The Arena of Carnage

"Ninja power!"

"You got this, Leo!"

(Leo and his siblings cheered on Leo as he went to start the new fighting program Fugitoid and the twins put in the holodeck for them. The scene was Shredder's throne room with a hologram of Shredder sitting on the throne and one of Tigerclaw waiting for a challenger.)

"Let's see if these upgrades are as good as Fugitoid promised." Leo approached to stand across from Tigerclaw and health bars popped up over their heads. The whole program gave off a strong video game vibe.

"Fight!" Shredder shouted, starting the match.

Leo ran at Tigerclaw, dodging and blocking before delivering a punch and kick combo to knock him back, followed by an uppercut. "Shoryuken!" Tigerclaw fell to the ground and disappeared.

"Subsitution: Michelangelo," Shredder called.

"Totally wrong game for 'shoryukens', bro," Mikey said, getting into position across from Razar.

"Gotta admit, you two, this program seems pretty sweet," Y/N.

"Fight!" Shredder shouted.

(Michelangelo dodged Razar's attacks and delivered a quick flurry of attacks to knock down his HP bar, making him dizzy.)

"Finish him!"

(Mikey grabbed his kurigama and triggered the chains hidden inside, tossing them around Razar's muzzle. The chain turned into a hose attached to an air pump and the wolf pumped the mutant's head up like a balloon. It detached from Razar's body and floated in the air.)

"Balloonality. Michelangelo wins."

"Aww, yeah!" Michelangelo cheered. "That's how I do!" He ran back to join them.

"Heh, that was a mediocre battle at best," Raph commented.

Donnie pulled out his staff, moving to fight Bebop and Rocksteady with the hothead. "Watch the new A-Team in action."

(The holodeck suddenly switched off.)


"Apologies." Fugitoid's voice came over the intercom. "You are needed on the bridge immediately."

They quickly made their way to the bridge, where Fugitoid, Casey, Chloe, Ethan, Clunk, Timothy, and April waited.

"What's up, Professor?" Y/N asked.

"We are closing in on the Triceraton mothership," the robot responded.

Teenage Mutant Ninja-

Leo: The Evil Triceratons invaded Earth, they brought with them the invincible black hole generator that swallowed the entire planet! My family and I escaped, thanks to the mysterious robot called the Fugitoid. Now, we're trying to stop the Triceratons anyway we can!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Leonardo's the leader in blue

Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through

Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines

Raphael has the most attitude on the team

Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!

Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need

To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

(They gathered around the main console as Fugitoid pulled up a hologram of the Triceraton mothership.)

"Our best entry point is the auxiliary airlock," Leo said as the area lit up in red. "We'll take the stealth shuttle to sneak aboard."

"I am certain with 99.98% certainty that the first piece of the black hole generator is being stored in their main armory," Fugitoid said as a path from the airlock to the area lit up. "April, Timothy, and Casey will remain in the ship with me and monitor your progress."

"Are you kidding??" Casey snapped. "I'm not getting left behind like a chump! Especially when the kids get to go!"

"He has a point, Casey," April said. "We're just not as stealthy as the others. But I'm getting close."

"Why is Chloe and my son coming?" Y/N demanded. "They're not as stealthy, either. What, are they our onboard navigators?"

Ethan/Chloe: Hey!!

Y/N: Son, Chloe, you know I love you both, but neither of you have the capacity for this.

"Navigators? Yes, actually. And, more importantly, you're going into the Triceraton mothership, which is locked and loaded with their troops. You need all the backup you can get," Fugitoid defended.

"I'm sorry, but what backup can a pair of 10-year-old kids give to a team of trained ninjas?"

"Let them come, Y/N," Riki said. "They may not be kunoichis but they are excellent fighters. 

Ethan: Dad that's ageism, dad. Just because we're younger than you doesn't mean we can't handle ourselves."

"We're wasting time," Leo said firmly. "They're coming, Y/N. That's final. Now, come on. Operation Infiltrate Mothership is a go."

(They made their way to the airlock to put on their spacesuits and boarded the stealth shuttle, flying toward the mothership as Donnie activated the cloak.)

"Are you sure we're invisible in this thing, Donnie?" Raph questioned.

"Absolutely!" Donnie responded. "Almost completely positive, sort of-ish. Uh, not, no, uh-uh."

"Real convincing, Uncle Donnie," Ethan sighed.

(They flew the craft closer to the mothership, remaining dead silent as a small fleet of Triceraton ships flew past. Raph had to cover Mikey's mouth to keep him from making any sort of noise. The hothead released him once the ships passed and the tension in the air relaxed as they noticed the ship hadn't been spotted.)

"We're at the airlock, Professor," Leo informed over his comms.

"It appears unguarded, but remain cautious," Fugitoid advised.

Mikey rolled his eyes. "Relax, Fugitoid. We're ninjas, bro."

"Most of us, at least," Y/N muttered.

"Let it go, man," Chloe snapped.

Y/N: I'm sorry, I just worry about you guys. You're still kids after all.

Ethan: Dad, after all we've been through and fought, me and Chloe have grown past our childhood.

(They docked and exited the stealth shuttle. Raph pulled out his laser jitte and used it to cut a hole into the ship to provide them with an entrance.)

"Okay, we're in," Mikey said quietly as they walked inside. "Lead the way, dude and dudette."

"Down this corridor is the passage leading directly to the armory," Ethan said, starting down said corridor with Clunk on his head. "Follow us."

(They obediently followed the kids down the corridor, Leo bringing up the rear to keep watch.)

"Aww, yeah, this will be easier than stealing pepperoni from a--ah!" Mikey ran into a Triceraton. Y/N's ears flattened to see none other than Mozar staring down at them.

"What?" Mozar snapped. "These creatures? Again?"

"Oh, no!" Fugitoid said over the comms.

"Aw, space apples!" Raph muttered.

"Capture them!" Mozar ordered, another Triceraton running into the room as the two guards pulled out their guns. Leo and the others quickly moved back.

"Might I suggest a tactical retreat?" Fugitoid suggested.

"What? I'm not running!" Raph retorted, using his sais to deflect the lasers.

"Haven't you learned this lesson by now?" Chloe snapped.

"Do what Fugitoid says, back to the airlock," Leo ordered.

(They turned and bolted back down the corridor, only for Mikey to skid to stop. More Triceratons blocked their way.)

"Easier said than done, dude."

Y/N smirked. "Bring it on, horn-heads!" He jumped up, kicking a Triceraton in the head a couple times before it slammed his fist into him , sending him flying into the floor.

(Ethan and Chloe double-teamed one of the Triceratons. Ethan jumped up and slammed his foot into one of their eyes and Chloe took advantage of the momentary distraction to trip it down. The two of them took off running.)

"Come on, guys!" Ethan shouted.

(Leo slashed at one of the other guards and Clunk slammed it with a blast of his air magic, knocking it off its feet. Another one slammed its fist into him, however, pinning him to the ground. The others weren't faring any better, thrown into the walls or floor or pinned down. Chloe and Ethan had disappeared down the corridor.)

"You want the airlock?" Mozar growled, pinning Leo to the wall. "You shall have it." He turned to one of the guards. "Find the two that escaped. Do not let them off this ship."

(The Triceratons removed their helmets and tossed them into the airlock, though Mikey tried desperately to keep his on.)

"Ah, not my super-rad helmet! I need that to breathe!"

Mozar managed to pull it off and threw Mikey into the airlock with the others. The door slammed shut and locked them inside. "Open the airlock, slowly," the Triceraton ordered. "I want to watch them suffer."

(An alarm went off and the airlock opened just enough to start sucking the air out of the room, though not enough to pull them out.)

"Stay calm, guys," Leo said, gaining their attention. "Concentrate. Remember your training." He knelt down on the ledge he stood on and closed his eyes, putting his hands together.


"What are they doing?" Ethan asked quietly.

(He and Chloe had found their way into something like a ventilation system aboard the ship, which was completely void of any security whatsoever. From their vantage point, they had a good view into the airlock of the rest of their team, kneeling in a line and looking rather calm.)

"It's Sendou jutsu, a meditative breathing technique Splinter taught them," April said over the comms. "They're slowing their body functions to go without oxygen."

"We should formulate a rescue plan quickly," Fugitoid suggested.

"We got this, Fugitoid," Chloe said quickly. "Ethan and I are already here. We can help them."

"Yeah," Ethan agreed. "For all of Dad's boasting, we're the only two who managed to not get captured. Plus, we're on a ship filled with advanced tech. That's literally our whole thing."

Chloe: So, what's the plan?"


(Y/N's ears twitched as he heard the Triceratons outside the door._

"Observe how our enemies of the Empire suffer."

"Uh, Admiral..."

"Grr, enough of this! Open the airlock the rest of the way. And suck them into space!"

(The airlock door opened completely and the crates inside were sucked out into the vacuum of space. Raph grabbed onto the wall and they formed a chain to keep from being thrown out. He clung desperately to the wall until her grip slipped and they all screamed as they were pulled toward the door. Only, it suddenly closed, sending them slamming into it before falling into a pile on the floor, gasping for breath.)

"Ah, yes!" Mikey cheered. "Sweet, sweet air!"

The door to the airlock opened and a less-than-pleased Mozar glared down at them. "Take these ten to the Tri-Arena," he ordered the guards that entered. "All the Empire will watch you fight and be destroyed."

(They were cuffed and dragged through the mothership to an elevator. Y/N looked out the window to see some sort of arena filled with Triceratons. A battle was taking place in the center, a Triceraton against a smaller, weaker-looking alien being tossed around like it was nothing. Y/N' s ears flattened. The Triceraton killed the smaller alien and the crowd roared louder.)

"I think we were better off in the vacuum of space," Donnie mumbled.

(They were stripped of their spacesuits and weapons and thrown in a cell. The door slammed shut behind them.)

Raph started slamming his fists against it. "Let us out of here!"

"Save it, Raph," Donnie said. "Those walls are solid rock."

"There's gotta be a way out," Leo insisted, checking the bottom of the walls.

(Raph sat against the door and Donnie against a wall. Mikey spotted some weird slug-things crawling through a slot near the top of the wall.)

"Ooh! Give me a boost, D!"

Donnie blinked. "What?" He didn't get much time to figure out Mikey's reasoning behind it, as Mikey had already jumped on his shoulders, Donnie quickly grabbing hold of him to keep him steady. "Oh, Mikey, ow!"

"Little higher," Mikey ordered, Donnie pushing himself to his feet. "A little--little left." Once in reach, Mikey grabbed onto one of the bars in the slot, only for it to electrocute them both, making them fall to the floor.

(Y/N pulled Mikey back to his feet while Leo knelt beside Donnie. Laughter came from the cell next door.)

"Don't waste your strength, little ones. There is no escape from the Tri-Arena."

"Who are you?" Leo asked, looking through the small slot near the bottom of the wall. "Another prisoner?"

"We are all prisoners here."

"Maybe April, Timmy, and Casey are working on a rescue plan?" Y/N suggested, arms crossed as she leaned against the wall.

"Or Ethan and Chloe," Leo pointed out. "They managed to escape."

Y/N: (Sighs) You're right, I'm sure they know exactly where and how to find us.


"What do you mean you can't find them!?" Chloe snapped. "What if they're being deep fried?? Or boiled into a Triceraton-sized--"

Ethan rolled his eyes. "Ugh, I get it, Chloe. Maybe you should say all that a little louder, though. I don't think the entire mothership heard you." He and Chloe were still hiding in the ventilation system. Ethan's wrist cuffs were equipped with high tech miniature consoles and scanners that he were currently typing on to try and locate the others.

"You can't blame me for being concerned. Just because you know how to hide it under being a smart-aleck doesn't mean I do."

"This would go a whole hell of a lot faster if you'd help."

"I don't have tech bracers like you."

"Fugitoid offered to make you some and you--got a lock!" A miniature holographic version of the mothership popped up over her cuff and a red line traced its way from Ethan's and Chloe's hiding spot to wherever their family were being kept. Several images appeared alongside the hologram, of their teammates pacing their cell and a cheering Triceraton crowd outside. "Fugitoid, hook me up; where is this place? Or, more accurately, what is it?"

"Oh, dear," Fugitoid responded. "It seems the others are scheduled to fight in the Triceraton Arena."

"You mean like gladiators?" Casey asked. "Wicked!"

"Yes, wicked and cruel. There is no telling what monsters they'll be forced to fight."

"If we sneak in there while everyone's watching the games, we'll be able to find their prison cell and make a jailbreak before anyone notices," Chloe said.

"Assuming they survive their first battle," Ethan pointed out.


(Y/N grimaced as Mikey and Clunk ate the weird slug creatures.)

"Mmm. It's kind of like fried calamari." He threw one of the slugs to the bars above, electrocuting it and cooking it. He juggled it in his hands as it fell back to him, grabbing it once it was cool enough. "Heads up, neighbor." He threw it under the wall to the other cell. "Extra-crispy for ya!"

"Thank you."

"I wonder what they're gonna have us fight," Mikey mused.

"Fresh meat always fights a Spasmosaur. You will meet a quick and painful end."

"Heh, I don't suppose there's a way of stopping it?" Leo asked.

"It's invulnerable, except for one white spot on its flank. But even that is hopeless to reach."

The door opened to two guards waiting. "Prisoners, prepare for battle."

"Good luck, warriors," their neighbor said. "You'll need it."

"Wait, what's your name, dude?" Mikey asked.

"They call me Zeno."

(They walked out of their cell and grabbed their weapons from the rack, heading out into the arena. The stands were completely filled with cheering Triceratons, fireworks going off and a large screen floating above them to show the fights.)


"Fellow saurains, subjects of the Empire," the announcer began. "We have strange new contestants for today's games. For the first time ever in the Tri-Arena, I give you the Adolescent Alien Warrior Terrans."

(The crowd starting booing and Leo and his siblings drew their weapons and Clunk summoned some elements.)

Zanmoran stood up from his throne and raised a hand, silencing the crowd. "Warriors, you will perish for your treachery. But I grant you the chance to win your freedom through the glory of battle." The crowd cheered, though quieted when he raised his hand again. "But first you must prove your worth against the mighty Spasmosaur!"

(The crowd cheered as a gate opened. Leo raised his swords, getting into a fighting stance.)

"Whatever comes out of that gate, we stick together and go for its vulnerable spot, like Zeno said," He instructed.

(What came out of the gate was a rather ugly creature with many eyes, mouths and tentacles, making the crowd cheer.)

Mikey blinked. "Vulnerable spot?"

"MOVE!" Leo shouted. They jumped out of the way of its tentacles as it slammed into the ground.

"Finding its vulnerable spot might be harder than we originally thought!" Donnie called.

(Y/N rolled out of the way of a tentacle, flipping over it as it came for another pass. He charged the Spasmosaur, lifting his saber, but it caught the blade and jerked him around. Another tentacle had grabbed Riki and was dragging her around the arena before lifting her into the air by her ankle.)

"Do you see that white spot, dudes?" Mikey called.

"All I see are tentacles trying to rip my face off!" Raph retorted, with one around his middle and both wrists.

"Those aliens have spirit, but the Spasmosaur is looking hungry today."

Donnie screamed as the Spasmosaur threw him in the air. "There's the white spot!" He triggered the blade out of his staff and threw it. It sank into the white spot and the Spasmosaur squealed as blue blood starting spurting out.

(The creature dropped them and retreated back through the gate, the crowd booing.)

"Yeah, high-three!" Mikey cheered, only for a rock to hit him.

(Clunk put up a protective air barrier around them to deflect the rocks being thrown from the crowd.)


(Chloe and Ethan ran through the ventilation system, which was just tall enough for them to stand up. Ethan halted at a corner and checked the directions on his cuff.)

"You're completely lost," Casey said over the comms. "I think you passed that vent three times already."

"Shut it, Jones," Ethan retorted. "I know where I'm going. You're as bad as Dad, thinking that just because we're young and untrained it means we're amateurs."

"I mean, technically we are," Chloe pointed out. "We've never exactly performed a jailbreak on the Triceraton mothership before."

"That's not helpful." He paused, looking at his cuff. "Hang on. We're close to the armory with the black hole piece... Chlo-Chloe, new plan. We're splitting up."


Ethan brought up the directions to the armory on his other cuff, removing it and handing it to his friend. "Follow this. Hit up the armory and take the black hole piece. I'll make my way to the arena and break out the others."

"You sure about this?" Chloe asked, slipping on the cuff.

Ethan nodded. "Totally. I know you can handle any problems that come up." He grinned. "Besides, if we manage to break the others out and take the black hole piece, we totally get to rub it in their faces later." He took off down the vent shaft.


(Y/N pushed himself off the floor as the door to their cell shut.)

"Congratulations," Zeno said. "You are lucky to be alive."

"That's not luck; it's ninja training, bro," Mikey responded. "Hey, Zeno, how'd you end up in here?"

"I am a traitor to the Empire," Zeno explained. "I was once a respected Triceraton warrior, but I disagreed with the emperor's plan to find the Heart of Darkness."

"The black hole generator?" Donnie asked.

"There is no honor in a weapon that destroys worlds from afar. For saying such things, I was thrown into this pit."

(Mikey grabbed a slug off the floor and ate it. Someone banged on the door.)

"You're up again, aliens."

"Already?" Donnie asked as the door opened.

"I fear I know who you are fighting next, Warriors," Zeno said. "Fight with honor and you will find glory."

They got to their feet and Leo looked at the wall of the cell. "Zeno, if we don't see you again, good luck getting your freedom."

"Thank you, my friend. I might need it."


(Ethan dropped out of the vents and snuck up as close to the arena as he could get. From his vantage point, he could see the back of the emperor's throne and had a good view of the arena where his teammates stood, the crowd booing. Y/N looked right up at where his son crouched and his eyes widened. Ethan gestured frantically for him to keep calm and he diverted his gaze quickly to not draw attention.)

"And now, the vile mutant Terrans face your Triceraton champion," the announcer called. "The great...the merciless...Zeno the Undefeatable!"

"Dudes, did he just say...?" Mikey trailed off as the crowd chanted Zeno's name. A huge Triceraton stepped out of the gates and stopped in front of them. "Zeno?"

The Triceraton roared and Ethan winced, covering his ears as the others did the same. He scanned the arena. Alright, alright, what can I use...? How do I get them out? I made it this far, don't tell me I got nothing!

Zeno, is that really you, dude?" Mikey asked. Ethan cocked his head. They know him?

"I did not mean to deceive you, my friend, but now we meet, as was intended, in glorious battle," the Triceraton responded. He brought his hammer down and Mikey jumped back to avoid being flattened.

"But, bro, we can't fight you!"

"Ya think!?" Y/N snapped.

(Zeno swung his hammer and they jumped out of the way. Donnie was a little too slow and the hammer slammed into him, sending him flying across the arena. Ethan winced.)

"DONNIE!" Y/N yelled, flipping back to evade the hammer.

"You are honorable beings and deserve a warrior's end," Zeno said, continuing the attacks. "Perhaps I will only chop off a limb or two."

"What? How is that better!?" Raph retorted.

Whatever the hell I'm gonna do, I better do it fast. His gaze landed on one of the floating cameras. That'll work.


(Chloe heard the guards outside the armory walk aside and she ducked out of her hiding spot, approaching the armory door. She started typing on Ethan's cuff. Her friend had what was possibly one of the most advanced hacking systems in the galaxy. With any luck, it was advanced enough to undue a Triceraton lock. After a moment, the door slid open and Chloe grinned.)

And there it is. The first piece of the black hole generator.

"But how are you going to carry that big thing?" Casey asked over the comm.

(Chloe scanned the room. That was a fair question. Her eyes landed on some of the Triceraton trap devices and she grabbed one from the shelves, using it to create a bubble around the piece and pulling it along by the tether. She had a bit of trouble getting it out the door, but once she was in the corridor, it was no problem.)

Only problem is, I lost my only cover. No way is this thing gonna fit up a vent shaft. She contacted Ethan over the cuff's comm system. "Hey, Bunny? How you holding up?"

"Eh, pretty good," Ethan replied lowly. "I made it to the arena. The others are fighting some Triceraton they apparently made friends with in their cell?" Chains rustled and he cursed. "Hope no one heard that."

"What are you doing?"

"Staging a rescue. That's the best answer I can give you that isn't something along the lines of 'something that's probably totally crazy'. You got the piece?"

"Yep. Headed back to the stealth shuttle with it. Wasn't such a chore after all." She gasped as she came around a corner to spot the guards returning. "Uh, on second thought..."

(She blasted/shoved past the guards and took off down the corridor, the Triceratons shooting after her.)

"You, intruder, halt!"


(Ethan had backtracked through the corridors to the cells and managed to find a pile of chains, returning to the arena and beginning to tie one end around one of his daggers, keeping one eye on the fight. Clunk tried to blow back Zeno, but he blew him into Y/N and knocked them both away. Zeno was easily overpowering his teammates in size and strength, pinning Leo down. The others shouted her name as they ran over.)

"Wait!" Riki shouted, making the Triceraton stop before he could bring his hammer down. "Zeno, we're friends!"

"Yeah!" Mikey agreed. "We want the same things like fried calamari and getting rid of the black hole thingy."

"Please, the fate of our planet is at stake," Donnie pleaded. They all dropped their weapons.

"Do it, Zeno; finish the aliens and you will have earned your freedom," Zanmoran called.

(The crowd was chanting Zeno's name and the large Triceraton looked down at the ninjas, who looked away, awaiting their fate. Zeno closed his eyes for a moment, then turned and threw his hammer. The weapon slammed into the back of the throne.)

"You dare!" Zanmoran snapped.

"These are honorable beings," Zeno stated. "We are here because we wish the Heart of Darkness destroyed. But you would use it like some cowardly Kraang!"

"Grr, destroy him!"

(The gates opened and Triceraton soldiers ran into the arena, aiming their guns at the group.)

"Escape," Zeno ordered. "Find the black hole generator. Destroy it." He roared, fending off the soldiers as they began to shoot.

Now's my chance. Ethan readied his dagger bow and took aim at the floating camera. He rthre it and the dagger lodged in the device. Pulling on the chain, Ethan ran across to the edge of the platform and jumped up, swinging up onto the camera.

"Ethan?!" Riki yelled.

Ethan grinned down at her, giving her a mock salute. "Hey! Looks like you need some backup from an some what trained ten-year-old after all, eh?" He pulled out one of his dagger, cutting open the camera to access the terminal. Accessing it with his cuff, he hacked in in a flash and hotwired it, reprograming it to help escape and steering it down toward his family.

(The soldiers were beginning to overpower Zeno as Ethan swept down on the camera, picking up his family along the way before steering back up toward the platform.)

"Where's Chloe?" Y/N asked.

"On a different mission," Ethan responded curtly, popping up beside Mozar. "Surprise, horn-head!"


(Ethan leapt off the camera and onto Mozar, knocking him off his feet. He launched themselves at Zanmoran and landed on his shoulders, aiming his dagger at his head as Mozar got back up. The others took up positions in front of the emperor.)

"One move and King Dino-Breath gets it," Ethan threatened. "We're walking out of here."

(Mozar growled, though he stood down.)

"What about Zeno?" Mikey asked.

(They looked down into the arena where the large Triceraton appeared to be faring quite well on his own.)

"Looks like he can take care of himself," Donnie responded.

(They started running through the corridors of the mothership, Ethan remaining on Zanmoran's shoulders.)

"Fools!" he growled. "You have made a great enemy of the Triceraton Empire."

"Even if you get off this ship, there is nowhere in the ten dimensions we will not find you," Mozar snapped, following behind with a couple guards, though none of them dared to attack with Ethan's dagger to Zanmoran's head.

(They heard screaming and Chloe rounded a corner, pulling the black hole piece in a Triceraton trap device, guards shooting behind her.)

"Watch out!" she shouted. "Triceratons behind me!"

"Triceratons behind us!" Ethan shouted back.

(The two groups collided and the emperor's crown was knocked off his head.)

"Emperor Zanmoran," one of the guards gasped. "Hold your fire!"

"No!" Zanmoran snapped. "They have the Heart of Darkness."

"Wipe them out!" Mozar ordered.

"This way!" Ethan called, taking the lead. They bolted down the corridor from the Triceratons now shooting at them, Chloe still tugging the black hole piece. "Fugitoid, we need you to remote-pilot the shuttle," Ethan ordered over the comm. "We need it outside the airlock fast! Like, yesterday fast!

"Hold your breath, guys!" Chloe yelled.

"Oh, you got to be kidding!" Raph snapped.

(Ethan slammed his hand against a button as they ran into the airlock. An alarm sounded as it opened, pulling them into space. Fugitoid directed the scout craft to them and it appeared in front of them. They got in quickly and flew it back to the ship just as the Triceraton ships began shooting.)

"Hit it, Professor!" Leo shouted.

(The ship jumped forward, leaving the Triceraton mothership behind.)

"Phew, now, that was a close one," Donnie said, leaning against his station.

"I can't believe we fought our way through the Triceraton mothership and back out again!" Raph added, leaning back in his station.

"I can't believe I missed your awesome gladiator battles!" Casey said.

"We wouldn't have made it without Zeno," Mikey pointed out, laying on his shell on the floor and eating some strange slugs he got from who-knew-where.

"Or without Chloe and Ethan," Y/N added. "Ethan totally saved us back at the arena and Chloe got the black hole piece. I'm sorry for being so doubtful of you two. Just because you're young and you're not fully ninjas doesn't mean you can't handle yourselves."

(Ethan and Chloe hug Y/N tenderly as they accepted his apology.)

April: "One piece down, two more to go. Where do you think we'll find the next one, Professor?"

"I have an idea where to start," Fugitoid responded.

Mikey got to his feet. "That calls for booya--mmm--booya--"

"Booyakasha!" Fugitoid, Ethan, Chloe shouted.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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