to get to the tomb before he does. I'll zap him, reverse the curse, and send Savanti back to his time prison."

"Sounds like an easy plan," Y/N said, whom got out with Leo assisting him.

(Once entering, the team found the room filled with hieroglyphic writing all off the walls. Donnie and Y/N looked at it with amazement.)

"You need to lay off the chocolate marshmallow pizza, Mikey," Raph said, covering his nose hole after pushing Mikey off.

"Whoa. What's with all that graffiti?" asked the Wild One.

"It's not graffiti, Mikey. They're hieroglyphics," corrected Y/N.

"Egyptian writing was based on pictorial symbols that represented words rather than individual letters," elucidated Donnie, "Now to use my custom nerd-approved translator app," he brought up his T-Phone to scan the Egyptian symbols, "I knew this would come in handy one day," Donnie said after giggling.

"So, what does it say, D?" asked Riki.

"It says, 'If mortal flesh enters this tomb, the living shall die while death shall rise,'"

Mikey, then, smacked the T-Phone out of Donnie's hand, while exclaiming "Oh, snap! A freaky curse, yo!"

"Don't worry, Mikey. Most tombs were inscribed with warnings not to disturb the dead, but it's just superstition," assured Renet.

"Um, cool. If it's all the same, can you go first?" Raph asked the Time Mistress, lightly chuckling in a somewhat scared way. "Thanks,"

"Wait a second, team. There might be a faster way in getting to the tomb," Leo said, before facing Timothy. "Timothy, can you use your abilities to go knock down the wall the place, in order to find a quicker route?"

"I'll see what I can do," shrugged Timothy.

(Taking a deep breath, Timothy closed his eyes and concentrated deeply to go activate his abilities. But, after a few seconds, nothing happened. He opened his eyes while looking at his hands, in a mix of struggle and confusement.)

"What's the hold up, Glwe Boy?" countered Raph.

"That's weird. My powers aren't working," answered Timothy, which made everyone look at each other on this predicament.

"How could that be?" questioned Ethan.

"I think I might know," Donnie spoke up, taking out his T-Phone, "I was looking over what was left of the hieroglyphics and found this last bit. According to my nerd-approved translator app, the Pharaoh's tomb was sealed with a powerful magic that prevents beings that aren't Egyptian blood related from using any special abilities, such as flying, going through matter, and so on.

"Oh, grok, that's right! I totally forgot about the Ancient Egyptian gods making this spell, to protect the tomb from falling apart and or disturbing the dead, when entering," admitted Renet, sheepishly rubbing her neck before facepalming.

"Donnie and Renet are right. Whatever is shielding this place has already taken effect on Timothy," specified Y/N.

"Well, that's just fantastic!" responded the Hothead, in a sarcastic tone, folding his arms.

"Looks like we'll have to reach the Pharaoh's resting place the old fashion way," specified Leo. He, then, turned to the minor mutant duo that's dealing with the protection spell, "Think you can handle this mission without using your abilities?" he asked.

"I'll survive. Don't worry," assured Timothy.

"Good," the Leader in Blue ordered.

"Yeah, this place is filled with death traps," Y/N reminded the team, as they nodded in understanding.

(Soon, the team continued moving until they were in another room. It had more space than the first one than they entered. And there also appeared to be a few famous Egyptian Gods on the hieroglyphic walls.)

(Raph and Mikey walked around with the others staying in the middle in wonder.)

"Huh!" Donnie gasped in amazement.

"So grokking cold!" Renet replied.

"Wow! This is so like chapter thirteen from the first book!" Y/N squealed with joy.

"Ahh!" Raph screamed when looking at the Anubis image on the wall. "Oh! Oh, phew. Looked like Rahzar for a second," he said with a chuckle.

"That's Anubis, the God of Death. But yeah, I can definitely see the resemblance," Y/N agreed with a small giggle.

"Over here!" Renet shouted, pointing at more hieroglyphics while moving towards it.

"What is it, some kind of riddle? Donnie?" Leo questioned.

(Donnie go out his translator to decipher the message.)

"Wait, a riddle? Like a booby trap?" Mikey yelped, hugging Renet. "This is a bad idea, dude."

"You watch too many horror movies. There are no booby traps in Egyptian pyramids," Donnie scoffed, only to step on a trap.

"Oh, no," Y/N muttered.

"I told you! What did I say?" Mikey exclaimed.

(Just then, the doorway closed with the ceiling coming down with spikes.)

"Not good!" Riki shouted.

"Uh, Donnie?! What else does your translator say?!" Timothy exclaimed, trying to find another way out.

"If I'm reading right, it says, 'Only a worthy protector shall enter'," Donnie answered, panicking a bit. "Th-th-th-that could mean anything!"

"We're about to be Swiss-cheesed!" Raph shouted.

"Think fast, Donnie!" Leo said, using his katanas to stop the ceiling from coming down.

"Well, this is a tomb. It's got to be Anubis! He's the god of the dead," Donnie guessed, pressing on the picture of Anubis.

"No, Donnie, wait!" exclaimed Y/N, only to be too late when Donnie pushed something around that wall.

(Juts then, the ceiling stopped that made Donnie sigh...only for a few seconds when the ceiling went down faster.)

"AHH!" Donnie screamed in shock.

"Oh, Sewer Apples," Timothy muttered.

"Good instinct, Donnie. Nice!" Raph remarked.

"I tried to tell you!" Y/N shouted, talking fast while trying to push the ceiling from crushing him, "Anubis couldn't be the worthy protector because he was only known in the First Dynasty and was replaced by Osiris in the Middle Kingdom! We're in the New Kingdom timeline! It's got to be a god from this time period we need to find!"

"Now you tell us!" retorted Raph, trying to hold the ceiling from crushing him.

"Quickly, just pick one!" Leo shouted.

"But don't pick wrong," Renet added. "We're running out of time!"

"Come on, D, we're gonna be crushed," Ethan quietly grunted, already going to the ground in pushing the ceiling with little luck.

(Just when they thought all was lost, Mikey saw what was next him an ancient picture of a crocodile. Curious, he used his nunchuck to push a button on that wall. When doing that, the trap stops and flies up slowly, making everyone sigh in relief and get up.)

"Huh?" Raph said, only to smile when seeing the ceiling is going back up.

"How did you know to pick the crocodile?" Donnie asked his younger turtle brother.

"He looks like Leatherhead, and he's the best protector a turtle could ever have!" Mikey answered happily.

"Of course! That's Sobek. He was the protector of the king," Renet stated, walking over to Mikey.

"Oh, yeah, now I remember!" spoke up Y/N, "Sobek was also known particularly for protection against the dangers presented by the Nile river. That makes much more sense,"

Renet then gave a kiss on Mikey's cheek, causing him to gasp in happiness. "Mikey, you're the bee's fleas!"

Riki chuckled, enjoying this cute moment.

Ethan looked at her confused, "The Future is so weird."

Just then, a secret door opened from the floor.

"Looks like this is our next way to the Pharaoh's tomb," Timothy said, already going with the brothers, Ethan, Riki, and Renet to the next room.

(The chambers appeared to be darker than before. No light emitting from anywhere. Along with many mummies located around the place. It also had more stairs leading to the bottom further within the tombs where the Pharaoh Mummy lies.)

(As they continued walking down the stairs, Timothy was seen carrying an axe-like spear.)

"Why do you-" Ethan began to ask.

"I forgot my axe." Timothy answered.

"Far out! It's very unusual to have so many mummies buried in one tomb," Renet said in amazement.

"Well, not necessarily. Often, families would reuse the same coffins and move the old mummies out." Donnie explained.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, very interesting," Mikey interrupted him, as he looked at the mummies up close before going down stairs with the others. "They're not so scary, though. They're just wrinkly, smelly, and have terrible fashion sense,"

"Actually, the wrappings are part of the mummification process. They preserved their bodies for the afterlife by removing the organs and wrapping -" Donnie explained, as the hot head turtle interrupted him again.

"Okay, we get it! Enough history lessons already. Jeez!" Raph complained.

"That's not stopping Dad, Unc," Ethan remarked, holding back a laugh.

"Hey, Renet, you're from the future. Does that mean you could be related to these mummies?" Riki asked.

"Eh, more or less," Renet said, a bit curious on why.

(Just then, while moving down, Mikey felt something tapping behind his lower head.)

"Huh? Ha! Ha, ha. Very funny, Raph. I know that's you behind me," Mikey chuckled, thinking his brother was messing with him.

"What are you talking about?" Raph asked, whom was actually in the front and nowhere behind the Orange Clad.

(Curious, Y/N stopped and turned around, only to have his eyes wide in slight horror.)

"Uh...Mikey?" Y/N slowly said, his face looking mortified on something behind Mikey's shell.

Looking behind, Mikey freaked at seeing a disembodied hand and threw it past Raph. "AHHH! Mummy hand!"

(The hand crawled and attached itself to one of the mummies and came to life. When that happened, the army of mummies began to move, groaning toward them.)

(Acting fast, Leo began slashing his double blades on a group of mummies with Donnie using his Naginata blade on them, as well.)

(Timothy was ready to defend back from some more upcoming mummies. However, most of them were backing away from the Yuki and went after a different opponent to face. Others tried going for him but managed to kick and punch them down hard.)

"You got to be kidding! For real!?" Timothy exclaimed, getting a bit annoyed.

"Even with no powers, monsters still think of you as threat not to mess with!" Y/N shouted from a distant, using his claw arm to cut down some mummies coming towards him.

"I wish they thought the same with us!" Raph argued, using a sai attack on a few more mummies.

"Quickly! Down the stairs!" Renet exclaimed, before moving down.

(The team ran down stairs. But, suddenly, another trap was set off as the stairs turned into a slide down to the death trap with fast, rolling spike-grinders! Timothy used the spear-ax he got out before and grabbed Y/N from falling in. He even caught his safari hat from being shredded plus back on his head. Leo used his grappling hook to hit the ceiling. That caused the team to hold on plus stop. And Donnie used his staff as a spear to stop while everyone hanged. Riki fell but shot an arrow and caught herself. But not for long. The mummies were coming down toward them with Mikey trying to hit them with panic. However, one mummy fell down and got crushed to pieces.)

"Hang on, Y/N!" Timothy exclaimed.

"Is there any other choice!?" Y/N remarked.

"Try the other side!" Leo said, to Donnie.

(As Donnie used his grabbling hook to the other side, he and the others started climbing up. Riki used her rope and had the end part of it get caught by Leo and Raph so they could pull her up to them. Once they made it, however, Mikey almost gets dragged by the mummies until Rennet swatted them.)

"Phew...That...Was too close," Riki managed to say, still breathing and calming her heart down from excitement.

"Guys, we're here. The Pharaoh's Chamber," Renet said, as she, the brothers, Ethan, Timothy, and Riki looked at the chamber room in front of them.

As they entered inside, Y/N just bit his lip, holding the absolute excitement inside himself. "Just like the book! This is just like when Indie and his team went through the pyramids in going through those deadly traps until they finally reached to the treasure of Sphinxs!" he squealed.

"You really like these Indiana Jones books and movies, don't you?" Leo asked, whom couldn't help but smile at Y/N's fan-girling.

"Not as much as living through the stories as him," Y/N added, adjusting his hat. "Ethan, play my music!"

(Ethan pulled out hit T-Phone and played a song.)

(Play it as long as you like)

"Amazing. A completely undisturbed burial chamber of a Pharaoh," Donnie said, looking at one of the four black statues that were each placed at the four corners of the room and happened to be nearly forty-feet tall.

"Yeah, speaking of, it is now a disturbed burial by us," Riki remarked.

(Suddenly, something clicked within the tomb and, soon, light began opening from above to reveal the Pharaoh's royal golden sarcophagus that was lying in the center of the room with stairs leading it to it. Not to mention gave some light from the room itself. On the side of the sarcophagus, there were four Egyptian jars that held his organs, kidney, and other body parts.)

(Y/N gasped with joy. But Ethan petted his leg to calm down.)

"Dad we're still on a mission to save the world only," he said, making Y/N pout.

"Must you rain on my Jones parade?" Y/N questioned in a deadpan tone to Ethan, folding his arms until a random thought came to him. "Huh...I feel like I'm forgetting something in the book that happened right after Indiana arrives at the sarcophogus."

"Yes! And we made it here before Savanti! That is the cat's pajamas!" Renet exclaimed, waling forward.

"There's no way that chump is getting the mummy now!" Raph remarked with a smirk.

"Booyakabunga!" Mikey cheered.

"Hey, Y/N. You said you forgot something?" Riki asked, making Y/N nod his head. "That the mummy's slumber is being disturbed?" he said, as Y/N began to show a look of shock when remembering now.

"Oh, sewer apples," Y/N muttered.

(Just then, the mummy's tomb was slowly opening from within.)

"Uh, what was that again about the living dying and the dead rising?" Leo asked.

"We may have made a mistake entering the tomb," Renet realized, watching the mummy rise and get out of his sarcophagus.

(The mummy appeared to have bronze-like bandages, instead of white like the others. And he wore a royal Egyptian Head Crown, half-pleated kilt, and held what looked like a powerful Egyptian scepter staff.)

Suddenly, the team heard laughing and turned around to see Savanti!

"Ah! I must thank you for doing all my hard work for me. You led me right into the tomb and even stumbled into the curse! Now the Mummy of the Pharaoh is mine to command! Great Pharaoh, Lord of the Nile, Ruler of Egypt, heed me!" Savanti said, already moving forward and giving a slight bow to the Pharaoh Mummy. "These mortal infidels have disturbed your sacred tomb. Join me and destroy them, and the world will be ours!"

(The brothers got out their weapons, ready to fight. However, Renet has an idea.)

"We're the ones that woke him up. Maybe we can reason with him," Renet suggested.

"It's worth a try," Riki replied.

"Oh, noble and groovy Pharaoh, accept my humble apologies," Renet said, whom moved up next to Savanti as the Pharaoh Mummy glared close to her, making her slightly nervous. "Please return to your resting place?"

(In response, the Pharaoh activated his Egyptian scepter and created a magic blast that pushed Renet, the brothers, Ethan, Riki, and Timothy back plus knocked down.)

(The Pharaoh looked at Timothy and growled at him with a threatening glare, as if he sensed something about Timothy that made him dangerous to be taken care of.)

"Now I see why Savanti wanted me to join him," Timothy glared.

"Let's just focus on stopping Savanti and the Mummy from escaping," Riki said, standing back up with Leo's help before bringing out her bow and arrow.

(The Mummy magically summoned his crook and flail to create a yellow energy ring to trap Timothy to the wall.)

"Tim!" Ethan yelled.

"I'll be fine, just take them down!" Timothy replied, using his strength to break free slowly.

(Soon, the Mummy Pharaoh brought back his scepter again and summoned magic energy hawks at the brothers, Renet, Ethan, and Riki.)

"I with Shinigami was here!" Ethan hollered, running from her life before ducking.

"Less talking, more fighting!" Y/N called out.

"Use your magic wand!" Raph turned to Renet.

"I can't! The scepter is too low on power!" Renet told him.

"Then let's try beating them the old fashion way!" Riki suggested.

(As Raph ran, avoiding the yellow eagle, he front-flipped and back flipped that made the yellow eagle hit the Pharaoh plus made him drop his scepter. Then, Raph punched the Pharaoh a lot of times and kicked him. But the Pharaoh Mummy grabbed him and threw Raph out of the way.)

(Y/N tried to use his costume whip to bind the Pharaoh long enough for her friends to take him down. Unfortunately, as it reached toward him, the mummy just grabbed the end of the whip like it was nothing. Even gave a glare with his black eyehole sockets.)

(Y/N gulped before chuckling nervously, knowing that he made a mistake.)

(In response, the Undead Mummy pulled and sent Y/N flying across the room, causing him to scream.)

(Just when he was about to hit the ground, Y/N felt himself being caught. He looked up to see it was Riki.)

"You okay?" Riki asked.

"Yeah, thanks for the catch," Y/N smiled, already getting off.

(As then, Leo and Donnie came up in front of the Undead Mummy. He summoned his crook and flail again when fighting Leo while Donnie whacked him with his staff with no effect. The Mummy swatted him but used his crook to grab his foot and hit Leo, sending them to crash to the ground.)

(Meanwhile, Mikey is fighting Savanti. Which the Freckled Turtle was having some trouble. Especially since Savanti still had his time shield wrist bands and can shoot fire out of his own mouth similar to a fire-breathing dragon.)

"So, I can't use my abilities but Savanti can? Now that is just not fair", Timothy said, still trying to get himself free while a bit annoyed on this fact. Must be his time wrist or something to prevent himself from being effected by this Egyptian curse.

(As the three Turtles and two cheetahs charged in working together, Raph, Donnie, and Ethan distracted the Mummy by fighting him with their own moves and weapons. Donnie used a smoke bomb to blind him and they did it again. Then, when he wasn't looking, Leo jumped behind him and cut the Pharaoh's head off.)

"Nice slashing, Leo!" Riki complimented with a smile. "I think we got him!"

(Donnie and Raph agreed with victorious grins.)

"Guys! He's an undead! Meaning he's not easy to take down!" Timothy hollered, finally breaking free from his prison and already getting to where the others are in fighting the Mummy.

(After saying that, the Mummy's body was still moving and took Leo down from behind. The Pharaoh's head rolled to the Leader in Blue alone and growled at him. This scares Leo, making the Leader in Blue kick the head toward Donnie. This made the Smart Aleck Turtle, Raph, and Ethan play like hot potato with it until the head floated toward his body and reattached it.)

"Oh, come on!" Leo exclaimed.

"I got this.," Timothy said, holding his ground after the Mummy summons another energy hawk to get the others.

(With the brothers and Riki moving to come up with another plan, the Mummy tries to swat Timothy. But this time, Timothy dodged and began tussling with him. Even while fighting, the Pharaoh Mummy was still going after Timothy's friends.)

"We need a reverse spell to put him back to his coffin!" Y/N said, watching Timothy fighting the mummy from a distance.

"Is there any way to reverse the mummy's curse?" Leo asked.

"Maybe the inscription on the sarcophagus!" Renet exclaimed.

"On it!" Donnie called out, hurrying to the Mummy's resting place to translate the language on the tomb for anything.

(Timothy kept pounding the mummy's head until he ended up flipped across the room. Fortunately, he landed with ease.)

"Guys! Tim needs our help! Come on!" Ethan replied, having Raph and Leo follow him.

(Just before the Mummy could lunge and nail his beastly opponent, Leo distracts him with another flip and kick before using his double katanas to push him back.)

Ethan hurried over to his friend's side. "I know you said you got this, but I thought you could use some backup,"

"Appreciate it, E," Timothy said with a chuckle.

"How's that translating going, Donnie?" Leo asked, stepping back with the mummy coming towards him while Raph goes on top of the mummy from behind.

"All I can figure out is, something about 'The Pharaoh must rest in this world to move on to the next'." Donnie replied, finishing his translation from his T-Phone.

(Raph was thrown off the Mummy, one more, but sled back to his older turtle brother.)

"Then let's get him back in his coffin!" Leo suggested.

"Ethan! Help Renet and Mikey! Stop Savanti from getting the scepter!" Timothy shouted.

(Ethan nodded. Leo and Raph tried pushing the Mummy back to his sarcophagus, only to get pushed back by another Egyptian magic blast. Before delivering the final blow, Donnie kept the mummy distracted by throwing old pot urns at him. With the Mummy more focused on Donnie, Leo and Raph-along with Timothy- had another plan in getting the Mummy back in his tomb.)

(The Mummy tried crushing Donnie, only for the Smart Turtle to dodge and get below. However, the Mummy uses his magic again to make an energy snake that ensnared Donnie.)

(Timothy, Leo, and Raph hurried up to one of the black giant statues and tried pushing with all their might in making it fall.)

(While that was happening Y/N, Riki, Mikey, and Renet nodded to each other before dodging another one of Savanti's flames.)

"The scepter is mine!" Savanti try to reach for it. However, Renet threw it over him, as Ethan caught it.

"You want it? Come and get it!" Ethan smirked at him, waving the scepter in a slight taunting way.

(Savanti growled, as he jumped straight for the kid. But Mikey used his Kusarigama chain to grab the evil time traveling monster's hoof and push the chain by the statue's arm.)

"Cowabunga!" Mikey shouted, as he delivered a kick to his stomach, making him fall down to the ground.

(Just when Savanti was about to get back up, Renet delivered a punch to his face with time-energy knuckles.)

(With Savanti knocked out, the rest of the team were now ready to help Leo, Raph, and Timothy. Along with rescuing Donnie.)

"Renet! Catch!" Ethan called out, tossing the Time Scepter to her so she could do her time thing.

(Acting fast, Renet used the Time Scepter to throw the top coffin lid at the Mummy's head. Mikey and Y/N used both their Kusarigama chain and whip to wrap around the Undead Pharaoh's ankles and pull him toward the coffin.)

(Timothy, Leo and Raph continued pushing the statue that, eventually, broke. This caused the statue to collapse and close the coffin at the mummy's tomb for good. It also freed Donnie from the Mummy's magic grip, after closing the sarcophagus.)

"Yes! We did it!" Ethan cheered. "It worked!"

(With the dust clearing and slowly getting back up, Savanti Romero found himself surrounded by his hated enemies.)

"Now, to send you back to your gross Prehistory Prison!" Renet announced, pointing her Time Scepter at Savanti.

(Suddenly, everyone heard a noise coming from the coffin.)

"I don't think so," Savanti said to her, smirking darkly.

"Oh, sewer apples," Y/N muttered, not liking that sound. "Get back!"

(Without warning, the statue exploded that sent the brothers, Renet, Ethan, Riki, and Timothy back flying to the ground from the impact. As the mummy got back up, Savanti went to his side and showed the time-jumper device he stole from Renet.)

"See you in time!" Savanti told his enemies, while chuckling.

(He used his time-jumper device to open the time door and left with the mummy, as everybody get up.)

"No!" Leo tried to go after him, but he was already too late when the door closed.

"Darn it!" Ethan stomped his foot at the ground.

"We had him!" Donnie said.

"Oh, grok! This is all my fault!" Renet cried, getting on her knees in disappointment with Mikey comforting her.

"Don't say that, Renet. Blaming yourself isn't gonna help stop Savanti Romero," Y/N reasoned, looking at the Time Traveler.

"We still have a chance to catch up to him, right?" Leo asked.

"But if I mess up again, I don't know how many charges the scepter will have left," Renet said, looking doubtful at the scepter.

"We won't give up, not now. Not when April, Casey, Chloe, Alopex, and the rest of our city is at stake," Leo said, not losing any confidence by placing a comforting hand on the Time Mistress' shoulder.

(Feeling some hope, Renet got up and hugged Leo, without warning. Making Mikey jealous with Riki rolling her eyes with a small smile.)

"Thanks, Leo. You really are a totally tubular leader," Renet stated with smile and let him go.

"So, what's our next move? Where and When is that Goat Boy going at?" Timothy asked.

"Okay, according to the scepter, Savanti is traveling to the Middle Ages. It should have enough power for two more time-jumps...I hope." Renet explained.

"We're in this together, Renet. We'll stop Savanti and get back home," Ethan encouraged.

(Nodding her head on that statement, Renet opened a big enough white time doorway for everyone to go through.)

"Aww, yeah! Middle Ages, here we come!" Mikey said.

"Yeah! " Leo and Donnie said, jumping in the door.

"Let's go!" Riki hopped in through the door.

"I hate time travel," Raph groaned, only to get kicked by Renet in going through the white portal. "GAH!"

"Thanks for saving me the trouble in doing that to Raph, Renet," Y/N spoke with a grin, jumping inside the door, too.

Renet offered her hand to Mikey, as he lovingly accepts when they went inside the time door together.

"Cowabunga! "Mikey shouted.

"Excelsior!" Renet shouted, as well.

To be continued...

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