The Croaking

(The group was gone for a few hours and Mikey was left alone to watch it, along with Ethan, Chloe, and Ice Cream Kitty. However, he promised to keep everything clean after the last two times he trashed the place, but he got a little carried away. Again.)

"Fear my Barbarian punch!" Mikey yelled as he smashed a plate while Ethan, Chloe, and Ice Cream Kitty were happily joining him.

"This is just what I needed, Ice Cream Kitty. A ice cream, pizza, cartoon-party-"

(He looked down to see Ethan climbing up his shell and Chloe joining him.)

"AND I promised Y/N to keep an eye on you two, cause I'm-!" Mikey smiled as he held Ethan and Chloe in his arms with Ice Cream Kitty.

Ethan/Chloe:  -the best babysitter!!!

"Pizza wrestling time!" Mikey yelled as he played with the three while jumping around and kicking stuff around the living room

(However, the others already came back and Mikey wasn't expecting it. They were silent as they saw the mess that Mikey made and he was still playing around, until Leo spoke up)

"Mikey, what have you done?!"

(Mikey snapped out and saw the group staring angrily at him while Ethan, Chloe and Ice Cream Kitty were hiding behind his legs.)

"Uhm, he! Hey guys, this isn't what it looks like. I was... teaching Ethan and Chloe Barbarian fighting techniques" Mikey chuckled as he gave them a apologetic grin.

Ethan: Yeah, it was and cool!

(A/N: I'm going to call Mrs.O'Neil, Sarah)

"Mikey, I just gave Ethan and Chloe a bath, now look at them!" Sarag gasped as she saw how the bunny and girl was now covered in ice cream.

"You trashed the place!" Casey said angrily.

"I did not!" Mikey replied as a pizza that was sticking on the ceiling fell down on his face, he took the pizza off his face and saw what kind of damage he has caused.

Y/N: Mikey, yes you did.

"This is the third time you messed the place up in a week!" Leo yelled angrily

"Clean up NOW!" Raph shouted as he pushed cleaning supplies into Mikey's arms and looked down at Ice Cream Kitty.

"And as for you" Raph started as Ice Cream Kitty hissed and swiped her paw at him, causing some ice cream to get on his face.

(Raph took Ice Cream Kitty and put her into the fridge as punishment while she hissed angrily at him.)

"And stay there!" Raph scolded as he slammed the door of the fridge shut

"Oh, look at you! All covered in ice cream!" Sarah sighed deeply as she facepalmed herself.

Ethan: It's not that bad.  (Just licked the ice cream from himself.)

Y/N: Son, don't do that! That's unsanitary, who taught you to lick the grime off yourself?!

Ethan: ...........You.

Y/N: Fair enough. (Picks up Ethan)

"Don't worry, we'll help you clean her up" April offered as she held Chloe in her arms.

(Timothy already got a bag of animal-friendly shampoo as the group came together, leaving Mikey to clean his mess.)

"It better be spotless by the time we get back!" Raph threatened as he opened the door and walked off along with his brothers, Mikey could hear him just in time saying

"Some ninja, you're just a big screw-up!"

(April and Y/N gave him a small smile while having a look of disappointment in their faces, before walking off. By the time the evening came, they made their way back to the farmhouse. Expecting a clean house and Mikey, but no! Everything was still in the same state and Mikey was nowhere to be found.)

"You have got to be kidding me." Timothy managed to blur out.0

(Now they were left alone with Mikey's mess and now they had to clean everything up.)

"Man, I can't believe Mikey left us with this mess" Leo grumbled

"He totally ditched! I haven't seen him for hours" Casey spoke

"Yeah, maybe because you were total jerks. You guys never appreciate him, especially you, Raph" April scolded as she pointed at Raph.

Raph: "That's not true! I-I mean I-"

"Guys, think I know where Mikey is, check this out" Donnie spoke as he placed his laptop on the table and everyone came over to check.

"Local campsites have been ravaged by what witnesses call green lizard-like monsters on two legs" Donnie spoke as it put a lot of questions in their heads.

"Would Mikey really trash those campsites?" Sarah asked.

(Everyone looked at Sarah like she was asking a really dumb question, all that while a pizza piece was slowly sliding off the wall and fell down, making it all more awkward.)

"Your right, that is a stupid question, let's go." April sighed in defeat.

(They walked through the woods as they sun shone through the branches, they were calling his name while Y/N tried to smell his track and Chloe scanned the forest for sign of him.)




"Ugh, this is getting hopeless! I thought you could track him Y/N." Casey asked.

"Listen, if you're doubting the nose of this predator, you could just say that." Y/N sneered.

"Yeah, the nose of a cheetah might be just as strong as that of a dog, an animal with a sensitive- AHH!"

(They searched the whole day, but they couldn't find Mikey anywhere, like he disappeared into thin air, everyone made their way back to the farmhouse.)

"Mikey's nowhere, I don't get it" Leo spoke.

(Casey looked at the farmhouse and saw what no one was expected.)

"Ah, no! What happened?!" Casey gasped, followed by Raph

"Somebody trashed the place!"

(They all ran to the house and saw that the whole wall has been painted on and a message was painted on too or to be more precise... a warning.)

"Well. It couldn't have been... Mikey." Sarah said as she now began to doubt.

"No, not even on his worst day." Timotyh replied logically.

"And why would he write 'humans beware'?" April asked.

(Leo saw a footprint that looked like it belonged to a frog as he kneeled down and looked at it.)

"Look! Footprints, weird footprints" Leo called

(Everyone looked around and they too, saw those weird footprints.)

"Yeah. And more over here, pretty far apart. Like they've... jumped?" Donnie whispered

"There's more over here!" Raph called, followed by Y/N.

Y/N: And over here!"

Sarah: Okay, this is starting to make me nervous, Chloe, Ethan, both of you head inside in the house. We'll take it from here.

Ethan: But-

Sarah: Now.

(Ethan and Chloe head back inside the house, somberly. April's powers started to kick in and Y/N could feel that something was about to happen... and it was not good.)

"Guys, I got a bad feeling about this," April groaned

(And before they knew it, a mutant frog appeared with an army of other mutant frogs and they were holding weapons.)

"Now is the time, my brothers. Frogs, attack!" The leader cried as the frogged hopped towards the group.

"Liberate the turtles!" The leader yelled.

The frogs started attacking the group, Sarah dodged a swing from one of them, grabbed his leg and threw it at the group. That alarmed the frogs a bit. After they came with more, Leo called out to the group.)

"Take shelter, fall back to the farmhouse!"

"Guys, what is going on?!" April asked as Raph and Casey barricade the door with the bench

"Repulsive humans, hear me with our hideous cat as well!" The frog shouted on the other side.

"Is he talking to us?" April asked with confusion.

Chloe: I think he is.

"Obviously not me." Casey smirked as Sarah rolled her eyes.

Timothy: What did we do?

"Free our brothers, the humans rate of terror in these woods ends tonight!" The frog shouted

"Uh, these humans didn't kidnap us!" Leo called out

"What?! Are they forcing you to say that?" The frog asked

"Uhm, no. We're actually pretty good friends with these humans!" Donnie explained

"Friends? With humans?! Then you are traitors. Frogs, show the humans and mutants no mercy!" The frog ordered as the army of frogs hopped towards the farmhouse.

"Great! I was tired of that conversation anyway" Raph smirked as he twirled his sais.

(Then, the frogs broke down the door and began attacking them. And frogs came crashing through the walls into the house and they kept coming.)

"Look out, they're everywhere!" April shouted as she dodged their attacks.

Timothy: (Kicks one into the ground and throws one into the hair which Chloe blasted out of the house.)

(Y/N punched one in the gut and Ethan kicked two out of the house, but both prepared themselves as more kept coming.)

"There's too many of them!" Leo yelled

Donnie got easily overwhelmed and he was curled up in a ball while the frogs kept hitting him, only his Shell served for protection.

"Get off of him, jerk!" April sneered as she jumped on one of the frogs.

(She leaned over and raised her tessen, ready to attack, when the tongue of a frog grabbed her wrists and pulled her outside through the hole in the wall while she screamed.)

Sarah: April!!!

Casey: I got her!

(Casey jumped over, but before he could do anything, a frog's tongue grabbed his ankle and dragged him. The frogs surrounded Sarah and grabbed both of her wrists with their tongues.)

"Let me go!" Sarah yelled and with that, the frogs manage to drag her out of the house.

Chloe: (Tied in rope and unable to access her armour) Help!

Ethan: Chloe!!!

(But, before they could do something else, they heard the sound from a horn coming from outside and they quickly retreated.)

"They took them! Come on, we can follow their tracks" Leo ordered.

"Ok, ok, just... give me a minute" Donnie groaned as he fell back onto his back.

"We're so lucky they didn't took you too" Donnie groaned as he looked up at Timothy.

"I was not about to let a bunch of frogs take me." Timothy replied.

(The six of them quickly followed their tracks and ended finding the tall tree, they climbed to the top without being spotted and hid in the branches and behind the leaves.)

"Here's the plan. We wait for the army to leave, free the guys, then stop the invasion." Leo explained with a whisper.

"Sounds great." Y/N whispered.

"Perfect." Raph replied as the branch under Donnie's feet started to bend and he gulped.

"Not so perfect- woah!" He yelled as he fell down from the branch and landed on a frog, all the frogs were just staring at him with silence.

"He, awkward." Donnie muttered with a nervous grin.

Y/N: Sup.

"Genghis!" The leader yelled as the leader of the frog army shouted.

"Destroy them!"

"Eat it, froggy!" Raph yelled as he kicked him off, followed by Leo and Ethan.

"Guys, yes! Go ninjas!" Mikey shouted.

Timothy Fighting:

Y/N Fighting:

(Raph kicked the frogs down and looked back to see them falling down, but their tongues got a grip on the edge and they shot back onto the tree, attacking Raph.)

Ethan Fighting:

(Donnie attacked and hit the frogs with his bo staff. Ethan began to get overwhelmed.)

"A little help, guys?!" Ethan yelled

(Donnie used his staff to knock the frogs off of him. They soon freed their friends.=, along with Mikey and they were fighting the frogs. When April looked back and gasped.)

Y/N: Oh, no. Fire, fire!"

"I didn't do that!" Chloe gasped.

(A skinny frog ran to Leo and the frog leader who was still fighting.)

"The tree is on fire, we must totally flee!"

(A giant branch that was on fire fell down and it got everyone's attention.)

"Napoleon's right, run!" One of them yelled as all the frogs fled.

"Come on, everyone, this way!"

"We're not fleeing, my frogs! Stand and fight against the humans and the allies-"

Casey: "Don't take this the wrong way, Attila buddy"

(He knocked the frog out cold and lost consciousness. Everyone ran away from the tree and they were screaming in panic and running around, April, Sarah, and Casey brought the frog leader to safety and he began to regain his consciousness.)

"Humans? Saving me?" He asked

"Not all humans are bad. And I'd like to believe that not all mutated frogs are bad" Sarah explained,

(The frogs gazed sadly at their tree that was in fire and they now lost their home.)

"Horror... the horror"

The next day, there was nothing left of the big tree and the black smoke was now everywhere

The leader stood in front of the burnt tree and turned around, he told the tram that he has never been wrong about anything, but he did admit that he was a bit too hasty.

And with that, the frogs left. But, not before the skinny frog, Napoleon, waved at Mikey.

"Goodbye, Michelangelo, see ya"

And with that, the frogs hopped away

"Goodbye, Napoleon! There goes one brave frog" Mikey smiled

"You know what? It's good to have you back, bro" Raph smiled

"It's good to be back, bros" Mikey smiled

"Let's go home, we have a lot of cleaning up to do" Leo said as they walked back to the farmhouse.

[All leave, then the mutagen was spilled at the road, then the car roads it, indicating that there will be new mutant: Speed Demon!]

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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